diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2008-06-10 10:05:15 +0200
committerCarsten Dominik <>2008-06-10 10:05:15 +0200
commitd821bf13b141a08a50ff12b33eac5e99269bf7ab (patch)
parent5d70b8f7611d532fb1b5ebe75c7db8df179c5530 (diff)
Make the format of section number configurable.
This was a request by Adam Spiers.
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/ChangeLog b/lisp/ChangeLog
index acbfbed..2d62949 100644
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
* org-exp.el (org-export-handle-comments): Fix bug with several
comment lines after each other.
+ (org-number-to-roman, org-number-to-counter): New functions.
+ (org-export-section-number-format): New option.
2008-06-09 Carsten Dominik <>
diff --git a/lisp/org-exp.el b/lisp/org-exp.el
index b310af0..c24eae0 100644
--- a/lisp/org-exp.el
+++ b/lisp/org-exp.el
@@ -132,6 +132,26 @@ This option can also be set with the +OPTIONS line, e.g. \"num:t\"."
:group 'org-export-general
:type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-export-section-number-format '((("1" ".")) . "")
+ "Format of section numbers for export.
+The variable has two components.
+1. A list of lists, each indicating a counter type and a separator.
+ The counter type can be any of \"1\", \"A\", \"a\", \"I\", or \"a\".
+ It causes causes numeric, alphabetic, or roman counters, respectively.
+ The separator is only used if another counter for a subsection is being
+ added.
+ If there are more numbered section levels than entries in this lists,
+ then the last entry will be reused.
+2. A terminator string that will be added after the entire
+ section number."
+ :group 'org-export-general
+ :type '(cons
+ (repeat
+ (list
+ (string :tag "Counter Type")
+ (string :tag "Separator ")))
+ (string :tag "Terminator")))
(defcustom org-export-with-toc t
"Non-nil means, create a table of contents in exported files.
The TOC contains headlines with levels up to`org-export-headline-levels'.
@@ -673,6 +693,7 @@ or if they are only using it locally."
(:customtime . org-display-custom-times)
(:headline-levels . org-export-headline-levels)
(:section-numbers . org-export-with-section-numbers)
+ (:section-number-format . org-export-section-number-format)
(:table-of-contents . org-export-with-toc)
(:preserve-breaks . org-export-preserve-breaks)
(:archived-trees . org-export-with-archived-trees)
@@ -1741,7 +1762,12 @@ can work correctly."
(defun org-section-number (&optional level)
"Return a string with the current section number.
When LEVEL is non-nil, increase section numbers on that level."
- (let* ((depth (1- (length org-section-numbers))) idx n (string ""))
+ (let* ((depth (1- (length org-section-numbers)))
+ (string "")
+ (fmts (car org-export-section-number-format))
+ (term (cdr org-export-section-number-format))
+ (sep "")
+ ctype fmt idx n)
(when level
(when (> level -1)
(aset org-section-numbers
@@ -1753,16 +1779,56 @@ When LEVEL is non-nil, increase section numbers on that level."
(setq idx (1+ idx))))
(setq idx 0)
(while (<= idx depth)
- (setq n (aref org-section-numbers idx))
- (setq string (concat string (if (not (string= string "")) "." "")
- (int-to-string n)))
+ (when (> (aref org-section-numbers idx) 0)
+ (setq fmt (or (pop fmts) fmt)
+ ctype (car fmt)
+ n (aref org-section-numbers idx)
+ string (if (> n 0)
+ (concat string sep (org-number-to-counter n ctype))
+ (concat string (if ".0")))
+ sep (nth 1 fmt)))
(setq idx (1+ idx)))
(if (string-match "\\`\\([@0]\\.\\)+" string)
(setq string (replace-match "" t nil string)))
(if (string-match "\\(\\.0\\)+\\'" string)
(setq string (replace-match "" t nil string))))
- string))
+ (concat string term)))
+(defun org-number-to-counter (n type)
+ "Concert number N to a string counter, according to TYPE.
+TYPE must be a string, any of:
+ 1 number
+ A A,B,....
+ a a,b,....
+ I uppper case roman numeral
+ i lower case roman numeral"
+ (cond
+ ((equal type "1") (number-to-string n))
+ ((equal type "A") (char-to-string (+ ?A n -1)))
+ ((equal type "a") (char-to-string (+ ?a n -1)))
+ ((equal type "I") (org-number-to-roman n))
+ ((equal type "i") (downcase (org-number-to-roman n)))
+ (t (error "Invalid counter type `%s'" type))))
+(defun org-number-to-roman (n)
+ "Convert integer N into a roman numeral."
+ (let ((roman '((1000 . "M") (900 . "CM") (500 . "D") (400 . "CD")
+ ( 100 . "C") ( 90 . "XC") ( 50 . "L") ( 40 . "XL")
+ ( 10 . "X") ( 9 . "IX") ( 5 . "V") ( 4 . "IV")
+ ( 1 . "I")))
+ (res ""))
+ (if (<= n 0)
+ (number-to-string n)
+ (while roman
+ (if (>= n (caar roman))
+ (setq n (- n (caar roman))
+ res (concat res (cdar roman)))
+ (pop roman)))
+ res)))
+(org-number-to-roman 1961)
;;; Include files