diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2009-11-10 17:06:18 +0100
committerCarsten Dominik <>2009-11-10 17:06:18 +0100
commitd5d6ff83bd07aac43dd471889f9708232f8dbf18 (patch)
parentbb2b3f34f11a1a40de2919066d3e3b62484b3c6b (diff)
Remove org-annotation-helper.el and org-browser-url.el
These packages are subsets of org-protocol.el
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/README b/contrib/README
index 3048b91..5a3b3ae 100644
--- a/contrib/README
+++ b/contrib/README
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ LISP (emacs-lisp code)
org-annotate-file.el --- Annotate a file with org syntax
-org-annotation-helper.el --- Call remember directly from Firefox/Opera
org-bookmark.el --- Links to bookmarks
-org-browser-url.el --- Store links to webpages directly from Firefox/Opera
org-choose.el --- Use TODO keywords to mark decision states
org-collector.el --- Collect properties into tables
org-contribdir.el --- Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-annotation-helper.el b/contrib/lisp/org-annotation-helper.el
deleted file mode 100644
index c90233f..0000000
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-annotation-helper.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-;;; org-annotation-helper.el --- start remember from a web browser
-;; Author: bzg AT altern DOT org
-;; Author: dmg AT uvic DOT org
-;; Keywords: org remember
-;; Version 0.4, Feb 24, 2009
-;; - Patch by David Moffat to force activation of region
-;; Version 0.3b, Sept 18, 2008
-;; - Added one entry to FAQ
-;; Version 0.3a, June 3, 2008
-;; - org-fied the FAQ, and fixed typos/grammar. Big thanks to Nick Dokos.
-;; - Added a new file: README
-;; Version 0.3, May 23, 2008
-;; - Simplified call to org-remember by using %w template (thanks to Carsten
-; Dominik)
-;; - Improved documentation (thanks to Nick Dokos and John Rakestraw for this)
-;; - Created a standalone file for the org-annotation-helper script
-;; - Added org-annotation-helper.html with a FAQ and quick links to the bookmarkets
-;; Version 0.2, May 18, 2008
-;;; Commentary:
-;; [bzg:] This is an adapted version of the planner-mode extension the
-;; was first posted by Geert Kloosterman <> on
-;; the Planner mailing list.
-;; [dmg:] I have updated and extended the function to allow for
-;; handling of the selection (it is now available as a region, so it
-;; can be used in a template using %:region )
-;; We want to be able to pass a URL and document title directly from a
-;; web browser to Emacs.
-;; The idea is to educate the browser about two new protocols "remember"
-;; and "annotation", so that when it is asked to handle URLs with these
-;; protocols, it will execute a shell script and pass some information
-;; to it (the URL of the page it's on, the title and, in the case of the
-;; remember protocol, the current selection on that page, if any.)
-;; The handlers are invoked using bookmarklets (fake bookmarks whose
-;; "location" is some javascript code: when the bookmarklet is
-;; activated, the javascript code is executed.) The bookmarklets
-;; create remember:// or annotation:// URLs dynamically.
-;; When a handler is invoked, it executes a shell script to handle the
-;; protocol and passes it the gathered information in a standard
-;; format. The script, in turn, passes the information to a running
-;; Emacs process (using emacsclient/gnuclient), calling the function
-;; bzg/org-annotate-helper, which is what this file provides.
-;; The protocol types currently recognized and the corresponding actions
-;; of bzg/org-annotate-helper are:
-;; remember:// assuming you have set up an appropriate remember
-;; template (see below), start `remember' with the
-;; url, title and current selection filled in
-;; annotation:// make an org link out of the url and the title and
-;; glom it onto the kill ring, from where it can be
-;; retrieved either with a yank or through
-;; org-insert-link.
-;; The urls used internally have the following form:
-;; remember://<the web page url>::remember::<the title>::remember::<selection>
-;; or
-;; annotation://<the web page url>::remember::<the title>
-;; The url, title and selection (if present) will be url-hex-encoded.
-;; Here are the pieces you'll need, to set up the bits outside emacs.
-;; The javascript code for the two bookmarklets:
-;; javascript:location.href='remember://' + location.href + '::remember::' + escape(document.title) + '::remember::' + escape(window.getSelection())
-;; javascript:location.href='annotation://' + location.href + '::remember::' + escape(document.title)
-;; The shell script that the handlers execute:
-;; #!/bin/sh
-;; # org-annotation-helper -- pass a {remember,annotation}-url to emacs
-;; #
-;; # Author: Geert Kloosterman <>
-;; # Date: Sat Nov 19 22:33:18 2005
-;; if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-;; echo "$0: Error: no arguments given!" 1>&2
-;; exit 1
-;; fi
-;; # To test uncomment following line
-;; #echo $1 >> /tmp/remember.out
-;; emacsclient --eval "(progn (bzg/org-annotation-helper \"$1\" ) nil)"
-;; Installation.
-;; Step 0: Install this module.
-;; * Install this file and require it in your .emacs:
-;; (require 'org-annotation-helper)
-;; * Add the following line to your .emacs if it's not there already:
-;; (server-start)
-;; Step 1: Install the org-annotation-helper shell script and add
-;; a remember template.
-;; * Save the shell script in a file in some directory in your $PATH,
-;; and make sure it is executable. In the following, it is assumed
-;; that the file name is "org-annotation-helper".
-;; * Add a ?w `remember template' to org-remember-templates. You can
-;; start by using this template:
-;; (?w "* %u %c \n\n%:region" "~/working/trunk/org/" "Web links")
-;; See section 9.2 of the Org manual for information about
-;; `remember templates'.
-;; "%u" will be replaced by a timestamp, "%c" will be replaced with
-;; the link to the page and labelled with the title of the page, and
-;; "%:region" will be replaced with the selected text from the
-;; browser. By default, the new remember notes are placed in the
-;; file under the "Web links" section, but that can be
-;; easily overriden with C-u C-c C-c.
-;; * Try the setup so far:
-;; Make sure emacs is running and you have started its server
-;; mode: ``M-x server-start<RET>'' should do it.
-;; Run this command from the command line:
-;; org-annotation-helper 'remember://http%3A//'
-;; Assuming you used the template above, you should be looking at
-;; a *Remember* buffer that looks like this (minor variations are
-;; possible because of local customizations - the last three lines
-;; of the output are the important one and should be identical):
-;; ## Filing location: Select interactively, default, or last used:
-;; ## C-u C-c C-c to select file and header location interactively.
-;; ## C-c C-c "~/working/trunk/org/" -> "* Web links"
-;; ## C-u C-u C-c C-c "~/working/trunk/org/" -> "* Web links"
-;; ## To switch templates, use `C-c r'. To abort use `C-c C-k'.
-;; * [2008-05-21 Wed] [[][Org-Mode Homepage]]
-;; Notes
-;; Assuming that everything is OK, the script and emacs side of the setup are done.
-;; Step 2: Browser set-up - add two bookmarklets.
-;; Note: see the file org-annotation-helper-faq.html for a simpler way to add
-;; these bookmarklets
-;; [Firefox specific]
-;; * Create a new bookmark, e.g by selecting Bookmarks/Organize bookmarks... and clicking
-;; on "New Bookmark". In the "Properties" pop-up, give it a unique name.
-;; * In the "Location" field, fill in the first line of javascript code above.
-;; * Make sure "Load this bookmark in the sidebar" is deselected and click "OK".
-;; * Lather, rinse, repeat for the second line of javascript code.
-;; Try the two bookmarklets. You should get error pop-ups about
-;; unknown protocols "remember" or "annotation", because your browser
-;; will not know what do to with them yet (but see the Firefox 3
-;; section below, if you are running that browser).
-;; You can also look at org-annotation-helper.html for a simple way to add both.
-;; Step 3: Browser set-up - add the protocol handlers for the
-;; "remember://" and "annotation://" URIs.
-;; [Firefox]
-;; To add a protocol handler (eg: remember://) in Firefox, take the
-;; following steps:
-;; * For Firefox 2, type "about:config" in the location bar, right
-;; click to get the pop-up menu, select New --> String, and in the
-;; name field, enter "".
-;; In Firefox 3, when you first click on the button associated with
-;; the bookmarklet, you should get a pop-up asking if you'd like to
-;; associate the bookmarklet with a particular file. Use the
-;; file-select process to navigate to the org-annotation-helper
-;; script and select it. You can still edit the about:config
-;; list directly as in Firefox 2.
-;; * the value should be the name of the file containing the shell
-;; script, e.g. in Step 1, we called it "org-annotation-helper".
-;; At least under Linux this does not need to be the full path to
-;; the script.
-;; * Lather, rinse, repeat for the annotation protocol. The string to
-;; add is, in this case, "",
-;; and the script is the same as
-;; You should have two new entries like this:
-;; user set string <path>
-;; user set string <path>
-;; where <path> is the location where org-annotation-helper is
-;; for example, in my case it is /home/dmg/bin/org-annotation-helper
-;; See for more details.
-;; [Opera]
-;; In Opera add the protocol in the Preferences->Advanced->Programs
-;; dialog.
-;; Step 4: At this point, activating the bookmarklets should invoke
-;; the shell script, which will invoke the
-;; bzg/org-annotation-helper function (below), which will do one of
-;; two things: for a remember:// URL, it will bring up a *Remember*
-;; buffer; for an annotation:// URL, it will squirrel away a link
-;; that you can use with C-c C-l.
-;; Debugging notes: if there are problems, it might be useful to run
-;; the shell script from the command line (see Step 1 above); it might
-;; also be useful to uncomment the "echo" line in the shell
-;; script. That will dump the script's argument in /tmp/remember.out,
-;; so you can figure out if the browser is passing the right stuff to
-;; the script. If it does pass the right stuff, then the emacs side
-;; probably has a problem; if not, then the browser side is the likely
-;; suspect.
-(require 'url)
-(autoload 'url-unhex-string "url")
-(defun bzg/org-annotation-helper (info)
- "Process an externally passed remember:// style url.
-URLSTRING consists of a protocol part and a url and title,
-separated by ::remember::
-The protocol types currently recognized are:
-remember:// start `remember' with the url, title and selection (if any).
-annotation:// squirrel away a link of the form [[url][title]] that can
- be used later with \\[org-insert-link]."
- (interactive)
- (let ((remember-annotation-functions nil))
- ;; The `parse-url' functions break on the embedded url,
- ;; since our format is fixed we'll split the url ourselves.
- (if (string-match "^\\([^:]*\\):\\(/*\\)\\(.*\\)" info)
- (let* ((b (get-buffer-create "*org-ann*"))
- (proto (match-string 1 info))
- (url_title_region (match-string 3 info))
- (splitparts (split-string url_title_region "::remember::"))
- (url (url-unhex-string (car splitparts)))
- (type (if (string-match "^\\([a-z]+\\):" url)
- (match-string 1 url)))
- (title (cadr splitparts))
- (region (url-unhex-string (caddr splitparts)))
- orglink)
- (setq title (if (> (length title) 0) (url-unhex-string title)))
- (setq orglink (org-make-link-string url title))
- (org-store-link-props :type type
- :link url
- :region region
- :description title)
- (setq org-stored-links
- (cons (list url title) org-stored-links))
- ;; FIXME can't access %a in the template -- how to set annotation?
- (raise-frame)
- (cond ((equal proto "remember")
- (kill-new orglink)
- (set-buffer b)
- (set-mark (point))
- (insert region)
- (exchange-point-and-mark t) ;; activate region.. not always on by default
- (org-remember nil ?w)
- (kill-buffer b)
- )
- ((equal proto "annotation")
- (message "Copied '%s' to the kill-ring." orglink)
- (kill-new orglink))
- (t (error "unrecognized org-helper protocol"))))
- (error "could not parse argument")))
-(provide 'org-annotation-helper)
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-browser-url.el b/contrib/lisp/org-browser-url.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 478f373..0000000
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-browser-url.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-;;; org-browser-url.el --- Bookmark from a browser into org links
-;; Author: Ross Patterson <>
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Once a bookmarklet and a app handler are setup in your browser,
-;; the functions here support using the bookmarklet to add links to
-;; the org links ring.
-;; Much of this is taken from or modeled after
-;; org-annotation-helper.el
-;; Installation and Activation
-;; ---------------------------
-;; Step 1: Install this library on your path and enable it in your
-;; $HOME/.emacs:
-;; (require 'org-browser-url)
-;; Step 2: Install the handler script
-;; * Save the following script to an appropriate place and make sure
-;; it is executable:
-;; #!/bin/sh
-;; # org-browser-url-store - Store URLs in the org links ring
-;; emacsclient --eval "(let ((org-browser-url-args \"$*\"))\
-;; (call-interactively 'org-store-link))"
-;; * Make sure emacs is running with server mode started:
-;; (server-start)
-;; * Test the script from the command line
-;; $ org-browser-url-store \
-;; 'org-browser-url-store:///Link%20Description/'
-;; * Insert the link in an org-mode buffer with C-c C-l
-;; Step 3: Add the handler to your browser
-;; * For Firefox:
-;; - type in "about:config" in the location bar
-;; - right click, select "New", then "String"
-;; - enter the name:
-;; ""
-;; - leave the value blank
-;; See for more details.
-;; * For Opera add the protocol in the
-;; Preferences->Advanced->Programs dialog.
-;; Step 4: Add bookmarklet
-;; * Create a new bookmark with the following location:
-;; javascript:location.href='org-browser-url-store:///'+\
-;; escape(document.title)+'/'+location.href
-;; When you first use the bookmarklet, Firefox will prompt you for
-;; the script. Point it to the full path of the script.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'org)
-(require 'url)
-(defun org-browser-url-store-link ()
- "Store a browser URL as an org link from the bookmarklet"
- (if (boundp 'org-browser-url-args)
- (let* ((stored (url-generic-parse-url org-browser-url-args))
- (path (split-string (aref stored 6) "/"))
- (parsed (url-generic-parse-url
- (mapconcat 'identity (cddr path) "/")))
- (type (aref parsed 1))
- (link (aset parsed 7 (aref stored 7)))
- (link (url-recreate-url parsed))
- (description (url-unhex-string (nth 1 path))))
- (org-store-link-props
- :type type :link link :description description))))
-(add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'org-browser-url-store-link)
-(provide 'org-browser-url) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 5aa4ffe..dd34816 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -206,9 +206,7 @@ to add the symbol `xyz', and the package must have a call to
(const :tag " mouse: Additional mouse support" org-mouse)
(const :tag "C annotate-file: Annotate a file with org syntax" org-annotate-file)
- (const :tag "C annotation-helper: Call Remember directly from Browser\n\t\t\t(OBSOLETE, use org-protocol)" org-annotation-helper)
(const :tag "C bookmark: Org-mode links to bookmarks" org-bookmark)
- (const :tag "C browser-url: Store link, directly from Browser\n\t\t\t(OBSOLETE, use org-protocol)" org-browser-url)
(const :tag "C checklist: Extra functions for checklists in repeated tasks" org-checklist)
(const :tag "C choose: Use TODO keywords to mark decisions states" org-choose)
(const :tag "C collector: Collect properties into tables" org-collector)