diff options
authorMatt Lundin <>2010-12-05 23:24:13 +0000
committerCarsten Dominik <>2010-12-06 10:05:29 +0100
commitc8ab88cb69fa5c0ee6dde5a5fd7cadcbe4337967 (patch)
parent385cdfdcf350244fa988490eda24c89832b10808 (diff)
Allow user to limit amount of context stored in file link search strings
* lisp/org.el: (org-make-heading-search-string) Optionally limit number of lines stored in file link search strings. (org-context-in-file-links) Add option to set to integer specifying number of lines.
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index e5a20d3..b974e6c 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -1385,12 +1385,15 @@ nil Never use an ID to make a link, instead link using a text search for
(defcustom org-context-in-file-links t
"Non-nil means file links from `org-store-link' contain context.
A search string will be added to the file name with :: as separator and
-used to find the context when the link is activated by the command
+used to find the context when the link is activated by the command
+`org-open-at-point'. When this option is t, the entire active region
+will be placed in the search string of the file link. If set to a
+positive integer, only the first n lines of context will be stored.
Using a prefix arg to the command \\[org-store-link] (`org-store-link')
negates this setting for the duration of the command."
:group 'org-link-store
- :type 'boolean)
+ :type '(choice boolean integer))
(defcustom org-keep-stored-link-after-insertion nil
"Non-nil means keep link in list for entire session.
@@ -8501,7 +8504,8 @@ according to FMT (default from `org-email-link-description-format')."
(defun org-make-org-heading-search-string (&optional string heading)
"Make search string for STRING or current headline."
- (let ((s (or string (org-get-heading))))
+ (let ((s (or string (org-get-heading)))
+ (lines org-context-in-file-links))
(unless (and string (not heading))
;; We are using a headline, clean up garbage in there.
(if (string-match org-todo-regexp s)
@@ -8515,6 +8519,13 @@ according to FMT (default from `org-email-link-description-format')."
(while (string-match org-ts-regexp s)
(setq s (replace-match "" t t s))))
(or string (setq s (concat "*" s))) ; Add * for headlines
+ (when (and string (integerp lines) (> lines 0))
+ (let ((slines (org-split-string s "\n")))
+ (when (< lines (length slines))
+ (setq s (mapconcat
+ 'identity
+ (reverse (nthcdr (- (length slines) lines)
+ (reverse slines))) "\n")))))
(mapconcat 'identity (org-split-string s "[ \t]+") " ")))
(defun org-make-link (&rest strings)