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authorNicolas Goaziou <>2010-07-28 22:13:47 +0200
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2010-09-01 19:05:51 +0200
commit884489c3fb99bfda1719198700e3b1e4b502be0a (patch)
parentcb23060a460a7474f0762ef3d56dc7ad151879cc (diff)
When indenting an item, bullet should be more predictable.
* org-list.el (org-indent-item-tree): removed unnecessary bullets fix, and improved heuristics to determine bullet when indenting. * org-list.el (org-item-indent-positions): function now returns sane results when there are two lists separated with blank lines only.
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-list.el b/lisp/org-list.el
index 95051e4..428fcfa 100644
--- a/lisp/org-list.el
+++ b/lisp/org-list.el
@@ -827,6 +827,7 @@ children. Return t if sucessful."
(setq ind-pos (org-item-indent-positions)
bullet (cdr (car ind-pos))
bul-up (cdr (nth 1 ind-pos))
+ bul-down (cdr (nth 2 ind-pos))
ind (caar ind-pos)
ind-down (car (nth 2 ind-pos))
ind-up (car (nth 1 ind-pos))
@@ -855,9 +856,9 @@ children. Return t if sucessful."
((and (org-list-first-item-p) (> delta 0))
(goto-char pos)
(error "Cannot indent the beginning of a sublist"))
- ;; 4. Do not outdent item that has children without moving.
- ;; In the case of a subtree, make sure the check applies to
- ;; its last item.
+ ;; 4. Do not outdent item that has children without moving
+ ;; subtree. If moving subtree, the rule applies to its last
+ ;; sub-item.
((and (< delta 0)
(save-excursion (goto-char (1- end)) (org-item-has-child-p)))
(goto-char pos)
@@ -878,21 +879,22 @@ children. Return t if sucessful."
;; Get back to original position, shifted by delta
(goto-line line)
(move-to-column (max (+ delta col) 0))
- ;; Fix and reorder all lists and sublists from parent of the list
- ;; at point, or from list at point if it hasn't got any parent or
- ;; if we're outdenting.
+ ;; Fix and reorder all lists and sublists from list at point. If
+ ;; it has a parent and we're indenting, renumber parent too.
- ;; Take care of parent list, if it makes sense.
+ ;; Renumber parent list, if needed. No need for fixing bullets
(unless (or (< arg 0) (= (org-list-top-point) (point)))
(beginning-of-line 0)
- (org-fix-bullet-type)))
- ;; Take care of list at point. If demoting, look at
- ;; `org-list-demote-modify-bullet'.
+ (org-maybe-renumber-ordered-list)))
+ ;; Take care of list at point. When demoting, to determine bullet
+ ;; of children, follow, in order: `org-list-demote-modify-bullet',
+ ;; same bullet as others children, same bullet as before
(and (> arg 0)
- (cdr (assoc bullet org-list-demote-modify-bullet))))
+ (or (cdr (assoc bullet org-list-demote-modify-bullet))
+ bul-down)))
(when (org-item-has-child-p)
;; Take care of child, or of every sublist if we're moving a
@@ -912,46 +914,38 @@ children. Return t if sucessful."
(defun org-item-indent-positions ()
- "Return indentation for plain list items.
-This returns a list with three values: The current indentation, the
-parent indentation and the indentation a child should have.
-Assumes cursor in item line."
- (let* ((bolpos (point-at-bol))
- (ind (org-get-indentation))
- (bullet (org-get-bullet))
- ind-down ind-up bullet-up bullet-down pos)
- (save-excursion
- (org-beginning-of-item-list)
- (skip-chars-backward "\n\r \t")
- (when (org-in-item-p)
- (org-beginning-of-item)
- (let ((prev-indent (org-get-indentation)))
- (when (< prev-indent ind)
- (setq ind-up prev-indent)
- (setq bullet-up (org-get-bullet))))))
- (setq pos (point))
- (save-excursion
- (cond
- ((and (ignore-errors (progn (org-previous-item) t))
- (or (end-of-line) t)
- (org-search-forward-unenclosed org-item-beginning-re bolpos t))
- (setq ind-down (org-get-indentation)
- bullet-down (org-get-bullet)))
- ((and (goto-char pos)
- (org-at-item-p))
- (goto-char (match-end 0))
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (setq ind-down (current-column)
- bullet-down (org-get-bullet)))))
- (if (and bullet-down (string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\(\\.\\|)\\)\\'" bullet-down))
- (setq bullet-down (concat "1" (match-string 1 bullet-down))))
- (if (and bullet-up (string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\(\\.\\|)\\)\\'" bullet-up))
- (setq bullet-up (concat "1" (match-string 1 bullet-up))))
- (if (and bullet (string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\(\\.\\|)\\)\\'" bullet))
- (setq bullet (concat "1" (match-string 1 bullet))))
- (list (cons ind bullet)
- (cons ind-up bullet-up)
- (cons ind-down bullet-down))))
+ "Return indentations and bullets relatives to a plain list item.
+This returns a list with three cons-cells: the current item, the
+parent item, if any, and the child item. Each cell has the
+form (indentation . bullet). Assumes cursor in item line."
+ (let* ((init-bul (lambda (bullet)
+ (if (string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\(\\.\\|)\\)\\'" bullet)
+ (concat "1" (match-string 1 bullet))
+ bullet)))
+ ;; Current item
+ (item-cur (cons (org-get-indentation)
+ (funcall init-bul (org-get-bullet))))
+ ;; Parent
+ (item-up (save-excursion
+ (org-beginning-of-item-list)
+ (unless (= (org-list-top-point) (point))
+ (beginning-of-line 0)
+ (org-beginning-of-item)
+ (cons (org-get-indentation)
+ (funcall init-bul (org-get-bullet))))))
+ ;; Child of previous item, if any.
+ (item-down (save-excursion
+ (let ((prev-p (org-get-previous-item (point) (save-excursion (org-beginning-of-item-list)))))
+ (if (and prev-p (goto-char prev-p) (org-item-has-child-p))
+ (progn
+ (org-end-of-item-or-at-child)
+ (cons (org-get-indentation)
+ (funcall init-bul (org-get-bullet))))
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (org-at-item-p)
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (cons (current-column) (cdr item-cur)))))))
+ (list item-cur item-up item-down)))
(defvar org-tab-ind-state)
(defun org-cycle-item-indentation ()