diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2012-02-12 21:28:51 +0100
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2012-02-12 21:33:05 +0100
commit6bde2dfd1a9d55e29e8657d6f6ef832ad43d440a (patch)
parentdf0a988a92a4afdc935023e88e50964ce6a852e3 (diff)
org-export: Internal modification to in-buffer options retrieval
* contrib/lisp/org-export.el (org-export-get-environment): Renamed function from org-export-collect-options. Also make arguments optionals. (org-export-as): Apply renaming. Refactor code a bit. (org-export-get-inbuffer-options): Remove string argument from signature. Backend is now optional. Also, check if option match is really a keyword. (org-export-get-global-options, org-export-parse-option-keyword): Make backend argument optional.
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-export.el b/contrib/lisp/org-export.el
index db1d300..12f0395 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-export.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-export.el
@@ -847,9 +847,12 @@ standard mode."
;;;; Export Options
-;; Export options come from five sources, in increasing precedence
-;; order:
+;;;; Environment Options
+;; Environment options encompass all parameters defined outside the
+;; scope of the parsed data. They come from five sources, in
+;; increasing precedence order:
;; - Global variables,
;; - External options provided at export time,
;; - Options keyword symbols,
@@ -867,24 +870,25 @@ standard mode."
;; `org-export-get-inbuffer-options' and
;; `org-export-get-global-options'.
-;; Some properties do not rely on the previous sources but still
-;; depend on the original buffer are taken care of in
+;; Some properties, which do not rely on the previous sources but
+;; still depend on the original buffer, are taken care of with
;; `org-export-initial-options'.
;; Also, `org-export-confirm-letbind' and `org-export-install-letbind'
;; take care of the part relative to "#+BIND:" keywords.
-(defun org-export-collect-options (backend subtreep ext-plist)
+(defun org-export-get-environment (&optional backend subtreep ext-plist)
"Collect export options from the current buffer.
-BACKEND is a symbol specifying the back-end to use.
+Optional argument BACKEND is a symbol specifying which back-end
+specific options to read, if any.
-When SUBTREEP is non-nil, assume the export is done against the
-current sub-tree.
+When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, assume the export is
+done against the current sub-tree.
-EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
-org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
+Third optional argument EXT-PLIST is a property list with
+external parameters overriding Org default settings, but still
+inferior to file-local settings."
;; First install #+BIND variables.
;; Get and prioritize export options...
@@ -902,24 +906,26 @@ settings."
;; ... from in-buffer settings...
- (org-with-wide-buffer (buffer-string)) backend
+ backend
(and buffer-file-name
(org-remove-double-quotes buffer-file-name)))
;; ... and from subtree, when appropriate.
- (and subtreep
- (org-export-get-subtree-options)))))
+ (and subtreep (org-export-get-subtree-options)))))
;; Add initial options.
(setq options (append (org-export-initial-options) options))
;; Return plist.
-(defun org-export-parse-option-keyword (options backend)
+(defun org-export-parse-option-keyword (options &optional backend)
"Parse an OPTIONS line and return values as a plist.
-BACKEND is a symbol specifying the back-end to use."
- (let* ((all (append org-export-option-alist
- (let ((var (intern
- (format "org-%s-option-alist" backend))))
- (and (boundp var) (eval var)))))
+Optional argument BACKEND is a symbol specifying which back-end
+specific items to read, if any."
+ (let* ((all
+ (append org-export-option-alist
+ (and backend
+ (let ((var (intern
+ (format "org-%s-option-alist" backend))))
+ (and (boundp var) (eval var))))))
;; Build an alist between #+OPTION: item and property-name.
(alist (delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (e)
@@ -966,118 +972,137 @@ Return options as a plist."
(setq plist (org-export-add-options-to-plist plist prop)))
-(defun org-export-get-inbuffer-options (buffer-string backend files)
- "Return in-buffer options as a plist.
-BUFFER-STRING is the string of the buffer. BACKEND is a symbol
-specifying which back-end should be used. FILES is a list of
-setup files names read so far, used to avoid circular
- (let ((case-fold-search t) plist)
- ;; 1. Special keywords, as in `org-export-special-keywords'.
- (let ((start 0)
- (special-re (org-make-options-regexp org-export-special-keywords)))
- (while (string-match special-re buffer-string start)
- (setq start (match-end 0))
- (let ((key (upcase (org-match-string-no-properties 1 buffer-string)))
- ;; Special keywords do not have their value expanded.
- (val (org-match-string-no-properties 2 buffer-string)))
- (setq plist
- (org-combine-plists
- (cond
- ((string= key "SETUP_FILE")
- (let ((file (expand-file-name
- (org-remove-double-quotes (org-trim val)))))
- ;; Avoid circular dependencies.
- (unless (member file files)
- (org-export-get-inbuffer-options
- (org-file-contents file 'noerror)
- backend
- (cons file files)))))
- ((string= key "OPTIONS")
- (org-export-parse-option-keyword val backend))
- ((string= key "MACRO")
- (when (string-match
- "^\\([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\(.*?\\)[ \t]*$\\)?"
- val)
- (let ((key (intern
- (concat ":macro-"
- (downcase (match-string 1 val)))))
- (value (match-string 2 val)))
- (cond
- ((not value) "")
- ((string-match "\\`(eval\\>" value) (list key value))
- (t
- (list
- key
- ;; If user explicitly asks for a newline, be
- ;; sure to preserve it from further filling
- ;; with `hard-newline'.
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\\\\n" hard-newline value))))))))
- plist)))))
- ;; 2. Standard options, as in `org-export-option-alist'.
- (let* ((all (append org-export-option-alist
- (let ((var (intern
- (format "org-%s-option-alist" backend))))
- (and (boundp var) (eval var)))))
- ;; Build alist between keyword name and property name.
- (alist (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e)
- (when (nth 1 e) (cons (nth 1 e) (car e))))
- all)))
- ;; Build regexp matching all keywords associated to export
- ;; options. Note: the search is case insensitive.
- (opt-re (org-make-options-regexp
- (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e) (nth 1 e)) all))))
- (start 0))
- (while (string-match opt-re buffer-string start)
- (setq start (match-end 0))
- (let* ((key (upcase (org-match-string-no-properties 1 buffer-string)))
- ;; Expand value, applying restrictions for keywords.
- (val (org-match-string-no-properties 2 buffer-string))
- (prop (cdr (assoc key alist)))
- (behaviour (nth 4 (assq prop all))))
- (setq plist
- (plist-put
- plist prop
- ;; Handle value depending on specified BEHAVIOUR.
- (case behaviour
- (space (if (plist-get plist prop)
- (concat (plist-get plist prop) " " (org-trim val))
- (org-trim val)))
- (newline (org-trim
- (concat
- (plist-get plist prop) "\n" (org-trim val))))
- (split `(,@(plist-get plist prop) ,@(org-split-string val)))
- ('t val)
- (otherwise (plist-get plist prop)))))))
- ;; Parse keywords specified in `org-element-parsed-keywords'.
- (mapc
- (lambda (key)
- (let* ((prop (cdr (assoc (upcase key) alist)))
- (value (and prop (plist-get plist prop))))
- (when (stringp value)
- (setq plist
- (plist-put
- plist prop
- (org-element-parse-secondary-string
- value
- (cdr (assq 'keyword org-element-string-restrictions))))))))
- org-element-parsed-keywords))
- ;; Return final value.
- plist))
+(defun org-export-get-inbuffer-options (&optional backend files)
+ "Return current buffer export options, as a plist.
+Optional argument BACKEND, when non-nil, is a symbol specifying
+which back-end specific options should also be read in the
+Optional argument FILES is a list of setup files names read so
+far, used to avoid circular dependencies.
-(defun org-export-get-global-options (backend)
+Assume buffer is in Org mode. Narrowing, if any, is ignored."
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t) plist)
+ ;; 1. Special keywords, as in `org-export-special-keywords'.
+ (let ((special-re (org-make-options-regexp org-export-special-keywords)))
+ (while (re-search-forward special-re nil t)
+ (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
+ (when (eq (car element) 'keyword)
+ (let ((key (upcase (org-element-get-property :key element)))
+ (val (org-element-get-property :value element)))
+ (setq plist
+ (org-combine-plists
+ plist
+ (cond
+ ((string= key "SETUP_FILE")
+ (let ((file
+ (expand-file-name
+ (org-remove-double-quotes (org-trim val)))))
+ ;; Avoid circular dependencies.
+ (unless (member file files)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert (org-file-contents file 'noerror))
+ (org-mode)
+ (org-export-get-inbuffer-options
+ backend (cons file files))))))
+ ((string= key "OPTIONS")
+ (org-export-parse-option-keyword val backend))
+ ((string= key "MACRO")
+ (when (string-match
+ "^\\([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\(.*?\\)[ \t]*$\\)?"
+ val)
+ (let ((key
+ (intern
+ (concat ":macro-"
+ (downcase (match-string 1 val)))))
+ (value (match-string 2 val)))
+ (cond
+ ((not value) "")
+ ((string-match "\\`(eval\\>" value)
+ (list key value))
+ (t
+ (list
+ key
+ ;; If user explicitly asks for a newline, be
+ ;; sure to preserve it from further filling
+ ;; with `hard-newline'.
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\\\\n" hard-newline value)))))))))))))))
+ ;; 2. Standard options, as in `org-export-option-alist'.
+ (let* ((all (append org-export-option-alist
+ ;; Also look for back-end specific options
+ ;; if BACKEND is defined.
+ (and backend
+ (let ((var
+ (intern
+ (format "org-%s-option-alist" backend))))
+ (and (boundp var) (eval var))))))
+ ;; Build alist between keyword name and property name.
+ (alist
+ (delq nil (mapcar
+ (lambda (e) (when (nth 1 e) (cons (nth 1 e) (car e))))
+ all)))
+ ;; Build regexp matching all keywords associated to export
+ ;; options. Note: the search is case insensitive.
+ (opt-re (org-make-options-regexp
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e) (nth 1 e)) all)))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward opt-re nil t)
+ (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
+ (when (eq (car element) 'keyword)
+ (let* ((key (upcase (org-element-get-property :key element)))
+ (val (org-element-get-property :value element))
+ (prop (cdr (assoc key alist)))
+ (behaviour (nth 4 (assq prop all))))
+ (setq plist
+ (plist-put
+ plist prop
+ ;; Handle value depending on specified BEHAVIOUR.
+ (case behaviour
+ (space
+ (if (not (plist-get plist prop)) (org-trim val)
+ (concat (plist-get plist prop) " " (org-trim val))))
+ (newline
+ (org-trim
+ (concat (plist-get plist prop) "\n" (org-trim val))))
+ (split
+ `(,@(plist-get plist prop) ,@(org-split-string val)))
+ ('t val)
+ (otherwise (plist-get plist prop)))))))))
+ ;; Parse keywords specified in `org-element-parsed-keywords'.
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (key)
+ (let* ((prop (cdr (assoc key alist)))
+ (value (and prop (plist-get plist prop))))
+ (when (stringp value)
+ (setq plist
+ (plist-put
+ plist prop
+ (org-element-parse-secondary-string
+ value
+ (cdr (assq 'keyword org-element-string-restrictions))))))))
+ org-element-parsed-keywords))
+ ;; 3. Return final value.
+ plist)))
+(defun org-export-get-global-options (&optional backend)
"Return global export options as a plist.
-BACKEND is a symbol specifying which back-end should be used."
+Optional argument BACKEND, if non-nil, is a symbol specifying
+which back-end specific export options should also be read in the
(let ((all (append org-export-option-alist
- (let ((var (intern
- (format "org-%s-option-alist" backend))))
- (and (boundp var) (eval var)))))
+ (and backend
+ (let ((var (intern
+ (format "org-%s-option-alist" backend))))
+ (and (boundp var) (eval var))))))
;; Output value.
(mapc (lambda (cell)
- (setq plist
- (plist-put plist (car cell) (eval (nth 3 cell)))))
+ (setq plist (plist-put plist (car cell) (eval (nth 3 cell)))))
;; Return value.
@@ -1921,11 +1946,10 @@ Return code as a string."
;; Narrow buffer to an appropriate region for parsing.
(when (org-region-active-p)
- (narrow-to-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
- (goto-char (point-min)))
+ (narrow-to-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(when (and subtreep (not (org-at-heading-p)))
;; Ensure point is at sub-tree's beginning.
- (org-with-limited-levels (org-back-to-heading (not visible-only))))
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree))
;; Retrieve export options (INFO) and parsed tree (RAW-DATA),
;; Then options can be completed with tree properties. Note:
;; Buffer isn't parsed directly. Instead, a temporary copy is
@@ -1933,26 +1957,25 @@ Return code as a string."
;; are evaluated. RAW-DATA is the parsed tree of the buffer
;; resulting from that process. Eventually call
;; `org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions'.
- (let* ((info (org-export-collect-options backend subtreep ext-plist))
- (raw-data (progn
- (when subtreep ; Only parse subtree contents.
- (let ((end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
- (narrow-to-region
- (progn (forward-line) (point)) end)))
- (org-export-filter-apply-functions
- (plist-get info :filter-parse-tree)
- (org-export-with-current-buffer-copy
- (org-export-expand-include-keyword nil)
- (let ((org-current-export-file (current-buffer)))
- (org-export-blocks-preprocess))
- (org-element-parse-buffer nil visible-only))
- backend info))))
- ;; Now get full initial options with tree properties.
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((info (org-export-get-environment backend subtreep ext-plist)))
+ ;; Remove subtree's headline from contents if subtree mode is
+ ;; activated.
+ (when subtreep (forward-line) (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max)))
+ (let ((raw-data (org-export-filter-apply-functions
+ (plist-get info :filter-parse-tree)
+ (org-export-with-current-buffer-copy
+ (org-export-expand-include-keyword nil)
+ (let ((org-current-export-file (current-buffer)))
+ (org-export-blocks-preprocess))
+ (org-element-parse-buffer nil visible-only))
+ backend info)))
+ ;; Complete communication channel with tree properties.
(setq info
(org-export-collect-tree-properties raw-data info backend)))
- ;; Now transcode RAW-DATA. Also call
+ ;; Transcode RAW-DATA. Also call
;; `org-export-filter-final-output-functions'.
(let* ((body (org-element-normalize-string
(org-export-data raw-data backend info)))
@@ -1964,7 +1987,7 @@ Return code as a string."
backend info)))
;; Maybe add final OUTPUT to kill ring before returning it.
(when org-export-copy-to-kill-ring (org-kill-new output))
- output)))))
+ output))))))
(defun org-export-to-buffer (backend buffer &optional subtreep visible-only
body-only ext-plist)