diff options
authorEric Schulte <>2010-10-05 20:51:04 -0600
committerEric Schulte <>2010-10-05 20:55:45 -0600
commitd9e4469c1c7be23c35398629f82bd2c34767742c (patch)
parentaf4bd933d0dad7fab73dec81e9440ce2bbab068b (diff)
updated testing/ describing how to get started writing tests
2 files changed, 52 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/testing/ b/testing/
index be6ccc7..8a3b390 100644
--- a/testing/
+++ b/testing/
@@ -1,99 +1,50 @@
-#+OPTIONS: ^:nil
-* Testing elisp files with ERT
- The aim is to provide a few simple yet helpfull commands for testing
- while hacking on elisp files. The entire thing is based on
- conventions. You don't need to care for those conventions, but it
- makes live easier.
- Currently three commands are provided:
- * =org-test-edit-buffer-file-tests= :: Open the file with tests for
- the current buffer. If the file and it's parent directories do
- not yet exist, create them. If the file did not yet exist,
- insert a little template test to get started.
- * =org-test-edit-current-defuns-tests= :: Open the file with tests for
- the current defun. Note: this opens a file with the name of the
- current defun. If you do not expect many tests for a file to be
- written, you could as call `org-test-edit-buffer-file-tests'.
- * =org-test-test-current-defun= :: Look up test files for defun at
- point and execute the tests. This is done by searching an
- elisp file with the name of the current defun plus ".el". In
- case your point is in defun DEFUN in the file
- =proj/lisp/FILE.el=, this command will search the directory tree
- up until it finds a directory named =testing/=. If there is a
- directory =proj/testing/= it assumes your tests are in
- =proj/testing/lisp/FILE.el/DEFUN.el=. If that file is found, it
- will be loaded and all ERT tests for the selector "^DEFUN" will
- be executed. If that file does not exist, fall back on loading
- =proj/testing/lisp/FILE.el/tests.el=.
- * =org-test-test-buffer-file= :: Look up a test file for
- `buffer-file-name' and execute the tests. This is done by
- searching for a directory =testing/= from `buffer-file-name's
- directory upwards and then apply the relative path to your
- source file there. In case you're editing =proj/lisp/FILE.el=,
- and a directory =proj/testing/= exists, this command will try to
- load =proj/testing/lisp/FILE.el/tests.el= and other elisp files
- in that directory. The resulting list of files will be loaded
- and all ERT tests for selector "^FILE" will be executed. With
- a prefix argument, load only =tests.el=.
- * =org-test-run-all-tests= :: Run all tests for all lisp files and all
- defuns in your project.
- The first two commands call `ert-delete-all-tests' to make sure that
- only the desired tests are executed. All functions load the test
- files for each call, hence always a current version of tests are
- used. (This might change in the future...)
-* Getting started
- You should obtain ERT by cloning Christian Ohler's public git
- repository:
- : sh$ git clone
- Ensure that the =ert/= directory is in your loadpath:
- : (add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/ert/")
-*** Where to put the tests
- The tests live in a directory (e.g. =proj/testing/=) that closely
- resembles the directory structure below =proj/=.
- For example let's assume a file =proj/lisp/FILE.el= exists. To write tests
- for this file, create a directory structure in =proj/testing/= with the relative
- path to your file plus the name of that file as directory:
- =proj/testing/lisp/FILE.el/=
- Org-test searches that directory for a file named =tests.el= and
- executes all ERT tests that match the selector "=^FILE=".
- To run a test, you might want to use one of the two commands
- provided by =org-test.el= (see above).
-* TODOs
-*** TODO Setup a buffers for testing
-***** TODO Compare the contents of such a buffer
- ...with a control file.
-*** TODO Provide directory and file functions
- Provide little services to help test writers with temporary
- buffers, files and directories.
- Or just use temp-files for that?
-*** TODO let-bind different setups for tests
- Maybe just provide an example on how to do that.
+#+Title: Org-mode Testing
+#+Babel: results silent
+The following instructions describe how to get started using the
+Org-mode test framework.
+1) Install the ERT and jump.el testing dependencies which are included
+ as git submodules in the org-mode repository. To do so run the
+ following git submodule commands from inside the base of the
+ Org-mode directory (or just execute the following code block).
+ #+begin_src sh
+ cd ..
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule update
+ #+end_src
+2) Load the [[file:org-test.el][org-test.el]] file
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (load-file "org-test.el")
+ #+end_src
+3) The =org-test-jump= command is now bound to =M-C-j= in all
+ emacs-lisp files. Call this command from any file in the =lisp/=
+ directory of the org-mode repository to just to the related test
+ file in the =testing/= directory. Call this functions with a
+ prefix argument, and the corresponding test file will be stubbed
+ out if it doesn't already exist.
+4) Review the ERT documentation, to do this run =makeinfo= in the
+ =testing/ert= directory,
+ #+begin_src sh
+ cd ert
+ makeinfo ert.texinfo
+ #+end_src
+ then browse the [[elisp:(info (expand-file-name "ert/"))][resulting info file]].
+5) A number of org-mode-specific functions and macros are provided in
+ =org-test.el= see the [[file:org-test.el::%3B%3B%3B%20Functions%20for%20writing%20tests][;;; Functions for Writing Tests]] subsection of
+ that file. Some of these functions make use of example org-mode
+ files located in the [[file:examples][examples/]] directory.
+6) Functions for loading and running the Org-mode tests are provided
+ in the [[file:org-test.el::%3B%3B%3B%20Load%20and%20Run%20tests][;;; Load and Run Tests]] subsection, the most important of
+ which are
+ - =org-test-load= which loads the entire Org-mode test suite
+ - =org-test-current-defun= which runs all tests for the current
+ function around point (should be called from inside of an
+ Org-mode elisp file)
+ - =org-test-run-all-tests= which runs the entire Org-mode test suite
+ - also note that the =ert= command can also be used to run tests
diff --git a/testing/org-test.el b/testing/org-test.el
index 5248952..faafa2e 100644
--- a/testing/org-test.el
+++ b/testing/org-test.el
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ org-test searches this directory up the directory tree.")
;;; Functions for writing tests
(defun org-test-buffer (&optional file)
"TODO: Setup and return a buffer to work with.
If file is non-nil insert it's contents in there.")
@@ -152,6 +151,8 @@ files."
";;; " file-name " ends here\n") full-path))
(lambda () ((lambda (res) (if (listp res) (car res) res)) (which-function))))
+(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\M-\C-j" 'org-test-jump)
;;; Load and Run tests
(defun org-test-load ()