diff options
authorThierry Banel <>2014-08-28 22:28:27 +0200
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2014-08-29 10:00:35 +0200
commit851b779d1a3780d921b9c37b81a6afd919f2c479 (patch)
parent73cd3ba7b36984cf130939c7e96b2a0eeba30886 (diff)
org-table: Add ascii plotting in tables
* org-table.el (orgtbl-ascii-plot): Top-level function. (orgtbl-ascii-draw), (orgtbl-uc-draw-grid), (orgtbl-uc-draw-cont): Functions which go in table formulas for drawing bars. * org.el: key binding and menu binding Thanks to Michael Brand and Nicolas Goaziou for feedback and enhancements.
2 files changed, 107 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index 06a1008..547f933 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -4326,7 +4326,8 @@ to execute outside of tables."
["Move Column Left" org-metaleft :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<left>"]
["Move Column Right" org-metaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<right>"]
["Delete Column" org-shiftmetaleft :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<left>"]
- ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<right>"])
+ ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-S-<right>"]
+ ["Ascii plot" orgtbl-ascii-plot :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "C-c p"])
["Move Row Up" org-metaup :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<up>"]
["Move Row Down" org-metadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys "M-<down>"]
@@ -5008,6 +5009,108 @@ it here:"
(user-error "Please download ascii-art-to-unicode.el (use C-c C-l to insert the link to it)"))
+;; Put the cursor in a column containing numerical values
+;; of an Org-Mode table,
+;; type C-c p
+;; A new column is added with a bar plot.
+;; When the table is refreshed (C-u C-c *),
+;; the plot is updated to reflect the new values.
+(defun orgtbl-ascii-draw (value min max &optional width characters)
+ "Draw an ascii bar in a table.
+VALUE is a the value to plot, the width of the bar to draw. A
+value equal to MIN will be displayed as empty (zero width bar).
+A value equal to MAX will draw a bar filling all the WIDTH.
+WIDTH is the expected width in characters of the column.
+CHARACTERS is a string that will compose the bar, with shades of
+grey from pure white to pure black. It defaults to a 10
+characters string of regular ascii characters."
+ (let* ((characters (or characters " .:;c!lhVHW"))
+ (width (or width 12))
+ (value (if (numberp value) value (string-to-number value)))
+ (value (* (/ (- (+ value 0.0) min) (- max min)) width)))
+ (cond
+ ((< value 0) "too small")
+ ((> value width) "too large")
+ (t
+ (let ((len (1- (length characters))))
+ (concat
+ (make-string (floor value) (elt characters len))
+ (string (elt characters
+ (floor (* (- value (floor value)) len))))))))))
+(defun orgtbl-ascii-plot (&optional ask)
+ "Draw an ascii bar plot in a column.
+With cursor in a column containing numerical values, this
+function will draw a plot in a new column.
+ASK, if given, is a numeric prefix to override the default 12
+characters width of the plot. ASK may also be the
+\\[universal-argument] prefix, which will prompt for the width."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((col (org-table-current-column))
+ (min 1e999) ; 1e999 will be converted to infinity
+ (max -1e999) ; which is the desired result
+ (table (org-table-to-lisp))
+ (length
+ (cond ((consp ask)
+ (read-number "Length of column " 12))
+ ((numberp ask) ask)
+ (t 12))))
+ ;; Skip any hline a the top of table.
+ (while (eq (car table) 'hline) (setq table (cdr table)))
+ ;; Skip table header if any.
+ (dolist (x (or (cdr (memq 'hline table)) table))
+ (when (consp x)
+ (setq x (nth (1- col) x))
+ (when (string-match
+ "^[-+]?\\([0-9]*[.]\\)?[0-9]*\\([eE][+-]?[0-9]+\\)?$"
+ x)
+ (setq x (string-to-number x))
+ (when (> min x) (setq min x))
+ (when (< max x) (setq max x)))))
+ (org-table-insert-column)
+ (org-table-move-column-right)
+ (org-table-store-formulas
+ (cons
+ (cons
+ (number-to-string (1+ col))
+ (format "'(%s $%s %s %s %s)"
+ "orgtbl-ascii-draw" col min max length))
+ (org-table-get-stored-formulas)))
+ (org-table-recalculate t)))
+;; Example of extension: unicode characters
+;; Here are two examples of different styles.
+;; Unicode block characters are used to give a smooth effect.
+;; See
+;; Use one of those drawing functions
+;; - orgtbl-ascii-draw (the default ascii)
+;; - orgtbl-uc-draw-grid (unicode with a grid effect)
+;; - orgtbl-uc-draw-cont (smooth unicode)
+;; This is best viewed with the "DejaVu Sans Mono" font
+;; (use M-x set-default-font).
+(defun orgtbl-uc-draw-grid (value min max &optional width)
+ "Draw a bar in a table using block unicode characters.
+It is a variant of orgtbl-ascii-draw with Unicode block
+characters, for a smooth display. Bars appear as grids (to the
+extent the font allows)."
+ ;;
+ ;; best viewed with the "DejaVu Sans Mono" font.
+ (orgtbl-ascii-draw value min max width
+ " \u258F\u258E\u258D\u258C\u258B\u258A\u2589"))
+(defun orgtbl-uc-draw-cont (value min max &optional width)
+ "Draw a bar in a table using block unicode characters.
+It is a variant of orgtbl-ascii-draw with Unicode block
+characters, for a smooth display. Bars are solid (to the extent
+the font allows)."
+ (orgtbl-ascii-draw value min max width
+ " \u258F\u258E\u258D\u258C\u258B\u258A\u2589\u2588"))
(defun org-table-get-remote-range (name-or-id form)
"Get a field value or a list of values in a range from table at ID.
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 9fada32..e05a416 100755
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -19470,6 +19470,7 @@ boundaries."
(org-defkey org-mode-map "\C-c=" 'org-table-eval-formula)
(org-defkey org-mode-map "\C-c'" 'org-edit-special)
(org-defkey org-mode-map "\C-c`" 'org-table-edit-field)
+(org-defkey org-mode-map "\C-cp" 'orgtbl-ascii-plot)
(org-defkey org-mode-map "\C-c|" 'org-table-create-or-convert-from-region)
(org-defkey org-mode-map [(control ?#)] 'org-table-rotate-recalc-marks)
(org-defkey org-mode-map "\C-c~" 'org-table-create-with-table.el)
@@ -21142,7 +21143,8 @@ on context. See the individual commands for more information."
["Move Column Left" org-metaleft (org-at-table-p)]
["Move Column Right" org-metaright (org-at-table-p)]
["Delete Column" org-shiftmetaleft (org-at-table-p)]
- ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright (org-at-table-p)])
+ ["Insert Column" org-shiftmetaright (org-at-table-p)]
+ ["Ascii plot" orgtbl-ascii-plot (org-at-table-p)])
["Move Row Up" org-metaup (org-at-table-p)]
["Move Row Down" org-metadown (org-at-table-p)]