diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2020-01-12 11:38:04 +0100
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2020-01-12 11:38:04 +0100
commitc1aed9f809ea89ee2df79f966327aab558c0ad69 (patch)
parent3999320aa4c4c86d5b04d7a98dbb78798de7a6d8 (diff)
ob-core: Refactor `org-babel-expand-noweb-references'
* lisp/ob-core.el (org-babel-expand-noweb-references): Refactor code. Improve cache handling.
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/ob-core.el b/lisp/ob-core.el
index 3fedf2e..1a01221 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-core.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-core.el
@@ -2708,20 +2708,17 @@ would set the value of argument \"a\" equal to \"9\". Note that
these arguments are not evaluated in the current source-code
block but are passed literally to the \"example-block\"."
(let* ((parent-buffer (or parent-buffer (current-buffer)))
- (info (or info (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light)))
+ (info (or info (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light)))
(lang (nth 0 info))
(body (nth 1 info))
- (ob-nww-start org-babel-noweb-wrap-start)
- (ob-nww-end org-babel-noweb-wrap-end)
- (new-body "")
- (nb-add (lambda (text) (setq new-body (concat new-body text))))
(comment (string= "noweb" (cdr (assq :comments (nth 2 info)))))
- (noweb-re (org-babel-noweb-wrap))
- (references nil)
- (index 1)
+ (noweb-re (format "^\\(.*?\\)\\(%s\\)"
+ (with-current-buffer parent-buffer
+ (org-babel-noweb-wrap))))
+ (cache nil)
(lambda (s)
- ;; Comment, according to LANG mode, string S. Return new
+ ;; Comment string S, according to LANG mode. Return new
;; string.
(funcall (org-src-get-lang-mode lang))
@@ -2730,8 +2727,7 @@ block but are passed literally to the \"example-block\"."
(org-trim (buffer-string)))))
(lambda (i)
- ;; Expand body of code blocked represented by block info
- ;; I.
+ ;; Expand body of code represented by block info I.
(let ((b (if (org-babel-noweb-p (nth 2 i) :eval)
(org-babel-expand-noweb-references i)
(nth 1 i))))
@@ -2761,71 +2757,60 @@ block but are passed literally to the \"example-block\"."
(error "Cannot resolve %s (see `org-babel-noweb-error-langs')"
(org-babel-noweb-wrap ref)))
(_ "")))))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (setq-local org-babel-noweb-wrap-start ob-nww-start)
- (setq-local org-babel-noweb-wrap-end ob-nww-end)
- (insert body)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward noweb-re nil t)
- (let* ((source-name (match-string 1))
- (evaluate (save-match-data (string-match "(.*)" source-name)))
- (prefix (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0)
- (line-beginning-position))))
- ;; Add interval to NEW-BODY (removing Noweb reference).
- (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
- (funcall nb-add (buffer-substring index (point)))
- (goto-char (match-end 0))
- (setq index (point))
- (funcall
- nb-add
- (with-current-buffer parent-buffer
- (org-with-wide-buffer
- ;; Interpose PREFIX between every line.
- (mapconcat
- #'identity
- (split-string
- (cond
- (evaluate
- (let ((raw (org-babel-ref-resolve source-name)))
- (if (stringp raw) raw (format "%S" raw))))
- ;; Retrieve from the Library of Babel.
- ((nth 2 (assoc-string source-name org-babel-library-of-babel)))
- ;; Return the contents of headlines literally.
- ((save-excursion (org-babel-ref-goto-headline-id source-name))
- (org-babel-ref-headline-body))
- ;; Look for a source block named SOURCE-NAME. If
- ;; found, assume it is unique; do not look after
- ;; `:noweb-ref' header argument.
- ((save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (and
- (re-search-forward
- (org-babel-named-src-block-regexp-for-name source-name)
- nil t)
- (not (org-in-commented-heading-p))
- (funcall expand-body (org-babel-get-src-block-info t)))))
- ;; All Noweb references were cached in a previous
- ;; run. Extract the information from the cache.
- ((hash-table-p references)
- (funcall expand-references source-name references))
- ;; Though luck. We go into the long process of
- ;; checking each source block and expand those with
- ;; a matching Noweb reference. Since we're going to
- ;; visit all source blocks in the document, cache
- ;; information about them as well.
- (t
- (setq references (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
- (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil
- (if (org-in-commented-heading-p)
- (org-forward-heading-same-level nil t)
- (let* ((info (org-babel-get-src-block-info t))
- (ref (cdr (assq :noweb-ref (nth 2 info)))))
- (push info (gethash ref references)))))
- (funcall expand-references source-name references)))
- "[\n\r]")
- (concat "\n" prefix)))))))
- (funcall nb-add (buffer-substring index (point-max))))
- new-body))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ noweb-re
+ (lambda (m)
+ (with-current-buffer parent-buffer
+ (save-match-data
+ (let* ((prefix (match-string 1 m))
+ (id (match-string 3 m))
+ (evaluate (string-match-p "(.*)" id))
+ (expansion
+ (cond
+ (evaluate
+ ;; Evaluation can potentially modify the buffer
+ ;; and invalidate the cache: reset it.
+ (setq cache nil)
+ (let ((raw (org-babel-ref-resolve id)))
+ (if (stringp raw) raw (format "%S" raw))))
+ ;; Retrieve from the Library of Babel.
+ ((nth 2 (assoc-string id org-babel-library-of-babel)))
+ ;; Return the contents of headlines literally.
+ ((org-babel-ref-goto-headline-id id)
+ (org-babel-ref-headline-body))
+ ;; Look for a source block named SOURCE-NAME. If
+ ;; found, assume it is unique; do not look after
+ ;; `:noweb-ref' header argument.
+ ((org-with-point-at 1
+ (let ((r (org-babel-named-src-block-regexp-for-name id)))
+ (and (re-search-forward r nil t)
+ (not (org-in-commented-heading-p))
+ (funcall expand-body
+ (org-babel-get-src-block-info t))))))
+ ;; All Noweb references were cached in a previous
+ ;; run. Extract the information from the cache.
+ ((hash-table-p cache)
+ (funcall expand-references id cache))
+ ;; Though luck. We go into the long process of
+ ;; checking each source block and expand those
+ ;; with a matching Noweb reference. Since we're
+ ;; going to visit all source blocks in the
+ ;; document, cache information about them as well.
+ (t
+ (setq cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil
+ (if (org-in-commented-heading-p)
+ (org-forward-heading-same-level nil t)
+ (let* ((info (org-babel-get-src-block-info t))
+ (ref (cdr (assq :noweb-ref (nth 2 info)))))
+ (push info (gethash ref cache))))))
+ (funcall expand-references id cache)))))
+ ;; Interpose PREFIX between every line.
+ (mapconcat #'identity
+ (split-string expansion "[\n\r]")
+ (concat "\n" prefix))))))
+ body nil t 2)))
(defun org-babel--script-escape-inner (str)
(let (in-single in-double backslash out)