diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2016-02-25 14:32:57 +0100
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2016-02-25 14:32:57 +0100
commit66fbceb727aabbbc3d3ddb738fc621ba03c13855 (patch)
parent1045e9e9c0e6438f5ee9dc4f0e5c720a8b670cdd (diff)
Fix `org-refile-get-targets'
* lisp/org.el (org-refile-get-targets): Fix bug when using `org-refile-target-verify-function'. Improve speed. (org-olpa): Remove variable. (org-outline-path-cache): New variable. (org--get-outline-path-1): New function. (org-get-outline-path): Use new function. This fixes return value when cache is used and calls are not in the same path. * testing/lisp/test-org.el (test-org/get-outline-path): New test. Reported-by: Florian Adamsky <> <>
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index af68539..44da99d 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -11610,12 +11610,11 @@ on the system \"/user@host:\"."
(let ((case-fold-search nil)
;; otherwise org confuses "TODO" as a kw and "Todo" as a word
(entries (or org-refile-targets '((nil . (:level . 1)))))
- targets tgs txt re files desc descre fast-path-p level pos0)
+ targets tgs files desc descre)
(message "Getting targets...")
(with-current-buffer (or default-buffer (current-buffer))
(dolist (entry entries)
(setq files (car entry) desc (cdr entry))
- (setq fast-path-p nil)
((null files) (setq files (list (current-buffer))))
((eq files 'org-agenda-files)
@@ -11639,7 +11638,6 @@ on the system \"/user@host:\"."
(cdr desc)))
"\\}[ \t]")))
((eq (car desc) :maxlevel)
- (setq fast-path-p t)
(setq descre (concat "^\\*\\{1," (number-to-string
(if org-odd-levels-only
(1- (* 2 (cdr desc)))
@@ -11647,58 +11645,53 @@ on the system \"/user@host:\"."
"\\}[ \t]")))
(t (error "Bad refiling target description %s" desc)))
(dolist (f files)
- (with-current-buffer
- (if (bufferp f) f (org-get-agenda-file-buffer f))
+ (with-current-buffer (if (bufferp f) f (org-get-agenda-file-buffer f))
(setq tgs (org-refile-cache-get (buffer-file-name) descre))
- (if (bufferp f) (setq f (buffer-file-name
- (buffer-base-buffer f))))
+ (when (bufferp f)
+ (setq f (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer f))))
(setq f (and f (expand-file-name f)))
- (if (eq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file)
- (push (list (file-name-nondirectory f) f nil nil) tgs))
- (save-excursion
- (save-restriction
- (widen)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward descre nil t)
- (goto-char (setq pos0 (point-at-bol)))
- (catch 'next
- (when org-refile-target-verify-function
- (save-match-data
- (or (funcall org-refile-target-verify-function)
- (throw 'next t))))
- (when (and (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
- (not (member (match-string 4) excluded-entries))
- (match-string 4))
- (setq level (org-reduced-level
- (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)))
- txt (org-link-display-format (match-string 4))
- txt (replace-regexp-in-string "\\( *[[0-9]+/?[0-9]*%?]\\)+$" "" txt)
- re (format org-complex-heading-regexp-format
- (regexp-quote (match-string 4))))
- (when org-refile-use-outline-path
- (setq txt (mapconcat
- 'org-protect-slash
- (append
- (if (eq org-refile-use-outline-path
- 'file)
- (list (file-name-nondirectory
- (buffer-file-name
- (buffer-base-buffer))))
- (if (eq org-refile-use-outline-path
- 'full-file-path)
- (list (buffer-file-name
- (buffer-base-buffer)))))
- (org-get-outline-path fast-path-p
- level txt)
- (list txt))
- "/")))
- (push (list txt f re (org-refile-marker (point)))
- tgs)))
- (when (= (point) pos0)
- ;; verification function has not moved point
- (goto-char (point-at-eol))))))))
+ (when (eq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file)
+ (push (list (file-name-nondirectory f) f nil nil) tgs))
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq org-outline-path-cache nil)
+ (while (re-search-forward descre nil t)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
+ (let ((begin (point))
+ (heading (org-match-string-no-properties 4)))
+ (unless (or (and
+ org-refile-target-verify-function
+ (not
+ (funcall org-refile-target-verify-function)))
+ (not heading)
+ (member heading excluded-entries))
+ (let ((re (format org-complex-heading-regexp-format
+ (regexp-quote heading)))
+ (target
+ (org-link-display-format
+ (if (not org-refile-use-outline-path)
+ (org-match-string-no-properties 4)
+ (mapconcat
+ #'org-protect-slash
+ (append
+ (case org-refile-use-outline-path
+ (file (list (file-name-nondirectory
+ (buffer-file-name
+ (buffer-base-buffer)))))
+ (full-file-path
+ (list (buffer-file-name
+ (buffer-base-buffer))))
+ (t nil))
+ (org-get-outline-path t))
+ "/")))))
+ (push (list target f re (org-refile-marker (point)))
+ tgs)))
+ (when (= (point) begin)
+ ;; Verification function has not moved point.
+ (end-of-line)))))))
(when org-refile-use-cache
(org-refile-cache-put tgs (buffer-file-name) descre))
(setq targets (append tgs targets))))))
@@ -11710,36 +11703,56 @@ on the system \"/user@host:\"."
(setq s (replace-match "\\" t t s)))
-(defvar org-olpa (make-vector 20 nil))
+(defvar org-outline-path-cache nil
+ "Alist between buffer positions and outline paths.
+It value is an alist (POSITION . PATH) where POSITION is the
+buffer position at the beginning of an entry and PATH is a list
+of strings describing the outline path for that entry, in reverse
-(defun org-get-outline-path (&optional fastp level heading)
- "Return the outline path to the current entry, as a list.
+(defun org--get-outline-path-1 (&optional use-cache)
+ "Return outline path to current headline.
-The parameters FASTP, LEVEL, and HEADING are for use by a scanner
-routine which makes outline path derivations for an entire file,
-avoiding backtracing. Refile target collection makes use of that."
- (if fastp
- (progn
- (if (> level 19)
- (error "Outline path failure, more than 19 levels"))
- (loop for i from level upto 19 do
- (aset org-olpa i nil))
- (prog1
- (delq nil (append org-olpa nil))
- (aset org-olpa level heading)))
- (let (rtn case-fold-search)
- (save-excursion
- (save-restriction
- (widen)
- (while (org-up-heading-safe)
- (when (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
- (push (org-trim
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- ;; Remove statistical/checkboxes cookies
- "\\[[0-9]+%\\]\\|\\[[0-9]+/[0-9]+\\]" ""
- (org-match-string-no-properties 4)))
- rtn)))
- rtn)))))
+Outline path is a list of strings, in reverse order. When
+optional argument USE-CACHE is non-nil, make use of a cache. See
+`org-get-outline-path' for delails.
+Assume buffer is widened."
+ (org-back-to-heading t)
+ (or (and use-cache (cdr (assq (point) org-outline-path-cache)))
+ (let ((p (point))
+ (heading (progn (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
+ (org-trim
+ ;; Remove statistical/checkboxes cookies.
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\\[[0-9]+%\\]\\|\\[[0-9]+/[0-9]+\\]" ""
+ (org-match-string-no-properties 4))))))
+ (if (org-up-heading-safe)
+ (let ((path (cons heading (org--get-outline-path-1 use-cache))))
+ (when use-cache
+ (push (cons p path) org-outline-path-cache))
+ path)
+ ;; This is a new root node. Since we assume we are moving
+ ;; forward, we can drop previous cache so as to limit number
+ ;; of associations there.
+ (let ((path (list heading)))
+ (when use-cache (setq org-outline-path-cache (list (cons p path))))
+ path)))))
+(defun org-get-outline-path (&optional use-cache)
+ "Return the outline path to the current entry.
+When optional argument USE-CACHE is non-nil, cache outline paths
+between calls to this function so as to avoid backtracking. This
+argument is useful when planning to find more than one outline
+path in the same document. In that case, there are two
+conditions to satisfy:
+ - `org-outline-path-cache' is set to nil before starting the
+ process;
+ - outline paths are computed by increasing buffer positions.
+Return value is a list of strings."
+ (org-with-wide-buffer (reverse (org--get-outline-path-1 use-cache))))
(defun org-format-outline-path (path &optional width prefix separator)
"Format the outline path PATH for display.
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org.el b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
index 77fbd93..5ce5c99 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-org.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
@@ -1311,7 +1311,39 @@
+(ert-deftest test-org/get-outline-path ()
+ "Test `org-get-outline-path' specifications."
+ (should
+ (equal '("H")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H"
+ (org-get-outline-path))))
+ (should
+ (equal '("H" "S")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H\n** S<point>"
+ (org-get-outline-path))))
+ ;; Find path even when point is not on a headline.
+ (should
+ (equal '("H" "S")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H\n** S\nText<point>"
+ (org-get-outline-path))))
+ ;; Using cache is transparent to the user.
+ (should
+ (equal '("H" "S")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H\n** S<point>"
+ (setq org-outline-path-cache nil)
+ (org-get-outline-path t))))
+ ;; Do not corrupt cache when finding outline path in distant part of
+ ;; the buffer.
+ (should
+ (equal '("H2" "S2")
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "* H\n** S\n* H2\n** S2"
+ (setq org-outline-path-cache nil)
+ (org-get-outline-path t)
+ (search-forward "S2")
+ (org-get-outline-path t)))))
(ert-deftest test-org/format-outline-path ()
+ "Test `org-format-outline-path' specifications."
(string= (org-format-outline-path (list "one" "two" "three"))