diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2014-11-11 17:31:40 +0100
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2014-11-22 20:59:08 +0100
commit9c06f8cce93f479bff5ef053777c235935717a66 (patch)
parent3953cb19b4a907c620bd6260348ee8a6396646b1 (diff)
org-src: Remove unused functions and variables
* lisp/org-src.el (org-edit-src-region-extra): Remove variable. (org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang, org-edit-src-get-lang, org-edit-src-get-label-format, org-edit-src-get-indentation, org-src-fontify-block, org-src-fontify-buffer): Remove functions. (org-src-font-lock-fontify-block): Remove reference to removed function in docstring. Remove all functions and variables related to parsing, which is now delegated to org-element.el. Also reorder a defcustom and a declaration in the library.
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-src.el b/lisp/org-src.el
index d774e6e..20819d6 100644
--- a/lisp/org-src.el
+++ b/lisp/org-src.el
@@ -46,22 +46,7 @@
"org-compat" (&optional buffer-or-name norecord label))
(declare-function org-base-buffer "org" (buffer))
-(defcustom org-edit-src-region-extra nil
- "Additional regexps to identify regions for editing with `org-edit-src-code'.
-For examples see the function `org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang'.
-The regular expression identifying the begin marker should end with a newline,
-and the regexp marking the end line should start with a newline, to make sure
-there are kept outside the narrowed region."
- :group 'org-edit-structure
- :type '(repeat
- (list
- (regexp :tag "begin regexp")
- (regexp :tag "end regexp")
- (choice :tag "language"
- (string :tag "specify")
- (integer :tag "from match group")
- (const :tag "from `lang' element")
- (const :tag "from `style' element")))))
+(declare-function org-babel-tangle "ob-tangle" (&optional arg target-file lang))
(defcustom org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save nil
"Non-nil means turn `auto-save-mode' on when editing a source block.
@@ -194,6 +179,13 @@ For example, there is no ocaml-mode in Emacs, but the mode to use is
(string "Language name")
(symbol "Major mode"))))
+(defcustom org-src-tab-acts-natively nil
+ "If non-nil, the effect of TAB in a code block is as if it were
+issued in the language major mode buffer."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :version "24.1"
+ :group 'org-babel)
;;; Editing source examples
(defvar org-src-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
@@ -211,6 +203,8 @@ For example, there is no ocaml-mode in Emacs, but the mode to use is
(defvar org-edit-src-block-indentation nil)
(defvar org-edit-src-saved-temp-window-config nil)
+(defvar org-src-babel-info nil)
(defcustom org-src-ask-before-returning-to-edit-buffer t
"If nil, when org-edit-src code is used on a block that already
has an active edit buffer, it will switch to that edit buffer
@@ -221,8 +215,6 @@ the existing edit buffer."
:package-version '(Org . "8.0")
:type 'boolean)
-(defvar org-src-babel-info nil)
(define-minor-mode org-src-mode
"Minor mode for language major mode buffers generated by org.
This minor mode is turned on in two situations:
@@ -546,94 +538,6 @@ the fragment in the Org-mode buffer."
(message "%s" msg)
-(defun org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang ()
- "Find the region and language for a local edit.
-Return a list with beginning and end of the region, a string representing
-the language, a switch telling if the content should be in a single line."
- (let ((re-list
- (append
- org-edit-src-region-extra
- '(
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src\\( \\([^ \t\n]+\\)\\)?.*\n" "\n[ \t]*#\\+end_src" 2)
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_example.*\n" "\n[ \t]*#\\+end_example" "fundamental")
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+html:" "\n" "html" single-line)
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_html.*\n" "\n[ \t]*#\\+end_html" "html")
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+latex:" "\n" "latex" single-line)
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_latex.*\n" "\n[ \t]*#\\+end_latex" "latex")
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+ascii:" "\n" "fundamental" single-line)
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+begin_ascii.*\n" "\n[ \t]*#\\+end_ascii" "fundamental")
- ("^[ \t]*#\\+macro:[ \t]+\\S-+\\( \\|$\\)"
- "\n" "fundamental" macro-definition)
- )))
- (pos (point))
- re1 re2 single beg end lang lfmt match-re1 ind entry)
- (catch 'exit
- (while (setq entry (pop re-list))
- (setq re1 (car entry) re2 (nth 1 entry) lang (nth 2 entry)
- single (nth 3 entry))
- (save-excursion
- (if (or (looking-at re1)
- (re-search-backward re1 nil t))
- (progn
- (setq match-re1 (match-string 0))
- (setq beg (match-end 0)
- lang (org-edit-src-get-lang lang)
- lfmt (org-edit-src-get-label-format match-re1)
- ind (org-edit-src-get-indentation (match-beginning 0)))
- (if (and (re-search-forward re2 nil t)
- (>= (match-end 0) pos))
- (throw 'exit (list beg (match-beginning 0)
- lang single lfmt ind))))
- (if (or (looking-at re2)
- (re-search-forward re2 nil t))
- (progn
- (setq end (match-beginning 0))
- (if (and (re-search-backward re1 nil t)
- (<= (match-beginning 0) pos))
- (progn
- (setq lfmt (org-edit-src-get-label-format
- (match-string 0))
- ind (org-edit-src-get-indentation
- (match-beginning 0)))
- (throw 'exit
- (list (match-end 0) end
- (org-edit-src-get-lang lang)
- single lfmt ind)))))))))
- (when (org-at-table.el-p)
- (re-search-backward "^[\t]*[^ \t|\\+]" nil t)
- (setq beg (1+ (point-at-eol)))
- (goto-char beg)
- (or (re-search-forward "^[\t]*[^ \t|\\+]" nil t)
- (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (newline)))
- (setq end (1- (point-at-bol)))
- (throw 'exit (list beg end 'table.el nil nil 0))))))
-(defun org-edit-src-get-lang (lang)
- "Extract the src language."
- (let ((m (match-string 0)))
- (cond
- ((stringp lang) lang)
- ((integerp lang) (match-string lang))
- ((and (eq lang 'lang)
- (string-match "\\<lang=\"\\([^ \t\n\"]+\\)\"" m))
- (match-string 1 m))
- ((and (eq lang 'style)
- (string-match "\\<style=\"\\([^ \t\n\"]+\\)\"" m))
- (match-string 1 m))
- (t "fundamental"))))
-(defun org-edit-src-get-label-format (s)
- "Extract the label format."
- (save-match-data
- (if (string-match "-l[ \t]+\\\\?\"\\([^\t\r\n\"]+\\)\\\\?\"" s)
- (match-string 1 s))))
-(defun org-edit-src-get-indentation (pos)
- "Count leading whitespace characters on line."
- (save-match-data
- (goto-char pos)
- (org-get-indentation)))
(defun org-escape-code-in-region (beg end)
"Escape lines between BEG and END.
Escaping happens when a line starts with \"*\", \"#+\", \",*\" or
@@ -799,8 +703,6 @@ with \",*\", \",#+\", \",,*\" and \",,#+\"."
(user-error "Use C-c ' to save and exit, C-c C-k to abort editing")
(org-src-in-org-buffer (save-buffer))))
-(declare-function org-babel-tangle "ob-tangle" (&optional arg target-file lang))
(defun org-src-tangle (arg)
"Tangle the parent buffer."
@@ -875,19 +777,10 @@ Org-babel commands."
(lookup-key org-babel-map key)))))
-(defcustom org-src-tab-acts-natively nil
- "If non-nil, the effect of TAB in a code block is as if it were
-issued in the language major mode buffer."
- :type 'boolean
- :version "24.1"
- :group 'org-babel)
(defun org-src-font-lock-fontify-block (lang start end)
"Fontify code block.
This function is called by emacs automatic fontification, as long
-as `org-src-fontify-natively' is non-nil. For manual
-fontification of code blocks see `org-src-fontify-block' and
+as `org-src-fontify-natively' is non-nil."
(let ((lang-mode (org-src-get-lang-mode lang)))
(if (fboundp lang-mode)
(let ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
@@ -912,20 +805,6 @@ fontification of code blocks see `org-src-fontify-block' and
'(font-lock-fontified t fontified t font-lock-multiline t))
(set-buffer-modified-p modified)))))
-(defun org-src-fontify-block ()
- "Fontify code block at point."
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((org-src-fontify-natively t)
- (info (org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang)))
- (font-lock-fontify-region (nth 0 info) (nth 1 info)))))
-(defun org-src-fontify-buffer ()
- "Fontify all code blocks in the current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil
- (org-src-fontify-block)))
(defun org-src-get-lang-mode (lang)
"Return major mode that should be used for LANG.
LANG is a string, and the returned major mode is a symbol."