diff options
authorBastien <>2020-02-03 20:47:23 +0100
committerBastien <>2020-02-03 20:47:23 +0100
commit917917092d5a64b437e2ced31259bf56537a0e08 (patch)
parent298d6332222258316aaa6b74699127eb97073ce2 (diff)
org-table.el: Restore window configuration when debugging formula
* lisp/org-table.el (org-table-eval-formula): Restore window configuration when debugging table formula is done. Thanks to Eric Fraga for reporting this.
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index c0c36f4..63b2288 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -2578,27 +2578,29 @@ location of point."
(when org-table-formula-debug
- (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Substitution History*"
- (princ (format "Substitution history of formula
+ (let ((wcf (current-window-configuration)))
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Substitution History*"
+ (princ (format "Substitution history of formula
Orig: %s
$xyz-> %s
@r$c-> %s
$1-> %s\n" orig formula form0 form))
- (if (consp ev)
- (princ (format " %s^\nError: %s"
- (make-string (car ev) ?\-) (nth 1 ev)))
- (princ (format "Result: %s\nFormat: %s\nFinal: %s"
- ev (or fmt "NONE")
- (if fmt (format fmt (string-to-number ev)) ev)))))
- (setq bw (get-buffer-window "*Substitution History*"))
- (org-fit-window-to-buffer bw)
- (unless (and (called-interactively-p 'any) (not ndown))
- (unless (let (inhibit-redisplay)
- (y-or-n-p "Debugging Formula. Continue to next? "))
- (org-table-align)
- (user-error "Abort"))
- (delete-window bw)
- (message "")))
+ (if (consp ev)
+ (princ (format " %s^\nError: %s"
+ (make-string (car ev) ?\-) (nth 1 ev)))
+ (princ (format "Result: %s\nFormat: %s\nFinal: %s"
+ ev (or fmt "NONE")
+ (if fmt (format fmt (string-to-number ev)) ev)))))
+ (setq bw (get-buffer-window "*Substitution History*"))
+ (org-fit-window-to-buffer bw)
+ (unless (and (called-interactively-p 'any) (not ndown))
+ (unless (let (inhibit-redisplay)
+ (y-or-n-p "Debugging Formula. Continue to next? "))
+ (org-table-align)
+ (user-error "Abort"))
+ (delete-window bw)
+ (message "")
+ (set-window-configuration wcf))))
(when (consp ev) (setq fmt nil ev "#ERROR"))
(format org-table-formula-field-format
@@ -5041,66 +5043,66 @@ When LOCAL is non-nil, show references for the table at point."
(put 'orgtbl-mode :menu-tag "Org Table Mode")
(easy-menu-define orgtbl-mode-menu orgtbl-mode-map "OrgTbl menu"
- '("OrgTbl"
- ["Create or convert" org-table-create-or-convert-from-region
- :active (not (org-at-table-p)) :keys "C-c |" ]
- "--"
- ["Align" org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c C-c"]
- ["Next Field" org-cycle :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "TAB"]
- ["Previous Field" org-shifttab :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "S-TAB"]
- ["Next Row" org-return :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "RET"]
- "--"
- ["Blank Field" org-table-blank-field :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c SPC"]
- ["Edit Field" org-table-edit-field :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ` "]
- ["Copy Field from Above"
- org-table-copy-down :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "S-RET"]
- "--"
- ("Column"
- ["Move Column Left" org-metaleft :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<left>"]
- ["Move Column Right" org-metaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<right>"]
- ["Delete Column" org-shiftmetaleft :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<left>"]
- ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<right>"])
- ("Row"
- ["Move Row Up" org-metaup :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<up>"]
- ["Move Row Down" org-metadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<down>"]
- ["Delete Row" org-shiftmetaup :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<up>"]
- ["Insert Row" org-shiftmetadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<down>"]
- ["Sort lines in region" org-table-sort-lines :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ^"]
- "--"
- ["Insert Hline" org-table-insert-hline :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c -"])
- ("Rectangle"
- ["Copy Rectangle" org-copy-special :active (org-at-table-p)]
- ["Cut Rectangle" org-cut-special :active (org-at-table-p)]
- ["Paste Rectangle" org-paste-special :active (org-at-table-p)]
- ["Fill Rectangle" org-table-wrap-region :active (org-at-table-p)])
- "--"
- ("Radio tables"
- ["Insert table template" orgtbl-insert-radio-table
- (cl-assoc-if #'derived-mode-p orgtbl-radio-table-templates)]
- ["Comment/uncomment table" orgtbl-toggle-comment t])
- "--"
- ["Set Column Formula" org-table-eval-formula :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ="]
- ["Set Field Formula" (org-table-eval-formula '(4)) :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-u C-c ="]
- ["Edit Formulas" org-table-edit-formulas :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c '"]
- ["Recalculate line" org-table-recalculate :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c *"]
- ["Recalculate all" (org-table-recalculate '(4)) :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-u C-c *"]
- ["Iterate all" (org-table-recalculate '(16)) :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-u C-u C-c *"]
- ["Toggle Recalculate Mark" org-table-rotate-recalc-marks :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c #"]
- ["Sum Column/Rectangle" org-table-sum
- :active (or (org-at-table-p) (org-region-active-p)) :keys "C-c +"]
- ["Which Column?" org-table-current-column :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ?"]
- ["Debug Formulas"
- org-table-toggle-formula-debugger :active (org-at-table-p)
- :keys "C-c {"
- :style toggle :selected org-table-formula-debug]
- ["Show Col/Row Numbers"
- org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays :active (org-at-table-p)
- :keys "C-c }"
- :style toggle :selected org-table-overlay-coordinates]
- "--"
- ("Plot"
- ["Ascii plot" orgtbl-ascii-plot :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c \" a"]
- ["Gnuplot" org-plot/gnuplot :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c \" g"])))
+ '("OrgTbl"
+ ["Create or convert" org-table-create-or-convert-from-region
+ :active (not (org-at-table-p)) :keys "C-c |" ]
+ "--"
+ ["Align" org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c C-c"]
+ ["Next Field" org-cycle :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "TAB"]
+ ["Previous Field" org-shifttab :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "S-TAB"]
+ ["Next Row" org-return :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "RET"]
+ "--"
+ ["Blank Field" org-table-blank-field :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c SPC"]
+ ["Edit Field" org-table-edit-field :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ` "]
+ ["Copy Field from Above"
+ org-table-copy-down :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "S-RET"]
+ "--"
+ ("Column"
+ ["Move Column Left" org-metaleft :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<left>"]
+ ["Move Column Right" org-metaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<right>"]
+ ["Delete Column" org-shiftmetaleft :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<left>"]
+ ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<right>"])
+ ("Row"
+ ["Move Row Up" org-metaup :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<up>"]
+ ["Move Row Down" org-metadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<down>"]
+ ["Delete Row" org-shiftmetaup :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<up>"]
+ ["Insert Row" org-shiftmetadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<down>"]
+ ["Sort lines in region" org-table-sort-lines :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ^"]
+ "--"
+ ["Insert Hline" org-table-insert-hline :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c -"])
+ ("Rectangle"
+ ["Copy Rectangle" org-copy-special :active (org-at-table-p)]
+ ["Cut Rectangle" org-cut-special :active (org-at-table-p)]
+ ["Paste Rectangle" org-paste-special :active (org-at-table-p)]
+ ["Fill Rectangle" org-table-wrap-region :active (org-at-table-p)])
+ "--"
+ ("Radio tables"
+ ["Insert table template" orgtbl-insert-radio-table
+ (cl-assoc-if #'derived-mode-p orgtbl-radio-table-templates)]
+ ["Comment/uncomment table" orgtbl-toggle-comment t])
+ "--"
+ ["Set Column Formula" org-table-eval-formula :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ="]
+ ["Set Field Formula" (org-table-eval-formula '(4)) :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-u C-c ="]
+ ["Edit Formulas" org-table-edit-formulas :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c '"]
+ ["Recalculate line" org-table-recalculate :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c *"]
+ ["Recalculate all" (org-table-recalculate '(4)) :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-u C-c *"]
+ ["Iterate all" (org-table-recalculate '(16)) :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-u C-u C-c *"]
+ ["Toggle Recalculate Mark" org-table-rotate-recalc-marks :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c #"]
+ ["Sum Column/Rectangle" org-table-sum
+ :active (or (org-at-table-p) (org-region-active-p)) :keys "C-c +"]
+ ["Which Column?" org-table-current-column :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c ?"]
+ ["Debug Formulas"
+ org-table-toggle-formula-debugger :active (org-at-table-p)
+ :keys "C-c {"
+ :style toggle :selected org-table-formula-debug]
+ ["Show Col/Row Numbers"
+ org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays :active (org-at-table-p)
+ :keys "C-c }"
+ :style toggle :selected org-table-overlay-coordinates]
+ "--"
+ ("Plot"
+ ["Ascii plot" orgtbl-ascii-plot :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c \" a"]
+ ["Gnuplot" org-plot/gnuplot :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c \" g"])))
(define-minor-mode orgtbl-mode