diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2016-04-17 17:00:14 +0200
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2016-04-18 17:40:15 +0200
commit74d3bd484fc0c79fd51302922c0eee8c3042fe14 (patch)
parentd87158ba2a568758856638540f61394763d2e9c9 (diff)
Factorize tags parsing
* lisp/org.el (org-tag-string-to-alist): (org-tag-alist-to-string): (org-tag-alist-to-groups): New functions. (org-set-regexps-and-options): Use new functions. (org--setup-process-tags): Remove function. (org--setup-collect-keywords): Return tag groups as a string instead of a list so as to be compatible with new functions. * lisp/org-mobile.el (org-mobile-create-index-file): Use new functions. * lisp/org-pcomplete.el (pcomplete/org-mode/file-option/tags): Use new functions. (pcomplete/org-mode/tag): Small refactoring. * testing/lisp/test-org.el (test-org/tag-string-to-alist): (test-org/tag-alist-to-string): (test-org/tag-alist-to-groups): New tests.
4 files changed, 159 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-mobile.el b/lisp/org-mobile.el
index 2c8b852..9ceecc9 100644
--- a/lisp/org-mobile.el
+++ b/lisp/org-mobile.el
@@ -453,19 +453,7 @@ agenda view showing the flagged items."
(when (or todo-kwds done-kwds)
(insert "#+TODO: " (mapconcat 'identity todo-kwds " ") " | "
(mapconcat 'identity done-kwds " ") "\n"))
- (setq def-tags (mapcar
- (lambda (tag)
- (cl-case (car tag)
- ((nil) nil)
- (:startgroup "{")
- (:endgroup "}")
- (:startgrouptag "[")
- (:endgrouptag "]")
- (:grouptags ":")
- (:newline nil)
- (t (car tag))))
- def-tags))
- (setq def-tags (delq nil def-tags))
+ (setq def-tags (split-string (org-tag-alist-to-string def-tags t)))
(setq tags (org-delete-all def-tags tags))
(setq tags (sort tags (lambda (a b) (string< (downcase a) (downcase b)))))
(setq tags (append def-tags tags nil))
diff --git a/lisp/org-pcomplete.el b/lisp/org-pcomplete.el
index aaff7c3..e652fe2 100644
--- a/lisp/org-pcomplete.el
+++ b/lisp/org-pcomplete.el
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
(defvar org-drawer-regexp)
(defvar org-property-re)
+(defvar org-tag-alist)
(defun org-thing-at-point ()
"Examine the thing at point and let the caller know what it is.
@@ -237,20 +238,10 @@ When completing for #+STARTUP, for example, this function returns
(setq opts (delete "showstars" opts)))))
-(defvar org-tag-alist)
(defun pcomplete/org-mode/file-option/tags ()
"Complete arguments for the #+TAGS file option."
- (list
- (mapconcat (lambda (x)
- (cond
- ((eq :startgroup (car x)) "{")
- ((eq :endgroup (car x)) "}")
- ((eq :grouptags (car x)) ":")
- ((eq :newline (car x)) "\\n")
- ((cdr x) (format "%s(%c)" (car x) (cdr x)))
- (t (car x))))
- org-tag-alist " "))))
+ (list (org-tag-alist-to-string org-tag-alist))))
(defun pcomplete/org-mode/file-option/title ()
"Complete arguments for the #+TITLE file option."
@@ -335,19 +326,16 @@ This needs more work, to handle headings with lots of spaces in them."
(pcomplete-uniqify-list tbl)))
(substring pcomplete-stub 1))))
-(defvar org-tag-alist)
(defun pcomplete/org-mode/tag ()
"Complete a tag name. Omit tags already set."
(while (pcomplete-here
- (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (concat x ":"))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat x ":"))
(let ((lst (pcomplete-uniqify-list
- (or (remove
+ (or (remq
- (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (and (stringp (car x)) (car x)))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (org-string-nw-p (car x)))
- (mapcar 'car (org-get-buffer-tags))))))
+ (mapcar #'car (org-get-buffer-tags))))))
(dolist (tag (org-get-tags))
(setq lst (delete tag lst)))
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index ba6a055..66ac7f6 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -4901,8 +4901,13 @@ related expressions."
- (org--setup-process-tags
- (cdr (assq 'tags alist)) (cdr (assq 'filetags alist)))
+ (setq-local org-file-tags
+ (mapcar #'org-add-prop-inherited
+ (cdr (assq 'filetags alist))))
+ (setq-local org-tag-alist
+ (let ((tags (cdr (assq 'tags alist))))
+ (if tags (org-tag-string-to-alist tags) org-tag-alist)))
+ (setq-local org-tag-groups-alist (org-tag-alist-to-groups org-tag-alist))
(unless tags-only
;; File properties.
(setq-local org-file-properties (cdr (assq 'property alist)))
@@ -5120,11 +5125,8 @@ Return value contains the following keys: `archive', `category',
((equal key "TAGS")
(let ((tag-cell (assq 'tags alist)))
(if tag-cell
- (setcdr tag-cell
- (append (cdr tag-cell)
- '("\\n")
- (org-split-string value)))
- (push (cons 'tags (org-split-string value)) alist))))
+ (setcdr tag-cell (concat (cdr tag-cell) "\n" value))
+ (push (cons 'tags value) alist))))
((member key '("TODO" "SEQ_TODO" "TYP_TODO"))
(let ((todo (assq 'todo alist))
(value (cons (if (equal key "TYP_TODO") 'type 'sequence)
@@ -5148,67 +5150,93 @@ Return value contains the following keys: `archive', `category',
regexp (cons f files) alist)))))))))))))))
-(defun org--setup-process-tags (tags filetags)
- "Precompute variables used for tags.
-TAGS is a list of tags and tag group symbols, as strings.
-FILETAGS is a list of tags, as strings."
- ;; Process the file tags.
- (setq-local org-file-tags
- (mapcar #'org-add-prop-inherited filetags))
- ;; Provide default tags if no local tags are found.
- (when (and (not tags) org-tag-alist)
- (setq tags
- (mapcar (lambda (tag)
- (cl-case (car tag)
- (:startgroup "{")
- (:endgroup "}")
- (:startgrouptag "[")
- (:endgrouptag "]")
- (:grouptags ":")
- (:newline "\\n")
- (otherwise (concat (car tag)
- (and (characterp (cdr tag))
- (format "(%c)" (cdr tag)))))))
- org-tag-alist)))
- ;; Process the tags.
- (setq-local org-tag-groups-alist nil)
- (setq-local org-tag-alist nil)
- (let (group-flag)
- (while tags
- (let ((e (car tags)))
- (setq tags (cdr tags))
- (cond
- ((equal e "{")
- (push '(:startgroup) org-tag-alist)
- (when (equal (nth 1 tags) ":") (setq group-flag t)))
- ((equal e "}")
- (push '(:endgroup) org-tag-alist)
- (setq group-flag nil))
- ((equal e "[")
- (push '(:startgrouptag) org-tag-alist)
- (when (equal (nth 1 tags) ":") (setq group-flag t)))
- ((equal e "]")
- (push '(:endgrouptag) org-tag-alist)
- (setq group-flag nil))
- ((equal e ":")
- (push '(:grouptags) org-tag-alist)
- (setq group-flag 'append))
- ((equal e "\\n") (push '(:newline) org-tag-alist))
- ((string-match
- (org-re (concat "\\`\\([[:alnum:]_@#%]+"
- "\\|{.+?}\\)" ; regular expression
- "\\(?:(\\(.\\))\\)?\\'")) e)
- (let ((tag (match-string 1 e))
- (key (and (match-beginning 2)
- (string-to-char (match-string 2 e)))))
- (cond ((eq group-flag 'append)
- (setcar org-tag-groups-alist
- (append (car org-tag-groups-alist) (list tag))))
- (group-flag (push (list tag) org-tag-groups-alist)))
- ;; Push all tags in groups, no matter if they already exist.
- (unless (and (not group-flag) (assoc tag org-tag-alist))
- (push (cons tag key) org-tag-alist))))))))
- (setq org-tag-alist (nreverse org-tag-alist)))
+(defun org-tag-string-to-alist (s)
+ "Return tag alist associated to string S.
+S is a value for TAGS keyword or produced with
+`org-tag-alist-to-string'. Return value is an alist suitable for
+`org-tag-alist' or `org-tag-persistent-alist'."
+ (let ((lines (mapcar #'split-string (split-string s "\n" t)))
+ (tag-re (concat "\\`\\([[:alnum:]_@#%]+"
+ "\\|{.+?}\\)" ; regular expression
+ "\\(?:(\\(.\\))\\)?\\'"))
+ alist group-flag)
+ (dolist (tokens lines (cdr (nreverse alist)))
+ (push '(:newline) alist)
+ (while tokens
+ (let ((token (pop tokens)))
+ (pcase token
+ ("{"
+ (push '(:startgroup) alist)
+ (when (equal (nth 1 tokens) ":") (setq group-flag t)))
+ ("}"
+ (push '(:endgroup) alist)
+ (setq group-flag nil))
+ ("["
+ (push '(:startgrouptag) alist)
+ (when (equal (nth 1 tokens) ":") (setq group-flag t)))
+ ("]"
+ (push '(:endgrouptag) alist)
+ (setq group-flag nil))
+ (":"
+ (push '(:grouptags) alist))
+ ((guard (string-match tag-re token))
+ (let ((tag (match-string 1 token))
+ (key (and (match-beginning 2)
+ (string-to-char (match-string 2 token)))))
+ ;; Push all tags in groups, no matter if they already
+ ;; appear somewhere else in the list.
+ (when (or group-flag (not (assoc tag alist)))
+ (push (cons tag key) alist))))))))))
+(defun org-tag-alist-to-string (alist &optional skip-key)
+ "Return tag string associated to ALIST.
+ALIST is an alist, as defined in `org-tag-alist' or
+`org-tag-persistent-alist', or produced with
+Return value is a string suitable as a value for \"TAGS\"
+When optional argument SKIP-KEY is non-nil, skip selection keys
+next to tags."
+ (mapconcat (lambda (token)
+ (pcase token
+ (`(:startgroup) "{")
+ (`(:endgroup) "}")
+ (`(:startgrouptag) "[")
+ (`(:endgrouptag) "]")
+ (`(:grouptags) ":")
+ (`(:newline) "\\n")
+ ((and
+ (guard (not skip-key))
+ `(,(and tag (pred stringp)) . ,(and key (pred characterp))))
+ (format "%s(%c)" tag key))
+ (`(,(and tag (pred stringp)) . ,_) tag)
+ (_ (user-error "Invalid tag token: %S" token))))
+ alist
+ " "))
+(defun org-tag-alist-to-groups (alist)
+ "Return group alist from tag ALIST.
+ALIST is an alist, as defined in `org-tag-alist' or
+`org-tag-persistent-alist', or produced with
+`org-tag-string-to-alist'. Return value is an alist following
+the pattern (GROUP-TAG TAGS) where GROUP-TAG is the tag, as
+a string, summarizing TAGS, as a list of strings."
+ (let (groups group-status current-group)
+ (dolist (token alist (nreverse groups))
+ (pcase token
+ (`(,(or :startgroup :startgrouptag)) (setq group-status t))
+ (`(,(or :endgroup :endgrouptag))
+ (when (eq group-status 'append)
+ (push (nreverse current-group) groups))
+ (setq group-status nil))
+ (`(:grouptags) (setq group-status 'append))
+ ((and `(,tag . ,_) (guard group-status))
+ (if (eq group-status 'append) (push tag current-group)
+ (setq current-group (list tag))))
+ (_ nil)))))
(defun org-file-contents (file &optional noerror)
"Return the contents of FILE, as a string."
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org.el b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
index 7fa9898..197839d 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-org.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
@@ -4241,6 +4241,62 @@ Paragraph<point>"
+;;; Tags
+(ert-deftest test-org/tag-string-to-alist ()
+ "Test `org-tag-string-to-alist' specifications."
+ ;; Tag without selection key.
+ (should (equal (org-tag-string-to-alist "tag1") '(("tag1"))))
+ ;; Tag with selection key.
+ (should (equal (org-tag-string-to-alist "tag1(t)") '(("tag1" . ?t))))
+ ;; Tag group.
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (org-tag-string-to-alist "[ group : t1 t2 ]")
+ '((:startgrouptag) ("group") (:grouptags) ("t1") ("t2") (:endgrouptag))))
+ ;; Mutually exclusive tags.
+ (should (equal (org-tag-string-to-alist "{ tag1 tag2 }")
+ '((:startgroup) ("tag1") ("tag2") (:endgroup))))
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (org-tag-string-to-alist "{ group : tag1 tag2 }")
+ '((:startgroup) ("group") (:grouptags) ("tag1") ("tag2") (:endgroup)))))
+(ert-deftest test-org/tag-alist-to-string ()
+ "Test `org-tag-alist-to-string' specifications."
+ (should (equal (org-tag-alist-to-string '(("tag1"))) "tag1"))
+ (should (equal (org-tag-alist-to-string '(("tag1" . ?t))) "tag1(t)"))
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (org-tag-alist-to-string
+ '((:startgrouptag) ("group") (:grouptags) ("t1") ("t2") (:endgrouptag)))
+ "[ group : t1 t2 ]"))
+ (should
+ (equal (org-tag-alist-to-string
+ '((:startgroup) ("tag1") ("tag2") (:endgroup)))
+ "{ tag1 tag2 }"))
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (org-tag-alist-to-string
+ '((:startgroup) ("group") (:grouptags) ("tag1") ("tag2") (:endgroup)))
+ "{ group : tag1 tag2 }")))
+(ert-deftest test-org/tag-alist-to-groups ()
+ "Test `org-tag-alist-to-groups' specifications."
+ (should
+ (equal (org-tag-alist-to-groups
+ '((:startgroup) ("group") (:grouptags) ("t1") ("t2") (:endgroup)))
+ '(("group" "t1" "t2"))))
+ (should
+ (equal
+ (org-tag-alist-to-groups
+ '((:startgrouptag) ("group") (:grouptags) ("t1") ("t2") (:endgrouptag)))
+ '(("group" "t1" "t2"))))
+ (should-not
+ (org-tag-alist-to-groups
+ '((:startgroup) ("group") ("t1") ("t2") (:endgroup)))))
;;; Timestamps API
(ert-deftest test-org/time-stamp ()