diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2019-01-01 22:08:24 +0100
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2019-01-01 22:08:24 +0100
commit69c300bbf6f063ccb03da5803d1e4563aa603586 (patch)
parent43fbf8a540a137dd669b973432bd24514b680207 (diff)
Add Org Num minor mode
* doc/ (Headlines): Refer to new section. (Dynamic Headline Numbering): New section. * lisp/org-num.el: * testing/lisp/test-org-num.el: New files.
4 files changed, 755 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 96ab8cf..123c73b 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -427,6 +427,9 @@ Some people find the many stars too noisy and would prefer an outline
that has whitespace followed by a single star as headline starters.
See [[*A Cleaner Outline View]].
+Headline are not numbered. However, you may want to dynamically
+number some, or all, of them. See [[*Dynamic Headline Numbering]].
#+vindex: org-cycle-separator-lines
An empty line after the end of a subtree is considered part of it and
is hidden when the subtree is folded. However, if you leave at least
@@ -19025,6 +19028,36 @@ headings as shown in examples below.
org-convert-to-odd-levels)}}} and {{{kbd(M-x
+** Dynamic Headline Numbering
+:DESCRIPTION: Display and update outline numbering.
+#+cindex: Org Num mode
+#+cindex: number headlines
+The Org Num minor mode, toggled with {{{kbd(M-x org-num-mode)}}},
+displays on top of headlines. It also updates numbering automatically
+upon changes to the structure of the document.
+#+vindex: org-num-max-level
+#+vindex: org-num-skip-tags
+#+vindex: org-num-skip-commented
+#+vindex: org-num-skip-unnumbered
+By default, all headlines are numbered. You can limit numbering to
+specific headlines according to their level, tags, =COMMENT= keyword,
+or =UNNUMBERED= property. Set ~org-num-max-level~,
+~org-num-skip-tags~, ~org-num-skip-commented~,
+~org-num-skip-unnumbered~, or ~org-num-skip-footnotes~ accordingly.
+#+vindex: org-num-skip-footnotes
+If ~org-num-skip-footnotes~ is non-~nil~, footnotes sections (see
+[[*Creating Footnotes]]) are not numbered either.
+#+vindex: org-num-face
+#+vindex: org-num-format-function
+You can control how the numbering is displayed by setting
+~org-num-face~ and ~org-num-format-function~.
** Using Org on a TTY
:DESCRIPTION: Using Org on a tty.
diff --git a/etc/ORG-NEWS b/etc/ORG-NEWS
index d9c8cd9..eded920 100644
--- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
+++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ See [[git:3367ac9457]] for details.
** New features
*** Babel
**** Add LaTeX output support in PlantUML
+*** New minor mode to display headline numbering
+Use =<M-x org-num-mode>= to get a visual indication of the numbering
+in the outline. The numbering is also automatically updated upon
+changes in the buffer.
*** New property =HTML_HEADLINE_CLASS= in HTML export
The new property =HTML_HEADLINE_CLASS= assigns a class attribute to
a headline.
diff --git a/lisp/org-num.el b/lisp/org-num.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfdf4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/org-num.el
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+;;; org-num.el --- Dynamic Headlines Numbering -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library provides dynamic numbering for Org headlines. Use
+;; <M-x org-num-mode>
+;; to toggle it.
+;; You can select what is numbered according to level, tags, COMMENT
+;; keyword, or UNNUMBERED property. You can also skip footnotes
+;; sections. See `org-num-max-level', `org-num-skip-tags',
+;; `org-num-skip-commented', `org-num-skip-unnumbered', and
+;; `org-num-skip-footnotes' for details.
+;; You can also control how the numbering is displayed by setting
+;;`org-num-face' and `org-num-format-function'.
+;; Internally, the library handles an ordered list, per buffer
+;; position, of overlays in `org-num--overlays'. These overlays are
+;; marked with the `org-num' property set to a non-nil value.
+;; Overlays store the level of the headline in the `level' property,
+;; and the face used for the numbering in `numbering-face'.
+;; The `skip' property is set to t when the corresponding headline has
+;; some characteristic -- e.g., a node property, or a tag -- that
+;; prevents it from being numbered.
+;; An overlay with `org-num' property set to `invalid' is called an
+;; invalid overlay. Modified overlays automatically become invalid
+;; and set `org-num--invalid-flag' to a non-nil value. After
+;; a change, `org-num--invalid-flag' indicates numbering needs to be
+;; updated and invalid overlays indicate where the buffer needs to be
+;; parsed. So does `org-num--missing-overlay' variable. See
+;; `org-num--verify' function for details.
+;; Numbering display is done through the `after-string' property.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'org-macs)
+(defvar org-comment-string)
+(defvar org-complex-heading-regexp)
+(defvar org-cycle-level-faces)
+(defvar org-n-level-faces)
+(defvar org-odd-levels-only)
+(defvar org-level-faces)
+(declare-function org-back-to-heading "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
+(declare-function org-entry-get "org" (pom property &optional inherit literal-nil))
+(declare-function org-reduced-level "org" (l))
+;;; Customization
+(defcustom org-num-face nil
+ "Face to use for numbering.
+When nil, use the same face as the headline. This value is
+ignored if `org-num-format-function' specifies a face for its
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Like the headline" nil)
+ (face :tag "Use face"))
+ :safe (lambda (val) (or (null val) (facep val))))
+(defcustom org-num-format-function 'org-num-default-format
+ "Function used to display numbering.
+It is called with one argument, a list of numbers, and should
+return a string, or nil. When nil, no numbering is displayed.
+Any `face' text property on the returned string overrides
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type 'function
+ :safe nil)
+(defcustom org-num-max-level nil
+ "Level below which headlines are not numbered.
+When set to nil, all headlines are numbered."
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Number everything" nil)
+ (integer :tag "Stop numbering at level"))
+ :safe (lambda (val) (or (null val) (wholenump val))))
+(defcustom org-num-skip-commented nil
+ "Non-nil means commented sub-trees are not numbered."
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type 'boolean
+ :safe #'booleanp)
+(defcustom org-num-skip-footnotes nil
+ "Non-nil means footnotes sections are not numbered."
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type 'boolean
+ :safe #'booleanp)
+(defcustom org-num-skip-tags nil
+ "List of tags preventing the numbering of sub-trees.
+For example, add \"ARCHIVE\" to this list to avoid numbering
+archived sub-trees.
+Tag in this list prevent numbering the whole sub-tree,
+irrespective to `org-use-tags-inheritance', or other means to
+control tag inheritance."
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type '(repeat (string :tag "Tag"))
+ :safe (lambda (val) (and (listp val) (cl-every #'stringp val))))
+(defcustom org-num-skip-unnumbered nil
+ "Non-nil means numbering obeys to UNNUMBERED property."
+ :group 'org-appearance
+ :type 'boolean
+ :safe #'booleanp)
+;;; Internal Variables
+(defconst org-num--comment-re (format "\\`%s\\(?: \\|$\\)" org-comment-string)
+ "Regexp matching a COMMENT keyword at headline beginning.")
+(defvar-local org-num--overlays nil
+ "Ordered list of overlays used for numbering outlines.")
+(defvar-local org-num--skip-level nil
+ "Level below which headlines from current tree are not numbered.
+When nil, all headlines are numbered. It is used to handle
+inheritance of no-numbering attributes.")
+(defvar-local org-num--numbering nil
+ "Current headline numbering.
+A numbering is a list of integers, in reverse order. So numbering
+for headline \"1.2.3\" is (3 2 1).")
+(defvar-local org-num--missing-overlay nil
+ "Buffer position signaling a headline without an overlay.")
+(defvar-local org-num--invalid-flag nil
+ "Non-nil means an overlay became invalid since last update.")
+;;; Internal Functions
+(defsubst org-num--headline-regexp ()
+ "Return regexp matching a numbered headline."
+ (if (null org-num-max-level) (org-with-limited-levels org-outline-regexp-bol)
+ (format "^\\*\\{1,%d\\} "
+ (if org-odd-levels-only (1- (* 2 org-num-max-level))
+ org-num-max-level))))
+(defsubst org-num--overlay-p (o)
+ "Non-nil if overlay O is a numbering overlay."
+ (overlay-get o 'org-num))
+(defsubst org-num--valid-overlay-p (o)
+ "Non-nil if overlay O is still active in the buffer."
+ (not (eq 'invalid (overlay-get o 'org-num))))
+(defsubst org-num--invalidate-overlay (o)
+ "Mark overlay O as invalid.
+Update `org-num--invalid-flag' accordingly."
+ (overlay-put o 'org-num 'invalid)
+ (setq org-num--invalid-flag t))
+(defun org-num--make-overlay (numbering level skip)
+ "Return overlay for numbering headline at point.
+NUMBERING is the numbering to use, as a list of integers, or nil
+if nothing should be displayed. LEVEL is the level of the
+headline. SKIP is its skip value.
+Assume point is at a headline."
+ (let ((after-edit-functions
+ (list (lambda (o &rest _) (org-num--invalidate-overlay o))))
+ (o (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (skip-chars-forward "*")
+ (make-overlay (line-beginning-position) (1+ (point))))))
+ (overlay-put o 'org-num t)
+ (overlay-put o 'skip skip)
+ (overlay-put o 'level level)
+ (overlay-put o 'numbering-face
+ (or org-num-face
+ ;; Compute face that would be used at the
+ ;; headline. We cannot extract it from the
+ ;; buffer: at the time the overlay is created,
+ ;; Font Lock has not proceeded yet.
+ (nth (if org-cycle-level-faces
+ (% (1- level) org-n-level-faces)
+ (1- (min level org-n-level-faces)))
+ org-level-faces)))
+ (overlay-put o 'modification-hooks after-edit-functions)
+ (overlay-put o 'insert-in-front-hooks after-edit-functions)
+ (org-num--refresh-display o numbering)
+ o))
+(defun org-num--refresh-display (overlay numbering)
+ "Refresh OVERLAY's display.
+NUMBERING specifies the new numbering, as a list of integers, or
+nil if nothing should be displayed. Assume OVERLAY is valid."
+ (let ((display (and numbering
+ (funcall org-num-format-function (reverse numbering)))))
+ (when (and display (not (get-text-property 0 'face display)))
+ (org-add-props display `(face ,(overlay-get overlay 'numbering-face))))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'after-string display)))
+(defun org-num--skip-value ()
+ "Return skip value for headline at point.
+Value is t when headline should not be numbered, and nil
+ (org-match-line org-complex-heading-regexp)
+ (let ((title (match-string 4))
+ (tags (and org-num-skip-tags
+ (match-end 5)
+ (org-split-string (match-string 5) ":"))))
+ (or (and org-num-skip-footnotes
+ org-footnote-section
+ (equal title org-footnote-section))
+ (and org-num-skip-commented
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+ (string-match org-num--comment-re title))
+ t)
+ (and org-num-skip-tags
+ (cl-some (lambda (tag) (member tag org-num-skip-tags))
+ tags)
+ t)
+ (and org-num-skip-unnumbered
+ (org-entry-get (point) "UNNUMBERED")
+ t))))
+(defun org-num--current-numbering (level skip)
+ "Return numbering for current headline.
+LEVEL is headline's level, and SKIP its skip value. Return nil
+if headline should be skipped."
+ (cond
+ ;; Skipped by inheritance.
+ ((and org-num--skip-level (> level org-num--skip-level)) nil)
+ ;; Skipped by a non-nil skip value; set `org-num--skip-level'
+ ;; to skip the whole sub-tree later on.
+ (skip (setq org-num--skip-level level) nil)
+ (t
+ (setq org-num--skip-level nil)
+ ;; Compute next numbering, and update `org-num--numbering'.
+ (let ((last-level (length org-num--numbering)))
+ (setq org-num--numbering
+ (cond
+ ;; First headline : nil => (1), or (1 0)...
+ ((null org-num--numbering) (cons 1 (make-list (1- level) 0)))
+ ;; Sibling: (1 1) => (2 1).
+ ((= level last-level)
+ (cons (1+ (car org-num--numbering)) (cdr org-num--numbering)))
+ ;; Parent: (1 1 1) => (2 1), or (2).
+ ((< level last-level)
+ (let ((suffix (nthcdr (- last-level level) org-num--numbering)))
+ (cons (1+ (car suffix)) (cdr suffix))))
+ ;; Child: (1 1) => (1 1 1), or (1 0 1 1)...
+ (t
+ (append (cons 1 (make-list (- level last-level 1) 0))
+ org-num--numbering))))))))
+(defun org-num--number-region (start end)
+ "Add numbering overlays between START and END positions.
+When START or END are nil, use buffer boundaries. Narrowing, if
+any, is ignored. Return the list of created overlays, newest
+ (org-with-point-at (or start 1)
+ ;; Do not match headline starting at START.
+ (when start (end-of-line))
+ (let ((regexp (org-num--headline-regexp))
+ (new nil))
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
+ (let* ((level (org-reduced-level
+ (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0) 1)))
+ (skip (org-num--skip-value))
+ (numbering (org-num--current-numbering level skip)))
+ ;; Apply numbering to current headline. Store overlay for
+ ;; the return value.
+ (push (org-num--make-overlay numbering level skip)
+ new)))
+ new)))
+(defun org-num--update ()
+ "Update buffer's numbering.
+This function removes invalid overlays and refreshes numbering
+for the valid ones in the numbering overlays list. It also adds
+missing overlays to that list."
+ (setq org-num--skip-level nil)
+ (setq org-num--numbering nil)
+ (let ((new-overlays nil)
+ (overlay nil))
+ (while (setq overlay (pop org-num--overlays))
+ (cond
+ ;; Valid overlay.
+ ;;
+ ;; First handle possible missing overlays OVERLAY. If missing
+ ;; overlay marker is pointing before next overlay and after the
+ ;; last known overlay, make sure to parse the buffer between
+ ;; these two overlays.
+ ((org-num--valid-overlay-p overlay)
+ (let ((next (overlay-start overlay))
+ (last (and new-overlays (overlay-start (car new-overlays)))))
+ (cond
+ ((null org-num--missing-overlay))
+ ((> org-num--missing-overlay next))
+ ((or (null last) (> org-num--missing-overlay last))
+ (setq org-num--missing-overlay nil)
+ (setq new-overlays (nconc (org-num--number-region last next)
+ new-overlays)))
+ ;; If it is already after the last known overlay, reset it:
+ ;; some previous invalid overlay already triggered the
+ ;; necessary parsing.
+ (t
+ (setq org-num--missing-overlay nil))))
+ ;; Update OVERLAY's numbering.
+ (let* ((level (overlay-get overlay 'level))
+ (skip (overlay-get overlay 'skip))
+ (numbering (org-num--current-numbering level skip)))
+ (org-num--refresh-display overlay numbering)
+ (push overlay new-overlays)))
+ ;; Invalid overlay. It indicates that the buffer needs to be
+ ;; parsed again between the two surrounding valid overlays or
+ ;; buffer boundaries.
+ (t
+ ;; Delete all consecutive invalid overlays: we re-create all
+ ;; overlays between last valid overlay and the next one.
+ (delete-overlay overlay)
+ (while (and org-num--overlays
+ (not (org-num--valid-overlay-p (car org-num--overlays))))
+ (delete-overlay (pop org-num--overlays)))
+ ;; Create and register new overlays.
+ (let ((last (and new-overlays (overlay-start (car new-overlays))))
+ (next (and org-num--overlays
+ (overlay-start (car org-num--overlays)))))
+ (setq new-overlays (nconc (org-num--number-region last next)
+ new-overlays))))))
+ ;; If invalid position hasn't been handled yet, it must be located
+ ;; between last valid overlay and end of the buffer. Parse that
+ ;; area before returning.
+ (when org-num--missing-overlay
+ (let ((last (and new-overlays (overlay-start (car new-overlays)))))
+ (setq new-overlays (nconc (org-num--number-region last nil)
+ new-overlays))))
+ ;; Numbering is now up-to-date. Reset invalid flag. Also return
+ ;; `org-num--overlays' in a sorted fashion.
+ (setq org-num--invalid-flag nil)
+ (setq org-num--overlays (nreverse new-overlays))))
+(defun org-num--verify (beg end _)
+ "Check numbering integrity; update it if necessary.
+This function is meant to be used in `after-change-functions'.
+See this variable for the meaning of BEG and END."
+ (setq org-num--missing-overlay nil)
+ (save-match-data
+ (org-with-point-at beg
+ (let ((regexp (org-num--headline-regexp)))
+ ;; At this point, directly altered overlays between BEG and
+ ;; END are marked as invalid and will trigger a full update.
+ ;; However, there are still two cases to handle.
+ ;;
+ ;; First, some valid overlays may need to be invalidated, due
+ ;; to an indirect change. That happens when the skip value --
+ ;; see `org-num--skip-value' -- of the heading BEG belongs to
+ ;; is altered, or when deleting the newline character right
+ ;; before the next headline.
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; Bail out if we're before first headline or within
+ ;; a headline too deep to be numbered.
+ (when (and (org-with-limited-levels
+ (ignore-errors (org-back-to-heading t)))
+ (looking-at regexp))
+ (pcase (get-char-property-and-overlay (point) 'org-num)
+ (`(nil)
+ ;; At a headline, without a numbering overlay: change
+ ;; just created one. Mark it for parsing.
+ (setq org-num--missing-overlay (point)))
+ (`(t . ,o)
+ ;; Check if skip value changed. Invalidate overlay
+ ;; accordingly.
+ (unless (eq (org-num--skip-value) (overlay-get o 'skip))
+ (org-num--invalidate-overlay o)))
+ (_ nil))))
+ ;; Deleting the newline character before a numbering overlay
+ ;; doesn't invalidate it, even though it could land in the
+ ;; middle of a line. Be sure to catch this case.
+ (when (and (= beg end) (not (bolp)))
+ (pcase (get-char-property-and-overlay (point) 'org-num)
+ (`(t . ,o) (org-num--invalidate-overlay o))
+ (_ nil)))
+ ;; Second, if nothing is marked as invalid, and therefore if
+ ;; no full update is due so far, changes may still have
+ ;; created new headlines, at BEG -- which is actually handled
+ ;; by the previous phase --, or, in case of a multi-line
+ ;; insertion, at END, or in-between.
+ (unless (or org-num--invalid-flag
+ org-num--missing-overlay
+ (<= end (line-end-position))) ;single line change
+ (forward-line)
+ (when (or (re-search-forward regexp end 'move)
+ ;; Check if change created a headline after END.
+ (progn (skip-chars-backward "*") (looking-at regexp)))
+ (setq org-num--missing-overlay (line-beginning-position))))))
+ ;; Update numbering only if a headline was altered or created.
+ (when (or org-num--missing-overlay org-num--invalid-flag)
+ (org-num--update))))
+;;; Public Functions
+(defun org-num-default-format (numbering)
+ "Default numbering display function.
+NUMBERING is a list of numbers."
+ (concat (mapconcat #'number-to-string numbering ".") " "))
+(define-minor-mode org-num-mode
+ "Dynamic numbering of headlines in an Org buffer."
+ :lighter " o#"
+ (cond
+ (org-num-mode
+ (unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
+ (user-error "Cannot activate headline numbering outside Org mode"))
+ (setq org-num--numbering nil)
+ (setq org-num--overlays (nreverse (org-num--number-region nil nil)))
+ (add-hook 'after-change-functions #'org-num--verify nil t))
+ (t
+ (mapc #'delete-overlay org-num--overlays)
+ (setq org-num--overlays nil)
+ (remove-hook 'after-change-functions #'org-num--verify t))))
+(provide 'org-num)
+;;; org-num.el ends here
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org-num.el b/testing/lisp/test-org-num.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f66daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org-num.el
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+;;; test-org-num.el --- Tests for Org Num library -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018 Nicolas Goaziou
+;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Code:
+;; FIXME: this test fails in batch mode.
+;; (ert-deftest test-org-num/face ()
+;; "Test `org-num-face' parameter."
+;; (should
+;; (equal
+;; '(foo)
+;; (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1"
+;; (let ((org-num-face 'foo)) (org-num-mode 1))
+;; (mapcar (lambda (o)
+;; (get-text-property 0 'face (overlay-get o 'after-string)))
+;; (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-num/format-function ()
+ "Test `org-num-format-function' parameter."
+ (should
+ (equal '("foo" "foo")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n** H2"
+ (let ((org-num-format-function (lambda (_) "foo")))
+ (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Preserve face, when set.
+ (should
+ (equal-including-properties
+ '(#("foo" 0 3 (face bar)))
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1"
+ (let ((org-num-format-function
+ (lambda (_) (org-add-props "foo" nil 'face 'bar))))
+ (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Set face override `org-num-face'.
+ (should
+ (equal-including-properties
+ '(#("foo" 0 3 (face bar)))
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1"
+ (let ((org-num-face 'baz)
+ (org-num-format-function
+ (lambda (_) (org-add-props "foo" nil 'face 'bar))))
+ (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-num/max-level ()
+ "Test `org-num-max-level' option."
+ (should
+ (equal '("1.1 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n** H2\n*** H3"
+ (let ((org-num-max-level 2)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-num/skip-numbering ()
+ "Test various skip numbering parameters."
+ ;; Skip commented headlines.
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n* COMMENT H2"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-commented t)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("2 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n* COMMENT H2"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-commented nil)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Skip commented sub-trees.
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil nil)
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* COMMENT H1\n** H2"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-commented t)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Skip footnotes sections.
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n* FN"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-footnotes t)
+ (org-footnote-section "FN"))
+ (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("2 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n* FN"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-footnotes nil)
+ (org-footnote-section "FN"))
+ (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Skip tags, recursively.
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1\n* H2 :foo:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-tags '("foo"))) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil nil)
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1 :foo:\n** H2"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-tags '("foo"))) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Skip unnumbered sections.
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text
+ "* H1\n* H2\n:PROPERTIES:\n:UNNUMBERED: t\n:END:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-unnumbered t)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("2 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text
+ "* H1\n* H2\n:PROPERTIES:\n:UNNUMBERED: t\n:END:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-unnumbered nil)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("2 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text
+ "* H1\n* H2\n:PROPERTIES:\n:UNNUMBERED: nil\n:END:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-unnumbered t)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Skip unnumbered sub-trees.
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil nil)
+ (org-test-with-temp-text
+ "* H1\n:PROPERTIES:\n:UNNUMBERED: t\n:END:\n** H2"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-unnumbered t)) (org-num-mode 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-num/update ()
+ "Test numbering update after a buffer modification."
+ ;; Headlines created at BEG.
+ (should
+ (equal "1 "
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "X* H"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (overlay-get (car (overlays-at (line-beginning-position)))
+ 'after-string))))
+ (should
+ (equal "1 "
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "*<point>\n H"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (overlay-get (car (overlays-at (line-beginning-position)))
+ 'after-string))))
+ (should
+ (equal "1 "
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "*<point>bold*"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert " ")
+ (overlay-get (car (overlays-at (line-beginning-position)))
+ 'after-string))))
+ ;; Headlines created at END.
+ (should
+ (equal '("1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "X<point> H"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert "\n*")
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "X<point>* H"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert "\n")
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Headlines created between BEG and END.
+ (should
+ (equal '("1.1 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text ""
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert "\n* H\n** H2")
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Change level of a headline.
+ (should
+ (equal '("0.1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert "*")
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "*<point>* H"
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Alter skip state.
+ (should
+ (equal '("1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H :fo<point>o:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-tags '("foo")))
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (delete-char 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (should
+ (equal '(nil)
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H :fo<point>:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-tags '("foo")))
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert "o"))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ ;; Invalidate an overlay and insert new headlines.
+ (should
+ (equal '("1.2 " "1.1 " "1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text
+ "* H\n:PROPERTIES:\n:UNNUMBE<point>RED: t\n:END:"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-unnumbered t))
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (insert "\n** H2\n** H3\n")
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+ ;; Invalidate two overlays: current headline and next one.
+ (should
+ (equal '("1 ")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text
+ "* H\n:PROPERTIES:\n:UNNUMBE<point>RED: t\n:END:\n** H2"
+ (let ((org-num-skip-unnumbered t))
+ (org-num-mode 1)
+ (delete-region (point) (line-beginning-position 3))
+ (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'after-string))
+ (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))))
+(provide 'test-org-num)
+;;; org-test-num.el ends here