diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2019-09-03 15:50:34 +0200
committerCarsten Dominik <>2019-09-03 15:50:34 +0200
commit9962df2b48bf565cb97e400d51c963527e0eb650 (patch)
parent4b7eda1a2f3e078ead8d10160fea7089761a044c (diff)
parent7ee4cb02450279c3d4bdfa2700691d2e1847f967 (diff)
Merge branch 'make-new-filter-interface-the-default'
2 files changed, 177 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index eb0a1e9..d0d545e 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -9030,13 +9030,24 @@ the estimated effort of an entry (see [[*Effort Estimates]]).
:DESCRIPTION: Dynamically narrow the agenda.
+#+vindex: org-agenda-category-filter-preset
+#+vindex: org-agenda-tag-filter-preset
+#+vindex: org-agenda-effort-filter-preset
+#+vindex: org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset
Agenda built-in or customized commands are statically defined. Agenda
-filters and limits provide two ways of dynamically narrowing down the
-list of agenda entries: /filters/ and /limits/. Filters only act on
-the display of the items, while limits take effect before the list of
-agenda entries is built. Filters are more often used interactively,
-while limits are mostly useful when defined as local variables within
-custom agenda commands.
+filters and limits provide two ways of narrowing down the list of
+agenda entries.
+Filters only change the visibility of items, are very fast and are
+mostly used interactively[fn:96]. You can switch quickly between
+different filters without having to recreate the agenda. If creating
+the agenda seems slow, one solution would be to create a view that
+contains everything you might want to work on for a while, and then
+use filtering to drill down.
+Limits on the other hand take effect before the agenda buffer is
+populated, so they are mostly useful when defined as local variables
+within custom agenda commands.
**** Filtering in the agenda
@@ -9050,64 +9061,34 @@ custom agenda commands.
#+cindex: effort filtering, in agenda
#+cindex: query editing, in agenda
-- {{{kbd(/)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~) ::
+The general filtering command that gives access to the full
+functionality is ~org-agenda-filter~, bound to {{{kbd(/)}}}. But
+before we introduce it, we first describe commands for individual
+filter types.
+- {{{kbd(\)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~) ::
#+findex: org-agenda-filter-by-tag
- #+vindex: org-agenda-tag-filter-preset
- Filter the agenda view with respect to a tag and/or effort
- estimates. The difference between this and a custom agenda command
- is that filtering is very fast, so that you can switch quickly
- between different filters without having to recreate the
- agenda.[fn:96]
- You are prompted for a tag selection letter; {{{kbd(SPC)}}} means
- any tag at all. Pressing {{{kbd(TAB)}}} at that prompt offers
- completion to select a tag, including any tags that do not have
- a selection character. The command then hides all entries that do
- not contain or inherit this tag. When called with prefix argument,
- remove the entries that /do/ have the tag. A second {{{kbd(/)}}} at
- the prompt turns off the filter and shows any hidden entries.
- Pressing {{{kbd(+)}}} or {{{kbd(-)}}} switches between filtering and
- excluding the next tag.
- #+vindex: org-agenda-auto-exclude-function
- Org also supports automatic, context-aware tag filtering. If the
- variable ~org-agenda-auto-exclude-function~ is set to a user-defined
- function, that function can decide which tags should be excluded
- from the agenda automatically. Once this is set, the {{{kbd(/)}}}
- command then accepts {{{kbd(RET)}}} as a sub-option key and runs the
- auto exclusion logic. For example, let's say you use a =Net= tag to
- identify tasks which need network access, an =Errand= tag for
- errands in town, and a =Call= tag for making phone calls. You could
- auto-exclude these tags based on the availability of the Internet,
- and outside of business hours, with something like this:
+ Filter the agenda view with respect to a tag. You are prompted for
+ a tag selection letter; {{{kbd(SPC)}}} means any tag at all.
+ Pressing {{{kbd(TAB)}}} at that prompt offers completion to select a
+ tag, including any tags that do not have a selection character. The
+ command then hides all entries that do not contain or inherit this
+ tag. Call the command repeatedly to add several tags to the
+ filter. When called with prefix argument, remove the entries that
+ /do/ have the tag. Pressing {{{kbd(+)}}} or {{{kbd(-)}}} at the
+ prompt also switches between filtering for and against the next tag.
+ {{{kbd(\)}}} at the prompt turns off the filter and shows any hidden
+ entries.
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (defun org-my-auto-exclude-function (tag)
- (and (cond
- ((string= tag "Net")
- (/= 0 (call-process "/sbin/ping" nil nil nil
- "-c1" "-q" "-t1" "")))
- ((or (string= tag "Errand") (string= tag "Call"))
- (let ((hour (nth 2 (decode-time))))
- (or (< hour 8) (> hour 21)))))
- (concat "-" tag)))
- (setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'org-my-auto-exclude-function)
- #+end_src
- {{{kbd(<)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-category~) ::
#+findex: org-agenda-filter-by-category
- Filter the current agenda view with respect to the category of the
- item at point. Pressing {{{kbd(<)}}} another time removes this
- filter. When called with a prefix argument exclude the category of
- the item at point from the agenda.
- #+vindex: org-agenda-category-filter-preset
- You can add a filter preset in custom agenda commands through the
- option ~org-agenda-category-filter-preset~. See [[*Setting options
- for custom commands]].
+ Filter by category of the line at point, and show only entries with
+ this category. Pressing {{{kbd(<)}}} again removes this filter.
+ When called with a prefix argument exclude the category of the item
+ at point from the agenda.
- {{{kbd(=)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-regexp~) ::
@@ -9117,12 +9098,7 @@ custom agenda commands.
called with a prefix argument, it filters /out/ entries matching the
regexp. Called in a regexp-filtered agenda view, remove the filter,
unless there are two universal prefix arguments, in which case
- filters are cumulated.
- #+vindex: org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset
- You can add a filter preset in custom agenda commands through the
- option ~org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset~. See [[*Setting options
- for custom commands]].
+ filters are accumulated.
- {{{kbd(_)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-effort~) ::
@@ -9149,21 +9125,23 @@ custom agenda commands.
condition. With two universal prefix arguments, it clears effort
filters, which can be accumulated.
- #+vindex: org-agenda-effort-filter-preset
- You can add a filter preset in custom agenda commands through the
- option ~org-agenda-effort-filter-preset~. See [[*Setting options for
- custom commands]].
+- {{{kbd(^)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline~) ::
-- {{{kbd(\)}}} (~org-agenda-filter~) ::
+ #+findex: org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline
+ Filter the current agenda view and only display items that fall
+ under the same top-level headline as the current entry. So this
+ simulated the effect of restricting the agenda creation to this
+ tree.
+- {{{kbd(/)}}} (~org-agenda-filter~) ::
#+findex: org-agenda-filter
- This is an alternative interface to all four filter methods
- described above. At the prompt, one would specify different filter
- elements in a single string, with full completion support. For
- example,
+ This a the unified interface to four of the five filter methods
+ described above. At the prompt, specify different filter elements
+ in a single string, with full completion support. For example,
- +work-John<0:10-/plot/
+ +work-John+<0:10-/plot/
selects entries with category `work' and effort estimates below 10
@@ -9174,20 +9152,47 @@ custom agenda commands.
(tags will take priority). If you reply to the prompt with the
empty string, all filtering is removed. If a filter is specified,
it replaces all current filters. But if you call the command with a
- prefix argument, or if you add an additional `+' (e.g. `+-John') to
+ prefix argument, or if you add an additional `+' (e.g. `++work') to
the front of the string, the new filter elements are added to the
active ones.
-- {{{kbd(^)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline~) ::
- #+findex: org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline
- Filter the current agenda view and only display items that fall
- under the same top-level headline as the current entry.
- {{{kbd(|)}}} (~org-agenda-filter-remove-all~) ::
Remove all filters in the current agenda view.
+**** Computed exclusion filtering
+#+vindex: org-agenda-auto-exclude-function
+If the variable ~org-agenda-auto-exclude-function~ is set to a
+user-defined function, that function can select tags that should be
+excluded from the agenda when requested. The function will be called
+with lower-case versions of all tags. For example, let's say you use
+a =Net= tag to identify tasks which need network access, an =Errand=
+tag for errands in town, and a =Call= tag for making phone calls. You
+could auto-exclude these tags based on the availability of the
+Internet, and outside of business hours, with something like this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun org-my-auto-exclude-fn (tag)
+ (and (cond
+ ((string= tag "net")
+ (/= 0 (call-process "/sbin/ping" nil nil nil
+ "-c1" "-q" "-t1" "")))
+ ((or (member tag '("errand" "call")))
+ (let ((hr (nth 2 (decode-time))))
+ (or (< hr 8) (> hr 21)))))
+ (concat "-" tag)))
+ (setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'org-my-auto-exclude-fn)
+You can apply this self-adapting filter by using a double prefix
+argument to ~org-agenda-filter~, i.e. press {{{kbd(C-u C-u /)}}}, or
+by pressing {{{kbd(RET)}}} in ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~.
**** Setting limits for the agenda
@@ -21407,12 +21412,15 @@ to ISO and therefore independent of the value of
[fn:95] You can, however, disable this by setting
~org-agenda-search-headline-for-time~ variable to a ~nil~ value.
-[fn:96] Custom commands can preset a filter by binding the variable
-~org-agenda-tag-filter-preset~ as an option. This filter is then
-applied to the view and persists as a basic filter through refreshes
-and more secondary filtering. The filter is a global property of the
-entire agenda view---in a block agenda, you should only set this in
-the global options section, not in the section of an individual block.
+[fn:96] Custom agenda commands can preset a filter by binding one of
+the variables ~org-agenda-tag-filter-preset~,
+~org-agenda-category-filter-preset~, ~org-agenda-effort-filter-preset~
+or ~org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset~ as an option. This filter is
+then applied to the view and persists as a basic filter through
+refreshes and more secondary filtering. The filter is a global
+property of the entire agenda view---in a block agenda, you should
+only set this in the global options section, not in the section of an
+individual block.
[fn:97] Only tags filtering is respected here, effort filtering is
diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 1b436a7..f4ad23f 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -2399,10 +2399,10 @@ The following commands are available:
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "]" 'org-agenda-manipulate-query-subtract)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "{" 'org-agenda-manipulate-query-add-re)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "}" 'org-agenda-manipulate-query-subtract-re)
-(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "/" 'org-agenda-filter-by-tag)
+(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "\\" 'org-agenda-filter-by-tag)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "_" 'org-agenda-filter-by-effort)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "=" 'org-agenda-filter-by-regexp)
-(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "\\" 'org-agenda-filter)
+(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "/" 'org-agenda-filter)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "|" 'org-agenda-filter-remove-all)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "~" 'org-agenda-limit-interactively)
(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "<" 'org-agenda-filter-by-category)
@@ -7464,7 +7464,26 @@ With a prefix argument, do so in all agenda buffers."
"Return the category of the agenda line."
(org-get-at-bol 'org-category))
+(defun org-agenda-filter-by-category (strip)
+ "Filter lines in the agenda buffer that have a specific category.
+The category is that of the current line.
+Without prefix argument, keep only the lines of that category.
+With a prefix argument, exclude the lines of that category."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (and org-agenda-filtered-by-category
+ org-agenda-category-filter)
+ (org-agenda-filter-show-all-cat)
+ (let ((cat (org-no-properties (org-get-at-eol 'org-category 1))))
+ (cond
+ ((and cat strip)
+ (org-agenda-filter-apply
+ (push (concat "-" cat) org-agenda-category-filter) 'category))
+ (cat
+ (org-agenda-filter-apply
+ (setq org-agenda-category-filter
+ (list (concat "+" cat))) 'category))
+ (t (error "No category at point"))))))
(defun org-agenda-filter-by-category (strip)
"Filter lines in the agenda buffer that have a specific category.
The category is that of the current line.
@@ -7613,48 +7632,67 @@ get priority.
Instead of using the prefix argument to add to the current filter
set, you can also add an additional leading `+' to filter string,
-like `+-John'."
+like `+-John'.
+With a double prefix argument, execute the computed filtering defined in
+the variable `org-agenda-auto-exclude-function'."
(interactive "P")
- (let* ((tag-list (org-agenda-get-represented-tags))
- (category-list (org-agenda-get-represented-categories))
- (f-string (completing-read "Filter [+cat-tag<0:10-/regexp/]: " 'org-agenda-filter-completion-function))
- (keep (or (if (string-match "^+[-+]" f-string)
- (progn (setq f-string (substring f-string 1)) t))
- keep))
- (fc (if keep org-agenda-category-filter))
- (ft (if keep org-agenda-tag-filter))
- (fe (if keep org-agenda-effort-filter))
- (fr (if keep org-agenda-regexp-filter))
- log s)
- (while (string-match "^[ \t]*\\([-+]\\)?\\(\\([^-+<>=/ \t]+\\)\\|\\([<>=][0-9:]+\\)\\|\\(/\\([^/]+\\)/?\\)\\)"
- f-string)
- (setq log (if (match-beginning 1) (match-string 1 f-string) "+"))
- (cond
- ((match-beginning 3)
- ;; category or tag
- (setq s (match-string 3 f-string))
- (cond ((member s tag-list)
- (add-to-list 'ft (concat log s) 'append 'equal))
- ((member s category-list)
- (add-to-list 'fc (concat log s) 'append 'equal))
- (t (message "`%s%s' filter ignored because it is not represented as tag or category" log s))))
- ((match-beginning 4)
- ;; effort
- (add-to-list 'fe (concat log (match-string 4 f-string)) 'append 'equal))
- ((match-beginning 5)
- ;; regexp
- (add-to-list 'fr (concat log (match-string 6 f-string)) 'append 'equal)))
- (setq f-string (substring f-string (match-end 0))))
- (org-agenda-filter-remove-all)
- (and fc (org-agenda-filter-apply
- (setq org-agenda-category-filter fc) 'category))
- (and ft (org-agenda-filter-apply
- (setq org-agenda-tag-filter ft) 'tag))
- (and fe (org-agenda-filter-apply
- (setq org-agenda-effort-filter fe) 'effort))
- (and fr (org-agenda-filter-apply
- (setq org-agenda-regexp-filter fr) 'regexp))
- ))
+ (if (equal keep '(16))
+ ;; Execute the auto-exclude action
+ (if (not org-agenda-auto-exclude-function)
+ (user-error "`org-agenda-auto-exclude-function' is undefined")
+ (org-agenda-filter-show-all-tag)
+ (setq org-agenda-tag-filter nil)
+ (dolist (tag (org-agenda-get-represented-tags))
+ (let ((modifier (funcall org-agenda-auto-exclude-function tag)))
+ (when modifier
+ (push modifier org-agenda-tag-filter))))
+ (unless (null org-agenda-tag-filter)
+ (org-agenda-filter-apply org-agenda-tag-filter 'tag expand)))
+ ;; Prompt for a filter and act
+ (let* ((tag-list (org-agenda-get-represented-tags))
+ (category-list (org-agenda-get-represented-categories))
+ (f-string (completing-read "Filter [+cat-tag<0:10-/regexp/]: "
+ 'org-agenda-filter-completion-function))
+ (keep (or (if (string-match "^+[-+]" f-string)
+ (progn (setq f-string (substring f-string 1)) t))
+ keep))
+ (fc (if keep org-agenda-category-filter))
+ (ft (if keep org-agenda-tag-filter))
+ (fe (if keep org-agenda-effort-filter))
+ (fr (if keep org-agenda-regexp-filter))
+ pm s)
+ (while (string-match "^[ \t]*\\([-+]\\)?\\(\\([^-+<>=/ \t]+\\)\\|\\([<>=][0-9:]+\\)\\|\\(/\\([^/]+\\)/?\\)\\)" f-string)
+ (setq pm (if (match-beginning 1) (match-string 1 f-string) "+"))
+ (cond
+ ((match-beginning 3)
+ ;; category or tag
+ (setq s (match-string 3 f-string))
+ (cond
+ ((member s tag-list)
+ (add-to-list 'ft (concat pm s) 'append 'equal))
+ ((member s category-list)
+ (add-to-list 'fc (concat pm s) 'append 'equal))
+ (t (message
+ "`%s%s' filter ignored tag/category is not represented"
+ pm s))))
+ ((match-beginning 4)
+ ;; effort
+ (add-to-list 'fe (concat pm (match-string 4 f-string)) t 'equal))
+ ((match-beginning 5)
+ ;; regexp
+ (add-to-list 'fr (concat pm (match-string 6 f-string)) t 'equal)))
+ (setq f-string (substring f-string (match-end 0))))
+ (org-agenda-filter-remove-all)
+ (and fc (org-agenda-filter-apply
+ (setq org-agenda-category-filter fc) 'category))
+ (and ft (org-agenda-filter-apply
+ (setq org-agenda-tag-filter ft) 'tag))
+ (and fe (org-agenda-filter-apply
+ (setq org-agenda-effort-filter fe) 'effort))
+ (and fr (org-agenda-filter-apply
+ (setq org-agenda-regexp-filter fr) 'regexp))
+ )))
(defun org-agenda-filter-completion-function (string _predicate &optional flag)
"Complete a complex filter string
@@ -7732,7 +7770,7 @@ also press `-' or `+' to switch between filtering and excluding."
(char-to-string (cdr x)))
org-tag-alist-for-agenda ""))
- (valid-char-list (append '(?\t ?\r ?/ ?. ?\s ?q)
+ (valid-char-list (append '(?\t ?\r ?\\ ?. ?\s ?q)
(string-to-list tag-chars)))
(exclude (or exclude (equal arg '(4))))
(expand (not (equal arg '(16))))