diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2011-06-14 14:56:07 +0200
committerCarsten Dominik <>2011-06-14 14:56:07 +0200
commit9108d3f0ee1db9cb2f547046d23a9fb12d681fc0 (patch)
parent1891ee5aafee710315a26595385e670e1ac3771e (diff)
parent90f6765cdf77c1414726d899f00c77da43f45758 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
7 files changed, 125 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/doc/org.texi b/doc/org.texi
index 92343de..0fd0d22 100644
--- a/doc/org.texi
+++ b/doc/org.texi
@@ -11414,7 +11414,9 @@ This name is associated with the code block. This is similar to the
@samp{#+tblname} lines that can be used to name tables in Org-mode files.
Referencing the name of a code block makes it possible to evaluate the
block from other places in the file, other files, or from Org-mode table
-formulas (see @ref{The spreadsheet}).
+formulas (see @ref{The spreadsheet}). Names are assumed to be unique by
+evaluation functions and the behavior of multiple blocks of the same name is
@item <language>
The language of the code in the block.
@item <switches>
@@ -11544,6 +11546,23 @@ Tangle the current file. Bound to @kbd{C-c C-v t}.
Choose a file to tangle. Bound to @kbd{C-c C-v f}.
@end table
+@subsubheading Variables
+@table @code
+@item org-babel-tangle-named-block-combination
+This variable controls the tangling of multiple code blocks with the same
+@table @code
+@item nil
+The default behavior. Blocks with the same name are tangled as normal.
+@item append
+The bodies of all blocks of the same name are appended during tangling.
+@item first
+Only the body of the first block of any given name is kept during tangling.
+@item last
+Only the body of the last block of any given name is kept during tangling.
+@end table
+@end table
@subsubheading Hooks
@table @code
@item org-babel-post-tangle-hook
diff --git a/lisp/ob-exp.el b/lisp/ob-exp.el
index 09e85ca..ca0af4e 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-exp.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-exp.el
@@ -54,28 +54,6 @@ process."
:type 'boolean)
(put 'org-export-babel-evaluate 'safe-local-variable (lambda (x) (eq x nil)))
-(defvar org-babel-function-def-export-keyword "function"
- "The keyword to substitute for the source name line on export.
-When exporting a source block function, this keyword will
-appear in the exported version in the place of source name
-line. A source block is considered to be a source block function
-if the source name is present and is followed by a parenthesized
-argument list. The parentheses may be empty or contain
-whitespace. An example is the following which generates n random
-\(uniform) numbers.
-#+source: rand(n)
-#+begin_src R
- runif(n)
-(defvar org-babel-function-def-export-indent 4
- "Number of characters to indent a source block on export.
-When exporting a source block function, the block contents will
-be indented by this many characters. See
-`org-babel-function-def-export-name' for the definition of a
-source block function.")
(defmacro org-babel-exp-in-export-file (lang &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
`(let* ((lang-headers (intern (concat "org-babel-default-header-args:" ,lang)))
diff --git a/lisp/ob-ruby.el b/lisp/ob-ruby.el
index 41245e2..da53912 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-ruby.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-ruby.el
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(declare-function run-ruby "ext:inf-ruby" (&optional command name))
+(declare-function xmp "ext:rcodetools" (&optional option))
(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '("ruby" . "rb"))
@@ -61,8 +62,14 @@ This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
(result-type (cdr (assoc :result-type params)))
(full-body (org-babel-expand-body:generic
body params (org-babel-variable-assignments:ruby params)))
- (result (org-babel-ruby-evaluate
- session full-body result-type result-params)))
+ (result (if (member "xmp" result-params)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (require 'rcodetools)
+ (insert full-body)
+ (xmp (cdr (assoc :xmp-option params)))
+ (buffer-string))
+ (org-babel-ruby-evaluate
+ session full-body result-type result-params))))
(org-babel-pick-name (cdr (assoc :colname-names params))
diff --git a/lisp/ob-tangle.el b/lisp/ob-tangle.el
index 5a81f73..8c13cf9 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-tangle.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-tangle.el
@@ -96,6 +96,15 @@ controlled by the :comments header argument."
:group 'org-babel
:type 'string)
+(defcustom org-babel-tangle-named-block-combination nil
+ "Combine blocks of the same name during tangling."
+ :group 'org-babel
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Default: no special handling" nil)
+ (const :tag "Append all blocks of the same name" append)
+ (const :tag "Only keep the first block of the same name" first)
+ (const :tag "Only keep the last block of the same name" last)))
(defun org-babel-find-file-noselect-refresh (file)
"Find file ensuring that the latest changes on disk are
represented in the file."
@@ -240,7 +249,8 @@ exported source code blocks by language."
(setq block-counter (+ 1 block-counter))
(add-to-list 'path-collector file-name)))))
- (org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks lang))
+ (org-babel-tangle-combine-named-blocks
+ (org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks lang)))
(message "tangled %d code block%s from %s" block-counter
(if (= block-counter 1) "" "s")
@@ -361,6 +371,39 @@ code blocks by language."
+(defun org-babel-tangle-combine-named-blocks (blocks)
+ "Combine blocks of the same name.
+This function follows noweb behavior of appending blocks of the
+same name in the order they appear in the file."
+ (if org-babel-tangle-named-block-combination
+ (let (tangled-names)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (by-lang)
+ (cons
+ (car by-lang)
+ (mapcar (lambda (spec)
+ (let ((name (nth 3 spec)))
+ (unless (member name tangled-names)
+ (when name
+ (setf
+ (nth 5 spec)
+ (let ((named (mapcar
+ (lambda (el) (nth 5 el))
+ (remove-if
+ (lambda (el)
+ (not (equal name (nth 3 el))))
+ (cdr by-lang)))))
+ (case org-babel-tangle-named-block-combination
+ (append (mapconcat #'identity
+ named ""))
+ (first (first named))
+ (last (car (last named))))))
+ (add-to-list 'tangled-names name))
+ spec)))
+ (cdr by-lang))))
+ blocks))
+ blocks))
(defun org-babel-spec-to-string (spec)
"Insert SPEC into the current file.
Insert the source-code specified by SPEC into the current
diff --git a/lisp/org-exp-blocks.el b/lisp/org-exp-blocks.el
index bc8d289..4fd9450 100644
--- a/lisp/org-exp-blocks.el
+++ b/lisp/org-exp-blocks.el
@@ -76,13 +76,6 @@
(require 'cl))
(require 'org)
-(defvar org-exp-blocks-block-regexp
- (concat
- "^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)"
- "[ \t]*\\(.*\\)?[\r\n]\\([^\000]*?\\)[\r\n]*[ \t]*"
- "#\\+end_\\S-+.*[\r\n]?")
- "Regular expression used to match blocks by org-exp-blocks.")
(defun org-export-blocks-set (var value)
"Set the value of `org-export-blocks' and install fontification."
(set var value)
@@ -175,32 +168,52 @@ which defaults to the value of `org-export-blocks-witheld'."
(let ((case-fold-search t)
(types '())
- indentation type func start body headers preserve-indent progress-marker)
+ matched indentation type func
+ start end body headers preserve-indent progress-marker)
(flet ((interblock (start end)
(mapcar (lambda (pair) (funcall (second pair) start end))
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq start (point))
- (while (re-search-forward org-exp-blocks-block-regexp nil t)
- (setq indentation (length (match-string 1)))
- (setq type (intern (downcase (match-string 2))))
- (setq headers (save-match-data (org-split-string (match-string 3) "[ \t]+")))
- (setq body (match-string 4))
- (setq preserve-indent (or org-src-preserve-indentation (member "-i" headers)))
- (unless preserve-indent
- (setq body (save-match-data (org-remove-indentation body))))
- (unless (memq type types) (setq types (cons type types)))
- (save-match-data (interblock start (match-beginning 0)))
- (when (setq func (cadr (assoc type org-export-blocks)))
- (let ((replacement (save-match-data
- (if (memq type org-export-blocks-witheld) ""
- (apply func body headers)))))
- (when replacement
- (replace-match replacement t t)
- (unless preserve-indent
- (indent-code-rigidly
- (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) indentation)))))
- (setq start (match-end 0)))
+ (let ((beg-re "^\\([ \t]*\\)#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)[ \t]*\\(.*\\)?[\r\n]"))
+ (while (re-search-forward beg-re nil t)
+ (let* ((match-start (match-beginning 0))
+ (body-start (match-end 0))
+ (indentation (length (match-string 1)))
+ (inner-re (format "[\r\n]*[ \t]*#\\+\\(begin\\|end\\)_%s"
+ (regexp-quote (downcase (match-string 2)))))
+ (type (intern (downcase (match-string 2))))
+ (headers (save-match-data
+ (org-split-string (match-string 3) "[ \t]+")))
+ (balanced 1)
+ (preserve-indent (or org-src-preserve-indentation
+ (member "-i" headers)))
+ match-end)
+ (while (and (not (zerop balanced))
+ (re-search-forward inner-re nil t))
+ (if (string= (downcase (match-string 1)) "end")
+ (decf balanced)
+ (incf balanced)))
+ (when (not (zerop balanced))
+ (error "unbalanced begin/end_%s blocks with %S"
+ type (buffer-substring match-start (point))))
+ (setq match-end (match-end 0))
+ (unless preserve-indent
+ (setq body (save-match-data (org-remove-indentation
+ (buffer-substring
+ body-start (match-beginning 0))))))
+ (unless (memq type types) (setq types (cons type types)))
+ (save-match-data (interblock start match-start))
+ (when (setq func (cadr (assoc type org-export-blocks)))
+ (let ((replacement (save-match-data
+ (if (memq type org-export-blocks-witheld) ""
+ (apply func body headers)))))
+ (when replacement
+ (delete-region match-start match-end)
+ (goto-char match-start) (insert replacement)
+ (unless preserve-indent
+ (indent-code-rigidly match-start (point) indentation))))))
+ (setq start (point))))
(interblock start (point-max))
(run-hooks 'org-export-blocks-postblock-hook)))))
diff --git a/lisp/org-latex.el b/lisp/org-latex.el
index e2c74ae..ef8b2b1 100644
--- a/lisp/org-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/org-latex.el
@@ -986,7 +986,13 @@ when PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing directory."
(file (buffer-file-name lbuf))
(base (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name lbuf)))
(pdffile (concat base ".pdf"))
- (cmds org-latex-to-pdf-process)
+ (cmds (if (eq org-export-latex-listings 'minted)
+ ;; automatically add -shell-escape when needed
+ (mapcar (lambda (cmd)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "pdflatex " "pdflatex -shell-escape " cmd))
+ org-latex-to-pdf-process)
+ org-latex-to-pdf-process))
(outbuf (get-buffer-create "*Org PDF LaTeX Output*"))
(bibtex-p (with-current-buffer lbuf
diff --git a/lisp/org-list.el b/lisp/org-list.el
index d72a284..5160224 100644
--- a/lisp/org-list.el
+++ b/lisp/org-list.el
@@ -2946,8 +2946,11 @@ with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
:istart "\\item " :iend "\n"
:icount (let ((enum (nth depth '("i" "ii" "iii" "iv"))))
(if enum
+ ;; LaTeX increments counter just before
+ ;; using it, so set it to the desired
+ ;; value, minus one.
(format "\\setcounter{enum%s}{%s}\n\\item "
- enum counter)
+ enum (1- counter))
"\\item "))
:csep "\n"
:cbon "\\texttt{[X]}" :cboff "\\texttt{[ ]}")