diff options
authorBastien Guerry <>2011-07-01 11:12:19 +0200
committerBastien Guerry <>2011-07-01 11:12:19 +0200
commit63b8ecb4eaecc293a322e53f6654ccbc9276a037 (patch)
parentca07a5ba62adeb3fcdd7785f77aa9b3b30fd7895 (diff)
Add Jambunathan's odt exporter in contrib/.
This adds these new files: contrib/lisp/org-lparse.el contrib/lisp/org-odt.el contrib/lisp/org-xhtml.el contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/BasicODConverter-0.8.0.oxt contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Filters.bas contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Main.bas contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-schema-v1.1.rng contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-manifest-schema.rng contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-schema.rng contrib/odt/ contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-manifest-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.1.rnc contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc contrib/odt/etc/schema/schemas.xml contrib/odt/styles/OrgOdtAutomaticStyles.xml contrib/odt/styles/OrgOdtStyles.xml Notes: contrib/lisp/org-xhtml.el is meant to be merged at some point with lisp/org-html.el, to avoid code redundancies. The feature as a whole is meant to move to Org's core when things are tested and stable enough. Thanks a lot to Jambunathan for this great contribution and for his patience!
-rw-r--r--contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/BasicODConverter-0.8.0.oxtbin0 -> 8009 bytes
16 files changed, 55880 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-lparse.el b/contrib/lisp/org-lparse.el
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cff8fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-lparse.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1977 @@
+;;; org-lparse.el --- Line-oriented exporter for Org-mode
+;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011
+;; Jambunathan <kjambunathan at gmail dot com>
+;; Author: Jambunathan K <kjambunathan at gmail dot com>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; Version: 0.8
+;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; However, it is distributed under the same license.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; `org-lparse' is the entry point for the generic line-oriented
+;;; exporter. `org-do-lparse' is the genericized version of the
+;;; original `org-export-as-html' routine.
+;;; `org-lparse-native-backends' is a good starting point for
+;;; exploring the generic exporter.
+;;; Following new interactive commands are provided by this library.
+;;; `org-lparse', `org-lparse-and-open', `org-lparse-to-buffer'
+;;; `org-replace-region-by', `org-lparse-region'.
+;;; Note that the above routines correspond to the following routines
+;;; in the html exporter `org-export-as-html',
+;;; `org-export-as-html-and-open', `org-export-as-html-to-buffer',
+;;; `org-replace-region-by-html' and `org-export-region-as-html'.
+;;; The all new interactive command `org-export-convert' can be used
+;;; to convert documents between various formats. Use this to
+;;; command, for example, to convert odt file to doc or pdf format.
+;;; See file that comes with this library for answers to
+;;; FAQs and more information on using this library.
+;;; Use M-x `org-odt-unit-test' for test driving the odt exporter
+;;; Code:
+(require 'org-exp)
+(require 'org-list)
+(defun org-lparse-and-open (target-backend native-backend arg)
+ "Export the outline as HTML and immediately open it with a browser.
+If there is an active region, export only the region.
+The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
+headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted lists."
+ ;; (interactive "Mbackend: \nP")
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((input (if (featurep 'ido) 'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))
+ (all-backends (org-lparse-all-backends))
+ (target-backend
+ (funcall input "Export to: " all-backends nil t nil))
+ (native-backend
+ (or
+ ;; (and (org-lparse-backend-is-native-p target-backend)
+ ;; target-backend)
+ (funcall input "Use Native backend: "
+ (cdr (assoc target-backend all-backends)) nil t nil))))
+ (list target-backend native-backend current-prefix-arg)))
+ (let (f (file-or-buf (org-lparse target-backend native-backend
+ arg 'hidden)))
+ (when file-or-buf
+ (setq f (cond
+ ((bufferp file-or-buf) buffer-file-name)
+ ((file-exists-p file-or-buf) file-or-buf)
+ (t (error "org-lparse-and-open: This shouldn't happen"))))
+ (message "Opening file %s" f)
+ (org-open-file f)
+ (when org-export-kill-product-buffer-when-displayed
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+(defun org-lparse-batch (target-backend &optional native-backend)
+ "Call the function `org-lparse'.
+This function can be used in batch processing as:
+emacs --batch
+ --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
+ --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
+ --visit=MyFile --funcall org-lparse-batch"
+ (setq native-backend (or native-backend target-backend))
+ (org-lparse target-backend native-backend
+ org-export-headline-levels 'hidden))
+(defun org-lparse-to-buffer (backend arg)
+ "Call `org-lparse` with output to a temporary buffer.
+No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-lparse'."
+ (interactive "Mbackend: \nP")
+ (let ((tempbuf (format "*Org %s Export*" (upcase backend))))
+ (org-lparse backend backend arg nil nil tempbuf)
+ (when org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window tempbuf))))
+(defun org-replace-region-by (backend beg end)
+ "Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to HTML.
+This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
+itemized list in org-mode syntax in an HTML buffer and then use this
+command to convert it."
+ (interactive "Mbackend: \nr")
+ (let (reg backend-string buf pop-up-frames)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (if (org-mode-p)
+ (setq backend-string (org-lparse-region backend beg end t 'string))
+ (setq reg (buffer-substring beg end)
+ buf (get-buffer-create "*Org tmp*"))
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert reg)
+ (org-mode)
+ (setq backend-string (org-lparse-region backend (point-min)
+ (point-max) t 'string)))
+ (kill-buffer buf)))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (insert backend-string)))
+(defun org-lparse-region (backend beg end &optional body-only buffer)
+ "Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to HTML.
+If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
+contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
+cut-and-paste operations.
+If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
+of the converted HTML. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
+produced HTML as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
+a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
+ (setq html (org-lparse-region \"html\" beg end t 'string))
+When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
+in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer."
+ (interactive "Mbackend: \nr\nP")
+ (when (org-called-interactively-p 'any)
+ (setq buffer (format "*Org %s Export*" (upcase backend))))
+ (let ((transient-mark-mode t) (zmacs-regions t)
+ ext-plist rtn)
+ (setq ext-plist (plist-put ext-plist :ignore-subtree-p t))
+ (goto-char end)
+ (set-mark (point)) ;; to activate the region
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (setq rtn (org-lparse backend backend nil nil ext-plist buffer body-only))
+ (if (fboundp 'deactivate-mark) (deactivate-mark))
+ (if (and (org-called-interactively-p 'any) (bufferp rtn))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window rtn)
+ rtn)))
+(defvar org-lparse-par-open nil)
+(defun org-lparse-should-inline-p (filename descp)
+ "Return non-nil if link FILENAME should be inlined.
+The decision to inline the FILENAME link is based on the current
+settings. DESCP is the boolean of whether there was a link
+description. See variables `org-export-html-inline-images' and
+ (let ((inline-images (org-lparse-get 'INLINE-IMAGES))
+ (inline-image-extensions
+ (org-lparse-get 'INLINE-IMAGE-EXTENSIONS)))
+ (and (or (eq t inline-images) (and inline-images (not descp)))
+ (org-file-image-p filename inline-image-extensions))))
+(defun org-lparse-format-org-link (line opt-plist)
+ "Return LINE with markup of Org mode links.
+OPT-PLIST is the export options list."
+ (let ((start 0)
+ (current-dir (if buffer-file-name
+ (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
+ default-directory))
+ (link-validate (plist-get opt-plist :link-validation-function))
+ type id-file fnc
+ rpl path attr desc descp desc1 desc2 link
+ org-lparse-link-description-is-image)
+ (while (string-match org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp++ line start)
+ (setq org-lparse-link-description-is-image nil)
+ (setq start (match-beginning 0))
+ (setq path (save-match-data (org-link-unescape
+ (match-string 3 line))))
+ (setq type (cond
+ ((match-end 2) (match-string 2 line))
+ ((save-match-data
+ (or (file-name-absolute-p path)
+ (string-match "^\\.\\.?/" path)))
+ "file")
+ (t "internal")))
+ (setq path (org-extract-attributes (org-link-unescape path)))
+ (setq attr (get-text-property 0 'org-attributes path))
+ (setq desc1 (if (match-end 5) (match-string 5 line))
+ desc2 (if (match-end 2) (concat type ":" path) path)
+ descp (and desc1 (not (equal desc1 desc2)))
+ desc (or desc1 desc2))
+ ;; Make an image out of the description if that is so wanted
+ (when (and descp (org-file-image-p
+ desc (org-lparse-get 'INLINE-IMAGE-EXTENSIONS)))
+ (setq org-lparse-link-description-is-image t)
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (string-match "^file:" desc)
+ (setq desc (substring desc (match-end 0)))))
+ (save-match-data
+ (setq desc (org-add-props
+ (org-lparse-format 'INLINE-IMAGE desc)
+ '(org-protected t)))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal type "internal")
+ (let
+ ((frag-0
+ (if (= (string-to-char path) ?#)
+ (substring path 1)
+ path)))
+ (setq rpl
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ORG-LINK opt-plist "" "" (org-solidify-link-text
+ (save-match-data
+ (org-link-unescape frag-0))
+ nil) desc attr descp))))
+ ((and (equal type "id")
+ (setq id-file (org-id-find-id-file path)))
+ ;; This is an id: link to another file (if it was the same file,
+ ;; it would have become an internal link...)
+ (save-match-data
+ (setq id-file (file-relative-name
+ id-file
+ (file-name-directory org-current-export-file)))
+ (setq rpl
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type id-file
+ (concat (if (org-uuidgen-p path) "ID-") path)
+ desc attr descp))))
+ ((member type '("http" "https"))
+ ;; standard URL, can inline as image
+ (setq rpl
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type path nil desc attr descp)))
+ ((member type '("ftp" "mailto" "news"))
+ ;; standard URL, can't inline as image
+ (setq rpl
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type path nil desc attr descp)))
+ ((string= type "coderef")
+ (setq rpl
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type "" (format "coderef-%s" path)
+ (format
+ (org-export-get-coderef-format
+ path
+ (and descp desc))
+ (cdr (assoc path org-export-code-refs))) nil descp)))
+ ((functionp (setq fnc (nth 2 (assoc type org-link-protocols))))
+ ;; The link protocol has a function for format the link
+ (setq rpl
+ (save-match-data
+ (funcall fnc (org-link-unescape path) desc1 'html))))
+ ((string= type "file")
+ ;; FILE link
+ (save-match-data
+ (let*
+ ((components
+ (if
+ (string-match "::\\(.*\\)" path)
+ (list
+ (replace-match "" t nil path)
+ (match-string 1 path))
+ (list path nil)))
+ ;;The proper path, without a fragment
+ (path-1
+ (first components))
+ ;;The raw fragment
+ (fragment-0
+ (second components))
+ ;;Check the fragment. If it can't be used as
+ ;;target fragment we'll pass nil instead.
+ (fragment-1
+ (if
+ (and fragment-0
+ (not (string-match "^[0-9]*$" fragment-0))
+ (not (string-match "^\\*" fragment-0))
+ (not (string-match "^/.*/$" fragment-0)))
+ (org-solidify-link-text
+ (org-link-unescape fragment-0))
+ nil))
+ (desc-2
+ ;;Description minus "file:" and ".org"
+ (if (string-match "^file:" desc)
+ (let
+ ((desc-1 (replace-match "" t t desc)))
+ (if (string-match "\\.org$" desc-1)
+ (replace-match "" t t desc-1)
+ desc-1))
+ desc)))
+ (setq rpl
+ (if
+ (and
+ (functionp link-validate)
+ (not (funcall link-validate path-1 current-dir)))
+ desc
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ORG-LINK opt-plist "file" path-1 fragment-1
+ desc-2 attr descp))))))
+ (t
+ ;; just publish the path, as default
+ (setq rpl (concat "<i>&lt;" type ":"
+ (save-match-data (org-link-unescape path))
+ "&gt;</i>"))))
+ (setq line (replace-match rpl t t line)
+ start (+ start (length rpl))))
+ line))
+(defmacro with-org-lparse-preserve-paragraph-state (&rest body)
+ `(let ((org-lparse-do-open-par org-lparse-par-open))
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ ,@body
+ (when org-lparse-do-open-par
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+(defvar org-lparse-native-backends
+ '("xhtml" "odt")
+ "List of native backends registered with `org-lparse'.
+All native backends must implement a get routine and a mandatory
+set of callback routines.
+The get routine must be named as org-<backend>-get where backend
+is the name of the backend. The exporter uses `org-lparse-get'
+and retrieves the backend-specific callback by querying for
+For the sake of illustration, the html backend implements
+`org-xhtml-get'. It returns
+`org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist' and
+`org-xhtml-entity-format-callbacks-alist' as the values of
+(defun org-lparse-get-other-backends (native-backend)
+ (org-lparse-backend-get native-backend 'OTHER-BACKENDS))
+(defun org-lparse-all-backends ()
+ (let (all-backends)
+ (flet ((add (other native)
+ (let ((val (assoc-string other all-backends t)))
+ (if val (setcdr val (nconc (list native) (cdr val)))
+ (push (cons other (list native)) all-backends)))))
+ (loop for backend in org-lparse-native-backends
+ do (loop for other in (org-lparse-get-other-backends backend)
+ do (add other backend))))
+ all-backends))
+(defun org-lparse-backend-is-native-p (backend)
+ (member backend org-lparse-native-backends))
+(defun org-lparse (target-backend native-backend arg
+ &optional hidden ext-plist
+ to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
+ "Export the outline to various formats.
+If there is an active region, export only the region. The outline
+is first exported to NATIVE-BACKEND and optionally converted to
+TARGET-BACKEND. See `org-lparse-native-backends' for list of
+known native backends. Each native backend can specify a
+converter and list of target backends it exports to using the
+CONVERT-PROCESS and OTHER-BACKENDS settings of it's get
+method. See `org-xhtml-get' for an illustrative example.
+ARG is a prefix argument that specifies how many levels of
+outline should become headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels
+will become bulleted lists.
+HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing.
+EXT-PLIST is a property list that controls various aspects of
+export. The settings here override org-mode's default settings
+and but are inferior to file-local settings.
+TO-BUFFER dumps the exported lines to a buffer or a string
+instead of a file. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol `string' return the
+exported lines as a string. If TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a
+buffer with that name and export to that buffer.
+BODY-ONLY controls the presence of header and footer lines in
+exported text. If BODY-ONLY is non-nil, don't produce the file
+header and footer, simply return the content of <body>...</body>,
+without even the body tags themselves.
+PUB-DIR specifies the publishing directory."
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((input (if (featurep 'ido) 'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))
+ (all-backends (org-lparse-all-backends))
+ (target-backend
+ (funcall input "Export to: " all-backends nil t nil))
+ (native-backend
+ (or
+ ;; (and (org-lparse-backend-is-native-p target-backend)
+ ;; target-backend)
+ (funcall input "Use Native backend: "
+ (cdr (assoc target-backend all-backends)) nil t nil))))
+ (list target-backend native-backend current-prefix-arg)))
+ (let* ((org-lparse-backend (intern native-backend))
+ (org-lparse-other-backend (intern target-backend)))
+ (unless (org-lparse-backend-is-native-p native-backend)
+ (error "Don't know how to export natively to backend %s" native-backend))
+ (unless (or (not target-backend)
+ (equal target-backend native-backend)
+ (member target-backend (org-lparse-get 'OTHER-BACKENDS)))
+ (error "Don't know how to export to backend %s %s" target-backend
+ (format "via %s" native-backend)))
+ (run-hooks 'org-export-first-hook)
+ (org-do-lparse arg hidden ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir)))
+(defcustom org-export-convert-process
+ '("soffice" "-norestore" "-invisible" "-headless" "\"macro:///BasicODConverter.Main.Convert(%I,%f,%O)\"")
+ "Command to covert a Org exported format to other formats.
+The variable is an list of the form (PROCESS ARG1 ARG2 ARG3
+...). Format specifiers used in the ARGs are replaced as below.
+%i input file name in full
+%I input file name as a URL
+%f format of the output file
+%o output file name in full
+%O output file name as a URL
+%d output dir in full
+%D output dir as a URL"
+ :group 'org-export)
+(defun org-export-convert (&optional in-file fmt)
+ "Convert file from one format to another using a converter.
+IN-FILE is the file to be converted. If unspecified, it defaults
+to variable `buffer-file-name'. FMT is the desired output format. If the
+backend has registered a CONVERT-METHOD via it's get function
+then that converter is used. Otherwise
+`org-export-conver-process' is used."
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((input (if (featurep 'ido) 'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))
+ (in-file (read-file-name "File to be converted: "
+ nil buffer-file-name t))
+ (fmt (funcall input "Output format: "
+ (or (ignore-errors
+ (org-lparse-get-other-backends
+ (file-name-extension in-file)))
+ (org-lparse-all-backends))
+ nil nil nil)))
+ (list in-file fmt)))
+ (require 'browse-url)
+ (let* ((in-file (expand-file-name (or in-file buffer-file-name)))
+ (fmt (or fmt "doc") )
+ (out-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension in-file) "." fmt))
+ (out-dir (file-name-directory in-file))
+ (backend (when (boundp 'org-lparse-backend) org-lparse-backend))
+ (convert-process
+ (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-backend-get backend 'CONVERT-METHOD))
+ org-export-convert-process))
+ program arglist)
+ (setq program (and convert-process (consp convert-process)
+ (car convert-process)))
+ (unless (executable-find program)
+ (error "Unable to locate the converter %s" program))
+ (setq arglist
+ (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+ (format-spec arg `((?i . ,in-file)
+ (?I . ,(browse-url-file-url in-file))
+ (?f . ,fmt)
+ (?o . ,out-file)
+ (?O . ,(browse-url-file-url out-file))
+ (?d . ,out-dir)
+ (?D . ,(browse-url-file-url out-dir)))))
+ (cdr convert-process)))
+ (ignore-errors (delete-file out-file))
+ (message "Executing %s %s" program (mapconcat 'identity arglist " "))
+ (apply 'call-process program nil nil nil arglist)
+ (cond
+ ((file-exists-p out-file)
+ (message "Exported to %s using %s" out-file program)
+ out-file
+ ;; (set-buffer (find-file-noselect out-file))
+ )
+ (t
+ (message "Export to %s failed" out-file)
+ nil))))
+(defvar org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines 'both)
+;; Following variables are let-bound during `org-lparse'
+(defvar org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos)
+(defvar org-lparse-toc)
+(defvar org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist)
+(defvar org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist)
+(defvar org-lparse-backend)
+(defvar org-lparse-body-only)
+(defvar org-lparse-to-buffer)
+(defun org-do-lparse (arg &optional hidden ext-plist
+ to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
+ "Export the outline to various formats.
+See `org-lparse' for more information. This function is a
+html-agnostic version of the `org-export-as-html' function in 7.5
+ ;; Make sure we have a file name when we need it.
+ (when (and (not (or to-buffer body-only))
+ (not buffer-file-name))
+ (if (buffer-base-buffer)
+ (org-set-local 'buffer-file-name
+ (with-current-buffer (buffer-base-buffer)
+ buffer-file-name))
+ (error "Need a file name to be able to export")))
+ (org-lparse-warn
+ (format "Exporting to %s using org-lparse..."
+ (upcase (symbol-name
+ (or org-lparse-backend org-lparse-other-backend)))))
+ (setq-default org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-line-regexp)
+ (setq-default org-deadline-line-regexp org-deadline-line-regexp)
+ (setq-default org-done-keywords org-done-keywords)
+ (setq-default org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp)
+ (let* (org-lparse-encode-pending
+ org-lparse-par-open
+ org-lparse-outline-text-open
+ (org-lparse-latex-fragment-fallback ; currently used only by
+ ; odt exporter
+ (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'LATEX-FRAGMENT-FALLBACK))
+ (if (and (org-check-external-command "latex" "" t)
+ (org-check-external-command "dvipng" "" t))
+ 'dvipng
+ 'verbatim)))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines 'both)
+ (org-lparse-to-buffer to-buffer)
+ (org-lparse-body-only body-only)
+ (org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-CONTROL))
+ (org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-FORMAT))
+ (opt-plist
+ (org-export-process-option-filters
+ (org-combine-plists (org-default-export-plist)
+ ext-plist
+ (org-infile-export-plist))))
+ (body-only (or body-only (plist-get opt-plist :body-only)))
+ valid org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos
+ (odd org-odd-levels-only)
+ (region-p (org-region-active-p))
+ (rbeg (and region-p (region-beginning)))
+ (rend (and region-p (region-end)))
+ (subtree-p
+ (if (plist-get opt-plist :ignore-subtree-p)
+ nil
+ (when region-p
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char rbeg)
+ (and (org-at-heading-p)
+ (>= (org-end-of-subtree t t) rend))))))
+ (level-offset (if subtree-p
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char rbeg)
+ (+ (funcall outline-level)
+ (if org-odd-levels-only 1 0)))
+ 0))
+ (opt-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist
+ (if subtree-p
+ (org-export-add-subtree-options opt-plist rbeg)
+ opt-plist)))
+ ;; The following two are dynamically scoped into other
+ ;; routines below.
+ (org-current-export-dir
+ (or pub-dir (org-lparse-get 'EXPORT-DIR opt-plist)))
+ (org-current-export-file buffer-file-name)
+ (level 0) (line "") (origline "") txt todo
+ (umax nil)
+ (umax-toc nil)
+ (filename (if to-buffer nil
+ (expand-file-name
+ (concat
+ (file-name-sans-extension
+ (or (and subtree-p
+ (org-entry-get (region-beginning)
+ (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
+ "." (org-lparse-get 'FILE-NAME-EXTENSION opt-plist))
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (or pub-dir (org-lparse-get 'EXPORT-DIR opt-plist))))))
+ (current-dir (if buffer-file-name
+ (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
+ default-directory))
+ (buffer (if to-buffer
+ (cond
+ ((eq to-buffer 'string)
+ (get-buffer-create (org-lparse-get 'EXPORT-BUFFER-NAME)))
+ (t (get-buffer-create to-buffer)))
+ (find-file-noselect
+ (or (let ((f (org-lparse-get 'INIT-METHOD)))
+ (and f (functionp f) (funcall f filename)))
+ filename))))
+ (org-levels-open (make-vector org-level-max nil))
+ (date (plist-get opt-plist :date))
+ (date (cond
+ ((and date (string-match "%" date))
+ (format-time-string date))
+ (date date)
+ (t (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T %Z"))))
+ (dummy (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist :effective-date date)))
+ (title (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links
+ (or (and subtree-p (org-export-get-title-from-subtree))
+ (plist-get opt-plist :title)
+ (and (not body-only)
+ (not
+ (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading))
+ (org-export-grab-title-from-buffer))
+ (and buffer-file-name
+ (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
+ (dummy (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist :title title)))
+ (html-table-tag (plist-get opt-plist :html-table-tag))
+ (quote-re0 (concat "^[ \t]*" org-quote-string "\\>"))
+ (quote-re (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)\\([ \t]+" org-quote-string "\\>\\)"))
+ (org-lparse-dyn-current-environment nil)
+ ;; Get the language-dependent settings
+ (lang-words (or (assoc (plist-get opt-plist :language)
+ org-export-language-setup)
+ (assoc "en" org-export-language-setup)))
+ (dummy (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist :lang-words lang-words)))
+ (head-count 0) cnt
+ (start 0)
+ (coding-system-for-write
+ (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'CODING-SYSTEM-FOR-WRITE))
+ (and (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system)
+ buffer-file-coding-system)))
+ (save-buffer-coding-system
+ (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'CODING-SYSTEM-FOR-SAVE))
+ (and (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system)
+ buffer-file-coding-system)))
+ (region
+ (buffer-substring
+ (if region-p (region-beginning) (point-min))
+ (if region-p (region-end) (point-max))))
+ (org-export-have-math nil)
+ (org-export-footnotes-seen nil)
+ (org-export-footnotes-data (org-footnote-all-labels 'with-defs))
+ (org-footnote-insert-pos-for-preprocessor 'point-min)
+ (lines
+ (org-split-string
+ (org-export-preprocess-string
+ region
+ :emph-multiline t
+ :for-backend (if (equal org-lparse-backend 'xhtml) ; hack
+ 'html
+ org-lparse-backend)
+ :skip-before-1st-heading
+ (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)
+ :drawers (plist-get opt-plist :drawers)
+ :todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords)
+ :tasks (plist-get opt-plist :tasks)
+ :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags)
+ :priority (plist-get opt-plist :priority)
+ :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes)
+ :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps)
+ :archived-trees
+ (plist-get opt-plist :archived-trees)
+ :select-tags (plist-get opt-plist :select-tags)
+ :exclude-tags (plist-get opt-plist :exclude-tags)
+ :add-text
+ (plist-get opt-plist :text)
+ :LaTeX-fragments
+ (plist-get opt-plist :LaTeX-fragments))
+ "[\r\n]"))
+ table-open
+ table-buffer table-orig-buffer
+ ind
+ rpl path attr desc descp desc1 desc2 link
+ snumber fnc
+ footnotes footref-seen
+ org-lparse-output-buffer
+ org-lparse-footnote-definitions
+ org-lparse-footnote-number
+ org-lparse-footnote-buffer
+ org-lparse-toc
+ href
+ )
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (org-unmodified
+ (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
+ '(:org-license-to-kill t))))
+ (message "Exporting...")
+ (org-init-section-numbers)
+ ;; Switch to the output buffer
+ (setq org-lparse-output-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer org-lparse-output-buffer)
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
+ (fundamental-mode)
+ (org-install-letbind)
+ (and (fboundp 'set-buffer-file-coding-system)
+ (set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write))
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+ (org-odd-levels-only odd))
+ ;; create local variables for all options, to make sure all called
+ ;; functions get the correct information
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (set (make-local-variable (nth 2 x))
+ (plist-get opt-plist (car x))))
+ org-export-plist-vars)
+ (setq umax (if arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)
+ org-export-headline-levels))
+ (setq umax-toc (if (integerp org-export-with-toc)
+ (min org-export-with-toc umax)
+ umax))
+ (when (and org-export-with-toc (not body-only))
+ (setq lines (org-lparse-prepare-toc
+ lines level-offset opt-plist umax-toc)))
+ (unless body-only
+ (org-lparse-begin 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT opt-plist)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'DOCUMENT-BODY opt-plist))
+ (setq head-count 0)
+ (org-init-section-numbers)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph)
+ (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line)
+ (catch 'nextline
+ (when (and (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'quote)
+ (string-match "^\\*+ " line))
+ (org-lparse-end-environment 'quote))
+ (when (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'quote)
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)
+ (throw 'nextline nil))
+ ;; Fixed-width, verbatim lines (examples)
+ (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width
+ (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(\\([ \t]\\|$\\)\\(.*\\)\\)" line))
+ (when (not (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'fixedwidth))
+ (org-lparse-begin-environment 'fixedwidth))
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE (match-string 3 line))
+ (when (or (not lines)
+ (not (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(\\([ \t]\\|$\\)\\(.*\\)\\)"
+ (car lines))))
+ (org-lparse-end-environment 'fixedwidth))
+ (throw 'nextline nil))
+ ;; Notes: The baseline version of org-html.el (git commit
+ ;; 3d802e), while encoutering a *line-long* protected text,
+ ;; does one of the following two things based on the state
+ ;; of the export buffer.
+ ;; 1. If a paragraph element has just been opened and
+ ;; contains only whitespace as content, insert the
+ ;; protected text as part of the previous paragraph.
+ ;; 2. If the paragraph element has already been opened and
+ ;; contains some valid content insert the protected text
+ ;; as part of the current paragraph.
+ ;; I think --->
+ ;; Scenario 1 mentioned above kicks in when a block of
+ ;; protected text has to be inserted enbloc. For example,
+ ;; this happens, when inserting an source or example block
+ ;; or preformatted content enclosed in #+backend,
+ ;; #+begin_bakend ... #+end_backend)
+ ;; Scenario 2 mentioned above kicks in when the protected
+ ;; text is part of a running sentence. For example this
+ ;; happens in the case of an *multiline* LaTeX equation that
+ ;; needs to be inserted verbatim.
+ ;; org-html.el in the master branch seems to do some
+ ;; jugglery by moving paragraphs around. Inorder to make
+ ;; these changes backend-agnostic introduce a new text
+ ;; property org-native-text and impose the added semantics
+ ;; that these protected blocks appear outside of a
+ ;; conventional paragraph element.
+ ;;
+ ;; Extra Note: Check whether org-example and org-native-text
+ ;; are entirely equivalent.
+ ;; Fixes bug reported by Christian Moe concerning verbatim
+ ;; LaTeX fragments.
+ ;; on git commit 533ba3f90250a1f25f494c390d639ea6274f235c
+ ;;
+ ;; See
+ ;; Native Text
+ (when (and (get-text-property 0 'org-native-text line)
+ ;; Make sure it is the entire line that is protected
+ (not (< (or (next-single-property-change
+ 0 'org-native-text line) 10000)
+ (length line))))
+ (let ((ind (get-text-property 0 'original-indentation line)))
+ (org-lparse-begin-environment 'native)
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)
+ (while (and lines
+ (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
+ (not ind)
+ (equal ind (get-text-property
+ 0 'original-indentation (car lines))))
+ (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
+ (get-text-property 0 'org-native-text (car lines))))
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE (pop lines)))
+ (org-lparse-end-environment 'native))
+ (throw 'nextline nil))
+ ;; Protected HTML
+ (when (and (get-text-property 0 'org-protected line)
+ ;; Make sure it is the entire line that is protected
+ (not (< (or (next-single-property-change
+ 0 'org-protected line) 10000)
+ (length line))))
+ (let ((ind (get-text-property 0 'original-indentation line)))
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)
+ (while (and lines
+ (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
+ (not ind)
+ (equal ind (get-text-property
+ 0 'original-indentation (car lines))))
+ (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
+ (get-text-property 0 'org-protected (car lines))))
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE (pop lines))))
+ (throw 'nextline nil))
+ ;; Blockquotes, verse, and center
+ (when (string-match "^ORG-\\(.+\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)$" line)
+ (let* ((style (intern (downcase (match-string 1 line))))
+ (f (cdr (assoc (match-string 2 line)
+ '(("START" . org-lparse-begin-environment)
+ ("END" . org-lparse-end-environment))))))
+ (when (memq style '(blockquote verse center))
+ (funcall f style)
+ (throw 'nextline nil))))
+ (run-hooks 'org-export-html-after-blockquotes-hook)
+ (when (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'verse)
+ (let ((i (org-get-string-indentation line)))
+ (if (> i 0)
+ (setq line (concat
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (org-lparse-format 'SPACES (* 2 i)))
+ " " (org-trim line))))
+ (unless (string-match "\\\\\\\\[ \t]*$" line)
+ (setq line (concat line "\\\\")))))
+ ;; make targets to anchors
+ (setq start 0)
+ (while (string-match
+ "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\((INVISIBLE)\\)?[ \t]*\n?" line start)
+ (cond
+ ((get-text-property (match-beginning 1) 'org-protected line)
+ (setq start (match-end 1)))
+ ((match-end 2)
+ (setq line (replace-match
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ANCHOR "" (org-solidify-link-text
+ (match-string 1 line))))
+ t t line)))
+ ((and org-export-with-toc (equal (string-to-char line) ?*))
+ ;; FIXME: NOT DEPENDENT on TOC?????????????????????
+ (setq line (replace-match
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'FONTIFY (match-string 1 line) "target"))
+ ;; (concat "@<i>" (match-string 1 line) "@</i> ")
+ t t line)))
+ (t
+ (setq line (replace-match
+ (concat
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'ANCHOR (match-string 1 line)
+ (org-solidify-link-text (match-string 1 line))
+ "target")) " ")
+ t t line)))))
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (setq line (org-lparse-handle-time-stamps line)))
+ ;; replace "&" by "&amp;", "<" and ">" by "&lt;" and "&gt;"
+ ;; handle @<..> HTML tags (replace "@&gt;..&lt;" by "<..>")
+ ;; Also handle sub_superscripts and checkboxes
+ (or (string-match org-table-hline-regexp line)
+ (string-match "^[ \t]*\\([+]-\\||[ ]\\)[-+ |]*[+|][ \t]*$" line)
+ (setq line (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links line)))
+ (setq line (org-lparse-format-org-link line opt-plist))
+ ;; TODO items
+ (if (and (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
+ (match-beginning 2))
+ (setq line (concat
+ (substring line 0 (match-beginning 2))
+ (org-lparse-format 'TODO (match-string 2 line))
+ (substring line (match-end 2)))))
+ ;; Does this contain a reference to a footnote?
+ (when org-export-with-footnotes
+ (setq start 0)
+ (while (string-match "\\([^* \t].*?\\)[ \t]*\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" line start)
+ ;; Discard protected matches not clearly identified as
+ ;; footnote markers.
+ (if (or (get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'org-protected line)
+ (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'org-footnote line)))
+ (setq start (match-end 2))
+ (let ((n (match-string 2 line)) refcnt a)
+ (if (setq a (assoc n footref-seen))
+ (progn
+ (setcdr a (1+ (cdr a)))
+ (setq refcnt (cdr a)))
+ (setq refcnt 1)
+ (push (cons n 1) footref-seen))
+ (setq line
+ (replace-match
+ (concat
+ (or (match-string 1 line) "")
+ (org-lparse-format
+ n (cdr (assoc n org-lparse-footnote-definitions))
+ refcnt)
+ ;; If another footnote is following the
+ ;; current one, add a separator.
+ (if (save-match-data
+ (string-match "\\`\\[[0-9]+\\]"
+ (substring line (match-end 0))))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (org-lparse-get 'FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR))
+ ""))
+ t t line))))))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^\\(\\*+\\)[ \t]+\\(.*\\)" line)
+ ;; This is a headline
+ (setq level (org-tr-level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
+ level-offset))
+ txt (match-string 2 line))
+ (if (string-match quote-re0 txt)
+ (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
+ (if (<= level (max umax umax-toc))
+ (setq head-count (+ head-count 1)))
+ (unless org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos
+ (setq org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos (point)))
+ (org-lparse-begin-level level txt umax head-count)
+ (when (string-match quote-re line)
+ (org-lparse-begin-environment 'quote)))
+ ((and org-export-with-tables
+ (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)" line))
+ (when (not table-open)
+ ;; New table starts
+ (setq table-open t table-buffer nil table-orig-buffer nil))
+ ;; Accumulate lines
+ (setq table-buffer (cons line table-buffer)
+ table-orig-buffer (cons origline table-orig-buffer))
+ (when (or (not lines)
+ (not (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)"
+ (car lines))))
+ (setq table-open nil
+ table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer)
+ table-orig-buffer (nreverse table-orig-buffer))
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (org-lparse-insert 'TABLE table-buffer table-orig-buffer)))
+ ;; Normal lines
+ (t
+ ;; This line either is list item or end a list.
+ (when (get-text-property 0 'list-item line)
+ (setq line (org-lparse-export-list-line
+ line
+ (get-text-property 0 'list-item line)
+ (get-text-property 0 'list-struct line)
+ (get-text-property 0 'list-prevs line))))
+ ;; Horizontal line
+ (when (string-match "^[ \t]*-\\{5,\\}[ \t]*$" line)
+ (with-org-lparse-preserve-paragraph-state
+ (org-lparse-insert 'HORIZONTAL-LINE))
+ (throw 'nextline nil))
+ ;; Empty lines start a new paragraph. If hand-formatted lists
+ ;; are not fully interpreted, lines starting with "-", "+", "*"
+ ;; also start a new paragraph.
+ (when (string-match "^ [-+*]-\\|^[ \t]*$" line)
+ (when org-lparse-footnote-number
+ (org-lparse-end-footnote-definition org-lparse-footnote-number)
+ (setq org-lparse-footnote-number nil))
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
+ ;; Is this the start of a footnote?
+ (when org-export-with-footnotes
+ (when (and (boundp 'footnote-section-tag-regexp)
+ (string-match (concat "^" footnote-section-tag-regexp)
+ line))
+ ;; ignore this line
+ (throw 'nextline nil))
+ (when (string-match "^[ \t]*\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" line)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (setq org-lparse-footnote-number (match-string 1 line))
+ (setq line (replace-match "" t t line))
+ (org-lparse-begin-footnote-definition org-lparse-footnote-number)))
+ ;; Check if the line break needs to be conserved
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\\\\\\\[ \t]*$" line)
+ (setq line (replace-match
+ (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK)
+ t t line)))
+ (org-export-preserve-breaks
+ (setq line (concat line (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK)))))
+ ;; Check if a paragraph should be started
+ (let ((start 0))
+ (while (and org-lparse-par-open
+ (string-match "\\\\par\\>" line start))
+ (error "FIXME")
+ ;; Leave a space in the </p> so that the footnote matcher
+ ;; does not see this.
+ (if (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 0)
+ 'org-protected line))
+ (setq line (replace-match "</p ><p >" t t line)))
+ (setq start (match-end 0))))
+ (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)))))
+ ;; Properly close all local lists and other lists
+ (when (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'quote)
+ (org-lparse-end-environment 'quote))
+ (org-lparse-end-level 1 umax)
+ ;; the </div> to close the last text-... div.
+ (when (and (> umax 0) org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos)
+ (org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline))
+ (org-lparse-end 'DOCUMENT-BODY opt-plist)
+ (unless body-only
+ (org-lparse-end 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT))
+ (unless (plist-get opt-plist :buffer-will-be-killed)
+ (set-auto-mode t))
+ (org-lparse-end 'EXPORT)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring
+ (upcase (symbol-name org-lparse-backend)))
+ (message "Exporting... done"))
+ (cond
+ ((not to-buffer)
+ (let ((f (org-lparse-get 'SAVE-METHOD)))
+ (or (and f (functionp f) (funcall f filename opt-plist))
+ (save-buffer)))
+ (or (when (and (boundp 'org-lparse-other-backend)
+ org-lparse-other-backend
+ (not (equal org-lparse-backend org-lparse-other-backend)))
+ (let ((org-export-convert-process (org-lparse-get 'CONVERT-METHOD)))
+ (when org-export-convert-process
+ (org-export-convert buffer-file-name
+ (symbol-name org-lparse-other-backend)))))
+ (current-buffer)))
+ ((eq to-buffer 'string)
+ (prog1 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+ (t (current-buffer))))))
+(defun org-lparse-format-table (lines olines)
+ "Retuns backend-specific code for org-type and table-type
+ (if (stringp lines)
+ (setq lines (org-split-string lines "\n")))
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|" (car lines))
+ ;; A normal org table
+ (org-lparse-format-org-table lines nil)
+ ;; Table made by table.el
+ (or (org-lparse-format-table-table-using-table-generate-source
+ org-lparse-backend olines
+ (not org-export-prefer-native-exporter-for-tables))
+ ;; We are here only when table.el table has NO col or row
+ ;; spanning and the user prefers using org's own converter for
+ ;; exporting of such simple table.el tables.
+ (org-lparse-format-table-table lines))))
+(defun org-lparse-table-get-colalign-info (lines)
+ (let ((forced-aligns (org-find-text-property-in-string
+ 'org-forced-aligns (car lines))))
+ (when (and forced-aligns org-table-clean-did-remove-column)
+ (setq forced-aligns
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (1- (car x)) (cdr x))) forced-aligns)))
+ forced-aligns))
+(defvar org-lparse-table-style)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-ncols)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rownum)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-is-styled)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-begin-marker)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-info)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-vector)
+;; Following variables are defined in org-table.el
+(defvar org-table-number-fraction)
+(defvar org-table-number-regexp)
+(defun org-lparse-do-format-org-table (lines &optional splice)
+ "Format a org-type table into backend-specific code.
+LINES is a list of lines. Optional argument SPLICE means, do not
+insert header and surrounding <table> tags, just format the lines.
+Optional argument NO-CSS means use XHTML attributes instead of CSS
+for formatting. This is required for the DocBook exporter."
+ (require 'org-table)
+ ;; Get rid of hlines at beginning and end
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
+ (setq lines (nreverse lines))
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
+ (setq lines (nreverse lines))
+ (when org-export-table-remove-special-lines
+ ;; Check if the table has a marking column. If yes remove the
+ ;; column and the special lines
+ (setq lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines)))
+ (let* ((caption (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption (car lines)))
+ (caption (and caption (org-xml-encode-org-text caption)))
+ (label (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-label (car lines)))
+ (org-lparse-table-colalign-info (org-lparse-table-get-colalign-info lines))
+ (attributes (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-attributes
+ (car lines)))
+ (head (and org-export-highlight-first-table-line
+ (delq nil (mapcar
+ (lambda (x) (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" x))
+ (cdr lines)))))
+ (org-lparse-table-rownum -1) org-lparse-table-ncols i (cnt 0)
+ tbopen line fields
+ org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr
+ org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open
+ org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column
+ org-lparse-table-colalign-vector n
+ org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info
+ org-lparse-table-begin-marker
+ (org-lparse-table-style 'org-table)
+ org-lparse-table-is-styled)
+ (cond
+ (splice
+ (setq org-lparse-table-is-styled nil)
+ (while (setq line (pop lines))
+ (unless (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" line)
+ (insert
+ (org-lparse-format-table-row
+ (org-split-string line "[ \t]*|[ \t]*")) "\n"))))
+ (t
+ (setq org-lparse-table-is-styled t)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'TABLE caption label attributes)
+ (setq org-lparse-table-begin-marker (point))
+ (org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup head)
+ (while (setq line (pop lines))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^[ \t]*|-" line)
+ (when lines (org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup)))
+ (t
+ (insert
+ (org-lparse-format-table-row
+ (org-split-string line "[ \t]*|[ \t]*")) "\n"))))
+ (org-lparse-end 'TABLE-ROWGROUP)
+ (org-lparse-end-table)))))
+(defun org-lparse-format-org-table (lines &optional splice)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (org-lparse-do-format-org-table lines splice)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun org-lparse-do-format-table-table (lines)
+ "Format a table generated by table.el into backend-specific code.
+This conversion does *not* use `table-generate-source' from table.el.
+This has the advantage that Org-mode's HTML conversions can be used.
+But it has the disadvantage, that no cell- or row-spanning is allowed."
+ (let (line field-buffer
+ (org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr
+ org-export-highlight-first-table-line)
+ (caption nil)
+ (attributes nil)
+ (label nil)
+ (org-lparse-table-style 'table-table)
+ (org-lparse-table-is-styled nil)
+ fields org-lparse-table-ncols i (org-lparse-table-rownum -1)
+ (empty (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 1)))
+ (org-lparse-begin 'TABLE caption label attributes)
+ (while (setq line (pop lines))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^[ \t]*\\+-" line)
+ (when field-buffer
+ (let ((org-export-table-row-tags '("<tr>" . "</tr>"))
+ ;; (org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column nil)
+ )
+ (insert (org-lparse-format-table-row field-buffer empty)))
+ (setq org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr nil)
+ (setq field-buffer nil)))
+ (t
+ ;; Break the line into fields and store the fields
+ (setq fields (org-split-string line "[ \t]*|[ \t]*"))
+ (if field-buffer
+ (setq field-buffer (mapcar
+ (lambda (x)
+ (concat x (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK)
+ (pop fields)))
+ field-buffer))
+ (setq field-buffer fields)))))
+ (org-lparse-end-table)))
+(defun org-lparse-format-table-table (lines)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (org-lparse-do-format-table-table lines)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun org-lparse-format-table-table-using-table-generate-source (backend
+ lines
+ &optional
+ spanned-only)
+ "Format a table into BACKEND, using `table-generate-source' from table.el.
+Use SPANNED-ONLY to suppress exporting of simple table.el tables.
+When SPANNED-ONLY is nil, all table.el tables are exported. When
+SPANNED-ONLY is non-nil, only tables with either row or column
+spans are exported.
+This routine returns the generated source or nil as appropriate.
+Refer docstring of `org-export-prefer-native-exporter-for-tables'
+for further information."
+ (require 'table)
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " org-tmp1 ")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (mapconcat 'identity lines "\n"))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (not (re-search-forward "|[^+]" nil t))
+ (error "Error processing table"))
+ (table-recognize-table)
+ (when (or (not spanned-only)
+ (let* ((dim (table-query-dimension))
+ (c (nth 4 dim)) (r (nth 5 dim)) (cells (nth 6 dim)))
+ (not (= (* c r) cells))))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " org-tmp2 ") (erase-buffer))
+ (cond
+ ((member backend table-source-languages)
+ (table-generate-source backend " org-tmp2 ")
+ (set-buffer " org-tmp2 ")
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (t
+ ;; table.el doesn't support the given backend. Currently this
+ ;; happens in case of odt export. Strip the table from the
+ ;; generated document. A better alternative would be to embed
+ ;; the table as ascii text in the output document.
+ (org-lparse-warn
+ (concat
+ "Found table.el-type table in the source org file. "
+ (format "table.el doesn't support %s backend. "
+ (upcase (symbol-name backend)))
+ "Skipping ahead ..."))
+ "")))))
+(defun org-lparse-handle-time-stamps (s)
+ "Format time stamps in string S, or remove them."
+ (catch 'exit
+ (let (r b)
+ (while (string-match org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp s)
+ (or b (setq b (substring s 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+ (setq r (concat
+ r (substring s 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ (concat
+ (if (match-end 1)
+ (org-lparse-format
+ (match-string 1 s) "timestamp-kwd"))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ (substring (org-translate-time (match-string 3 s)) 1 -1)
+ "timestamp"))
+ "timestamp-wrapper"))
+ s (substring s (match-end 0))))
+ ;; Line break if line started and ended with time stamp stuff
+ (if (not r)
+ s
+ (setq r (concat r s))
+ (unless (string-match "\\S-" (concat b s))
+ (setq r (concat r (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK))))
+ r))))
+(defun org-xml-encode-plain-text (s)
+ "Convert plain text characters to HTML equivalent.
+Possible conversions are set in `org-export-html-protect-char-alist'."
+ (let ((cl (org-lparse-get 'PLAIN-TEXT-MAP)) c)
+ (while (setq c (pop cl))
+ (let ((start 0))
+ (while (string-match (car c) s start)
+ (setq s (replace-match (cdr c) t t s)
+ start (1+ (match-beginning 0))))))
+ s))
+(defun org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links (string)
+ "Prepare STRING for HTML export. Apply all active conversions.
+If there are links in the string, don't modify these."
+ (let* ((re (concat org-bracket-link-regexp "\\|"
+ (org-re "[ \t]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \t]*$")))
+ m s l res)
+ (while (setq m (string-match re string))
+ (setq s (substring string 0 m)
+ l (match-string 0 string)
+ string (substring string (match-end 0)))
+ (push (org-xml-encode-org-text s) res)
+ (push l res))
+ (push (org-xml-encode-org-text string) res)
+ (apply 'concat (nreverse res))))
+(defun org-xml-encode-org-text (s)
+ "Apply all active conversions to translate special ASCII to HTML."
+ (setq s (org-xml-encode-plain-text s))
+ (if org-export-html-expand
+ (while (string-match "@&lt;\\([^&]*\\)&gt;" s)
+ (setq s (replace-match "<\\1>" t nil s))))
+ (if org-export-with-emphasize
+ (setq s (org-lparse-apply-char-styles s)))
+ (if org-export-with-special-strings
+ (setq s (org-lparse-convert-special-strings s)))
+ (if org-export-with-sub-superscripts
+ (setq s (org-lparse-apply-sub-superscript-styles s)))
+ (if org-export-with-TeX-macros
+ (let ((start 0) wd rep)
+ (while (setq start (string-match "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*\\)\\({}\\)?"
+ s start))
+ (if (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'org-protected s)
+ (setq start (match-end 0))
+ (setq wd (match-string 1 s))
+ (if (setq rep (org-lparse-format 'ORG-ENTITY wd))
+ (setq s (replace-match rep t t s))
+ (setq start (+ start (length wd))))))))
+ s)
+(defun org-lparse-convert-special-strings (string)
+ "Convert special characters in STRING to HTML."
+ (let ((all (org-lparse-get 'SPECIAL-STRING-REGEXPS))
+ e a re rpl start)
+ (while (setq a (pop all))
+ (setq re (car a) rpl (cdr a) start 0)
+ (while (string-match re string start)
+ (if (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'org-protected string)
+ (setq start (match-end 0))
+ (setq string (replace-match rpl t nil string)))))
+ string))
+(defun org-lparse-apply-sub-superscript-styles (string)
+ "Apply subscript and superscript styles to STRING.
+Use `org-export-with-sub-superscripts' to control application of
+sub and superscript styles."
+ (let (key c (s 0) (requireb (eq org-export-with-sub-superscripts '{})))
+ (while (string-match org-match-substring-regexp string s)
+ (cond
+ ((and requireb (match-end 8)) (setq s (match-end 2)))
+ ((get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'org-protected string)
+ (setq s (match-end 2)))
+ (t
+ (setq s (match-end 1)
+ key (if (string= (match-string 2 string) "_")
+ 'subscript 'superscript)
+ c (or (match-string 8 string)
+ (match-string 6 string)
+ (match-string 5 string))
+ string (replace-match
+ (concat (match-string 1 string)
+ (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY c key))
+ t t string)))))
+ (while (string-match "\\\\\\([_^]\\)" string)
+ (setq string (replace-match (match-string 1 string) t t string)))
+ string))
+(defvar org-lparse-char-styles
+ `(("*" bold)
+ ("/" emphasis)
+ ("_" underline)
+ ("=" code)
+ ("~" verbatim)
+ ("+" strike))
+ "Map Org emphasis markers to char styles.
+This is an alist where each element is of the
+(defun org-lparse-apply-char-styles (string)
+ "Apply char styles to STRING.
+The variable `org-lparse-char-styles' controls how the Org
+emphasis markers are interpreted."
+ (let ((s 0) rpl)
+ (while (string-match org-emph-re string s)
+ (if (not (equal
+ (substring string (match-beginning 3) (1+ (match-beginning 3)))
+ (substring string (match-beginning 4) (1+ (match-beginning 4)))))
+ (setq s (match-beginning 0)
+ rpl
+ (concat
+ (match-string 1 string)
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'FONTIFY (match-string 4 string)
+ (nth 1 (assoc (match-string 3 string)
+ org-lparse-char-styles)))
+ (match-string 5 string))
+ string (replace-match rpl t t string)
+ s (+ s (- (length rpl) 2)))
+ (setq s (1+ s))))
+ string))
+(defun org-lparse-export-list-line (line pos struct prevs)
+ "Insert list syntax in export buffer. Return LINE, maybe modified.
+POS is the item position or line position the line had before
+modifications to buffer. STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is
+the alist of previous items."
+ (let* ((get-type
+ (function
+ ;; Translate type of list containing POS to "d", "o" or
+ ;; "u".
+ (lambda (pos struct prevs)
+ (let ((type (org-list-get-list-type pos struct prevs)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq 'ordered type) "o")
+ ((eq 'descriptive type) "d")
+ (t "u"))))))
+ (get-closings
+ (function
+ ;; Return list of all items and sublists ending at POS, in
+ ;; reverse order.
+ (lambda (pos)
+ (let (out)
+ (catch 'exit
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let ((end (nth 6 e))
+ (item (car e)))
+ (cond
+ ((= end pos) (push item out))
+ ((>= item pos) (throw 'exit nil)))))
+ struct))
+ out)))))
+ ;; First close any previous item, or list, ending at POS.
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let* ((lastp (= (org-list-get-last-item e struct prevs) e))
+ (first-item (org-list-get-list-begin e struct prevs))
+ (type (funcall get-type first-item struct prevs)))
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ ;; Ending for every item
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item type)
+ ;; We're ending last item of the list: end list.
+ (when lastp
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST type)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (funcall get-closings pos))
+ (cond
+ ;; At an item: insert appropriate tags in export buffer.
+ ((assq pos struct)
+ (string-match
+ (concat "[ \t]*\\(\\S-+[ \t]*\\)"
+ "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\]\\)?"
+ "\\(?:\\(\\[[ X-]\\]\\)[ \t]+\\)?"
+ "\\(?:\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::[ \t]+\\)?"
+ "\\(.*\\)") line)
+ (let* ((checkbox (match-string 3 line))
+ (desc-tag (or (match-string 4 line) "???"))
+ (body (or (match-string 5 line) ""))
+ (list-beg (org-list-get-list-begin pos struct prevs))
+ (firstp (= list-beg pos))
+ ;; Always refer to first item to determine list type, in
+ ;; case list is ill-formed.
+ (type (funcall get-type list-beg struct prevs))
+ (counter (let ((count-tmp (org-list-get-counter pos struct)))
+ (cond
+ ((not count-tmp) nil)
+ ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" count-tmp)
+ (- (string-to-char (upcase count-tmp)) 64))
+ ((string-match "[0-9]+" count-tmp)
+ count-tmp)))))
+ (when firstp
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST type))
+ (let ((arg (cond ((equal type "d") desc-tag)
+ ((equal type "o") counter))))
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM type arg))
+ ;; If line had a checkbox, some additional modification is required.
+ (when checkbox
+ (setq body
+ (concat
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'FONTIFY (concat
+ "["
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "X" checkbox) "X")
+ ((string-match " " checkbox)
+ (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 1))
+ (t "-"))
+ "]")
+ 'code)
+ " "
+ body)))
+ ;; Return modified line
+ body))
+ ;; At a list ender: go to next line (side-effects only).
+ ((equal "ORG-LIST-END-MARKER" line) (throw 'nextline nil))
+ ;; Not at an item: return line unchanged (side-effects only).
+ (t line))))
+(defun org-lparse-bind-local-variables (opt-plist)
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (set (make-local-variable (nth 2 x))
+ (plist-get opt-plist (car x))))
+ org-export-plist-vars))
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr)
+(defvar org-lparse-footnote-number)
+(defvar org-lparse-footnote-definitions)
+(defvar org-lparse-footnote-buffer)
+(defvar org-lparse-output-buffer)
+(defcustom org-lparse-debug nil
+ "."
+ :group 'org-lparse
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defun org-lparse-begin (entity &rest args)
+ "Begin ENTITY in current buffer. ARGS is entity specific.
+Use (org-lparse-begin 'LIST \"o\") to begin a list in current
+See `org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist' for more
+ (when (and (member org-lparse-debug '(t control))
+ (not (eq entity 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT)))
+ (insert (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT "%s BEGIN %S" entity args)))
+ (let ((f (cadr (assoc entity org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist))))
+ (unless f (error "Unknown entity: %s" entity))
+ (apply f args)))
+(defun org-lparse-end (entity &rest args)
+ "Close ENTITY in current buffer. ARGS is entity specific.
+Use (org-lparse-end 'LIST \"o\") to close a list in current
+See `org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist' for more
+ (when (and (member org-lparse-debug '(t control))
+ (not (eq entity 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT)))
+ (insert (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT "%s END %S" entity args)))
+ (let ((f (caddr (assoc entity org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist))))
+ (unless f (error "Unknown entity: %s" entity))
+ (apply f args)))
+(defun org-lparse-begin-paragraph (&optional style)
+ "Insert <p>, but first close previous paragraph if any."
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'PARAGRAPH style)
+ (setq org-lparse-par-open t))
+(defun org-lparse-end-paragraph ()
+ "Close paragraph if there is one open."
+ (when org-lparse-par-open
+ (org-lparse-end 'PARAGRAPH)
+ (setq org-lparse-par-open nil)))
+(defun org-lparse-end-list-item (&optional type)
+ "Close <li> if necessary."
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST-ITEM (or type "u")))
+(defvar org-lparse-dyn-current-environment nil)
+(defun org-lparse-begin-environment (style)
+ (assert (not org-lparse-dyn-current-environment) t)
+ (setq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment style)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'ENVIRONMENT style))
+(defun org-lparse-end-environment (style)
+ (org-lparse-end 'ENVIRONMENT style)
+ (assert (eq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment style) t)
+ (setq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment nil))
+(defun org-lparse-current-environment-p (style)
+ (eq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment style))
+(defun org-lparse-begin-footnote-definition (n)
+ (unless org-lparse-footnote-buffer
+ (setq org-lparse-footnote-buffer
+ (get-buffer-create "*Org HTML Export Footnotes*")))
+ (set-buffer org-lparse-footnote-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (setq org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines nil)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'FOOTNOTE-DEFINITION n))
+(defun org-lparse-end-footnote-definition (n)
+ (org-lparse-end 'FOOTNOTE-DEFINITION n)
+ (setq org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines 'both)
+ (push (cons n (buffer-string)) org-lparse-footnote-definitions)
+ (set-buffer org-lparse-output-buffer))
+(defun org-lparse-format (entity &rest args)
+ "Format ENTITY in backend-specific way and return it.
+ARGS is specific to entity being formatted.
+Use (org-lparse-format 'HEADING \"text\" 1) to format text as
+level 1 heading.
+See `org-xhtml-entity-format-callbacks-alist' for more information."
+ (when (and (member org-lparse-debug '(t format))
+ (not (equal entity 'COMMENT)))
+ (insert (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT "%s: %S" entity args)))
+ (cond
+ ((consp entity)
+ (let ((text (pop args)))
+ (apply 'org-lparse-format 'TAGS entity text args)))
+ (t
+ (let ((f (cdr (assoc entity org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist))))
+ (unless f (error "Unknown entity: %s" entity))
+ (apply f args)))))
+(defun org-lparse-insert (entity &rest args)
+ (insert (apply 'org-lparse-format entity args)))
+(defun org-lparse-prepare-toc (lines level-offset opt-plist umax-toc)
+ (let* ((quote-re0 (concat "^[ \t]*" org-quote-string "\\>"))
+ (org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset))
+ (org-last-level org-min-level)
+ level)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (org-lparse-bind-local-variables opt-plist)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'TOC (nth 3 (plist-get opt-plist :lang-words)))
+ (setq
+ lines
+ (mapcar
+ #'(lambda (line)
+ (when (and (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
+ (not (get-text-property 0 'org-protected line))
+ (<= (setq level (org-tr-level
+ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
+ level-offset)))
+ umax-toc))
+ (let ((txt (save-match-data
+ (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links
+ (org-export-cleanup-toc-line
+ (match-string 3 line)))))
+ (todo (and
+ org-export-mark-todo-in-toc
+ (or (and (match-beginning 2)
+ (not (member (match-string 2 line)
+ org-done-keywords)))
+ (and (= level umax-toc)
+ (org-search-todo-below
+ line lines level)))))
+ tags)
+ ;; Check for targets
+ (while (string-match org-any-target-regexp line)
+ (setq line
+ (replace-match
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY
+ (match-string 1 line) "target"))
+ t t line)))
+ (when (string-match
+ (org-re "[ \t]+:\\([[:alnum:]_@:]+\\):[ \t]*$") txt)
+ (setq tags (match-string 1 txt)
+ txt (replace-match "" t nil txt)))
+ (when (string-match quote-re0 txt)
+ (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
+ (while (string-match "&lt;\\(&lt;\\)+\\|&gt;\\(&gt;\\)+" txt)
+ (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ (let* ((snumber (org-section-number level))
+ (href (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\\." "-" (format "sec-%s" snumber)))
+ (href
+ (or
+ (cdr (assoc
+ href org-export-preferred-target-alist))
+ href))
+ (href (org-solidify-link-text href)))
+ (org-lparse-format 'TOC-ENTRY snumber todo txt tags href))
+ level org-last-level)
+ (setq org-last-level level)))
+ line)
+ lines))
+ (org-lparse-end 'TOC)
+ (setq org-lparse-toc (buffer-string))))
+ lines)
+(defun org-lparse-format-table-row (fields &optional text-for-empty-fields)
+ (unless org-lparse-table-ncols
+ ;; first row of the table
+ (setq org-lparse-table-ncols (length fields))
+ (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
+ (setq org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column
+ (make-vector org-lparse-table-ncols 0))
+ (setq org-lparse-table-colalign-vector
+ (make-vector org-lparse-table-ncols nil))
+ (let ((c -1))
+ (while (< (incf c) org-lparse-table-ncols)
+ (let ((cookie (cdr (assoc (1+ c) org-lparse-table-colalign-info))))
+ (setf (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)
+ (cond
+ ((string= cookie "l") "left")
+ ((string= cookie "r") "right")
+ ((string= cookie "c") "center")
+ (t nil))))))))
+ (incf org-lparse-table-rownum)
+ (let ((i -1))
+ (org-lparse-format
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (when (and (string= x "") text-for-empty-fields)
+ (setq x text-for-empty-fields))
+ (incf i)
+ (and org-lparse-table-is-styled
+ (< i org-lparse-table-ncols)
+ (string-match org-table-number-regexp x)
+ (incf (aref org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column i)))
+ (org-lparse-format 'TABLE-CELL x org-lparse-table-rownum i))
+ fields "\n"))))
+(defun org-lparse-get (what &optional opt-plist)
+ "Query for value of WHAT for the current backend `org-lparse-backend'.
+See also `org-lparse-backend-get'."
+ (if (boundp 'org-lparse-backend)
+ (org-lparse-backend-get (symbol-name org-lparse-backend) what opt-plist)
+ (error "org-lparse-backend is not bound yet")))
+(defun org-lparse-backend-get (backend what &optional opt-plist)
+ "Query BACKEND for value of WHAT.
+Dispatch the call to `org-<backend>-user-get'. If that throws an
+error, dispatch the call to `org-<backend>-get'. See
+`org-xhtml-get' for all known settings queried for by
+`org-lparse' during the course of export."
+ (assert (stringp backend) t)
+ (unless (org-lparse-backend-is-native-p backend)
+ (error "Unknown native backend %s" backend))
+ (let ((backend-get-method (intern (format "org-%s-get" backend)))
+ (backend-user-get-method (intern (format "org-%s-user-get" backend))))
+ (cond
+ ((functionp backend-get-method)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (funcall backend-user-get-method what opt-plist)
+ (error (funcall backend-get-method what opt-plist))))
+ (t
+ (error "Native backend %s doesn't define %s" backend backend-get-method)))))
+(defun org-lparse-insert-tag (tag &rest args)
+ (when (member org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines '(lead both))
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (insert (apply 'format tag args))
+ (when (member org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines '(trail both))
+ (insert "\n")))
+(defun org-lparse-get-targets-from-title (title)
+ (let* ((target (org-get-text-property-any 0 'target title))
+ (extra-targets (assoc target org-export-target-aliases))
+ (target (or (cdr (assoc target org-export-preferred-target-alist))
+ target)))
+ (cons target (remove target extra-targets))))
+(defun org-lparse-suffix-from-snumber (snumber)
+ (let* ((snu (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." "-" snumber))
+ (href (cdr (assoc (concat "sec-" snu)
+ org-export-preferred-target-alist))))
+ (org-solidify-link-text (or href snu))))
+(defun org-lparse-begin-level (level title umax head-count)
+ "Insert a new LEVEL in HTML export.
+When TITLE is nil, just close all open levels."
+ (org-lparse-end-level level umax)
+ (unless title (error "Why is heading nil"))
+ (let* ((targets (org-lparse-get-targets-from-title title))
+ (target (car targets)) (extra-targets (cdr targets))
+ (target (and target (org-solidify-link-text target)))
+ (extra-class (org-get-text-property-any 0 'html-container-class title))
+ snumber tags level1 class)
+ (when (string-match (org-re "\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \t]*$") title)
+ (setq tags (and org-export-with-tags (match-string 1 title)))
+ (setq title (replace-match "" t t title)))
+ (if (> level umax)
+ (progn
+ (if (aref org-levels-open (1- level))
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item)
+ (aset org-levels-open (1- level) t)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST 'unordered))
+ (org-lparse-begin
+ 'LIST-ITEM 'unordered target
+ (org-lparse-format 'HEADLINE title extra-targets tags)))
+ (aset org-levels-open (1- level) t)
+ (setq snumber (org-section-number level))
+ (setq level1 (+ level (or (org-lparse-get 'TOPLEVEL-HLEVEL) 1) -1))
+ (unless (= head-count 1)
+ (org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline))
+ (org-lparse-begin-outline-and-outline-text
+ level1 snumber title tags target extra-targets extra-class)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+(defun org-lparse-end-level (level umax)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (loop for l from org-level-max downto level
+ do (when (aref org-levels-open (1- l))
+ ;; Terminate one level in HTML export
+ (if (<= l umax)
+ (org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline)
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST 'unordered))
+ (aset org-levels-open (1- l) nil))))
+(defvar org-lparse-outline-text-open)
+(defun org-lparse-begin-outline-and-outline-text (level1 snumber title tags
+ target extra-targets
+ extra-class)
+ (org-lparse-begin
+ 'OUTLINE level1 snumber title tags target extra-targets extra-class)
+ (org-lparse-begin-outline-text level1 snumber extra-class))
+(defun org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline ()
+ (cond
+ (org-lparse-outline-text-open
+ (org-lparse-end 'OUTLINE-TEXT)
+ (setq org-lparse-outline-text-open nil))
+ (t (org-lparse-end 'OUTLINE))))
+(defun org-lparse-begin-outline-text (level1 snumber extra-class)
+ (assert (not org-lparse-outline-text-open) t)
+ (setq org-lparse-outline-text-open t)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'OUTLINE-TEXT level1 snumber extra-class))
+(defun org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type (ltype)
+ (cdr (assoc ltype '(("o" . ordered)
+ ("u" . unordered)
+ ("d" . description)))))
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
+(defun org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup (&optional is-header-row)
+ (push (cons (1+ org-lparse-table-rownum) :start) org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'TABLE-ROWGROUP is-header-row))
+(defun org-lparse-end-table ()
+ (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
+ ;; column groups
+ (unless (car org-table-colgroup-info)
+ (setq org-table-colgroup-info
+ (cons :start (cdr org-table-colgroup-info))))
+ ;; column alignment
+ (let ((c -1))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (x)
+ (incf c)
+ (setf (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)
+ (or (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)
+ (if (> (/ (float x) (1+ org-lparse-table-rownum))
+ org-table-number-fraction)
+ "right" "left"))))
+ org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column)))
+ (org-lparse-end 'TABLE))
+(defvar org-lparse-encode-pending nil)
+(defun org-lparse-format-tags (tag text prefix suffix &rest args)
+ (cond
+ ((consp tag)
+ (concat prefix (apply 'format (car tag) args) text suffix
+ (format (cdr tag))))
+ ((stringp tag) ; singleton tag
+ (concat prefix (apply 'format tag args) text))))
+(defun org-xml-fix-class-name (kwd) ; audit callers of this function
+ "Turn todo keyword into a valid class name.
+Replaces invalid characters with \"_\"."
+ (save-match-data
+ (while (string-match "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" kwd)
+ (setq kwd (replace-match "_" t t kwd))))
+ kwd)
+(defun org-lparse-format-todo (todo)
+ (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY
+ (concat
+ (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'TODO-KWD-CLASS-PREFIX))
+ (org-xml-fix-class-name todo))
+ (list (if (member todo org-done-keywords) "done" "todo")
+ todo)))
+(defun org-lparse-format-extra-targets (extra-targets)
+ (if (not extra-targets) ""
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x)
+ (setq x (org-solidify-link-text
+ (if (org-uuidgen-p x) (concat "ID-" x) x)))
+ (org-lparse-format 'ANCHOR "" x))
+ extra-targets "")))
+(defun org-lparse-format-org-tags (tags)
+ (if (not tags) ""
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'FONTIFY (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (org-lparse-format
+ (concat
+ (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'TAG-CLASS-PREFIX))
+ (org-xml-fix-class-name x))))
+ (org-split-string tags ":")
+ (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 1)) "tag")))
+(defun org-lparse-format-section-number (&optional snumber level)
+ (and org-export-with-section-numbers
+ (not body-only) snumber level
+ (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY snumber (format "section-number-%d" level))))
+(defun org-lparse-warn (msg)
+ (put-text-property 0 (length msg) 'face 'font-lock-warning-face msg)
+ (message msg)
+ (sleep-for 3))
+(defun org-xml-format-href (s)
+ "Make sure the S is valid as a href reference in an XHTML document."
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((start 0))
+ (while (string-match "&" s start)
+ (setq start (+ (match-beginning 0) 3)
+ s (replace-match "&amp;" t t s)))))
+ s)
+(defun org-xml-format-desc (s)
+ "Make sure the S is valid as a description in a link."
+ (if (and s (not (get-text-property 1 'org-protected s)))
+ (save-match-data
+ (org-xml-encode-org-text s))
+ s))
+(provide 'org-lparse)
+;;; org-lparse.el ends here
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-odt.el b/contrib/lisp/org-odt.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad53204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-odt.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1513 @@
+;;; org-odt.el --- OpenDocumentText export for Org-mode
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011
+;; Jambunathan <kjambunathan at gmail dot com>
+;; Author: Jambunathan K <kjambunathan at gmail dot com>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; Version: 0.8
+;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; However, it is distributed under the same license.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Use M-x `org-odt-unit-test' to test drive the exporter
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'org-lparse)
+(defun org-odt-end-export ()
+ ;; remove empty paragraphs
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "<text:p\\( text:style-name=\"Text_20_body\"\\)?>[ \r\n\t]*</text:p>"
+ nil t)
+ (replace-match ""))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; Convert whitespace place holders
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (beg end n)
+ (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-whitespace))
+ (setq n (get-text-property beg 'org-whitespace)
+ end (next-single-property-change beg 'org-whitespace))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (insert (format "<span style=\"visibility:hidden;\">%s</span>"
+ (make-string n ?x)))))
+ ;; Remove empty lines at the beginning of the file.
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (looking-at "\\s-+\n") (replace-match ""))
+ ;; Remove display properties
+ (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(display t)))
+(defvar org-odt-suppress-xref nil)
+(defconst org-export-odt-special-string-regexps
+ '(("\\\\-" . "&#x00ad;\\1") ; shy
+ ("---\\([^-]\\)" . "&#x2014;\\1") ; mdash
+ ("--\\([^-]\\)" . "&#x2013;\\1") ; ndash
+ ("\\.\\.\\." . "&#x2026;")) ; hellip
+ "Regular expressions for special string conversion.")
+(defconst org-odt-lib-dir (file-name-directory load-file-name))
+(defconst org-odt-data-dir
+ (let ((dir1 (expand-file-name ".." org-odt-lib-dir)) ; git
+ (dir2 (expand-file-name "./contrib/odt" org-odt-lib-dir))) ; elpa
+ (cond
+ ((file-directory-p dir1) dir1)
+ ((file-directory-p dir2) dir2)
+ (t (error "Cannot find factory styles file. Check package dir layout")))))
+(defvar org-odt-file-extensions
+ '(("odt" . "OpenDocument Text")
+ ("ott" . "OpenDocument Text Template")
+ ("odm" . "OpenDocument Master Document")
+ ("ods" . "OpenDocument Spreadsheet")
+ ("ots" . "OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template")
+ ("odg" . "OpenDocument Drawing (Graphics)")
+ ("otg" . "OpenDocument Drawing Template")
+ ("odp" . "OpenDocument Presentation")
+ ("otp" . "OpenDocument Presentation Template")
+ ("odi" . "OpenDocument Image")
+ ("odf" . "OpenDocument Formula")
+ ("odc" . "OpenDocument Chart")
+ ("doc" . "Microsoft Text")
+ ("docx" . "Microsoft Text")
+ ("xls" . "Microsoft Spreadsheet")
+ ("xlsx" . "Microsoft Spreadsheet")
+ ("ppt" . "Microsoft Presentation")
+ ("pptx" . "Microsoft Presentation")))
+(defvar org-odt-ms-file-extensions
+ '(("doc" . "Microsoft Text")
+ ("docx" . "Microsoft Text")
+ ("xls" . "Microsoft Spreadsheet")
+ ("xlsx" . "Microsoft Spreadsheet")
+ ("ppt" . "Microsoft Presentation")
+ ("pptx" . "Microsoft Presentation")))
+;; RelaxNG validation of OpenDocument xml files
+(eval-after-load 'rng-nxml
+ '(setq rng-nxml-auto-validate-flag t))
+(eval-after-load 'rng-loc
+ '(add-to-list 'rng-schema-locating-files
+ (expand-file-name "etc/schema/schemas.xml" org-odt-data-dir)))
+ (lambda (desc)
+ ;; Let Org open all OpenDocument files using system-registered app
+ (add-to-list 'org-file-apps
+ (cons (concat "\\." (car desc) "\\'") 'system))
+ ;; Let Emacs open all OpenDocument files in archive mode
+ (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
+ (cons (concat "\\." (car desc) "\\'") 'archive-mode)))
+ org-odt-file-extensions)
+ (lambda (desc)
+ ;; Let Org open all Microsoft files using system-registered app
+ (add-to-list 'org-file-apps
+ (cons (concat "\\." (car desc) "\\'") 'system)))
+ org-odt-ms-file-extensions)
+;; register the odt exporter
+(add-to-list 'org-export-backends 'odt)
+(defcustom org-export-odt-automatic-styles-file nil
+ "Default style file for use with ODT exporter."
+ :group 'org-export-odt
+ :type 'file)
+;; TODO: Make configuration user-friendly.
+(defcustom org-export-odt-styles-file nil
+ "Default style file for use with ODT exporter.
+Valid values are path to an styles.xml file or a path to a valid
+*.odt or a *.ott file or a list of the form (FILE (MEMBER1
+MEMBER2 ...)). In the last case, the specified FILE is unzipped
+and MEMBER1, MEMBER2 etc are copied in to the generated odt
+file. The last form is particularly useful if the styles.xml has
+reference to additional files like header and footer images.
+ :group 'org-export-odt
+ :type 'file)
+(defconst org-export-odt-tmpdir-prefix "odt-")
+(defconst org-export-odt-bookmark-prefix "OrgXref.")
+(defcustom org-export-odt-use-bookmarks-for-internal-links t
+ "Export Internal links as bookmarks?."
+ :group 'org-export-odt
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-export-odt-embed-images t
+ "Should the images be copied in to the odt file or just linked?"
+ :group 'org-export-odt
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-odt-export-inline-images 'maybe
+ "Non-nil means inline images into exported HTML pages.
+This is done using an <img> tag. When nil, an anchor with href is used to
+link to the image. If this option is `maybe', then images in links with
+an empty description will be inlined, while images with a description will
+be linked only."
+ :group 'org-odt-export
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
+ (const :tag "Always" t)
+ (const :tag "When there is no description" maybe)))
+(defcustom org-odt-export-inline-image-extensions
+ '("png" "jpeg" "jpg" "gif")
+ "Extensions of image files that can be inlined into HTML."
+ :group 'org-odt-export
+ :type '(repeat (string :tag "Extension")))
+(defcustom org-export-odt-pixels-per-inch display-pixels-per-inch
+ ""
+ :group 'org-export-odt
+ :type 'float)
+(defvar org-export-odt-default-org-styles-alist
+ '((paragraph . ((default . "Text_20_body")
+ (fixedwidth . "OrgSourceBlock")
+ (verse . "OrgVerse")
+ (quote . "Quotations")
+ (blockquote . "Quotations")
+ (center . "OrgCenter")
+ (left . "OrgLeft")
+ (right . "OrgRight")
+ (title . "Heading_20_1.title")
+ (footnote . "Footnote")
+ (src . "OrgSourceBlock")
+ (illustration . "Illustration")
+ (table . "Table")
+ (definition-term . "Text_20_body_20_bold")
+ (horizontal-line . "Horizontal_20_Line")))
+ (character . ((bold . "Bold")
+ (emphasis . "Emphasis")
+ (code . "OrgCode")
+ (verbatim . "OrgCode")
+ (strike . "Strikethrough")
+ (underline . "Underline")
+ (subscript . "OrgSubscript")
+ (superscript . "OrgSuperscript")))
+ (list . ((ordered . "OrgNumberedList")
+ (unordered . "OrgBulletedList")
+ (description . "OrgDescriptionList"))))
+ "Default styles for various entities.")
+(defvar org-export-odt-org-styles-alist org-export-odt-default-org-styles-alist)
+(defun org-odt-get-style-name-for-entity (category &optional entity)
+ (let ((entity (or entity 'default)))
+ (or
+ (cdr (assoc entity (cdr (assoc category
+ org-export-odt-org-styles-alist))))
+ (cdr (assoc entity (cdr (assoc category
+ org-export-odt-default-org-styles-alist))))
+ (error "Cannot determine style name for entity %s of type %s"
+ entity category))))
+(defun org-export-as-odt-and-open (arg)
+ "Export the outline as ODT and immediately open it with a browser.
+If there is an active region, export only the region.
+The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
+headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted lists."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (org-lparse-and-open "odt" "odt" arg))
+(defun org-export-as-odt-batch ()
+ "Call the function `org-lparse-batch'.
+This function can be used in batch processing as:
+emacs --batch
+ --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
+ --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
+ --visit=MyFile --funcall org-export-as-odt-batch"
+ (org-lparse-batch "odt"))
+(defun org-export-as-odt-to-buffer (arg)
+ "Call `org-lparse-odt` with output to a temporary buffer.
+No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-lparse-to-buffer'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (org-lparse-to-buffer "odt" arg))
+(defun org-replace-region-by-odt (beg end)
+ "Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to ODT.
+This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
+itemized list in org-mode syntax in an ODT buffer and then use this
+command to convert it."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (org-replace-region-by "odt" beg end))
+(defun org-export-region-as-odt (beg end &optional body-only buffer)
+ "Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to ODT.
+If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
+contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
+cut-and-paste operations.
+If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
+of the converted ODT. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
+produced ODT as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
+a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
+ (setq odt (org-export-region-as-odt beg end t 'string))
+When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
+in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (org-lparse-region "odt" beg end body-only buffer))
+;;; org-export-as-odt
+(defun org-export-as-odt (arg &optional hidden ext-plist
+ to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
+ "Export the outline as a OpenDocumentText file.
+If there is an active region, export only the region. The prefix
+ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
+headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
+lists. HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing.
+EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
+org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
+settings. When TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a buffer with that
+name and export to that buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol
+`string', don't leave any buffer behind but just return the
+resulting XML as a string. When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce
+the file header and footer, simply return the content of
+<body>...</body>, without even the body tags themselves. When
+PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing directory."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (org-lparse "odt" "odt" arg hidden ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir))
+(defvar org-odt-entity-control-callbacks-alist
+ . (org-odt-begin-export org-odt-end-export))
+ . (org-odt-begin-document-content org-odt-end-document-content))
+ . (org-odt-begin-document-body org-odt-end-document-body))
+ (TOC
+ . (org-odt-begin-toc org-odt-end-toc))
+ . (org-odt-begin-environment org-odt-end-environment))
+ . (org-odt-begin-footnote-definition org-odt-end-footnote-definition))
+ . (org-odt-begin-table org-odt-end-table))
+ . (org-odt-begin-table-rowgroup org-odt-end-table-rowgroup))
+ . (org-odt-begin-list org-odt-end-list))
+ . (org-odt-begin-list-item org-odt-end-list-item))
+ . (org-odt-begin-outline org-odt-end-outline))
+ . (org-odt-begin-outline-text org-odt-end-outline-text))
+ . (org-odt-begin-paragraph org-odt-end-paragraph)))
+ "")
+(defvar org-odt-entity-format-callbacks-alist
+ `((EXTRA-TARGETS . org-lparse-format-extra-targets)
+ (ORG-TAGS . org-lparse-format-org-tags)
+ (SECTION-NUMBER . org-lparse-format-section-number)
+ (HEADLINE . org-odt-format-headline)
+ (TOC-ENTRY . org-odt-format-toc-entry)
+ (TOC-ITEM . org-odt-format-toc-item)
+ (TAGS . org-odt-format-tags)
+ (SPACES . org-odt-format-spaces)
+ (TABS . org-odt-format-tabs)
+ (LINE-BREAK . org-odt-format-line-break)
+ (FONTIFY . org-odt-format-fontify)
+ (TODO . org-lparse-format-todo)
+ (LINK . org-odt-format-link)
+ (INLINE-IMAGE . org-odt-format-inline-image)
+ (ORG-LINK . org-odt-format-org-link)
+ (HEADING . org-odt-format-heading)
+ (ANCHOR . org-odt-format-anchor)
+ (TABLE . org-lparse-format-table)
+ (TABLE-ROW . org-odt-format-table-row)
+ (TABLE-CELL . org-odt-format-table-cell)
+ (FOOTNOTE-REFERENCE . org-odt-format-footnote-reference)
+ (HORIZONTAL-LINE . org-odt-format-horizontal-line)
+ (COMMENT . org-odt-format-comment)
+ (LINE . org-odt-format-line)
+ (ORG-ENTITY . org-odt-format-org-entity))
+ "")
+;;;_. callbacks
+;;;_. control callbacks
+;;;_ , document body
+(defun org-odt-begin-office-body ()
+ (insert "
+ <office:body>
+ <office:text>
+ <text:sequence-decls>
+ <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level=\"0\" text:name=\"Illustration\"/>
+ <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level=\"0\" text:name=\"Table\"/>
+ <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level=\"0\" text:name=\"Text\"/>
+ <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level=\"0\" text:name=\"Drawing\"/>
+ </text:sequence-decls>"))
+;; Following variable is let bound when `org-do-lparse' is in
+;; progress. See org-html.el.
+(defvar org-lparse-toc)
+(defun org-odt-begin-document-body (opt-plist)
+ (org-odt-begin-office-body)
+ (let ((title (plist-get opt-plist :title)))
+ (when title
+ (insert
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph 'title title))))
+ ;; insert toc
+ (when org-lparse-toc
+ (insert "\n" org-lparse-toc "\n")))
+(defvar org-lparse-body-only) ; let bound during org-do-lparse
+(defvar org-lparse-to-buffer) ; let bound during org-do-lparse
+(defun org-odt-end-document-body (opt-plist)
+ (unless org-lparse-body-only
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</office:text>")
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</office:body>")))
+(defconst org-odt-document-content-header
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
+ xmlns:office=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0\"
+ xmlns:style=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0\"
+ xmlns:text=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0\"
+ xmlns:table=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0\"
+ xmlns:draw=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0\"
+ xmlns:fo=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0\"
+ xmlns:xlink=\"\"
+ xmlns:dc=\"\"
+ xmlns:meta=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0\"
+ xmlns:number=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0\"
+ xmlns:svg=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0\"
+ xmlns:chart=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0\"
+ xmlns:dr3d=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0\"
+ xmlns:math=\"\"
+ xmlns:form=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0\"
+ xmlns:script=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0\"
+ xmlns:ooo=\"\"
+ xmlns:ooow=\"\"
+ xmlns:oooc=\"\"
+ xmlns:dom=\"\"
+ xmlns:xforms=\"\"
+ xmlns:xsd=\"\"
+ xmlns:xsi=\"\"
+ xmlns:rpt=\"\"
+ xmlns:of=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:of:1.2\"
+ xmlns:xodt=\"\"
+ xmlns:field=\"urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooo-ms-interop:xmlns:field:1.0\" office:version=\"1.2\">
+(defun org-odt-begin-document-content (opt-plist)
+ ;; document header
+ (insert org-odt-document-content-header)
+ ;; automatic styles
+ (insert-file-contents
+ (or org-export-odt-automatic-styles-file
+ (expand-file-name "styles/OrgOdtAutomaticStyles.xml"
+ org-odt-data-dir)))
+ (goto-char (point-max)))
+(defun org-odt-end-document-content ()
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</office:document-content>"))
+(defun org-odt-begin-outline (level1 snumber title tags
+ target extra-targets class)
+ (org-lparse-insert
+ 'HEADING (org-lparse-format
+ 'HEADLINE title extra-targets tags snumber level1)
+ level1 target))
+(defun org-odt-end-outline ()
+ (ignore))
+(defun org-odt-begin-outline-text (level1 snumber class)
+ (ignore))
+(defun org-odt-end-outline-text ()
+ (ignore))
+(defun org-odt-begin-paragraph (&optional style)
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ "<text:p%s>" (org-odt-get-extra-attrs-for-paragraph-style style)))
+(defun org-odt-end-paragraph ()
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</text:p>"))
+(defun org-odt-get-extra-attrs-for-paragraph-style (style)
+ (let (style-name)
+ (setq style-name
+ (cond
+ ((stringp style) style)
+ ((symbolp style) (org-odt-get-style-name-for-entity
+ 'paragraph style))))
+ (unless style-name
+ (error "Don't know how to handle paragraph style %s" style))
+ (format " text:style-name=\"%s\"" style-name)))
+(defun org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph (style text)
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:p%s>" . "</text:p>") text
+ (org-odt-get-extra-attrs-for-paragraph-style style)))
+(defun org-odt-begin-environment (style)
+ (case style
+ ((blockquote verse center quote)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph style)
+ (list))
+ ((fixedwidth native)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (list))
+ (t (error "Unknown environment %s" style))))
+(defun org-odt-end-environment (style)
+ (case style
+ ((blockquote verse center quote)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (list))
+ ((fixedwidth native)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph)
+ (list))
+ (t (error "Unknown environment %s" style))))
+(defun org-odt-begin-list (ltype &optional arg1)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (let* ((style-name (org-odt-get-style-name-for-entity 'list ltype))
+ (extra (if style-name
+ (format " text:style-name=\"%s\"" style-name) "")))
+ ;; FIXME: Handle arg1 incase of ordered lists.
+ (case ltype
+ ((ordered unordered description)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<text:list%s>" extra))
+ (t (error "Unknown list type: %s" ltype)))))
+(defun org-odt-end-list (ltype)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (if ltype
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</text:list>")
+ (error "Unknown list type: %s" ltype)))
+(defun org-odt-begin-list-item (ltype &optional arg headline)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (case ltype
+ (ordered
+ (assert (not headline) t)
+ (let* ((counter arg) (extra ""))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<text:list-item>")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph)))
+ (unordered
+ (let* ((id arg) (extra ""))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<text:list-item>")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph)
+ (insert (if headline (org-odt-format-target headline id)
+ (org-odt-format-bookmark "" id)))))
+ (description
+ (assert (not headline) t)
+ (let ((term (or arg "(no term)")))
+ (insert
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:list-item>" . "</text:list-item>")
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph 'definition-term term)))
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM 'unordered)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST 'description)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM 'unordered)))
+ (t (error "Unknown list type"))))
+(defun org-odt-end-list-item (ltype)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (case ltype
+ ((ordered unordered)
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</text:list-item>"))
+ (description
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST 'description)
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item))
+ (t (error "Unknown list type"))))
+;; Following variables are let bound when table emission is in
+;; progress. See org-lparse.el.
+(defvar org-lparse-table-begin-marker)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-ncols)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rownum)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-is-styled)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-vector)
+(defun org-odt-begin-table (caption label attributes)
+ (when label
+ (insert
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
+ 'table (org-odt-format-entity-caption label caption "Table"))))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ "<table:table table:name=\"%s\" table:style-name=\"%s\">"
+ (or label "") "OrgTable")
+ (setq org-lparse-table-begin-marker (point)))
+(defun org-odt-end-table ()
+ (goto-char org-lparse-table-begin-marker)
+ (loop for level from 0 below org-lparse-table-ncols
+ do (insert (org-odt-format-tags "<table:table-column/>" "")))
+ ;; fill style attributes for table cells
+ (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
+ (while (re-search-forward "@@\\(table-cell:p\\|table-cell:style-name\\)@@\\([0-9]+\\)@@\\([0-9]+\\)@@" nil t)
+ (let ((spec (match-string 1))
+ (r (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
+ (c (string-to-number (match-string 3))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal spec "table-cell:p")
+ (let ((style-name (org-odt-get-paragraph-style-for-table-cell r c)))
+ (replace-match style-name t t)))
+ ((equal spec "table-cell:style-name")
+ (let ((style-name (org-odt-get-style-name-for-table-cell r c)))
+ (replace-match style-name t t)))))))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</table:table>"))
+(defun org-odt-begin-table-rowgroup (&optional is-header-row)
+ (when org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open
+ (org-lparse-end 'TABLE-ROWGROUP))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag (if is-header-row
+ "<table:table-header-rows>"
+ "<table:table-rows>"))
+ (setq org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open t)
+ (setq org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr is-header-row))
+(defun org-odt-end-table-rowgroup ()
+ (when org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open
+ (setq org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open nil)
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ (if org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr
+ "</table:table-header-rows>" "</table:table-rows>"))))
+(defun org-odt-format-table-row (row)
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<table:table-row>" . "</table:table-row>") row))
+(defun org-odt-get-style-name-for-table-cell (r c)
+ (concat
+ "OrgTblCell"
+ (cond
+ ((= r 0) "T")
+ ((eq (cdr (assoc r org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)) :start) "T")
+ (t ""))
+ (when (= r org-lparse-table-rownum) "B")
+ (cond
+ ((= c 0) "")
+ ((or (memq (nth c org-table-colgroup-info) '(:start :startend))
+ (memq (nth (1- c) org-table-colgroup-info) '(:end :startend))) "L")
+ (t ""))))
+(defun org-odt-get-paragraph-style-for-table-cell (r c)
+ (capitalize (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)))
+(defun org-odt-format-table-cell (data r c)
+ (if (not org-lparse-table-is-styled)
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<table:table-cell>" . "</table:table-cell>")
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
+ (cond
+ (org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr "OrgTableHeading")
+ ((and (= c 0) (org-lparse-get 'TABLE-FIRST-COLUMN-AS-LABELS))
+ "OrgTableHeading")
+ (t "OrgTableContents"))
+ data))
+ (let* ((style-name-cookie
+ (format "@@table-cell:style-name@@%03d@@%03d@@" r c))
+ (paragraph-style-cookie
+ (concat
+ (cond
+ (org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr "OrgTableHeading")
+ ((and (= c 0) (org-lparse-get 'TABLE-FIRST-COLUMN-AS-LABELS))
+ "OrgTableHeading")
+ (t "OrgTableContents"))
+ (format "@@table-cell:p@@%03d@@%03d@@" r c))))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<table:table-cell table:style-name=\"%s\">" .
+ "</table:table-cell>")
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph paragraph-style-cookie data)
+ style-name-cookie))))
+(defun org-odt-begin-footnote-definition (n)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph 'footnote))
+(defun org-odt-end-footnote-definition (n)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph))
+(defun org-odt-begin-toc (lang-specific-heading)
+ (insert
+ (format "
+ <text:table-of-content text:style-name=\"Sect2\" text:protected=\"true\" text:name=\"Table of Contents1\">
+ <text:table-of-content-source text:outline-level=\"10\">
+ <text:index-title-template text:style-name=\"Contents_20_Heading\">%s</text:index-title-template>
+" lang-specific-heading))
+ (loop for level from 1 upto 10
+ do (insert (format
+ "
+ <text:table-of-content-entry-template text:outline-level=\"%d\" text:style-name=\"Contents_20_%d\">
+ <text:index-entry-link-start text:style-name=\"Internet_20_link\"/>
+ <text:index-entry-chapter/>
+ <text:index-entry-text/>
+ <text:index-entry-link-end/>
+ </text:table-of-content-entry-template>
+" level level)))
+ (insert "
+ </text:table-of-content-source>
+ <text:index-body>
+ <text:index-title text:style-name=\"Sect1\" text:name=\"Table of Contents1_Head\">
+ <text:p text:style-name=\"Contents_20_Heading\">Table of Contents</text:p>
+ </text:index-title>
+(defun org-odt-end-toc ()
+ (insert "
+ </text:index-body>
+ </text:table-of-content>
+(defun org-odt-format-toc-entry (snumber todo headline tags href)
+ (setq headline (concat
+ (and org-export-with-section-numbers
+ (concat snumber ". "))
+ headline
+ (and tags
+ (concat
+ (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 3)
+ (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY tags "tag")))))
+ (when todo
+ (setq headline (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY headline "todo")))
+ (let ((org-odt-suppress-xref t))
+ (org-odt-format-link headline (concat "#" href))))
+(defun org-odt-format-toc-item (toc-entry level org-last-level)
+ (let ((style (format "Contents_20_%d"
+ (+ level (or (org-lparse-get 'TOPLEVEL-HLEVEL) 1) -1))))
+ (insert "\n" (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph style toc-entry) "\n")))
+;; Following variable is let bound during 'ORG-LINK callback. See
+;; org-html.el
+(defvar org-lparse-link-description-is-image nil)
+(defun org-odt-format-link (desc href &optional attr)
+ (cond
+ ((and (= (string-to-char href) ?#) (not org-odt-suppress-xref))
+ (setq href (concat org-export-odt-bookmark-prefix (substring href 1)))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:bookmark-ref text:reference-format=\"text\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">" .
+ "</text:bookmark-ref>")
+ desc href))
+ (org-lparse-link-description-is-image
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<draw:a xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"%s\" %s>" . "</draw:a>")
+ desc href (or attr "")))
+ (t
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:a xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"%s\" %s>" . "</text:a>")
+ desc href (or attr "")))))
+(defun org-odt-format-spaces (n)
+ (org-odt-format-tags "<text:s text:c=\"%d\"/>" "" n))
+(defun org-odt-format-tabs (&optional n)
+ (let ((tab "<text:tab/>")
+ (n (or n 1)))
+ (insert tab)))
+(defun org-odt-format-line-break ()
+ (org-odt-format-tags "<text:line-break/>" ""))
+(defun org-odt-format-horizontal-line ()
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph 'horizontal-line ""))
+(defun org-odt-format-line (line)
+ (case org-lparse-dyn-current-environment
+ (fixedwidth (concat (org-odt-format-source-code-or-example-line
+ (org-xml-encode-plain-text line)) "\n"))
+ (t (concat line "\n"))))
+(defun org-odt-format-comment (fmt &rest args)
+ (let ((comment (apply 'format fmt args)))
+ (format "\n<!-- %s -->\n" comment)))
+(defun org-odt-format-org-entity (wd)
+ ;; FIXME: Seems to work. But is this correct?
+ (let ((s (org-entity-get-representation wd 'utf8)))
+ (and s (format "&#x%x;" (string-to-char s)))))
+(defun org-odt-fill-tabs-and-spaces (line)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\\([\t]\\|\\([ ]+\\)\\)" (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((string= s "\t") (org-odt-format-tabs))
+ ((> (length s) 1)
+ (org-odt-format-spaces (length s)))
+ (t " "))) line))
+(defun org-odt-format-source-code-or-example-line (line)
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph 'src (org-odt-fill-tabs-and-spaces line)))
+(defun org-odt-format-example (lines)
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (line)
+ (org-odt-format-source-code-or-example-line line))
+ (org-split-string lines "[\r\n]") "\n"))
+(defun org-odt-format-source-code-or-example (lines lang caption textareap
+ cols rows num cont
+ rpllbl fmt)
+ (org-odt-format-example (org-export-number-lines
+ (org-xml-encode-plain-text-lines lines)
+ 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)))
+(defun org-xml-encode-plain-text-lines (rtn)
+ (mapconcat 'org-xml-encode-plain-text (org-split-string rtn "[\r\n]") "\n"))
+(defun org-odt-remap-stylenames (style-name)
+ (or
+ (cdr (assoc style-name '(("timestamp-wrapper" . "OrgTimestampWrapper")
+ ("timestamp" . "OrgTimestamp")
+ ("timestamp-kwd" . "OrgTimestampKeyword")
+ ("tag" . "OrgTag")
+ ("todo" . "OrgTodo")
+ ("done" . "OrgDone")
+ ("target" . "OrgTarget"))))
+ style-name))
+(defun org-odt-format-fontify (text style &optional id)
+ (let* ((style-name
+ (cond
+ ((stringp style)
+ (org-odt-remap-stylenames style))
+ ((symbolp style)
+ (org-odt-get-style-name-for-entity 'character style))
+ ((listp style)
+ (assert (< 1 (length style)))
+ (let ((parent-style (pop style)))
+ (mapconcat (lambda (s)
+ ;; (assert (stringp s) t)
+ (org-odt-remap-stylenames s)) style "")
+ (org-odt-remap-stylenames parent-style)))
+ (t (error "Don't how to handle style %s" style)))))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:span text:style-name=\"%s\">" . "</text:span>")
+ text style-name)))
+(defun org-odt-relocate-relative-path (path dir)
+ (if (file-name-absolute-p path) path
+ (file-relative-name (expand-file-name path dir)
+ (expand-file-name "eyecandy" dir))))
+(defun org-odt-format-inline-image (thefile)
+ (let* ((thelink (if (file-name-absolute-p thefile) thefile
+ (org-xml-format-href
+ (org-odt-relocate-relative-path
+ thefile org-current-export-file))))
+ (href
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ "<draw:image xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>" ""
+ (if org-export-odt-embed-images
+ (org-odt-copy-image-file thefile) thelink))))
+ (org-export-odt-format-image thefile href)))
+(defun org-odt-format-org-link (opt-plist type-1 path fragment desc attr
+ descp)
+ "Make an HTML link.
+OPT-PLIST is an options list.
+TYPE is the device-type of the link (THIS://foo.html)
+PATH is the path of the link (http://THIS#locationx)
+FRAGMENT is the fragment part of the link, if any (foo.html#THIS)
+DESC is the link description, if any.
+ATTR is a string of other attributes of the a element.
+MAY-INLINE-P allows inlining it as an image."
+ (declare (special org-lparse-par-open))
+ (save-match-data
+ (let* ((may-inline-p
+ (and (member type-1 '("http" "https" "file"))
+ (org-lparse-should-inline-p path descp)
+ (not fragment)))
+ (type (if (equal type-1 "id") "file" type-1))
+ (filename path)
+ (thefile path))
+ (cond
+ ;; check for inlined images
+ ((and (member type '("file"))
+ (not fragment)
+ (org-file-image-p
+ filename org-odt-export-inline-image-extensions)
+ (or (eq t org-odt-export-inline-images)
+ (and org-odt-export-inline-images (not descp))))
+ ;; (when (and (string= type "file") (file-name-absolute-p path))
+ ;; (setq thefile (concat "file://" (expand-file-name path))))
+ ;; (setq thefile (org-xml-format-href thefile))
+ ;; (org-export-html-format-image thefile)
+ (org-odt-format-inline-image thefile))
+ (t
+ (when (string= type "file")
+ (setq thefile
+ (cond
+ ((file-name-absolute-p path)
+ (concat "file://" (expand-file-name path)))
+ (t (org-odt-relocate-relative-path
+ thefile org-current-export-file)))))
+ (when (and (member type '("" "http" "https" "file" "coderef"))
+ fragment)
+ (setq thefile (concat thefile "#" fragment)))
+ (setq thefile (org-xml-format-href thefile))
+ (when (not (member type '("" "file" "coderef")))
+ (setq thefile (concat type ":" thefile)))
+ (let ((org-odt-suppress-xref (string= type "coderef")))
+ (org-odt-format-link
+ (org-xml-format-desc desc) thefile attr)))))))
+(defun org-odt-format-heading (text level &optional id)
+ (let* ((text (if id (org-odt-format-target text id) text)))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:h text:style-name=\"Heading_20_%s\" text:outline-level=\"%s\">" .
+ "</text:h>") text level level)))
+(defun org-odt-format-headline (title extra-targets tags
+ &optional snumber level)
+ (concat
+ (org-lparse-format 'EXTRA-TARGETS extra-targets)
+ ;; No need to generate section numbers. They are auto-generated by
+ ;; the application
+ ;; (concat (org-lparse-format 'SECTION-NUMBER snumber level) " ")
+ title
+ (and tags (concat (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 3)
+ (org-lparse-format 'ORG-TAGS tags)))))
+(defun org-odt-format-anchor (text name &optional class)
+ (org-odt-format-target text name))
+(defun org-odt-format-bookmark (text id)
+ (if id
+ (org-odt-format-tags "<text:bookmark text:name=\"%s\"/>" text id)
+ text))
+(defun org-odt-format-target (text id)
+ (let ((name (concat org-export-odt-bookmark-prefix id)))
+ (concat
+ (and id (org-odt-format-tags
+ "<text:bookmark-start text:name=\"%s\"/>" "" name))
+ (org-odt-format-bookmark text id)
+ (and id (org-odt-format-tags
+ "<text:bookmark-end text:name=\"%s\"/>" "" name)))))
+(defun org-odt-format-footnote (n def)
+ (let ((id (concat "fn" n))
+ (note-class "footnote")
+ (par-style "Footnote"))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:note text:id=\"%s\" text:note-class=\"%s\">" .
+ "</text:note>")
+ (concat
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:note-citation>" . "</text:note-citation>")
+ n)
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:note-body>" . "</text:note-body>")
+ def))
+ id note-class)))
+(defun org-odt-format-footnote-reference (n def refcnt)
+ (if (= refcnt 1)
+ (org-odt-format-footnote n def)
+ (org-odt-format-footnote-ref n)))
+(defun org-odt-format-footnote-ref (n)
+ (let ((note-class "footnote")
+ (ref-format "text")
+ (ref-name (concat "fn" n)))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:span text:style-name=\"%s\">" . "</text:span>")
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:note-ref text:note-class=\"%s\" text:reference-format=\"%s\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">" . "</text:note-ref>")
+ n note-class ref-format ref-name)
+ "OrgSuperscript")))
+(defun org-odt-get-image-name (file-name)
+ (require 'sha1)
+ (file-relative-name
+ (expand-file-name
+ (concat (sha1 file-name) "." (file-name-extension file-name)) "Pictures")))
+(defun org-export-odt-format-image (src href
+ ;; par-open
+ )
+ "Create image tag with source and attributes."
+ (save-match-data
+ (let (embed-as caption attr label attr-plist size width height)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^ltxpng/" src)
+ ;; FIXME: Anyway the latex src can be embedded as an
+ ;; annotation
+ ;; (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-latex-src src)
+ (setq caption nil attr nil label nil embed-as 'character))
+ (t
+ (setq caption (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption src)
+ caption (and caption (org-xml-format-desc caption))
+ attr (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-attributes src)
+ label (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-label src)
+ embed-as 'paragraph)))
+ (setq attr-plist (when attr (read attr)))
+ (setq size (org-odt-image-size-from-file
+ src (plist-get attr-plist :width)
+ (plist-get attr-plist :height)
+ (plist-get attr-plist :scale) nil embed-as))
+ (org-export-odt-do-format-image embed-as caption attr label
+ size href))))
+(defun org-export-odt-do-format-image (embed-as caption attr label
+ size href)
+ "Create image tag with source and attributes."
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((width (car size)) (height (cdr size))
+ (draw-frame-pair
+ '("<draw:frame draw:style-name=\"%s\"
+ text:anchor-type=\"%s\"
+ draw:z-index=\"%d\" %s>" . "</draw:frame>")))
+ (cond
+ ((and (not caption) (not label))
+ (let (style-name anchor-type)
+ (cond
+ ((eq embed-as 'paragraph)
+ (setq style-name "OrgGraphicsParagraph" anchor-type "paragraph"))
+ ((eq embed-as 'character)
+ (setq style-name "OrgGraphicsBaseline" anchor-type "as-char")))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ draw-frame-pair href style-name anchor-type 0
+ (org-odt-image-attrs-from-size width height))))
+ (t
+ (concat
+ ;; (when par-open (org-odt-close-par))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ draw-frame-pair
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<draw:text-box fo:min-height=\"%dcm\">" . "</draw:text-box>")
+ (org-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
+ 'illustration
+ (concat
+ (let ((extra " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\""))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ draw-frame-pair href "OrgGraphicsParagraphContent" "paragraph" 2
+ (concat (org-odt-image-attrs-from-size width height) extra)))
+ (org-odt-format-entity-caption label caption)))
+ height)
+ "OrgFrame" "paragraph" 1
+ (org-odt-image-attrs-from-size width))
+ ;; (when par-open (org-odt-open-par))
+ ))))))
+;; xml files generated on-the-fly
+(defconst org-export-odt-save-list
+ '("META-INF/manifest.xml" "content.xml" "meta.xml" "styles.xml"))
+;; xml files that are copied
+(defconst org-export-odt-nosave-list '())
+;; xml files that contribute to the final odt file
+(defvar org-export-odt-file-list nil)
+(defconst org-export-odt-manifest-lines
+ '(("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+ "<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0\" manifest:version=\"1.2\">"
+ "<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type=\"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text\" manifest:version=\"1.2\" manifest:full-path=\"/\"/>"
+ "<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type=\"text/xml\" manifest:full-path=\"content.xml\"/>"
+ "<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type=\"text/xml\" manifest:full-path=\"styles.xml\"/>"
+ "<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type=\"text/xml\" manifest:full-path=\"meta.xml\"/>"
+ "<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type=\"\" manifest:full-path=\"Pictures/\"/>") . ("</manifest:manifest>")))
+(defconst org-export-odt-meta-lines
+ '(("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+ "<office:document-meta"
+ " xmlns:office=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0\""
+ " xmlns:xlink=\"\""
+ " xmlns:dc=\"\""
+ " xmlns:meta=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0\""
+ " xmlns:ooo=\"\" "
+ " office:version=\"1.2\">"
+ " <office:meta>") . (" </office:meta>" "</office:document-meta>")))
+(defun org-odt-copy-image-file (path &optional target-file)
+ "Returns the internal name of the file"
+ (let* ((image-type (file-name-extension path))
+ (media-type (format "image/%s" image-type))
+ (src-file (expand-file-name
+ path (file-name-directory org-current-export-file)))
+ (target-file (or target-file (org-odt-get-image-name src-file)))
+ ;; FIXME
+ (body-only nil))
+ (when (not org-lparse-to-buffer)
+ (message "Embedding %s as %s ..."
+ (substring-no-properties path) target-file)
+ (copy-file src-file target-file 'overwrite)
+ (org-odt-update-manifest-file media-type target-file)
+ (push target-file org-export-odt-file-list)) target-file))
+(defun org-odt-image-attrs-from-size (&optional width height)
+ (concat
+ (when width (format "svg:width=\"%0.2fcm\"" width))
+ " "
+ (when height (format "svg:height=\"%0.2fcm\"" height))))
+(defvar org-export-odt-image-size-probe-method
+ '(emacs imagemagick force)
+ "Ordered list of methods by for determining size of an embedded
+ image.")
+(defvar org-export-odt-default-image-sizes-alist
+ '(("character" . (5 . 0.4))
+ ("paragraph" . (5 . 5)))
+ "Hardcoded image dimensions one for each of the anchor
+ methods.")
+(defun org-odt-do-image-size (probe-method file &optional dpi anchor-type)
+ (setq dpi (or dpi org-export-odt-pixels-per-inch))
+ (setq anchor-type (or anchor-type "paragraph"))
+ (flet ((size-in-cms (size-in-pixels)
+ (flet ((pixels-to-cms (pixels)
+ (let* ((cms-per-inch 2.54)
+ (inches (/ pixels dpi)))
+ (* cms-per-inch inches))))
+ (and size-in-pixels
+ (cons (pixels-to-cms (car size-in-pixels))
+ (pixels-to-cms (cdr size-in-pixels)))))))
+ (case probe-method
+ (emacs
+ (size-in-cms (ignore-errors (image-size (create-image file) 'pixels))))
+ (imagemagick
+ (size-in-cms
+ (let ((dim (shell-command-to-string
+ (format "identify -format \"%%w:%%h\" \"%s\"" file))))
+ (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" dim)
+ (cons (string-to-number (match-string 1 dim))
+ (string-to-number (match-string 2 dim)))))))
+ (t
+ (cdr (assoc-string anchor-type
+ org-export-odt-default-image-sizes-alist))))))
+(defun org-odt-image-size-from-file (file &optional user-width
+ user-height scale dpi embed-as)
+ (unless (file-name-absolute-p file)
+ (setq file (expand-file-name
+ file (file-name-directory org-current-export-file))))
+ (let* (size width height)
+ (unless (and user-height user-width)
+ (loop for probe-method in org-export-odt-image-size-probe-method
+ until size
+ do (setq size (org-odt-do-image-size
+ probe-method file dpi embed-as)))
+ (or size (error "Cannot determine Image size. Aborting ..."))
+ (setq width (car size) height (cdr size)))
+ (cond
+ (scale
+ (setq width (* width scale) height (* height scale)))
+ ((and user-height user-width)
+ (setq width user-width height user-height))
+ (user-height
+ (setq width (* user-height (/ width height)) height user-height))
+ (user-width
+ (setq height (* user-width (/ height width)) width user-width))
+ (t (ignore)))
+ (cons width height)))
+(defvar org-odt-default-entity "Illustration")
+(defun org-odt-format-entity-caption (label caption &optional default-entity)
+ (if (not label) (or caption "")
+ (let* ((label-components (org-odt-parse-label label))
+ (entity (car label-components))
+ (seqno (cdr label-components))
+ (caption (and caption (concat ": " caption))))
+ (unless seqno
+ (setq seqno label
+ entity (or default-entity org-odt-default-entity)))
+ (concat
+ entity " "
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:sequence text:ref-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\" text:formula=\"ooow:%s+1\" style:num-format=\"1\">" . "</text:sequence>")
+ seqno label entity entity)
+ caption))))
+(defun org-odt-format-tags (tag text &rest args)
+ (let ((prefix (when org-lparse-encode-pending "@"))
+ (suffix (when org-lparse-encode-pending "@")))
+ (apply 'org-lparse-format-tags tag text prefix suffix args)))
+(defun org-odt-init-outfile (filename)
+ (let* ((outdir (make-temp-file org-export-odt-tmpdir-prefix t))
+ (mimetype-file (expand-file-name "mimetype" outdir))
+ (content-file (expand-file-name "content.xml" outdir))
+ (manifest-file (expand-file-name "META-INF/manifest.xml" outdir))
+ (meta-file (expand-file-name "meta.xml" outdir))
+ (styles-file (expand-file-name "styles.xml" outdir))
+ (pictures-dir (expand-file-name "Pictures" outdir))
+ (body-only nil))
+ ;; content file
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect content-file t)
+ (erase-buffer))
+ ;; FIXME: How to factor in body-only here
+ (unless body-only
+ ;; manifest file
+ (make-directory (file-name-directory manifest-file))
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect manifest-file t)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (mapconcat 'identity (car org-export-odt-manifest-lines) "\n"))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert (mapconcat 'identity (cdr org-export-odt-manifest-lines) "\n"))))
+ ;; meta file
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect meta-file t)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (mapconcat 'identity (car org-export-odt-meta-lines) "\n"))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (save-excursion
+ (insert (mapconcat 'identity (cdr org-export-odt-meta-lines) "\n"))))
+ ;; styles file
+ ;; (copy-file org-export-odt-styles-file styles-file t)
+ ;; Pictures dir
+ (make-directory pictures-dir)
+ ;; initialize list of files that contribute to the odt file
+ (setq org-export-odt-file-list
+ (append org-export-odt-save-list org-export-odt-nosave-list)))
+ content-file))
+(defconst org-export-odt-mimetype-lines
+ '("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"))
+(defconst org-odt-manifest-file-entry-tag
+ "<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type=\"%s\" manifest:full-path=\"%s\"/>")
+(defun org-odt-save-as-outfile (target opt-plist)
+ ;; write meta file
+ (org-odt-update-meta-file opt-plist)
+ ;; write styles file
+ (org-odt-copy-styles-file)
+ ;; Update styles.xml - take care of outline numbering
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name "styles.xml") t)
+ ;; Don't make automatic backup of styles.xml file. This setting
+ ;; prevents the backedup styles.xml file from being zipped in to
+ ;; odt file. This is more of a hackish fix. Better alternative
+ ;; would be to fix the zip command so that the output odt file
+ ;; includes only the needed files and excludes any auto-generated
+ ;; extra files like backups and auto-saves etc etc. Note that
+ ;; currently the zip command zips up the entire temp directory so
+ ;; that any auto-generated files created under the hood ends up in
+ ;; the resulting odt file.
+ (set (make-local-variable 'backup-inhibited) t)
+ ;; Import local setting of `org-export-with-section-numbers'
+ (org-lparse-bind-local-variables opt-plist)
+ (org-odt-configure-outline-numbering
+ (if org-export-with-section-numbers org-export-headline-levels 0)))
+ (let ((zipdir default-directory))
+ (message "Switching to directory %s" (expand-file-name zipdir))
+ ;; save all xml files
+ (mapc (lambda (file)
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name file) t)
+ ;; prettify output
+ (indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (save-buffer)))
+ org-export-odt-save-list)
+ (let* ((target-name (file-name-nondirectory target))
+ (target-dir (file-name-directory target))
+ (cmd (format "zip -rmTq %s %s" target-name ".")))
+ (when (file-exists-p target)
+ ;; FIXME: If the file is locked this throws a cryptic error
+ (delete-file target))
+ (let ((coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion) exitcode)
+ (message "Creating odt file using \"%s\"" cmd)
+ (setq exitcode
+ (apply 'call-process
+ "zip"
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ (append (list "-rmTq") (list target-name "."))))
+ (or (zerop exitcode)
+ (error "Unable to create odt file (%S)" exitcode)))
+ ;; move the file from outdir to target-dir
+ (rename-file target-name target-dir)
+ ;; kill all xml buffers
+ (mapc (lambda (file)
+ (kill-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name file zipdir) t)))
+ org-export-odt-save-list)
+ (delete-directory zipdir)))
+ (message "Created %s" target)
+ (set-buffer (find-file-noselect target t)))
+(defun org-odt-update-meta-file (opt-plist)
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name "meta.xml") t)
+ (let ((date (or (plist-get opt-plist :effective-date) ""))
+ (author (or (plist-get opt-plist :author) ""))
+ (email (plist-get opt-plist :email))
+ (keywords (plist-get opt-plist :keywords))
+ (description (plist-get opt-plist :description))
+ (title (plist-get opt-plist :title)))
+ (insert
+ "\n"
+ (org-odt-format-tags '("<dc:creator>" . "</dc:creator>") author)
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("\n<meta:initial-creator>" . "</meta:initial-creator>") author)
+ (org-odt-format-tags '("\n<dc:date>" . "</dc:date>") date)
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("\n<meta:creation-date>" . "</meta:creation-date>") date)
+ (org-odt-format-tags '("\n<meta:generator>" . "</meta:generator>")
+ (when org-export-creator-info
+ (format "Org-%s/Emacs-%s"
+ org-version emacs-version)))
+ (org-odt-format-tags '("\n<meta:keyword>" . "</meta:keyword>") keywords)
+ (org-odt-format-tags '("\n<dc:subject>" . "</dc:subject>") description)
+ (org-odt-format-tags '("\n<dc:title>" . "</dc:title>") title)
+ "\n"))))
+(defun org-odt-update-manifest-file (media-type full-path)
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name "META-INF/manifest.xml") t)
+ (insert (format org-odt-manifest-file-entry-tag media-type full-path))))
+(defun org-odt-finalize-outfile ()
+ (message "org-newodt: Finalizing outfile")
+ (org-odt-delete-empty-paragraphs))
+(defun org-odt-delete-empty-paragraphs ()
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((open "<text:p[^>]*>")
+ (close "</text:p>"))
+ (while (re-search-forward (format "%s[ \r\n\t]*%s" open close) nil t)
+ (replace-match ""))))
+(defun org-odt-get (what &optional opt-plist)
+ (case what
+ (BACKEND 'odt)
+ (EXPORT-DIR (org-export-directory :html opt-plist))
+ (ENTITY-CONTROL org-odt-entity-control-callbacks-alist)
+ (ENTITY-FORMAT org-odt-entity-format-callbacks-alist)
+ (INIT-METHOD 'org-odt-init-outfile)
+ (FINAL-METHOD 'org-odt-finalize-outfile)
+ (SAVE-METHOD 'org-odt-save-as-outfile)
+ '("bib" "doc" "doc6" "doc95" "html" "xhtml" "latex" "odt" "ott" "pdf" "rtf"
+ "sdw" "sdw3" "sdw4" "stw " "sxw" "mediawiki" "text" "txt" "uot" "vor"
+ "vor3" "vor4" "docbook" "ooxml" "ppt" "odp"))
+ (CONVERT-METHOD org-export-convert-process)
+ (SPECIAL-STRING-REGEXPS org-export-odt-special-string-regexps)
+ (INLINE-IMAGES 'maybe)
+ (INLINE-IMAGE-EXTENSIONS '("png" "jpeg" "jpg" "gif" "svg"))
+ (PLAIN-TEXT-MAP '(("&" . "&amp;") ("<" . "&lt;") (">" . "&gt;")))
+ (FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY "," 'superscript))
+ (t (error "Unknown property: %s" what))))
+(defun org-odt-parse-label (label)
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (not (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z]+:\\(.+\\)" label))
+ (cons label nil)
+ (cons
+ (capitalize (substring label 0 (1- (match-beginning 1))))
+ (substring label (match-beginning 1))))))
+(defvar org-lparse-latex-fragment-fallback) ; set by org-do-lparse
+(defun org-export-odt-preprocess (parameters)
+ "Convert LaTeX fragments to images."
+ (when (and org-current-export-file
+ (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments))
+ (org-format-latex
+ (concat "ltxpng/" (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory
+ org-current-export-file)))
+ org-current-export-dir nil "Creating LaTeX image %s"
+ nil nil
+ (cond
+ ((eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) 'verbatim) 'verbatim)
+ ;; Investigate MathToWeb for converting TeX equations to MathML
+ ;; See
+ ((or (eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) 'mathjax )
+ (eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) t ))
+ (org-lparse-warn
+ (concat
+ "Use of MathJax is incompatible with ODT exporter. "
+ (format "Using %S instead." org-lparse-latex-fragment-fallback)))
+ org-lparse-latex-fragment-fallback)
+ ((eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) 'dvipng ) 'dvipng)
+ (t nil))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (label label-components category value pretty-label)
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\\\ref{\\([^{}\n]+\\)}" nil t)
+ (org-if-unprotected-at (match-beginning 1)
+ (setq label (match-string 1)
+ label-components (org-odt-parse-label label)
+ category (car label-components)
+ value (cdr label-components)
+ pretty-label (if value (concat category " " value) label))
+ (replace-match
+ (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
+ (org-odt-format-tags
+ '("<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format=\"category-and-value\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">"
+ . "</text:sequence-ref>") pretty-label label)) t t)))))
+(declare-function archive-zip-extract "arc-mode.el" (archive name))
+(defun org-odt-zip-extract-one (archive member &optional target)
+ (require 'arc-mode)
+ (let* ((target (or target default-directory))
+ (archive (expand-file-name archive))
+ (archive-zip-extract
+ (list "unzip" "-qq" "-o" "-d" target))
+ exit-code command-output)
+ (setq command-output
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq exit-code (archive-zip-extract archive member))
+ (buffer-string)))
+ (unless (zerop exit-code)
+ (message command-output)
+ (error "Extraction failed"))))
+(defun org-odt-zip-extract (archive members &optional target)
+ (when (atom members) (setq members (list members)))
+ (mapc (lambda (member)
+ (org-odt-zip-extract-one archive member target))
+ members))
+(defun org-odt-copy-styles-file (&optional styles-file)
+ ;; Non-availability of styles.xml is not a critical error. For now
+ ;; throw an error purely for aesthetic reasons.
+ (setq styles-file (or styles-file
+ org-export-odt-styles-file
+ (expand-file-name "styles/OrgOdtStyles.xml"
+ org-odt-data-dir)
+ (error "org-odt: Missing styles file?")))
+ (cond
+ ((listp styles-file)
+ (let ((archive (nth 0 styles-file))
+ (members (nth 1 styles-file)))
+ (org-odt-zip-extract archive members)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (member)
+ (when (org-file-image-p member)
+ (let* ((image-type (file-name-extension member))
+ (media-type (format "image/%s" image-type)))
+ (org-odt-update-manifest-file media-type member))))
+ members)))
+ ((and (stringp styles-file) (file-exists-p styles-file))
+ (let ((styles-file-type (file-name-extension styles-file)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= styles-file-type "xml")
+ (copy-file styles-file "styles.xml" t))
+ ((member styles-file-type '("odt" "ott"))
+ (org-odt-zip-extract styles-file "styles.xml")))))
+ (t
+ (error (format "Invalid specification of styles.xml file: %S"
+ org-export-odt-styles-file)))))
+(defvar org-export-odt-factory-settings
+ "d4328fb9d1b6cb211d4320ff546829f26700dc5e"
+ "SHA1 hash of OrgOdtStyles.xml.")
+(defun org-odt-configure-outline-numbering (level)
+ "Outline numbering is retained only upto LEVEL.
+To disable outline numbering pass a LEVEL of 0."
+ (if (not (string= org-export-odt-factory-settings (sha1 (current-buffer))))
+ (org-lparse-warn
+ "org-odt: Using custom styles file? Consider tweaking styles.xml for better output. To suppress this warning update `org-export-odt-factory-settings'")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((regex
+ "<text:outline-level-style\\(.*\\)text:level=\"\\(.*\\)\"\\(.*\\)>")
+ (replacement
+ "<text:outline-level-style\\1text:level=\"\\2\" style:num-format=\"\">"))
+ (while (re-search-forward regex nil t)
+ (when (> (string-to-number (match-string 1)) level)
+ (replace-match replacement t nil))))
+ (save-buffer 0)))
+(defun org-odt-unit-test (&optional linger)
+ "Automatically visit the Unit Test file and export it."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (find-file (expand-file-name "tests/" org-odt-data-dir))
+ (unless linger
+ (call-interactively 'org-export-as-odt-and-open))))
+(provide 'org-odt)
+;;; org-odt.el ends here
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-xhtml.el b/contrib/lisp/org-xhtml.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cedd8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-xhtml.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1797 @@
+;;; org-html.el --- HTML export for Org-mode (uses org-lparse)
+;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Carsten Dominik <carsten at orgmode dot org>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; Version: 0.8
+;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
+;; However, it is distributed under the same license.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'org-exp)
+(require 'format-spec)
+(require 'org-lparse)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl) (require 'table) (require 'browse-url))
+(declare-function org-id-find-id-file "org-id" (id))
+(declare-function htmlize-region "ext:htmlize" (beg end))
+(defgroup org-export-html nil
+ "Options specific for HTML export of Org-mode files."
+ :tag "Org Export HTML"
+ :group 'org-export)
+(defcustom org-export-html-footnotes-section "<div id=\"footnotes\">
+<h2 class=\"footnotes\">%s: </h2>
+<div id=\"text-footnotes\">
+ "Format for the footnotes section.
+Should contain a two instances of %s. The first will be replaced with the
+language-specific word for \"Footnotes\", the second one will be replaced
+by the footnotes themselves."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-footnote-format "<sup>%s</sup>"
+ "The format for the footnote reference.
+%s will be replaced by the footnote reference itself."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-footnote-separator "<sup>, </sup>"
+ "Text used to separate footnotes."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-coding-system nil
+ "Coding system for HTML export, defaults to `buffer-file-coding-system'."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'coding-system)
+(defcustom org-export-html-extension "html"
+ "The extension for exported HTML files."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-xml-declaration
+ '(("html" . "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>")
+ ("php" . "<?php echo \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"%s\\\" ?>\"; ?>"))
+ "The extension for exported HTML files.
+%s will be replaced with the charset of the exported file.
+This may be a string, or an alist with export extensions
+and corresponding declarations."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type '(choice
+ (string :tag "Single declaration")
+ (repeat :tag "Dependent on extension"
+ (cons (string :tag "Extension")
+ (string :tag "Declaration")))))
+(defcustom org-export-html-style-include-scripts t
+ "Non-nil means include the JavaScript snippets in exported HTML files.
+The actual script is defined in `org-export-html-scripts' and should
+not be modified."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defconst org-export-html-scripts
+"<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+ function CodeHighlightOn(elem, id)
+ {
+ var target = document.getElementById(id);
+ if(null != target) {
+ elem.cacheClassElem = elem.className;
+ elem.cacheClassTarget = target.className;
+ target.className = \"code-highlighted\";
+ elem.className = \"code-highlighted\";
+ }
+ }
+ function CodeHighlightOff(elem, id)
+ {
+ var target = document.getElementById(id);
+ if(elem.cacheClassElem)
+ elem.className = elem.cacheClassElem;
+ if(elem.cacheClassTarget)
+ target.className = elem.cacheClassTarget;
+ }
+"Basic JavaScript that is needed by HTML files produced by Org-mode.")
+(defconst org-export-html-style-default
+"<style type=\"text/css\">
+ <!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
+ html { font-family: Times, serif; font-size: 12pt; }
+ .title { text-align: center; }
+ .todo { color: red; }
+ .done { color: green; }
+ .tag { background-color: #add8e6; font-weight:normal }
+ .target { }
+ .timestamp { color: #bebebe; }
+ .timestamp-kwd { color: #5f9ea0; }
+ .right {margin-left:auto; margin-right:0px; text-align:right;}
+ .left {margin-left:0px; margin-right:auto; text-align:left;}
+ .center {margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;}
+ p.verse { margin-left: 3% }
+ pre {
+ border: 1pt solid #AEBDCC;
+ background-color: #F3F5F7;
+ padding: 5pt;
+ font-family: courier, monospace;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ overflow:auto;
+ }
+ table { border-collapse: collapse; }
+ td, th { vertical-align: top; }
+ th.right { text-align:center; }
+ th.left { text-align:center; }
+ { text-align:center; }
+ td.right { text-align:right; }
+ td.left { text-align:left; }
+ { text-align:center; }
+ dt { font-weight: bold; }
+ div.figure { padding: 0.5em; }
+ div.figure p { text-align: center; }
+ textarea { overflow-x: auto; }
+ .linenr { font-size:smaller }
+ .code-highlighted {background-color:#ffff00;}
+ .org-info-js_info-navigation { border-style:none; }
+ #org-info-js_console-label { font-size:10px; font-weight:bold;
+ white-space:nowrap; }
+ .org-info-js_search-highlight {background-color:#ffff00; color:#000000;
+ font-weight:bold; }
+ /*]]>*/-->
+ "The default style specification for exported HTML files.
+Please use the variables `org-export-html-style' and
+`org-export-html-style-extra' to add to this style. If you wish to not
+have the default style included, customize the variable
+(defcustom org-export-html-style-include-default t
+ "Non-nil means include the default style in exported HTML files.
+The actual style is defined in `org-export-html-style-default' and should
+not be modified. Use the variables `org-export-html-style' to add
+your own style information."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'boolean)
+(put 'org-export-html-style-include-default 'safe-local-variable 'booleanp)
+(defcustom org-export-html-style ""
+ "Org-wide style definitions for exported HTML files.
+This variable needs to contain the full HTML structure to provide a style,
+including the surrounding HTML tags. If you set the value of this variable,
+you should consider to include definitions for the following classes:
+ title, todo, done, timestamp, timestamp-kwd, tag, target.
+For example, a valid value would be:
+ <style type=\"text/css\">
+ <![CDATA[
+ p { font-weight: normal; color: gray; }
+ h1 { color: black; }
+ .title { text-align: center; }
+ .todo, .timestamp-kwd { color: red; }
+ .done { color: green; }
+ ]]>
+ </style>
+If you'd like to refer to an external style file, use something like
+ <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"mystyles.css\">
+As the value of this option simply gets inserted into the HTML <head> header,
+you can \"misuse\" it to add arbitrary text to the header.
+See also the variable `org-export-html-style-extra'."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(put 'org-export-html-style 'safe-local-variable 'stringp)
+(defcustom org-export-html-style-extra ""
+ "Additional style information for HTML export.
+The value of this variable is inserted into the HTML buffer right after
+the value of `org-export-html-style'. Use this variable for per-file
+settings of style information, and do not forget to surround the style
+settings with <style>...</style> tags."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(put 'org-export-html-style-extra 'safe-local-variable 'stringp)
+(defcustom org-export-html-mathjax-options
+ '((path "")
+ (scale "100")
+ (align "center")
+ (indent "2em")
+ (mathml nil))
+ "Options for MathJax setup.
+path The path where to find MathJax
+scale Scaling for the HTML-CSS backend, usually between 100 and 133
+align How to align display math: left, center, or right
+indent If align is not center, how far from the left/right side?
+mathml Should a MathML player be used if available?
+ This is faster and reduces bandwidth use, but currently
+ sometimes has lower spacing quality. Therefore, the default is
+ nil. When browsers get better, this switch can be flipped.
+You can also customize this for each buffer, using something like
+#+MATHJAX: scale:\"133\" align:\"right\" mathml:t path:\"/MathJax/\""
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type '(list :greedy t
+ (list :tag "path (the path from where to load MathJax.js)"
+ (const :format " " path) (string))
+ (list :tag "scale (scaling for the displayed math)"
+ (const :format " " scale) (string))
+ (list :tag "align (alignment of displayed equations)"
+ (const :format " " align) (string))
+ (list :tag "indent (indentation with left or right alignment)"
+ (const :format " " indent) (string))
+ (list :tag "mathml (should MathML display be used is possible)"
+ (const :format " " mathml) (boolean))))
+(defun org-export-html-mathjax-config (template options in-buffer)
+ "Insert the user setup into the matchjax template."
+ (let (name val (yes " ") (no "// ") x)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (e)
+ (setq name (car e) val (nth 1 e))
+ (if (string-match (concat "\\<" (symbol-name name) ":") in-buffer)
+ (setq val (car (read-from-string
+ (substring in-buffer (match-end 0))))))
+ (if (not (stringp val)) (setq val (format "%s" val)))
+ (if (string-match (concat "%" (upcase (symbol-name name))) template)
+ (setq template (replace-match val t t template))))
+ options)
+ (setq val (nth 1 (assq 'mathml options)))
+ (if (string-match (concat "\\<mathml:") in-buffer)
+ (setq val (car (read-from-string
+ (substring in-buffer (match-end 0))))))
+ ;; Exchange prefixes depending on mathml setting
+ (if (not val) (setq x yes yes no no x))
+ ;; Replace cookies to turn on or off the config/jax lines
+ (if (string-match ":MMLYES:" template)
+ (setq template (replace-match yes t t template)))
+ (if (string-match ":MMLNO:" template)
+ (setq template (replace-match no t t template)))
+ ;; Return the modified template
+ template))
+(defcustom org-export-html-mathjax-template
+ "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%PATH\">
+ MathJax.Hub.Config({
+ // Only one of the two following lines, depending on user settings
+ // First allows browser-native MathML display, second forces HTML/CSS
+ :MMLYES: config: [\"MMLorHTML.js\"], jax: [\"input/TeX\"],
+ :MMLNO: jax: [\"input/TeX\", \"output/HTML-CSS\"],
+ extensions: [\"tex2jax.js\",\"TeX/AMSmath.js\",\"TeX/AMSsymbols.js\",
+ \"TeX/noUndefined.js\"],
+ tex2jax: {
+ inlineMath: [ [\"\\\\(\",\"\\\\)\"] ],
+ displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], [\"\\\\[\",\"\\\\]\"], [\"\\\\begin{displaymath}\",\"\\\\end{displaymath}\"] ],
+ skipTags: [\"script\",\"noscript\",\"style\",\"textarea\",\"pre\",\"code\"],
+ ignoreClass: \"tex2jax_ignore\",
+ processEscapes: false,
+ processEnvironments: true,
+ preview: \"TeX\"
+ },
+ showProcessingMessages: true,
+ displayAlign: \"%ALIGN\",
+ displayIndent: \"%INDENT\",
+ \"HTML-CSS\": {
+ scale: %SCALE,
+ availableFonts: [\"STIX\",\"TeX\"],
+ preferredFont: \"TeX\",
+ webFont: \"TeX\",
+ imageFont: \"TeX\",
+ showMathMenu: true,
+ },
+ MMLorHTML: {
+ prefer: {
+ MSIE: \"MML\",
+ Firefox: \"MML\",
+ Opera: \"HTML\",
+ other: \"HTML\"
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ "The MathJax setup for XHTML files."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-tag-class-prefix ""
+ "Prefix to class names for TODO keywords.
+Each tag gets a class given by the tag itself, with this prefix.
+The default prefix is empty because it is nice to just use the keyword
+as a class name. But if you get into conflicts with other, existing
+CSS classes, then this prefix can be very useful."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix ""
+ "Prefix to class names for TODO keywords.
+Each TODO keyword gets a class given by the keyword itself, with this prefix.
+The default prefix is empty because it is nice to just use the keyword
+as a class name. But if you get into conflicts with other, existing
+CSS classes, then this prefix can be very useful."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-preamble t
+ "Non-nil means insert a preamble in HTML export.
+When `t', insert a string as defined by one of the formatting
+strings in `org-export-html-preamble-format'. When set to a
+string, this string overrides `org-export-html-preamble-format'.
+When set to a function, apply this function and insert the
+returned string. The function takes the property list of export
+options as its only argument.
+Setting :html-preamble in publishing projects will take
+precedence over this variable."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "No preamble" nil)
+ (const :tag "Default preamble" t)
+ (string :tag "Custom formatting string")
+ (function :tag "Function (must return a string)")))
+(defcustom org-export-html-preamble-format
+ '(("en" "<h1 class=\"title\">%t</h1>"))
+ "The format for the HTML preamble.
+%t stands for the title.
+If you need to use a \"%\" character, you need to escape it
+like that: \"%%\"."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-postamble 'auto
+ "Non-nil means insert a postamble in HTML export.
+When `t', insert a string as defined by the formatting string in
+`org-export-html-postamble-format'. When set to a string, this
+string overrides `org-export-html-postamble-format'. When set to
+'auto, discard `org-export-html-postamble-format' and honor
+`org-export-author/email/creator-info' variables. When set to a
+function, apply this function and insert the returned string.
+The function takes the property list of export options as its
+only argument.
+Setting :html-postamble in publishing projects will take
+precedence over this variable."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "No postamble" nil)
+ (const :tag "Auto preamble" 'auto)
+ (const :tag "Default formatting string" t)
+ (string :tag "Custom formatting string")
+ (function :tag "Function (must return a string)")))
+(defcustom org-export-html-postamble-format
+ '(("en" "<p class=\"author\">Author: %a (%e)</p>
+<p class=\"date\">Date: %d</p>
+<p class=\"creator\">Generated by %c</p>
+<p class=\"xhtml-validation\">%v</p>
+ "The format for the HTML postamble.
+%a stands for the author.
+%e stands for the email(s).
+%d stands for the date.
+%c will be replaced by information about Org/Emacs.
+%v will be replaced by `org-export-html-validation-link'.
+If you need to use a \"%\" character, you need to escape it
+like that: \"%%\"."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-home/up-format
+ "<div id=\"org-div-home-and-up\" style=\"text-align:right;font-size:70%%;white-space:nowrap;\">
+ <a accesskey=\"h\" href=\"%s\"> UP </a>
+ |
+ <a accesskey=\"H\" href=\"%s\"> HOME </a>
+ "Snippet used to insert the HOME and UP links.
+This is a format string, the first %s will receive the UP link,
+the second the HOME link. If both `org-export-html-link-up' and
+`org-export-html-link-home' are empty, the entire snippet will be
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-toplevel-hlevel 2
+ "The <H> level for level 1 headings in HTML export.
+This is also important for the classes that will be wrapped around headlines
+and outline structure. If this variable is 1, the top-level headlines will
+be <h1>, and the corresponding classes will be outline-1, section-number-1,
+and outline-text-1. If this is 2, all of these will get a 2 instead.
+The default for this variable is 2, because we use <h1> for formatting the
+document title."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-link-org-files-as-html t
+ "Non-nil means make file links to `' point to `file.html'.
+When org-mode is exporting an org-mode file to HTML, links to
+non-html files are directly put into a href tag in HTML.
+However, links to other Org-mode files (recognized by the
+extension `.org.) should become links to the corresponding html
+file, assuming that the linked org-mode file will also be
+converted to HTML.
+When nil, the links still point to the plain `.org' file."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-export-html-inline-images 'maybe
+ "Non-nil means inline images into exported HTML pages.
+This is done using an <img> tag. When nil, an anchor with href is used to
+link to the image. If this option is `maybe', then images in links with
+an empty description will be inlined, while images with a description will
+be linked only."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
+ (const :tag "Always" t)
+ (const :tag "When there is no description" maybe)))
+(defcustom org-export-html-inline-image-extensions
+ '("png" "jpeg" "jpg" "gif" "svg")
+ "Extensions of image files that can be inlined into HTML."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type '(repeat (string :tag "Extension")))
+(defcustom org-export-html-table-tag
+ "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">"
+ "The HTML tag that is used to start a table.
+This must be a <table> tag, but you may change the options like
+borders and spacing."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-table-header-tags '("<th scope=\"%s\"%s>" . "</th>")
+ "The opening tag for table header fields.
+This is customizable so that alignment options can be specified.
+The first %s will be filled with the scope of the field, either row or col.
+The second %s will be replaced by a style entry to align the field.
+See also the variable `org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column'.
+See also the variable `org-export-html-table-align-individual-fields'."
+ :group 'org-export-tables
+ :type '(cons (string :tag "Opening tag") (string :tag "Closing tag")))
+(defcustom org-export-table-data-tags '("<td%s>" . "</td>")
+ "The opening tag for table data fields.
+This is customizable so that alignment options can be specified.
+The first %s will be filled with the scope of the field, either row or col.
+The second %s will be replaced by a style entry to align the field.
+See also the variable `org-export-html-table-align-individual-fields'."
+ :group 'org-export-tables
+ :type '(cons (string :tag "Opening tag") (string :tag "Closing tag")))
+(defcustom org-export-table-row-tags '("<tr>" . "</tr>")
+ "The opening tag for table data fields.
+This is customizable so that alignment options can be specified.
+Instead of strings, these can be Lisp forms that will be evaluated
+for each row in order to construct the table row tags. During evaluation,
+the variable `head' will be true when this is a header line, nil when this
+is a body line. And the variable `nline' will contain the line number,
+starting from 1 in the first header line. For example
+ (setq org-export-table-row-tags
+ (cons '(if head
+ \"<tr>\"
+ (if (= (mod nline 2) 1)
+ \"<tr class=\\\"tr-odd\\\">\"
+ \"<tr class=\\\"tr-even\\\">\"))
+ \"</tr>\"))
+will give even lines the class \"tr-even\" and odd lines the class \"tr-odd\"."
+ :group 'org-export-tables
+ :type '(cons
+ (choice :tag "Opening tag"
+ (string :tag "Specify")
+ (sexp))
+ (choice :tag "Closing tag"
+ (string :tag "Specify")
+ (sexp))))
+(defcustom org-export-html-table-align-individual-fields t
+ "Non-nil means attach style attributes for alignment to each table field.
+When nil, alignment will only be specified in the column tags, but this
+is ignored by some browsers (like Firefox, Safari). Opera does it right
+ :group 'org-export-tables
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column nil
+ "Non-nil means format column one in tables with header tags.
+When nil, also column one will use data tags."
+ :group 'org-export-tables
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-export-html-validation-link
+ "<a href=\"\">Validate XHTML 1.0</a>"
+ "Link to HTML validation service."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-with-timestamp nil
+ "If non-nil, write timestamp into the exported HTML text.
+If non-nil, write `org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp' into the
+exported HTML text. Otherwise, the buffer will just be saved to
+a file."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp
+ "<br/><br/><hr/><p><!-- hhmts start --> <!-- hhmts end --></p>\n"
+ "The HTML tag used as timestamp delimiter for HTML-helper-mode."
+ :group 'org-export-html
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-html-protect-char-alist
+ '(("&" . "&amp;")
+ ("<" . "&lt;")
+ (">" . "&gt;"))
+ "Alist of characters to be converted by `org-html-protect'."
+ :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Character")
+ (string :tag "HTML equivalent"))))
+(defgroup org-export-htmlize nil
+ "Options for processing examples with htmlize.el."
+ :tag "Org Export Htmlize"
+ :group 'org-export-html)
+(defcustom org-export-htmlize-output-type 'inline-css
+ "Output type to be used by htmlize when formatting code snippets.
+Choices are `css', to export the CSS selectors only, or `inline-css', to
+export the CSS attribute values inline in the HTML. We use as default
+`inline-css', in order to make the resulting HTML self-containing.
+However, this will fail when using Emacs in batch mode for export, because
+then no rich font definitions are in place. It will also not be good if
+people with different Emacs setup contribute HTML files to a website,
+because the fonts will represent the individual setups. In these cases,
+it is much better to let Org/Htmlize assign classes only, and to use
+a style file to define the look of these classes.
+To get a start for your css file, start Emacs session and make sure that
+all the faces you are interested in are defined, for example by loading files
+in all modes you want. Then, use the command
+\\[org-export-htmlize-generate-css] to extract class definitions."
+ :group 'org-export-htmlize
+ :type '(choice (const css) (const inline-css)))
+(defcustom org-export-htmlize-css-font-prefix "org-"
+ "The prefix for CSS class names for htmlize font specifications."
+ :group 'org-export-htmlize
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-htmlized-org-css-url nil
+ "URL pointing to a CSS file defining text colors for htmlized Emacs buffers.
+Normally when creating an htmlized version of an Org buffer, htmlize will
+create CSS to define the font colors. However, this does not work when
+converting in batch mode, and it also can look bad if different people
+with different fontification setup work on the same website.
+When this variable is non-nil, creating an htmlized version of an Org buffer
+using `org-export-as-org' will remove the internal CSS section and replace it
+with a link to this URL."
+ :group 'org-export-htmlize
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Keep internal css" nil)
+ (string :tag "URL or local href")))
+;;; Hooks
+(defvar org-export-html-after-blockquotes-hook nil
+ "Hook run during HTML export, after blockquote, verse, center are done.")
+(defvar org-export-html-final-hook nil
+ "Hook run at the end of HTML export, in the new buffer.")
+;;; HTML export
+(defun org-export-html-preprocess (parameters)
+ "Convert LaTeX fragments to images."
+ (when (and org-current-export-file
+ (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments))
+ (org-format-latex
+ (concat "ltxpng/" (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory
+ org-current-export-file)))
+ org-current-export-dir nil "Creating LaTeX image %s"
+ nil nil
+ (cond
+ ((eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) 'verbatim) 'verbatim)
+ ((eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) 'mathjax ) 'mathjax)
+ ((eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) t ) 'mathjax)
+ ((eq (plist-get parameters :LaTeX-fragments) 'dvipng ) 'dvipng)
+ (t nil))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (label l1)
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\\\ref{\\([^{}\n]+\\)}" nil t)
+ (org-if-unprotected-at (match-beginning 1)
+ (setq label (match-string 1))
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]\\{1,10\\}:\\(.+\\)" label)
+ (setq l1 (substring label (match-beginning 1)))
+ (setq l1 label)))
+ (replace-match (format "[[#%s][%s]]" label l1) t t)))))
+(defvar html-table-tag nil) ; dynamically scoped into this.
+(defconst org-html-cvt-link-fn
+ nil
+ "Function to convert link URLs to exportable URLs.
+Takes two arguments, TYPE and PATH.
+Returns exportable url as (TYPE PATH), or nil to signal that it
+didn't handle this case.
+Intended to be locally bound around a call to `org-export-as-html'." )
+(defun org-html-cvt-org-as-html (opt-plist type path)
+ "Convert an org filename to an equivalent html filename.
+If TYPE is not file, just return `nil'.
+See variable `org-export-html-link-org-files-as-html'"
+ (save-match-data
+ (and
+ org-export-html-link-org-files-as-html
+ (string= type "file")
+ (string-match "\\.org$" path)
+ (progn
+ (list
+ "file"
+ (concat
+ (substring path 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ "."
+ (plist-get opt-plist :html-extension)))))))
+;;; org-xhtml-format-org-link
+(defun org-xhtml-format-org-link (opt-plist type-1 path fragment desc attr
+ descp)
+ "Make an HTML link.
+OPT-PLIST is an options list.
+TYPE is the device-type of the link (THIS://foo.html)
+PATH is the path of the link (http://THIS#locationx)
+FRAGMENT is the fragment part of the link, if any (foo.html#THIS)
+DESC is the link description, if any.
+ATTR is a string of other attributes of the a element.
+MAY-INLINE-P allows inlining it as an image."
+ (declare (special org-lparse-par-open))
+ (when (string= type-1 "coderef")
+ (setq attr
+ (format "class=\"coderef\" onmouseover=\"CodeHighlightOn(this, '%s');\" onmouseout=\"CodeHighlightOff(this, '%s');\""
+ fragment fragment)))
+ (save-match-data
+ (let* ((may-inline-p
+ (and (member type-1 '("http" "https" "file"))
+ (org-lparse-should-inline-p path descp)
+ (not fragment)))
+ (type (if (equal type-1 "id") "file" type-1))
+ (filename path)
+ ;;First pass. Just sanity stuff.
+ (components-1
+ (cond
+ ((string= type "file")
+ (list
+ type
+ ;;Substitute just if original path was absolute.
+ ;;(Otherwise path must remain relative)
+ (if (file-name-absolute-p path)
+ (concat "file://" (expand-file-name path))
+ path)))
+ ((string= type "")
+ (list nil path))
+ (t (list type path))))
+ ;;Second pass. Components converted so they can refer
+ ;;to a remote site.
+ (components-2
+ (or
+ (and org-html-cvt-link-fn
+ (apply org-html-cvt-link-fn
+ opt-plist components-1))
+ (apply #'org-html-cvt-org-as-html
+ opt-plist components-1)
+ components-1))
+ (type (first components-2))
+ (thefile (second components-2)))
+ ;;Third pass. Build final link except for leading type
+ ;;spec.
+ (cond
+ ((or
+ (not type)
+ (string= type "http")
+ (string= type "https")
+ (string= type "file")
+ (string= type "coderef"))
+ (if fragment
+ (setq thefile (concat thefile "#" fragment))))
+ (t))
+ ;;Final URL-build, for all types.
+ (setq thefile
+ (let
+ ((str (org-xml-format-href thefile)))
+ (if (and type (not (or (string= "file" type)
+ (string= "coderef" type))))
+ (concat type ":" str)
+ str)))
+ (if may-inline-p
+ (org-xhtml-format-image thefile)
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'LINK (org-xml-format-desc desc) thefile attr)))))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-inline-image (desc)
+ ;; FIXME: alt text missing here?
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags "<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\"/>" "" desc))
+(defvar org-lparse-link-description-is-image)
+(defun org-xhtml-format-image (src)
+ "Create image tag with source and attributes."
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (string-match "^ltxpng/" src)
+ (format "<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"/>"
+ src (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-latex-src src))
+ (let* ((caption (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption src))
+ (attr (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-attributes src))
+ (label (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-label src))
+ (caption (and caption (org-xml-encode-org-text caption)))
+ (img (format "<img src=\"%s\"%s />"
+ src
+ (if (string-match "\\<alt=" (or attr ""))
+ (concat " " attr )
+ (concat " " attr " alt=\"" src "\""))))
+ (extra (concat
+ (and label
+ (format "id=\"%s\" " (org-solidify-link-text label)))
+ "class=\"figure\"")))
+ (if caption
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (with-org-lparse-preserve-paragraph-state
+ (insert
+ (org-lparse-format
+ '("<div %s>" . "\n</div>")
+ (concat
+ (org-lparse-format '("\n<p>" . "</p>") img)
+ (org-lparse-format '("\n<p>" . "</p>") caption))
+ extra)))
+ (buffer-string))
+ img)))))
+(defun org-export-html-get-bibliography ()
+ "Find bibliography, cut it out and return it."
+ (catch 'exit
+ (let (beg end (cnt 1) bib)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*<div \\(id\\|class\\)=\"bibliography\"" nil t)
+ (setq beg (match-beginning 0))
+ (while (re-search-forward "</?div\\>" nil t)
+ (setq cnt (+ cnt (if (string= (match-string 0) "<div") +1 -1)))
+ (when (= cnt 0)
+ (and (looking-at ">") (forward-char 1))
+ (setq bib (buffer-substring beg (point)))
+ (delete-region beg (point))
+ (throw 'exit bib))))
+ nil))))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-table (lines olines)
+ (let ((org-xhtml-format-table-no-css nil))
+ (org-lparse-format-table lines olines)))
+;; Following variable is defined for native tables i.e., when
+;; `org-lparse-table-is-styled' evals to t.
+(defvar org-xhtml-format-table-no-css)
+(defvar org-table-number-regexp) ; defined in org-table.el
+;; FIXME: This function is called from other modules. Use xhtml suffix
+;; to avoid conflict
+(defun org-format-table-xhtml (lines olines &optional no-css)
+ "Find out which HTML converter to use and return the HTML code.
+NO-CSS is passed to the exporter."
+ (let* ((org-lparse-backend 'xhtml)
+ (org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-CONTROL))
+ (org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-FORMAT))
+ (org-xhtml-format-table-no-css no-css))
+ (org-lparse-format-table lines olines)))
+;; FIXME: This function is called from other modules. Use xhtml suffix
+;; to avoid conflict
+(defun org-format-org-table-xhtml (lines &optional splice no-css)
+ ;; This routine might get called outside of org-export-as-html. For
+ ;; example, this could happen as part of org-table-export or as part
+ ;; of org-export-as-docbook. Explicitly bind the parser callback to
+ ;; the html ones for the duration of the call.
+ (let* ((org-lparse-backend 'xhtml)
+ (org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-CONTROL))
+ (org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-FORMAT))
+ (org-xhtml-format-table-no-css no-css))
+ (org-lparse-format-org-table lines splice)))
+(defun org-export-splice-attributes (tag attributes)
+ "Read attributes in string ATTRIBUTES, add and replace in HTML tag TAG."
+ (if (not attributes)
+ tag
+ (let (oldatt newatt)
+ (setq oldatt (org-extract-attributes-from-string tag)
+ tag (pop oldatt)
+ newatt (cdr (org-extract-attributes-from-string attributes)))
+ (while newatt
+ (setq oldatt (plist-put oldatt (pop newatt) (pop newatt))))
+ (if (string-match ">" tag)
+ (setq tag
+ (replace-match (concat (org-attributes-to-string oldatt) ">")
+ t t tag)))
+ tag)))
+;; FIXME: This function is called from other modules. Use xhtml suffix
+;; to avoid conflict
+(defun org-format-table-table-xhtml (lines)
+ (let* ((org-lparse-get 'html)
+ (org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-CONTROL))
+ (org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist
+ (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-FORMAT)))
+ (org-lparse-format-table-table lines)))
+(defun org-export-splice-style (style extra)
+ "Splice EXTRA into STYLE, just before \"</style>\"."
+ (if (and (stringp extra)
+ (string-match "\\S-" extra)
+ (string-match "</style>" style))
+ (concat (substring style 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ "\n" extra "\n"
+ (substring style (match-beginning 0)))
+ style))
+(defvar htmlize-buffer-places) ; from htmlize.el
+(defun org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste (beg end)
+ "Convert the region to HTML, using htmlize.el.
+This is much like `htmlize-region-for-paste', only that it uses
+the settings define in the org-... variables."
+ (let* ((htmlize-output-type org-export-htmlize-output-type)
+ (htmlize-css-name-prefix org-export-htmlize-css-font-prefix)
+ (htmlbuf (htmlize-region beg end)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-current-buffer htmlbuf
+ (buffer-substring (plist-get htmlize-buffer-places 'content-start)
+ (plist-get htmlize-buffer-places 'content-end)))
+ (kill-buffer htmlbuf))))
+(defun org-export-htmlize-generate-css ()
+ "Create the CSS for all font definitions in the current Emacs session.
+Use this to create face definitions in your CSS style file that can then
+be used by code snippets transformed by htmlize.
+This command just produces a buffer that contains class definitions for all
+faces used in the current Emacs session. You can copy and paste the ones you
+need into your CSS file.
+If you then set `org-export-htmlize-output-type' to `css', calls to
+the function `org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste' will produce code
+that uses these same face definitions."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'htmlize)
+ (and (get-buffer "*html*") (kill-buffer "*html*"))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((fl (face-list))
+ (htmlize-css-name-prefix "org-")
+ (htmlize-output-type 'css)
+ f i)
+ (while (setq f (pop fl)
+ i (and f (face-attribute f :inherit)))
+ (when (and (symbolp f) (or (not i) (not (listp i))))
+ (insert (org-add-props (copy-sequence "1") nil 'face f))))
+ (htmlize-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (switch-to-buffer "*html*")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "<style" nil t)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0)))
+ (if (re-search-forward "</style>" nil t)
+ (delete-region (1+ (match-end 0)) (point-max)))
+ (beginning-of-line 1)
+ (if (looking-at " +") (replace-match ""))
+ (goto-char (point-min)))
+(defvar body-only) ; dynamically scoped into this.
+;; Following variable is let bound when `org-do-lparse' is in
+;; progress. See org-lparse.el.
+(defvar org-lparse-toc)
+(defvar org-lparse-footnote-buffer)
+(defvar org-lparse-footnote-definitions)
+(defvar org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos)
+(defun org-xhtml-end-export ()
+ ;; insert the table of contents
+ (when (and org-export-with-toc (not body-only) org-lparse-toc)
+ (org-xhtml-insert-toc org-lparse-toc))
+ ;; remove empty paragraphs
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "<p>[ \r\n\t]*</p>" nil t)
+ (replace-match ""))
+ ;; Convert whitespace place holders
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (beg end n)
+ (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-whitespace))
+ (setq n (get-text-property beg 'org-whitespace)
+ end (next-single-property-change beg 'org-whitespace))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (insert (format "<span style=\"visibility:hidden;\">%s</span>"
+ (make-string n ?x)))))
+ ;; Remove empty lines at the beginning of the file.
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (looking-at "\\s-+\n") (replace-match ""))
+ ;; Remove display properties
+ (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(display t))
+ ;; kill temporary buffers
+ (when org-lparse-footnote-buffer
+ (kill-buffer org-lparse-footnote-buffer))
+ ;; Run the hook
+ (run-hooks 'org-export-html-final-hook))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-toc-entry (snumber todo headline tags href)
+ (setq headline (concat
+ (and org-export-with-section-numbers
+ (concat snumber " "))
+ headline
+ (and tags
+ (concat
+ (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 3)
+ (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY tags "tag")))))
+ (when todo
+ (setq headline (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY headline "todo")))
+ (org-lparse-format 'LINK headline (concat "#" href)))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-toc-item (toc-entry level org-last-level)
+ (when (> level org-last-level)
+ (let ((cnt (- level org-last-level)))
+ (while (>= (setq cnt (1- cnt)) 0)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST 'unordered)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM 'unordered))))
+ (when (< level org-last-level)
+ (let ((cnt (- org-last-level level)))
+ (while (>= (setq cnt (1- cnt)) 0)
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST 'unordered))))
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM 'unordered)
+ (insert toc-entry))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-toc (lang-specific-heading)
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<div id=\"table-of-contents\">")
+ (insert
+ (org-lparse-format 'HEADING lang-specific-heading
+ (or (org-lparse-get 'TOPLEVEL-HLEVEL) 1)))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<div id=\"text-table-of-contents\">")
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST 'unordered)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM 'unordered))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-toc ()
+ (while (> org-last-level (1- org-min-level))
+ (setq org-last-level (1- org-last-level))
+ (org-lparse-end-list-item)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST 'unordered))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</div>")
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</div>")
+ ;; cleanup empty list items in toc
+ (while (re-search-backward "<li>[ \r\n\t]*</li>\n?" (point-min) t)
+ (replace-match "")))
+(defun org-export-as-xhtml-and-open (arg)
+ "Export the outline as HTML and immediately open it with a browser.
+If there is an active region, export only the region.
+The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
+headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted lists."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (org-lparse-and-open "xhtml" "xhtml" arg))
+(defun org-export-as-xhtml-batch ()
+ "Call the function `org-lparse-batch'.
+This function can be used in batch processing as:
+emacs --batch
+ --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
+ --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
+ --visit=MyFile --funcall org-export-as-html-batch"
+ (org-lparse-batch "xhtml"))
+(defun org-export-as-xhtml-to-buffer (arg)
+ "Call `org-lparse-to-buffer` with output to a temporary buffer.
+No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-lparse-to-buffer'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (org-lparse-to-buffer "xhtml" arg))
+(defun org-replace-region-by-xhtml (beg end)
+ "Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to HTML.
+This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
+itemized list in org-mode syntax in an HTML buffer and then use this
+command to convert it."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (org-replace-region-by "xhtml" beg end))
+(defun org-export-region-as-xhtml (beg end &optional body-only buffer)
+ "Convert region from BEG to END in `org-mode' buffer to HTML.
+If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
+contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
+cut-and-paste operations.
+If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
+of the converted HTML. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
+produced HTML as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
+a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
+ (setq html (org-export-region-as-html beg end t 'string))
+When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
+in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (org-lparse-region "xhtml" beg end body-only buffer))
+;;; org-export-as-xhtml
+(defun org-export-as-xhtml (arg &optional hidden ext-plist
+ to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
+ "Export the outline as a pretty HTML file.
+Use `org-lparse' internally to perform the actual export. This
+routine merely binds the TARGET-BACKEND and NATIVE-BACKEND args
+of `org-lparse' to \"html\"."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (org-lparse "xhtml" "xhtml" arg hidden ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir))
+(defvar org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-export org-xhtml-end-export))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-document-content org-xhtml-end-document-content))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-document-body org-xhtml-end-document-body))
+ (TOC
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-toc org-xhtml-end-toc))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-environment org-xhtml-end-environment))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-footnote-definition org-xhtml-end-footnote-definition))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-table org-xhtml-end-table))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-table-rowgroup org-xhtml-end-table-rowgroup))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-list org-xhtml-end-list))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-list-item org-xhtml-end-list-item))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-outline org-xhtml-end-outline))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-outline-text org-xhtml-end-outline-text))
+ . (org-xhtml-begin-paragraph org-xhtml-end-paragraph)))
+ "Alist of control callbacks registered with the exporter.
+Each element is of the form (ENTITY . (BEGIN-ENTITY-FUNCTION
+functions that get called when the exporter needs to begin or end
+an entity in the currently exported file. The signatures of
+these callbacks are specific to the ENTITY being emitted. These
+callbacks always get called with exported file as the current
+buffer and need to insert the appropriate tags into the current
+buffer. For example, `org-xhtml-begin-paragraph' inserts <p> and
+`org-xhtml-end-paragraph' inserts </p> in to the current buffer.
+These callbacks are invoked via `org-lparse-begin' and
+(defvar org-xhtml-entity-format-callbacks-alist
+ `((EXTRA-TARGETS . org-lparse-format-extra-targets)
+ (ORG-TAGS . org-lparse-format-org-tags)
+ (SECTION-NUMBER . org-lparse-format-section-number)
+ (HEADLINE . org-xhtml-format-headline)
+ (TOC-ENTRY . org-xhtml-format-toc-entry)
+ (TOC-ITEM . org-xhtml-format-toc-item)
+ (TAGS . org-xhtml-format-tags)
+ (SPACES . org-xhtml-format-spaces)
+ (TABS . org-xhtml-format-tabs)
+ (LINE-BREAK . org-xhtml-format-line-break)
+ (FONTIFY . org-xhtml-format-fontify)
+ (TODO . org-lparse-format-todo)
+ (ORG-LINK . org-xhtml-format-org-link)
+ (LINK . org-xhtml-format-link)
+ (INLINE-IMAGE . org-xhtml-format-inline-image)
+ (HEADING . org-xhtml-format-heading)
+ (ANCHOR . org-xhtml-format-anchor)
+ (TABLE . org-xhtml-format-table)
+ (TABLE-ROW . org-xhtml-format-table-row)
+ (TABLE-CELL . org-xhtml-format-table-cell)
+ (FOOTNOTES-SECTION . org-xhtml-format-footnotes-section)
+ (FOOTNOTE-REFERENCE . org-xhtml-format-footnote-reference)
+ (HORIZONTAL-LINE . org-xhtml-format-horizontal-line)
+ (LINE . org-xhtml-format-line)
+ (COMMENT . org-xhtml-format-comment)
+ (ORG-ENTITY . org-xhtml-format-org-entity))
+ "Alist of format callbacks registered with the exporter.
+Each element is of the form (ENTITY . ENTITY-FORMAT-FUNCTION).
+seen above. ENTITY-FORMAT-FUNCTION is a functions that gets
+called when the exporter needs to format a string in `org-mode'
+buffer in a backend specific way. The signatures of the
+formatting callback is specific to the ENTITY being passed in.
+These callbacks always need to encode the incoming entity in
+backend specific way and return the same. These callbacks do not
+make any modifications to the exporter file. For example,
+`org-xhtml-format-table-row' encloses incoming entity in <tr>
+</tr> tags and returns it. See also `org-lparse-format'.")
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-document-body (opt-plist)
+ (let ((link-up (and (plist-get opt-plist :link-up)
+ (string-match "\\S-" (plist-get opt-plist :link-up))
+ (plist-get opt-plist :link-up)))
+ (link-home (and (plist-get opt-plist :link-home)
+ (string-match "\\S-" (plist-get opt-plist :link-home))
+ (plist-get opt-plist :link-home))))
+ (insert "\n<body>")
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<div id=\"content\">")
+ (insert "\n"
+ (or (and (or link-up link-home)
+ (format org-export-html-home/up-format
+ (or link-up link-home)
+ (or link-home link-up))) "")
+ "\n"))
+ (org-xhtml-insert-preamble opt-plist))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-document-body (opt-plist)
+ (org-xhtml-insert-postamble opt-plist)
+ (unless body-only
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</div>")
+ (insert "\n</body>")))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-document-content (opt-plist)
+ (let* ((language (plist-get opt-plist :language))
+ (charset (or (and coding-system-for-write
+ (fboundp 'coding-system-get)
+ (coding-system-get coding-system-for-write
+ 'mime-charset))
+ "iso-8859-1"))
+ (style (concat (if (plist-get opt-plist :style-include-default)
+ org-export-html-style-default)
+ (plist-get opt-plist :style)
+ (plist-get opt-plist :style-extra)
+ "\n"
+ (if (plist-get opt-plist :style-include-scripts)
+ org-export-html-scripts)))
+ (mathjax
+ (if (or (eq (plist-get opt-plist :LaTeX-fragments) 'mathjax)
+ (and org-export-have-math
+ (eq (plist-get opt-plist :LaTeX-fragments) t)))
+ (org-export-html-mathjax-config
+ org-export-html-mathjax-template
+ org-export-html-mathjax-options
+ (or (plist-get opt-plist :mathjax) "")) "")))
+ (insert (format
+ "%s
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"
+ \"\">
+<html xmlns=\"\"
+lang=\"%s\" xml:lang=\"%s\">
+<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\"/>
+<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Org-mode\"/>
+<meta name=\"generated\" content=\"%s\"/>
+<meta name=\"author\" content=\"%s\"/>
+<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\"/>
+<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"%s\"/>
+ (format
+ (or (and (stringp org-export-html-xml-declaration)
+ org-export-html-xml-declaration)
+ (cdr (assoc (plist-get opt-plist :html-extension)
+ org-export-html-xml-declaration))
+ (cdr (assoc "html" org-export-html-xml-declaration))
+ "")
+ charset)
+ language language
+ (plist-get opt-plist :title)
+ charset
+ (plist-get opt-plist :effective-date)
+ (plist-get opt-plist :author)
+ (plist-get opt-plist :description)
+ (plist-get opt-plist :keywords)
+ style
+ mathjax))))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-document-content ()
+ (insert "\n</html>\n"))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-outline (level1 snumber title tags
+ target extra-targets extra-class)
+ (let* ((class (format "outline-%d" level1))
+ (class (if extra-class (concat class " " extra-class) class))
+ (id (format "outline-container-%s"
+ (org-lparse-suffix-from-snumber snumber)))
+ (extra (concat (when id (format " id=\"%s\"" id))
+ (when class (format " class=\"%s\"" class)))))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<div%s>" extra)
+ (insert
+ (org-lparse-format 'HEADING
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'HEADLINE title extra-targets tags snumber level1)
+ level1 target))))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-outline ()
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</div>"))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-outline-text (level1 snumber extra-class)
+ (let* ((class (format "outline-text-%d" level1))
+ (class (if extra-class (concat class " " extra-class) class))
+ (id (format "text-%s" (org-lparse-suffix-from-snumber snumber)))
+ (extra (concat (when id (format " id=\"%s\"" id))
+ (when class (format " class=\"%s\"" class)))))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<div%s>" extra)))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-outline-text ()
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</div>"))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-paragraph (&optional style)
+ (let* ((class (cdr (assoc style '((footnote . "footnote")
+ (verse . nil)))))
+ (extra (if class (format " class=\"%s\"" class) "")))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<p%s>" extra)))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-paragraph ()
+ (insert "</p>"))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-environment (style beg-end)
+ (assert (memq style '(blockquote center verse fixedwidth quote native)) t)
+ (case style
+ (blockquote
+ (case beg-end
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "<blockquote>\n")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
+ (END
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "\n</blockquote>\n")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (verse
+ (case beg-end
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "\n<p class=\"verse\">\n")
+ (setq org-lparse-par-open t))
+ (END
+ (insert "</p>\n")
+ (setq org-lparse-par-open nil)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (center
+ (case beg-end
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
+ (END
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "\n</div>")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (fixedwidth
+ (case beg-end
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "<pre class=\"example\">\n"))
+ (END
+ (insert "</pre>\n")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (quote
+ (case beg-end
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (insert "<pre>"))
+ (END
+ (insert "</pre>\n")
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (native
+ (case beg-end
+ (BEGIN (org-lparse-end-paragraph))
+ (END (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
+ (t (error "Unknown environment %s" style))))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-environment (style)
+ (org-xhtml-format-environment style 'BEGIN))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-environment (style)
+ (org-xhtml-format-environment style 'END))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-list (ltype &optional arg1)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (case ltype
+ (ordered (let ((extra (if arg1 (format " start=\"%d\"" arg1) "")))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<ol%s>" extra)))
+ (unordered (org-lparse-insert-tag "<ul>"))
+ (description (org-lparse-insert-tag "<dl>"))
+ (t (error "Unknown list type: %s" ltype))))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-list (ltype)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ (case ltype
+ (ordered "</ol>")
+ (unordered "</ul>")
+ (description "</dl>")
+ (t (error "Unknown list type: %s" ltype)))))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-list-item (ltype &optional arg headline)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (case ltype
+ (ordered
+ (assert (not headline) t)
+ (let* ((counter arg)
+ (extra (if counter (format " value=\"%s\"" counter) "")))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<li%s>" extra)))
+ (unordered
+ (let* ((id arg)
+ (extra (if id (format " id=\"%s\"" id) "")))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<li%s>" extra)
+ (when headline
+ (insert headline (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK) "\n"))))
+ (description
+ (assert (not headline) t)
+ (let* ((desc-tag (or arg "(no term)")))
+ (insert
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags '("<dt>" . "</dt>") desc-tag))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "<dd>")))
+ (t (error "Unknown list type"))))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-list-item (ltype)
+ (setq ltype (or (org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type ltype)
+ ltype))
+ (case ltype
+ (ordered (org-lparse-insert-tag "</li>"))
+ (unordered (org-lparse-insert-tag "</li>"))
+ (description (org-lparse-insert-tag "</dd>"))
+ (t (error "Unknown list type"))))
+;; Following variables are let bound when table emission is in
+;; progress. See org-lparse.el.
+(defvar org-lparse-table-begin-marker)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-ncols)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rownum)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-is-styled)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-vector)
+(defvar org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column)
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-table-rowgroup (&optional is-header-row)
+ (when org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open
+ (org-lparse-end 'TABLE-ROWGROUP))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag (if is-header-row "<thead>" "<tbody>"))
+ (setq org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open t)
+ (setq org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr is-header-row))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-table-rowgroup ()
+ (when org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open
+ (setq org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open nil)
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag
+ (if org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr "</thead>" "</tbody>"))))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-table (caption label attributes)
+ (let ((html-table-tag
+ (org-export-splice-attributes html-table-tag attributes)))
+ (when label
+ (setq html-table-tag
+ (org-export-splice-attributes
+ html-table-tag
+ (format "id=\"%s\"" (org-solidify-link-text label)))))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag html-table-tag))
+ ;; Since the output of HTML table formatter can also be used in
+ ;; DocBook document, we want to always include the caption to make
+ ;; DocBook XML file valid.
+ (insert (format "<caption>%s</caption>" (or caption "")) "\n"))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-table ()
+ (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
+ (goto-char org-lparse-table-begin-marker)
+ (setq org-lparse-table-begin-marker nil)
+ (let ((c -1) gr colgropen)
+ (insert
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (incf c)
+ (setq gr (pop org-table-colgroup-info))
+ (concat
+ (if (memq gr '(:start :startend))
+ (prog1
+ (if colgropen
+ "</colgroup>\n<colgroup>"
+ "<colgroup>")
+ (setq colgropen t))
+ "")
+ (let* ((align (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c))
+ (alignspec (if org-xhtml-format-table-no-css
+ " align=\"%s\"" " class=\"%s\""))
+ (extra (format alignspec align)))
+ (format "<col%s />" extra))
+ (if (memq gr '(:end :startend))
+ (progn (setq colgropen nil) "</colgroup>")
+ "")))
+ org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column ""))
+ (if colgropen (insert "</colgroup>")))
+ ;; fill style attributes for table cells
+ (while (re-search-forward "@@class\\([0-9]+\\)@@" nil t)
+ (let ((c (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
+ (replace-match
+ (if org-export-html-table-align-individual-fields
+ (format (if org-xhtml-format-table-no-css " align=\"%s\""
+ " class=\"%s\"")
+ (or (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c) "left")) "")
+ t t)))
+ (goto-char (point-max)))
+ (org-lparse-insert-tag "</table>\n"))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-table-row (row)
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags
+ (cons (eval (car org-export-table-row-tags))
+ (eval (cdr org-export-table-row-tags))) row))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-table-cell (text r c)
+ (let ((cell-style-cookie (or (and org-lparse-table-is-styled
+ (format "@@class%03d@@" c)) "")))
+ (cond
+ (org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags
+ org-export-table-header-tags text "col" cell-style-cookie))
+ ((and (= c 0) org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column)
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags
+ org-export-table-header-tags text "row" cell-style-cookie))
+ (t
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags
+ org-export-table-data-tags text cell-style-cookie)))))
+(defun org-xhtml-begin-footnote-definition (n)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph 'footnote)
+ (insert
+ (format
+ (format org-export-html-footnote-format
+ "<a class=\"footnum\" name=\"fn.%s\" href=\"#fnr.%s\">%s</a>")
+ n n n)))
+(defun org-xhtml-end-footnote-definition (n)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-spaces (n)
+ (let ((space (or (and org-lparse-encode-pending "\\nbsp") "&nbsp;")) out)
+ (while (> n 0)
+ (setq out (concat out space))
+ (setq n (1- n))) out))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-tabs (&optional n)
+ (ignore))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-line-break ()
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags "<br/>" ""))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-horizontal-line ()
+ (concat "\n" "<hr/>" "\n"))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-line (line)
+ (case org-lparse-dyn-current-environment
+ ((quote fixedwidth) (concat (org-xml-encode-plain-text line) "\n"))
+ (t (concat line "\n"))))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-comment (fmt &rest args)
+ (let ((comment (apply 'format fmt args)))
+ (format "\n<!-- %s -->\n" comment)))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-fontify (text style &optional id)
+ (let (class extra how)
+ (cond
+ ((eq style 'underline)
+ (setq extra " style=\"text-decoration:underline;\"" ))
+ ((setq how (cdr (assoc style
+ '((bold . ("<b>" . "</b>"))
+ (emphasis . ("<i>" . "</i>"))
+ (code . ("<code>" . "</code>"))
+ (verbatim . ("<code>" . "</code>"))
+ (strike . ("<del>" . "</del>"))
+ (subscript . ("<sub>" . "</sub>"))
+ (superscript . ("<sup>" . "</sup>")))))))
+ ((listp style)
+ (setq class (mapconcat 'identity style " ")))
+ ((stringp style)
+ (setq class style))
+ (t (error "Unknown style %S" style)))
+ (setq extra (concat (when class (format " class=\"%s\"" class))
+ (when id (format " id=\"%s\"" id))
+ extra))
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags
+ (or how '("<span%s>" . "</span>")) text extra)))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-link (text href &optional extra)
+ (let ((extra (concat (format " href=\"%s\"" href)
+ (and extra (concat " " extra)))))
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags '("<a%s>" . "</a>") text extra)))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-heading (text level &optional id)
+ (let* ((extra (concat (when id (format " id=\"%s\"" id)))))
+ (concat (format "<h%d%s>" level extra) text (format "</h%d>" level))))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-headline (title extra-targets tags
+ &optional snumber level)
+ (concat
+ (org-lparse-format 'EXTRA-TARGETS extra-targets)
+ (concat (org-lparse-format 'SECTION-NUMBER snumber level) " ")
+ title
+ (and tags (concat (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 3)
+ (org-lparse-format 'ORG-TAGS tags)))))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-anchor (text name &optional class)
+ (let* ((id name)
+ (extra (concat
+ (when name (format " name=\"%s\"" name))
+ (when id (format " id=\"%s\"" id))
+ (when class (format " class=\"%s\"" class)))))
+ (org-xhtml-format-tags '("<a%s>" . "</a>") text extra)))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-footnote-reference (n def refcnt)
+ (let ((extra (if (= refcnt 1) "" (format ".%d" refcnt))))
+ (format org-export-html-footnote-format
+ (format
+ "<a class=\"footref\" name=\"fnr.%s%s\" href=\"#fn.%s\">%s</a>"
+ n extra n n))))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-footnotes-section (section-name definitions)
+ (if (not definitions) ""
+ (format org-export-html-footnotes-section section-name definitions)))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-org-entity (wd)
+ (org-entity-get-representation wd 'html))
+(defun org-xhtml-format-tags (tag text &rest args)
+ (let ((prefix (when org-lparse-encode-pending "@"))
+ (suffix (when org-lparse-encode-pending "@")))
+ (apply 'org-lparse-format-tags tag text prefix suffix args)))
+(defun org-xhtml-get (what &optional opt-plist)
+ (case what
+ (BACKEND 'html)
+ '("etext" "html" "html10" "mediawiki" "pdf" "sdw" "sdw3" "sdw4"
+ "text" "text10" "odt" "vor" "vor4"))
+ (CONVERT-METHOD org-export-convert-process)
+ (EXPORT-DIR (org-export-directory :html opt-plist))
+ (FILE-NAME-EXTENSION (plist-get opt-plist :html-extension))
+ (ENTITY-CONTROL org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist)
+ (ENTITY-FORMAT org-xhtml-entity-format-callbacks-alist)
+ (TOPLEVEL-HLEVEL org-export-html-toplevel-hlevel)
+ (SPECIAL-STRING-REGEXPS org-export-html-special-string-regexps)
+ (CODING-SYSTEM-FOR-WRITE org-export-html-coding-system)
+ (CODING-SYSTEM-FOR-SAVE org-export-html-coding-system)
+ (INLINE-IMAGES org-export-html-inline-images)
+ (INLINE-IMAGE-EXTENSIONS org-export-html-inline-image-extensions)
+ (PLAIN-TEXT-MAP org-export-html-protect-char-alist)
+ org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column)
+ (TODO-KWD-CLASS-PREFIX org-export-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix)
+ (TAG-CLASS-PREFIX org-export-html-tag-class-prefix)
+ (FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR org-export-html-footnote-separator)
+ (t (error "Unknown property: %s" what))))
+(defun org-xhtml-get-coding-system-for-write ()
+ (or org-export-html-coding-system
+ (and (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system) buffer-file-coding-system)))
+(defun org-xhtml-get-coding-system-for-save ()
+ (or org-export-html-coding-system
+ (and (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system) buffer-file-coding-system)))
+(defun org-xhtml-insert-toc (toc)
+ ;; locate where toc needs to be inserted
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((or (re-search-forward "<p>\\s-*\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]\\s-*</p>" nil t)
+ (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" nil t))
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ (replace-match "")
+ (insert toc))
+ (org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos
+ (goto-char org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos)
+ (when (looking-at "\\s-*</p>")
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (insert toc))
+ (t (ignore))))
+(defun org-xhtml-insert-preamble (opt-plist)
+ (when (plist-get opt-plist :html-preamble)
+ (let ((html-pre (plist-get opt-plist :html-preamble))
+ (title (plist-get opt-plist :title))
+ (date (plist-get opt-plist :effective-date))
+ (author (plist-get opt-plist :author))
+ (lang-words (plist-get opt-plist :lang-words))
+ (email (plist-get opt-plist :email)))
+ (cond ((stringp html-pre)
+ (insert
+ (format-spec html-pre `((?t . ,title) (?a . ,author)
+ (?d . ,date) (?e . ,email)))))
+ ((functionp html-pre)
+ (funcall html-pre opt-plist))
+ (t
+ (insert
+ (format-spec
+ (or (cadr (assoc (nth 0 lang-words)
+ org-export-html-preamble-format))
+ (cadr (assoc "en" org-export-html-preamble-format)))
+ `((?t . ,title) (?a . ,author)
+ (?d . ,date) (?e . ,email)))))))))
+(defun org-xhtml-insert-postamble (opt-plist)
+ (when org-lparse-footnote-definitions
+ (insert
+ (org-lparse-format
+ 'FOOTNOTES-SECTION (nth 4 (plist-get opt-plist :lang-words))
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x) (cdr x))
+ (nreverse org-lparse-footnote-definitions) "\n"))))
+ (let ((bib (org-export-html-get-bibliography)))
+ (when bib
+ (insert "\n" bib "\n")))
+ ;; export html postamble
+ (unless body-only
+ (let* ((html-post (plist-get opt-plist :html-postamble))
+ (date (plist-get opt-plist :effective-date))
+ (author (plist-get opt-plist :author))
+ (email (plist-get opt-plist :email))
+ (lang-words (plist-get opt-plist :lang-words))
+ (html-validation-link (or org-export-html-validation-link ""))
+ (email
+ (mapconcat (lambda(e)
+ (format "<a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a>" e e))
+ (split-string email ",+ *")
+ ", "))
+ (creator-info
+ (concat "Org version " org-version " with Emacs version "
+ (number-to-string emacs-major-version))))
+ (when (plist-get opt-plist :html-postamble)
+ (cond ((stringp html-post)
+ (insert "<div id=\"postamble\">\n")
+ (insert (format-spec html-post
+ `((?a . ,author) (?e . ,email)
+ (?d . ,date) (?c . ,creator-info)
+ (?v . ,html-validation-link))))
+ (insert "</div>"))
+ ((functionp html-post)
+ (funcall html-post opt-plist))
+ ((eq html-post 'auto)
+ ;; fall back on default postamble
+ (insert "<div id=\"postamble\">\n")
+ (when (plist-get opt-plist :time-stamp-file)
+ (insert "<p class=\"date\">" (nth 2 lang-words) ": " date "</p>\n"))
+ (when (and (plist-get opt-plist :author-info) author)
+ (insert "<p class=\"author\">" (nth 1 lang-words) ": " author "</p>\n"))
+ (when (and (plist-get opt-plist :email-info) email)
+ (insert "<p class=\"email\">" email "</p>\n"))
+ (when (plist-get opt-plist :creator-info)
+ (insert "<p class=\"creator\">"
+ (concat "Org version " org-version " with Emacs version "
+ (number-to-string emacs-major-version) "</p>\n")))
+ (insert html-validation-link "\n</div>"))
+ (t
+ (insert "<div id=\"postamble\">\n")
+ (insert (format-spec
+ (or (cadr (assoc (nth 0 lang-words)
+ org-export-html-postamble-format))
+ (cadr (assoc "en" org-export-html-postamble-format)))
+ `((?a . ,author) (?e . ,email)
+ (?d . ,date) (?c . ,creator-info)
+ (?v . ,html-validation-link))))
+ (insert "</div>"))))))
+ (if org-export-html-with-timestamp
+ (insert org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp)))
+;; There are references to org-html-expand, org-html-protect and
+;; org-html-do-expand outside of org-html.el. For now provide a
+;; migration path. Ultimately these functions have to be removed.
+;; (defun org-html-expand (string)
+;; "A simple wrapper around `org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links'."
+;; (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links string))
+;; (defun org-html-protect (s)
+;; "A simple wrapper around `org-xml-encode-plain-text'."
+;; (org-xml-encode-plain-text s))
+;; (defun org-html-do-expand (s)
+;; "A simple wrapper around `org-xml-encode-org-text'."
+;; (org-xml-encode-org-text s))
+;; (defun org-export-html-format-href (s)
+;; "A simple wrapper around `org-xml-format-href'."
+;; (org-xml-format-href s))
+;; (defun org-export-html-format-desc (s)
+;; "A simple wrapper around `org-xml-format-desc'."
+;; (org-xml-format-desc s))
+(provide 'org-xhtml)
+;; arch-tag: 8109d84d-eb8f-460b-b1a8-f45f3a6c7ea1
+;;; org-html.el ends here
diff --git a/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/BasicODConverter-0.8.0.oxt b/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/BasicODConverter-0.8.0.oxt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..511187a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/BasicODConverter-0.8.0.oxt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Filters.bas b/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Filters.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5912f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Filters.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+REM ***** BASIC *****
+Dim DocTypes
+Private DocTypeToFiltersMap As New Collection
+Private WriterExportFilters As New Collection
+Private WriterWebExportFilters As New Collection
+Private CalcExportFilters As New Collection
+Private ImpressExportFilters As New Collection
+Private DrawExportFilters As New Collection
+Private ExportFiltersInited As Boolean
+Sub InitExportFilters
+ If ExportFiltersInited Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ DocTypes = Array(_
+ "", _
+ "", _
+ "", _
+ "",_
+ ""_
+ )
+ With WriterExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "bib" , Item :=Array("bib" , "BibTeX" , "BibTeX_Writer ")
+ .Add Key := "doc" , Item :=Array("doc" , "Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP" , "MS Word 97 ")
+ .Add Key := "doc6" , Item :=Array("doc" , "Microsoft Word 6.0" , "MS WinWord 6.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "doc95" , Item :=Array("doc" , "Microsoft Word 95" , "MS Word 95 ")
+ .Add Key := "docbook" , Item :=Array("xml" , "DocBook" , "DocBook File ")
+ .Add Key := "html" , Item :=Array("html" , "HTML Document ( Writer)" , "HTML (StarWriter) ")
+ .Add Key := "latex" , Item :=Array("ltx" , "LaTeX 2e" , "LaTeX_Writer ")
+ .Add Key := "mediawiki" , Item :=Array("txt" , "MediaWiki" , "MediaWiki ")
+ .Add Key := "odt" , Item :=Array("odt" , "ODF Text Document" , "writer8 ")
+ .Add Key := "ooxml" , Item :=Array("xml" , "Microsoft Office Open XML" , "MS Word 2003 XML ")
+ .Add Key := "ott" , Item :=Array("ott" , "Open Document Text" , "writer8_template ")
+ .Add Key := "pdf" , Item :=Array("pdf" , "Portable Document Format" , "writer_pdf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "rtf" , Item :=Array("rtf" , "Rich Text Format" , "Rich Text Format ")
+ .Add Key := "sdw" , Item :=Array("sdw" , "StarWriter 5.0" , "StarWriter 5.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sdw3" , Item :=Array("sdw" , "StarWriter 3.0" , "StarWriter 3.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sdw4" , Item :=Array("sdw" , "StarWriter 4.0" , "StarWriter 4.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "stw" , Item :=Array("stw" , "Open 1.0 Text Document Template" , "writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template ")
+ .Add Key := "sxw" , Item :=Array("sxw" , "Open 1.0 Text Document" , "StarOffice XML (Writer) ")
+ .Add Key := "text" , Item :=Array("txt" , "Text Encoded" , "Text (encoded) ")
+ .Add Key := "txt" , Item :=Array("txt" , "Text" , "Text ")
+ .Add Key := "uot" , Item :=Array("uot" , "Unified Office Format text" , "UOF text ")
+ .Add Key := "vor" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarWriter 5.0 Template" , "StarWriter 5.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "vor3" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarWriter 3.0 Template" , "StarWriter 3.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "vor4" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarWriter 4.0 Template" , "StarWriter 4.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "xhtml" , Item :=Array("html" , "XHTML Document" , "XHTML Writer File ")
+ End With
+ With DrawExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "bmp" , Item :=Array("bmp" , "Windows Bitmap" , "draw_bmp_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "emf" , Item :=Array("emf" , "Enhanced Metafile" , "draw_emf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "eps" , Item :=Array("eps" , "Encapsulated PostScript" , "draw_eps_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "gif" , Item :=Array("gif" , "Graphics Interchange Format" , "draw_gif_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "html" , Item :=Array("html" , "HTML Document ( Draw)" , "draw_html_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "jpg" , Item :=Array("jpg" , "Joint Photographic Experts Group" , "draw_jpg_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "met" , Item :=Array("met" , "OS/2 Metafile" , "draw_met_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "odd" , Item :=Array("odd" , "OpenDocument Drawing" , "draw8 ")
+ .Add Key := "otg" , Item :=Array("otg" , "OpenDocument Drawing Template" , "draw8_template ")
+ .Add Key := "pbm" , Item :=Array("pbm" , "Portable Bitmap" , "draw_pbm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pct" , Item :=Array("pct" , "Mac Pict" , "draw_pct_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pdf" , Item :=Array("pdf" , "Portable Document Format" , "draw_pdf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pgm" , Item :=Array("pgm" , "Portable Graymap" , "draw_pgm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "png" , Item :=Array("png" , "Portable Network Graphic" , "draw_png_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "ppm" , Item :=Array("ppm" , "Portable Pixelmap" , "draw_ppm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "ras" , Item :=Array("ras" , "Sun Raster Image" , "draw_ras_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "std" , Item :=Array("std" , " 1.0 Drawing Template" , "draw_StarOffice_XML_Draw_Template ")
+ .Add Key := "svg" , Item :=Array("svg" , "Scalable Vector Graphics" , "draw_svg_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "svm" , Item :=Array("svm" , "StarView Metafile" , "draw_svm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "swf" , Item :=Array("swf" , "Macromedia Flash (SWF)" , "draw_flash_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "sxd" , Item :=Array("sxd" , " 1.0 Drawing" , "StarOffice XML (Draw) ")
+ .Add Key := "sxd3" , Item :=Array("sxd" , "StarDraw 3.0" , "StarDraw 3.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sxd5" , Item :=Array("sxd" , "StarDraw 5.0" , "StarDraw 5.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "tiff" , Item :=Array("tiff" , "Tagged Image File Format" , "draw_tif_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "vor" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarDraw 5.0 Template" , "StarDraw 5.0 Vorlage ")
+ .Add Key := "vor3" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarDraw 3.0 Template" , "StarDraw 3.0 Vorlage ")
+ .Add Key := "wmf" , Item :=Array("wmf" , "Windows Metafile" , "draw_wmf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "xhtml" , Item :=Array("xhtml" , "XHTML" , "XHTML Draw File ")
+ .Add Key := "xpm" , Item :=Array("xpm" , "X PixMap" , "draw_xpm_Export ")
+ End With
+ With ImpressExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "bmp" , Item :=Array("bmp" , "Windows Bitmap" , "impress_bmp_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "emf" , Item :=Array("emf" , "Enhanced Metafile" , "impress_emf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "eps" , Item :=Array("eps" , "Encapsulated PostScript" , "impress_eps_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "gif" , Item :=Array("gif" , "Graphics Interchange Format" , "impress_gif_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "html" , Item :=Array("html" , "HTML Document ( Impress)" , "impress_html_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "jpg" , Item :=Array("jpg" , "Joint Photographic Experts Group" , "impress_jpg_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "met" , Item :=Array("met" , "OS/2 Metafile" , "impress_met_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "odg" , Item :=Array("odg" , "ODF Drawing (Impress)" , "impress8_draw ")
+ .Add Key := "odp" , Item :=Array("odp" , "ODF Presentation" , "impress8 ")
+ .Add Key := "otp" , Item :=Array("otp" , "ODF Presentation Template" , "impress8_template ")
+ .Add Key := "pbm" , Item :=Array("pbm" , "Portable Bitmap" , "impress_pbm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pct" , Item :=Array("pct" , "Mac Pict" , "impress_pct_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pdf" , Item :=Array("pdf" , "Portable Document Format" , "impress_pdf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pgm" , Item :=Array("pgm" , "Portable Graymap" , "impress_pgm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "png" , Item :=Array("png" , "Portable Network Graphic" , "impress_png_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "pot" , Item :=Array("pot" , "Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP Template" , "MS PowerPoint 97 Vorlage ")
+ .Add Key := "ppm" , Item :=Array("ppm" , "Portable Pixelmap" , "impress_ppm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "ppt" , Item :=Array("ppt" , "Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP" , "MS PowerPoint 97 ")
+ .Add Key := "pwp" , Item :=Array("pwp" , "PlaceWare" , "placeware_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "ras" , Item :=Array("ras" , "Sun Raster Image" , "impress_ras_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "sda" , Item :=Array("sda" , "StarDraw 5.0 ( Impress)" , "StarDraw 5.0 (StarImpress) ")
+ .Add Key := "sdd" , Item :=Array("sdd" , "StarImpress 5.0" , "StarImpress 5.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sdd3" , Item :=Array("sdd" , "StarDraw 3.0 ( Impress)" , "StarDraw 3.0 (StarImpress) ")
+ .Add Key := "sdd4" , Item :=Array("sdd" , "StarImpress 4.0" , "StarImpress 4.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sti" , Item :=Array("sti" , " 1.0 Presentation Template" , "impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template ")
+ .Add Key := "svg" , Item :=Array("svg" , "Scalable Vector Graphics" , "impress_svg_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "svm" , Item :=Array("svm" , "StarView Metafile" , "impress_svm_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "swf" , Item :=Array("swf" , "Macromedia Flash (SWF)" , "impress_flash_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "sxd" , Item :=Array("sxd" , " 1.0 Drawing ( Impress)" , "impress_StarOffice_XML_Draw ")
+ .Add Key := "sxi" , Item :=Array("sxi" , " 1.0 Presentation" , "StarOffice XML (Impress) ")
+ .Add Key := "tiff" , Item :=Array("tiff" , "Tagged Image File Format" , "impress_tif_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "uop" , Item :=Array("uop" , "Unified Office Format presentation" , "UOF presentation ")
+ .Add Key := "vor" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarImpress 5.0 Template" , "StarImpress 5.0 Vorlage ")
+ .Add Key := "vor3" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarDraw 3.0 Template ( Impress)" , "StarDraw 3.0 Vorlage (StarImpress) ")
+ .Add Key := "vor4" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarImpress 4.0 Template" , "StarImpress 4.0 Vorlage ")
+ .Add Key := "vor5" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarDraw 5.0 Template ( Impress)" , "StarDraw 5.0 Vorlage (StarImpress) ")
+ .Add Key := "wmf" , Item :=Array("wmf" , "Windows Metafile" , "impress_wmf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "xhtml" , Item :=Array("xml" , "XHTML" , "XHTML Impress File ")
+ .Add Key := "xpm" , Item :=Array("xpm" , "X PixMap" , "impress_xpm_Export ")
+ End With
+ With CalcExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "csv" , Item :=Array("csv" , "Text CSV" , "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc) ")
+ .Add Key := "dbf" , Item :=Array("dbf" , "dBASE" , "dBase ")
+ .Add Key := "dif" , Item :=Array("dif" , "Data Interchange Format" , "DIF ")
+ .Add Key := "html" , Item :=Array("html" , "HTML Document ( Calc)" , "HTML (StarCalc) ")
+ .Add Key := "ods" , Item :=Array("ods" , "ODF Spreadsheet" , "calc8 ")
+ .Add Key := "ooxml" , Item :=Array("xml" , "Microsoft Excel 2003 XML" , "MS Excel 2003 XML ")
+ .Add Key := "ots" , Item :=Array("ots" , "ODF Spreadsheet Template" , "calc8_template ")
+ .Add Key := "pdf" , Item :=Array("pdf" , "Portable Document Format" , "calc_pdf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "sdc" , Item :=Array("sdc" , "StarCalc 5.0" , "StarCalc 5.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sdc3" , Item :=Array("sdc" , "StarCalc 3.0" , "StarCalc 3.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "sdc4" , Item :=Array("sdc" , "StarCalc 4.0" , "StarCalc 4.0 ")
+ .Add Key := "slk" , Item :=Array("slk" , "SYLK" , "SYLK ")
+ .Add Key := "stc" , Item :=Array("stc" , " 1.0 Spreadsheet Template" , "calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template ")
+ .Add Key := "sxc" , Item :=Array("sxc" , " 1.0 Spreadsheet" , "StarOffice XML (Calc) ")
+ .Add Key := "uos" , Item :=Array("uos" , "Unified Office Format spreadsheet" , "UOF spreadsheet ")
+ .Add Key := "vor" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarCalc 5.0 Template" , "StarCalc 5.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "vor3" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarCalc 3.0 Template" , "StarCalc 3.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "vor4" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarCalc 4.0 Template" , "StarCalc 4.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "xhtml" , Item :=Array("xhtml" , "XHTML" , "XHTML Calc File ")
+ .Add Key := "xls" , Item :=Array("xls" , "Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP" , "MS Excel 97 ")
+ .Add Key := "xls5" , Item :=Array("xls" , "Microsoft Excel 5.0" , "MS Excel 5.0/95 ")
+ .Add Key := "xls95" , Item :=Array("xls" , "Microsoft Excel 95" , "MS Excel 95 ")
+ .Add Key := "xlt" , Item :=Array("xlt" , "Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP Template" , "MS Excel 97 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "xlt5" , Item :=Array("xlt" , "Microsoft Excel 5.0 Template" , "MS Excel 5.0/95 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "xlt95" , Item :=Array("xlt" , "Microsoft Excel 95 Template" , "MS Excel 95 Vorlage/Template ")
+ End With
+ With WriterWebExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "etext" , Item :=Array("txt" , "Text Encoded ( Writer/Web)" , "Text (encoded) (StarWriter/Web) ")
+ .Add Key := "html" , Item :=Array("html" , "HTML Document" , "HTML ")
+ '.Add Key := "html" , Item :=Array("html" , "HTML Document Template" , "writerweb8_writer_template ")
+ .Add Key := "html10" , Item :=Array("html" , " 1.0 HTML Template" , "writer_web_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Web_Template ")
+ .Add Key := "mediawiki" , Item :=Array("txt" , "MediaWiki" , "MediaWiki_Web ")
+ .Add Key := "pdf" , Item :=Array("pdf" , "PDF - Portable Document Format" , "writer_web_pdf_Export ")
+ .Add Key := "sdw" , Item :=Array("sdw" , "StarWriter 5.0 ( Writer/Web)" , "StarWriter 5.0 (StarWriter/Web) ")
+ .Add Key := "sdw3" , Item :=Array("sdw" , "StarWriter 3.0 ( Writer/Web)" , "StarWriter 3.0 (StarWriter/Web) ")
+ .Add Key := "sdw4" , Item :=Array("sdw" , "StarWriter 4.0 ( Writer/Web)" , "StarWriter 4.0 (StarWriter/Web) ")
+ .Add Key := "text" , Item :=Array("txt" , "Text ( Writer/Web)" , "Text (StarWriter/Web) ")
+ .Add Key := "text10" , Item :=Array("txt" , " 1.0 Text Document ( Writer/Web)" , "writer_web_StarOffice_XML_Writer ")
+ .Add Key := "odt" , Item :=Array("txt" , " Text ( Writer/Web)" , "writerweb8_writer ")
+ .Add Key := "vor" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarWriter/Web 5.0 Template" , "StarWriter/Web 5.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ .Add Key := "vor4" , Item :=Array("vor" , "StarWriter/Web 4.0 Template" , "StarWriter/Web 4.0 Vorlage/Template ")
+ End With
+ With DocTypeToFiltersMap
+ .Add Key := "", Item := WriterExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "", Item := CalcExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "", Item :=ImpressExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "", Item := DrawExportFilters
+ .Add Key := "", Item := WriterWebExportFilters
+ End With
+ ExportFiltersInited = True
+End Sub
+Function FilterSaveExtension(filterDescriptor ())
+ FilterSaveExtension = Trim(filterDescriptor(0))
+End Function
+Function FilterHandler(filterDescriptor ())
+ FilterHandler = Trim(filterDescriptor(2))
+End Function
+Function GetFilter(docType, outputFormat)
+ Dim filters
+ On Error Goto MissingFilter
+ filters = DocTypeToFiltersMap(docType)
+ LogMessage "output format is " & outputFormat
+ GetFilter = filters(outputFormat)
+ Exit Function
+ LogMessage("No existing filters for exporting " & docType & " to " & outputFormat)
+ GetFilter = Null
+ Resume Done
+End Function
diff --git a/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Main.bas b/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Main.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44838d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/BasicODConverter/Main.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+REM ***** BASIC *****
+Dim Interactive As Boolean
+Dim WaitFor
+Function Convert(Optional inFileURL, Optional filterSpec, Optional outFileURL)
+ Dim inDoc, inDocType, openParams, closeInDoc, presentationDoc
+ ' Set Interactivity i.e., LogMessage pops up a message.
+ Interactive = False
+ WaitFor = 10
+ ' Init dependencies
+ BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools")
+ ' BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("XrayTool")
+ ' Setup Export filters
+ InitExportFilters
+ ' Export to doc format by default
+ If IsMissing(filterSpec) Then
+ If Interactive Then
+ filterSpec = InputBox("Export to: ")
+ Else
+ filterSpec = "doc"
+ End If
+ End If
+ filterSpec = Trim(filterSpec)
+ closeInDoc = False
+ If IsMissing(inFileURL) Then
+ ' Most likely, the Macro is run interactively. Act on
+ ' the current document
+ If Not ThisComponent.HasLocation() Then
+ LogMessage("Document doesn't have a location")
+ Goto Failure
+ End If
+ inDoc = ThisComponent
+ inFileURL = inDoc.GetLocation()
+ closeInDoc = False
+ Else
+ ' Load the document
+ On Error Goto Failure
+ openParams = Array(MakePropertyValue("Hidden", True),MakePropertyValue("ReadOnly", True),)
+ 'openParams = Array()
+ inDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(inFileURL, "_blank", 0, OpenParams())
+ closeInDoc = True
+ End If
+ If IsMissing(outFileURL) Then
+ outFileURL = GetURLWithoutExtension(inFileURL)
+ End If
+ If ExportDocument(inDoc, filterSpec, outFileURL) Then
+ Goto Success
+ End If
+ LogMessage("filterSpec1 is " & filterSpec)
+ ' Export didn't go through. Maybe didn't find a valid filter.
+ ' Check whether the request is to convert a Text or a Web
+ ' Document to a Presentation Document
+ inDocType = GetDocumentType(inDoc)
+ If (inDocType = "" Or _
+ inDocType = "") Then
+ LogMessage("Filterspec2 is " & filterSpec)
+ filter = GetFilter("", filterSpec)
+ If IsNull(filter) Then
+ LogMessage("We tried our best. Nothing more to do"
+ Goto Failure
+ Else
+ LogMessage("Trying to create presentation document. Found valid filter for " & filterSpec)
+ End If
+ Else
+ Goto Failure
+ End If
+ ' Export Outline to Presentation
+ dispatcher = createUnoService("")
+ dispatcher.executeDispatch(inDoc.CurrentController.Frame, ".uno:SendOutlineToStarImpress", "", 0, Array())
+ ' Dispatch event above is aynchronous. Wait for a few seconds for the above event to finish
+ Wait(WaitFor * 1000)
+ ' After the dispatch, the current component is a presentation
+ ' document. Note that it doesn't have a location
+ presentationDoc = ThisComponent
+ If IsNull(ExportDocument(presentationDoc, filter, outFileURL)) Then
+ Goto Failure
+ Else
+ presentationDoc.Close(True)
+ End If
+ LogMessage("Successfully exported to " & outFileURL )
+ Goto Done
+ LogMessage("Export failed " & outFileURL )
+ Goto Done
+ If closeInDoc Then
+ inDoc.Close(True)
+ End If
+End Function
+Function ExportDocument(inputDoc, filterSpec, outFileURL) As Boolean
+ Dim inputDocType, filter
+ ExportDocument = False
+ On Error Goto Failure
+ inputDocType = GetDocumentType(inputDoc)
+ If IsArray(filterSpec) Then
+ ' Filter is fully specified
+ filter = filterSpec
+ Else
+ ' Filter is specified by it's name
+ filter = GetFilter(inputDocType, filterSpec)
+ End If
+ If InStr(outFileURL, ".") = 0 Then
+ outFileURL = outFileURL & "." & FilterSaveExtension(filter)
+ End If
+ LogMessage("outFileURL is " & outFileURL)
+ inputDoc.storeToUrl(outFileURL, Array(MakePropertyValue("FilterName", FilterHandler(filter))))
+ ExportDocument = True
+ LogMessage("Export to " & outFileURL & " succeeded")
+ Exit Function
+ LogMessage("Export to " & outFileURL & " failed")
+ Resume Done
+End Function
+Function GetURLWithoutExtension(s As String)
+ Dim pos
+ pos = Instr(s, ".")
+ If pos = 0 Then
+ GetURLWithoutExtension = s
+ Else
+ GetURLWithoutExtension = Left(s, pos - 1)
+ End If
+End Function
+Function GetDocumentType(oDoc)
+ For Each docType in DocTypes
+ If (oDoc.supportsService(docType)) Then
+ GetDocumentType = docType
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next docType
+ GetDocumentType = Nothing
+End Function
+Function MakePropertyValue(Optional sName As String, Optional sValue) As
+ Dim oPropertyValue As New
+ If Not IsMissing(sName) Then
+ oPropertyValue.Name = sName
+ EndIf
+ If Not IsMissing(sValue) Then
+ oPropertyValue.Value = sValue
+ EndIf
+ MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue
+End Function
+Sub LogMessage(message)
+ If Interactive Then
+ If Err <> 0 Then
+ Print "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & " (line : " & Erl & ")"
+ End If
+ Print message
+ End If
+End Sub
diff --git a/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-schema-v1.1.rng b/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-schema-v1.1.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ba6a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-schema-v1.1.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,17891 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ OASIS OpenDocument v1.1
+ OASIS Standard, 1 Feb 2007
+ Relax-NG Schema
+ $Id$
+ © 2002-2007 OASIS Open
+ © 1999-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:a=""
+ datatypeLibrary=""
+ xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"
+ xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0"
+ xmlns:config="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0"
+ xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0"
+ xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0"
+ xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"
+ xmlns:presentation="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0"
+ xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0"
+ xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0"
+ xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0"
+ xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0"
+ xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0"
+ xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0"
+ xmlns:anim="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:math=""
+ xmlns:xforms=""
+ xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0"
+ xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"
+ xmlns:smil="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0"
+<define name="office-process-content">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:process-content" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="office-document"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-content"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-meta"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-settings"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="office-document">
+ <element name="office:document">
+ <ref name="office-document-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-meta"/>
+ <ref name="office-settings"/>
+ <ref name="office-scripts"/>
+ <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
+ <ref name="office-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-master-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-document-content">
+ <element name="office:document-content">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-scripts"/>
+ <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
+ <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-document-styles">
+ <element name="office:document-styles">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
+ <ref name="office-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-master-styles"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-document-meta">
+ <element name="office:document-meta">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-meta"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-document-settings">
+ <element name="office:document-settings">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-settings"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-document-common-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:version">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-document-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="office:mimetype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="office-meta">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:meta">
+ <ref name="office-meta-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-meta-content">
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
+<define name="office-meta-content-strict">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="office-meta-data"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="office-body">
+ <element name="office:body">
+ <ref name="office-body-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-body-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="office:text">
+ <ref name="office-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-text-content-prelude"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="office-text-content-main"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="office-text-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-text-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ <ref name="text-tracked-changes"/>
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+<define name="office-text-content-main">
+ <choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="text-page-sequence"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-a"/>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-content">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ <ref name="text-numbered-paragraph"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ <ref name="draw-a"/>
+ <ref name="text-section"/>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-object-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-user-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography"/>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ <ref name="change-marks"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="office-text-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+<define name="office-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:global" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-soft-page-breaks" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-body-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="office:drawing">
+ <ref name="office-drawing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-drawing-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-drawing-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-drawing-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-drawing-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="office-drawing-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+<define name="office-drawing-content-main">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-page"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="office-drawing-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+<define name="office-body-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="office:presentation">
+ <ref name="office-presentation-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-presentation-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-presentation-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-presentation-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-presentation-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="office-presentation-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-decls"/>
+<define name="office-presentation-content-main">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-page"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="office-presentation-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="presentation-settings"/>
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+<define name="office-body-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="office:spreadsheet">
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-spreadsheet-content-prelude">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-tracked-changes"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+<define name="table-decls">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-calculation-settings"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-content-validations"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-label-ranges"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-spreadsheet-content-main">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+<define name="table-functions">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-named-expressions"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-database-ranges"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-tables"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-consolidation"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dde-links"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-body-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="office:chart">
+ <ref name="office-chart-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-chart-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-chart-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-chart-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-chart-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="office-chart-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+<define name="office-chart-content-main">
+ <ref name="chart-chart"/>
+<define name="office-chart-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+<define name="office-body-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="office:image">
+ <ref name="office-image-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-image-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-image-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-image-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-image-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="office-image-content-prelude">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="office-image-content-main">
+ <ref name="draw-frame"/>
+<define name="office-image-content-epilogue">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="office-settings">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:settings">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="config-config-item-set">
+ <element name="config:config-item-set">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-set-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="config-items"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="config-items">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="config-config-item"/>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-set"/>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-named"/>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-indexed"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+<define name="config-config-item-set-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="config-config-item">
+ <element name="config:config-item">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="config-config-item-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="config-config-item-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="config:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>int</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>datetime</value>
+ <value>base64Binary</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="config-config-item-map-indexed">
+ <element name="config:config-item-map-indexed">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-entry"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="config-config-item-map-entry">
+ <element name="config:config-item-map-entry">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-entry-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="config-items"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="config-config-item-map-entry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="config-config-item-map-named">
+ <element name="config:config-item-map-named">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-named-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-entry"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="config-config-item-map-named-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="office-scripts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:scripts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="office-script"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-script">
+ <element name="office:script">
+ <ref name="office-script-attlist"/>
+ <mixed>
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
+ </mixed>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-script-attlist">
+ <attribute name="script:language">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="office-font-face-decls">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:font-face-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-font-face"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-styles">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="styles"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-default-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-outline-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-notes-configuration"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-configuration"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-linenumbering-configuration"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-gradient"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-linearGradient"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-radialGradient"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-hatch"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-fill-image"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-marker"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-stroke-dash"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-opacity"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-presentation-page-layout"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-automatic-styles">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:automatic-styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="styles"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-master-styles">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:master-styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-master-page"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-handout-master"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-layer-set"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-list-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-number-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-currency-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-percentage-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-date-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-time-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-boolean-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-text-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:generator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="dc:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="dc:description">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="dc:subject">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:keyword">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:initial-creator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="dc-creator"/>
+<define name="dc-creator">
+ <element name="dc:creator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:printed-by">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:creation-date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="dc-date"/>
+<define name="dc-date">
+ <element name="dc:date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:print-date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:template">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:auto-reload">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="replace">
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onLoad">
+ <value>onLoad</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:hyperlink-behaviour">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="dc:language">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:editing-cycles">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:editing-duration">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:document-statistic">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:page-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:table-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:draw-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:image-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:ole-object-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:object-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:paragraph-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:word-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:character-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="frame-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="sentence-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="syllable-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="non-whitespace-character-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:row-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:cell-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
+ <element name="meta:user-defined">
+ <attribute name="meta:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>float</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>time</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>string</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </group>
+ <text/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-h">
+ <element name="text:h">
+ <ref name="heading-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="paragraph-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-number"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="heading-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="heading-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:restart-numbering" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="heading-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="heading-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:is-list-header" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-number">
+ <element name="text:number">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-p">
+ <element name="text:p">
+ <ref name="paragraph-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-attrs">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:cond-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-page-sequence">
+ <element name="text:page-sequence">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-page"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-page">
+ <element name="text:page">
+ <ref name="text-page-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-page-attlist">
+ <attribute name="text:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-list">
+ <element name="text:list">
+ <ref name="text-list-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-list-header"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-list-item"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-list-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:continue-numbering">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-item">
+ <element name="text:list-item">
+ <ref name="text-list-item-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-item-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-list-item-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-number"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="text-list-item-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-header">
+ <element name="text:list-header">
+ <ref name="text-list-item-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-numbered-paragraph">
+ <element name="text:numbered-paragraph">
+ <ref name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-number"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:level" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-list-attr"/>
+<define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-list-item-attr"/>
+<define name="text-section">
+ <element name="text:section">
+ <ref name="text-section-attr"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-section-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-section-source-dde"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-section-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+<define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:protection-key">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-section-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>true</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>condition</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-section-source">
+ <element name="text:section-source">
+ <ref name="text-section-source-attr"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-section-source-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="embed">
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-section-source-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:section-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-section-source-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-section-source-dde">
+ <ref name="office-dde-source"/>
+<define name="text-tracked-changes">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:tracked-changes">
+ <ref name="text-tracked-changes-attr"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-changed-region"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-tracked-changes-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:track-changes" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-changed-region">
+ <element name="text:changed-region">
+ <ref name="text-changed-region-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-changed-region-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-changed-region-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-changed-region-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:insertion">
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-changed-region-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:deletion">
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-changed-region-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:format-change">
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="change-marks">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:change">
+ <ref name="change-mark-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:change-start">
+ <ref name="change-mark-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:change-end">
+ <ref name="change-mark-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+<define name="change-mark-attr">
+ <attribute name="text:change-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-soft-page-break">
+ <element name="text:soft-page-break">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-decls">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:variable-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-variable-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:sequence-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-sequence-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:user-field-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-user-field-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:dde-connection-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-dde-connection-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <text/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:s">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:c">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:tab">
+ <ref name="text-tab-attr"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-tab-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:tab-ref">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:line-break">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:span">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:a">
+ <ref name="text-a-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:visited-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:bookmark">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:bookmark-start">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:bookmark-end">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:reference-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:reference-mark-start">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:reference-mark-end">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:note">
+ <ref name="text-note-class"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <element name="text:note-citation">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:label">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:note-body">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-note-class">
+ <attribute name="text:note-class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>footnote</value>
+ <value>endnote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:ruby">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <element name="text:ruby-base">
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:ruby-text">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="office-annotation"/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="change-marks"/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ <ref name="draw-a"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:date">
+ <ref name="text-date-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="text-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-adjust">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:time">
+ <ref name="text-time-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="text-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="timeOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-adjust">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:page-number">
+ <ref name="text-page-number-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-page-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="text-page-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:page-adjust">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-page-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:select-page">
+ <choice>
+ <value>previous</value>
+ <value>current</value>
+ <value>next</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:page-continuation">
+ <ref name="text-page-continuation-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-page-continuation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:select-page">
+ <choice>
+ <value>previous</value>
+ <value>next</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-page-continuation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-firstname">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-lastname">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-initials">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-title">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-position">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-email">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-phone-private">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-fax">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-company">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-phone-work">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-street">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-city">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-postal-code">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-country">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sender-state-or-province">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:author-name">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:author-initials">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:chapter">
+ <ref name="text-chapter-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-chapter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>number-and-name</value>
+ <value>plain-number-and-name</value>
+ <value>plain-number</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-chapter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:file-name">
+ <ref name="text-file-name-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-file-name-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>name-and-extension</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-file-name-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:template-name">
+ <ref name="text-template-name-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-template-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>name-and-extension</value>
+ <value>area</value>
+ <value>title</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sheet-name">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-variable-decl">
+ <element name="text:variable-decl">
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-type-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:variable-set">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:variable-get">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:variable-input">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-type-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-user-field-decl">
+ <element name="text:user-field-decl">
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:user-field-get">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:user-field-input">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-sequence-decl">
+ <element name="text:sequence-decl">
+ <ref name="text-sequence-decl-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-sequence-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+<define name="text-sequence-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:display-outline-level">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-sequence-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:separation-character">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sequence">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-sequence-ref-name"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-sequence-ref-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:ref-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:expression">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:text-input">
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:initial-creator">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:creation-date">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:creation-time">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="timeOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:description">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:user-defined">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:time-value">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:boolean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:print-time">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:print-date">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:printed-by">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:title">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:subject">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:keywords">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:editing-cycles">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:editing-duration">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:duration">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:modification-time">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:modification-date">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:creator">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element>
+ <choice>
+ <name>text:page-count</name>
+ <name>text:paragraph-count</name>
+ <name>text:word-count</name>
+ <name>text:character-count</name>
+ <name>text:table-count</name>
+ <name>text:image-count</name>
+ <name>text:object-count</name>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-field-database-table">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-name"/>
+<define name="common-field-database-name" combine="choice">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-database-name" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="form-connection-resource"/>
+<define name="common-field-database-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-field-database-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:table-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>query</value>
+ <value>command</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:database-display">
+ <ref name="text-database-display-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-database-display-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+<define name="text-database-display-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+<define name="text-database-display-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:column-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:database-next">
+ <ref name="text-database-next-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-database-next-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+<define name="text-database-next-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="formula"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:database-row-select">
+ <ref name="text-database-row-select-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-database-row-select-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+<define name="text-database-row-select-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="formula"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-database-row-select-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:row-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:database-row-number">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:database-name">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:page-variable-set">
+ <ref name="text-set-page-variable-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-set-page-variable-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:active">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-set-page-variable-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:page-adjust">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:page-variable-get">
+ <ref name="text-get-page-variable-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-get-page-variable-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:placeholder">
+ <ref name="text-placeholder-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-placeholder-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:placeholder-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>text-box</value>
+ <value>image</value>
+ <value>object</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-placeholder-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:conditional-text">
+ <ref name="text-conditional-text-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-conditional-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="formula"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-conditional-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value-if-true">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-conditional-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value-if-false">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-conditional-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:current-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:hidden-text">
+ <ref name="text-hidden-text-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-hidden-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="formula"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-hidden-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-hidden-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:is-hidden">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element>
+ <choice>
+ <name>text:reference-ref</name>
+ <name>text:bookmark-ref</name>
+ </choice>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-common-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-ref-content"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:note-ref">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-common-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-note-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-ref-content"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:sequence-ref">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-common-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-sequence-ref-content"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-common-ref-content" combine="interleave">
+ <text/>
+<define name="text-common-ref-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:ref-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-note-ref-content" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-note-class"/>
+<define name="text-ref-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:reference-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>direction</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-sequence-ref-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:reference-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>direction</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>category-and-value</value>
+ <value>caption</value>
+ <value>value</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:script">
+ <interleave>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <text/>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="script:language">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:execute-macro">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:hidden-paragraph">
+ <ref name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="formula"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:is-hidden">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:dde-connection">
+ <attribute name="text:connection-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:measure">
+ <attribute name="text:kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>unit</value>
+ <value>gap</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:table-formula">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-value-type-attlist">
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <ref name="valueType"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-value-and-type-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>float</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>currency</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:currency">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>time</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:time-value">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:boolean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>string</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-field-fixed-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:fixed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-name-attlist">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="variableName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-field-description-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:description">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>formula</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>formula</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-formula-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:formula">
+ <ref name="formula"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-field-num-format-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:toc-mark-start">
+ <ref name="text-toc-mark-start-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-toc-mark-start-attrs">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+<define name="text-outline-level">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-id">
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:toc-mark-end">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:toc-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:user-index-mark-start">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-name"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:user-index-mark-end">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:user-index-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-name"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-name">
+ <attribute name="text:index-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark-start">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark-end">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key1">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key2">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value-phonetic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key1-phonetic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key2-phonetic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:main-entry" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:bibliography-type">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <name>text:identifier</name>
+ <name>text:address</name>
+ <name>text:annote</name>
+ <name>text:author</name>
+ <name>text:booktitle</name>
+ <name>text:chapter</name>
+ <name>text:edition</name>
+ <name>text:editor</name>
+ <name>text:howpublished</name>
+ <name>text:institution</name>
+ <name>text:journal</name>
+ <name>text:month</name>
+ <name>text:note</name>
+ <name>text:number</name>
+ <name>text:organizations</name>
+ <name>text:pages</name>
+ <name>text:publisher</name>
+ <name>text:school</name>
+ <name>text:series</name>
+ <name>text:title</name>
+ <name>text:report-type</name>
+ <name>text:volume</name>
+ <name>text:year</name>
+ <name>text:url</name>
+ <name>text:custom1</name>
+ <name>text:custom2</name>
+ <name>text:custom3</name>
+ <name>text:custom4</name>
+ <name>text:custom5</name>
+ <name>text:isbn</name>
+ <name>text:issn</name>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-bibliography-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>article</value>
+ <value>book</value>
+ <value>booklet</value>
+ <value>conference</value>
+ <value>custom1</value>
+ <value>custom2</value>
+ <value>custom3</value>
+ <value>custom4</value>
+ <value>custom5</value>
+ <value>email</value>
+ <value>inbook</value>
+ <value>incollection</value>
+ <value>inproceedings</value>
+ <value>journal</value>
+ <value>manual</value>
+ <value>mastersthesis</value>
+ <value>misc</value>
+ <value>phdthesis</value>
+ <value>proceedings</value>
+ <value>techreport</value>
+ <value>unpublished</value>
+ <value>www</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-index-body">
+ <element name="text:index-body">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="index-content-main"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="index-content-main">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-title"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-index-title">
+ <element name="text:index-title">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="index-content-main"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-table-of-content">
+ <element name="text:table-of-content">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source">
+ <element name="text:table-of-content-source">
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-index-source-styles"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-outline-level" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-marks">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-source-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:index-scope">
+ <choice>
+ <value>document</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:relative-tab-stop-position">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:table-of-content-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-children"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-children">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-link-start"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-link-end"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-illustration-index">
+ <element name="text:illustration-index">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-source">
+ <element name="text:illustration-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+<define name="text-index-scope-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:index-scope" a:defaultValue="document">
+ <choice>
+ <value>document</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+<define name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:relative-tab-stop-position"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-caption" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:caption-sequence-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:caption-sequence-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>category-and-value</value>
+ <value>caption</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:illustration-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-entry-content">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-table-index">
+ <element name="text:table-index">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-table-index-source">
+ <element name="text:table-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-table-index-entry-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-table-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:table-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-object-index">
+ <element name="text:object-index">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-object-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-object-index-source">
+ <element name="text:object-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-object-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-object-index-entry-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-spreadsheet-objects" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-math-objects" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-draw-objects" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-chart-objects" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-object-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-other-objects" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-object-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:object-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-user-index">
+ <element name="text:user-index">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-user-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-user-index-source">
+ <element name="text:user-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-user-index-source-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-user-index-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-index-source-styles"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-user-index-source-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+ <attribute name="text:index-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-user-index-source-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-marks" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-graphics" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-tables" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-floating-frames"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-objects" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-user-index-source-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:copy-outline-levels"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-user-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:user-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-user-index-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-user-index-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-user-index-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:ignore-case" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:main-entry-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:alphabetical-separators" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:combine-entries" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:combine-entries-with-dash"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:combine-entries-with-pp" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-keys-as-entries" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:capitalize-entries" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:comma-separated" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-algorithm">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <choice>
+ <value>1</value>
+ <value>2</value>
+ <value>3</value>
+ <value>separator</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-bibliography">
+ <element name="text:bibliography">
+ <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-bibliography-source">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-source">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-bibliography-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-bibliography"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:bibliography-type">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-index-source-styles">
+ <element name="text:index-source-styles">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-index-source-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-source-style">
+ <element name="text:index-source-style">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-title-template">
+ <element name="text:index-title-template">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-chapter">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-chapter">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-chapter-attrs">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display" a:defaultValue="number">
+ <choice>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>number-and-name</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-index-entry-text">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-text">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-page-number">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-page-number">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-span">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-span">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-bibliography">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-bibliography">
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:bibliography-data-field">
+ <choice>
+ <value>address</value>
+ <value>annote</value>
+ <value>author</value>
+ <value>bibliography-type</value>
+ <value>booktitle</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>custom1</value>
+ <value>custom2</value>
+ <value>custom3</value>
+ <value>custom4</value>
+ <value>custom5</value>
+ <value>edition</value>
+ <value>editor</value>
+ <value>howpublished</value>
+ <value>identifier</value>
+ <value>institution</value>
+ <value>isbn</value>
+ <value>issn</value>
+ <value>journal</value>
+ <value>month</value>
+ <value>note</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>organizations</value>
+ <value>pages</value>
+ <value>publisher</value>
+ <value>report-type</value>
+ <value>school</value>
+ <value>series</value>
+ <value>title</value>
+ <value>url</value>
+ <value>volume</value>
+ <value>year</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-tab-stop">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <value>right</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <value>left</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="style:position">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-index-entry-link-start">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-link-start">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-index-entry-link-end">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-link-end">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table">
+ <element name="table:table">
+ <ref name="table-table-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-source"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-dde-source"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-scenario"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-shapes"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-columns-and-groups"/>
+ <ref name="table-rows-and-groups"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-columns-and-groups">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-column-group"/>
+ <ref name="table-columns-no-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+<define name="table-columns-no-group">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-columns"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-columns"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-columns"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-columns">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-columns"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-rows-and-groups">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-row-group"/>
+ <ref name="table-rows-no-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+<define name="table-rows-no-group">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-rows"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-rows"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-rows"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-rows"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-rows"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-rows">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-rows"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-row"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protected" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protection-key">
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:print" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:print-ranges">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-row">
+ <element name="table:table-row">
+ <ref name="table-table-row-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell"/>
+ <ref name="table-covered-table-cell"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-row-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-rows-repeated" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-row-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-row-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:default-cell-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-row-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:visibility" a:defaultValue="visible">
+ <ref name="table-visibility-value"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-visibility-value">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>collapse</value>
+ <value>filter</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-table-cell">
+ <element name="table:table-cell">
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra"/>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-covered-table-cell">
+ <element name="table:covered-table-cell">
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-cell-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-cell-range-source"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-annotation"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-detective"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-columns-repeated" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-columns-spanned" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-rows-spanned" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:content-validation-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-columns-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-rows-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protect" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-column">
+ <element name="table:table-column">
+ <ref name="table-table-column-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-columns-repeated" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:visibility" a:defaultValue="visible">
+ <ref name="table-visibility-value"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:default-cell-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-header-columns">
+ <element name="table:table-header-columns">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-columns">
+ <element name="table:table-columns">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-column-group">
+ <element name="table:table-column-group">
+ <ref name="table-table-column-group-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-columns-and-groups"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-column-group-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-header-rows">
+ <element name="table:table-header-rows">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-row"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-rows">
+ <element name="table:table-rows">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-row"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-row-group">
+ <element name="table:table-row-group">
+ <ref name="table-table-row-group-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-rows-and-groups"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-row-group-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:is-sub-table" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="cellAddress">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="cellRangeAddress">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+(:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+)?</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="cellRangeAddressList">
+ <!-- Value is a space separated list of "cellRangeAddress" patterns -->
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="table-table-source">
+ <element name="table:table-source">
+ <ref name="table-table-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-linked-source-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:mode" a:defaultValue="copy-all">
+ <choice>
+ <value>copy-all</value>
+ <value>copy-results-only</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:filter-options">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:refresh-delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario">
+ <element name="table:scenario">
+ <ref name="table-scenario-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:scenario-ranges">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:is-active">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-border" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:border-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:copy-back" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:copy-styles" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:copy-formulas" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:comment">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-shapes">
+ <element name="table:shapes">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-cell-range-source">
+ <element name="table:cell-range-source">
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-range-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-linked-source-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-cell-range-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-table-cell-range-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:last-column-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:last-row-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-detective">
+ <element name="table:detective">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-highlighted-range"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-operation"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-operation">
+ <element name="table:operation">
+ <ref name="table-operation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-operation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>trace-dependents</value>
+ <value>remove-dependents</value>
+ <value>trace-precedents</value>
+ <value>remove-precedents</value>
+ <value>trace-errors</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-operation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:index">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-highlighted-range">
+ <element name="table:highlighted-range">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-highlighted-range-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>from-another-table</value>
+ <value>to-another-table</value>
+ <value>from-same-table</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:contains-error" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:marked-invalid">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="office-spreadsheet-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:structure-protected" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protection-key">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-calculation-settings">
+ <element name="table:calculation-settings">
+ <ref name="table-calculation-setting-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-null-date"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-iteration"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:precision-as-shown" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:automatic-find-labels" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-regular-expressions"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:null-year" a:defaultValue="1930">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-null-date">
+ <element name="table:null-date">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:value-type" a:defaultValue="date">
+ <ref name="valueType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:date-value"
+ a:defaultValue="1899-12-30">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-iteration">
+ <element name="table:iteration">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:status" a:defaultValue="disable">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enable</value>
+ <value>disable</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:steps" a:defaultValue="100">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:maximum-difference"
+ a:defaultValue="0.001">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-content-validations">
+ <element name="table:content-validations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-content-validation"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-content-validation">
+ <element name="table:content-validation">
+ <ref name="table-validation-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-help-message"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-error-message"/>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-error-macro"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:allow-empty-cell" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-list" a:defaultValue="unsorted">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>unsorted</value>
+ <value>sort-ascending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-help-message">
+ <element name="table:help-message">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-error-message">
+ <element name="table:error-message">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:message-type" a:defaultValue="stop">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>warning</value>
+ <value>information</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-error-macro">
+ <element name="table:error-macro">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:execute" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-label-ranges">
+ <element name="table:label-ranges">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-label-range"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-label-range">
+ <element name="table:label-range">
+ <ref name="table-label-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-label-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:label-cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-label-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:data-cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-label-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-named-expressions">
+ <element name="table:named-expressions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-named-range"/>
+ <ref name="table-named-expression"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-named-range">
+ <element name="table:named-range">
+ <ref name="table-named-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-named-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:range-usable-as" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>print-range</value>
+ <value>filter</value>
+ <value>repeat-row</value>
+ <value>repeat-column</value>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-named-expression">
+ <element name="table:named-expression">
+ <ref name="table-named-expression-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-named-expression-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:expression">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-ranges">
+ <element name="table:database-ranges">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-database-range"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-database-range">
+ <element name="table:database-range">
+ <ref name="table-database-range-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-sql"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-table"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-query"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-sort"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rules"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:is-selection" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:on-update-keep-styles" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:on-update-keep-size" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:has-persistent-data" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation" a:defaultValue="row">
+ <choice>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:contains-header" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-filter-buttons"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:refresh-delay">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-source-sql">
+ <element name="table:database-source-sql">
+ <ref name="table-database-source-sql-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-database-source-sql-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-database-source-sql-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:sql-statement">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-database-source-sql-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:parse-sql-statement" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-database-source-query">
+ <element name="table:database-source-table">
+ <ref name="table-database-source-table-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-database-source-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-database-source-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:database-table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-database-source-table">
+ <element name="table:database-source-query">
+ <ref name="table-database-source-query-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-database-source-query-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-database-source-query-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:query-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-sort">
+ <element name="table:sort">
+ <ref name="table-sort-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-sort-by"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:bind-styles-to-content" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:algorithm">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-by">
+ <element name="table:sort-by">
+ <ref name="table-sort-by-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-sort-by-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-sort-by-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:data-type" a:defaultValue="automatic">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-by-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:order" a:defaultValue="ascending">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ascending</value>
+ <value>descending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-subtotal-rules">
+ <element name="table:subtotal-rules">
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-sort-groups"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rule"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:bind-styles-to-content" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:page-breaks-on-group-change"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-groups">
+ <element name="table:sort-groups">
+ <ref name="table-sort-groups-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-sort-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:data-type" a:defaultValue="automatic">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-sort-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:order" a:defaultValue="ascending">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ascending</value>
+ <value>descending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-subtotal-rule">
+ <element name="table:subtotal-rule">
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rule-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-field"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-subtotal-rule-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:group-by-field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-subtotal-field">
+ <element name="table:subtotal-field">
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-field-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-subtotal-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-subtotal-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-filter">
+ <element name="table:filter">
+ <ref name="table-filter-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-and"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-or"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:condition-source" a:defaultValue="self">
+ <choice>
+ <value>self</value>
+ <value>cell-range</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:condition-source-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-duplicates" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-filter-and">
+ <element name="table:filter-and">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-filter-or"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-filter-or">
+ <element name="table:filter-or">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-filter-and"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-filter-condition">
+ <element name="table:filter-condition">
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:operator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:data-type" a:defaultValue="text">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-tables">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-tables">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-table"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-table">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-sql"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-table"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-query"/>
+ <ref name="table-source-service"/>
+ <ref name="table-source-cell-range"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:application-data">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:grand-total" a:defaultValue="both">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:ignore-empty-rows" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:identify-categories" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:buttons">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:show-filter-button" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:drill-down-on-double-click"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-source-cell-range">
+ <element name="table:source-cell-range">
+ <ref name="table-source-cell-range-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-source-cell-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-source-service">
+ <element name="table:source-service">
+ <ref name="table-source-service-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:source-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:object-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:user-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:password">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-field">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-level"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field-reference"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-groups"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:source-field-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>data</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <value>page</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:selected-page">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:is-data-layout-field" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:used-hierarchy" a:defaultValue="-1">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-level">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-level">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-level-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-subtotals"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-members"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-display-info"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-sort-info"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-layout-info"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-level-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:show-empty">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-subtotals">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-subtotals">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-subtotal"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-subtotal">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-subtotal">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-members">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-members">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-member"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-member">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-member">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:show-details">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-display-info">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-display-info">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:enabled">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:data-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:member-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:display-member-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>from-top</value>
+ <value>from-bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-sort-info">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:sort-mode">
+ <value>data</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:data-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="table:sort-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>manual</value>
+ <value>name</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:order">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ascending</value>
+ <value>descending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-layout-info">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-layout-info">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:layout-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>tabular-layout</value>
+ <value>outline-subtotals-top</value>
+ <value>outline-subtotals-bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:add-empty-lines">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-field-reference">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:field-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:member-type">
+ <value>named</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:member-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="table:member-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>previous</value>
+ <value>next</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>member-difference</value>
+ <value>member-percentage</value>
+ <value>member-percentage-difference</value>
+ <value>running-total</value>
+ <value>row-percentage</value>
+ <value>column-percentage</value>
+ <value>total-percentage</value>
+ <value>index</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-groups">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-groups">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:source-field-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:date-start">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:start">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:date-end">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:step">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:grouped-by">
+ <choice>
+ <value>seconds</value>
+ <value>minutes</value>
+ <value>hours</value>
+ <value>days</value>
+ <value>months</value>
+ <value>quarters</value>
+ <value>years</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-group">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-group">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group-member"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-group-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-group-member">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-group-member">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-consolidation">
+ <element name="table:consolidation">
+ <ref name="table-consolidation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-consolidation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-consolidation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:source-cell-range-addresses">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-consolidation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:target-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-consolidation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-labels" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-consolidation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:link-to-source-data" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-dde-links">
+ <element name="table:dde-links">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-dde-link"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-tracked-changes">
+ <element name="table:tracked-changes">
+ <ref name="table-tracked-changes-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-cell-content-change"/>
+ <ref name="table-insertion"/>
+ <ref name="table-deletion"/>
+ <ref name="table-movement"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-tracked-changes-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:track-changes" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-insertion">
+ <element name="table:insertion">
+ <ref name="table-insertion-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:count" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-dependencies">
+ <element name="table:dependencies">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-dependency"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-dependency">
+ <element name="table:dependency">
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-deletions">
+ <element name="table:deletions">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-cell-content-deletion"/>
+ <ref name="table-change-deletion"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-cell-content-deletion">
+ <element name="table:cell-content-deletion">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-cell-address"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-change-deletion">
+ <element name="table:change-deletion">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-deletion">
+ <element name="table:deletion">
+ <ref name="table-deletion-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-cut-offs"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:multi-deletion-spanned">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-cut-offs">
+ <element name="table:cut-offs">
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-movement-cut-off"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-insertion-cut-off"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-movement-cut-off"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-insertion-cut-off">
+ <element name="table:insertion-cut-off">
+ <ref name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-movement-cut-off">
+ <element name="table:movement-cut-off">
+ <ref name="table-movement-cut-off-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-movement-cut-off-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:start-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-movement">
+ <element name="table:movement">
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-source-range-address"/>
+ <ref name="table-target-range-address"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-source-range-address">
+ <element name="table:source-range-address">
+ <ref name="common-table-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-target-range-address">
+ <element name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="common-table-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-table-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="common-table-cell-address-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="common-table-cell-range-address-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-table-cell-address-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:column">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:row">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-table-cell-range-address-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:start-column">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:start-row">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:start-table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-column">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-row">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-change-track-table-cell" combine="interleave">
+ <element name="table:change-track-table-cell">
+ <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:matrix-covered" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-columns-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-rows-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-cell-content-change">
+ <element name="table:cell-content-change">
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-cell-address"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-previous"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-cell-address">
+ <element name="table:cell-address">
+ <ref name="common-table-cell-address-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-previous">
+ <element name="table:previous">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-table-change-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-table-change-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:acceptance-state" a:defaultValue="pending">
+ <choice>
+ <value>accepted</value>
+ <value>rejected</value>
+ <value>pending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-table-change-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:rejecting-change-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-handout-master">
+ <element name="style:handout-master">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-handout-master-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-handout-master-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:presentation-page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-handout-master-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-handout-master-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-layer-set">
+ <element name="draw:layer-set">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-layer"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-layer">
+ <element name="draw:layer">
+ <ref name="draw-layer-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-layer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-layer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:protected" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-layer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display" a:defaultValue="always">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>screen</value>
+ <value>printer</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-page">
+ <element name="draw:page">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-page-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="presentation-animations"/>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-notes"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:presentation-page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:use-header-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:use-footer-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:use-date-time-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:id">
+ <ref name="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:nav-order">
+ <ref name="IDREFS"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="shape">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-rect"/>
+ <ref name="draw-line"/>
+ <ref name="draw-polyline"/>
+ <ref name="draw-polygon"/>
+ <ref name="draw-regular-polygon"/>
+ <ref name="draw-path"/>
+ <ref name="draw-circle"/>
+ <ref name="draw-ellipse"/>
+ <ref name="draw-g"/>
+ <ref name="draw-page-thumbnail"/>
+ <ref name="draw-frame"/>
+ <ref name="draw-measure"/>
+ <ref name="draw-caption"/>
+ <ref name="draw-connector"/>
+ <ref name="draw-control"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene"/>
+ <ref name="draw-custom-shape"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="draw-rect">
+ <element name="draw:rect">
+ <ref name="draw-rect-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-rect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-line">
+ <element name="draw:line">
+ <ref name="draw-line-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-line-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-line-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-polyline">
+ <element name="draw:polyline">
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-points-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:points">
+ <ref name="points"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:polygon">
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-regular-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:regular-polygon">
+ <ref name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="draw:concave">
+ <value>false</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="draw:concave">
+ <value>true</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:corners">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:sharpness">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-path">
+ <element name="draw:path">
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-path-data-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:d">
+ <ref name="pathData"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-circle">
+ <element name="draw:circle">
+ <ref name="draw-circle-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:cx">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:cy">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-circle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:r">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:kind" a:defaultValue="full">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>section</value>
+ <value>cut</value>
+ <value>arc</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-angle">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-angle">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-ellipse">
+ <element name="draw:ellipse">
+ <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-ellipse-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:rx">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:ry">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector">
+ <element name="draw:connector">
+ <ref name="draw-connector-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:type" a:defaultValue="standard">
+ <choice>
+ <value>standard</value>
+ <value>lines</value>
+ <value>line</value>
+ <value>curve</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-shape">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-glue-point">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-shape">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-glue-point">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:line-skew">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-caption">
+ <element name="draw:caption">
+ <ref name="draw-caption-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-caption-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-point-x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-point-y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-caption-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-measure">
+ <element name="draw:measure">
+ <ref name="draw-measure-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-measure-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-measure-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-control">
+ <element name="draw:control">
+ <ref name="draw-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-control-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:control">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-page-thumbnail">
+ <element name="draw:page-thumbnail">
+ <ref name="draw-page-thumbnail-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-page-thumbnail-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:page-number">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-g">
+ <element name="draw:g">
+ <ref name="draw-g-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-g-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-name-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-position-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-size-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-transform-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:transform">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:viewBox">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-draw-style-name-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-draw-text-style-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:layer">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-id-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:id">
+ <ref name="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-z-index-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:z-index">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:end-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:end-x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:end-y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table-background">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-text-anchor-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-text-anchor-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:anchor-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>frame</value>
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ <value>as-char</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-text-anchor-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:anchor-page-number">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-text">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-transform-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-text-style-name-attlist"/>
+<define name="draw-glue-point">
+ <element name="draw:glue-point">
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-glue-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:id">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-glue-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-glue-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top-left</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>top-right</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>bottom-left</value>
+ <value>bottom-right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-glue-points-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:escape-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>up</value>
+ <value>down</value>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="svg-title">
+ <element name="svg:title">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="svg-desc">
+ <element name="svg:desc">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-frame">
+ <element name="draw:frame">
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-frame-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-text-box"/>
+ <ref name="draw-image"/>
+ <ref name="draw-object"/>
+ <ref name="draw-object-ole"/>
+ <ref name="draw-applet"/>
+ <ref name="draw-floating-frame"/>
+ <ref name="draw-plugin"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-image-map"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-contour-polygon"/>
+ <ref name="draw-contour-path"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <value>scale</value>
+ <value>scale-min</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <value>scale</value>
+ <value>scale-min</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-frame-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:copy-of">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-text-box">
+ <element name="draw:text-box">
+ <ref name="draw-text-box-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-text-box-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:chain-next-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-text-box-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-text-box-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-text-box-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-text-box-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-image">
+ <element name="draw:image">
+ <ref name="draw-image-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-data-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="embed">
+ <choice>
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onLoad">
+ <choice>
+ <value>onLoad</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="office-binary-data">
+ <element name="office:binary-data">
+ <ref name="base64Binary"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-object">
+ <element name="draw:object">
+ <ref name="draw-object-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-document"/>
+ <ref name="math-math"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-object-ole">
+ <element name="draw:object-ole">
+ <ref name="draw-object-ole-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-object-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-object-ole-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:class-id"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-applet">
+ <element name="draw:applet">
+ <ref name="draw-applet-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-param"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:code"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:object"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:archive"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:may-script" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-plugin">
+ <element name="draw:plugin">
+ <ref name="draw-plugin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-param"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-plugin-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:mime-type"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-param">
+ <element name="draw:param">
+ <ref name="draw-param-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-param-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-param-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:value"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-floating-frame">
+ <element name="draw:floating-frame">
+ <ref name="draw-floating-frame-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-floating-frame-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-contour-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:contour-polygon">
+ <ref name="common-contour-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-contour-path">
+ <element name="draw:contour-path">
+ <ref name="common-contour-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-contour-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:recreate-on-edit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-a">
+ <element name="draw:a">
+ <ref name="draw-a-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-frame"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <choice>
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:server-map" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-image-map">
+ <element name="draw:image-map">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-area-rectangle"/>
+ <ref name="draw-area-circle"/>
+ <ref name="draw-area-polygon"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-area-rectangle">
+ <element name="draw:area-rectangle">
+ <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-area-circle">
+ <element name="draw:area-circle">
+ <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="svg:cx">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:cy">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:r">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-area-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:area-polygon">
+ <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:nohref">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nohref</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene">
+ <element name="dr3d:scene">
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="dr3d-light"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shapes3d"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="shapes3d">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-extrude"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-sphere"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-rotate"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-cube"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vrp">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vpn">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vup">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:projection">
+ <choice>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>perspective</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:focal-length">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shadow-slant">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shade-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>phong</value>
+ <value>gouraud</value>
+ <value>draft</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:ambient-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:transform"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-light">
+ <element name="dr3d:light">
+ <ref name="dr3d-light-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:diffuse-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="dr3d:direction">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:enabled">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:specular">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-cube">
+ <element name="dr3d:cube">
+ <ref name="dr3d-cube-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="dr3d-cube-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:min-edge">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:max-edge">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-sphere">
+ <element name="dr3d:sphere">
+ <ref name="dr3d-sphere-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="dr3d-sphere-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:center">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-sphere-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:size">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dr3d-extrude">
+ <element name="dr3d:extrude">
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="dr3d-rotate">
+ <element name="dr3d:rotate">
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-custom-shape">
+ <element name="draw:custom-shape">
+ <ref name="draw-custom-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-enhanced-geometry"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-custom-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:engine">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-custom-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:data">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry">
+ <element name="draw:enhanced-geometry">
+ <ref name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-equation"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-handle"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:type" a:defaultValue="non-primitive">
+ <ref name="custom-shape-type"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="custom-shape-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>non-primitive</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:viewBox">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:mirror-vertical" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:mirror-horizontal" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-rotate-angle" a:defaultValue="0">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-allowed" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-allowed" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:concentric-gradient-fill-allowed"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-brightness" a:defaultValue="33%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-depth" a:defaultValue="36pt 0">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-diffusion" a:defaultValue="0%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-number-of-line-segments"
+ a:defaultValue="30">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-light-face" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-first-light-harsh"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-second-light-harsh"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-first-light-level"
+ a:defaultValue="66%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-second-light-level"
+ a:defaultValue="66%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-first-light-direction"
+ a:defaultValue="(5 0 1)">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-second-light-direction"
+ a:defaultValue="(-5 0 1)">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-metal" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shade-mode" a:defaultValue="flat">
+ <choice>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>phong</value>
+ <value>gouraud</value>
+ <value>draft</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-rotation-angle" a:defaultValue="0 0">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-rotation-center">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-shininess" a:defaultValue="50%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-skew" a:defaultValue="50 45">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-specularity" a:defaultValue="0%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:projection" a:defaultValue="parallel">
+ <choice>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>perspective</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-viewpoint"
+ a:defaultValue="3.5cm -3.5cm 25cm">
+ <ref name="point3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="point3D">
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-origin" a:defaultValue="0.5 -0.5">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-color" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:enhanced-path">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:path-stretchpoint-x" a:defaultValue="0">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:path-stretchpoint-y" a:defaultValue="0">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-areas">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:glue-points">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:glue-point-type" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>segments</value>
+ <value>rectangle</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:glue-point-leaving-directions"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-mode" a:defaultValue="normal">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>shape</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-scale" a:defaultValue="path">
+ <choice>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>shape</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-same-letter-heights"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:modifiers">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-equation">
+ <element name="draw:equation">
+ <ref name="draw-equation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-equation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-equation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle">
+ <element name="draw:handle">
+ <ref name="draw-handle-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-mirror-vertical" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-mirror-horizontal" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-switched" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-position">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-x-minimum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-x-maximum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-y-minimum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-y-maximum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-polar">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-radius-range-minimum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-radius-range-maximum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:class">
+ <ref name="presentation-classes"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-classes">
+ <choice>
+ <value>title</value>
+ <value>outline</value>
+ <value>subtitle</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>graphic</value>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>chart</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>orgchart</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>notes</value>
+ <value>handout</value>
+ <value>header</value>
+ <value>footer</value>
+ <value>date-time</value>
+ <value>page-number</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="presentation-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:placeholder">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:user-transformed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-animations">
+ <element name="presentation:animations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="presentation-animation-elements"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-animation-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-animation-elements">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="presentation-show-shape"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-show-text"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-hide-shape"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-hide-text"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-dim"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-play"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="presentation-sound">
+ <element name="presentation:sound">
+ <ref name="presentation-sound-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <choice>
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-sound-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:play-full">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-show-shape">
+ <element name="presentation:show-shape">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:effect" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <ref name="presentationEffects"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentationEffects">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>fade</value>
+ <value>move</value>
+ <value>stripes</value>
+ <value>open</value>
+ <value>close</value>
+ <value>dissolve</value>
+ <value>wavyline</value>
+ <value>random</value>
+ <value>lines</value>
+ <value>laser</value>
+ <value>appear</value>
+ <value>hide</value>
+ <value>move-short</value>
+ <value>checkerboard</value>
+ <value>rotate</value>
+ <value>stretch</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:direction" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <ref name="presentationEffectDirections"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentationEffectDirections">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>from-left</value>
+ <value>from-top</value>
+ <value>from-right</value>
+ <value>from-bottom</value>
+ <value>from-center</value>
+ <value>from-upper-left</value>
+ <value>from-upper-right</value>
+ <value>from-lower-left</value>
+ <value>from-lower-right</value>
+ <value>to-left</value>
+ <value>to-top</value>
+ <value>to-right</value>
+ <value>to-bottom</value>
+ <value>to-upper-left</value>
+ <value>to-upper-right</value>
+ <value>to-lower-right</value>
+ <value>to-lower-left</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>spiral-inward-left</value>
+ <value>spiral-inward-right</value>
+ <value>spiral-outward-left</value>
+ <value>spiral-outward-right</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>to-center</value>
+ <value>clockwise</value>
+ <value>counter-clockwise</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:speed" a:defaultValue="medium">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentationSpeeds">
+ <choice>
+ <value>slow</value>
+ <value>medium</value>
+ <value>fast</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-scale" a:defaultValue="100%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:path-id"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-show-text">
+ <element name="presentation:show-text">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-hide-shape">
+ <element name="presentation:hide-shape">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-hide-text">
+ <element name="presentation:hide-text">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-dim">
+ <element name="presentation:dim">
+ <ref name="presentation-dim-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-dim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-dim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-play">
+ <element name="presentation:play">
+ <ref name="presentation-play-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-play-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:speed" a:defaultValue="medium">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-animation-group">
+ <element name="presentation:animation-group">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-animation-elements"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:node-type" a:defaultValue="default">
+ <choice>
+ <value>default</value>
+ <value>on-click</value>
+ <value>with-previous</value>
+ <value>after-previous</value>
+ <value>timing-root</value>
+ <value>main-sequence</value>
+ <value>interactive-sequence</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:preset-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:preset-sub-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:preset-class" a:defaultValue="custom">
+ <choice>
+ <value>custom</value>
+ <value>entrance</value>
+ <value>exit</value>
+ <value>emphasis</value>
+ <value>motion-path</value>
+ <value>ole-action</value>
+ <value>media-call</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:master-element">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:group-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener">
+ <element name="presentation:event-listener">
+ <ref name="presentation-event-listener-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="script:event-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:action">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>previous-page</value>
+ <value>next-page</value>
+ <value>first-page</value>
+ <value>last-page</value>
+ <value>hide</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>execute</value>
+ <value>show</value>
+ <value>verb</value>
+ <value>fade-out</value>
+ <value>sound</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:effect" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <ref name="presentationEffects"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:direction" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <ref name="presentationEffectDirections"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:speed" a:defaultValue="medium">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-scale" a:defaultValue="100%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="embed">
+ <choice>
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <choice>
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:verb">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="presentation:header">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="presentation:footer">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="presentation:date-time">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="presentation-decl" combine="choice">
+ <element name="presentation:header-decl">
+ <ref name="presentation-header-decl-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-header-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-decl" combine="choice">
+ <element name="presentation:footer-decl">
+ <ref name="presentation-footer-decl-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-footer-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-decl" combine="choice">
+ <element name="presentation:date-time-decl">
+ <ref name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>current-date</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="presentation:settings">
+ <ref name="presentation-settings-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-show"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-page">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:show">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:full-screen" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:endless" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:pause">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:show-logo" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:force-manual" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:mouse-visible" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:mouse-as-pen" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-with-navigator"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:animations" a:defaultValue="enabled">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-on-click"
+ a:defaultValue="enabled">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:stay-on-top" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide"
+ a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-show">
+ <element name="presentation:show">
+ <ref name="presentation-show-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-show-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="presentation-show-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="presentation:pages"/>
+<define name="chart-chart">
+ <element name="chart:chart">
+ <ref name="chart-chart-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-subtitle"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-footer"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-legend"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="chart-plot-area"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="chart:class">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+<define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:column-mapping">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:row-mapping">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-title">
+ <element name="chart:title">
+ <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-title-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-title-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+<define name="chart-title-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-subtitle">
+ <element name="chart:subtitle">
+ <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-footer">
+ <element name="chart:footer">
+ <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-legend">
+ <element name="chart:legend">
+ <ref name="chart-legend-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-legend-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="chart:legend-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:legend-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="chart:legend-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top-start</value>
+ <value>bottom-start</value>
+ <value>top-end</value>
+ <value>bottom-end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="chart-legend-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+<define name="chart-legend-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="style:legend-expansion">
+ <choice>
+ <value>wide</value>
+ <value>high</value>
+ <value>balanced</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:legend-expansion">
+ <value>custom</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="chart-legend-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-plot-area">
+ <element name="chart:plot-area">
+ <ref name="chart-plot-area-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="dr3d-light"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-axis"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-series"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-stock-gain-marker"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-stock-loss-marker"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-stock-range-line"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-wall"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-floor"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-plot-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+<define name="chart-plot-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-plot-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-plot-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-source-has-labels" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-plot-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+<define name="chart-wall">
+ <element name="chart:wall">
+ <ref name="chart-wall-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-wall-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-wall-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-floor">
+ <element name="chart:floor">
+ <ref name="chart-floor-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-floor-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-floor-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-axis">
+ <element name="chart:axis">
+ <ref name="chart-axis-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-categories"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-grid"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-axis-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="chart:dimension">
+ <choice>
+ <value>x</value>
+ <value>y</value>
+ <value>z</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="chart-axis-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-axis-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-grid">
+ <element name="chart:grid">
+ <ref name="chart-grid-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-grid-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:class" a:defaultValue="major">
+ <choice>
+ <value>major</value>
+ <value>minor</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-grid-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-series">
+ <element name="chart:series">
+ <ref name="chart-series-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-domain"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-mean-value"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-regression-curve"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-error-indicator"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-data-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:values-cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:label-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:class">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:attached-axis">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-domain">
+ <element name="chart:domain">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-categories">
+ <element name="chart:categories">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-data-point">
+ <element name="chart:data-point">
+ <ref name="chart-data-point-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-data-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:repeated">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-data-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-mean-value">
+ <element name="chart:mean-value">
+ <ref name="chart-mean-value-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-mean-value-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-error-indicator">
+ <element name="chart:error-indicator">
+ <ref name="chart-error-indicator-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-error-indicator-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-regression-curve">
+ <element name="chart:regression-curve">
+ <ref name="chart-regression-curve-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-regression-curve-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="chart-stock-gain-marker">
+ <element name="chart:stock-gain-marker">
+ <ref name="common-stock-marker-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-stock-loss-marker">
+ <element name="chart:stock-loss-marker">
+ <ref name="common-stock-marker-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="chart-stock-range-line">
+ <element name="chart:stock-range-line">
+ <ref name="common-stock-marker-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-stock-marker-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-forms">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:forms">
+ <ref name="office-forms-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="form-form"/>
+ <ref name="xforms-model"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-forms-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:automatic-focus" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-forms-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:apply-design-mode" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form">
+ <element name="form:form">
+ <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="form-form-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="form-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="controls"/>
+ <ref name="form-form"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="form-connection-resource"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame" a:defaultValue="_blank">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:method" a:defaultValue="get">
+ <choice>
+ <value>get</value>
+ <value>post</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:enctype"
+ a:defaultValue="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:allow-deletes" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:allow-inserts" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:allow-updates" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:apply-filter" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:command-type" a:defaultValue="command">
+ <choice>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>query</value>
+ <value>command</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:command"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:datasource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:master-fields">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:detail-fields">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:escape-processing" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:filter">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:ignore-result" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:navigation-mode">
+ <ref name="navigation"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="navigation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>current</value>
+ <value>parent</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:order">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:tab-cycle">
+ <ref name="tab-cycles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="tab-cycles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>records</value>
+ <value>current</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="form-connection-resource">
+ <element name="form:connection-resource">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="xforms-model">
+ <element name="xforms:model">
+ <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:text">
+ <ref name="form-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <ref name="column-controls"/>
+<define name="form-text-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-control-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-control-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="xforms-bind-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-form-control-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="form-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:textarea">
+ <ref name="form-textarea-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-textarea-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:password">
+ <ref name="form-password-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-password-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-password-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:echo-char" a:defaultValue="*">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:file">
+ <ref name="form-file-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-file-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:formatted-text">
+ <ref name="form-formatted-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:validation" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:number">
+ <ref name="form-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-numeric-control-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:date">
+ <ref name="form-date-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:time">
+ <ref name="form-time-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:fixed-text">
+ <ref name="form-fixed-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-fixed-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="for"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-fixed-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:multi-line" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:combobox">
+ <ref name="form-combobox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-item"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-combobox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="dropdown"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="size"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="list-source"/>
+ <ref name="list-source-type"/>
+<define name="form-combobox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:auto-complete">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-item">
+ <element name="form:item">
+ <ref name="form-item-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-item-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="label"/>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:listbox">
+ <ref name="form-listbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-option"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-listbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="dropdown"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="size"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="bound-column"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="list-source"/>
+ <ref name="list-source-type"/>
+<define name="form-listbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:multiple" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-listbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:xforms-list-source">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-option">
+ <element name="form:option">
+ <ref name="form-option-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-option-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="current-selected"/>
+ <ref name="selected"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:button">
+ <ref name="form-button-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="button-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="image-data"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="target-frame"/>
+ <ref name="target-location"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:default-button" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:toggle" a:default-value="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:focus-on-click">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:xforms-submission">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:image">
+ <ref name="form-image-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="button-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="image-data"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="target-frame"/>
+ <ref name="target-location"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+<define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:checkbox">
+ <ref name="form-checkbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-checkbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
+<define name="states">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unchecked</value>
+ <value>checked</value>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="form-checkbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-state">
+ <ref name="states"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-checkbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:is-tristate" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-checkbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:state" a:defaultValue="unchecked">
+ <ref name="states"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:radio">
+ <ref name="form-radio-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-radio-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="current-selected"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="selected"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:frame">
+ <ref name="form-frame-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-frame-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="for"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:image-frame">
+ <ref name="form-image-frame-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-image-frame-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="image-data"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:hidden">
+ <ref name="form-hidden-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-hidden-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:grid">
+ <ref name="form-grid-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-column"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-grid-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-column">
+ <element name="form:column">
+ <ref name="form-column-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="column-controls"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="text-style-name"/>
+<define name="text-style-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:text-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:value-range">
+ <ref name="form-value-range-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:step-size" a:defaultName="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:page-step-size">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:delay-for-repeat">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="controls" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:generic-control">
+ <ref name="form-generic-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-generic-control-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-form-control-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-form-control-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:control-implementation">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="xforms-bind-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xforms:bind">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>submit</value>
+ <value>reset</value>
+ <value>push</value>
+ <value>url</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="button-type">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:button-type" a:defaultValue="push">
+ <ref name="types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-control-id-attlist">
+ <attribute name="form:id">
+ <ref name="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="current-selected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-selected" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-value-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-current-value-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-disabled-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:disabled" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="dropdown">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:dropdown" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="for">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:for">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="image-data">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:image-data">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="label">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:label">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-maxlength-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-length">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-printable-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:printable" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-readonly-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:readonly" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="selected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:selected" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="size">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:size">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-tab-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:tab-index" a:defaultValue="0">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-tab-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:tab-stop" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="target-frame">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame" a:defaultValue="_blank">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="target-location">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-title-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:title"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:visual-effect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>3d</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:image-position" a:defaultValue="center">
+ <value>center</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="form:image-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:image-align" a:defaultValue="center">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="bound-column">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:bound-column">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-convert-empty-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:convert-empty-to-null" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-field-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:data-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="list-source">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:list-source">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="list-source-type">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:list-source-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>query</value>
+ <value>sql</value>
+ <value>sql-pass-through</value>
+ <value>value-list</value>
+ <value>table-fields</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="form-properties">
+ <element name="form:properties">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-property"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-property" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:property">
+ <ref name="form-property-name"/>
+ <ref name="form-property-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-property-name" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="form:property-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="form-property-value-and-type-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>void</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+<define name="form-property" combine="choice">
+ <element name="form:list-property">
+ <ref name="form-property-name"/>
+ <ref name="form-property-type-and-value-list"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="form-property-type-and-value-list">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>float</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>currency</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:currency">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>time</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:time-value">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:boolean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>string</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>void</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+<define name="office-annotation">
+ <element name="office:annotation">
+ <ref name="office-annotation-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-caption-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="dc-creator"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="dc-date"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="meta-date-string"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-annotation-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="meta-date-string">
+ <element name="meta:date-string">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:num-prefix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:num-suffix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-num-format-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="style:num-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>1</value>
+ <value>i</value>
+ <value>I</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:num-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>a</value>
+ <value>A</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="style-num-letter-sync-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-num-letter-sync-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:num-letter-sync">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-change-info">
+ <element name="office:change-info">
+ <ref name="dc-creator"/>
+ <ref name="dc-date"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-event-listeners">
+ <element name="office:event-listeners">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="script-event-listener"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-event-listener"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="script-event-listener" combine="interleave">
+ <element name="script:event-listener">
+ <ref name="script-event-listener-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="script-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="script:event-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="script-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="script:language">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="script-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="script:macro-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="math-math">
+ <element name="math:math">
+ <ref name="mathMarkup"/>
+ </element>
+<!-- To avoid inclusion of the complete MathML schema, anything -->
+<!-- is allowed within a math:math top-level element -->
+<define name="mathMarkup">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <ref name="mathMarkup"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="text-dde-connection-decl">
+ <element name="text:dde-connection-decl">
+ <ref name="text-dde-connection-decl-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="office:dde-application">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="office:dde-topic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="office:dde-item">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:automatic-update" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-dde-link">
+ <element name="table:dde-link">
+ <ref name="office-dde-source"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-dde-source">
+ <element name="office:dde-source">
+ <ref name="office-dde-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="office-dde-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="office-dde-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:conversion-mode"
+ a:defaultValue="into-default-style-data-style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>into-default-style-data-style</value>
+ <value>into-english-number</value>
+ <value>keep-text</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:animate">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:set">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-set-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:animateMotion">
+ <ref name="anim-animate-motion-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-animate-motion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:path">
+ <ref name="pathData"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-animate-motion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:origin">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-animate-motion-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:calcMode" a:defaultValue="paced">
+ <choice>
+ <value>discrete</value>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>paced</value>
+ <value>spline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:animateColor">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-animate-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-animate-color-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:color-interpolation" a:defaultValue="rgb">
+ <choice>
+ <value>rgb</value>
+ <value>hsl</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-animate-color-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:color-interpolation-direction"
+ a:defaultValue="clockwise">
+ <choice>
+ <value>clockwise</value>
+ <value>counter-clockwise</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:animateTransform">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-animate-transform-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-animate-transform-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="svg:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>translate</value>
+ <value>scale</value>
+ <value>rotate</value>
+ <value>skewX</value>
+ <value>skewY</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:transitionFilter">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist "/>
+ <ref name="anim-transition-filter-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="smil:type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:subtype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:direction" a:defaultValue="forward">
+ <choice>
+ <value>forward</value>
+ <value>reverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fadeColor">
+ <choice>
+ <value>forward</value>
+ <value>reverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:mode" a:defaultValue="in">
+ <choice>
+ <value>in</value>
+ <value>out</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:id">
+ <ref name="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-target-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:targetElement">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-named-target-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="smil:attributeName">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-anim-target-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:sub-item">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-values-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:values">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:calcMode" a:defaultValue="discrete">
+ <choice>
+ <value>discrete</value>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>paced</value>
+ <value>spline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:keyTimes">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:keySplines">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:accumulate">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:additive">
+ <choice>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-values-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-set-values-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:to">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-anim-values-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-anim-set-values-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:from">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:by">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:begin">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:end">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-dur-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:dur">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-endsync-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:endsync">
+ <choice>
+ <value>first</value>
+ <value>last</value>
+ <value>all</value>
+ <value>media</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-repeat-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:repeatDur">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:repeatCount">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <value>indefinite</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-fill-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fill">
+ <choice>
+ <value>remove</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ <value>hold</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>default</value>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-fill-default-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fillDefault">
+ <choice>
+ <value>remove</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ <value>hold</value>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>inherit</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-restart-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:restart" a:defaultValue="default">
+ <choice>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>whenNotActive</value>
+ <value>default</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-restart-default-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:restartDefault" a:defaultValue="inherit">
+ <choice>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>whenNotActive</value>
+ <value>inherit</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-time-manip-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:accelerate" a:defaultValue="0.0">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-time-manip-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:decelerate" a:defaultValue="0.0">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-time-manip-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:autoReverse" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:par">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-endsync-timing-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-basic-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dur-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat-timing-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-basic-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-restart-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-restart-default-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-fill-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-fill-default-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-time-manip-attlist"/>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:seq">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-endsync-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:iterate">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-iterate-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-endsync-timing-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-iterate-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+<define name="anim-iterate-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:iterate-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-iterate-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:iterate-interval">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:audio">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-audio-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-basic-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-audio-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="anim-audio-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:audio-level">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
+ <element name="anim:command">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-command-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="anim:param">
+ <attribute name="anim:name"/>
+ <attribute name="anim:value"/>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="anim-command-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="anim:command">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-style">
+ <element name="style:style">
+ <ref name="style-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-style-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:parent-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:next-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:list-style-name">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:auto-update" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:class">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:default-outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-map">
+ <element name="style:map">
+ <ref name="style-map-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-map-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-map-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:apply-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-map-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-default-style">
+ <element name="style:default-style">
+ <ref name="style-style-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-page-layout">
+ <element name="style:page-layout">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-footer-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-page-layout-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-page-layout-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-usage" a:defaultValue="all">
+ <choice>
+ <value>all</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>mirrored</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-header-style">
+ <element name="style:header-style">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-footer-style">
+ <element name="style:footer-style">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-master-page">
+ <element name="style:master-page">
+ <ref name="style-master-page-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-left"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-footer"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-footer-left"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-notes"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:next-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-header">
+ <element name="style:header">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-footer">
+ <element name="style:footer">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-header-left">
+ <element name="style:header-left">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-footer-left">
+ <element name="style:footer-left">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="header-footer-content">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="text-tracked-changes"/>
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ <ref name="text-section"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-object-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-user-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-title"/>
+ <ref name="change-marks"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-region-left"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-region-center"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-region-right"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-style-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-region-left">
+ <element name="style:region-left">
+ <ref name="region-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-region-center">
+ <element name="style:region-center">
+ <ref name="region-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-region-right">
+ <element name="style:region-right">
+ <ref name="region-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="region-content">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="presentation-notes">
+ <element name="presentation:notes">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-notes-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-notes-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="presentation-notes-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="table-table-template">
+ <element name="table:table-template">
+ <ref name="table-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-first-row"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-last-row"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-first-column"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-last-column"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-body"/>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-even-rows"/>
+ <ref name="table-odd-rows"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-even-columns"/>
+ <ref name="table-odd-columns"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:first-row-start-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:first-row-end-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:last-row-start-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:last-row-end-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="rowOrCol">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="table-first-row">
+ <element name="table:first-row">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-last-row">
+ <element name="table:last-row">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-first-column">
+ <element name="table:first-column">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-last-column">
+ <element name="table:last-column">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-body">
+ <element name="table:body">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-even-rows">
+ <element name="table:even-rows">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-odd-rows">
+ <element name="table:odd-rows">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-even-columns">
+ <element name="table:even-columns">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="table-odd-columns">
+ <element name="table:odd-columns">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:paragraph-style-name">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </optional>
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+<define name="style-font-face">
+ <element name="style:font-face">
+ <ref name="style-font-face-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-src"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-definition-src"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-family">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-style">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-variant">
+ <ref name="fontVariant"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-weight">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-stretch">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>ultra-condensed</value>
+ <value>extra-condensed</value>
+ <value>condensed</value>
+ <value>semi-condensed</value>
+ <value>semi-expanded</value>
+ <value>expanded</value>
+ <value>extra-expanded</value>
+ <value>ultra-expanded</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-size">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:unicode-range"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:units-per-em">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:panose-1"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stemv">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stemh">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:slope">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:cap-height">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x-height">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:accent-height">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:ascent">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:descent">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:widths"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:bbox"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:ideographic">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:alphabetic">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:mathematical">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:hanging">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-ideographic">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-alphabetic">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-mathematical">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-hanging">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:underline-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:underline-thickness">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:strikethrough-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:strikethrough-thickness">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:overline-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:overline-thickness">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
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+<define name="svg-font-face-src">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-src">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-uri"/>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-name"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
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+<define name="svg-font-face-uri">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-uri">
+ <ref name="common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-format"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
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+<define name="svg-font-face-format">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-format">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:string"/>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="svg-font-face-name">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:name"/>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="svg-definition-src">
+ <element name="svg:definition-src">
+ <ref name="common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-adornments">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-number-style">
+ <element name="number:number-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="any-number"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="any-number">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="number-number"/>
+ <ref name="number-scientific-number"/>
+ <ref name="number-fraction"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="number-number">
+ <element name="number:number">
+ <ref name="number-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-decimal-places-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-embedded-text"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:decimal-replacement"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:display-factor" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-embedded-text">
+ <element name="number:embedded-text">
+ <ref name="number-embedded-text-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-embedded-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="number:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="number-scientific-number">
+ <element name="number:scientific-number">
+ <ref name="number-scientific-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-decimal-places-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-scientific-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-exponent-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-fraction">
+ <element name="number:fraction">
+ <ref name="number-fraction-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-fraction-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-numerator-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-fraction-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-denominator-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-fraction-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:denominator-value">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-currency-style">
+ <element name="number:currency-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-auto-reorder-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="number-and-text"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="currency-symbol-and-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="currency-symbol-and-text"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-and-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="currency-symbol-and-text">
+ <ref name="number-currency-symbol"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-and-text">
+ <ref name="number-number"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-currency-symbol">
+ <element name="number:currency-symbol">
+ <ref name="number-currency-symbol-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-currency-symbol-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-percentage-style">
+ <element name="number:percentage-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-and-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-date-style">
+ <element name="number:date-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-auto-reorder-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-format-source-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- This DTD does not reflect the fact that some elements must not -->
+ <!-- occur more than once. -->
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="any-date"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="any-date">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="number-day"/>
+ <ref name="number-month"/>
+ <ref name="number-year"/>
+ <ref name="number-era"/>
+ <ref name="number-day-of-week"/>
+ <ref name="number-week-of-year"/>
+ <ref name="number-quarter"/>
+ <ref name="number-hours"/>
+ <ref name="number-am-pm"/>
+ <ref name="number-minutes"/>
+ <ref name="number-seconds"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="number-day">
+ <element name="number:day">
+ <ref name="number-day-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-day-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-month">
+ <element name="number:month">
+ <ref name="number-month-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-month-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:textual" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-month-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:possessive-form" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-month-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-year">
+ <element name="number:year">
+ <ref name="number-year-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-year-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-era">
+ <element name="number:era">
+ <ref name="number-era-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-era-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-day-of-week">
+ <element name="number:day-of-week">
+ <ref name="number-day-of-week-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-day-of-week-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-week-of-year">
+ <element name="number:week-of-year">
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-quarter">
+ <element name="number:quarter">
+ <ref name="number-quarter-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-quarter-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-time-style">
+ <element name="number:time-style">
+ <ref name="number-time-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-format-source-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <!-- This DTD does not reflect the fact that some elements must not -->
+ <!-- occur more than once. -->
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="any-time"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="any-time">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="number-hours"/>
+ <ref name="number-am-pm"/>
+ <ref name="number-minutes"/>
+ <ref name="number-seconds"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="number-time-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:truncate-on-overflow" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-hours">
+ <element name="number:hours">
+ <ref name="number-hours-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-hours-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-minutes">
+ <element name="number:minutes">
+ <ref name="number-minutes-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-minutes-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-seconds">
+ <element name="number:seconds">
+ <ref name="number-seconds-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-seconds-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-seconds-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:decimal-places" a:defaultValue="0">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="number-am-pm">
+ <element name="number:am-pm">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-boolean-style">
+ <element name="number:boolean-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-boolean"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-boolean">
+ <element name="number:boolean">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-text-style">
+ <element name="number:text-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-text-content"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-text">
+ <element name="number:text">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="number-text-content">
+ <element name="number:text-content">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:title"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:volatile">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-auto-reorder-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:automatic-order" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-format-source-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:format-source" a:defaultValue="fixed">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>language</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-format" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-language">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-style" a:defaultValue="short">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>medium</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-decimal-places-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-integer-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:grouping" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-calendar-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:calendar">
+ <choice>
+ <value>gregorian</value>
+ <value>gengou</value>
+ <value>ROC</value>
+ <value>hanja_yoil</value>
+ <value>hanja</value>
+ <value>hijri</value>
+ <value>jewish</value>
+ <value>buddhist</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>text</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>section</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-section-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>ruby</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration">
+ <element name="text:linenumbering-configuration">
+ <ref name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-linenumbering-separator"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:number-lines" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:increment">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:number-position" a:defaultValue="left">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>inner</value>
+ <value>outer</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:offset">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:count-empty-lines" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:count-in-text-boxes" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:restart-on-page" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-linenumbering-separator">
+ <element name="text:linenumbering-separator">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:increment">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration">
+ <element name="text:notes-configuration">
+ <ref name="text-notes-configuration-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="text-note-class"/>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:citation-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:citation-body-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:default-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-numbering-at">
+ <choice>
+ <value>document</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:footnotes-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>section</value>
+ <value>document</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:note-continuation-notice-forward">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:note-continuation-notice-backward">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-bibliography-configuration">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-configuration">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-sort-key"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:prefix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:suffix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:numbered-entries" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-by-position" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-algorithm">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-sort-key">
+ <element name="text:sort-key">
+ <ref name="text-sort-key-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-sort-key-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:key">
+ <choice>
+ <value>address</value>
+ <value>annote</value>
+ <value>author</value>
+ <value>bibliography-type</value>
+ <value>booktitle</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>custom1</value>
+ <value>custom2</value>
+ <value>custom3</value>
+ <value>custom4</value>
+ <value>custom5</value>
+ <value>edition</value>
+ <value>editor</value>
+ <value>howpublished</value>
+ <value>identifier</value>
+ <value>institution</value>
+ <value>isbn</value>
+ <value>issn</value>
+ <value>journal</value>
+ <value>month</value>
+ <value>note</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>organizations</value>
+ <value>pages</value>
+ <value>publisher</value>
+ <value>report-type</value>
+ <value>school</value>
+ <value>series</value>
+ <value>title</value>
+ <value>url</value>
+ <value>volume</value>
+ <value>year</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-ascending" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-style">
+ <element name="text:list-style">
+ <ref name="text-list-style-attr"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-list-style-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-list-style-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-list-style-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-style-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:consecutive-numbering" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-attr">
+ <attribute name="text:level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-list-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:list-level-style-number">
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-number-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display-levels" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:list-level-style-bullet">
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:bullet-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:bullet-relative-size">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-list-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <element name="text:list-level-style-image">
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-image-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-list-level-style-image-attr" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="text-outline-style">
+ <element name="text:outline-style">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level-style"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-outline-level-style">
+ <element name="text:outline-level-style">
+ <ref name="text-outline-level-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="text:level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+<define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display-levels" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table-column</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table-row</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table-cell</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <choice>
+ <value>graphic</value>
+ <value>presentation</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties">
+ <element name="style:graphic-properties">
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties-elements"/>
+<define name=" style-graphic-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>drawing-page</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties">
+ <element name="style:drawing-page-properties">
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="draw-gradient">
+ <element name="draw:gradient">
+ <ref name="common-draw-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:style">
+ <ref name="gradient-style"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="gradient-style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>axial</value>
+ <value>radial</value>
+ <value>ellipsoid</value>
+ <value>square</value>
+ <value>rectangular</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:cx">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:cy">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-intensity">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-intensity">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:angle">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:border">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="svg-linearGradient">
+ <element name="svg:linearGradient">
+ <ref name="common-svg-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x1" a:defaultValue="0%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1" a:defaultValue="0%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x2" a:defaultValue="100%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2" a:defaultValue="100%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-stop"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="svg-radialGradient">
+ <element name="svg:radialGradient">
+ <ref name="common-svg-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:cx" a:defaultValue="50%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:cy" a:defaultValue="50%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:r" a:defaultValue="50%">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:fx">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:fy">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-stop"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="svg-stop">
+ <element name="svg:stop">
+ <attribute name="svg:offset">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stop-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stop-opacity">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+<define name="common-svg-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:gradientUnits" a:defaultValue="objectBoundingBox">
+ <value>objectBoundingBox</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:gradientTransform">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:spreadMethod" a:defaultValue="pad">
+ <choice>
+ <value>pad</value>
+ <value>reflect</value>
+ <value>repeat</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="common-svg-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="common-svg-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-hatch">
+ <element name="draw:hatch">
+ <ref name="draw-hatch-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>single</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ <value>triple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:rotation">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-fill-image">
+ <element name="draw:fill-image">
+ <ref name="draw-fill-image-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="embed">
+ <choice>
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onLoad">
+ <choice>
+ <value>onLoad</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-fill-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-fill-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-fill-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-opacity">
+ <element name="draw:opacity">
+ <ref name="common-draw-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-opacity-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-opacity-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-marker">
+ <element name="draw:marker">
+ <ref name="draw-marker-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-marker-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-marker-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-stroke-dash">
+ <element name="draw:stroke-dash">
+ <ref name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>rect</value>
+ <value>round</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots1">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots1-length">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots2">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots2-length">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-presentation-page-layout">
+ <element name="style:presentation-page-layout">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-placeholder"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+<define name="presentation-placeholder">
+ <element name="presentation:placeholder">
+ <attribute name="presentation:object">
+ <ref name="presentation-classes"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-style-content" combine="choice">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>chart</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+<define name="style-properties-content">
+ <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties">
+ <element name="style:page-layout-properties">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:page-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:page-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:paper-tray-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>default</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>portrait</value>
+ <value>landscape</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-columns"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:register-truth-ref-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print">
+ <list>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>headers</value>
+ <value>grid</value>
+ <value>annotations</value>
+ <value>objects</value>
+ <value>charts</value>
+ <value>drawings</value>
+ <value>formulas</value>
+ <value>zero-values</value>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-page-order">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ttb</value>
+ <value>ltr</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:first-page-number">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <value>continue</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:scale-to">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:scale-to-pages">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:table-centering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:footnote-max-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-footnote-sep"/>
+<define name="style-footnote-sep">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:footnote-sep">
+ <ref name="style-footnote-sep-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-footnote-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:adjustment" a:defaultValue="left">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:distance-before-sep">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:distance-after-sep">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>line</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-base-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-ruby-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-lines">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-ruby-below">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-print">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties">
+ <element name="style:header-footer-properties">
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:dynamic-spacing">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties">
+ <element name="style:text-properties">
+ <ref name="style-text-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-text-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-text-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-text-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-text-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-variant">
+ <ref name="fontVariant"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="fontVariant">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>small-caps</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-transform">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>lowercase</value>
+ <value>uppercase</value>
+ <value>capitalize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:use-window-font-color">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-outline">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-text">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-text-style">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-position">
+ <list>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <value>super</value>
+ <value>sub</value>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </optional>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name-asian">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name-complex">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-family">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-asian">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-complex">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic-asian">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic-complex">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="fontFamilyGeneric">
+ <choice>
+ <value>roman</value>
+ <value>swiss</value>
+ <value>modern</value>
+ <value>decorative</value>
+ <value>script</value>
+ <value>system</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-name-asian">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-name-complex">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch-asian">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch-complex">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="fontPitch">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>variable</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset-asian">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset-complex">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="textEncoding">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-size">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-asian">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-complex">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-rel">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-rel-asian">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-rel-complex">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:script-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>latin</value>
+ <value>asian</value>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:letter-spacing">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:language-asian">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:language-complex">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:country-asian">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:country-complex">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-style">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-asian">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-complex">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="fontStyle">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>italic</value>
+ <value>oblique</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-relief">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>embossed</value>
+ <value>engraved</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-shadow">
+ <ref name="shadowType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="shadowType">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <!-- The following string must match an XSL shadow decl -->
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="lineType">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>single</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="lineStyle">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ <value>dotted</value>
+ <value>dash</value>
+ <value>long-dash</value>
+ <value>dot-dash</value>
+ <value>dot-dot-dash</value>
+ <value>wave</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="lineWidth">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>bold</value>
+ <value>thin</value>
+ <value>dash</value>
+ <value>medium</value>
+ <value>thick</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-weight">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-weight-asian">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-weight-complex">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="fontWeight">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>bold</value>
+ <value>100</value>
+ <value>200</value>
+ <value>300</value>
+ <value>400</value>
+ <value>500</value>
+ <value>600</value>
+ <value>700</value>
+ <value>800</value>
+ <value>900</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-mode">
+ <ref name="lineMode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="lineMode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>continuous</value>
+ <value>skip-white-space</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-mode">
+ <ref name="lineMode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:letter-kerning">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-blinking">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-combine">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>letters</value>
+ <value>lines</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-combine-start-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-combine-end-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-emphasize">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <list>
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>accent</value>
+ <value>dot</value>
+ <value>circle</value>
+ <value>disc</value>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <value>above</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ </choice>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-scale">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-rotation-angle">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-rotation-scale">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>line-height</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenate">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-push-char-count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>true</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>condition</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties">
+ <element name="style:paragraph-properties">
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:line-height">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-height-at-least">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-spacing">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-independent-line-spacing">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-text-align"/>
+<define name="common-text-align">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-align-last">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:justify-single-word">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:keep-together">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:widows">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:orphans">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-tab-stops"/>
+<define name="style-tab-stops">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:tab-stops">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-tab-stop"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-tab-stop">
+ <element name="style:tab-stop">
+ <ref name="style-tab-stop-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:position">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:type" a:defaultValue="left">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <value>char</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="style-tab-stop-char-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-char-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-text" a:defaultValue=" ">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-text-style">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:tab-stop-distance">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-keep">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-ladder-count">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-limit</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-drop-cap"/>
+<define name="style-drop-cap">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:drop-cap">
+ <ref name="style-drop-cap-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:length" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <choice>
+ <value>word</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:lines" a:defaultValue="1">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:distance" a:defaultValue="0cm">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:register-true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-left">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-right">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-indent">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:auto-text-indent">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-vertical-margin-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-top">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-bottom">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-margin-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-break-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:break-before">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:break-after">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-background-color-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:background-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>transparent</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-background-image">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:background-image">
+ <ref name="style-background-image-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:repeat" a:defaultValue="repeat">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-repeat</value>
+ <value>repeat</value>
+ <value>stretch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:position" a:defaultValue="center">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <list>
+ <ref name="horiBackPos"/>
+ <ref name="vertBackPos"/>
+ </list>
+ <list>
+ <ref name="vertBackPos"/>
+ <ref name="horiBackPos"/>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="horiBackPos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="vertBackPos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:opacity">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-border-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-top">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-bottom">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-left">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-right">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-border-line-width-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-top">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-bottom">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-left">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-right">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="borderWidths">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </list>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-padding-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-top">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-bottom">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-left">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-right">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-shadow-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:shadow">
+ <ref name="shadowType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-keep-with-next-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-keep-with-next-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:keep-with-next">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:number-lines" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:line-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-autospace">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>ideograph-alpha</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:punctuation-wrap">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ <value>hanging</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-break">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>strict</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-align" a:defaultValue="auto">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>baseline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-writing-mode-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:writing-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lr-tb</value>
+ <value>rl-tb</value>
+ <value>tb-rl</value>
+ <value>tb-lr</value>
+ <value>lr</value>
+ <value>rl</value>
+ <value>tb</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:writing-mode-automatic">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:snap-to-layout-grid">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-page-number-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-page-number-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-number">
+ <choice> <ref name="positiveInteger"/> <value>auto</value> </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:background-transparency">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-ruby-properties">
+ <element name="style:ruby-properties">
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-ruby-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-ruby-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-ruby-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="style-ruby-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:ruby-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>above</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-ruby-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:ruby-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>distribute-letter</value>
+ <value>distribute-space</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-section-properties">
+ <element name="style:section-properties">
+ <ref name="style-section-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-section-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-section-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-section-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-section-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-section-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-section-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-columns"/>
+<define name="style-columns">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:columns">
+ <ref name="style-columns-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-column-sep"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-column"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-columns-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="fo:column-count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-columns-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:column-gap">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column">
+ <element name="style:column">
+ <ref name="style-column-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <ref name="relativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:start-indent" a:defaultValue="0cm">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:end-indent" a:defaultValue="0cm">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:space-before" a:defaultValue="0cm">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:space-after" a:defaultValue="0cm">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-sep">
+ <element name="style:column-sep">
+ <ref name="style-column-sep-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:style" a:defaultValue="solid">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ <value>dotted</value>
+ <value>dashed</value>
+ <value>dot-dashed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <attribute name="style:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+<define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:height" a:defaultValue="100%">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-align" a:defaultValue="top">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:color" a:defaultValue="#000000">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:protect" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:dont-balance-text-columns">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-section-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-notes-configuration"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+<define name="style-table-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-table-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>margins</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-page-number-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-keep-with-next-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:may-break-between-rows">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:border-model">
+ <choice>
+ <value>collapsing</value>
+ <value>separating</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-column-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:column-width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-column-width">
+ <ref name="relativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:use-optimal-column-width">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-column-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-row-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:row-height">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:min-row-height">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:use-optimal-row-height">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:keep-together">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-cell-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-align-source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fix</value>
+ <value>value-type</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-style-direction-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-style-direction-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ltr</value>
+ <value>ttb</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:glyph-orientation-vertical">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-tl-br">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-tl-br-widths">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-bl-tr">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-bl-tr-widths">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:wrap-option">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-wrap</value>
+ <value>wrap</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-rotation-angle-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-rotation-angle-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rotation-angle">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rotation-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:cell-protect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>hidden-and-protected</value>
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>protected</value>
+ <value>formula-hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:repeat-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:shrink-to-fit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties">
+ <element name="style:list-level-properties">
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-text-align"/>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:space-before">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:min-label-width">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:min-label-distance">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:height">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-vertical-rel-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-pos-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>dash</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke-dash">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke-dash-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-start">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-end">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-start-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-end-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-start-center">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-end-center">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-opacity">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="double">
+ <param name="minInclusive">0</param>
+ <param name="maxInclusive">1</param>
+ </data>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke-linejoin">
+ <choice>
+ <value>miter</value>
+ <value>round</value>
+ <value>bevel</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>inherit</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ <value>bitmap</value>
+ <value>gradient</value>
+ <value>hatch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:secondary-fill-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-gradient-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:gradient-step-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-hatch-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-hatch-solid">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:repeat">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-repeat</value>
+ <value>repeat</value>
+ <value>stretch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-ref-point-x">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-ref-point-y">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-ref-point">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top-left</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>top-right</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>bottom-left</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>bottom-right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:tile-repeat-offset"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:opacity">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:opacity-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:fill-rule">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nonzero</value>
+ <value>evenodd</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:symbol-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>scroll</value>
+ <value>alternate</value>
+ <value>slide</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>up</value>
+ <value>down</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-start-inside">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-stop-inside">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-repeat">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-steps">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:auto-grow-width">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:auto-grow-height">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fit-to-size">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fit-to-contour">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:textarea-vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:textarea-horizontal-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:wrap-option">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-wrap</value>
+ <value>wrap</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-list-style"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:color-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>greyscale</value>
+ <value>mono</value>
+ <value>watermark</value>
+ <value>standard</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:color-inversion">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:luminance">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:contrast">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:gamma">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:red">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:green">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:blue">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:image-opacity">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-offset-x">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-offset-y">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-opacity">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-line-spacing-vertical">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-line-spacing-vertical">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:line-distance">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:guide-overhang">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:guide-distance">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-guide">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-guide">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:placing">
+ <choice>
+ <value>below</value>
+ <value>above</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:parallel">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:measure-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>left-outside</value>
+ <value>inside</value>
+ <value>right-outside</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:measure-vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>above</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:unit">
+ <choice>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>mm</value>
+ <value>cm</value>
+ <value>m</value>
+ <value>km</value>
+ <value>pt</value>
+ <value>pc</value>
+ <value>inch</value>
+ <value>ft</value>
+ <value>mi</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:show-unit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>straight-line</value>
+ <value>angled-line</value>
+ <value>angled-connector-line</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-angle-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>free</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-angle">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-gap">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-escape-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-escape">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-line-length">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-fit-line-length">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:horizontal-segments">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vertical-segments">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:edge-rounding">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:edge-rounding-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>correct</value>
+ <value>attractive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:back-scale">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:depth">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:backface-culling">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:end-angle">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:close-front">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:close-back">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>standard</value>
+ <value>double-sided</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:normals-kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>sphere</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:normals-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>inverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x">
+ <choice>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>sphere</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y">
+ <choice>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>sphere</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>luminance</value>
+ <value>intensity</value>
+ <value>color</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-filter">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ <value>modulate</value>
+ <value>blend</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:ambient-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:emissive-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:specular-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:diffuse-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shininess">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shadow">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:protect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>content</value>
+ <value>position</value>
+ <value>size</value>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:horizontal-pos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>from-left</value>
+ <value>inside</value>
+ <value>outside</value>
+ <value>from-inside</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:horizontal-rel">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>page-content</value>
+ <value>page-start-margin</value>
+ <value>page-end-margin</value>
+ <value>frame</value>
+ <value>frame-content</value>
+ <value>frame-start-margin</value>
+ <value>frame-end-margin</value>
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ <value>paragraph-content</value>
+ <value>paragraph-start-margin</value>
+ <value>paragraph-end-margin</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-vertical-pos-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-vertical-pos-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-pos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>from-top</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-vertical-rel-attlist"/>
+<define name="common-vertical-rel-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-rel">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>page-content</value>
+ <value>frame</value>
+ <value>frame-content</value>
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ <value>paragraph-content</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ <value>line</value>
+ <value>baseline</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-text-anchor-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="style-columns"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:editable">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>dynamic</value>
+ <value>run-through</value>
+ <value>biggest</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap-dynamic-threshold">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:number-wrapped-paragraphs">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-limit</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap-contour">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap-contour-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>outside</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:run-through">
+ <choice>
+ <value>foreground</value>
+ <value>background</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:flow-with-text">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:overflow-behavior">
+ <choice>
+ <value>clip</value>
+ <value>auto-create-new-frame</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:mirror">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <ref name="horizontal-mirror"/>
+ <list>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <ref name="horizontal-mirror"/>
+ </list>
+ <list>
+ <ref name="horizontal-mirror"/>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="horizontal-mirror">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>horizontal-on-odd</value>
+ <value>horizontal-on-even</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:clip">
+ <!-- The attribute value must match the one XSL's clip -->
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:wrap-influence-on-position"
+ a:defaultValue="iterative">
+ <choice>
+ <value>iterative</value>
+ <value>once-concurrent</value>
+ <value>once-successive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-display-scrollbar">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-display-border">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-margin-horizontal">
+ <ref name="nonNegativePixelLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-margin-vertical">
+ <ref name="nonNegativePixelLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="nonNegativePixelLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px)</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-left">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-top">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-height">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:ole-draw-aspect">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties">
+ <element name="style:chart-properties">
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties-content"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-content">
+ <ref name="style-properties-content"/>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties-elements"/>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:scale-text" a:defaultValue="true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:three-dimensional">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:deep">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>named-symbol</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>square</value>
+ <value>diamond</value>
+ <value>arrow-down</value>
+ <value>arrow-up</value>
+ <value>arrow-right</value>
+ <value>arrow-left</value>
+ <value>bow-tie</value>
+ <value>hourglass</value>
+ <value>circle</value>
+ <value>star</value>
+ <value>x</value>
+ <value>plus</value>
+ <value>asterisk</value>
+ <value>horizontal-bar</value>
+ <value>vertical-bar</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>image</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <element name="chart:symbol-image">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-width">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-height">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:vertical" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:connect-bars" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:gap-width">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:overlap">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:japanese-candle-stick"
+ a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:interpolation" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>cubic-spline</value>
+ <value>b-spline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:spline-order" a:defaultValue="2">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:spline-resolution" a:defaultValue="20">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:pie-offset" a:defaultValue="0">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:lines" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:solid-type" a:defaultValue="cuboid">
+ <choice>
+ <value>cuboid</value>
+ <value>cylinder</value>
+ <value>cone</value>
+ <value>pyramid</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:stacked" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:percentage" a:defaultValue="false">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:link-data-style-to-source">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:logarithmic">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:maximum">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:minimum">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:origin">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:interval-major">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:interval-minor-divisor">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-major-inner">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-major-outer">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-minor-inner">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-minor-outer">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:display-label">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:text-overlap">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:line-break">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:label-arrangement"
+ a:defaultValue="side-by-side">
+ <choice>
+ <value>side-by-side</value>
+ <value>stagger-even</value>
+ <value>stagger-odd</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-style-direction-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <ref name="common-rotation-angle-attlist"/>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-label-number">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-label-text">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-label-symbol">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:mean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-category" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>variance</value>
+ <value>standard-deviation</value>
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ <value>error-margin</value>
+ <value>constant</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-percentage">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-margin">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-lower-limit">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-upper-limit">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-upper-indicator">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-lower-indicator">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:series-source" a:defaultValue="columns">
+ <choice>
+ <value>columns</value>
+ <value>rows</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:regression-type" a:defaultValue="none">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>logarithmic</value>
+ <value>exponential</value>
+ <value>power</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>manual</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>semi-automatic</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>fade-from-left</value>
+ <value>fade-from-top</value>
+ <value>fade-from-right</value>
+ <value>fade-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>fade-from-upperleft</value>
+ <value>fade-from-upperright</value>
+ <value>fade-from-lowerleft</value>
+ <value>fade-from-lowerright</value>
+ <value>move-from-left</value>
+ <value>move-from-top</value>
+ <value>move-from-right</value>
+ <value>move-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>move-from-upperleft</value>
+ <value>move-from-upperright</value>
+ <value>move-from-lowerleft</value>
+ <value>move-from-lowerright</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-left</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-top</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-right</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-bottom</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-upperleft</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-upperright</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-lowerleft</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-lowerright</value>
+ <value>fade-to-center</value>
+ <value>fade-from-center</value>
+ <value>vertical-stripes</value>
+ <value>horizontal-stripes</value>
+ <value>clockwise</value>
+ <value>counterclockwise</value>
+ <value>open-vertical</value>
+ <value>open-horizontal</value>
+ <value>close-vertical</value>
+ <value>close-horizontal</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-left</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-top</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-right</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>spiralin-left</value>
+ <value>spiralin-right</value>
+ <value>spiralout-left</value>
+ <value>spiralout-right</value>
+ <value>roll-from-top</value>
+ <value>roll-from-left</value>
+ <value>roll-from-right</value>
+ <value>roll-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-left</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-top</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-right</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>vertical-lines</value>
+ <value>horizontal-lines</value>
+ <value>dissolve</value>
+ <value>random</value>
+ <value>vertical-checkerboard</value>
+ <value>horizontal-checkerboard</value>
+ <value>interlocking-horizontal-left</value>
+ <value>interlocking-horizontal-right</value>
+ <value>interlocking-vertical-top</value>
+ <value>interlocking-vertical-bottom</value>
+ <value>fly-away</value>
+ <value>open</value>
+ <value>close</value>
+ <value>melt</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-speed">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist " combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:subtype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:direction" a:defaultValue="forward">
+ <choice>
+ <value>forward</value>
+ <value>reverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fadeColor">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:duration">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:visibility">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-elements"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:background-size">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>border</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:background-objects-visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
+ combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:background-visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-header">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-footer">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-page-number">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-date-time">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+<define name="string">
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="date">
+ <data type="date"/>
+<define name="time">
+ <data type="time"/>
+<define name="dateTime">
+ <data type="dateTime"/>
+<define name="duration">
+ <data type="duration"/>
+<define name="integer">
+ <data type="integer"/>
+<define name="nonNegativeInteger">
+ <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+<define name="positiveInteger">
+ <data type="positiveInteger"/>
+<define name="double">
+ <data type="double"/>
+<define name="anyURI">
+ <data type="anyURI"/>
+<define name="base64Binary">
+ <data type="base64Binary"/>
+<define name="ID">
+ <data type="ID"/>
+<define name="IDREF">
+ <data type="IDREF"/>
+<define name="IDREFS">
+ <data type="IDREFS"/>
+<define name="boolean">
+ <choice>
+ <value>true</value>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="dateOrDateTime">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="date"/>
+ <data type="dateTime"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="timeOrDateTime">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="time"/>
+ <data type="dateTime"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="language">
+ <data type="language"/>
+<define name="countryCode">
+ <data type="token">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="languageCode">
+ <data type="token">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="character">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="length">1</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="length">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="nonNegativeLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="positiveLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="percent">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)%</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="relativeLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">[0-9]+\*</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="coordinate">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+<define name="distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+<define name="color">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="styleName">
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+<define name="styleNameRef">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="styleNameRefs">
+ <list>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </list>
+<define name="variableName">
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="formula">
+ <!-- A formula should start with a namespace prefix, -->
+ <!-- but has no restrictions-->
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="targetFrameName">
+ <choice>
+ <value>_self</value>
+ <value>_blank</value>
+ <value>_parent</value>
+ <value>_top</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+<define name="valueType">
+ <choice>
+ <value>float</value>
+ <value>time</value>
+ <value>date</value>
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ <value>currency</value>
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ <value>string</value>
+ </choice>
+<define name="points">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)*</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="pathData">
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="vector3D">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\)</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="namespacedToken">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">[0-9a-zA-Z_]+:[0-9a-zA-Z._\-]+</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="anyAttListOrElements">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
+<define name="anyElements">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <mixed>
+ <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
+ </mixed>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
diff --git a/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-manifest-schema.rng b/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-manifest-schema.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8726c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-manifest-schema.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2
+ Committee Specification (CS) 01, 17 March 2011
+ Manifest Relax-NG Schema
+ Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+ All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them
+ in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The
+ full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.
+ This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and
+ derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
+ implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or
+ in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works.
+ However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by
+ removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the
+ purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS
+ Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set
+ forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it
+ into languages other than English.
+ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by
+ OASIS or its successors or assigns.
+ This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS"
+ xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary=""
+ xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0"
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="manifest"/>
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+ <element name="manifest:manifest">
+ <ref name="manifest-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="file-entry"/>
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+ <attribute name="manifest:version">
+ <value>1.2</value>
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+<define name="file-entry">
+ <element name="manifest:file-entry">
+ <ref name="file-entry-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="encryption-data"/>
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+ </element>
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+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="manifest:full-path">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="manifest:size">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="manifest:media-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="manifest:preferred-view-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>edit</value>
+ <value>presentation-slide-show</value>
+ <value>read-only</value>
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="manifest:version">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="encryption-data">
+ <element name="manifest:encryption-data">
+ <ref name="encryption-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="algorithm"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="start-key-generation"/>
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+ <ref name="key-derivation"/>
+ </element>
+<define name="encryption-data-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="manifest:checksum-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>SHA1/1K</value>
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
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+ <attribute name="manifest:checksum">
+ <ref name="base64Binary"/>
+ </attribute>
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+ <element name="manifest:algorithm">
+ <ref name="algorithm-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
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+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="manifest:algorithm-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>Blowfish CFB</value>
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="manifest:initialisation-vector">
+ <ref name="base64Binary"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="anyAttListOrElements">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
+<define name="anyElements">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <mixed>
+ <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
+ </mixed>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
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+ <element name="manifest:key-derivation">
+ <ref name="key-derivation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
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+<define name="key-derivation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="manifest:key-derivation-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>PBKDF2</value>
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="manifest:salt">
+ <ref name="base64Binary"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="manifest:iteration-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="manifest:key-size">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="start-key-generation">
+ <element name="manifest:start-key-generation">
+ <ref name="start-key-generation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+<define name="start-key-generation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="manifest:start-key-generation-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>SHA1</value>
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="manifest:key-size">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+<define name="base64Binary">
+ <data type="base64Binary"/>
+<define name="namespacedToken">
+ <data type="QName">
+ <param name="pattern">[^:]+:[^:]+</param>
+ </data>
+<define name="nonNegativeInteger">
+ <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+<define name="string">
+ <data type="string"/>
+<define name="anyURI">
+ <data type="anyURI"/>
diff --git a/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-schema.rng b/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-schema.rng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9935cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/OASIS/OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-schema.rng
@@ -0,0 +1,18127 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2
+ Committee Specification (CS) 01, 17 March 2011
+ Relax-NG Schema
+ Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+ All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them
+ in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The
+ full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.
+ This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and
+ derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
+ implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or
+ in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works.
+ However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by
+ removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the
+ purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS
+ Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set
+ forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it
+ into languages other than English.
+ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by
+ OASIS or its successors or assigns.
+ This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS"
+ xmlns=""
+ datatypeLibrary=""
+ xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"
+ xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0"
+ xmlns:config="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0"
+ xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0"
+ xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0"
+ xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"
+ xmlns:presentation="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0"
+ xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0"
+ xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0"
+ xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0"
+ xmlns:db="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:database:1.0"
+ xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0"
+ xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0"
+ xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0"
+ xmlns:anim="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:math=""
+ xmlns:xforms=""
+ xmlns:grddl=""
+ xmlns:xhtml=""
+ xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0"
+ xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"
+ xmlns:smil="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0"
+ <define name="office-process-content">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:process-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <start>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="office-document"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-content"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-meta"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-settings"/>
+ </choice>
+ </start>
+ <define name="office-document">
+ <element name="office:document">
+ <ref name="office-document-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-meta"/>
+ <ref name="office-settings"/>
+ <ref name="office-scripts"/>
+ <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
+ <ref name="office-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-master-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-document-content">
+ <element name="office:document-content">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-scripts"/>
+ <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
+ <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-document-styles">
+ <element name="office:document-styles">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
+ <ref name="office-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
+ <ref name="office-master-styles"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-document-meta">
+ <element name="office:document-meta">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-meta"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-document-settings">
+ <element name="office:document-settings">
+ <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="office-settings"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-document-common-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="office:version">
+ <value>1.2</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="grddl:transformation">
+ <list>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-document-attrs">
+ <attribute name="office:mimetype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-meta">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:meta">
+ <ref name="office-meta-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-meta-content-strict">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="office-meta-data"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-body">
+ <element name="office:body">
+ <ref name="office-body-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-body-content">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="office:text">
+ <ref name="office-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-text-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-text-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-text-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="office:drawing">
+ <ref name="office-drawing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-drawing-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-drawing-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-drawing-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="office:presentation">
+ <ref name="office-presentation-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-presentation-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-presentation-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-presentation-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="office:spreadsheet">
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="office:chart">
+ <ref name="office-chart-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-chart-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-chart-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-chart-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="office:image">
+ <ref name="office-image-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-image-content-prelude"/>
+ <ref name="office-image-content-main"/>
+ <ref name="office-image-content-epilogue"/>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="office-database"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-text-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ <ref name="text-tracked-changes"/>
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-text-content-main">
+ <choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="text-page-sequence"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-content">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ <ref name="text-numbered-paragraph"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ <ref name="text-section"/>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-object-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-user-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography"/>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ <ref name="change-marks"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-text-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-text-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:global">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-soft-page-breaks">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-drawing-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-drawing-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-drawing-content-main">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-page"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-drawing-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-presentation-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-presentation-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-decls"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-presentation-content-main">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-page"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-presentation-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="presentation-settings"/>
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-spreadsheet-content-prelude">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-tracked-changes"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-decls">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-calculation-settings"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-content-validations"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-label-ranges"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-spreadsheet-content-main">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-functions">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-named-expressions"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-database-ranges"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-tables"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-consolidation"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dde-links"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-chart-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-chart-content-prelude">
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <ref name="table-decls"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-chart-content-main">
+ <ref name="chart-chart"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-chart-content-epilogue">
+ <ref name="table-functions"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-image-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-image-content-prelude">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-image-content-main">
+ <ref name="draw-frame"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-image-content-epilogue">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-settings">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:settings">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-set"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-set">
+ <element name="config:config-item-set">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-set-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="config-items"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-items">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="config-config-item"/>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-set"/>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-named"/>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-indexed"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-set-attlist">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item">
+ <element name="config:config-item">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="config:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>int</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ <value>string</value>
+ <value>datetime</value>
+ <value>base64Binary</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-map-indexed">
+ <element name="config:config-item-map-indexed">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-entry"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-map-entry">
+ <element name="config:config-item-map-entry">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-entry-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="config-items"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-map-entry-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-map-named">
+ <element name="config:config-item-map-named">
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-named-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="config-config-item-map-entry"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="config-config-item-map-named-attlist">
+ <attribute name="config:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-scripts">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:scripts">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="office-script"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-script">
+ <element name="office:script">
+ <ref name="office-script-attlist"/>
+ <mixed>
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
+ </mixed>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-script-attlist">
+ <attribute name="script:language">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-font-face-decls">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:font-face-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-font-face"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-styles">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="styles"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-default-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-default-page-layout"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-outline-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-notes-configuration"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-configuration"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-linenumbering-configuration"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-gradient"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-linearGradient"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-radialGradient"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-hatch"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-fill-image"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-marker"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-stroke-dash"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-opacity"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-presentation-page-layout"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-automatic-styles">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:automatic-styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="styles"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-master-styles">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:master-styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-master-page"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-handout-master"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-layer-set"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="styles">
+ <interleave>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-list-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-number-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-currency-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-percentage-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-date-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-time-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-boolean-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-text-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-meta-data">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="meta:generator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="dc:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="dc:description">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="dc:subject">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:keyword">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:initial-creator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="dc-creator"/>
+ <element name="meta:printed-by">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:creation-date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="dc-date"/>
+ <element name="meta:print-date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:template">
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:auto-reload">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onLoad</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:hyperlink-behaviour">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="dc:language">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:editing-cycles">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:editing-duration">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:document-statistic">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:page-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:table-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:draw-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:image-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:ole-object-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:object-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:paragraph-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:word-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:character-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:frame-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:sentence-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:syllable-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:non-whitespace-character-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:row-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="meta:cell-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="meta:user-defined">
+ <attribute name="meta:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>float</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>time</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="meta:value-type">
+ <value>string</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </group>
+ <text/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dc-creator">
+ <element name="dc:creator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dc-date">
+ <element name="dc:date">
+ <ref name="dateTime"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-h">
+ <element name="text:h">
+ <ref name="heading-attrs"/>
+ <ref name="paragraph-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-number"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="heading-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:restart-numbering">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:is-list-header">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-number">
+ <element name="text:number">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-p">
+ <element name="text:p">
+ <ref name="paragraph-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="paragraph-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:cond-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-in-content-meta-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-page-sequence">
+ <element name="text:page-sequence">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-page"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-page">
+ <element name="text:page">
+ <ref name="text-page-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-page-attlist">
+ <attribute name="text:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list">
+ <element name="text:list">
+ <ref name="text-list-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-list-header"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-list-item"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:continue-numbering">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:continue-list">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-item">
+ <element name="text:list-item">
+ <ref name="text-list-item-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-item-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-item-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-number"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-item-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-override">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-header">
+ <element name="text:list-header">
+ <ref name="text-list-header-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-item-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-header-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-numbered-paragraph">
+ <element name="text:numbered-paragraph">
+ <ref name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-number"/>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:list-id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:continue-numbering">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-section">
+ <element name="text:section">
+ <ref name="text-section-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-section-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-section-source-dde"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-section-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>true</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>condition</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-section-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:protection-key">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:protection-key-digest-algorithm">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-section-source">
+ <element name="text:section-source">
+ <ref name="text-section-source-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-section-source-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:section-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-section-source-dde">
+ <ref name="office-dde-source"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-tracked-changes">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:tracked-changes">
+ <ref name="text-tracked-changes-attr"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-changed-region"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-tracked-changes-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:track-changes">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-changed-region">
+ <element name="text:changed-region">
+ <ref name="text-changed-region-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-changed-region-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-changed-region-attr">
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-changed-region-content">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:insertion">
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:deletion">
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:format-change">
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="change-marks">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:change">
+ <ref name="change-mark-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:change-start">
+ <ref name="change-mark-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:change-end">
+ <ref name="change-mark-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="change-mark-attr">
+ <attribute name="text:change-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-soft-page-break">
+ <element name="text:soft-page-break">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-decls">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:variable-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-variable-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:sequence-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-sequence-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:user-field-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-user-field-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:dde-connection-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-dde-connection-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-a"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="paragraph-content">
+ <choice>
+ <text/>
+ <element name="text:s">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:c">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:tab">
+ <ref name="text-tab-attr"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:line-break">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ <element name="text:span">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:meta">
+ <ref name="text-meta-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-bookmark"/>
+ <ref name="text-bookmark-start"/>
+ <ref name="text-bookmark-end"/>
+ </choice>
+ <element name="text:reference-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:reference-mark-start">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:reference-mark-end">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ <element name="text:note">
+ <ref name="text-note-class"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <element name="text:note-citation">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:label">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:note-body">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:ruby">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <element name="text:ruby-base">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:ruby-text">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </element>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="office-annotation"/>
+ <ref name="office-annotation-end"/>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="change-marks"/>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ <element name="text:date">
+ <ref name="text-date-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:time">
+ <ref name="text-time-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:page-number">
+ <ref name="text-page-number-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:page-continuation">
+ <ref name="text-page-continuation-attlist"/>
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+ <element name="text:sender-firstname">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-lastname">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-initials">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-title">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-position">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-email">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-phone-private">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-fax">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-company">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-phone-work">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-street">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-city">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-postal-code">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-country">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sender-state-or-province">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:author-name">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:author-initials">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:chapter">
+ <ref name="text-chapter-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:file-name">
+ <ref name="text-file-name-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:template-name">
+ <ref name="text-template-name-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sheet-name">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:variable-set">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:variable-get">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:variable-input">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-type-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:user-field-get">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:user-field-input">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sequence">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-sequence-ref-name"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:expression">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:text-input">
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:initial-creator">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:creation-date">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:creation-time">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="timeOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:description">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:user-defined">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:time-value">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:boolean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:print-time">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:print-date">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
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+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:printed-by">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:title">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:subject">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:keywords">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
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+ <element name="text:editing-cycles">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
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+ </element>
+ <element name="text:editing-duration">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:duration">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
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+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:modification-time">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
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+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:modification-date">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
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+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:creator">
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <choice>
+ <name>text:page-count</name>
+ <name>text:paragraph-count</name>
+ <name>text:word-count</name>
+ <name>text:character-count</name>
+ <name>text:table-count</name>
+ <name>text:image-count</name>
+ <name>text:object-count</name>
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+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
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+ </element>
+ <element name="text:database-display">
+ <ref name="text-database-display-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:database-next">
+ <ref name="text-database-next-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:database-row-select">
+ <ref name="text-database-row-select-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:database-row-number">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:database-name">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <text/>
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+ <element name="text:page-variable-set">
+ <ref name="text-set-page-variable-attlist"/>
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+ <element name="text:placeholder">
+ <ref name="text-placeholder-attlist"/>
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+ <element name="text:conditional-text">
+ <ref name="text-conditional-text-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:hidden-text">
+ <ref name="text-hidden-text-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <choice>
+ <name>text:reference-ref</name>
+ <name>text:bookmark-ref</name>
+ </choice>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-common-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-bookmark-ref-content"/>
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+ </element>
+ <element name="text:note-ref">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-common-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-note-ref-content"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:sequence-ref">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-common-ref-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-sequence-ref-content"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:script">
+ <interleave>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <text/>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="script:language">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:execute-macro">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:hidden-paragraph">
+ <ref name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:dde-connection">
+ <attribute name="text:connection-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:measure">
+ <attribute name="text:kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>unit</value>
+ <value>gap</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:table-formula">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
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+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:meta-field">
+ <ref name="text-meta-field-attlist"/>
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+ <ref name="paragraph-content-or-hyperlink"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
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+ <element name="text:toc-mark-start">
+ <ref name="text-toc-mark-start-attrs"/>
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+ <element name="text:toc-mark-end">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:toc-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
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+ <element name="text:user-index-mark-start">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-name"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:user-index-mark-end">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:user-index-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-name"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark-start">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark-end">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:bibliography-mark">
+ <attribute name="text:bibliography-type">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-types"/>
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+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <name>text:identifier</name>
+ <name>text:address</name>
+ <name>text:annote</name>
+ <name>text:author</name>
+ <name>text:booktitle</name>
+ <name>text:chapter</name>
+ <name>text:edition</name>
+ <name>text:editor</name>
+ <name>text:howpublished</name>
+ <name>text:institution</name>
+ <name>text:journal</name>
+ <name>text:month</name>
+ <name>text:note</name>
+ <name>text:number</name>
+ <name>text:organizations</name>
+ <name>text:pages</name>
+ <name>text:publisher</name>
+ <name>text:school</name>
+ <name>text:series</name>
+ <name>text:title</name>
+ <name>text:report-type</name>
+ <name>text:volume</name>
+ <name>text:year</name>
+ <name>text:url</name>
+ <name>text:custom1</name>
+ <name>text:custom2</name>
+ <name>text:custom3</name>
+ <name>text:custom4</name>
+ <name>text:custom5</name>
+ <name>text:isbn</name>
+ <name>text:issn</name>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="presentation:header">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="presentation:footer">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="presentation:date-time">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-tab-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:tab-ref">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-a">
+ <element name="text:a">
+ <ref name="text-a-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-a-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:visited-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-meta-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-in-content-meta-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark">
+ <element name="text:bookmark">
+ <ref name="text-bookmark-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark-start">
+ <element name="text:bookmark-start">
+ <ref name="text-bookmark-start-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark-end">
+ <element name="text:bookmark-end">
+ <ref name="text-bookmark-end-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark-start-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-in-content-meta-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark-end-attlist">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-note-class">
+ <attribute name="text:note-class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>footnote</value>
+ <value>endnote</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-date-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:date-adjust">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-time-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-value">
+ <ref name="timeOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:time-adjust">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-page-number-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:page-adjust">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:select-page">
+ <choice>
+ <value>previous</value>
+ <value>current</value>
+ <value>next</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-page-continuation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:select-page">
+ <choice>
+ <value>previous</value>
+ <value>next</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-chapter-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>number-and-name</value>
+ <value>plain-number-and-name</value>
+ <value>plain-number</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-file-name-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>name-and-extension</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-template-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>name-and-extension</value>
+ <value>area</value>
+ <value>title</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-variable-decl">
+ <element name="text:variable-decl">
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-type-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-user-field-decl">
+ <element name="text:user-field-decl">
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-sequence-decl">
+ <element name="text:sequence-decl">
+ <ref name="text-sequence-decl-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-sequence-decl-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="text:display-outline-level">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:separation-character">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-sequence-ref-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:ref-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-database-table">
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-name"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-database-name">
+ <choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="form-connection-resource"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-database-table-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:table-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>query</value>
+ <value>command</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-database-display-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="text:column-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-database-next-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-database-row-select-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:row-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-set-page-variable-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:active">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:page-adjust">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-get-page-variable-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-placeholder-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:placeholder-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>text-box</value>
+ <value>image</value>
+ <value>object</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-conditional-text-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value-if-true">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value-if-false">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:current-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-hidden-text-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:is-hidden">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-common-ref-content">
+ <interleave>
+ <text/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:ref-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bookmark-ref-content">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:reference-format">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-ref-format-values"/>
+ <value>number-no-superior</value>
+ <value>number-all-superior</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-note-ref-content">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:reference-format">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-ref-format-values"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-note-class"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-sequence-ref-content">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:reference-format">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-ref-format-values"/>
+ <value>category-and-value</value>
+ <value>caption</value>
+ <value>value</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-ref-format-values">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>direction</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:is-hidden">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-meta-field-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-value-type-attlist">
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <ref name="valueType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-value-and-type-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>float</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>currency</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:currency">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>time</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:time-value">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:boolean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>string</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-fixed-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:fixed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-name-attlist">
+ <attribute name="text:name">
+ <ref name="variableName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-description-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:description">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>formula</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>formula</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-formula-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-field-num-format-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-toc-mark-start-attrs">
+ <ref name="text-id"/>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-outline-level">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-id">
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-name">
+ <attribute name="text:index-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key1">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key2">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:string-value-phonetic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key1-phonetic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:key2-phonetic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:main-entry">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>article</value>
+ <value>book</value>
+ <value>booklet</value>
+ <value>conference</value>
+ <value>custom1</value>
+ <value>custom2</value>
+ <value>custom3</value>
+ <value>custom4</value>
+ <value>custom5</value>
+ <value>email</value>
+ <value>inbook</value>
+ <value>incollection</value>
+ <value>inproceedings</value>
+ <value>journal</value>
+ <value>manual</value>
+ <value>mastersthesis</value>
+ <value>misc</value>
+ <value>phdthesis</value>
+ <value>proceedings</value>
+ <value>techreport</value>
+ <value>unpublished</value>
+ <value>www</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-body">
+ <element name="text:index-body">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="index-content-main"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="index-content-main">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-title"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-title">
+ <element name="text:index-title">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="index-content-main"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-of-content">
+ <element name="text:table-of-content">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-of-content-source">
+ <element name="text:table-of-content-source">
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-index-source-styles"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-outline-level">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-marks">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-source-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:index-scope">
+ <choice>
+ <value>document</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:relative-tab-stop-position">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-of-content-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:table-of-content-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content-children"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-of-content-children">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-link-start"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-link-end"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-illustration-index">
+ <element name="text:illustration-index">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-illustration-index-source">
+ <element name="text:illustration-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-caption">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:caption-sequence-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:caption-sequence-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>category-and-value</value>
+ <value>caption</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-scope-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:index-scope">
+ <choice>
+ <value>document</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:relative-tab-stop-position">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-illustration-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:illustration-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-illustration-index-entry-content">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-index">
+ <element name="text:table-index">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-index-source">
+ <element name="text:table-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-table-index-entry-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-table-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:table-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-object-index">
+ <element name="text:object-index">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-object-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-object-index-source">
+ <element name="text:object-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-object-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-object-index-entry-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-object-index-source-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-spreadsheet-objects">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-math-objects">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-draw-objects">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-chart-objects">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-other-objects">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-object-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:object-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index-entry-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-user-index">
+ <element name="text:user-index">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-user-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-user-index-source">
+ <element name="text:user-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-user-index-source-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-user-index-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-index-source-styles"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-user-index-source-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-marks">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-index-source-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-graphics">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-tables">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-floating-frames">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-objects">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:copy-outline-levels">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="text:index-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-user-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:user-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-user-index-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-user-index-entry-template-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index-source">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-source">
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:ignore-case">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:main-entry-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:alphabetical-separators">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:combine-entries">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:combine-entries-with-dash">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:combine-entries-with-pp">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:use-keys-as-entries">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:capitalize-entries">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:comma-separated">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:script">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rfc-language-tag">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-algorithm">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file">
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:alphabetical-index-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-page-number"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-text"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <choice>
+ <value>1</value>
+ <value>2</value>
+ <value>3</value>
+ <value>separator</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography">
+ <element name="text:bibliography">
+ <ref name="common-section-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-source"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-body"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography-source">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-source">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-entry-template"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography-entry-template">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-entry-template">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-span"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-bibliography"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:bibliography-type">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-source-styles">
+ <element name="text:index-source-styles">
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-index-source-style"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-source-style">
+ <element name="text:index-source-style">
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-title-template">
+ <element name="text:index-title-template">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-chapter">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-chapter">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-chapter-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-chapter-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>name</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>number-and-name</value>
+ <value>plain-number</value>
+ <value>plain-number-and-name</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:outline-level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-text">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-text">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-page-number">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-page-number">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-span">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-span">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-bibliography">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-bibliography">
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="text:bibliography-data-field">
+ <choice>
+ <value>address</value>
+ <value>annote</value>
+ <value>author</value>
+ <value>bibliography-type</value>
+ <value>booktitle</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>custom1</value>
+ <value>custom2</value>
+ <value>custom3</value>
+ <value>custom4</value>
+ <value>custom5</value>
+ <value>edition</value>
+ <value>editor</value>
+ <value>howpublished</value>
+ <value>identifier</value>
+ <value>institution</value>
+ <value>isbn</value>
+ <value>issn</value>
+ <value>journal</value>
+ <value>month</value>
+ <value>note</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>organizations</value>
+ <value>pages</value>
+ <value>publisher</value>
+ <value>report-type</value>
+ <value>school</value>
+ <value>series</value>
+ <value>title</value>
+ <value>url</value>
+ <value>volume</value>
+ <value>year</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-tab-stop">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <value>right</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <value>left</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="style:position">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-link-start">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-link-start">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-index-entry-link-end">
+ <element name="text:index-entry-link-end">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table">
+ <element name="table:table">
+ <ref name="table-table-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-source"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-dde-source"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-scenario"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-shapes"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-columns-and-groups"/>
+ <ref name="table-rows-and-groups"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-named-expressions"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-columns-and-groups">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-column-group"/>
+ <ref name="table-columns-no-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-columns-no-group">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-columns"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-columns"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-columns"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-columns">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-columns"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-rows-and-groups">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-row-group"/>
+ <ref name="table-rows-no-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-rows-no-group">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-rows"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-rows"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-rows"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-table-header-rows"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-rows"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-rows">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-rows"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-row"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:template-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-first-row-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-last-row-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-first-column-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-last-column-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-banding-rows-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-banding-columns-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protection-key">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protection-key-digest-algorithm">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:print">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:print-ranges">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:is-sub-table">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-title">
+ <element name="table:title">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-desc">
+ <element name="table:desc">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-row">
+ <element name="table:table-row">
+ <ref name="table-table-row-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell"/>
+ <ref name="table-covered-table-cell"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-row-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-rows-repeated">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:default-cell-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:visibility">
+ <ref name="table-visibility-value"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-visibility-value">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>collapse</value>
+ <value>filter</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-cell">
+ <element name="table:table-cell">
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra"/>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-covered-table-cell">
+ <element name="table:covered-table-cell">
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-cell-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-cell-range-source"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-annotation"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-detective"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-cell-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-columns-repeated">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:content-validation-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protect">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-in-content-meta-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-columns-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-rows-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-columns-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-rows-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-column">
+ <element name="table:table-column">
+ <ref name="table-table-column-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-column-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-columns-repeated">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:visibility">
+ <ref name="table-visibility-value"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:default-cell-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-header-columns">
+ <element name="table:table-header-columns">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-columns">
+ <element name="table:table-columns">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-table-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-column-group">
+ <element name="table:table-column-group">
+ <ref name="table-table-column-group-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-columns-and-groups"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-column-group-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-header-rows">
+ <element name="table:table-header-rows">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-row"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-rows">
+ <element name="table:table-rows">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-soft-page-break"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-table-row"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-row-group">
+ <element name="table:table-row-group">
+ <ref name="table-table-row-group-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-rows-and-groups"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-row-group-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cellAddress">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cellRangeAddress">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+(:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+)?</param>
+ </data>
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+</param>
+ </data>
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+</param>
+ </data>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="cellRangeAddressList">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ <dc:description>Value is a space separated list of "cellRangeAddress" patterns</dc:description>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-source">
+ <element name="table:table-source">
+ <ref name="table-table-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-linked-source-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-source-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>copy-all</value>
+ <value>copy-results-only</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-linked-source-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:filter-options">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:refresh-delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-scenario">
+ <element name="table:scenario">
+ <ref name="table-scenario-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-scenario-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:scenario-ranges">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:is-active">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-border">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:border-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:copy-back">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:copy-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:copy-formulas">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:comment">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-shapes">
+ <element name="table:shapes">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-cell-range-source">
+ <element name="table:cell-range-source">
+ <ref name="table-table-cell-range-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-linked-source-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-cell-range-source-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:last-column-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:last-row-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-detective">
+ <element name="table:detective">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-highlighted-range"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-operation"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-operation">
+ <element name="table:operation">
+ <ref name="table-operation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-operation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>trace-dependents</value>
+ <value>remove-dependents</value>
+ <value>trace-precedents</value>
+ <value>remove-precedents</value>
+ <value>trace-errors</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:index">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-highlighted-range">
+ <element name="table:highlighted-range">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-highlighted-range-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="table:direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>from-another-table</value>
+ <value>to-another-table</value>
+ <value>from-same-table</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:contains-error">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid">
+ <attribute name="table:marked-invalid">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-spreadsheet-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:structure-protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protection-key">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:protection-key-digest-algorithm">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-calculation-settings">
+ <element name="table:calculation-settings">
+ <ref name="table-calculation-setting-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-null-date"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-iteration"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:precision-as-shown">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:automatic-find-labels">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-regular-expressions">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-wildcards">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:null-year">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-null-date">
+ <element name="table:null-date">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:date-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-iteration">
+ <element name="table:iteration">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:status">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enable</value>
+ <value>disable</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:steps">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:maximum-difference">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-content-validations">
+ <element name="table:content-validations">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-content-validation"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-content-validation">
+ <element name="table:content-validation">
+ <ref name="table-validation-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-help-message"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-error-message"/>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-error-macro"/>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-validation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:allow-empty-cell">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-list">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>unsorted</value>
+ <value>sort-ascending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-help-message">
+ <element name="table:help-message">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-error-message">
+ <element name="table:error-message">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:message-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>warning</value>
+ <value>information</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-error-macro">
+ <element name="table:error-macro">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:execute">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-label-ranges">
+ <element name="table:label-ranges">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-label-range"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-label-range">
+ <element name="table:label-range">
+ <ref name="table-label-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-label-range-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:label-cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:data-cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-named-expressions">
+ <element name="table:named-expressions">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-named-range"/>
+ <ref name="table-named-expression"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-named-range">
+ <element name="table:named-range">
+ <ref name="table-named-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-named-range-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:range-usable-as">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>print-range</value>
+ <value>filter</value>
+ <value>repeat-row</value>
+ <value>repeat-column</value>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-named-expression">
+ <element name="table:named-expression">
+ <ref name="table-named-expression-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-named-expression-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:expression">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-ranges">
+ <element name="table:database-ranges">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-database-range"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-range">
+ <element name="table:database-range">
+ <ref name="table-database-range-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-sql"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-table"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-query"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-sort"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rules"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-range-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:is-selection">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:on-update-keep-styles">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:on-update-keep-size">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:has-persistent-data">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:contains-header">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-filter-buttons">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:refresh-delay">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-source-sql">
+ <element name="table:database-source-sql">
+ <ref name="table-database-source-sql-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-source-sql-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:sql-statement">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:parse-sql-statement">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-source-query">
+ <element name="table:database-source-table">
+ <ref name="table-database-source-table-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-source-table-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:database-table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-source-table">
+ <element name="table:database-source-query">
+ <ref name="table-database-source-query-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-database-source-query-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:query-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-sort">
+ <element name="table:sort">
+ <ref name="table-sort-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-sort-by"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-sort-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:bind-styles-to-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:script">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:rfc-language-tag">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:algorithm">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:embedded-number-behavior">
+ <choice>
+ <value>alpha-numeric</value>
+ <value>integer</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-sort-by">
+ <element name="table:sort-by">
+ <ref name="table-sort-by-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-sort-by-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:data-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:order">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ascending</value>
+ <value>descending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-subtotal-rules">
+ <element name="table:subtotal-rules">
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-sort-groups"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rule"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:bind-styles-to-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:page-breaks-on-group-change">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-sort-groups">
+ <element name="table:sort-groups">
+ <ref name="table-sort-groups-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-sort-groups-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:data-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:order">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ascending</value>
+ <value>descending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-subtotal-rule">
+ <element name="table:subtotal-rule">
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-rule-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-field"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-subtotal-rule-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:group-by-field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-subtotal-field">
+ <element name="table:subtotal-field">
+ <ref name="table-subtotal-field-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-subtotal-field-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter">
+ <element name="table:filter">
+ <ref name="table-filter-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-and"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-or"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:condition-source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>self</value>
+ <value>cell-range</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:condition-source-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display-duplicates">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter-and">
+ <element name="table:filter-and">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-filter-or"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter-or">
+ <element name="table:filter-or">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-filter-and"/>
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter-condition">
+ <element name="table:filter-condition">
+ <ref name="table-filter-condition-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-filter-set-item"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter-condition-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:field-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:value">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:operator">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:case-sensitive">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:data-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-filter-set-item">
+ <element name="table:filter-set-item">
+ <attribute name="table:value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-tables">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-tables">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-table"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-table">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-table">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-sql"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-table"/>
+ <ref name="table-database-source-query"/>
+ <ref name="table-source-service"/>
+ <ref name="table-source-cell-range"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:application-data">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:grand-total">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:ignore-empty-rows">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:identify-categories">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:buttons">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:show-filter-button">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:drill-down-on-double-click">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-source-cell-range">
+ <element name="table:source-cell-range">
+ <ref name="table-source-cell-range-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-source-cell-range-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-source-service">
+ <element name="table:source-service">
+ <ref name="table-source-service-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-source-service-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:source-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:object-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:user-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:password">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-field">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-field">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-level"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field-reference"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-groups"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:source-field-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>data</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:orientation">
+ <value>page</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:selected-page">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:is-data-layout-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:used-hierarchy">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-level">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-level">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-level-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-subtotals"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-members"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-display-info"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-sort-info"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-layout-info"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-level-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:show-empty">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-subtotals">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-subtotals">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-subtotal"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-subtotal">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-subtotal">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-members">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-members">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-member"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-member">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-member">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:show-details">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-display-info">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-display-info">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:enabled">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:data-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:member-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:display-member-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>from-top</value>
+ <value>from-bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-sort-info">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:sort-mode">
+ <value>data</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:data-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="table:sort-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>manual</value>
+ <value>name</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="table:order">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ascending</value>
+ <value>descending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-layout-info">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-layout-info">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:layout-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>tabular-layout</value>
+ <value>outline-subtotals-top</value>
+ <value>outline-subtotals-bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:add-empty-lines">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-field-reference">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:field-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:member-type">
+ <value>named</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:member-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="table:member-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>previous</value>
+ <value>next</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="table:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>member-difference</value>
+ <value>member-percentage</value>
+ <value>member-percentage-difference</value>
+ <value>running-total</value>
+ <value>row-percentage</value>
+ <value>column-percentage</value>
+ <value>total-percentage</value>
+ <value>index</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-groups">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-groups">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:source-field-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:date-start">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:start">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:date-end">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="table:step">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:grouped-by">
+ <choice>
+ <value>seconds</value>
+ <value>minutes</value>
+ <value>hours</value>
+ <value>days</value>
+ <value>months</value>
+ <value>quarters</value>
+ <value>years</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-group">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-group">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group-member"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-group-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-group-member">
+ <element name="table:data-pilot-group-member">
+ <ref name="table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-consolidation">
+ <element name="table:consolidation">
+ <ref name="table-consolidation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-consolidation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:function">
+ <choice>
+ <value>average</value>
+ <value>count</value>
+ <value>countnums</value>
+ <value>max</value>
+ <value>min</value>
+ <value>product</value>
+ <value>stdev</value>
+ <value>stdevp</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ <value>var</value>
+ <value>varp</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:source-cell-range-addresses">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:target-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:use-labels">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:link-to-source-data">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-dde-links">
+ <element name="table:dde-links">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-dde-link"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-tracked-changes">
+ <element name="table:tracked-changes">
+ <ref name="table-tracked-changes-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-cell-content-change"/>
+ <ref name="table-insertion"/>
+ <ref name="table-deletion"/>
+ <ref name="table-movement"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-tracked-changes-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:track-changes">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-insertion">
+ <element name="table:insertion">
+ <ref name="table-insertion-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-insertion-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-dependencies">
+ <element name="table:dependencies">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-dependency"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-dependency">
+ <element name="table:dependency">
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-deletions">
+ <element name="table:deletions">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="table-cell-content-deletion"/>
+ <ref name="table-change-deletion"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-cell-content-deletion">
+ <element name="table:cell-content-deletion">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-cell-address"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-change-deletion">
+ <element name="table:change-deletion">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-deletion">
+ <element name="table:deletion">
+ <ref name="table-deletion-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-cut-offs"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-deletion-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:multi-deletion-spanned">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-cut-offs">
+ <element name="table:cut-offs">
+ <choice>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-movement-cut-off"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="table-insertion-cut-off"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="table-movement-cut-off"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-insertion-cut-off">
+ <element name="table:insertion-cut-off">
+ <ref name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-movement-cut-off">
+ <element name="table:movement-cut-off">
+ <ref name="table-movement-cut-off-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-movement-cut-off-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="table:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="table:start-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-movement">
+ <element name="table:movement">
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-source-range-address"/>
+ <ref name="table-target-range-address"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-source-range-address">
+ <element name="table:source-range-address">
+ <ref name="common-table-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-target-range-address">
+ <element name="table:target-range-address">
+ <ref name="common-table-range-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-table-range-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="common-table-cell-address-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="common-table-cell-range-address-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-table-cell-address-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:column">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:row">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-table-cell-range-address-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:start-column">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:start-row">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:start-table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-column">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-row">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:end-table">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-change-track-table-cell">
+ <element name="table:change-track-table-cell">
+ <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:matrix-covered">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-columns-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:number-matrix-rows-spanned">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-cell-content-change">
+ <element name="table:cell-content-change">
+ <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="table-cell-address"/>
+ <ref name="office-change-info"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-deletions"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-previous"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-cell-address">
+ <element name="table:cell-address">
+ <ref name="common-table-cell-address-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-previous">
+ <element name="table:previous">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-table-change-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:acceptance-state">
+ <choice>
+ <value>accepted</value>
+ <value>rejected</value>
+ <value>pending</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:rejecting-change-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-handout-master">
+ <element name="style:handout-master">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-handout-master-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-handout-master-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:presentation-page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-layer-set">
+ <element name="draw:layer-set">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-layer"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-layer">
+ <element name="draw:layer">
+ <ref name="draw-layer-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-layer-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:protected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display">
+ <choice>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>screen</value>
+ <value>printer</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-page">
+ <element name="draw:page">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-page-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-layer-set"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="presentation-animations"/>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-notes"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-page-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:presentation-page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:nav-order">
+ <ref name="IDREFS"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:use-header-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:use-footer-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:use-date-time-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="shape">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="shape-instance"/>
+ <ref name="draw-a"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="shape-instance">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-rect"/>
+ <ref name="draw-line"/>
+ <ref name="draw-polyline"/>
+ <ref name="draw-polygon"/>
+ <ref name="draw-regular-polygon"/>
+ <ref name="draw-path"/>
+ <ref name="draw-circle"/>
+ <ref name="draw-ellipse"/>
+ <ref name="draw-g"/>
+ <ref name="draw-page-thumbnail"/>
+ <ref name="draw-frame"/>
+ <ref name="draw-measure"/>
+ <ref name="draw-caption"/>
+ <ref name="draw-connector"/>
+ <ref name="draw-control"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene"/>
+ <ref name="draw-custom-shape"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-rect">
+ <element name="draw:rect">
+ <ref name="draw-rect-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-rect-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:rx">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:ry">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-line">
+ <element name="draw:line">
+ <ref name="draw-line-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-line-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-polyline">
+ <element name="draw:polyline">
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-points-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:points">
+ <ref name="points"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:polygon">
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-regular-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:regular-polygon">
+ <ref name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="draw:concave">
+ <value>false</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="draw:concave">
+ <value>true</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <attribute name="draw:corners">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:sharpness">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-path">
+ <element name="draw:path">
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-path-data-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:d">
+ <ref name="pathData"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-circle">
+ <element name="draw:circle">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="draw-circle-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:cx">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:cy">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-circle-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:r">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>section</value>
+ <value>cut</value>
+ <value>arc</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-ellipse">
+ <element name="draw:ellipse">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="draw-ellipse-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-ellipse-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:rx">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:ry">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-connector">
+ <element name="draw:connector">
+ <ref name="draw-connector-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-connector-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>standard</value>
+ <value>lines</value>
+ <value>line</value>
+ <value>curve</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-shape">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-glue-point">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-shape">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-glue-point">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:line-skew">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:d">
+ <ref name="pathData"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-caption">
+ <element name="draw:caption">
+ <ref name="draw-caption-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-caption-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-point-x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-point-y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-measure">
+ <element name="draw:measure">
+ <ref name="draw-measure-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-measure-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-control">
+ <element name="draw:control">
+ <ref name="draw-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-control-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:control">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-page-thumbnail">
+ <element name="draw:page-thumbnail">
+ <ref name="draw-page-thumbnail-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-page-thumbnail-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:page-number">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-g">
+ <element name="draw:g">
+ <ref name="draw-g-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-g-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-position-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-size-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-transform-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:transform">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:viewBox">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-style-name-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:class-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-text-style-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:layer">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-id-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-z-index-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:z-index">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:end-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:end-x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:end-y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:table-background">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-text-anchor-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-text-anchor-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:anchor-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>frame</value>
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ <value>as-char</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:anchor-page-number">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-text">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-transform-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-text-style-name-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-glue-point">
+ <element name="draw:glue-point">
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-glue-point-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:id">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top-left</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>top-right</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>bottom-left</value>
+ <value>bottom-right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:escape-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>up</value>
+ <value>down</value>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-title">
+ <element name="svg:title">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-desc">
+ <element name="svg:desc">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-frame">
+ <element name="draw:frame">
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-frame-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-text-box"/>
+ <ref name="draw-image"/>
+ <ref name="draw-object"/>
+ <ref name="draw-object-ole"/>
+ <ref name="draw-applet"/>
+ <ref name="draw-floating-frame"/>
+ <ref name="draw-plugin"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-image-map"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-contour-polygon"/>
+ <ref name="draw-contour-path"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <value>scale</value>
+ <value>scale-min</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <value>scale</value>
+ <value>scale-min</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-frame-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:copy-of">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-text-box">
+ <element name="draw:text-box">
+ <ref name="draw-text-box-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-text-box-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:chain-next-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-image">
+ <element name="draw:image">
+ <ref name="draw-image-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-data-attlist">
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onLoad</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-binary-data">
+ <element name="office:binary-data">
+ <ref name="base64Binary"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-image-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-object">
+ <element name="draw:object">
+ <ref name="draw-object-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-document"/>
+ <ref name="math-math"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-object-ole">
+ <element name="draw:object-ole">
+ <ref name="draw-object-ole-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-object-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-object-ole-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:class-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-applet">
+ <element name="draw:applet">
+ <ref name="draw-applet-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-param"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-applet-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:code">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:object">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:archive">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:may-script">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-plugin">
+ <element name="draw:plugin">
+ <ref name="draw-plugin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-param"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-plugin-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:mime-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-param">
+ <element name="draw:param">
+ <ref name="draw-param-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-param-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-floating-frame">
+ <element name="draw:floating-frame">
+ <ref name="draw-floating-frame-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-floating-frame-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-contour-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:contour-polygon">
+ <ref name="common-contour-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-contour-path">
+ <element name="draw:contour-path">
+ <ref name="common-contour-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-contour-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:recreate-on-edit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-a">
+ <element name="draw:a">
+ <ref name="draw-a-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="shape-instance"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-a-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:server-map">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-image-map">
+ <element name="draw:image-map">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="draw-area-rectangle"/>
+ <ref name="draw-area-circle"/>
+ <ref name="draw-area-polygon"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-area-rectangle">
+ <element name="draw:area-rectangle">
+ <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-area-circle">
+ <element name="draw:area-circle">
+ <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="svg:cx">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:cy">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:r">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-area-polygon">
+ <element name="draw:area-polygon">
+ <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-area-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:nohref">
+ <value>nohref</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-scene">
+ <element name="dr3d:scene">
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="dr3d-light"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shapes3d"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="shapes3d">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-extrude"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-sphere"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-rotate"/>
+ <ref name="dr3d-cube"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vrp">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vpn">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vup">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:projection">
+ <choice>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>perspective</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:focal-length">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shadow-slant">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shade-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>phong</value>
+ <value>gouraud</value>
+ <value>draft</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:ambient-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:transform">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-light">
+ <element name="dr3d:light">
+ <ref name="dr3d-light-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-light-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:diffuse-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:direction">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:enabled">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:specular">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-cube">
+ <element name="dr3d:cube">
+ <ref name="dr3d-cube-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-cube-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:min-edge">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:max-edge">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-sphere">
+ <element name="dr3d:sphere">
+ <ref name="dr3d-sphere-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-sphere-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:center">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:size">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-extrude">
+ <element name="dr3d:extrude">
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dr3d-rotate">
+ <element name="dr3d:rotate">
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-custom-shape">
+ <element name="draw:custom-shape">
+ <ref name="draw-custom-shape-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-desc"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-text"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-enhanced-geometry"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-custom-shape-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:engine">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:data">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry">
+ <element name="draw:enhanced-geometry">
+ <ref name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-equation"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="draw-handle"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:type">
+ <ref name="custom-shape-type"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:viewBox">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:mirror-vertical">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:mirror-horizontal">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-rotate-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-allowed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-allowed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:concentric-gradient-fill-allowed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-brightness">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-depth">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-diffusion">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-number-of-line-segments">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-light-face">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-first-light-harsh">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-second-light-harsh">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-first-light-level">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-second-light-level">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-first-light-direction">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-second-light-direction">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-metal">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shade-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>phong</value>
+ <value>gouraud</value>
+ <value>draft</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-rotation-angle">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-rotation-center">
+ <ref name="vector3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-shininess">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-skew">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-specularity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:projection">
+ <choice>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>perspective</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-viewpoint">
+ <ref name="point3D"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-origin">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="extrusionOrigin"/>
+ <ref name="extrusionOrigin"/>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:extrusion-color">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:enhanced-path">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:path-stretchpoint-x">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:path-stretchpoint-y">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-areas">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:glue-points">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:glue-point-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>segments</value>
+ <value>rectangle</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:glue-point-leaving-directions">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>shape</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-scale">
+ <choice>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>shape</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:text-path-same-letter-heights">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:modifiers">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="custom-shape-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>non-primitive</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="point3D">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))){2}[ ]*\)</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="extrusionOrigin">
+ <data type="double">
+ <param name="minInclusive">-0.5</param>
+ <param name="maxInclusive">0.5</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-equation">
+ <element name="draw:equation">
+ <ref name="draw-equation-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-equation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-handle">
+ <element name="draw:handle">
+ <ref name="draw-handle-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-handle-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-mirror-vertical">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-mirror-horizontal">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-switched">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-position">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-x-minimum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-x-maximum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-y-minimum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-range-y-maximum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-polar">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-radius-range-minimum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:handle-radius-range-maximum">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-shape-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:class">
+ <ref name="presentation-classes"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:placeholder">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:user-transformed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-classes">
+ <choice>
+ <value>title</value>
+ <value>outline</value>
+ <value>subtitle</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>graphic</value>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>chart</value>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>orgchart</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>notes</value>
+ <value>handout</value>
+ <value>header</value>
+ <value>footer</value>
+ <value>date-time</value>
+ <value>page-number</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-animations">
+ <element name="presentation:animations">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="presentation-animation-elements"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-animation-group"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-animation-elements">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="presentation-show-shape"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-show-text"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-hide-shape"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-hide-text"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-dim"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-play"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-sound">
+ <element name="presentation:sound">
+ <ref name="presentation-sound-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <choice>
+ <value>new</value>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-sound-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:play-full">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-show-shape">
+ <element name="presentation:show-shape">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:effect">
+ <ref name="presentationEffects"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:direction">
+ <ref name="presentationEffectDirections"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:speed">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-scale">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:path-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentationEffects">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>fade</value>
+ <value>move</value>
+ <value>stripes</value>
+ <value>open</value>
+ <value>close</value>
+ <value>dissolve</value>
+ <value>wavyline</value>
+ <value>random</value>
+ <value>lines</value>
+ <value>laser</value>
+ <value>appear</value>
+ <value>hide</value>
+ <value>move-short</value>
+ <value>checkerboard</value>
+ <value>rotate</value>
+ <value>stretch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentationEffectDirections">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>from-left</value>
+ <value>from-top</value>
+ <value>from-right</value>
+ <value>from-bottom</value>
+ <value>from-center</value>
+ <value>from-upper-left</value>
+ <value>from-upper-right</value>
+ <value>from-lower-left</value>
+ <value>from-lower-right</value>
+ <value>to-left</value>
+ <value>to-top</value>
+ <value>to-right</value>
+ <value>to-bottom</value>
+ <value>to-upper-left</value>
+ <value>to-upper-right</value>
+ <value>to-lower-right</value>
+ <value>to-lower-left</value>
+ <value>path</value>
+ <value>spiral-inward-left</value>
+ <value>spiral-inward-right</value>
+ <value>spiral-outward-left</value>
+ <value>spiral-outward-right</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>to-center</value>
+ <value>clockwise</value>
+ <value>counter-clockwise</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentationSpeeds">
+ <choice>
+ <value>slow</value>
+ <value>medium</value>
+ <value>fast</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-show-text">
+ <element name="presentation:show-text">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-hide-shape">
+ <element name="presentation:hide-shape">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-hide-text">
+ <element name="presentation:hide-text">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-effect-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-dim">
+ <element name="presentation:dim">
+ <ref name="presentation-dim-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-dim-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="draw:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-play">
+ <element name="presentation:play">
+ <ref name="presentation-play-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-play-attlist">
+ <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:speed">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-animation-group">
+ <element name="presentation:animation-group">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-animation-elements"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:node-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>default</value>
+ <value>on-click</value>
+ <value>with-previous</value>
+ <value>after-previous</value>
+ <value>timing-root</value>
+ <value>main-sequence</value>
+ <value>interactive-sequence</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:preset-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:preset-sub-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:preset-class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>custom</value>
+ <value>entrance</value>
+ <value>exit</value>
+ <value>emphasis</value>
+ <value>motion-path</value>
+ <value>ole-action</value>
+ <value>media-call</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:master-element">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:group-id">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-event-listener">
+ <element name="presentation:event-listener">
+ <ref name="presentation-event-listener-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="script:event-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="presentation:action">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>previous-page</value>
+ <value>next-page</value>
+ <value>first-page</value>
+ <value>last-page</value>
+ <value>hide</value>
+ <value>stop</value>
+ <value>execute</value>
+ <value>show</value>
+ <value>verb</value>
+ <value>fade-out</value>
+ <value>sound</value>
+ <value>last-visited-page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:effect">
+ <ref name="presentationEffects"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:direction">
+ <ref name="presentationEffectDirections"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:speed">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-scale">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:verb">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-decls">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-decl"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-decl">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="presentation:header-decl">
+ <ref name="presentation-header-decl-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="presentation:footer-decl">
+ <ref name="presentation-footer-decl-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="presentation:date-time-decl">
+ <ref name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-header-decl-attlist">
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-footer-decl-attlist">
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="presentation:source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>current-date</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-settings">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="presentation:settings">
+ <ref name="presentation-settings-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-show"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-settings-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-page">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:show">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:full-screen">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:endless">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:pause">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:show-logo">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:force-manual">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:mouse-visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:mouse-as-pen">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:start-with-navigator">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:animations">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-on-click">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:stay-on-top">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-show">
+ <element name="presentation:show">
+ <ref name="presentation-show-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-show-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="presentation:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="presentation:pages">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-chart">
+ <element name="chart:chart">
+ <ref name="chart-chart-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-subtitle"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-footer"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-legend"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="chart-plot-area"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-chart-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="chart:class">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:column-mapping">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:row-mapping">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-title">
+ <element name="chart:title">
+ <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-title-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-subtitle">
+ <element name="chart:subtitle">
+ <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-footer">
+ <element name="chart:footer">
+ <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-legend">
+ <element name="chart:legend">
+ <ref name="chart-legend-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-legend-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="chart:legend-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:legend-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="chart:legend-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top-start</value>
+ <value>bottom-start</value>
+ <value>top-end</value>
+ <value>bottom-end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="style:legend-expansion">
+ <choice>
+ <value>wide</value>
+ <value>high</value>
+ <value>balanced</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:legend-expansion">
+ <value>custom</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-plot-area">
+ <element name="chart:plot-area">
+ <ref name="chart-plot-area-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="dr3d-light"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-axis"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-series"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-stock-gain-marker"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-stock-loss-marker"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-stock-range-line"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-wall"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-floor"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-plot-area-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-source-has-labels">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="dr3d-scene-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-wall">
+ <element name="chart:wall">
+ <ref name="chart-wall-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-wall-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-floor">
+ <element name="chart:floor">
+ <ref name="chart-floor-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-floor-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-axis">
+ <element name="chart:axis">
+ <ref name="chart-axis-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-title"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-categories"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-grid"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-axis-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="chart:dimension">
+ <ref name="chart-dimension"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-dimension">
+ <choice>
+ <value>x</value>
+ <value>y</value>
+ <value>z</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-categories">
+ <element name="chart:categories">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-grid">
+ <element name="chart:grid">
+ <ref name="chart-grid-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-grid-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:class">
+ <choice>
+ <value>major</value>
+ <value>minor</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-series">
+ <element name="chart:series">
+ <ref name="chart-series-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-domain"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-mean-value"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-regression-curve"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-error-indicator"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="chart-data-point"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-data-label"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-series-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:values-cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:label-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:class">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:attached-axis">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-domain">
+ <element name="chart:domain">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-data-point">
+ <element name="chart:data-point">
+ <ref name="chart-data-point-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-data-label"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-data-point-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:repeated">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-data-label">
+ <element name="chart:data-label">
+ <ref name="chart-data-label-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-data-label-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-mean-value">
+ <element name="chart:mean-value">
+ <ref name="chart-mean-value-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-mean-value-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-error-indicator">
+ <element name="chart:error-indicator">
+ <ref name="chart-error-indicator-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-error-indicator-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:dimension">
+ <ref name="chart-dimension"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-regression-curve">
+ <element name="chart:regression-curve">
+ <ref name="chart-regression-curve-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="chart-equation"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-regression-curve-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-equation">
+ <element name="chart:equation">
+ <ref name="chart-equation-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-equation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:automatic-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:display-r-square">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:display-equation">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-stock-gain-marker">
+ <element name="chart:stock-gain-marker">
+ <ref name="common-stock-marker-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-stock-loss-marker">
+ <element name="chart:stock-loss-marker">
+ <ref name="common-stock-marker-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="chart-stock-range-line">
+ <element name="chart:stock-range-line">
+ <ref name="common-stock-marker-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-stock-marker-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-database">
+ <element name="office:database">
+ <ref name="db-data-source"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-reports"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-queries"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-table-presentations"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-schema-definition"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source">
+ <element name="db:data-source">
+ <ref name="db-data-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="db-connection-data"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-driver-settings"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-application-connection-settings"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-connection-data">
+ <element name="db:connection-data">
+ <ref name="db-connection-data-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-database-description"/>
+ <ref name="db-connection-resource"/>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-login"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-connection-data-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-database-description">
+ <element name="db:database-description">
+ <ref name="db-database-description-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-file-based-database"/>
+ <ref name="db-server-database"/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-database-description-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-file-based-database">
+ <element name="db:file-based-database">
+ <ref name="db-file-based-database-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-file-based-database-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="db:media-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:extension">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-server-database">
+ <element name="db:server-database">
+ <ref name="db-server-database-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-server-database-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="db:type">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-host-and-port"/>
+ <ref name="db-local-socket-name"/>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:database-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-host-and-port">
+ <attribute name="db:hostname">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:port">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-local-socket-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:local-socket">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-connection-resource">
+ <element name="db:connection-resource">
+ <ref name="db-connection-resource-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-connection-resource-attlist">
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-login">
+ <element name="db:login">
+ <ref name="db-login-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-login-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="db:user-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="db:use-system-user">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-password-required">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:login-timeout">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-driver-settings">
+ <element name="db:driver-settings">
+ <ref name="db-driver-settings-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-auto-increment"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-delimiter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-character-set"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-table-settings"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-driver-settings-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="db-show-deleted"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:system-driver-settings">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:base-dn">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="db-is-first-row-header-line"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:parameter-name-substitution">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-show-deleted">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:show-deleted">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-is-first-row-header-line">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-first-row-header-line">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-auto-increment">
+ <element name="db:auto-increment">
+ <ref name="db-auto-increment-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-auto-increment-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:additional-column-statement">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:row-retrieving-statement">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-delimiter">
+ <element name="db:delimiter">
+ <ref name="db-delimiter-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-delimiter-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:string">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:decimal">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:thousand">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-character-set">
+ <element name="db:character-set">
+ <ref name="db-character-set-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-character-set-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:encoding">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-settings">
+ <element name="db:table-settings">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-table-setting"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-setting">
+ <element name="db:table-setting">
+ <ref name="db-table-setting-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-delimiter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-character-set"/>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-setting-attlist">
+ <ref name="db-is-first-row-header-line"/>
+ <ref name="db-show-deleted"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-application-connection-settings">
+ <element name="db:application-connection-settings">
+ <ref name="db-application-connection-settings-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-table-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-table-type-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-data-source-settings"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-application-connection-settings-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-table-name-length-limited">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:enable-sql92-check">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:append-table-alias-name">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:ignore-driver-privileges">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:boolean-comparison-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>equal-integer</value>
+ <value>is-boolean</value>
+ <value>equal-boolean</value>
+ <value>equal-use-only-zero</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:use-catalog">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:max-row-count">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:suppress-version-columns">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-filter">
+ <element name="db:table-filter">
+ <ref name="db-table-filter-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-table-include-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-table-exclude-filter"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-filter-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-include-filter">
+ <element name="db:table-include-filter">
+ <ref name="db-table-include-filter-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-table-filter-pattern"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-include-filter-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-exclude-filter">
+ <element name="db:table-exclude-filter">
+ <ref name="db-table-exclude-filter-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-table-filter-pattern"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-exclude-filter-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-filter-pattern">
+ <element name="db:table-filter-pattern">
+ <ref name="db-table-filter-pattern-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-filter-pattern-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-type-filter">
+ <element name="db:table-type-filter">
+ <ref name="db-table-type-filter-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-table-type"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-type-filter-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-type">
+ <element name="db:table-type">
+ <ref name="db-table-type-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-type-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-settings">
+ <element name="db:data-source-settings">
+ <ref name="db-data-source-settings-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-data-source-setting"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-settings-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-setting">
+ <element name="db:data-source-setting">
+ <ref name="db-data-source-setting-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-data-source-setting-value"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-setting-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:data-source-setting-is-list">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="db:data-source-setting-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="db:data-source-setting-type">
+ <ref name="db-data-source-setting-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-setting-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>int</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ <value>string</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-setting-value">
+ <element name="db:data-source-setting-value">
+ <ref name="db-data-source-setting-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-source-setting-value-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-forms">
+ <element name="db:forms">
+ <ref name="db-forms-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-component"/>
+ <ref name="db-component-collection"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-forms-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-reports">
+ <element name="db:reports">
+ <ref name="db-reports-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-component"/>
+ <ref name="db-component-collection"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-reports-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-component-collection">
+ <element name="db:component-collection">
+ <ref name="db-component-collection-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-name"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-title"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-description"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-component"/>
+ <ref name="db-component-collection"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-component-collection-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-component">
+ <element name="db:component">
+ <ref name="db-component-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-name"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-title"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-description"/>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="office-document"/>
+ <ref name="math-math"/>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-component-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:as-template">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-queries">
+ <element name="db:queries">
+ <ref name="db-queries-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-query"/>
+ <ref name="db-query-collection"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-queries-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-query-collection">
+ <element name="db:query-collection">
+ <ref name="db-query-collection-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-name"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-title"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-description"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="db-query"/>
+ <ref name="db-query-collection"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-query-collection-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-query">
+ <element name="db:query">
+ <ref name="db-query-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-name"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-title"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-description"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-table-style-name"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-order-statement"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-filter-statement"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-update-table"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-query-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="db:command">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:escape-processing">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-order-statement">
+ <element name="db:order-statement">
+ <ref name="db-command"/>
+ <ref name="db-apply-command"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-filter-statement">
+ <element name="db:filter-statement">
+ <ref name="db-command"/>
+ <ref name="db-apply-command"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-update-table">
+ <element name="db:update-table">
+ <ref name="common-db-table-name-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-presentations">
+ <element name="db:table-representations">
+ <ref name="db-table-presentations-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-table-presentation"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-presentations-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-presentation">
+ <element name="db:table-representation">
+ <ref name="db-table-presentation-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-table-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-title"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-description"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-table-style-name"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-order-statement"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-filter-statement"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-presentation-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-columns">
+ <element name="db:columns">
+ <ref name="db-columns-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-columns-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-column">
+ <element name="db:column">
+ <ref name="db-column-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-name"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-title"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-object-description"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-default-value"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-column-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:default-cell-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-command">
+ <attribute name="db:command">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-apply-command">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:apply-command">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-db-table-name-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:catalog-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:schema-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-db-object-name">
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-db-object-title">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-db-object-description">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:description">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-db-table-style-name">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:default-row-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-db-default-value">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-schema-definition">
+ <element name="db:schema-definition">
+ <ref name="db-schema-definition-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="db-table-definitions"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-schema-definition-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-definitions">
+ <element name="db:table-definitions">
+ <ref name="db-table-definitions-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-table-definition"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-definitions-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-definition">
+ <element name="db:table-definition">
+ <ref name="common-db-table-name-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="db-table-definition-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="db-column-definitions"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-keys"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="db-indices"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-table-definition-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-column-definitions">
+ <element name="db:column-definitions">
+ <ref name="db-column-definitions-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-column-definition"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-column-definitions-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-column-definition">
+ <element name="db:column-definition">
+ <ref name="db-column-definition-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-db-default-value"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-column-definition-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:data-type">
+ <ref name="db-data-types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:type-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:precision">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:scale">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-nullable">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-nulls</value>
+ <value>nullable</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-empty-allowed">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-autoincrement">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-data-types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>bit</value>
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ <value>tinyint</value>
+ <value>smallint</value>
+ <value>integer</value>
+ <value>bigint</value>
+ <value>float</value>
+ <value>real</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ <value>numeric</value>
+ <value>decimal</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ <value>varchar</value>
+ <value>longvarchar</value>
+ <value>date</value>
+ <value>time</value>
+ <value>timestmp</value>
+ <value>binary</value>
+ <value>varbinary</value>
+ <value>longvarbinary</value>
+ <value>sqlnull</value>
+ <value>other</value>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>distinct</value>
+ <value>struct</value>
+ <value>array</value>
+ <value>blob</value>
+ <value>clob</value>
+ <value>ref</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-keys">
+ <element name="db:keys">
+ <ref name="db-keys-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-key"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-keys-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-key">
+ <element name="db:key">
+ <ref name="db-key-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-key-columns"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-key-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="db:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>primary</value>
+ <value>unique</value>
+ <value>foreign</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:referenced-table-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:update-rule">
+ <choice>
+ <value>cascade</value>
+ <value>restrict</value>
+ <value>set-null</value>
+ <value>no-action</value>
+ <value>set-default</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:delete-rule">
+ <choice>
+ <value>cascade</value>
+ <value>restrict</value>
+ <value>set-null</value>
+ <value>no-action</value>
+ <value>set-default</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-key-columns">
+ <element name="db:key-columns">
+ <ref name="db-key-columns-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-key-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-key-columns-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-key-column">
+ <element name="db:key-column">
+ <ref name="db-key-column-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-key-column-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:related-column-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-indices">
+ <element name="db:indices">
+ <ref name="db-indices-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-index"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-indices-attlist">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-index">
+ <element name="db:index">
+ <ref name="db-index-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-index-columns"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-index-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:catalog-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-unique">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-clustered">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-index-columns">
+ <element name="db:index-columns">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="db-index-column"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-index-column">
+ <element name="db:index-column">
+ <ref name="db-index-column-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="db-index-column-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="db:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="db:is-ascending">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-forms">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="office:forms">
+ <ref name="office-forms-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="form-form"/>
+ <ref name="xforms-model"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-forms-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:automatic-focus">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:apply-design-mode">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-form">
+ <element name="form:form">
+ <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="form-form-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="form-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="controls"/>
+ <ref name="form-form"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="form-connection-resource"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-form-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:method">
+ <choice>
+ <value>get</value>
+ <value>post</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:enctype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:allow-deletes">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:allow-inserts">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:allow-updates">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:apply-filter">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:command-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>query</value>
+ <value>command</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:command">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:datasource">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:master-fields">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:detail-fields">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:escape-processing">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:filter">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:ignore-result">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:navigation-mode">
+ <ref name="navigation"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:order">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:tab-cycle">
+ <ref name="tab-cycles"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="navigation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>current</value>
+ <value>parent</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="tab-cycles">
+ <choice>
+ <value>records</value>
+ <value>current</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-connection-resource">
+ <element name="form:connection-resource">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="xforms-model">
+ <element name="xforms:model">
+ <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="column-controls">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="form:text">
+ <ref name="form-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:textarea">
+ <ref name="form-textarea-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:formatted-text">
+ <ref name="form-formatted-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:number">
+ <ref name="form-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="common-spin-button"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat"/>
+ <ref name="common-delay-for-repeat"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:date">
+ <ref name="form-date-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="common-spin-button"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat"/>
+ <ref name="common-delay-for-repeat"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:time">
+ <ref name="form-time-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="common-spin-button"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat"/>
+ <ref name="common-delay-for-repeat"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:combobox">
+ <ref name="form-combobox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-item"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:listbox">
+ <ref name="form-listbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-option"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:checkbox">
+ <ref name="form-checkbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="controls">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="column-controls"/>
+ <element name="form:password">
+ <ref name="form-password-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:file">
+ <ref name="form-file-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:fixed-text">
+ <ref name="form-fixed-text-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:button">
+ <ref name="form-button-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:image">
+ <ref name="form-image-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:radio">
+ <ref name="form-radio-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:frame">
+ <ref name="form-frame-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:image-frame">
+ <ref name="form-image-frame-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:hidden">
+ <ref name="form-hidden-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:grid">
+ <ref name="form-grid-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-column"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:value-range">
+ <ref name="form-value-range-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:generic-control">
+ <ref name="form-generic-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-text-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-control-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-control-id-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="xforms-bind-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-form-control-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="form-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-textarea-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-password-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:echo-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-file-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-formatted-text-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="common-spin-button"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat"/>
+ <ref name="common-delay-for-repeat"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:validation">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-numeric-control-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-number-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-date-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="date"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-time-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="time"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-fixed-text-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="for"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:multi-line">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-combobox-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="dropdown"/>
+ <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="size"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="list-source"/>
+ <ref name="list-source-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="common-source-cell-range"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:auto-complete">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-item">
+ <element name="form:item">
+ <ref name="form-item-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-item-attlist">
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-listbox-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="dropdown"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="size"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="bound-column"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="list-source"/>
+ <ref name="list-source-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="list-linkage-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-source-cell-range"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:multiple">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:xforms-list-source">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="list-linkage-type">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:list-linkage-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>selection</value>
+ <value>selection-indices</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-option">
+ <element name="form:option">
+ <ref name="form-option-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-option-attlist">
+ <ref name="current-selected"/>
+ <ref name="selected"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-button-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="button-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="image-data"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="target-frame"/>
+ <ref name="target-location"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat"/>
+ <ref name="common-delay-for-repeat"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:default-button">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:toggle">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:focus-on-click">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:xforms-submission">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-image-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="button-type"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="image-data"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="target-frame"/>
+ <ref name="target-location"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-checkbox-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-state">
+ <ref name="states"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:is-tristate">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:state">
+ <ref name="states"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="states">
+ <choice>
+ <value>unchecked</value>
+ <value>checked</value>
+ <value>unknown</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-radio-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="current-selected"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="selected"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-frame-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="for"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-image-frame-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="image-data"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-hidden-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-grid-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-column">
+ <element name="form:column">
+ <ref name="form-column-attlist"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="column-controls"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-column-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="label"/>
+ <ref name="text-style-name"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-style-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:text-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-value-range-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-linked-cell"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat"/>
+ <ref name="common-delay-for-repeat"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-value">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:min-value">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:step-size">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:page-step-size">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-generic-control-attlist">
+ <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-form-control-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:control-implementation">
+ <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="xforms-bind-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xforms:bind">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="types">
+ <choice>
+ <value>submit</value>
+ <value>reset</value>
+ <value>push</value>
+ <value>url</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="button-type">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:button-type">
+ <ref name="types"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-control-id-attlist">
+ <group>
+ <ref name="xml-id"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:id">
+ <ref name="NCName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </define>
+ <define name="current-selected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-selected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-value-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-current-value-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:current-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-disabled-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:disabled">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dropdown">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:dropdown">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="for">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:for">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="image-data">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:image-data">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="label">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:label">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-maxlength-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:max-length">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-printable-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:printable">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-readonly-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:readonly">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="selected">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:selected">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="size">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:size">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-tab-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:tab-index">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:tab-stop">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="target-frame">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:target-frame">
+ <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="target-location">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-title-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:visual-effect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>3d</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:image-position">
+ <value>center</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="form:image-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:image-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="bound-column">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:bound-column">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-convert-empty-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:convert-empty-to-null">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-data-field-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:data-field">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="list-source">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:list-source">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="list-source-type">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:list-source-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>table</value>
+ <value>query</value>
+ <value>sql</value>
+ <value>sql-pass-through</value>
+ <value>value-list</value>
+ <value>table-fields</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-linked-cell">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:linked-cell">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-source-cell-range">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:source-cell-range">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-spin-button">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:spin-button">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-repeat">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:repeat">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-delay-for-repeat">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="form:delay-for-repeat">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-properties">
+ <element name="form:properties">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="form-property"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-property">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="form:property">
+ <ref name="form-property-name"/>
+ <ref name="form-property-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="form:list-property">
+ <ref name="form-property-name"/>
+ <ref name="form-property-type-and-value-list"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-property-name">
+ <attribute name="form:property-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-property-value-and-type-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>void</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="form-property-type-and-value-list">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>float</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>currency</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:value">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:currency">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>date</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:date-value">
+ <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>time</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:time-value">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:boolean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>string</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="form:list-value">
+ <attribute name="office:string-value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <attribute name="office:value-type">
+ <value>void</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-annotation">
+ <element name="office:annotation">
+ <ref name="office-annotation-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-caption-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="dc-creator"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="dc-date"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="meta-date-string"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-annotation-end">
+ <element name="office:annotation-end">
+ <ref name="office-annotation-end-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-annotation-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-office-annotation-name-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-annotation-end-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-office-annotation-name-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-office-annotation-name-attlist">
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="meta-date-string">
+ <element name="meta:date-string">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:num-prefix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:num-suffix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-num-format-attlist">
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="style:num-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>1</value>
+ <value>i</value>
+ <value>I</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:num-format">
+ <choice>
+ <value>a</value>
+ <value>A</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="style-num-letter-sync-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-num-letter-sync-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:num-letter-sync">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-change-info">
+ <element name="office:change-info">
+ <ref name="dc-creator"/>
+ <ref name="dc-date"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-event-listeners">
+ <element name="office:event-listeners">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="script-event-listener"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-event-listener"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="script-event-listener">
+ <element name="script:event-listener">
+ <ref name="script-event-listener-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="script-event-listener-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="script:event-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="script:language">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="script:macro-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="math-math">
+ <element name="math:math">
+ <ref name="mathMarkup"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="mathMarkup">
+ <dc:description>To avoid inclusion of the complete MathML schema, anything is allowed within a math:math top-level element</dc:description>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ </attribute>
+ <text/>
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <ref name="mathMarkup"/>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-dde-connection-decl">
+ <element name="text:dde-connection-decl">
+ <ref name="text-dde-connection-decl-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-dde-connection-decl-attlist">
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="office:dde-application">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:dde-topic">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="office:dde-item">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:automatic-update">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-dde-link">
+ <element name="table:dde-link">
+ <ref name="office-dde-source"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-dde-source">
+ <element name="office:dde-source">
+ <ref name="office-dde-source-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="office-dde-source-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="office:conversion-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>into-default-style-data-style</value>
+ <value>into-english-number</value>
+ <value>keep-text</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="animation-element">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="anim:animate">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:set">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-set-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:animateMotion">
+ <ref name="anim-animate-motion-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:animateColor">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-animate-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:animateTransform">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-animate-transform-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:transitionFilter">
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-transition-filter-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:par">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-endsync-timing-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:seq">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-endsync-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:iterate">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-iterate-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-endsync-timing-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:audio">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-audio-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-basic-timing-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ <element name="anim:command">
+ <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="anim-command-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element name="anim:param">
+ <attribute name="anim:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="anim:value">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-animate-motion-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:path">
+ <ref name="pathData"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:origin">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:calcMode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>discrete</value>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>paced</value>
+ <value>spline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-animate-color-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:color-interpolation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>rgb</value>
+ <value>hsl</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:color-interpolation-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>clockwise</value>
+ <value>counter-clockwise</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-animate-transform-attlist">
+ <attribute name="svg:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>translate</value>
+ <value>scale</value>
+ <value>rotate</value>
+ <value>skewX</value>
+ <value>skewY</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="smil:type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:subtype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>forward</value>
+ <value>reverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fadeColor">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>in</value>
+ <value>out</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-target-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:targetElement">
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:sub-item">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-named-target-attlist">
+ <attribute name="smil:attributeName">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-values-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:values">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:formula">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-anim-set-values-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:from">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:by">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:calcMode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>discrete</value>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>paced</value>
+ <value>spline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:keyTimes">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:keySplines">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:accumulate">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:additive">
+ <choice>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ <value>sum</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-anim-set-values-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:to">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:begin">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:end">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-dur-timing-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:dur">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-endsync-timing-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:endsync">
+ <choice>
+ <value>first</value>
+ <value>last</value>
+ <value>all</value>
+ <value>media</value>
+ <ref name="IDREF"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-repeat-timing-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:repeatDur">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:repeatCount">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeDecimal"/>
+ <value>indefinite</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nonNegativeDecimal">
+ <data type="decimal">
+ <param name="minInclusive">0.0</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-fill-timing-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fill">
+ <choice>
+ <value>remove</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ <value>hold</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>default</value>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-fill-default-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fillDefault">
+ <choice>
+ <value>remove</value>
+ <value>freeze</value>
+ <value>hold</value>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>inherit</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-restart-timing-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:restart">
+ <choice>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>whenNotActive</value>
+ <value>default</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-restart-default-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:restartDefault">
+ <choice>
+ <value>never</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ <value>whenNotActive</value>
+ <value>inherit</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-time-manip-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:accelerate">
+ <ref name="zeroToOneDecimal"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:decelerate">
+ <ref name="zeroToOneDecimal"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:autoReverse">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="zeroToOneDecimal">
+ <data type="decimal">
+ <param name="minInclusive">0</param>
+ <param name="maxInclusive">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-basic-timing-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-dur-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-repeat-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-restart-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-restart-default-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-fill-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-fill-default-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-timing-attlist">
+ <ref name="common-basic-timing-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-time-manip-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-iterate-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:iterate-type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:iterate-interval">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-audio-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="anim:audio-level">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anim-command-attlist">
+ <attribute name="anim:command">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-style">
+ <element name="style:style">
+ <ref name="style-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-style-content"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-in-content-meta-attlist">
+ <attribute name="xhtml:about">
+ <ref name="URIorSafeCURIE"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xhtml:property">
+ <ref name="CURIEs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-meta-literal-attlist"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-meta-literal-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xhtml:datatype">
+ <ref name="CURIE"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xhtml:content">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="xml-id">
+ <attribute name="xml:id">
+ <ref name="ID"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-style-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:parent-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:next-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:list-level">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:list-style-name">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:auto-update">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:percentage-data-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:class">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:default-outline-level">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-map">
+ <element name="style:map">
+ <ref name="style-map-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-map-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:condition">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="style:apply-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:base-cell-address">
+ <ref name="cellAddress"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-default-style">
+ <element name="style:default-style">
+ <ref name="style-style-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout">
+ <element name="style:page-layout">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout-content">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-footer-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-usage">
+ <choice>
+ <value>all</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>mirrored</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-header-style">
+ <element name="style:header-style">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-footer-style">
+ <element name="style:footer-style">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-default-page-layout">
+ <element name="style:default-page-layout">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-master-page">
+ <element name="style:master-page">
+ <ref name="style-master-page-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-header-left"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-footer"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-footer-left"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="draw-layer-set"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="animation-element"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-notes"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-master-page-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
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+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:next-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-header">
+ <element name="style:header">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="style-footer">
+ <element name="style:footer">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="style-header-left">
+ <element name="style:header-left">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-footer-left">
+ <element name="style:footer-left">
+ <ref name="common-style-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="header-footer-content"/>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="header-footer-content">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="text-tracked-changes"/>
+ <ref name="text-decls"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="text-h"/>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ <ref name="text-list"/>
+ <ref name="table-table"/>
+ <ref name="text-section"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-of-content"/>
+ <ref name="text-illustration-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-table-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-object-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-user-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-alphabetical-index"/>
+ <ref name="text-bibliography"/>
+ <ref name="text-index-title"/>
+ <ref name="change-marks"/>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-region-left"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-region-center"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-region-right"/>
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+ </group>
+ </choice>
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+ <define name="common-style-header-footer-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
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+ <define name="style-region-left">
+ <element name="style:region-left">
+ <ref name="region-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-region-center">
+ <element name="style:region-center">
+ <ref name="region-content"/>
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+ <define name="style-region-right">
+ <element name="style:region-right">
+ <ref name="region-content"/>
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+ <define name="region-content">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
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+ <define name="presentation-notes">
+ <element name="presentation:notes">
+ <ref name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="presentation-notes-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-forms"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="shape"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="presentation-notes-attlist">
+ <interleave>
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+ <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
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+ </interleave>
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+ <define name="table-table-template">
+ <element name="table:table-template">
+ <ref name="table-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-first-row"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-last-row"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-first-column"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-last-column"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="table-body"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-even-rows"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-odd-rows"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-even-columns"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-odd-columns"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <ref name="table-background"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-table-template-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="table:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:first-row-start-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:first-row-end-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:last-row-start-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="table:last-row-end-column">
+ <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="rowOrCol">
+ <choice>
+ <value>row</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ </choice>
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+ <define name="table-first-row">
+ <element name="table:first-row">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-last-row">
+ <element name="table:last-row">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-first-column">
+ <element name="table:first-column">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="table-last-column">
+ <element name="table:last-column">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
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+ </define>
+ <define name="table-body">
+ <element name="table:body">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
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+ <define name="table-even-rows">
+ <element name="table:even-rows">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="table-odd-rows">
+ <element name="table:odd-rows">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
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+ </define>
+ <define name="table-even-columns">
+ <element name="table:even-columns">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="table-odd-columns">
+ <element name="table:odd-columns">
+ <ref name="common-table-template-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
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+ <define name="common-table-template-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:paragraph-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
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+ </optional>
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+ <define name="table-background">
+ <element name="table:background">
+ <ref name="table-background-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
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+ <define name="table-background-attlist">
+ <attribute name="table:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
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+ <ref name="style-font-face-attlist"/>
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+ <ref name="svg-font-face-src"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <ref name="svg-definition-src"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-font-face-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-family">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-style">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="fontVariant"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-weight">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-stretch">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>ultra-condensed</value>
+ <value>extra-condensed</value>
+ <value>condensed</value>
+ <value>semi-condensed</value>
+ <value>semi-expanded</value>
+ <value>expanded</value>
+ <value>extra-expanded</value>
+ <value>ultra-expanded</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:font-size">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:unicode-range">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-alphabetic">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-mathematical">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:v-hanging">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:underline-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:underline-thickness">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:strikethrough-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:strikethrough-thickness">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:overline-position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:overline-thickness">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-adornments">
+ <ref name="string"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
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+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
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+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
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+ <define name="svg-font-face-src">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-src">
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-uri"/>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-name"/>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-font-face-uri">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-uri">
+ <ref name="common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-font-face-format"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-font-face-format">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-format">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:string">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
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+ <define name="svg-font-face-name">
+ <element name="svg:font-face-name">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-definition-src">
+ <element name="svg:definition-src">
+ <ref name="common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist">
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onRequest</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-number-style">
+ <element name="number:number-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="any-number"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="any-number">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="number-number"/>
+ <ref name="number-scientific-number"/>
+ <ref name="number-fraction"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-number">
+ <element name="number:number">
+ <ref name="number-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-decimal-places-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-embedded-text"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-number-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:decimal-replacement">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:display-factor">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-embedded-text">
+ <element name="number:embedded-text">
+ <ref name="number-embedded-text-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-embedded-text-attlist">
+ <attribute name="number:position">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-scientific-number">
+ <element name="number:scientific-number">
+ <ref name="number-scientific-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-decimal-places-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-scientific-number-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-exponent-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-fraction">
+ <element name="number:fraction">
+ <ref name="number-fraction-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-fraction-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-numerator-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-denominator-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:denominator-value">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-currency-style">
+ <element name="number:currency-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-auto-reorder-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="number-and-text"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="currency-symbol-and-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <ref name="currency-symbol-and-text"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-and-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="currency-symbol-and-text">
+ <ref name="number-currency-symbol"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-and-text">
+ <ref name="number-number"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-currency-symbol">
+ <element name="number:currency-symbol">
+ <ref name="number-currency-symbol-attlist"/>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-currency-symbol-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:script">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:rfc-language-tag">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-percentage-style">
+ <element name="number:percentage-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-and-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-date-style">
+ <element name="number:date-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-auto-reorder-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-format-source-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="any-date"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="any-date">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="number-day"/>
+ <ref name="number-month"/>
+ <ref name="number-year"/>
+ <ref name="number-era"/>
+ <ref name="number-day-of-week"/>
+ <ref name="number-week-of-year"/>
+ <ref name="number-quarter"/>
+ <ref name="number-hours"/>
+ <ref name="number-am-pm"/>
+ <ref name="number-minutes"/>
+ <ref name="number-seconds"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-day">
+ <element name="number:day">
+ <ref name="number-day-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-day-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-month">
+ <element name="number:month">
+ <ref name="number-month-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-month-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:textual">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:possessive-form">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-year">
+ <element name="number:year">
+ <ref name="number-year-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-year-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-era">
+ <element name="number:era">
+ <ref name="number-era-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-era-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-day-of-week">
+ <element name="number:day-of-week">
+ <ref name="number-day-of-week-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-day-of-week-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-week-of-year">
+ <element name="number:week-of-year">
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-quarter">
+ <element name="number:quarter">
+ <ref name="number-quarter-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-calendar-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-quarter-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-time-style">
+ <element name="number:time-style">
+ <ref name="number-time-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-format-source-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="any-time"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="any-time">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="number-hours"/>
+ <ref name="number-am-pm"/>
+ <ref name="number-minutes"/>
+ <ref name="number-seconds"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-time-style-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:truncate-on-overflow">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-hours">
+ <element name="number:hours">
+ <ref name="number-hours-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-hours-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-minutes">
+ <element name="number:minutes">
+ <ref name="number-minutes-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-minutes-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-seconds">
+ <element name="number:seconds">
+ <ref name="number-seconds-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-seconds-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-am-pm">
+ <element name="number:am-pm">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-boolean-style">
+ <element name="number:boolean-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-boolean"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-boolean">
+ <element name="number:boolean">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-text-style">
+ <element name="number:text-style">
+ <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="number-text-content"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="number-text"/>
+ </optional>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-map"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-text">
+ <element name="number:text">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="number-text-content">
+ <element name="number:text-content">
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-data-style-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:script">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:rfc-language-tag">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:title">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:volatile">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-format">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-language">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:transliteration-style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>short</value>
+ <value>medium</value>
+ <value>long</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-auto-reorder-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:automatic-order">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-format-source-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:format-source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>language</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-decimal-places-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-number-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:min-integer-digits">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:grouping">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-calendar-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="number:calendar">
+ <choice>
+ <value>gregorian</value>
+ <value>gengou</value>
+ <value>ROC</value>
+ <value>hanja_yoil</value>
+ <value>hanja</value>
+ <value>hijri</value>
+ <value>jewish</value>
+ <value>buddhist</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-style-content">
+ <choice>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>text</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>section</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-section-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>ruby</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table-column</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table-row</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>table-cell</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <choice>
+ <value>graphic</value>
+ <value>presentation</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>drawing-page</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:family">
+ <value>chart</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-linenumbering-configuration">
+ <element name="text:linenumbering-configuration">
+ <ref name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-linenumbering-separator"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:number-lines">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:increment">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:number-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>inner</value>
+ <value>outer</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:offset">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:count-empty-lines">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:count-in-text-boxes">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:restart-on-page">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-linenumbering-separator">
+ <element name="text:linenumbering-separator">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:increment">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-notes-configuration">
+ <element name="text:notes-configuration">
+ <ref name="text-notes-configuration-content"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-notes-configuration-content">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="text-note-class"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:citation-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:citation-body-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:default-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:master-page-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-numbering-at">
+ <choice>
+ <value>document</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:footnotes-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>text</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>section</value>
+ <value>document</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:note-continuation-notice-forward">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="text:note-continuation-notice-backward">
+ <text/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography-configuration">
+ <element name="text:bibliography-configuration">
+ <ref name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-sort-key"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:prefix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:suffix">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:numbered-entries">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-by-position">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:script">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rfc-language-tag">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-algorithm">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-sort-key">
+ <element name="text:sort-key">
+ <ref name="text-sort-key-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-sort-key-attlist">
+ <attribute name="text:key">
+ <choice>
+ <value>address</value>
+ <value>annote</value>
+ <value>author</value>
+ <value>bibliography-type</value>
+ <value>booktitle</value>
+ <value>chapter</value>
+ <value>custom1</value>
+ <value>custom2</value>
+ <value>custom3</value>
+ <value>custom4</value>
+ <value>custom5</value>
+ <value>edition</value>
+ <value>editor</value>
+ <value>howpublished</value>
+ <value>identifier</value>
+ <value>institution</value>
+ <value>isbn</value>
+ <value>issn</value>
+ <value>journal</value>
+ <value>month</value>
+ <value>note</value>
+ <value>number</value>
+ <value>organizations</value>
+ <value>pages</value>
+ <value>publisher</value>
+ <value>report-type</value>
+ <value>school</value>
+ <value>series</value>
+ <value>title</value>
+ <value>url</value>
+ <value>volume</value>
+ <value>year</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:sort-ascending">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-style">
+ <element name="text:list-style">
+ <ref name="text-list-style-attr"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-list-style-content"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-style-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:consecutive-numbering">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-style-content">
+ <choice>
+ <element name="text:list-level-style-number">
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-number-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:list-level-style-bullet">
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ <element name="text:list-level-style-image">
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-attr"/>
+ <ref name="text-list-level-style-image-attr"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display-levels">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="text:bullet-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:bullet-relative-size">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-level-style-image-attr">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-list-level-style-attr">
+ <attribute name="text:level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-outline-style">
+ <element name="text:outline-style">
+ <ref name="text-outline-style-attr"/>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-outline-level-style"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-outline-style-attr">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-outline-level-style">
+ <element name="text:outline-level-style">
+ <ref name="text-outline-level-style-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:level">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:display-levels">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:start-value">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-graphic-properties">
+ <element name="style:graphic-properties">
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-graphic-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-graphic-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-drawing-page-properties">
+ <element name="style:drawing-page-properties">
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-drawing-page-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-gradient">
+ <element name="draw:gradient">
+ <ref name="common-draw-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style">
+ <ref name="gradient-style"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:cx">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:cy">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:border">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="gradient-style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>axial</value>
+ <value>radial</value>
+ <value>ellipsoid</value>
+ <value>square</value>
+ <value>rectangular</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-gradient-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-intensity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-intensity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-linearGradient">
+ <element name="svg:linearGradient">
+ <ref name="common-svg-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x1">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y1">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x2">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y2">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-stop"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-radialGradient">
+ <element name="svg:radialGradient">
+ <ref name="common-svg-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:cx">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:cy">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:r">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:fx">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:fy">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="svg-stop"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="svg-stop">
+ <element name="svg:stop">
+ <attribute name="svg:offset">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stop-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stop-opacity">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-svg-gradient-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:gradientUnits">
+ <value>objectBoundingBox</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:gradientTransform">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:spreadMethod">
+ <choice>
+ <value>pad</value>
+ <value>reflect</value>
+ <value>repeat</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-hatch">
+ <element name="draw:hatch">
+ <ref name="draw-hatch-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-hatch-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>single</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ <value>triple</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:rotation">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-fill-image">
+ <element name="draw:fill-image">
+ <ref name="draw-fill-image-attlist"/>
+ <attribute name="xlink:type">
+ <value>simple</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:show">
+ <value>embed</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="xlink:actuate">
+ <value>onLoad</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-fill-image-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-opacity">
+ <element name="draw:opacity">
+ <ref name="common-draw-gradient-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="draw-opacity-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-opacity-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-marker">
+ <element name="draw:marker">
+ <ref name="draw-marker-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-marker-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-stroke-dash">
+ <element name="draw:stroke-dash">
+ <ref name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="draw:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>rect</value>
+ <value>round</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots1">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots1-length">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots2">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:dots2-length">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:distance">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-presentation-page-layout">
+ <element name="style:presentation-page-layout">
+ <attribute name="style:name">
+ <ref name="styleName"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:display-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="presentation-placeholder"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="presentation-placeholder">
+ <element name="presentation:placeholder">
+ <attribute name="presentation:object">
+ <ref name="presentation-classes"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout-properties">
+ <element name="style:page-layout-properties">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-page-layout-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:page-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:page-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:paper-tray-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>default</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-orientation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>portrait</value>
+ <value>landscape</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:register-truth-ref-style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print">
+ <list>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>headers</value>
+ <value>grid</value>
+ <value>annotations</value>
+ <value>objects</value>
+ <value>charts</value>
+ <value>drawings</value>
+ <value>formulas</value>
+ <value>zero-values</value>
+ </choice>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-page-order">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ttb</value>
+ <value>ltr</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:first-page-number">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <value>continue</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:scale-to">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:scale-to-pages">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:table-centering">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:footnote-max-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>line</value>
+ <value>both</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-standard-mode">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-base-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-ruby-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-lines">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-base-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-ruby-below">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-print">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:layout-grid-snap-to">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-page-layout-properties-elements">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ <ref name="style-columns"/>
+ <ref name="style-footnote-sep"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-footnote-sep">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:footnote-sep">
+ <ref name="style-footnote-sep-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-footnote-sep-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:adjustment">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:distance-before-sep">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:distance-after-sep">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-header-footer-properties">
+ <element name="style:header-footer-properties">
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-header-footer-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-header-footer-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-height">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:dynamic-spacing">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-header-footer-properties-elements">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-text-properties">
+ <element name="style:text-properties">
+ <ref name="style-text-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-text-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-text-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-text-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-text-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-text-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-variant">
+ <ref name="fontVariant"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-transform">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>lowercase</value>
+ <value>uppercase</value>
+ <value>capitalize</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:use-window-font-color">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-outline">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-text">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-text-style">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-position">
+ <list>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <value>super</value>
+ <value>sub</value>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </optional>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name-asian">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name-complex">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-family">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-asian">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-complex">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic-asian">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-family-generic-complex">
+ <ref name="fontFamilyGeneric"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-name-asian">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-name-complex">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch-asian">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-pitch-complex">
+ <ref name="fontPitch"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset-asian">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-charset-complex">
+ <ref name="textEncoding"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-size">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-asian">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-complex">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-rel">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-rel-asian">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-size-rel-complex">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:script-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>latin</value>
+ <value>asian</value>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:letter-spacing">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:language">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:language-asian">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:language-complex">
+ <ref name="languageCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:country">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:country-asian">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:country-complex">
+ <ref name="countryCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:script">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:script-asian">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:script-complex">
+ <ref name="scriptCode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rfc-language-tag">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rfc-language-tag-asian">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rfc-language-tag-complex">
+ <ref name="language"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-style">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-asian">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-style-complex">
+ <ref name="fontStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-relief">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>embossed</value>
+ <value>engraved</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-shadow">
+ <ref name="shadowType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-overline-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-overline-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-overline-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-overline-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-overline-mode">
+ <ref name="lineMode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:font-weight">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-weight-asian">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-weight-complex">
+ <ref name="fontWeight"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-underline-mode">
+ <ref name="lineMode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-line-through-mode">
+ <ref name="lineMode"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:letter-kerning">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-blinking">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-combine">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>letters</value>
+ <value>lines</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-combine-start-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-combine-end-char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-emphasize">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <list>
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>accent</value>
+ <value>dot</value>
+ <value>circle</value>
+ <value>disc</value>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <value>above</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ </choice>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-scale">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-rotation-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-rotation-scale">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>line-height</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenate">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-push-char-count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>true</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="text:display">
+ <value>condition</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text:condition">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fontVariant">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>small-caps</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fontFamilyGeneric">
+ <choice>
+ <value>roman</value>
+ <value>swiss</value>
+ <value>modern</value>
+ <value>decorative</value>
+ <value>script</value>
+ <value>system</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fontPitch">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>variable</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="textEncoding">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fontStyle">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>italic</value>
+ <value>oblique</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="shadowType">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="lineType">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>single</value>
+ <value>double</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="lineStyle">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ <value>dotted</value>
+ <value>dash</value>
+ <value>long-dash</value>
+ <value>dot-dash</value>
+ <value>dot-dot-dash</value>
+ <value>wave</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="lineWidth">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>bold</value>
+ <value>thin</value>
+ <value>medium</value>
+ <value>thick</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="fontWeight">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>bold</value>
+ <value>100</value>
+ <value>200</value>
+ <value>300</value>
+ <value>400</value>
+ <value>500</value>
+ <value>600</value>
+ <value>700</value>
+ <value>800</value>
+ <value>900</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="lineMode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>continuous</value>
+ <value>skip-white-space</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-paragraph-properties">
+ <element name="style:paragraph-properties">
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-paragraph-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-paragraph-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:line-height">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-height-at-least">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-spacing">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-independent-line-spacing">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-text-align"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-align-last">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:justify-single-word">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:keep-together">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:widows">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:orphans">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:tab-stop-distance">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-keep">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:hyphenation-ladder-count">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-limit</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:register-true">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-indent">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:auto-text-indent">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:join-border">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-keep-with-next-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:number-lines">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:line-number">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-autospace">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>ideograph-alpha</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:punctuation-wrap">
+ <choice>
+ <value>simple</value>
+ <value>hanging</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:line-break">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>strict</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>baseline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:writing-mode-automatic">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:snap-to-layout-grid">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-page-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-transparency-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-text-align">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-paragraph-properties-elements">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="style-tab-stops"/>
+ <ref name="style-drop-cap"/>
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-tab-stops">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:tab-stops">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-tab-stop"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-tab-stop">
+ <element name="style:tab-stop">
+ <ref name="style-tab-stop-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:position">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="style:type">
+ <value>char</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <ref name="style-tab-stop-char-attlist"/>
+ </group>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-type">
+ <ref name="lineType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-style">
+ <ref name="lineStyle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-width">
+ <ref name="lineWidth"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>font-color</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-text">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:leader-text-style">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-tab-stop-char-attlist">
+ <attribute name="style:char">
+ <ref name="character"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-drop-cap">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:drop-cap">
+ <ref name="style-drop-cap-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-drop-cap-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:length">
+ <choice>
+ <value>word</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:lines">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:style-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-left">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-right">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-vertical-margin-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-top">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-bottom">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-margin-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-break-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:break-before">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:break-after">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>column</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-background-color-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:background-color">
+ <choice>
+ <value>transparent</value>
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-background-image">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:background-image">
+ <ref name="style-background-image-attlist"/>
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-background-image-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:repeat">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-repeat</value>
+ <value>repeat</value>
+ <value>stretch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <list>
+ <ref name="horiBackPos"/>
+ <ref name="vertBackPos"/>
+ </list>
+ <list>
+ <ref name="vertBackPos"/>
+ <ref name="horiBackPos"/>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:filter-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:opacity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="horiBackPos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="vertBackPos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-border-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-top">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-bottom">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-left">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:border-right">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-border-line-width-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-top">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-bottom">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-left">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:border-line-width-right">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="borderWidths">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </list>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-padding-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-top">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-bottom">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-left">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:padding-right">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-shadow-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:shadow">
+ <ref name="shadowType"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-keep-with-next-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:keep-with-next">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-writing-mode-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:writing-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>lr-tb</value>
+ <value>rl-tb</value>
+ <value>tb-rl</value>
+ <value>tb-lr</value>
+ <value>lr</value>
+ <value>rl</value>
+ <value>tb</value>
+ <value>page</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-page-number-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:page-number">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-background-transparency-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:background-transparency">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-ruby-properties">
+ <element name="style:ruby-properties">
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-ruby-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-ruby-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-ruby-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-ruby-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:ruby-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>above</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:ruby-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>distribute-letter</value>
+ <value>distribute-space</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-section-properties">
+ <element name="style:section-properties">
+ <ref name="style-section-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-section-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-section-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-section-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-section-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:protect">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-editable-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:dont-balance-text-columns">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-section-properties-elements">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ <ref name="style-columns"/>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="text-notes-configuration"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-columns">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:columns">
+ <ref name="style-columns-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="style-column-sep"/>
+ </optional>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="style-column"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-columns-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="fo:column-count">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:column-gap">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-column">
+ <element name="style:column">
+ <ref name="style-column-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-column-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <ref name="relativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:start-indent">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:end-indent">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:space-before">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:space-after">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-column-sep">
+ <element name="style:column-sep">
+ <ref name="style-column-sep-attlist"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-column-sep-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ <value>dotted</value>
+ <value>dashed</value>
+ <value>dot-dashed</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <attribute name="style:width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:height">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-width">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>margins</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-page-number-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-keep-with-next-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:may-break-between-rows">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:border-model">
+ <choice>
+ <value>collapsing</value>
+ <value>separating</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="table:display">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-properties-elements">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-column-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-column-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-column-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-column-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-column-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-column-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:column-width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rel-column-width">
+ <ref name="relativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:use-optimal-column-width">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-row-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-row-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-row-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-row-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:row-height">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:min-row-height">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:use-optimal-row-height">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:keep-together">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>always</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-row-properties-elements">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-cell-properties">
+ <element name="style:table-cell-properties">
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-cell-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-table-cell-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:text-align-source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fix</value>
+ <value>value-type</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-style-direction-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:glyph-orientation-vertical">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <value>0</value>
+ <value>0deg</value>
+ <value>0rad</value>
+ <value>0grad</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-tl-br">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-tl-br-widths">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-bl-tr">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:diagonal-bl-tr-widths">
+ <ref name="borderWidths"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:wrap-option">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-wrap</value>
+ <value>wrap</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-rotation-angle-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rotation-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:cell-protect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>hidden-and-protected</value>
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>protected</value>
+ <value>formula-hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:repeat-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:shrink-to-fit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-style-direction-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>ltr</value>
+ <value>ttb</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-table-cell-properties-elements">
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-rotation-angle-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:rotation-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-list-level-properties">
+ <element name="style:list-level-properties">
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-list-level-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-list-level-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <ref name="common-text-align"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:space-before">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:min-label-width">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:min-label-distance">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:font-name">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:height">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-rel-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-pos-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:list-level-position-and-space-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>label-width-and-position</value>
+ <value>label-alignment</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-list-level-properties-elements">
+ <ref name="style-list-level-label-alignment"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-list-level-label-alignment">
+ <optional>
+ <element name="style:list-level-label-alignment">
+ <ref name="style-list-level-label-alignment-attlist"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-list-level-label-alignment-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <attribute name="text:label-followed-by">
+ <choice>
+ <value>listtab</value>
+ <value>space</value>
+ <value>nothing</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:list-tab-stop-position">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:text-indent">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:margin-left">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>dash</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke-dash">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke-dash-names">
+ <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-start">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-end">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-start-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-end-width">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-start-center">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:marker-end-center">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-opacity">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="double">
+ <param name="minInclusive">0</param>
+ <param name="maxInclusive">1</param>
+ </data>
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:stroke-linejoin">
+ <choice>
+ <value>miter</value>
+ <value>round</value>
+ <value>bevel</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:stroke-linecap">
+ <choice>
+ <value>butt</value>
+ <value>square</value>
+ <value>round</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:symbol-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>scroll</value>
+ <value>alternate</value>
+ <value>slide</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>up</value>
+ <value>down</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-start-inside">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-stop-inside">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-repeat">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-delay">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:animation-steps">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:auto-grow-width">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:auto-grow-height">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fit-to-size">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fit-to-contour">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:textarea-vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:textarea-horizontal-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>justify</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:wrap-option">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-wrap</value>
+ <value>wrap</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:shrink-to-fit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:color-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>greyscale</value>
+ <value>mono</value>
+ <value>watermark</value>
+ <value>standard</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:color-inversion">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:luminance">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:contrast">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:gamma">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:red">
+ <ref name="signedZeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:green">
+ <ref name="signedZeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:blue">
+ <ref name="signedZeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:image-opacity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-offset-x">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-offset-y">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:shadow-opacity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-line-spacing-vertical">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-line-spacing-vertical">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:line-distance">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:guide-overhang">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:guide-distance">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:start-guide">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:end-guide">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:placing">
+ <choice>
+ <value>below</value>
+ <value>above</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:parallel">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:measure-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>left-outside</value>
+ <value>inside</value>
+ <value>right-outside</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:measure-vertical-align">
+ <choice>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>above</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:unit">
+ <choice>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>mm</value>
+ <value>cm</value>
+ <value>m</value>
+ <value>km</value>
+ <value>pt</value>
+ <value>pc</value>
+ <value>inch</value>
+ <value>ft</value>
+ <value>mi</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:show-unit">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:decimal-places">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>straight-line</value>
+ <value>angled-line</value>
+ <value>angled-connector-line</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-angle-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>fixed</value>
+ <value>free</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-gap">
+ <ref name="distance"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-escape-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-escape">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-line-length">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:caption-fit-line-length">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:horizontal-segments">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:vertical-segments">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:edge-rounding">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:edge-rounding-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>correct</value>
+ <value>attractive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:back-scale">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:depth">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:backface-culling">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:end-angle">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:close-front">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:close-back">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>standard</value>
+ <value>double-sided</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:normals-kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>flat</value>
+ <value>sphere</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:normals-direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ <value>inverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x">
+ <choice>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>sphere</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y">
+ <choice>
+ <value>object</value>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>sphere</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-kind">
+ <choice>
+ <value>luminance</value>
+ <value>intensity</value>
+ <value>color</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-filter">
+ <choice>
+ <value>enabled</value>
+ <value>disabled</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:texture-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>replace</value>
+ <value>modulate</value>
+ <value>blend</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:ambient-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:emissive-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:specular-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:diffuse-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shininess">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="dr3d:shadow">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:min-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:max-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:print-content">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:protect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <choice>
+ <value>content</value>
+ <value>position</value>
+ <value>size</value>
+ </choice>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:horizontal-pos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>from-left</value>
+ <value>inside</value>
+ <value>outside</value>
+ <value>from-inside</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:x">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:horizontal-rel">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>page-content</value>
+ <value>page-start-margin</value>
+ <value>page-end-margin</value>
+ <value>frame</value>
+ <value>frame-content</value>
+ <value>frame-start-margin</value>
+ <value>frame-end-margin</value>
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ <value>paragraph-content</value>
+ <value>paragraph-start-margin</value>
+ <value>paragraph-end-margin</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-pos-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-vertical-rel-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-text-anchor-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-border-line-width-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-background-transparency-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-editable-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>parallel</value>
+ <value>dynamic</value>
+ <value>run-through</value>
+ <value>biggest</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap-dynamic-threshold">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:number-wrapped-paragraphs">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-limit</value>
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap-contour">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:wrap-contour-mode">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>outside</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:run-through">
+ <choice>
+ <value>foreground</value>
+ <value>background</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:flow-with-text">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:overflow-behavior">
+ <choice>
+ <value>clip</value>
+ <value>auto-create-new-frame</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:mirror">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <ref name="horizontal-mirror"/>
+ <list>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ <ref name="horizontal-mirror"/>
+ </list>
+ <list>
+ <ref name="horizontal-mirror"/>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </list>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="fo:clip">
+ <choice>
+ <value>auto</value>
+ <ref name="clipShape"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:wrap-influence-on-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>iterative</value>
+ <value>once-concurrent</value>
+ <value>once-successive</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-writing-mode-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-display-scrollbar">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-display-border">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-margin-horizontal">
+ <ref name="nonNegativePixelLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:frame-margin-vertical">
+ <ref name="nonNegativePixelLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-left">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-top">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-width">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:visible-area-height">
+ <ref name="positiveLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:draw-aspect">
+ <choice>
+ <value>content</value>
+ <value>thumbnail</value>
+ <value>icon</value>
+ <value>print-view</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:ole-draw-aspect">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>solid</value>
+ <value>bitmap</value>
+ <value>gradient</value>
+ <value>hatch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:secondary-fill-color">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-gradient-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:gradient-step-count">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-hatch-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-hatch-solid">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:repeat">
+ <choice>
+ <value>no-repeat</value>
+ <value>repeat</value>
+ <value>stretch</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-width">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-height">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-ref-point-x">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-ref-point-y">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:fill-image-ref-point">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top-left</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>top-right</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>bottom-left</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>bottom-right</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:tile-repeat-offset">
+ <list>
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>vertical</value>
+ </choice>
+ </list>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:opacity">
+ <ref name="zeroToHundredPercent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:opacity-name">
+ <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:fill-rule">
+ <choice>
+ <value>nonzero</value>
+ <value>evenodd</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-graphic-properties-elements">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="text-list-style"/>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="style-background-image"/>
+ <ref name="style-columns"/>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-vertical-pos-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-pos">
+ <choice>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>middle</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>from-top</value>
+ <value>below</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="svg:y">
+ <ref name="coordinate"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-vertical-rel-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:vertical-rel">
+ <choice>
+ <value>page</value>
+ <value>page-content</value>
+ <value>frame</value>
+ <value>frame-content</value>
+ <value>paragraph</value>
+ <value>paragraph-content</value>
+ <value>char</value>
+ <value>line</value>
+ <value>baseline</value>
+ <value>text</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="common-editable-attlist">
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="style:editable">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="horizontal-mirror">
+ <choice>
+ <value>horizontal</value>
+ <value>horizontal-on-odd</value>
+ <value>horizontal-on-even</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="clipShape">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">rect\([ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)))|(auto))([ ]*,[ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))))|(auto)){3}[ ]*\)</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nonNegativePixelLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px)</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-chart-properties">
+ <element name="style:chart-properties">
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties-content-strict"/>
+ </element>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-chart-properties-content-strict">
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="style-chart-properties-elements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-chart-properties-elements">
+ <empty/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:scale-text">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:three-dimensional">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:deep">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:right-angled-axes">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <choice>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>none</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>named-symbol</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-name">
+ <choice>
+ <value>square</value>
+ <value>diamond</value>
+ <value>arrow-down</value>
+ <value>arrow-up</value>
+ <value>arrow-right</value>
+ <value>arrow-left</value>
+ <value>bow-tie</value>
+ <value>hourglass</value>
+ <value>circle</value>
+ <value>star</value>
+ <value>x</value>
+ <value>plus</value>
+ <value>asterisk</value>
+ <value>horizontal-bar</value>
+ <value>vertical-bar</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-type">
+ <value>image</value>
+ </attribute>
+ <element name="chart:symbol-image">
+ <attribute name="xlink:href">
+ <ref name="anyIRI"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </element>
+ </group>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-width">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:symbol-height">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:sort-by-x-values">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:vertical">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:connect-bars">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:gap-width">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:overlap">
+ <ref name="integer"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:group-bars-per-axis">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:japanese-candle-stick">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:interpolation">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>cubic-spline</value>
+ <value>b-spline</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:spline-order">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:spline-resolution">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:pie-offset">
+ <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:angle-offset">
+ <ref name="angle"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:hole-size">
+ <ref name="percent"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:lines">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:solid-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>cuboid</value>
+ <value>cylinder</value>
+ <value>cone</value>
+ <value>pyramid</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:stacked">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:percentage">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:treat-empty-cells">
+ <choice>
+ <value>use-zero</value>
+ <value>leave-gap</value>
+ <value>ignore</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:link-data-style-to-source">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:logarithmic">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:maximum">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:minimum">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:origin">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:interval-major">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:interval-minor-divisor">
+ <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-major-inner">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-major-outer">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-minor-inner">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-marks-minor-outer">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:reverse-direction">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:display-label">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:text-overlap">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="text:line-break">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:label-arrangement">
+ <choice>
+ <value>side-by-side</value>
+ <value>stagger-even</value>
+ <value>stagger-odd</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <ref name="common-style-direction-attlist"/>
+ <ref name="common-rotation-angle-attlist"/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-label-number">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>value</value>
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ <value>value-and-percentage</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-label-text">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:data-label-symbol">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <element name="chart:label-separator">
+ <ref name="text-p"/>
+ </element>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:label-position">
+ <ref name="labelPositions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:label-position-negative">
+ <ref name="labelPositions"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:auto-position">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:auto-size">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:mean-value">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-category">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>variance</value>
+ <value>standard-deviation</value>
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ <value>error-margin</value>
+ <value>constant</value>
+ <value>standard-error</value>
+ <value>cell-range</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-percentage">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-margin">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-lower-limit">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-upper-limit">
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-upper-indicator">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-lower-indicator">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-lower-range">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:error-upper-range">
+ <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:series-source">
+ <choice>
+ <value>columns</value>
+ <value>rows</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:regression-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>linear</value>
+ <value>logarithmic</value>
+ <value>exponential</value>
+ <value>power</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:axis-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>start</value>
+ <value>end</value>
+ <ref name="double"/>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:axis-label-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>near-axis</value>
+ <value>near-axis-other-side</value>
+ <value>outside-start</value>
+ <value>outside-end</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:tick-mark-position">
+ <choice>
+ <value>at-labels</value>
+ <value>at-axis</value>
+ <value>at-labels-and-axis</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="chart:include-hidden-cells">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="labelPositions">
+ <choice>
+ <value>avoid-overlap</value>
+ <value>center</value>
+ <value>top</value>
+ <value>top-right</value>
+ <value>right</value>
+ <value>bottom-right</value>
+ <value>bottom</value>
+ <value>bottom-left</value>
+ <value>left</value>
+ <value>top-left</value>
+ <value>inside</value>
+ <value>outside</value>
+ <value>near-origin</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist">
+ <interleave>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-type">
+ <choice>
+ <value>manual</value>
+ <value>automatic</value>
+ <value>semi-automatic</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-style">
+ <choice>
+ <value>none</value>
+ <value>fade-from-left</value>
+ <value>fade-from-top</value>
+ <value>fade-from-right</value>
+ <value>fade-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>fade-from-upperleft</value>
+ <value>fade-from-upperright</value>
+ <value>fade-from-lowerleft</value>
+ <value>fade-from-lowerright</value>
+ <value>move-from-left</value>
+ <value>move-from-top</value>
+ <value>move-from-right</value>
+ <value>move-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>move-from-upperleft</value>
+ <value>move-from-upperright</value>
+ <value>move-from-lowerleft</value>
+ <value>move-from-lowerright</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-left</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-top</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-right</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-bottom</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-upperleft</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-upperright</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-lowerleft</value>
+ <value>uncover-to-lowerright</value>
+ <value>fade-to-center</value>
+ <value>fade-from-center</value>
+ <value>vertical-stripes</value>
+ <value>horizontal-stripes</value>
+ <value>clockwise</value>
+ <value>counterclockwise</value>
+ <value>open-vertical</value>
+ <value>open-horizontal</value>
+ <value>close-vertical</value>
+ <value>close-horizontal</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-left</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-top</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-right</value>
+ <value>wavyline-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>spiralin-left</value>
+ <value>spiralin-right</value>
+ <value>spiralout-left</value>
+ <value>spiralout-right</value>
+ <value>roll-from-top</value>
+ <value>roll-from-left</value>
+ <value>roll-from-right</value>
+ <value>roll-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-left</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-top</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-right</value>
+ <value>stretch-from-bottom</value>
+ <value>vertical-lines</value>
+ <value>horizontal-lines</value>
+ <value>dissolve</value>
+ <value>random</value>
+ <value>vertical-checkerboard</value>
+ <value>horizontal-checkerboard</value>
+ <value>interlocking-horizontal-left</value>
+ <value>interlocking-horizontal-right</value>
+ <value>interlocking-vertical-top</value>
+ <value>interlocking-vertical-bottom</value>
+ <value>fly-away</value>
+ <value>open</value>
+ <value>close</value>
+ <value>melt</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:transition-speed">
+ <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:type">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:subtype">
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:direction">
+ <choice>
+ <value>forward</value>
+ <value>reverse</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="smil:fadeColor">
+ <ref name="color"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:duration">
+ <ref name="duration"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:visibility">
+ <choice>
+ <value>visible</value>
+ <value>hidden</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="draw:background-size">
+ <choice>
+ <value>full</value>
+ <value>border</value>
+ </choice>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:background-objects-visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:background-visible">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-header">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-footer">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-page-number">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name="presentation:display-date-time">
+ <ref name="boolean"/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
+ </interleave>
+ </define>
+ <define name="style-drawing-page-properties-elements">
+ <optional>
+ <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
+ </optional>
+ </define>
+ <define name="string">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="date">
+ <data type="date"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="time">
+ <data type="time"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dateTime">
+ <data type="dateTime"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="duration">
+ <data type="duration"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="integer">
+ <data type="integer"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nonNegativeInteger">
+ <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="positiveInteger">
+ <data type="positiveInteger"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="double">
+ <data type="double"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anyURI">
+ <data type="anyURI"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="base64Binary">
+ <data type="base64Binary"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="ID">
+ <data type="ID"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="IDREF">
+ <data type="IDREF"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="IDREFS">
+ <data type="IDREFS"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="NCName">
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="boolean">
+ <choice>
+ <value>true</value>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="dateOrDateTime">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="date"/>
+ <data type="dateTime"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="timeOrDateTime">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="time"/>
+ <data type="dateTime"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="language">
+ <data type="language"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="countryCode">
+ <data type="token">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="languageCode">
+ <data type="token">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="scriptCode">
+ <data type="token">
+ <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="character">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="length">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="length">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="nonNegativeLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="positiveLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="percent">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)%</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="zeroToHundredPercent">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)%</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="signedZeroToHundredPercent">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)%</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="relativeLength">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">[0-9]+\*</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="coordinate">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="distance">
+ <ref name="length"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="color">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="angle">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="CURIE">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+</param>
+ <param name="minLength">1</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="CURIEs">
+ <list>
+ <oneOrMore>
+ <ref name="CURIE"/>
+ </oneOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </define>
+ <define name="SafeCURIE">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">\[(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+\]</param>
+ <param name="minLength">3</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="URIorSafeCURIE">
+ <choice>
+ <ref name="anyURI"/>
+ <ref name="SafeCURIE"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="styleName">
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="styleNameRef">
+ <choice>
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ <empty/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="styleNameRefs">
+ <list>
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <data type="NCName"/>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </list>
+ </define>
+ <define name="variableName">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="targetFrameName">
+ <choice>
+ <value>_self</value>
+ <value>_blank</value>
+ <value>_parent</value>
+ <value>_top</value>
+ <ref name="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="valueType">
+ <choice>
+ <value>float</value>
+ <value>time</value>
+ <value>date</value>
+ <value>percentage</value>
+ <value>currency</value>
+ <value>boolean</value>
+ <value>string</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
+ <define name="points">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)*</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="pathData">
+ <data type="string"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="vector3D">
+ <data type="string">
+ <param name="pattern">\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\)</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="namespacedToken">
+ <data type="QName">
+ <param name="pattern">[^:]+:[^:]+</param>
+ </data>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anyIRI">
+ <data type="anyURI"/>
+ <dc:description>An IRI-reference as defined in [RFC3987]. See ODF 1.2 Part 1 section 18.3.</dc:description>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anyAttListOrElements">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <attribute>
+ <anyName/>
+ <text/>
+ </attribute>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ <ref name="anyElements"/>
+ </define>
+ <define name="anyElements">
+ <zeroOrMore>
+ <element>
+ <anyName/>
+ <mixed>
+ <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
+ </mixed>
+ </element>
+ </zeroOrMore>
+ </define>
diff --git a/contrib/odt/ b/contrib/odt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9eee19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+#+TITLE: OpenDocumentText Exporter for Orgmode
+#+AUTHOR: Jambunathan K
+#+DATE: %Y-%m-%d %T %Z
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
+#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:dvipng skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
+* Summary
+ This package adds support for exporting of Orgmode files to
+ OpenDocumentText.
+ The latest version of this document is available at
+# - Text version ::
+ - Web page ::
+* Compatibility with Official Orgmode
+ :CUSTOM_ID: compatibility
+ :END:
+ This release is is as good as *org-20110613 (git commit c4737ae)*
+ with *only* the following changes left out.
+ | git commit | Description |
+ |------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | 2f50b1 | add an alternate for inline images |
+ | 49e6bc | Fix for html & docbook export of desc list items |
+ | a201b1 | Fix HTML export of footnotes with lists, tables, quotes. |
+ | 9f57b8 | Mixed export of numbered and unnumbered sections in HTML |
+ | 438536 | Revert "Change underscores to hyphens in section labels" |
+ | 33bae1 | Revert "Fix markup problems when using references in source fragments" |
+ | fa12fe | Revert "org-html.el: Fix export of table.el tables." |
+ | f72541 | Revert "HTML export -- Allow to change the name of the global DIV" |
+* Implementation Details
+ This package enhances Orgmode in the following manner:
+ 1. A new line-oriented generic exporter
+ 2. All new html exporter re-implemented as a plugin to (1).
+ 3. A odt backend as a plugin to (1).
+ Feature (1) is provided by =org-lparse.el=.
+ Feture (2) is provided by =lisp/org-html.el=.
+ Feature (3) is provided by =lisp/org-odt.el=.
+ The new html exporter is feature-compatible with the official html
+ exporter.
+* Notes for Reviewers and Fellow Developers
+ =org-lparse= is the entry point for the generic exporter and
+ drives html and odt backends.
+ =org-do-lparse= is the genericized version of the original
+ =org-export-as-html= routine.
+ =C-h v org-lparse-native-backends= is a good starting point for
+ exploring the generic exporter.
+* Package Layout
+ - odt/
+ - odt/lisp/
+ - org-lparse.el :: Generic line-oriented exporter
+ - org-xhtml.el :: All new XHTML exporter
+ - org-odt.el :: The OpenDocumentText backend
+ - contrib/odt/tests
+ - org-mode-unicorn.png ::
+ - :: Sample files for validating the exporter
+ - contrib/odt/styles
+ - OrgOdtAutomaticStyles.xml :: The default styles.xml file used by
+ the OpenDocumentText exporter.
+ - OrgOdtStyles.xml :: Automatic styles inserted in to content.xml
+ - odt/BasicODConverter/
+ - BasicODConverter-0.8.0.oxt :: OpenOffice extension for
+ converting between various file formats supported by
+ OpenOffice. A poor clone of unoconv.
+ - Filters.bas ::
+ - Main.bas :: StarBasic files that contribute to the above
+ extension.
+ - odt/OASIS
+ - OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-schema.rng :: Copy of
+ - OpenDocument-v1.2-cs01-manifest-schema.rng :: Copy of
+ - OpenDocument-schema-v1.1.rng :: Copy of
+ - odt/etc/schema
+ - od-schema-v1.1.rnc ::
+ - od-manifest-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc ::
+ - od-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc :: rnc files for above rng
+ files. Generated using [[][trang]].
+ - schemas.xml :: schema location file for auto validating the XML
+ files that form part of an OpenDocument
+ file. Refer =C-h f
+ rng-set-schema-file-and-validate= FILENAME and
+ =C-h f rng-what-schema=.
+ All the above files have been submitted for inclusing in Emacs
+ proper. See
+* Obtaining OpenDocumentExporter
+ The OpenDocumentExporter could be downloaded by one of the following
+ methods:
+** git checkout
+ - Checkout URL ::
+ - Web URL ::
+** Conventional tar
+ - Download URL ::
+** ELPA Tarball
+ - Archive URL ::
+ The tarball is distributed as an org-odt package (for example
+ =org-odt-20110519.tar=).
+ You need to have an *Org build >= org-20110626* for the exporter to
+ function properly.
+ The most hassle-free way to download and install org-odt is through
+ More help on all the above methods are available at
+* Test driving the Exporter
+ Once the package is installed in to your load-path, use
+ =C-u M-x org-odt-unit-test= to visit an example org file bundled
+ with this package.
+ 1. Use =C-c C-e O= to export the buffer to OpenDocumentText.
+ 2. Use =M-x org-lparse= or =M-x org-lparse-and-open= for
+ exporting to MS doc format.
+ 3. Use =M-x org-export-convert= on a buffer visiting odt file.
+ Steps 2 and 3 require that a converter be installed on the
+ system. See [[#converter][this FAQ entry]] for more information on this.
+ - Misc. Info :: This package re-implements HTML exporter as
+ well. You will see the following warning message
+ *"Exporting to HTML using org-lparse..."* while you
+ are exporting using new HTML exporter.
+ - Hint :: If you are using BasicODConverter, you can use steps 2 and
+ 3 for exporting an Org outline to presentation formats
+ like OpenOffice Impress (odp) and Microsoft Powerpoint
+ (ppt)
+ - Know Issues :: If you have dvipng installed it is possible that
+ the exported odt file has embedded images
+ clobbered. This is *not* a bug in the exporter but
+ seems like a bug in the package installer. See
+* Bug Reports and Feature Requests
+ Send in your bug report and feature requests to
+ or to =kjambunathan at gmail dot com=.
+ Please search the Mailing List Archive -
+ for =org-odt=
+ before posting a question or a request either to me or the mailing
+ list.
+ Posting to mailing list is preferable. It is possible that your post
+ helps another user out there.
+* Possible Feature Enhacmentes
+** TODO Support for fontification of babel blocks
+ May require enhancements to htmlfontify or htmlize packages.
+** TODO Enhance table.el to support Odt format
+** TODO Add support for exporting to odp
+ Use OpenOffice's File->Send->{Outline to Presentation |
+ AutoAbstract to Presentation}. Also see
+** TODO Support for generating MathML for LaTeX fragments
+ See
+* Frequently Asked Questions
+** What features does the OpenDocumentExporter support?
+ At the moment, the exporter supports the following most commonly
+ used features of Org
+ - Various Character Styles
+ - Various Paragraph Styles (including Source Blocks)
+ - Embedded ODT
+ - Embedded MathML
+ - Numbered, Bulleted and Description lists
+ - Embedding and Resizing of Images including embedding of LaTeX fragments
+ - Fuzzy, Dedicated and Radio Targets and Links
+ - Tables
+ - Footnotes
+ - Outline Numbering and Table Of Contents
+ - Special markups for elements like TODOs, Timestamps and Tags
+ The exporter is quite usable and stable.
+** Is OpenDocumentExporter part of Orgmode or Emacs?
+ Not yet. I have expressed my willingness to merge this package in
+ to official Orgmode and thus to Emacs. The current maintainer of
+ Orgmode - =Bastien Guerry bzg at - has agreed to consider
+ the package for integration. If you are interested in having this
+ package merged with Orgmode send your requests to the maintainer.
+ For the sake of record, I am the sole author of the changes
+ included in this package and I am consenting to have this work or
+ derivative works make it's way into Emacs proper. My FSF copyright
+ assignment number is #618390.
+** How does it compare with official Orgmode
+ For information about the latest release see [[#compatibility][this.]] For general
+ information refer
+** How can I export via command line?
+ See the following post
+** How can I export to doc or docx format?
+ :CUSTOM_ID: converter
+ :END:
+ Here are the steps.
+*** Install the converter program.
+ There are numerous converters that are available: =unoconv=,
+ =PyODConverter=, =JODConverter= etc etc.
+ org-odt is distributed with it's own converter
+ =BasicODConverter=. It is /Basic/ not only because it is
+ implemented in StarBasic but is a a very basic clone of unoconv.
+**** BasicODConverter
+ Install [[][BasicODConverter]] as a OpenOffice Extension.
+**** unoconv
+ If you prefer using unoconv as the converter add the following
+ snippet to your =.emacs=.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ ;; not tested with unoconv
+ (require 'org-html)
+ (setq org-export-convert-process '("unoconv" "-f" "%f" "-o" "%d" "%i"))
+*** Convert using new interactive functions
+**** Export an Org buffer
+ Use =M-x org-lparse= or =M-x org-lparse-and-open= and follow
+ the prompts. Use TAB for completion if you are not already using
+ ido.
+***** Additional Note
+ 1. If you are using BasicODConverter you can export an Org file
+ to =odp= or =ppt= formats.
+ 2. You can convert csv files to xls format
+ 3. OpenOffice doesn't ship with mediawiki or docbook export
+ filters by default. So make sure that these extensions are
+ installed before trying out these converters.
+**** Export an existing file
+ Use =M-x org-export-convert= to convert an existing file.
+** How can I apply custom styles?
+ See this thread:
diff --git a/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-manifest-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc b/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-manifest-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..647828d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-manifest-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2
+# Committee Specification (CS) 01, 17 March 2011
+# Manifest Relax-NG Schema
+# Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+# All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them
+# in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The
+# full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.
+# This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and
+# derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
+# implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or
+# in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright
+# notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works.
+# However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by
+# removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the
+# purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS
+# Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set
+# forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it
+# into languages other than English.
+# The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by
+# OASIS or its successors or assigns.
+# This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS"
+namespace manifest =
+ "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0"
+start = manifest
+manifest = element manifest:manifest { manifest-attlist, file-entry+ }
+manifest-attlist = attribute manifest:version { "1.2" }
+file-entry =
+ element manifest:file-entry { file-entry-attlist, encryption-data? }
+file-entry-attlist =
+ attribute manifest:full-path { \string }
+ & attribute manifest:size { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute manifest:media-type { \string }
+ & attribute manifest:preferred-view-mode {
+ "edit" | "presentation-slide-show" | "read-only" | namespacedToken
+ }?
+ & attribute manifest:version { \string }?
+encryption-data =
+ element manifest:encryption-data {
+ encryption-data-attlist,
+ algorithm,
+ start-key-generation?,
+ key-derivation
+ }
+encryption-data-attlist =
+ attribute manifest:checksum-type { "SHA1/1K" | anyURI }
+ & attribute manifest:checksum { base64Binary }
+algorithm =
+ element manifest:algorithm { algorithm-attlist, anyElements }
+algorithm-attlist =
+ attribute manifest:algorithm-name { "Blowfish CFB" | anyURI }
+ & attribute manifest:initialisation-vector { base64Binary }
+anyAttListOrElements =
+ attribute * { text }*,
+ anyElements
+anyElements =
+ element * {
+ mixed { anyAttListOrElements }
+ }*
+key-derivation =
+ element manifest:key-derivation { key-derivation-attlist, empty }
+key-derivation-attlist =
+ attribute manifest:key-derivation-name { "PBKDF2" | anyURI }
+ & attribute manifest:salt { base64Binary }
+ & attribute manifest:iteration-count { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute manifest:key-size { nonNegativeInteger }?
+start-key-generation =
+ element manifest:start-key-generation {
+ start-key-generation-attlist, empty
+ }
+start-key-generation-attlist =
+ attribute manifest:start-key-generation-name { "SHA1" | anyURI }
+ & attribute manifest:key-size { nonNegativeInteger }?
+base64Binary = xsd:base64Binary
+namespacedToken = xsd:QName { pattern = "[^:]+:[^:]+" }
+nonNegativeInteger = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
+\string = xsd:string
+anyURI = xsd:anyURI
diff --git a/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.1.rnc b/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.1.rnc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1edeb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.1.rnc
@@ -0,0 +1,6444 @@
+# OASIS OpenDocument v1.1
+# OASIS Standard, 1 Feb 2007
+# Relax-NG Schema
+# $Id$
+# © 2002-2007 OASIS Open
+# © 1999-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+namespace a = ""
+namespace anim = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"
+namespace chart = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0"
+namespace config = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0"
+namespace dc = ""
+namespace dr3d = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0"
+namespace draw = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"
+namespace fo =
+ "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0"
+namespace form = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0"
+namespace math = ""
+namespace meta = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0"
+namespace number = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0"
+namespace office = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"
+namespace presentation =
+ "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0"
+namespace script = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0"
+namespace smil =
+ "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0"
+namespace style = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0"
+namespace svg =
+ "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"
+namespace table = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0"
+namespace text = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0"
+namespace xforms = ""
+namespace xlink = ""
+office-process-content =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute office:process-content { boolean }?
+start =
+ office-document
+ | office-document-content
+ | office-document-styles
+ | office-document-meta
+ | office-document-settings
+office-document =
+ element office:document {
+ office-document-attrs,
+ office-document-common-attrs,
+ office-meta,
+ office-settings,
+ office-scripts,
+ office-font-face-decls,
+ office-styles,
+ office-automatic-styles,
+ office-master-styles,
+ office-body
+ }
+office-document-content =
+ element office:document-content {
+ office-document-common-attrs,
+ office-scripts,
+ office-font-face-decls,
+ office-automatic-styles,
+ office-body
+ }
+office-document-styles =
+ element office:document-styles {
+ office-document-common-attrs,
+ office-font-face-decls,
+ office-styles,
+ office-automatic-styles,
+ office-master-styles
+ }
+office-document-meta =
+ element office:document-meta {
+ office-document-common-attrs, office-meta
+ }
+office-document-settings =
+ element office:document-settings {
+ office-document-common-attrs, office-settings
+ }
+office-document-common-attrs &= attribute office:version { \string }?
+office-document-attrs &= attribute office:mimetype { \string }
+office-meta = element office:meta { office-meta-content }?
+office-meta-content = anyElements
+office-meta-content-strict = office-meta-data*
+office-body = element office:body { office-body-content }
+office-body-content |=
+ element office:text {
+ office-text-attlist,
+ office-text-content-prelude,
+ office-text-content-main*,
+ office-text-content-epilogue
+ }
+office-text-content-prelude =
+ office-forms, text-tracked-changes, text-decls, table-decls
+office-text-content-main =
+ text-content*
+ | (text-page-sequence, (draw-a | shape)*)
+text-content =
+ text-h
+ | text-p
+ | text-list
+ | text-numbered-paragraph
+ | table-table
+ | draw-a
+ | text-section
+ | text-soft-page-break
+ | text-table-of-content
+ | text-illustration-index
+ | text-table-index
+ | text-object-index
+ | text-user-index
+ | text-alphabetical-index
+ | text-bibliography
+ | shape
+ | change-marks
+office-text-content-epilogue = table-functions
+office-text-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute text:global { boolean }?
+office-text-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:use-soft-page-breaks { boolean }?
+office-body-content |=
+ element office:drawing {
+ office-drawing-attlist,
+ office-drawing-content-prelude,
+ office-drawing-content-main,
+ office-drawing-content-epilogue
+ }
+office-drawing-attlist = empty
+office-drawing-content-prelude = text-decls, table-decls
+office-drawing-content-main = draw-page*
+office-drawing-content-epilogue = table-functions
+office-body-content |=
+ element office:presentation {
+ office-presentation-attlist,
+ office-presentation-content-prelude,
+ office-presentation-content-main,
+ office-presentation-content-epilogue
+ }
+office-presentation-attlist = empty
+office-presentation-content-prelude =
+ text-decls, table-decls, presentation-decls
+office-presentation-content-main = draw-page*
+office-presentation-content-epilogue =
+ presentation-settings, table-functions
+office-body-content |=
+ element office:spreadsheet {
+ office-spreadsheet-attlist,
+ office-spreadsheet-content-prelude,
+ office-spreadsheet-content-main,
+ office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue
+ }
+office-spreadsheet-content-prelude =
+ table-tracked-changes?, text-decls, table-decls
+table-decls =
+ table-calculation-settings?,
+ table-content-validations?,
+ table-label-ranges?
+office-spreadsheet-content-main = table-table*
+office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue = table-functions
+table-functions =
+ table-named-expressions?,
+ table-database-ranges?,
+ table-data-pilot-tables?,
+ table-consolidation?,
+ table-dde-links?
+office-body-content |=
+ element office:chart {
+ office-chart-attlist,
+ office-chart-content-prelude,
+ office-chart-content-main,
+ office-chart-content-epilogue
+ }
+office-chart-attlist = empty
+office-chart-content-prelude = text-decls, table-decls
+office-chart-content-main = chart-chart
+office-chart-content-epilogue = table-functions
+office-body-content |=
+ element office:image {
+ office-image-attlist,
+ office-image-content-prelude,
+ office-image-content-main,
+ office-image-content-epilogue
+ }
+office-image-attlist = empty
+office-image-content-prelude = empty
+office-image-content-main = draw-frame
+office-image-content-epilogue = empty
+office-settings = element office:settings { config-config-item-set+ }?
+config-config-item-set =
+ element config:config-item-set {
+ config-config-item-set-attlist, config-items
+ }
+config-items =
+ (config-config-item
+ | config-config-item-set
+ | config-config-item-map-named
+ | config-config-item-map-indexed)+
+config-config-item-set-attlist &= attribute config:name { \string }
+config-config-item =
+ element config:config-item { config-config-item-attlist, text }
+config-config-item-attlist &= attribute config:name { \string }
+config-config-item-attlist &=
+ attribute config:type {
+ "boolean"
+ | "short"
+ | "int"
+ | "long"
+ | "double"
+ | "string"
+ | "datetime"
+ | "base64Binary"
+ }
+config-config-item-map-indexed =
+ element config:config-item-map-indexed {
+ config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist,
+ config-config-item-map-entry+
+ }
+config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist &=
+ attribute config:name { \string }
+config-config-item-map-entry =
+ element config:config-item-map-entry {
+ config-config-item-map-entry-attlist, config-items
+ }
+config-config-item-map-entry-attlist &=
+ attribute config:name { \string }?
+config-config-item-map-named =
+ element config:config-item-map-named {
+ config-config-item-map-named-attlist, config-config-item-map-entry+
+ }
+config-config-item-map-named-attlist &=
+ attribute config:name { \string }
+office-scripts =
+ element office:scripts { office-script*, office-event-listeners? }?
+office-script =
+ element office:script {
+ office-script-attlist,
+ mixed { anyElements }
+ }
+office-script-attlist = attribute script:language { \string }
+office-font-face-decls =
+ element office:font-face-decls { style-font-face* }?
+office-styles =
+ element office:styles {
+ styles
+ & style-default-style*
+ & text-outline-style?
+ & text-notes-configuration*
+ & text-bibliography-configuration?
+ & text-linenumbering-configuration?
+ & draw-gradient*
+ & svg-linearGradient*
+ & svg-radialGradient*
+ & draw-hatch*
+ & draw-fill-image*
+ & draw-marker*
+ & draw-stroke-dash*
+ & draw-opacity*
+ & style-presentation-page-layout*
+ }?
+office-automatic-styles =
+ element office:automatic-styles { styles & style-page-layout* }?
+office-master-styles =
+ element office:master-styles {
+ style-master-page* & style-handout-master? & draw-layer-set?
+ }?
+styles =
+ style-style*
+ & text-list-style*
+ & number-number-style*
+ & number-currency-style*
+ & number-percentage-style*
+ & number-date-style*
+ & number-time-style*
+ & number-boolean-style*
+ & number-text-style*
+office-meta-data |= element meta:generator { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element dc:title { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element dc:description { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element dc:subject { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:keyword { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:initial-creator { \string }
+office-meta-data |= dc-creator
+dc-creator = element dc:creator { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:printed-by { \string }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:creation-date { dateTime }
+office-meta-data |= dc-date
+dc-date = element dc:date { dateTime }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:print-date { dateTime }
+office-meta-data |=
+ element meta:template {
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
+ attribute xlink:title { \string }?,
+ attribute meta:date { dateTime }?
+ }
+office-meta-data |=
+ element meta:auto-reload {
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "replace" ] attribute xlink:show { "replace" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onLoad" ] attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?,
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI }?,
+ attribute meta:delay { duration }?
+ }
+office-meta-data |=
+ element meta:hyperlink-behaviour {
+ attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
+ }
+office-meta-data |= element dc:language { language }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:editing-cycles { nonNegativeInteger }
+office-meta-data |= element meta:editing-duration { duration }
+office-meta-data |=
+ element meta:document-statistic {
+ attribute meta:page-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:table-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:draw-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:image-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:ole-object-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:object-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:paragraph-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:word-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:character-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute frame-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute sentence-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute syllable-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute non-whitespace-character-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:row-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:cell-count { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ }
+office-meta-data |=
+ element meta:user-defined {
+ attribute meta:name { \string },
+ ((attribute meta:value-type { "float" },
+ double)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "date" },
+ dateOrDateTime)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "time" },
+ duration)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "boolean" },
+ boolean)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "string" },
+ \string)
+ | text)
+ }
+text-h =
+ element text:h {
+ heading-attrs, paragraph-attrs, text-number?, paragraph-content*
+ }
+heading-attrs &= attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }
+heading-attrs &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:restart-numbering { boolean }?
+heading-attrs &= attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
+heading-attrs &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:is-list-header { boolean }?
+text-number = element text:number { \string }
+text-p = element text:p { paragraph-attrs, paragraph-content* }
+paragraph-attrs =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute text:class-names { styleNameRefs }?,
+ attribute text:cond-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+paragraph-attrs &= text-id?
+text-page-sequence = element text:page-sequence { text-page+ }
+text-page = element text:page { text-page-attlist, empty }
+text-page-attlist = attribute text:master-page-name { styleNameRef }
+text-list =
+ element text:list {
+ text-list-attr, text-list-header?, text-list-item*
+ }
+text-list-attr &= attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-list-attr &= attribute text:continue-numbering { boolean }?
+text-list-item =
+ element text:list-item { text-list-item-attr, text-list-item-content }
+text-list-item-content =
+ text-number?, (text-p | text-h | text-list | text-soft-page-break)*
+text-list-item-attr &=
+ attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
+text-list-header = element text:list-header { text-list-item-content }
+text-numbered-paragraph =
+ element text:numbered-paragraph {
+ text-numbered-paragraph-attr, text-number?, (text-p | text-h)
+ }
+text-numbered-paragraph-attr &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute text:level { positiveInteger }?
+text-numbered-paragraph-attr &= text-list-attr
+text-numbered-paragraph-attr &= text-list-item-attr
+text-section =
+ element text:section {
+ text-section-attr,
+ (text-section-source | text-section-source-dde | empty),
+ text-content*
+ }
+text-section-attr &= sectionAttr
+sectionAttr &= attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+sectionAttr &= attribute text:name { \string }
+sectionAttr &= attribute text:protected { boolean }?
+sectionAttr &= attribute text:protection-key { \string }?
+text-section-attr &=
+ attribute text:display { "true" | "none" }
+ | (attribute text:display { "condition" },
+ attribute text:condition { \string })
+ | empty
+text-section-source =
+ element text:section-source { text-section-source-attr }
+text-section-source-attr &=
+ (attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "embed" ] attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?)?
+text-section-source-attr &= attribute text:section-name { \string }?
+text-section-source-attr &= attribute text:filter-name { \string }?
+text-section-source-dde = office-dde-source
+text-tracked-changes =
+ element text:tracked-changes {
+ text-tracked-changes-attr, text-changed-region*
+ }?
+text-tracked-changes-attr &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute text:track-changes { boolean }?
+text-changed-region =
+ element text:changed-region {
+ text-changed-region-attr, text-changed-region-content
+ }
+text-changed-region-attr &= attribute text:id { ID }
+text-changed-region-content |=
+ element text:insertion { office-change-info }
+text-changed-region-content |=
+ element text:deletion { office-change-info, text-content* }
+text-changed-region-content |=
+ element text:format-change { office-change-info }
+change-marks =
+ element text:change { change-mark-attr }
+ | element text:change-start { change-mark-attr }
+ | element text:change-end { change-mark-attr }
+change-mark-attr = attribute text:change-id { IDREF }
+text-soft-page-break = element text:soft-page-break { empty }
+text-decls =
+ element text:variable-decls { text-variable-decl* }?,
+ element text:sequence-decls { text-sequence-decl* }?,
+ element text:user-field-decls { text-user-field-decl* }?,
+ element text:dde-connection-decls { text-dde-connection-decl* }?,
+ text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file?
+paragraph-content |= text
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:s {
+ attribute text:c { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ }
+paragraph-content |= element text:tab { text-tab-attr }
+text-tab-attr = attribute text:tab-ref { nonNegativeInteger }?
+paragraph-content |= element text:line-break { empty }
+paragraph-content |= text-soft-page-break
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:span {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute text:class-names { styleNameRefs }?,
+ paragraph-content*
+ }
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:a {
+ text-a-attlist, office-event-listeners?, paragraph-content*
+ }
+text-a-attlist &= attribute office:name { \string }?
+text-a-attlist &= attribute office:title { \string }?
+text-a-attlist &=
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+text-a-attlist &=
+ attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
+text-a-attlist &=
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute text:visited-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:bookmark {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+ | element text:bookmark-start {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+ | element text:bookmark-end {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:reference-mark {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:reference-mark-start {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+ | element text:reference-mark-end {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+paragraph-content |=
+ element text:note {
+ text-note-class,
+ attribute text:id { \string }?,
+ element text:note-citation {
+ attribute text:label { \string }?,
+ text
+ },
+ element text:note-body { text-content* }
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+ (text-index-entry-chapter
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+ | text-index-entry-text
+ | text-index-entry-span
+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
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+ attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }
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+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
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+ element text:alphabetical-index {
+ sectionAttr, text-alphabetical-index-source, text-index-body
+ }
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+ element text:alphabetical-index-source {
+ text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs,
+ text-index-title-template?,
+ text-alphabetical-index-entry-template*
+ }
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+ text-index-scope-attr, text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute text:ignore-case { boolean }?
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+ attribute text:main-entry-style-name { styleNameRef }?
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute text:combine-entries { boolean }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:combine-entries-with-dash { boolean }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute text:combine-entries-with-pp { boolean }?
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
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+ attribute fo:language { languageCode }?
+text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs &=
+ attribute fo:country { countryCode }?
+text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs &=
+ attribute text:sort-algorithm { \string }?
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+ element text:alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file {
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?
+ }
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+ element text:alphabetical-index-entry-template {
+ text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs,
+ (text-index-entry-chapter
+ | text-index-entry-page-number
+ | text-index-entry-text
+ | text-index-entry-span
+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
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+ attribute text:outline-level { "1" | "2" | "3" | "separator" }
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+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
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+ element text:bibliography {
+ sectionAttr, text-bibliography-source, text-index-body
+ }
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+ element text:bibliography-source {
+ text-index-title-template?, text-bibliography-entry-template*
+ }
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+ element text:bibliography-entry-template {
+ text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs,
+ (text-index-entry-span
+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop
+ | text-index-entry-bibliography)*
+ }
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+ attribute text:bibliography-type { text-bibliography-types }
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+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
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+ element text:index-source-styles {
+ attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger },
+ text-index-source-style*
+ }
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+ element text:index-source-style {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleName },
+ empty
+ }
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+ element text:index-title-template {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-chapter {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
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+ }
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "number" ]
+ attribute text:display { "name" | "number" | "number-and-name" }?
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+ element text:index-entry-text {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-page-number {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-span {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-bibliography {
+ text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs
+ }
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+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
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+ attribute text:bibliography-data-field {
+ "address"
+ | "annote"
+ | "author"
+ | "bibliography-type"
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+ | "custom5"
+ | "edition"
+ | "editor"
+ | "howpublished"
+ | "identifier"
+ | "institution"
+ | "isbn"
+ | "issn"
+ | "journal"
+ | "month"
+ | "note"
+ | "number"
+ | "organizations"
+ | "pages"
+ | "publisher"
+ | "report-type"
+ | "school"
+ | "series"
+ | "title"
+ | "url"
+ | "volume"
+ | "year"
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-tab-stop {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
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+ }
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+ attribute style:type { "right" }
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+ element text:index-entry-link-start {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-link-end {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
+table-table =
+ element table:table {
+ table-table-attlist,
+ table-table-source?,
+ office-dde-source?,
+ table-scenario?,
+ office-forms?,
+ table-shapes?,
+ table-columns-and-groups,
+ table-rows-and-groups
+ }
+table-columns-and-groups =
+ (table-table-column-group | table-columns-no-group)+
+table-columns-no-group =
+ (table-columns, (table-table-header-columns, table-columns?)?)
+ | (table-table-header-columns, table-columns?)
+table-columns = table-table-columns | table-table-column+
+table-rows-and-groups = (table-table-row-group | table-rows-no-group)+
+table-rows-no-group =
+ (table-rows, (table-table-header-rows, table-rows?)?)
+ | (table-table-header-rows, table-rows?)
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+ table-table-rows | (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute table:protected { boolean }?,
+ attribute table:protection-key { text }?
+table-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:print { boolean }?
+table-table-attlist &=
+ attribute table:print-ranges { cellRangeAddressList }?
+table-table-row =
+ element table:table-row {
+ table-table-row-attlist,
+ (table-table-cell | table-covered-table-cell)+
+ }
+table-table-row-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute table:number-rows-repeated { positiveInteger }?
+table-table-row-attlist &= attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-row-attlist &=
+ attribute table:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-row-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "visible" ]
+ attribute table:visibility { table-visibility-value }?
+table-visibility-value = "visible" | "collapse" | "filter"
+table-table-cell =
+ element table:table-cell {
+ table-table-cell-attlist,
+ table-table-cell-attlist-extra,
+ table-table-cell-content
+ }
+table-covered-table-cell =
+ element table:covered-table-cell {
+ table-table-cell-attlist, table-table-cell-content
+ }
+table-table-cell-content =
+ table-cell-range-source?,
+ office-annotation?,
+ table-detective?,
+ text-content*
+table-table-cell-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute table:number-columns-repeated { positiveInteger }?
+table-table-cell-attlist-extra &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute table:number-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute table:number-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+table-table-cell-attlist &= attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-cell-attlist &=
+ attribute table:content-validation-name { \string }?
+table-table-cell-attlist &= attribute table:formula { \string }?
+table-table-cell-attlist-extra &=
+ attribute table:number-matrix-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?,
+ attribute table:number-matrix-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+table-table-cell-attlist &= common-value-and-type-attlist?
+table-table-cell-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute table:protect { boolean }?
+table-table-column =
+ element table:table-column { table-table-column-attlist, empty }
+table-table-column-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute table:number-columns-repeated { positiveInteger }?
+table-table-column-attlist &=
+ attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-column-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "visible" ]
+ attribute table:visibility { table-visibility-value }?
+table-table-column-attlist &=
+ attribute table:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-header-columns =
+ element table:table-header-columns { table-table-column+ }
+table-table-columns =
+ element table:table-columns { table-table-column+ }
+table-table-column-group =
+ element table:table-column-group {
+ table-table-column-group-attlist, table-columns-and-groups
+ }
+table-table-column-group-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:display { boolean }?
+table-table-header-rows =
+ element table:table-header-rows {
+ (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+
+ }
+table-table-rows =
+ element table:table-rows { (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+ }
+table-table-row-group =
+ element table:table-row-group {
+ table-table-row-group-attlist, table-rows-and-groups
+ }
+table-table-row-group-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:display { boolean }?
+table-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute table:is-sub-table { boolean }?
+cellAddress =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern = "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+"
+ }
+cellRangeAddress =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+(:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+)?"
+ }
+cellRangeAddressList =
+ # Value is a space separated list of "cellRangeAddress" patterns
+ xsd:string
+table-table-source =
+ element table:table-source {
+ table-table-source-attlist, table-linked-source-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-table-source-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "copy-all" ]
+ attribute table:mode { "copy-all" | "copy-results-only" }?
+table-table-source-attlist &= attribute table:table-name { \string }?
+table-linked-source-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI }
+table-linked-source-attlist &= attribute table:filter-name { \string }?
+table-linked-source-attlist &=
+ attribute table:filter-options { \string }?
+table-linked-source-attlist &=
+ attribute table:refresh-delay { duration }?
+table-scenario =
+ element table:scenario { table-scenario-attlist, empty }
+table-scenario-attlist &=
+ attribute table:scenario-ranges { cellRangeAddressList }
+table-scenario-attlist &= attribute table:is-active { boolean }
+table-scenario-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:display-border { boolean }?
+table-scenario-attlist &= attribute table:border-color { color }?
+table-scenario-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:copy-back { boolean }?
+table-scenario-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:copy-styles { boolean }?
+table-scenario-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:copy-formulas { boolean }?
+table-scenario-attlist &= attribute table:comment { \string }?
+table-scenario-attlist &= attribute table:protected { boolean }?
+table-shapes = element table:shapes { shape+ }
+table-cell-range-source =
+ element table:cell-range-source {
+ table-table-cell-range-source-attlist,
+ table-linked-source-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+table-table-cell-range-source-attlist &=
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+table-table-cell-range-source-attlist &=
+ attribute table:last-column-spanned { positiveInteger },
+ attribute table:last-row-spanned { positiveInteger }
+table-detective =
+ element table:detective { table-highlighted-range*, table-operation* }
+table-operation =
+ element table:operation { table-operation-attlist, empty }
+table-operation-attlist &=
+ attribute table:name {
+ "trace-dependents"
+ | "remove-dependents"
+ | "trace-precedents"
+ | "remove-precedents"
+ | "trace-errors"
+ }
+table-operation-attlist &= attribute table:index { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-highlighted-range =
+ element table:highlighted-range {
+ (table-highlighted-range-attlist
+ | table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid),
+ empty
+ }
+table-highlighted-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+table-highlighted-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:direction {
+ "from-another-table" | "to-another-table" | "from-same-table"
+ }
+table-highlighted-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:contains-error { boolean }?
+table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid &=
+ attribute table:marked-invalid { boolean }
+office-spreadsheet-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:structure-protected { boolean }?,
+ attribute table:protection-key { \string }?
+table-calculation-settings =
+ element table:calculation-settings {
+ table-calculation-setting-attlist,
+ table-null-date?,
+ table-iteration?
+ }
+table-calculation-setting-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
+table-calculation-setting-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:precision-as-shown { boolean }?
+table-calculation-setting-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell { boolean }?
+table-calculation-setting-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:automatic-find-labels { boolean }?
+table-calculation-setting-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:use-regular-expressions { boolean }?
+table-calculation-setting-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1930" ]
+ attribute table:null-year { positiveInteger }?
+table-null-date =
+ element table:null-date {
+ [ a:defaultValue = "date" ]
+ attribute table:value-type { valueType }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1899-12-30" ]
+ attribute table:date-value { date }?,
+ empty
+ }
+table-iteration =
+ element table:iteration {
+ [ a:defaultValue = "disable" ]
+ attribute table:status { "enable" | "disable" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "100" ]
+ attribute table:steps { positiveInteger }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0.001" ]
+ attribute table:maximum-difference { double }?,
+ empty
+ }
+table-content-validations =
+ element table:content-validations { table-content-validation+ }
+table-content-validation =
+ element table:content-validation {
+ table-validation-attlist,
+ table-help-message?,
+ (table-error-message
+ | (table-error-macro, office-event-listeners?))?
+ }
+table-validation-attlist &= attribute table:name { \string }
+table-validation-attlist &= attribute table:condition { \string }?
+table-validation-attlist &=
+ attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+table-validation-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:allow-empty-cell { boolean }?
+table-validation-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "unsorted" ]
+ attribute table:display-list {
+ "none" | "unsorted" | "sort-ascending"
+ }?
+table-help-message =
+ element table:help-message {
+ attribute table:title { \string }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute table:display { boolean }?,
+ text-p*
+ }
+table-error-message =
+ element table:error-message {
+ attribute table:title { \string }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute table:display { boolean }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "stop" ]
+ attribute table:message-type {
+ "stop" | "warning" | "information"
+ }?,
+ text-p*
+ }
+table-error-macro =
+ element table:error-macro {
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute table:execute { boolean }?
+ }
+table-label-ranges = element table:label-ranges { table-label-range* }
+table-label-range =
+ element table:label-range { table-label-range-attlist, empty }
+table-label-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:label-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+table-label-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:data-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+table-label-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:orientation { "column" | "row" }
+table-named-expressions =
+ element table:named-expressions {
+ (table-named-range | table-named-expression)*
+ }
+table-named-range =
+ element table:named-range { table-named-range-attlist, empty }
+table-named-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:name { \string },
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress },
+ attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute table:range-usable-as {
+ "none"
+ | list {
+ ("print-range" | "filter" | "repeat-row" | "repeat-column")+
+ }
+ }?
+table-named-expression =
+ element table:named-expression {
+ table-named-expression-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-named-expression-attlist &=
+ attribute table:name { \string },
+ attribute table:expression { \string },
+ attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+table-database-ranges =
+ element table:database-ranges { table-database-range* }
+table-database-range =
+ element table:database-range {
+ table-database-range-attlist,
+ (table-database-source-sql
+ | table-database-source-table
+ | table-database-source-query)?,
+ table-filter?,
+ table-sort?,
+ table-subtotal-rules?
+ }
+table-database-range-attlist &= attribute table:name { \string }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute table:is-selection { boolean }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:on-update-keep-styles { boolean }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:on-update-keep-size { boolean }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:has-persistent-data { boolean }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "row" ]
+ attribute table:orientation { "column" | "row" }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:contains-header { boolean }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:display-filter-buttons { boolean }?
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+table-database-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:refresh-delay { boolean }?
+table-database-source-sql =
+ element table:database-source-sql {
+ table-database-source-sql-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-database-source-sql-attlist &=
+ attribute table:database-name { \string }
+table-database-source-sql-attlist &=
+ attribute table:sql-statement { \string }
+table-database-source-sql-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:parse-sql-statement { boolean }?
+table-database-source-query =
+ element table:database-source-table {
+ table-database-source-table-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-database-source-table-attlist &=
+ attribute table:database-name { \string }
+table-database-source-table-attlist &=
+ attribute table:database-table-name { \string }
+table-database-source-table =
+ element table:database-source-query {
+ table-database-source-query-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-database-source-query-attlist &=
+ attribute table:database-name { \string }
+table-database-source-query-attlist &=
+ attribute table:query-name { \string }
+table-sort = element table:sort { table-sort-attlist, table-sort-by+ }
+table-sort-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:bind-styles-to-content { boolean }?
+table-sort-attlist &=
+ attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+table-sort-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
+table-sort-attlist &= attribute table:language { languageCode }?
+table-sort-attlist &= attribute table:country { countryCode }?
+table-sort-attlist &= attribute table:algorithm { \string }?
+table-sort-by = element table:sort-by { table-sort-by-attlist, empty }
+table-sort-by-attlist &=
+ attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-sort-by-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "automatic" ]
+ attribute table:data-type {
+ "text" | "number" | "automatic" | \string
+ }?
+table-sort-by-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "ascending" ]
+ attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }?
+table-subtotal-rules =
+ element table:subtotal-rules {
+ table-subtotal-rules-attlist,
+ table-sort-groups?,
+ table-subtotal-rule*
+ }
+table-subtotal-rules-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:bind-styles-to-content { boolean }?
+table-subtotal-rules-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
+table-subtotal-rules-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:page-breaks-on-group-change { boolean }?
+table-sort-groups =
+ element table:sort-groups { table-sort-groups-attlist, empty }
+table-sort-groups-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "automatic" ]
+ attribute table:data-type {
+ "text" | "number" | "automatic" | \string
+ }?
+table-sort-groups-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "ascending" ]
+ attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }?
+table-subtotal-rule =
+ element table:subtotal-rule {
+ table-subtotal-rule-attlist, table-subtotal-field*
+ }
+table-subtotal-rule-attlist &=
+ attribute table:group-by-field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-subtotal-field =
+ element table:subtotal-field { table-subtotal-field-attlist, empty }
+table-subtotal-field-attlist &=
+ attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-subtotal-field-attlist &=
+ attribute table:function {
+ "auto"
+ | "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }
+table-filter =
+ element table:filter {
+ table-filter-attlist,
+ (table-filter-condition | table-filter-and | table-filter-or)
+ }
+table-filter-attlist &=
+ attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+table-filter-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "self" ]
+ attribute table:condition-source { "self" | "cell-range" }?
+table-filter-attlist &=
+ attribute table:condition-source-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+table-filter-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:display-duplicates { boolean }?
+table-filter-and =
+ element table:filter-and {
+ (table-filter-or | table-filter-condition)+
+ }
+table-filter-or =
+ element table:filter-or {
+ (table-filter-and | table-filter-condition)+
+ }
+table-filter-condition =
+ element table:filter-condition {
+ table-filter-condition-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-filter-condition-attlist &=
+ attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-filter-condition-attlist &= attribute table:value { \string }
+table-filter-condition-attlist &= attribute table:operator { \string }
+table-filter-condition-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:case-sensitive { \string }?
+table-filter-condition-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "text" ]
+ attribute table:data-type { "text" | "number" }?
+table-data-pilot-tables =
+ element table:data-pilot-tables { table-data-pilot-table* }
+table-data-pilot-table =
+ element table:data-pilot-table {
+ table-data-pilot-table-attlist,
+ (table-database-source-sql
+ | table-database-source-table
+ | table-database-source-query
+ | table-source-service
+ | table-source-cell-range)?,
+ table-data-pilot-field+
+ }
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &= attribute table:name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ attribute table:application-data { \string }?
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "both" ]
+ attribute table:grand-total { "none" | "row" | "column" | "both" }?
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:ignore-empty-rows { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:identify-categories { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ attribute table:buttons { cellRangeAddressList }?
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:show-filter-button { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute table:drill-down-on-double-click { boolean }?
+table-source-cell-range =
+ element table:source-cell-range {
+ table-source-cell-range-attlist, table-filter?
+ }
+table-source-cell-range-attlist &=
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+table-source-service =
+ element table:source-service { table-source-service-attlist, empty }
+table-source-service-attlist &= attribute table:name { \string }
+table-source-service-attlist &= attribute table:source-name { \string }
+table-source-service-attlist &= attribute table:object-name { \string }
+table-source-service-attlist &= attribute table:user-name { \string }?
+table-source-service-attlist &= attribute table:password { \string }?
+table-data-pilot-field =
+ element table:data-pilot-field {
+ table-data-pilot-field-attlist,
+ table-data-pilot-level?,
+ table-data-pilot-field-reference?,
+ table-data-pilot-groups?
+ }
+table-data-pilot-field-attlist &=
+ attribute table:source-field-name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-field-attlist &=
+ attribute table:orientation { "row" | "column" | "data" | "hidden" }
+ | (attribute table:orientation { "page" },
+ attribute table:selected-page { \string })
+table-data-pilot-field-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:is-data-layout-field { \string }?
+table-data-pilot-field-attlist &=
+ attribute table:function {
+ "auto"
+ | "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }?
+table-data-pilot-field-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "-1" ] attribute table:used-hierarchy { integer }?
+table-data-pilot-level =
+ element table:data-pilot-level {
+ table-data-pilot-level-attlist,
+ table-data-pilot-subtotals?,
+ table-data-pilot-members?,
+ table-data-pilot-display-info?,
+ table-data-pilot-sort-info?,
+ table-data-pilot-layout-info?
+ }
+table-data-pilot-level-attlist &=
+ attribute table:show-empty { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-subtotals =
+ element table:data-pilot-subtotals { table-data-pilot-subtotal* }
+table-data-pilot-subtotal =
+ element table:data-pilot-subtotal {
+ table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist &=
+ attribute table:function {
+ "auto"
+ | "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }
+table-data-pilot-members =
+ element table:data-pilot-members { table-data-pilot-member* }
+table-data-pilot-member =
+ element table:data-pilot-member {
+ table-data-pilot-member-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-member-attlist &= attribute table:name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-member-attlist &= attribute table:display { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-member-attlist &=
+ attribute table:show-details { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-display-info =
+ element table:data-pilot-display-info {
+ table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:enabled { boolean }
+table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:data-field { \string }
+table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:member-count { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:display-member-mode { "from-top" | "from-bottom" }
+table-data-pilot-sort-info =
+ element table:data-pilot-sort-info {
+ table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist &=
+ (attribute table:sort-mode { "data" },
+ attribute table:data-field { \string })
+ | attribute table:sort-mode { "none" | "manual" | "name" }
+table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }
+table-data-pilot-layout-info =
+ element table:data-pilot-layout-info {
+ table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:layout-mode {
+ "tabular-layout"
+ | "outline-subtotals-top"
+ | "outline-subtotals-bottom"
+ }
+table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist &=
+ attribute table:add-empty-lines { boolean }
+table-data-pilot-field-reference =
+ element table:data-pilot-field-reference {
+ table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist
+ }
+table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist &=
+ attribute table:field-name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist &=
+ (attribute table:member-type { "named" },
+ attribute table:member-name { \string })
+ | attribute table:member-type { "previous" | "next" }
+table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist &=
+ attribute table:type {
+ "none"
+ | "member-difference"
+ | "member-percentage"
+ | "member-percentage-difference"
+ | "running-total"
+ | "row-percentage"
+ | "column-percentage"
+ | "total-percentage"
+ | "index"
+ }
+table-data-pilot-groups =
+ element table:data-pilot-groups {
+ table-data-pilot-groups-attlist, table-data-pilot-group+
+ }
+table-data-pilot-groups-attlist &=
+ attribute table:source-field-name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-groups-attlist &=
+ attribute table:date-start { dateOrDateTime | "auto" }
+ | attribute table:start { double | "auto" }
+table-data-pilot-groups-attlist &=
+ attribute table:date-end { dateOrDateTime | "auto" }
+ | attribute table:end { double | "auto" }
+table-data-pilot-groups-attlist &= attribute table:step { double }
+table-data-pilot-groups-attlist &=
+ attribute table:grouped-by {
+ "seconds"
+ | "minutes"
+ | "hours"
+ | "days"
+ | "months"
+ | "quarters"
+ | "years"
+ }
+table-data-pilot-group =
+ element table:data-pilot-group {
+ table-data-pilot-group-attlist, table-data-pilot-group-member+
+ }
+table-data-pilot-group-attlist &= attribute table:name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-group-member =
+ element table:data-pilot-group-member {
+ table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist
+ }
+table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist &=
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+table-consolidation =
+ element table:consolidation { table-consolidation-attlist, empty }
+table-consolidation-attlist &=
+ attribute table:function {
+ "auto"
+ | "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }
+table-consolidation-attlist &=
+ attribute table:source-cell-range-addresses { cellRangeAddressList }
+table-consolidation-attlist &=
+ attribute table:target-cell-address { cellAddress }
+table-consolidation-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute table:use-labels { "none" | "row" | "column" | "both" }?
+table-consolidation-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:link-to-source-data { boolean }?
+table-dde-links = element table:dde-links { table-dde-link+ }
+table-tracked-changes =
+ element table:tracked-changes {
+ table-tracked-changes-attlist,
+ (table-cell-content-change
+ | table-insertion
+ | table-deletion
+ | table-movement)*
+ }
+table-tracked-changes-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:track-changes { boolean }?
+table-insertion =
+ element table:insertion {
+ table-insertion-attlist,
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?
+ }
+table-insertion-attlist &=
+ attribute table:type { "row" | "column" | "table" }
+table-insertion-attlist &= attribute table:position { integer }
+table-insertion-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute table:count { positiveInteger }?
+table-insertion-attlist &= attribute table:table { integer }?
+table-dependencies = element table:dependencies { table-dependency+ }
+table-dependency =
+ element table:dependency {
+ attribute table:id { \string },
+ empty
+ }
+table-deletions =
+ element table:deletions {
+ (table-cell-content-deletion | table-change-deletion)+
+ }
+table-cell-content-deletion =
+ element table:cell-content-deletion {
+ attribute table:id { \string }?,
+ table-cell-address?,
+ table-change-track-table-cell?
+ }
+table-change-deletion =
+ element table:change-deletion {
+ attribute table:id { \string }?,
+ empty
+ }
+table-deletion =
+ element table:deletion {
+ table-deletion-attlist,
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?,
+ table-cut-offs?
+ }
+table-deletion-attlist &=
+ attribute table:type { "row" | "column" | "table" }
+table-deletion-attlist &= attribute table:position { integer }
+table-deletion-attlist &= attribute table:table { integer }?
+table-deletion-attlist &=
+ attribute table:multi-deletion-spanned { integer }?
+table-cut-offs =
+ element table:cut-offs {
+ table-movement-cut-off+
+ | (table-insertion-cut-off, table-movement-cut-off*)
+ }
+table-insertion-cut-off =
+ element table:insertion-cut-off {
+ table-insertion-cut-off-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-insertion-cut-off-attlist &= attribute table:id { \string }
+table-insertion-cut-off-attlist &= attribute table:position { integer }
+table-movement-cut-off =
+ element table:movement-cut-off {
+ table-movement-cut-off-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-movement-cut-off-attlist &=
+ attribute table:position { integer }
+ | (attribute table:start-position { integer },
+ attribute table:end-position { integer })
+table-movement =
+ element table:movement {
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ table-source-range-address,
+ table-target-range-address,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?
+ }
+table-source-range-address =
+ element table:source-range-address {
+ common-table-range-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-target-range-address =
+ element table:target-range-address {
+ common-table-range-attlist, empty
+ }
+common-table-range-attlist &=
+ common-table-cell-address-attlist
+ | common-table-cell-range-address-attlist
+common-table-cell-address-attlist &=
+ attribute table:column { integer },
+ attribute table:row { integer },
+ attribute table:table { integer }
+common-table-cell-range-address-attlist &=
+ attribute table:start-column { integer },
+ attribute table:start-row { integer },
+ attribute table:start-table { integer },
+ attribute table:end-column { integer },
+ attribute table:end-row { integer },
+ attribute table:end-table { integer }
+table-change-track-table-cell &=
+ element table:change-track-table-cell {
+ table-change-track-table-cell-attlist, text-p*
+ }
+table-change-track-table-cell-attlist &=
+ attribute table:cell-address { cellAddress }?
+table-change-track-table-cell-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute table:matrix-covered { boolean }?
+table-change-track-table-cell-attlist &=
+ attribute table:formula { \string }?,
+ attribute table:number-matrix-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?,
+ attribute table:number-matrix-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?,
+ common-value-and-type-attlist?
+table-cell-content-change =
+ element table:cell-content-change {
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ table-cell-address,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?,
+ table-previous
+ }
+table-cell-address =
+ element table:cell-address {
+ common-table-cell-address-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-previous =
+ element table:previous {
+ attribute table:id { \string }?,
+ table-change-track-table-cell
+ }
+common-table-change-attlist &= attribute table:id { \string }
+common-table-change-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "pending" ]
+ attribute table:acceptance-state {
+ "accepted" | "rejected" | "pending"
+ }?
+common-table-change-attlist &=
+ attribute table:rejecting-change-id { \string }?
+style-handout-master =
+ element style:handout-master {
+ common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
+ style-handout-master-attlist,
+ shape*
+ }
+style-handout-master-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:presentation-page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-handout-master-attlist &=
+ attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }
+style-handout-master-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+draw-layer-set = element draw:layer-set { draw-layer* }
+draw-layer =
+ element draw:layer { draw-layer-attlist, svg-title?, svg-desc? }
+draw-layer-attlist &= attribute draw:name { \string }
+draw-layer-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute draw:protected { boolean }?
+draw-layer-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "always" ]
+ attribute draw:display { "always" | "screen" | "printer" | "none" }?
+draw-page =
+ element draw:page {
+ common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
+ draw-page-attlist,
+ office-forms?,
+ shape*,
+ (presentation-animations | animation-element)?,
+ presentation-notes?
+ }
+draw-page-attlist &= attribute draw:name { \string }?
+draw-page-attlist &= attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+draw-page-attlist &= attribute draw:master-page-name { styleNameRef }
+draw-page-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:presentation-page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
+common-presentation-header-footer-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:use-header-name { \string }?
+common-presentation-header-footer-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:use-footer-name { \string }?
+common-presentation-header-footer-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:use-date-time-name { \string }?
+draw-page-attlist &= attribute draw:id { ID }?
+draw-page-attlist &= attribute draw:nav-order { IDREFS }?
+shape =
+ draw-rect
+ | draw-line
+ | draw-polyline
+ | draw-polygon
+ | draw-regular-polygon
+ | draw-path
+ | draw-circle
+ | draw-ellipse
+ | draw-g
+ | draw-page-thumbnail
+ | draw-frame
+ | draw-measure
+ | draw-caption
+ | draw-connector
+ | draw-control
+ | dr3d-scene
+ | draw-custom-shape
+draw-rect =
+ element draw:rect {
+ draw-rect-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-rect-attlist &= attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
+draw-line =
+ element draw:line {
+ draw-line-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-line-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:x1 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y1 { coordinate }
+draw-line-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:x2 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y2 { coordinate }
+draw-polyline =
+ element draw:polyline {
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-points-attlist = attribute draw:points { points }
+draw-polygon =
+ element draw:polygon {
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-regular-polygon =
+ element draw:regular-polygon {
+ draw-regular-polygon-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-regular-polygon-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:concave { "false" }
+ | (attribute draw:concave { "true" },
+ draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist)
+draw-regular-polygon-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:corners { positiveInteger }
+draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist =
+ attribute draw:sharpness { percent }
+draw-path =
+ element draw:path {
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-path-data-attlist = attribute svg:d { pathData }
+draw-circle =
+ element draw:circle {
+ draw-circle-attlist,
+ common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist &=
+ (attribute svg:cx { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:cy { coordinate })?
+draw-circle-attlist &= attribute svg:r { length }?
+common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "full" ]
+ attribute draw:kind { "full" | "section" | "cut" | "arc" }?
+common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start-angle { double }?
+common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:end-angle { double }?
+draw-ellipse =
+ element draw:ellipse {
+ common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist,
+ draw-ellipse-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-ellipse-attlist &=
+ (attribute svg:rx { length },
+ attribute svg:ry { length })?
+draw-connector =
+ element draw:connector {
+ draw-connector-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-connector-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "standard" ]
+ attribute draw:type { "standard" | "lines" | "line" | "curve" }?
+draw-connector-attlist &=
+ (attribute svg:x1 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y1 { coordinate })?
+draw-connector-attlist &= attribute draw:start-shape { IDREF }?
+draw-connector-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start-glue-point { nonNegativeInteger }?
+draw-connector-attlist &=
+ (attribute svg:x2 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y2 { coordinate })?
+draw-connector-attlist &= attribute draw:end-shape { IDREF }?
+draw-connector-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:end-glue-point { nonNegativeInteger }?
+draw-connector-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:line-skew {
+ list { length, (length, length?)? }
+ }?
+draw-caption =
+ element draw:caption {
+ draw-caption-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-caption-attlist &=
+ (attribute draw:caption-point-x { coordinate },
+ attribute draw:caption-point-y { coordinate })?
+draw-caption-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
+draw-measure =
+ element draw:measure {
+ draw-measure-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-measure-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:x1 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y1 { coordinate }
+draw-measure-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:x2 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y2 { coordinate }
+draw-control =
+ element draw:control {
+ draw-control-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ draw-glue-point*
+ }
+draw-control-attlist &= attribute draw:control { IDREF }
+draw-page-thumbnail =
+ element draw:page-thumbnail {
+ draw-page-thumbnail-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ presentation-shape-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?
+ }
+draw-page-thumbnail-attlist =
+ attribute draw:page-number { positiveInteger }?
+draw-g =
+ element draw:g {
+ draw-g-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ shape*
+ }
+draw-g-attlist &= attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
+common-draw-name-attlist &= attribute draw:name { \string }?
+common-draw-caption-id-attlist &= attribute draw:caption-id { IDREF }?
+common-draw-position-attlist =
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate }?,
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
+common-draw-size-attlist =
+ attribute svg:width { length }?,
+ attribute svg:height { length }?
+common-draw-transform-attlist = attribute draw:transform { \string }?
+common-draw-viewbox-attlist =
+ attribute svg:viewBox {
+ list { integer, integer, integer, integer }
+ }
+common-draw-style-name-attlist =
+ (attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute draw:class-names { styleNameRefs }?)
+ | (attribute presentation:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute presentation:class-names { styleNameRefs }?)
+common-draw-text-style-name-attlist =
+ attribute draw:text-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+common-draw-layer-name-attlist = attribute draw:layer { xsd:string }?
+common-draw-id-attlist = attribute draw:id { ID }?
+common-draw-z-index-attlist =
+ attribute draw:z-index { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist &=
+ attribute table:end-cell-address { cellAddress }?,
+ attribute table:end-x { coordinate }?,
+ attribute table:end-y { coordinate }?
+common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist &=
+ attribute table:table-background { boolean }?
+common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist &= common-text-anchor-attlist
+common-text-anchor-attlist &=
+ attribute text:anchor-type {
+ "page" | "frame" | "paragraph" | "char" | "as-char"
+ }?
+common-text-anchor-attlist &=
+ attribute text:anchor-page-number { positiveInteger }?
+draw-text = (text-p | text-list)*
+common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist =
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-transform-attlist,
+ common-draw-name-attlist,
+ common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist
+common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist =
+ common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-text-style-name-attlist
+draw-glue-point =
+ element draw:glue-point { draw-glue-point-attlist, empty }
+draw-glue-point-attlist &= attribute draw:id { nonNegativeInteger }
+draw-glue-point-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:x { distance | percent },
+ attribute svg:y { distance | percent }
+draw-glue-point-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:align {
+ "top-left"
+ | "top"
+ | "top-right"
+ | "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "bottom-left"
+ | "bottom-right"
+ }?
+draw-glue-points-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:escape-direction {
+ "auto"
+ | "left"
+ | "right"
+ | "up"
+ | "down"
+ | "horizontal"
+ | "vertical"
+ }
+svg-title = element svg:title { text }
+svg-desc = element svg:desc { text }
+draw-frame =
+ element draw:frame {
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-rel-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ presentation-shape-attlist,
+ draw-frame-attlist,
+ (draw-text-box
+ | draw-image
+ | draw-object
+ | draw-object-ole
+ | draw-applet
+ | draw-floating-frame
+ | draw-plugin)*,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-image-map?,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ (draw-contour-polygon | draw-contour-path)?
+ }
+common-draw-rel-size-attlist =
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ attribute style:rel-width { percent | "scale" | "scale-min" }?,
+ attribute style:rel-height { percent | "scale" | "scale-min" }?
+draw-frame-attlist &= attribute draw:copy-of { \string }?
+draw-text-box =
+ element draw:text-box { draw-text-box-attlist, text-content* }
+draw-text-box-attlist &= attribute draw:chain-next-name { \string }?
+draw-text-box-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
+draw-text-box-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:min-height { length | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:min-width { length | percent }?
+draw-text-box-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:max-height { length | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:max-width { length | percent }?
+draw-text-box-attlist &= text-id?
+draw-image =
+ element draw:image {
+ draw-image-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data),
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-data-attlist &=
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "embed" ] attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onLoad" ] attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?
+office-binary-data = element office:binary-data { base64Binary }
+draw-image-attlist &= attribute draw:filter-name { \string }?
+draw-object =
+ element draw:object {
+ draw-object-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-document | math-math)
+ }
+draw-object-ole =
+ element draw:object-ole {
+ draw-object-ole-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data)
+ }
+draw-object-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges { \string }?
+draw-object-ole-attlist &= attribute draw:class-id { text }?
+draw-applet =
+ element draw:applet {
+ draw-applet-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist?, draw-param*
+ }
+draw-applet-attlist &= attribute draw:code { text }?
+draw-applet-attlist &= attribute draw:object { text }?
+draw-applet-attlist &= attribute draw:archive { text }?
+draw-applet-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute draw:may-script { boolean }?
+draw-plugin =
+ element draw:plugin {
+ draw-plugin-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist, draw-param*
+ }
+draw-plugin-attlist &= attribute draw:mime-type { text }?
+draw-param = element draw:param { draw-param-attlist, empty }
+draw-param-attlist &= attribute draw:name { text }?
+draw-param-attlist &= attribute draw:value { text }?
+draw-floating-frame =
+ element draw:floating-frame {
+ draw-floating-frame-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist
+ }
+draw-floating-frame-attlist &= attribute draw:frame-name { \string }?
+draw-contour-polygon =
+ element draw:contour-polygon {
+ common-contour-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-contour-path =
+ element draw:contour-path {
+ common-contour-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+common-contour-attlist &= attribute draw:recreate-on-edit { boolean }
+draw-a = element draw:a { draw-a-attlist, draw-frame }
+draw-a-attlist &=
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+draw-a-attlist &=
+ attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
+draw-a-attlist &= attribute office:name { \string }?
+draw-a-attlist &= attribute office:title { \string }?
+draw-a-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute office:server-map { boolean }?
+draw-image-map =
+ element draw:image-map {
+ (draw-area-rectangle | draw-area-circle | draw-area-polygon)*
+ }
+draw-area-rectangle =
+ element draw:area-rectangle {
+ common-draw-area-attlist,
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:width { length },
+ attribute svg:height { length },
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?
+ }
+draw-area-circle =
+ element draw:area-circle {
+ common-draw-area-attlist,
+ attribute svg:cx { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:cy { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:r { length },
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?
+ }
+draw-area-polygon =
+ element draw:area-polygon {
+ common-draw-area-attlist,
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:width { length },
+ attribute svg:height { length },
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?
+ }
+common-draw-area-attlist &=
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
+common-draw-area-attlist &= attribute office:name { \string }?
+common-draw-area-attlist &= attribute draw:nohref { "nohref" }?
+dr3d-scene =
+ element dr3d:scene {
+ dr3d-scene-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ dr3d-light*,
+ shapes3d*
+ }
+shapes3d =
+ dr3d-scene | dr3d-extrude | dr3d-sphere | dr3d-rotate | dr3d-cube
+dr3d-scene-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:vrp { vector3D }?,
+ attribute dr3d:vpn { vector3D }?,
+ attribute dr3d:vup { vector3D }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:projection { "parallel" | "perspective" }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &= attribute dr3d:distance { length }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &= attribute dr3d:focal-length { length }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:shadow-slant { nonNegativeInteger }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:shade-mode { "flat" | "phong" | "gouraud" | "draft" }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &= attribute dr3d:ambient-color { color }?
+dr3d-scene-attlist &= attribute dr3d:lighting-mode { boolean }?
+common-dr3d-transform-attlist = attribute dr3d:transform { text }?
+dr3d-light = element dr3d:light { dr3d-light-attlist, empty }
+dr3d-light-attlist &= attribute dr3d:diffuse-color { color }?
+dr3d-light-attlist &= attribute dr3d:direction { vector3D }
+dr3d-light-attlist &= attribute dr3d:enabled { boolean }?
+dr3d-light-attlist &= attribute dr3d:specular { boolean }?
+dr3d-cube =
+ element dr3d:cube {
+ dr3d-cube-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+dr3d-cube-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:min-edge { vector3D }?,
+ attribute dr3d:max-edge { vector3D }?
+dr3d-sphere =
+ element dr3d:sphere {
+ dr3d-sphere-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+dr3d-sphere-attlist &= attribute dr3d:center { vector3D }?
+dr3d-sphere-attlist &= attribute dr3d:size { vector3D }?
+dr3d-extrude =
+ element dr3d:extrude {
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+dr3d-rotate =
+ element dr3d:rotate {
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-custom-shape =
+ element draw:custom-shape {
+ draw-custom-shape-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text,
+ draw-enhanced-geometry?
+ }
+draw-custom-shape-attlist &= attribute draw:engine { namespacedToken }?
+draw-custom-shape-attlist &= attribute draw:data { \string }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry =
+ element draw:enhanced-geometry {
+ draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist, draw-equation*, draw-handle*
+ }
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "non-primitive" ]
+ attribute draw:type { custom-shape-type }?
+custom-shape-type = "non-primitive" | \string
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:viewBox {
+ list { integer, integer, integer, integer }
+ }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:mirror-vertical { boolean }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:mirror-horizontal { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0" ] attribute draw:text-rotate-angle { double }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-allowed { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:text-path-allowed { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:concentric-gradient-fill-allowed { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute draw:extrusion { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "33%" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-brightness { percent }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "36pt 0" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-depth {
+ list { length, double }
+ }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0%" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-diffusion { percent }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "30" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-number-of-line-segments { integer }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-light-face { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-harsh { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-harsh { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "66%" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-level { percent }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "66%" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-level { percent }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "(5 0 1)" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-direction { vector3D }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "(-5 0 1)" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-direction { vector3D }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-metal { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "flat" ]
+ attribute dr3d:shade-mode { "flat" | "phong" | "gouraud" | "draft" }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0 0" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-rotation-angle {
+ list { double, double }
+ }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:extrusion-rotation-center { vector3D }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "50%" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-shininess { percent }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "50 45" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-skew {
+ list { double, double }
+ }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0%" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-specularity { percent }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "parallel" ]
+ attribute dr3d:projection { "parallel" | "perspective" }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "3.5cm -3.5cm 25cm" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-viewpoint { point3D }?
+point3D = xsd:string
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0.5 -0.5" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-origin {
+ list { double, double }
+ }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:extrusion-color { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:enhanced-path { \string }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0" ]
+ attribute draw:path-stretchpoint-x { double }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0" ]
+ attribute draw:path-stretchpoint-y { double }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &= attribute draw:text-areas { \string }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:glue-points { \string }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute draw:glue-point-type { "none" | "segments" | "rectangle" }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:glue-point-leaving-directions { text }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute draw:text-path { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "normal" ]
+ attribute draw:text-path-mode { "normal" | "path" | "shape" }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "path" ]
+ attribute draw:text-path-scale { "path" | "shape" }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:text-path-same-letter-heights { boolean }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist &= attribute draw:modifiers { \string }?
+draw-equation = element draw:equation { draw-equation-attlist, empty }
+draw-equation-attlist &= attribute draw:name { \string }?
+draw-equation-attlist &= attribute draw:formula { \string }?
+draw-handle = element draw:handle { draw-handle-attlist, empty }
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:handle-mirror-vertical { boolean }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:handle-mirror-horizontal { boolean }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute draw:handle-switched { boolean }?
+draw-handle-attlist &= attribute draw:handle-position { \string }
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:handle-range-x-minimum { \string }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:handle-range-x-maximum { \string }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:handle-range-y-minimum { \string }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:handle-range-y-maximum { \string }?
+draw-handle-attlist &= attribute draw:handle-polar { \string }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:handle-radius-range-minimum { \string }?
+draw-handle-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:handle-radius-range-maximum { \string }?
+presentation-shape-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:class { presentation-classes }?
+presentation-classes =
+ "title"
+ | "outline"
+ | "subtitle"
+ | "text"
+ | "graphic"
+ | "object"
+ | "chart"
+ | "table"
+ | "orgchart"
+ | "page"
+ | "notes"
+ | "handout"
+ | "header"
+ | "footer"
+ | "date-time"
+ | "page-number"
+presentation-shape-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:placeholder { boolean }?
+presentation-shape-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:user-transformed { boolean }?
+presentation-animations =
+ element presentation:animations {
+ (presentation-animation-elements | presentation-animation-group)*
+ }
+presentation-animation-elements =
+ presentation-show-shape
+ | presentation-show-text
+ | presentation-hide-shape
+ | presentation-hide-text
+ | presentation-dim
+ | presentation-play
+presentation-sound =
+ element presentation:sound {
+ presentation-sound-attlist,
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?,
+ empty
+ }
+presentation-sound-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:play-full { boolean }?
+presentation-show-shape =
+ element presentation:show-shape {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &= attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF }
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute presentation:effect { presentationEffects }?
+presentationEffects =
+ "none"
+ | "fade"
+ | "move"
+ | "stripes"
+ | "open"
+ | "close"
+ | "dissolve"
+ | "wavyline"
+ | "random"
+ | "lines"
+ | "laser"
+ | "appear"
+ | "hide"
+ | "move-short"
+ | "checkerboard"
+ | "rotate"
+ | "stretch"
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute presentation:direction { presentationEffectDirections }?
+presentationEffectDirections =
+ "none"
+ | "from-left"
+ | "from-top"
+ | "from-right"
+ | "from-bottom"
+ | "from-center"
+ | "from-upper-left"
+ | "from-upper-right"
+ | "from-lower-left"
+ | "from-lower-right"
+ | "to-left"
+ | "to-top"
+ | "to-right"
+ | "to-bottom"
+ | "to-upper-left"
+ | "to-upper-right"
+ | "to-lower-right"
+ | "to-lower-left"
+ | "path"
+ | "spiral-inward-left"
+ | "spiral-inward-right"
+ | "spiral-outward-left"
+ | "spiral-outward-right"
+ | "vertical"
+ | "horizontal"
+ | "to-center"
+ | "clockwise"
+ | "counter-clockwise"
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "medium" ]
+ attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+presentationSpeeds = "slow" | "medium" | "fast"
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:delay { duration }?
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "100%" ]
+ attribute presentation:start-scale { percent }?
+common-presentation-effect-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:path-id { text }?
+presentation-show-text =
+ element presentation:show-text {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-hide-shape =
+ element presentation:hide-shape {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-hide-text =
+ element presentation:hide-text {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-dim =
+ element presentation:dim {
+ presentation-dim-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-dim-attlist &= attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF }
+presentation-dim-attlist &= attribute draw:color { color }
+presentation-play =
+ element presentation:play { presentation-play-attlist, empty }
+presentation-play-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "medium" ]
+ attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+presentation-animation-group =
+ element presentation:animation-group {
+ presentation-animation-elements*
+ }
+common-anim-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "default" ]
+ attribute presentation:node-type {
+ "default"
+ | "on-click"
+ | "with-previous"
+ | "after-previous"
+ | "timing-root"
+ | "main-sequence"
+ | "interactive-sequence"
+ }?
+common-anim-attlist &= attribute presentation:preset-id { \string }?
+common-anim-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:preset-sub-type { \string }?
+common-anim-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "custom" ]
+ attribute presentation:preset-class {
+ "custom"
+ | "entrance"
+ | "exit"
+ | "emphasis"
+ | "motion-path"
+ | "ole-action"
+ | "media-call"
+ }?
+common-anim-attlist &= attribute presentation:master-element { IDREF }?
+common-anim-attlist &= attribute presentation:group-id { \string }?
+presentation-event-listener =
+ element presentation:event-listener {
+ presentation-event-listener-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ attribute script:event-name { \string }
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:action {
+ "none"
+ | "previous-page"
+ | "next-page"
+ | "first-page"
+ | "last-page"
+ | "hide"
+ | "stop"
+ | "execute"
+ | "show"
+ | "verb"
+ | "fade-out"
+ | "sound"
+ }
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute presentation:effect { presentationEffects }?
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute presentation:direction { presentationEffectDirections }?
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "medium" ]
+ attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "100%" ]
+ attribute presentation:start-scale { percent }?
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "embed" ] attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+presentation-event-listener-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:verb { nonNegativeInteger }?
+paragraph-content |= element presentation:header { empty }
+paragraph-content |= element presentation:footer { empty }
+paragraph-content |= element presentation:date-time { empty }
+presentation-decls = presentation-decl*
+presentation-decl |=
+ element presentation:header-decl {
+ presentation-header-decl-attlist, text
+ }
+presentation-header-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+presentation-decl |=
+ element presentation:footer-decl {
+ presentation-footer-decl-attlist, text
+ }
+presentation-footer-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+presentation-decl |=
+ element presentation:date-time-decl {
+ presentation-date-time-decl-attlist, text
+ }
+presentation-date-time-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+presentation-date-time-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:source { "fixed" | "current-date" }
+presentation-date-time-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+presentation-settings =
+ element presentation:settings {
+ presentation-settings-attlist, presentation-show*
+ }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:start-page { \string }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:show { \string }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute presentation:full-screen { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute presentation:endless { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:pause { duration }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute presentation:show-logo { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute presentation:force-manual { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute presentation:mouse-visible { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute presentation:mouse-as-pen { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute presentation:start-with-navigator { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "enabled" ]
+ attribute presentation:animations { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "enabled" ]
+ attribute presentation:transition-on-click { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute presentation:stay-on-top { boolean }?
+presentation-settings-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide { boolean }?
+presentation-show =
+ element presentation:show { presentation-show-attlist, empty }
+presentation-show-attlist &= attribute presentation:name { \string }
+presentation-show-attlist &= attribute presentation:pages { text }
+chart-chart =
+ element chart:chart {
+ chart-chart-attlist,
+ chart-title?,
+ chart-subtitle?,
+ chart-footer?,
+ chart-legend?,
+ chart-plot-area,
+ table-table?
+ }
+chart-chart-attlist &= attribute chart:class { namespacedToken }
+chart-chart-attlist &= common-draw-size-attlist
+chart-chart-attlist &= attribute chart:column-mapping { \string }?
+chart-chart-attlist &= attribute chart:row-mapping { \string }?
+chart-chart-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-title = element chart:title { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-title-attlist &= attribute table:cell-range { cellAddress }?
+chart-title-attlist &= common-draw-position-attlist
+chart-title-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-subtitle = element chart:subtitle { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-footer = element chart:footer { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-legend = element chart:legend { chart-legend-attlist, empty }
+chart-legend-attlist &=
+ (attribute chart:legend-position {
+ "start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom"
+ },
+ attribute chart:legend-align { "start" | "center" | "end" }?)
+ | attribute chart:legend-position {
+ "top-start" | "bottom-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-end"
+ }
+ | empty
+chart-legend-attlist &= common-draw-position-attlist
+chart-legend-attlist &=
+ attribute style:legend-expansion { "wide" | "high" | "balanced" }
+ | (attribute style:legend-expansion { "custom" },
+ attribute style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio { double })
+ | empty
+chart-legend-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-plot-area =
+ element chart:plot-area {
+ chart-plot-area-attlist,
+ dr3d-light*,
+ chart-axis*,
+ chart-series*,
+ chart-stock-gain-marker?,
+ chart-stock-loss-marker?,
+ chart-stock-range-line?,
+ chart-wall?,
+ chart-floor?
+ }
+chart-plot-area-attlist &=
+ common-draw-position-attlist, common-draw-size-attlist
+chart-plot-area-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-plot-area-attlist &=
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+chart-plot-area-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute chart:data-source-has-labels {
+ "none" | "row" | "column" | "both"
+ }?
+chart-plot-area-attlist &=
+ dr3d-scene-attlist, common-dr3d-transform-attlist
+chart-wall = element chart:wall { chart-wall-attlist, empty }
+chart-wall-attlist &= attribute svg:width { length }?
+chart-wall-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-floor = element chart:floor { chart-floor-attlist, empty }
+chart-floor-attlist &= attribute svg:width { length }?
+chart-floor-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-axis =
+ element chart:axis {
+ chart-axis-attlist, chart-title?, chart-categories?, chart-grid*
+ }
+chart-axis-attlist &= attribute chart:dimension { "x" | "y" | "z" }
+chart-axis-attlist &= attribute chart:name { \string }?
+chart-axis-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-grid = element chart:grid { chart-grid-attlist }
+chart-grid-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "major" ]
+ attribute chart:class { "major" | "minor" }?
+chart-grid-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-series =
+ element chart:series {
+ chart-series-attlist,
+ chart-domain*,
+ chart-mean-value?,
+ chart-regression-curve?,
+ chart-error-indicator?,
+ chart-data-point*
+ }
+chart-series-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:values-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+chart-series-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:label-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+chart-series-attlist &= attribute chart:class { namespacedToken }?
+chart-series-attlist &= attribute chart:attached-axis { \string }?
+chart-series-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-domain =
+ element chart:domain {
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+ }
+chart-categories =
+ element chart:categories {
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+ }
+chart-data-point =
+ element chart:data-point { chart-data-point-attlist, empty }
+chart-data-point-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:repeated { nonNegativeInteger }?
+chart-data-point-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-mean-value =
+ element chart:mean-value { chart-mean-value-attlist, empty }
+chart-mean-value-attlist &= attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-error-indicator =
+ element chart:error-indicator { chart-error-indicator-attlist, empty }
+chart-error-indicator-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-regression-curve =
+ element chart:regression-curve {
+ chart-regression-curve-attlist, empty
+ }
+chart-regression-curve-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-stock-gain-marker =
+ element chart:stock-gain-marker { common-stock-marker-attlist }
+chart-stock-loss-marker =
+ element chart:stock-loss-marker { common-stock-marker-attlist }
+chart-stock-range-line =
+ element chart:stock-range-line { common-stock-marker-attlist }
+common-stock-marker-attlist =
+ attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+office-forms =
+ element office:forms {
+ office-forms-attlist, (form-form | xforms-model)*
+ }?
+office-forms-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute form:automatic-focus { boolean }?
+office-forms-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute form:apply-design-mode { boolean }?
+form-form =
+ element form:form {
+ common-form-control-attlist,
+ form-form-attlist,
+ form-properties?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ (controls | form-form)*,
+ form-connection-resource?
+ }
+form-form-attlist &=
+ (attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "_blank" ]
+ attribute office:target-frame { targetFrameName }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "get" ]
+ attribute form:method { "get" | "post" | \string }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ]
+ attribute form:enctype { \string }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute form:allow-deletes { boolean }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute form:allow-inserts { boolean }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute form:allow-updates { boolean }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:apply-filter { boolean }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "command" ]
+ attribute form:command-type { "table" | "query" | "command" }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:command { text }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:datasource { anyURI | \string }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:master-fields { \string }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:detail-fields { \string }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute form:escape-processing { boolean }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:filter { \string }?
+form-form-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:ignore-result { boolean }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:navigation-mode { navigation }?
+navigation = "none" | "current" | "parent"
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:order { \string }?
+form-form-attlist &= attribute form:tab-cycle { tab-cycles }?
+tab-cycles = "records" | "current" | "page"
+form-connection-resource =
+ element form:connection-resource {
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ empty
+ }
+xforms-model = element xforms:model { anyAttListOrElements }
+column-controls |=
+ element form:text { form-text-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+controls |= column-controls
+form-text-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+form-control-attlist =
+ common-form-control-attlist,
+ common-control-id-attlist,
+ xforms-bind-attlist
+common-form-control-content = form-properties?, office-event-listeners?
+column-controls |=
+ element form:textarea {
+ form-textarea-attlist, common-form-control-content, text-p*
+ }
+form-textarea-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+controls |=
+ element form:password {
+ form-password-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-password-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist
+form-password-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "*" ] attribute form:echo-char { character }?
+controls |=
+ element form:file { form-file-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+form-file-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist
+column-controls |=
+ element form:formatted-text {
+ form-formatted-text-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-formatted-text-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+form-formatted-text-attlist &= attribute form:max-value { \string }?
+form-formatted-text-attlist &= attribute form:min-value { \string }?
+form-formatted-text-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:validation { boolean }?
+column-controls |=
+ element form:number {
+ form-number-attlist,
+ common-numeric-control-attlist,
+ common-form-control-content
+ }
+common-numeric-control-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+form-number-attlist &= attribute form:value { double }?
+form-number-attlist &= attribute form:current-value { double }?
+form-number-attlist &= attribute form:min-value { double }?
+form-number-attlist &= attribute form:max-value { double }?
+column-controls |=
+ element form:date {
+ form-date-attlist,
+ common-numeric-control-attlist,
+ common-form-control-content
+ }
+controls |=
+ element form:time {
+ form-time-attlist,
+ common-numeric-control-attlist,
+ common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-date-attlist &= attribute form:value { date }?
+form-time-attlist &= attribute form:value { time }?
+form-date-attlist &= attribute form:current-value { date }?
+form-time-attlist &= attribute form:current-value { time }?
+form-date-attlist &= attribute form:min-value { date }?
+form-time-attlist &= attribute form:min-value { time }?
+form-date-attlist &= attribute form:max-value { date }?
+form-time-attlist &= attribute form:max-value { time }?
+controls |=
+ element form:fixed-text {
+ form-fixed-text-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-fixed-text-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ for,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ label,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist
+form-fixed-text-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:multi-line { boolean }?
+column-controls |=
+ element form:combobox {
+ form-combobox-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-item*
+ }
+form-combobox-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ dropdown,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ size,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ list-source,
+ list-source-type
+form-combobox-attlist &= attribute form:auto-complete { boolean }?
+form-item = element form:item { form-item-attlist, text }
+form-item-attlist &= label
+column-controls |=
+ element form:listbox {
+ form-listbox-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-option*
+ }
+form-listbox-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ dropdown,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ size,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ bound-column,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ list-source,
+ list-source-type
+form-listbox-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:multiple { boolean }?
+form-listbox-attlist &= attribute form:xforms-list-source { \string }?
+form-option = element form:option { form-option-attlist, text }
+form-option-attlist &=
+ current-selected, selected, label, common-value-attlist
+controls |=
+ element form:button {
+ form-button-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-button-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ button-type,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ label,
+ image-data,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ target-frame,
+ target-location,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
+form-button-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute form:default-button { boolean }?
+form-button-attlist &=
+ [ a:default-value = "false" ] attribute form:toggle { boolean }?
+form-button-attlist &= attribute form:focus-on-click { boolean }?
+form-button-attlist &= attribute form:xforms-submission { \string }?
+controls |=
+ element form:image { form-image-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+form-image-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ button-type,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ image-data,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ target-frame,
+ target-location,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist
+column-controls |=
+ element form:checkbox {
+ form-checkbox-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-checkbox-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ label,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ common-form-visual-effect-attlist,
+ common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
+states = "unchecked" | "checked" | "unknown"
+form-checkbox-attlist &= attribute form:current-state { states }?
+form-checkbox-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:is-tristate { boolean }?
+form-checkbox-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "unchecked" ] attribute form:state { states }?
+controls |=
+ element form:radio { form-radio-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+form-radio-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ current-selected,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ label,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ selected,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ common-form-visual-effect-attlist,
+ common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
+controls |=
+ element form:frame { form-frame-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+form-frame-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ for,
+ label,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist
+controls |=
+ element form:image-frame {
+ form-image-frame-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-image-frame-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ image-data,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+controls |=
+ element form:hidden {
+ form-hidden-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-hidden-attlist &= form-control-attlist, common-value-attlist
+controls |=
+ element form:grid {
+ form-grid-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-column*
+ }
+form-grid-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist
+form-column =
+ element form:column { form-column-attlist, column-controls+ }
+form-column-attlist &=
+ common-form-control-attlist, label, text-style-name
+text-style-name = attribute form:text-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+controls |=
+ element form:value-range {
+ form-value-range-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-value-range-attlist &=
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist
+form-value-range-attlist &= attribute form:max-value { \string }?
+form-value-range-attlist &= attribute form:min-value { \string }?
+form-value-range-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultName = "1" ] attribute form:step-size { positiveInteger }?
+form-value-range-attlist &=
+ attribute form:page-step-size { positiveInteger }?
+form-value-range-attlist &=
+ attribute form:delay-for-repeat { duration }?
+form-value-range-attlist &=
+ attribute form:orientation { "horizontal" | "vertical" }?
+controls |=
+ element form:generic-control {
+ form-generic-control-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-generic-control-attlist &= form-control-attlist
+common-form-control-attlist &= attribute form:name { \string }?
+common-form-control-attlist &=
+ attribute form:control-implementation { namespacedToken }?
+xforms-bind-attlist = attribute xforms:bind { \string }?
+types = "submit" | "reset" | "push" | "url"
+button-type =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "push" ] attribute form:button-type { types }?
+common-control-id-attlist = attribute form:id { ID }
+current-selected =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute form:current-selected { boolean }?
+common-value-attlist = attribute form:value { \string }?
+common-current-value-attlist = attribute form:current-value { \string }?
+common-disabled-attlist =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:disabled { boolean }?
+dropdown =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:dropdown { boolean }?
+for = attribute form:for { \string }?
+image-data = attribute form:image-data { anyURI }?
+label = attribute form:label { \string }?
+common-maxlength-attlist =
+ attribute form:max-length { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-printable-attlist =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute form:printable { boolean }?
+common-readonly-attlist =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:readonly { boolean }?
+selected =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute form:selected { boolean }?
+size = attribute form:size { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-tab-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0" ]
+ attribute form:tab-index { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-tab-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute form:tab-stop { boolean }?
+target-frame =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "_blank" ]
+ attribute office:target-frame { targetFrameName }?
+target-location = attribute xlink:href { anyURI }?
+common-title-attlist = attribute form:title { text }?
+common-form-visual-effect-attlist &=
+ attribute form:visual-effect { "flat" | "3d" }?
+common-form-relative-image-position-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "center" ]
+ attribute form:image-position { "center" }?
+ | (attribute form:image-position {
+ "start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom"
+ },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "center" ]
+ attribute form:image-align { "start" | "center" | "end" }?)
+bound-column = attribute form:bound-column { \string }?
+common-convert-empty-attlist =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute form:convert-empty-to-null { boolean }?
+common-data-field-attlist = attribute form:data-field { \string }?
+list-source = attribute form:list-source { \string }?
+list-source-type =
+ attribute form:list-source-type {
+ "table"
+ | "query"
+ | "sql"
+ | "sql-pass-through"
+ | "value-list"
+ | "table-fields"
+ }?
+form-properties = element form:properties { form-property+ }
+form-property |=
+ element form:property {
+ form-property-name, form-property-value-and-type-attlist
+ }
+form-property-name &= attribute form:property-name { \string }
+form-property-value-and-type-attlist &=
+ common-value-and-type-attlist
+ | attribute office:value-type { "void" }
+form-property |=
+ element form:list-property {
+ form-property-name, form-property-type-and-value-list
+ }
+form-property-type-and-value-list =
+ (attribute office:value-type { "float" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:value { double }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "percentage" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:value { double }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "currency" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:value { double },
+ attribute office:currency { \string }?
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "date" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "time" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:time-value { duration }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "boolean" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:boolean-value { boolean }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "string" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:string-value { \string }
+ }*)
+ | attribute office:value-type { "void" }
+office-annotation =
+ element office:annotation {
+ office-annotation-attlist,
+ draw-caption-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ dc-creator?,
+ dc-date?,
+ meta-date-string?,
+ (text-p | text-list)*
+ }
+office-annotation-attlist &= attribute office:display { boolean }?
+meta-date-string = element meta:date-string { \string }
+common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist &=
+ attribute style:num-prefix { \string }?,
+ attribute style:num-suffix { \string }?
+common-num-format-attlist &=
+ attribute style:num-format { "1" | "i" | "I" | \string | empty }
+ | (attribute style:num-format { "a" | "A" },
+ style-num-letter-sync-attlist)
+ | empty
+style-num-letter-sync-attlist &=
+ attribute style:num-letter-sync { boolean }?
+office-change-info =
+ element office:change-info { dc-creator, dc-date, text-p* }
+office-event-listeners =
+ element office:event-listeners {
+ (script-event-listener | presentation-event-listener)*
+ }
+script-event-listener &=
+ element script:event-listener { script-event-listener-attlist, empty }
+script-event-listener-attlist &= attribute script:event-name { \string }
+script-event-listener-attlist &= attribute script:language { \string }
+script-event-listener-attlist &=
+ attribute script:macro-name { \string }
+ | (attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)
+math-math = element math:math { mathMarkup }
+# To avoid inclusion of the complete MathML schema, anything
+# is allowed within a math:math top-level element
+mathMarkup =
+ (attribute * { text }
+ | text
+ | element * { mathMarkup })*
+text-dde-connection-decl =
+ element text:dde-connection-decl {
+ text-dde-connection-decl-attlist, common-dde-connection-decl-attlist
+ }
+text-dde-connection-decl-attlist &= attribute office:name { \string }
+common-dde-connection-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute office:dde-application { \string }
+common-dde-connection-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute office:dde-topic { \string }
+common-dde-connection-decl-attlist &=
+ attribute office:dde-item { \string }
+common-dde-connection-decl-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute office:automatic-update { boolean }?
+table-dde-link =
+ element table:dde-link { office-dde-source, table-table }
+office-dde-source =
+ element office:dde-source {
+ office-dde-source-attlist, common-dde-connection-decl-attlist
+ }
+office-dde-source-attlist &= attribute office:name { \string }?
+office-dde-source-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "into-default-style-data-style" ]
+ attribute office:conversion-mode {
+ "into-default-style-data-style"
+ | "into-english-number"
+ | "keep-text"
+ }?
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:animate {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
+ common-spline-anim-value-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist
+ }
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:set {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-set-values-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist
+ }
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:animateMotion {
+ anim-animate-motion-attlist,
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-spline-anim-value-attlist
+ }
+anim-animate-motion-attlist &= attribute svg:path { pathData }?
+anim-animate-motion-attlist &= attribute svg:origin { \string }?
+anim-animate-motion-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "paced" ]
+ attribute smil:calcMode {
+ "discrete" | "linear" | "paced" | "spline"
+ }?
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:animateColor {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
+ common-spline-anim-value-attlist,
+ anim-animate-color-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist
+ }
+anim-animate-color-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "rgb" ]
+ attribute anim:color-interpolation { "rgb" | "hsl" }?
+anim-animate-color-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "clockwise" ]
+ attribute anim:color-interpolation-direction {
+ "clockwise" | "counter-clockwise"
+ }?
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:animateTransform {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ anim-animate-transform-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist
+ }
+anim-animate-transform-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:type {
+ "translate" | "scale" | "rotate" | "skewX" | "skewY"
+ }
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:transitionFilter {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
+ anim-transition-filter-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist
+ }
+anim-transition-filter-attlist &= attribute smil:type { \string }
+anim-transition-filter-attlist &= attribute smil:subtype { \string }?
+anim-transition-filter-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "forward" ]
+ attribute smil:direction { "forward" | "reverse" }?
+anim-transition-filter-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:fadeColor { "forward" | "reverse" }?
+anim-transition-filter-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "in" ] attribute smil:mode { "in" | "out" }?
+common-anim-attlist &= attribute anim:id { ID }?
+common-anim-target-attlist &= attribute smil:targetElement { IDREF }?
+common-anim-named-target-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:attributeName { \string }
+common-anim-target-attlist &= attribute anim:sub-item { \string }?
+common-anim-values-attlist &= attribute smil:values { \string }?
+common-anim-spline-mode-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "discrete" ]
+ attribute smil:calcMode {
+ "discrete" | "linear" | "paced" | "spline"
+ }?
+common-spline-anim-value-attlist &= attribute smil:keyTimes { \string }?
+common-spline-anim-value-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:keySplines { \string }?
+common-anim-add-accum-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:accumulate { "none" | "sum" }?
+common-anim-add-accum-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:additive { "replace" | "sum" }?
+common-anim-values-attlist &= attribute anim:formula { \string }?
+common-anim-set-values-attlist &= attribute smil:to { \string }?
+common-anim-values-attlist &=
+ common-anim-set-values-attlist,
+ attribute smil:from { \string }?,
+ attribute smil:by { \string }?
+common-begin-end-timing-attlist &= attribute smil:begin { \string }?
+common-begin-end-timing-attlist &= attribute smil:end { \string }?
+common-dur-timing-attlist &= attribute smil:dur { \string }?
+common-endsync-timing-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:endsync { "first" | "last" | "all" | "media" }?
+common-repeat-timing-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:repeatDur { \string }?,
+ attribute smil:repeatCount { nonNegativeInteger | "indefinite" }?
+common-fill-timing-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:fill {
+ "remove" | "freeze" | "hold" | "auto" | "default" | "transition"
+ }?
+common-fill-default-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:fillDefault {
+ "remove" | "freeze" | "hold" | "transition" | "auto" | "inherit"
+ }?
+common-restart-timing-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "default" ]
+ attribute smil:restart {
+ "never" | "always" | "whenNotActive" | "default"
+ }?
+common-restart-default-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "inherit" ]
+ attribute smil:restartDefault {
+ "never" | "always" | "whenNotActive" | "inherit"
+ }?
+common-time-manip-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0.0" ] attribute smil:accelerate { double }?
+common-time-manip-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0.0" ] attribute smil:decelerate { double }?
+common-time-manip-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute smil:autoReverse { boolean }?
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:par {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-endsync-timing-attlist,
+ animation-element*
+ }
+common-basic-timing-attlist &=
+ common-begin-end-timing-attlist,
+ common-dur-timing-attlist,
+ common-repeat-timing-attlist
+common-timing-attlist &=
+ common-basic-timing-attlist,
+ common-restart-timing-attlist,
+ common-restart-default-attlist,
+ common-fill-timing-attlist,
+ common-fill-default-attlist,
+ common-time-manip-attlist
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:seq {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ common-endsync-timing-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ animation-element*
+ }
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:iterate {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ anim-iterate-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-endsync-timing-attlist,
+ animation-element*
+ }
+anim-iterate-attlist &= common-anim-target-attlist
+anim-iterate-attlist &= attribute anim:iterate-type { \string }?
+anim-iterate-attlist &= attribute anim:iterate-interval { duration }?
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:audio {
+ common-anim-attlist, anim-audio-attlist, common-basic-timing-attlist
+ }
+anim-audio-attlist &= attribute xlink:href { anyURI }?
+anim-audio-attlist &= attribute anim:audio-level { double }?
+animation-element |=
+ element anim:command {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ anim-command-attlist,
+ common-begin-end-timing-attlist,
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ element anim:param {
+ attribute anim:name { text },
+ attribute anim:value { text }
+ }*
+ }
+anim-command-attlist &= attribute anim:command { \string }
+style-style =
+ element style:style {
+ style-style-attlist, style-style-content, style-map*
+ }
+style-style-attlist &= attribute style:name { styleName }
+style-style-attlist &= attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+style-style-attlist &=
+ attribute style:parent-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-style-attlist &= attribute style:next-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-style-attlist &=
+ attribute style:list-style-name { styleName | empty }?
+style-style-attlist &=
+ attribute style:master-page-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-style-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute style:auto-update { boolean }?
+style-style-attlist &= attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-style-attlist &= attribute style:class { \string }?
+style-style-attlist &=
+ attribute style:default-outline-level { positiveInteger }?
+style-map = element style:map { style-map-attlist, empty }
+style-map-attlist &= attribute style:condition { \string }
+style-map-attlist &= attribute style:apply-style-name { styleNameRef }
+style-map-attlist &= attribute style:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+style-default-style =
+ element style:default-style { style-style-content }
+style-page-layout =
+ element style:page-layout {
+ style-page-layout-attlist,
+ style-page-layout-properties?,
+ style-header-style?,
+ style-footer-style?
+ }
+style-page-layout-attlist &= attribute style:name { styleName }
+style-page-layout-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "all" ]
+ attribute style:page-usage { "all" | "left" | "right" | "mirrored" }?
+style-header-style =
+ element style:header-style { style-header-footer-properties? }
+style-footer-style =
+ element style:footer-style { style-header-footer-properties? }
+style-master-page =
+ element style:master-page {
+ style-master-page-attlist,
+ (style-header, style-header-left?)?,
+ (style-footer, style-footer-left?)?,
+ office-forms?,
+ style-style*,
+ shape*,
+ presentation-notes?
+ }
+style-master-page-attlist &= attribute style:name { styleName }
+style-master-page-attlist &= attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+style-master-page-attlist &=
+ attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }
+style-master-page-attlist &= attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-master-page-attlist &=
+ attribute style:next-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-header =
+ element style:header {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+style-footer =
+ element style:footer {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+style-header-left =
+ element style:header-left {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+style-footer-left =
+ element style:footer-left {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+header-footer-content =
+ (text-tracked-changes,
+ text-decls,
+ (text-h
+ | text-p
+ | text-list
+ | table-table
+ | text-section
+ | text-table-of-content
+ | text-illustration-index
+ | text-table-index
+ | text-object-index
+ | text-user-index
+ | text-alphabetical-index
+ | text-bibliography
+ | text-index-title
+ | change-marks)*)
+ | (style-region-left?, style-region-center?, style-region-right?)
+common-style-header-footer-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute style:display { boolean }?
+style-region-left = element style:region-left { region-content }
+style-region-center = element style:region-center { region-content }
+style-region-right = element style:region-right { region-content }
+region-content = text-p*
+presentation-notes =
+ element presentation:notes {
+ common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
+ presentation-notes-attlist,
+ office-forms,
+ shape*
+ }
+presentation-notes-attlist &=
+ attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
+presentation-notes-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-template =
+ element table:table-template {
+ table-table-template-attlist,
+ table-first-row?,
+ table-last-row?,
+ table-first-column?,
+ table-last-column?,
+ (table-body
+ | (table-even-rows, table-odd-rows)
+ | (table-even-columns, table-odd-columns))
+ }
+table-table-template-attlist &= attribute text:name { \string }
+table-table-template-attlist &=
+ attribute text:first-row-start-column { rowOrCol }
+table-table-template-attlist &=
+ attribute text:first-row-end-column { rowOrCol }
+table-table-template-attlist &=
+ attribute text:last-row-start-column { rowOrCol }
+table-table-template-attlist &=
+ attribute text:last-row-end-column { rowOrCol }
+rowOrCol = "row" | "column"
+table-first-row =
+ element table:first-row { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-last-row =
+ element table:last-row { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-first-column =
+ element table:first-column { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-last-column =
+ element table:last-column { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-body = element table:body { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-even-rows =
+ element table:even-rows { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-odd-rows =
+ element table:odd-rows { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-even-columns =
+ element table:even-columns { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-odd-columns =
+ element table:odd-columns { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+common-table-template-attlist &=
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef },
+ attribute text:paragraph-style-name { styleNameRef? }
+style-font-face =
+ element style:font-face {
+ style-font-face-attlist, svg-font-face-src?, svg-definition-src?
+ }
+style-font-face-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:font-family { \string }?,
+ attribute svg:font-style { fontStyle }?,
+ attribute svg:font-variant { fontVariant }?,
+ attribute svg:font-weight { fontWeight }?,
+ attribute svg:font-stretch {
+ "normal"
+ | "ultra-condensed"
+ | "extra-condensed"
+ | "condensed"
+ | "semi-condensed"
+ | "semi-expanded"
+ | "expanded"
+ | "extra-expanded"
+ | "ultra-expanded"
+ }?,
+ attribute svg:font-size { positiveLength }?,
+ attribute svg:unicode-range { text }?,
+ attribute svg:units-per-em { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:panose-1 { text }?,
+ attribute svg:stemv { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:stemh { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:slope { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:cap-height { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:x-height { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:accent-height { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:ascent { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:descent { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:widths { text }?,
+ attribute svg:bbox { text }?,
+ attribute svg:ideographic { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:alphabetic { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:mathematical { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:hanging { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:v-ideographic { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:v-alphabetic { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:v-mathematical { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:v-hanging { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:underline-position { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:underline-thickness { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:strikethrough-position { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:strikethrough-thickness { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:overline-position { integer }?,
+ attribute svg:overline-thickness { integer }?
+svg-font-face-src =
+ element svg:font-face-src {
+ (svg-font-face-uri | svg-font-face-name)+
+ }
+svg-font-face-uri =
+ element svg:font-face-uri {
+ common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist, svg-font-face-format*
+ }
+svg-font-face-format =
+ element svg:font-face-format {
+ attribute svg:string { text }?,
+ empty
+ }
+svg-font-face-name =
+ element svg:font-face-name {
+ attribute svg:name { text }?,
+ empty
+ }
+svg-definition-src =
+ element svg:definition-src {
+ common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist, empty
+ }
+common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist &=
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onRequest" ]
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+style-font-face-attlist &= attribute style:name { \string }
+style-font-face-attlist &= attribute style:font-adornments { \string }?
+style-font-face-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-family-generic { fontFamilyGeneric }?
+style-font-face-attlist &= attribute style:font-pitch { fontPitch }?
+style-font-face-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-charset { textEncoding }?
+number-number-style =
+ element number:number-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (any-number, number-text?)?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+any-number = number-number | number-scientific-number | number-fraction
+number-number =
+ element number:number {
+ number-number-attlist,
+ common-decimal-places-attlist,
+ common-number-attlist,
+ number-embedded-text*
+ }
+number-number-attlist &= attribute number:decimal-replacement { text }?
+number-number-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute number:display-factor { double }?
+number-embedded-text =
+ element number:embedded-text { number-embedded-text-attlist, text }
+number-embedded-text-attlist &= attribute number:position { integer }
+number-scientific-number =
+ element number:scientific-number {
+ number-scientific-number-attlist,
+ common-decimal-places-attlist,
+ common-number-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+number-scientific-number-attlist &=
+ attribute number:min-exponent-digits { integer }?
+number-fraction =
+ element number:fraction {
+ number-fraction-attlist, common-number-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-fraction-attlist &=
+ attribute number:min-numerator-digits { integer }?
+number-fraction-attlist &=
+ attribute number:min-denominator-digits { integer }?
+number-fraction-attlist &=
+ attribute number:denominator-value { integer }?
+number-currency-style =
+ element number:currency-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ common-auto-reorder-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ ((number-and-text, currency-symbol-and-text?)
+ | (currency-symbol-and-text, number-and-text?))?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+currency-symbol-and-text = number-currency-symbol, number-text?
+number-and-text = number-number, number-text?
+number-currency-symbol =
+ element number:currency-symbol {
+ number-currency-symbol-attlist, text
+ }
+number-currency-symbol-attlist &=
+ attribute number:language { languageCode }?,
+ attribute number:country { countryCode }?
+number-percentage-style =
+ element number:percentage-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ number-and-text?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+number-date-style =
+ element number:date-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ common-auto-reorder-attlist,
+ common-format-source-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ # This DTD does not reflect the fact that some elements must not
+ # occur more than once.
+ number-text?,
+ (any-date, number-text?)+,
+ style-map*
+ }
+any-date =
+ number-day
+ | number-month
+ | number-year
+ | number-era
+ | number-day-of-week
+ | number-week-of-year
+ | number-quarter
+ | number-hours
+ | number-am-pm
+ | number-minutes
+ | number-seconds
+number-day =
+ element number:day {
+ number-day-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-day-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-month =
+ element number:month {
+ number-month-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-month-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute number:textual { boolean }?
+number-month-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute number:possessive-form { boolean }?
+number-month-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-year =
+ element number:year {
+ number-year-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-year-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-era =
+ element number:era {
+ number-era-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-era-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-day-of-week =
+ element number:day-of-week {
+ number-day-of-week-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-day-of-week-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-week-of-year =
+ element number:week-of-year { common-calendar-attlist, empty }
+number-quarter =
+ element number:quarter {
+ number-quarter-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-quarter-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-time-style =
+ element number:time-style {
+ number-time-style-attlist,
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ common-format-source-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ # This DTD does not reflect the fact that some elements must not
+ # occur more than once.
+ number-text?,
+ (any-time, number-text?)+,
+ style-map*
+ }
+any-time = number-hours | number-am-pm | number-minutes | number-seconds
+number-time-style-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute number:truncate-on-overflow { boolean }?
+number-hours = element number:hours { number-hours-attlist, empty }
+number-hours-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-minutes =
+ element number:minutes { number-minutes-attlist, empty }
+number-minutes-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-seconds =
+ element number:seconds { number-seconds-attlist, empty }
+number-seconds-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-seconds-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0" ] attribute number:decimal-places { integer }?
+number-am-pm = element number:am-pm { empty }
+number-boolean-style =
+ element number:boolean-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (number-boolean, number-text?)?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+number-boolean = element number:boolean { empty }
+number-text-style =
+ element number:text-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (number-text-content, number-text?)*,
+ style-map*
+ }
+number-text = element number:text { text }
+number-text-content = element number:text-content { empty }
+common-data-style-attlist &= attribute style:name { styleName }
+style-data-style-attlist &= attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+common-data-style-attlist &= attribute number:language { languageCode }?
+common-data-style-attlist &= attribute number:country { countryCode }?
+common-data-style-attlist &= attribute number:title { text }?
+common-data-style-attlist &= attribute style:volatile { boolean }?
+common-auto-reorder-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute number:automatic-order { boolean }?
+common-format-source-attlist =
+ [ a:defaultValue = "fixed" ]
+ attribute number:format-source { "fixed" | "language" }?
+common-data-style-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute number:transliteration-format { \string }?
+common-data-style-attlist &=
+ attribute number:transliteration-language { countryCode }?
+common-data-style-attlist &=
+ attribute number:transliteration-country { countryCode }?
+common-data-style-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "short" ]
+ attribute number:transliteration-style {
+ "short" | "medium" | "long"
+ }?
+common-decimal-places-attlist =
+ attribute number:decimal-places { integer }?
+common-number-attlist &=
+ attribute number:min-integer-digits { integer }?
+common-number-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute number:grouping { boolean }?
+common-calendar-attlist &=
+ attribute number:calendar {
+ "gregorian"
+ | "gengou"
+ | "ROC"
+ | "hanja_yoil"
+ | "hanja"
+ | "hijri"
+ | "jewish"
+ | "buddhist"
+ | \string
+ }?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "text" },
+ style-text-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "paragraph" },
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "section" },
+ style-section-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "ruby" },
+ style-ruby-properties?
+text-linenumbering-configuration =
+ element text:linenumbering-configuration {
+ text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist,
+ text-linenumbering-separator?
+ }
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute text:number-lines { boolean }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &= common-num-format-attlist?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ attribute text:increment { nonNegativeInteger }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "left" ]
+ attribute text:number-position {
+ "left" | "right" | "inner" | "outer"
+ }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ attribute text:offset { nonNegativeLength }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute text:count-empty-lines { boolean }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:count-in-text-boxes { boolean }?
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:restart-on-page { boolean }?
+text-linenumbering-separator =
+ element text:linenumbering-separator {
+ attribute text:increment { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ text
+ }
+text-notes-configuration =
+ element text:notes-configuration { text-notes-configuration-content }
+text-notes-configuration-content &= text-note-class
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:citation-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:citation-body-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:default-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:master-page-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist, common-num-format-attlist?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:start-numbering-at { "document" | "chapter" | "page" }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ attribute text:footnotes-position {
+ "text" | "page" | "section" | "document"
+ }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ element text:note-continuation-notice-forward { text }?
+text-notes-configuration-content &=
+ element text:note-continuation-notice-backward { text }?
+text-bibliography-configuration =
+ element text:bibliography-configuration {
+ text-bibliography-configuration-attlist, text-sort-key*
+ }
+text-bibliography-configuration-attlist &=
+ attribute text:prefix { \string }?,
+ attribute text:suffix { \string }?
+text-bibliography-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:numbered-entries { boolean }?
+text-bibliography-configuration-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ]
+ attribute text:sort-by-position { boolean }?,
+ attribute fo:language { languageCode }?,
+ attribute fo:country { countryCode }?,
+ attribute text:sort-algorithm { \string }?
+text-sort-key = element text:sort-key { text-sort-key-attlist, empty }
+text-sort-key-attlist &=
+ attribute text:key {
+ "address"
+ | "annote"
+ | "author"
+ | "bibliography-type"
+ | "booktitle"
+ | "chapter"
+ | "custom1"
+ | "custom2"
+ | "custom3"
+ | "custom4"
+ | "custom5"
+ | "edition"
+ | "editor"
+ | "howpublished"
+ | "identifier"
+ | "institution"
+ | "isbn"
+ | "issn"
+ | "journal"
+ | "month"
+ | "note"
+ | "number"
+ | "organizations"
+ | "pages"
+ | "publisher"
+ | "report-type"
+ | "school"
+ | "series"
+ | "title"
+ | "url"
+ | "volume"
+ | "year"
+ },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute text:sort-ascending { boolean }?
+text-list-style =
+ element text:list-style {
+ text-list-style-attr, text-list-style-content*
+ }
+text-list-style-attr &= attribute style:name { styleName }
+text-list-style-attr &= attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+text-list-style-attr &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute text:consecutive-numbering { boolean }?
+text-list-level-style-attr = attribute text:level { positiveInteger }
+text-list-style-content |=
+ element text:list-level-style-number {
+ text-list-level-style-attr,
+ text-list-level-style-number-attr,
+ style-list-level-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+ }
+text-list-level-style-number-attr &=
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-list-level-style-number-attr &=
+ common-num-format-attlist, common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+text-list-level-style-number-attr &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute text:display-levels { positiveInteger }?
+text-list-level-style-number-attr &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute text:start-value { positiveInteger }?
+text-list-style-content |=
+ element text:list-level-style-bullet {
+ text-list-level-style-attr,
+ text-list-level-style-bullet-attr,
+ style-list-level-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+ }
+text-list-level-style-bullet-attr &=
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-list-level-style-bullet-attr &=
+ attribute text:bullet-char { character }
+text-list-level-style-bullet-attr &=
+ common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+text-list-level-style-bullet-attr &=
+ attribute text:bullet-relative-size { percent }?
+text-list-style-content |=
+ element text:list-level-style-image {
+ text-list-level-style-attr,
+ text-list-level-style-image-attr,
+ style-list-level-properties?
+ }
+text-list-level-style-image-attr &=
+ common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data
+text-outline-style =
+ element text:outline-style { text-outline-level-style+ }
+text-outline-level-style =
+ element text:outline-level-style {
+ text-outline-level-style-attlist,
+ style-list-level-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+ }
+text-outline-level-style-attlist &=
+ attribute text:level { positiveInteger }
+text-outline-level-style-attlist &=
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+text-outline-level-style-attlist &=
+ common-num-format-attlist, common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+text-outline-level-style-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute text:display-levels { positiveInteger }?
+text-outline-level-style-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute text:start-value { positiveInteger }?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "table" },
+ style-table-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "table-column" },
+ style-table-column-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "table-row" },
+ style-table-row-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "table-cell" },
+ style-table-cell-properties?,
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "graphic" | "presentation" },
+ style-graphic-properties?,
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+style-graphic-properties =
+ element style:graphic-properties { style-graphic-properties-content }
+style-graphic-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-graphic-properties-content-strict =
+ style-graphic-properties-attlist,
+ style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist,
+ style-graphic-properties-elements
+style-graphic-properties-elements = empty
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "drawing-page" },
+ style-drawing-page-properties?
+style-drawing-page-properties =
+ element style:drawing-page-properties {
+ style-drawing-page-properties-content
+ }
+style-drawing-page-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict =
+ style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist,
+ style-drawing-page-properties-attlist,
+ style-drawing-page-properties-elements
+draw-gradient =
+ element draw:gradient {
+ common-draw-gradient-attlist, draw-gradient-attlist, empty
+ }
+common-draw-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:name { styleName }?
+common-draw-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+common-draw-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:style { gradient-style }
+gradient-style =
+ "linear" | "axial" | "radial" | "ellipsoid" | "square" | "rectangular"
+common-draw-gradient-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:cx { percent }?,
+ attribute draw:cy { percent }?
+draw-gradient-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start-color { color }?,
+ attribute draw:end-color { color }?
+draw-gradient-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start-intensity { percent }?,
+ attribute draw:end-intensity { percent }?
+common-draw-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:angle { integer }?
+common-draw-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:border { percent }?
+svg-linearGradient =
+ element svg:linearGradient {
+ common-svg-gradient-attlist,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0%" ]
+ attribute svg:x1 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0%" ]
+ attribute svg:y1 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "100%" ]
+ attribute svg:x2 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "100%" ]
+ attribute svg:y2 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ svg-stop*
+ }
+svg-radialGradient =
+ element svg:radialGradient {
+ common-svg-gradient-attlist,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "50%" ]
+ attribute svg:cx { coordinate | percent }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "50%" ]
+ attribute svg:cy { coordinate | percent }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "50%" ]
+ attribute svg:r { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:fx { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:fy { coordinate | percent }?,
+ svg-stop*
+ }
+svg-stop =
+ element svg:stop {
+ attribute svg:offset { double | percent },
+ attribute svg:stop-color { color }?,
+ attribute svg:stop-opacity { double }?
+ }
+common-svg-gradient-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "objectBoundingBox" ]
+ attribute svg:gradientUnits { "objectBoundingBox" }?,
+ attribute svg:gradientTransform { \string }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "pad" ]
+ attribute svg:spreadMethod { "pad" | "reflect" | "repeat" }?
+common-svg-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:name { styleName }
+common-svg-gradient-attlist &= attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-hatch = element draw:hatch { draw-hatch-attlist, empty }
+draw-hatch-attlist &= attribute draw:name { styleName }
+draw-hatch-attlist &= attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-hatch-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:style { "single" | "double" | "triple" }
+draw-hatch-attlist &= attribute draw:color { color }?
+draw-hatch-attlist &= attribute draw:distance { length }?
+draw-hatch-attlist &= attribute draw:rotation { integer }?
+draw-fill-image =
+ element draw:fill-image {
+ draw-fill-image-attlist,
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI },
+ [ a:defaultValue = "simple" ] attribute xlink:type { "simple" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "embed" ] attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "onLoad" ] attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-fill-image-attlist &= attribute draw:name { styleName }
+draw-fill-image-attlist &= attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-fill-image-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:width { length }?,
+ attribute svg:height { length }?
+draw-opacity =
+ element draw:opacity {
+ common-draw-gradient-attlist, draw-opacity-attlist, empty
+ }
+draw-opacity-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start { percent }?,
+ attribute draw:end { percent }?
+draw-marker =
+ element draw:marker {
+ draw-marker-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-marker-attlist &= attribute draw:name { styleName }
+draw-marker-attlist &= attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-stroke-dash =
+ element draw:stroke-dash { draw-stroke-dash-attlist, empty }
+draw-stroke-dash-attlist &= attribute draw:name { styleName }
+draw-stroke-dash-attlist &= attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-stroke-dash-attlist &= attribute draw:style { "rect" | "round" }?
+draw-stroke-dash-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:dots1 { integer }?,
+ attribute draw:dots1-length { length }?,
+ attribute draw:dots2 { integer }?,
+ attribute draw:dots2-length { length }?
+draw-stroke-dash-attlist &= attribute draw:distance { length }?
+style-presentation-page-layout =
+ element style:presentation-page-layout {
+ attribute style:name { styleName },
+ attribute style:display-name { \string }?,
+ presentation-placeholder*
+ }
+presentation-placeholder =
+ element presentation:placeholder {
+ attribute presentation:object { presentation-classes },
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate | percent },
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate | percent },
+ attribute svg:width { length | percent },
+ attribute svg:height { length | percent },
+ empty
+ }
+style-style-content |=
+ attribute style:family { "chart" },
+ style-chart-properties?,
+ style-graphic-properties?,
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+style-properties-content = anyAttListOrElements
+style-page-layout-properties =
+ element style:page-layout-properties {
+ style-page-layout-properties-content
+ }
+style-page-layout-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-page-layout-properties-content-strict =
+ style-page-layout-properties-attlist,
+ style-page-layout-properties-elements
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:page-width { length }?,
+ attribute fo:page-height { length }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ common-num-format-attlist?, common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
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+ attribute style:paper-tray-name { "default" | \string }?
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+ attribute style:print-orientation { "portrait" | "landscape" }?
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+ common-horizontal-margin-attlist,
+ common-vertical-margin-attlist,
+ common-margin-attlist
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &= common-border-attlist
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &= common-border-line-width-attlist
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &= common-padding-attlist
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &= common-shadow-attlist
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-page-layout-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-page-layout-properties-elements &= style-columns
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:register-truth-ref-style-name { styleNameRef }?
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+ attribute style:print {
+ list {
+ ("headers"
+ | "grid"
+ | "annotations"
+ | "objects"
+ | "charts"
+ | "drawings"
+ | "formulas"
+ | "zero-values")*
+ }
+ }?
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+ attribute style:print-page-order { "ttb" | "ltr" }?
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+ attribute style:first-page-number { positiveInteger | "continue" }?
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+ attribute style:scale-to { percent }?,
+ attribute style:scale-to-pages { positiveInteger }?
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+ attribute style:table-centering {
+ "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both" | "none"
+ }?
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+ attribute style:footnote-max-height { length }?
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+style-footnote-sep =
+ element style:footnote-sep { style-footnote-sep-attlist, empty }?
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+ attribute style:width { length }?,
+ attribute style:rel-width { percent }?,
+ attribute style:color { color }?,
+ attribute style:line-style { lineStyle }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "left" ]
+ attribute style:adjustment { "left" | "center" | "right" }?,
+ attribute style:distance-before-sep { length }?,
+ attribute style:distance-after-sep { length }?
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+ attribute style:layout-grid-mode { "none" | "line" | "both" }?
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+ attribute style:layout-grid-base-height { length }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:layout-grid-ruby-height { length }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:layout-grid-lines { positiveInteger }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:layout-grid-color { color }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:layout-grid-ruby-below { boolean }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:layout-grid-print { boolean }?
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:layout-grid-display { boolean }?
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+ element style:header-footer-properties {
+ style-header-footer-properties-content
+ }
+style-header-footer-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-header-footer-properties-content-strict =
+ style-header-footer-properties-attlist,
+ style-header-footer-properties-elements
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:height { length }?,
+ attribute fo:min-height { length }?
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &=
+ common-horizontal-margin-attlist,
+ common-vertical-margin-attlist,
+ common-margin-attlist
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &= common-border-attlist
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &=
+ common-border-line-width-attlist
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &= common-padding-attlist
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &=
+ common-background-color-attlist
+style-header-footer-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &= common-shadow-attlist
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:dynamic-spacing { boolean }?
+style-text-properties =
+ element style:text-properties { style-text-properties-content }
+style-text-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-text-properties-content-strict =
+ style-text-properties-attlist, style-text-properties-elements
+style-text-properties-elements = empty
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:font-variant { fontVariant }?
+fontVariant = "normal" | "small-caps"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:text-transform {
+ "none" | "lowercase" | "uppercase" | "capitalize"
+ }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &= attribute fo:color { color }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:use-window-font-color { boolean }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-outline { boolean }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-line-through-type { lineType }?
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+ attribute style:text-line-through-style { lineStyle }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-line-through-width { lineWidth }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-line-through-color { "font-color" | color }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-line-through-text { \string }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-line-through-text-style { styleNameRef }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-position {
+ list { (percent | "super" | "sub"), percent? }
+ }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-name { \string }?,
+ attribute style:font-name-asian { \string }?,
+ attribute style:font-name-complex { \string }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:font-family { \string }?,
+ attribute style:font-family-asian { \string }?,
+ attribute style:font-family-complex { \string }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-family-generic { fontFamilyGeneric }?,
+ attribute style:font-family-generic-asian { fontFamilyGeneric }?,
+ attribute style:font-family-generic-complex { fontFamilyGeneric }?
+fontFamilyGeneric =
+ "roman" | "swiss" | "modern" | "decorative" | "script" | "system"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-style-name { \string }?,
+ attribute style:font-style-name-asian { \string }?,
+ attribute style:font-style-name-complex { \string }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-pitch { fontPitch }?,
+ attribute style:font-pitch-asian { fontPitch }?,
+ attribute style:font-pitch-complex { fontPitch }?
+fontPitch = "fixed" | "variable"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-charset { textEncoding }?,
+ attribute style:font-charset-asian { textEncoding }?,
+ attribute style:font-charset-complex { textEncoding }?
+textEncoding = xsd:string { pattern = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*" }
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:font-size { positiveLength | percent }?,
+ attribute style:font-size-asian { positiveLength | percent }?,
+ attribute style:font-size-complex { positiveLength | percent }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-size-rel { length }?,
+ attribute style:font-size-rel-asian { length }?,
+ attribute style:font-size-rel-complex { length }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:script-type {
+ "latin" | "asian" | "complex" | "ignore"
+ }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:letter-spacing { length | "normal" }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:language { languageCode }?,
+ attribute style:language-asian { languageCode }?,
+ attribute style:language-complex { languageCode }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:country { countryCode }?,
+ attribute style:country-asian { countryCode }?,
+ attribute style:country-complex { countryCode }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:font-style { fontStyle }?,
+ attribute style:font-style-asian { fontStyle }?,
+ attribute style:font-style-complex { fontStyle }?
+fontStyle = "normal" | "italic" | "oblique"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-relief { "none" | "embossed" | "engraved" }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:text-shadow { shadowType }?
+shadowType =
+ "none"
+ | # The following string must match an XSL shadow decl
+ \string
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-underline-type { lineType }?
+lineType = "none" | "single" | "double"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-underline-style { lineStyle }?
+lineStyle =
+ "none"
+ | "solid"
+ | "dotted"
+ | "dash"
+ | "long-dash"
+ | "dot-dash"
+ | "dot-dot-dash"
+ | "wave"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-underline-width { lineWidth }?
+lineWidth =
+ "auto"
+ | "normal"
+ | "bold"
+ | "thin"
+ | "dash"
+ | "medium"
+ | "thick"
+ | positiveInteger
+ | percent
+ | positiveLength
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-underline-color { "font-color" | color }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:font-weight { fontWeight }?,
+ attribute style:font-weight-asian { fontWeight }?,
+ attribute style:font-weight-complex { fontWeight }?
+fontWeight =
+ "normal"
+ | "bold"
+ | "100"
+ | "200"
+ | "300"
+ | "400"
+ | "500"
+ | "600"
+ | "700"
+ | "800"
+ | "900"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-underline-mode { lineMode }?
+lineMode = "continuous" | "skip-white-space"
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-line-through-mode { lineMode }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:letter-kerning { boolean }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-blinking { boolean }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-combine { "none" | "letters" | "lines" }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-combine-start-char { character }?,
+ attribute style:text-combine-end-char { character }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-emphasize {
+ "none"
+ | list {
+ ("none" | "accent" | "dot" | "circle" | "disc"),
+ ("above" | "below")
+ }
+ }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &= attribute style:text-scale { percent }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-rotation-angle { integer }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-rotation-scale { "fixed" | "line-height" }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &= attribute fo:hyphenate { boolean }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count { positiveInteger }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:hyphenation-push-char-count { positiveInteger }?
+style-text-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:display { "true" }
+ | attribute text:display { "none" }
+ | (attribute text:display { "condition" },
+ attribute text:condition { "none" })
+ | empty
+style-paragraph-properties =
+ element style:paragraph-properties {
+ style-paragraph-properties-content
+ }
+style-paragraph-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-paragraph-properties-content-strict =
+ style-paragraph-properties-attlist,
+ style-paragraph-properties-elements
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:line-height { "normal" | nonNegativeLength | percent }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:line-height-at-least { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:line-spacing { length }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-independent-line-spacing { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-text-align
+common-text-align =
+ attribute fo:text-align {
+ "start" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify"
+ }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:text-align-last { "start" | "center" | "justify" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:justify-single-word { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:keep-together { "auto" | "always" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:widows { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:orphans { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-paragraph-properties-elements &= style-tab-stops
+style-tab-stops = element style:tab-stops { style-tab-stop* }?
+style-tab-stop =
+ element style:tab-stop { style-tab-stop-attlist, empty }
+style-tab-stop-attlist &= attribute style:position { nonNegativeLength }
+style-tab-stop-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "left" ]
+ attribute style:type { "left" | "center" | "right" }?
+ | (attribute style:type { "char" },
+ style-tab-stop-char-attlist)
+style-tab-stop-char-attlist &= attribute style:char { character }
+style-tab-stop-attlist &= attribute style:leader-type { lineType }?
+style-tab-stop-attlist &= attribute style:leader-style { lineStyle }?
+style-tab-stop-attlist &= attribute style:leader-width { lineWidth }?
+style-tab-stop-attlist &=
+ attribute style:leader-color { "font-color" | color }?
+style-tab-stop-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = " " ] attribute style:leader-text { \string }?
+style-tab-stop-attlist &=
+ attribute style:leader-text-style { styleNameRef }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:tab-stop-distance { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:hyphenation-keep { "auto" | "page" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:hyphenation-ladder-count {
+ "no-limit" | positiveInteger
+ }?
+style-paragraph-properties-elements &= style-drop-cap
+style-drop-cap =
+ element style:drop-cap { style-drop-cap-attlist, empty }?
+style-drop-cap-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ]
+ attribute style:length { "word" | positiveInteger }?
+style-drop-cap-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "1" ] attribute style:lines { positiveInteger }?
+style-drop-cap-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0cm" ] attribute style:distance { length }?
+style-drop-cap-attlist &= attribute style:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:register-true { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+common-horizontal-margin-attlist =
+ attribute fo:margin-left { length | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:margin-right { length | percent }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:text-indent { length | percent }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:auto-text-indent { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-vertical-margin-attlist
+common-vertical-margin-attlist =
+ attribute fo:margin-top { nonNegativeLength | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:margin-bottom { nonNegativeLength | percent }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-margin-attlist
+common-margin-attlist =
+ attribute fo:margin { nonNegativeLength | percent }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-break-attlist
+common-break-attlist =
+ attribute fo:break-before { "auto" | "column" | "page" }?,
+ attribute fo:break-after { "auto" | "column" | "page" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+common-background-color-attlist =
+ attribute fo:background-color { "transparent" | color }?
+style-paragraph-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-background-image =
+ element style:background-image {
+ style-background-image-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data | empty)
+ }?
+style-background-image-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "repeat" ]
+ attribute style:repeat { "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "stretch" }?
+style-background-image-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "center" ]
+ attribute style:position {
+ "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "top"
+ | "bottom"
+ | list { horiBackPos, vertBackPos }
+ | list { vertBackPos, horiBackPos }
+ }?
+horiBackPos = "left" | "center" | "right"
+vertBackPos = "top" | "center" | "bottom"
+style-background-image-attlist &=
+ attribute style:filter-name { \string }?
+style-background-image-attlist &= attribute draw:opacity { percent }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-border-attlist
+common-border-attlist =
+ attribute fo:border { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-top { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-bottom { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-left { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-right { \string }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-border-line-width-attlist
+common-border-line-width-attlist =
+ attribute style:border-line-width { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-top { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-bottom { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-left { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-right { borderWidths }?
+borderWidths = list { positiveLength, positiveLength, positiveLength }
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-padding-attlist
+common-padding-attlist =
+ attribute fo:padding { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-top { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-bottom { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-left { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-right { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-shadow-attlist
+common-shadow-attlist = attribute style:shadow { shadowType }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-keep-with-next-attlist
+common-keep-with-next-attlist =
+ attribute fo:keep-with-next { "auto" | "always" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute text:number-lines { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:line-number { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-autospace { "none" | "ideograph-alpha" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:punctuation-wrap { "simple" | "hanging" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:line-break { "normal" | "strict" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "auto" ]
+ attribute style:vertical-align {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "auto" | "baseline"
+ }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-writing-mode-attlist
+common-writing-mode-attlist =
+ attribute style:writing-mode {
+ "lr-tb" | "rl-tb" | "tb-rl" | "tb-lr" | "lr" | "rl" | "tb" | "page"
+ }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:writing-mode-automatic { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:snap-to-layout-grid { boolean }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &= common-page-number-attlist
+common-page-number-attlist =
+ attribute style:page-number { positiveInteger | "auto" }?
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:background-transparency { percent }?
+style-ruby-properties =
+ element style:ruby-properties { style-ruby-properties-content }
+style-ruby-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-ruby-properties-content-strict =
+ style-ruby-properties-attlist, style-ruby-properties-elements
+style-ruby-properties-elements = empty
+style-ruby-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:ruby-position { "above" | "below" }?
+style-ruby-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:ruby-align {
+ "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "distribute-letter"
+ | "distribute-space"
+ }?
+style-section-properties =
+ element style:section-properties { style-section-properties-content }
+style-section-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-section-properties-content-strict =
+ style-section-properties-attlist, style-section-properties-elements
+style-section-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-section-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-section-properties-attlist &= common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+style-section-properties-elements &= style-columns
+style-columns =
+ element style:columns {
+ style-columns-attlist, style-column-sep?, style-column*
+ }?
+style-columns-attlist &= attribute fo:column-count { positiveInteger }
+style-columns-attlist &= attribute fo:column-gap { length }?
+style-column = element style:column { style-column-attlist }
+style-column-attlist &= attribute style:rel-width { relativeLength }
+style-column-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0cm" ] attribute fo:start-indent { length }?
+style-column-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0cm" ] attribute fo:end-indent { length }?
+style-column-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0cm" ] attribute fo:space-before { length }?
+style-column-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0cm" ] attribute fo:space-after { length }?
+style-column-sep = element style:column-sep { style-column-sep-attlist }
+style-column-sep-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "solid" ]
+ attribute style:style {
+ "none" | "solid" | "dotted" | "dashed" | "dot-dashed"
+ }?
+style-column-sep-attlist &= attribute style:width { length }
+style-column-sep-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "100%" ] attribute style:height { percent }?
+style-column-sep-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "top" ]
+ attribute style:vertical-align { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?
+style-column-sep-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "#000000" ] attribute style:color { color }?
+style-section-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute style:protect { boolean }?
+style-section-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:dont-balance-text-columns { boolean }?
+style-section-properties-attlist &= common-writing-mode-attlist
+style-section-properties-elements &= text-notes-configuration*
+style-table-properties =
+ element style:table-properties { style-table-properties-content }
+style-table-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-table-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-properties-attlist, style-table-properties-elements
+style-table-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:width { positiveLength }?,
+ attribute style:rel-width { percent }?
+style-table-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute table:align { "left" | "center" | "right" | "margins" }?
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-vertical-margin-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-margin-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-page-number-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-break-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-table-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-shadow-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-keep-with-next-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:may-break-between-rows { boolean }?
+style-table-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute table:border-model { "collapsing" | "separating" }?
+style-table-properties-attlist &= common-writing-mode-attlist
+style-table-properties-attlist &= attribute table:display { boolean }?
+style-table-column-properties =
+ element style:table-column-properties {
+ style-table-column-properties-content
+ }
+style-table-column-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-table-column-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-column-properties-attlist,
+ style-table-column-properties-elements
+style-table-column-properties-elements = empty
+style-table-column-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:column-width { positiveLength }?,
+ attribute style:rel-column-width { relativeLength }?
+style-table-column-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:use-optimal-column-width { boolean }?
+style-table-column-properties-attlist &= common-break-attlist
+style-table-row-properties =
+ element style:table-row-properties {
+ style-table-row-properties-content
+ }
+style-table-row-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-table-row-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-row-properties-attlist,
+ style-table-row-properties-elements
+style-table-row-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:row-height { positiveLength }?,
+ attribute style:min-row-height { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-table-row-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:use-optimal-row-height { boolean }?
+style-table-row-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-table-row-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-table-row-properties-attlist &= common-break-attlist
+style-table-row-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:keep-together { "auto" | "always" }?
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+ element style:table-cell-properties {
+ style-table-cell-properties-content
+ }
+style-table-cell-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-table-cell-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-cell-properties-attlist,
+ style-table-cell-properties-elements
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:vertical-align {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "automatic"
+ }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:text-align-source { "fix" | "value-type" }?
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+common-style-direction-attlist =
+ attribute style:direction { "ltr" | "ttb" }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:glyph-orientation-vertical { "auto" | "0" }?
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+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-table-cell-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &= common-border-attlist
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:diagonal-tl-br { \string }?,
+ attribute style:diagonal-tl-br-widths { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:diagonal-bl-tr { \string }?,
+ attribute style:diagonal-bl-tr-widths { borderWidths }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &= common-border-line-width-attlist
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &= common-padding-attlist
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:wrap-option { "no-wrap" | "wrap" }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &= common-rotation-angle-attlist
+common-rotation-angle-attlist =
+ attribute style:rotation-angle { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:rotation-align {
+ "none" | "bottom" | "top" | "center"
+ }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:cell-protect {
+ "none"
+ | "hidden-and-protected"
+ | list { ("protected" | "formula-hidden")+ }
+ }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:print-content { boolean }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:decimal-places { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:repeat-content { boolean }?
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:shrink-to-fit { boolean }?
+style-list-level-properties =
+ element style:list-level-properties {
+ style-list-level-properties-content
+ }
+style-list-level-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-list-level-properties-content-strict =
+ style-list-level-properties-attlist,
+ style-list-level-properties-elements
+style-list-level-properties-elements = empty
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &= common-text-align
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:space-before { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:min-label-width { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:min-label-distance { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:font-name { \string }?
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:width { positiveLength }?,
+ attribute fo:height { positiveLength }?
+style-list-level-properties-attlist &=
+ common-vertical-rel-attlist, common-vertical-pos-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:stroke { "none" | "dash" | "solid" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:stroke-dash { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:stroke-dash-names { styleNameRefs }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:stroke-width { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:stroke-color { color }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:marker-start { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:marker-end { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:marker-start-width { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:marker-end-width { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:marker-start-center { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:marker-end-center { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:stroke-opacity {
+ xsd:double { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "1" }
+ | percent
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:stroke-linejoin {
+ "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "middle" | "none" | "inherit"
+ }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill {
+ "none" | "solid" | "bitmap" | "gradient" | "hatch"
+ }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-color { color }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:secondary-fill-color { color }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-gradient-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:gradient-step-count { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-hatch-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-hatch-solid { boolean }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-image-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:repeat { "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "stretch" }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-image-width { length | percent }?,
+ attribute draw:fill-image-height { length | percent }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point-x { percent }?,
+ attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point-y { percent }?,
+ attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point {
+ "top-left"
+ | "top"
+ | "top-right"
+ | "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "bottom-left"
+ | "bottom"
+ | "bottom-right"
+ }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:tile-repeat-offset { text }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:opacity { percent }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:opacity-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute svg:fill-rule { "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:symbol-color { color }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation {
+ "none" | "scroll" | "alternate" | "slide"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation-direction {
+ "left" | "right" | "up" | "down"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation-start-inside { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation-stop-inside { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation-repeat { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation-delay { duration }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute text:animation-steps { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:auto-grow-width { boolean }?,
+ attribute draw:auto-grow-height { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fit-to-size { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:fit-to-contour { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:textarea-vertical-align {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "justify"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:textarea-horizontal-align {
+ "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:wrap-option { "no-wrap" | "wrap" }?
+style-graphic-properties-elements &= text-list-style?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:color-mode {
+ "greyscale" | "mono" | "watermark" | "standard"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:color-inversion { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:luminance { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:contrast { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:gamma { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:red { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:green { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:blue { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:image-opacity { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:shadow { "visible" | "hidden" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:shadow-offset-x { length }?,
+ attribute draw:shadow-offset-y { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:shadow-color { color }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:shadow-opacity { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal { distance }?,
+ attribute draw:start-line-spacing-vertical { distance }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal { distance }?,
+ attribute draw:end-line-spacing-vertical { distance }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:line-distance { distance }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:guide-overhang { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:guide-distance { distance }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:start-guide { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:end-guide { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:placing { "below" | "above" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute draw:parallel { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:measure-align {
+ "automatic" | "left-outside" | "inside" | "right-outside"
+ }?,
+ attribute draw:measure-vertical-align {
+ "automatic" | "above" | "below" | "center"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:unit {
+ "automatic"
+ | "mm"
+ | "cm"
+ | "m"
+ | "km"
+ | "pt"
+ | "pc"
+ | "inch"
+ | "ft"
+ | "mi"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:show-unit { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:decimal-places { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-type {
+ "straight-line" | "angled-line" | "angled-connector-line"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-angle-type { "fixed" | "free" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-angle { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-gap { distance }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-escape-direction {
+ "horizontal" | "vertical" | "auto"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-escape { length | percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-line-length { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:caption-fit-line-length { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:horizontal-segments { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:vertical-segments { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:edge-rounding { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:edge-rounding-mode { "correct" | "attractive" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:back-scale { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= attribute dr3d:depth { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:backface-culling { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:end-angle { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:close-front { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:close-back { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:lighting-mode { "standard" | "double-sided" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:normals-kind { "object" | "flat" | "sphere" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:normals-direction { "normal" | "inverse" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x {
+ "object" | "parallel" | "sphere"
+ }?,
+ attribute dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y {
+ "object" | "parallel" | "sphere"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:texture-kind { "luminance" | "intensity" | "color" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:texture-filter { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:texture-mode { "replace" | "modulate" | "blend" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:ambient-color { color }?,
+ attribute dr3d:emissive-color { color }?,
+ attribute dr3d:specular-color { color }?,
+ attribute dr3d:diffuse-color { color }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:shininess { percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute dr3d:shadow { "visible" | "hidden" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ common-draw-rel-size-attlist,
+ attribute fo:min-width { length | percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:min-height { length | percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:max-height { length | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:max-width { length | percent }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-vertical-margin-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-margin-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:print-content { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:protect {
+ "none"
+ | list { ("content" | "position" | "size")+ }
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:horizontal-pos {
+ "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "from-left"
+ | "inside"
+ | "outside"
+ | "from-inside"
+ }?,
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:horizontal-rel {
+ "page"
+ | "page-content"
+ | "page-start-margin"
+ | "page-end-margin"
+ | "frame"
+ | "frame-content"
+ | "frame-start-margin"
+ | "frame-end-margin"
+ | "paragraph"
+ | "paragraph-content"
+ | "paragraph-start-margin"
+ | "paragraph-end-margin"
+ | "char"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-vertical-pos-attlist
+common-vertical-pos-attlist =
+ attribute style:vertical-pos {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "from-top" | "below"
+ }?,
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-vertical-rel-attlist
+common-vertical-rel-attlist =
+ attribute style:vertical-rel {
+ "page"
+ | "page-content"
+ | "frame"
+ | "frame-content"
+ | "paragraph"
+ | "paragraph-content"
+ | "char"
+ | "line"
+ | "baseline"
+ | "text"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-text-anchor-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-border-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-border-line-width-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-padding-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-shadow-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-background-color-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-elements &= style-background-image
+style-graphic-properties-elements &= style-columns
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:editable { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:wrap {
+ "none"
+ | "left"
+ | "right"
+ | "parallel"
+ | "dynamic"
+ | "run-through"
+ | "biggest"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:wrap-dynamic-threshold { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:number-wrapped-paragraphs {
+ "no-limit" | positiveInteger
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:wrap-contour { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:wrap-contour-mode { "full" | "outside" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:run-through { "foreground" | "background" }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:flow-with-text { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:overflow-behavior {
+ "clip" | "auto-create-new-frame"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute style:mirror {
+ "none"
+ | "vertical"
+ | horizontal-mirror
+ | list { "vertical", horizontal-mirror }
+ | list { horizontal-mirror, "vertical" }
+ }?
+horizontal-mirror =
+ "horizontal" | "horizontal-on-odd" | "horizontal-on-even"
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute fo:clip {
+ # The attribute value must match the one XSL's clip
+ \string
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "iterative" ]
+ attribute draw:wrap-influence-on-position {
+ "iterative" | "once-concurrent" | "once-successive"
+ }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &= common-writing-mode-attlist
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:frame-display-scrollbar { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:frame-display-border { boolean }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:frame-margin-horizontal { nonNegativePixelLength }?,
+ attribute draw:frame-margin-vertical { nonNegativePixelLength }?
+nonNegativePixelLength =
+ xsd:string { pattern = "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px)" }
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:visible-area-left { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute draw:visible-area-top { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute draw:visible-area-width { positiveLength }?,
+ attribute draw:visible-area-height { positiveLength }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:ole-draw-aspect { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-chart-properties =
+ element style:chart-properties { style-chart-properties-content }
+style-chart-properties-content = style-properties-content
+style-chart-properties-content-strict =
+ style-chart-properties-attlist, style-chart-properties-elements
+style-chart-properties-elements = empty
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute chart:scale-text { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:three-dimensional { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &= attribute chart:deep { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:symbol-type { "none" }
+ | attribute chart:symbol-type { "automatic" }
+ | (attribute chart:symbol-type { "named-symbol" },
+ attribute chart:symbol-name {
+ "square"
+ | "diamond"
+ | "arrow-down"
+ | "arrow-up"
+ | "arrow-right"
+ | "arrow-left"
+ | "bow-tie"
+ | "hourglass"
+ | "circle"
+ | "star"
+ | "x"
+ | "plus"
+ | "asterisk"
+ | "horizontal-bar"
+ | "vertical-bar"
+ })
+ | (attribute chart:symbol-type { "image" },
+ element chart:symbol-image {
+ attribute xlink:href { anyURI }
+ })
+ | empty
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:symbol-width { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute chart:symbol-height { nonNegativeLength }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute chart:vertical { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute chart:connect-bars { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:gap-width { integer }?,
+ attribute chart:overlap { integer }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ]
+ attribute chart:japanese-candle-stick { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute chart:interpolation {
+ "none" | "cubic-spline" | "b-spline"
+ }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "2" ]
+ attribute chart:spline-order { positiveInteger }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "20" ]
+ attribute chart:spline-resolution { positiveInteger }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "0" ]
+ attribute chart:pie-offset { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute chart:lines { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "cuboid" ]
+ attribute chart:solid-type {
+ "cuboid" | "cylinder" | "cone" | "pyramid"
+ }?
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+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute chart:stacked { boolean }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute chart:percentage { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:link-data-style-to-source { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &= attribute chart:visible { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:logarithmic { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:maximum { double }?,
+ attribute chart:minimum { double }?,
+ attribute chart:origin { double }?,
+ attribute chart:interval-major { double }?,
+ attribute chart:interval-minor-divisor { positiveInteger }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:tick-marks-major-inner { boolean }?,
+ attribute chart:tick-marks-major-outer { boolean }?,
+ attribute chart:tick-marks-minor-inner { boolean }?,
+ attribute chart:tick-marks-minor-outer { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:display-label { boolean }?,
+ attribute chart:text-overlap { boolean }?,
+ attribute text:line-break { boolean }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "side-by-side" ]
+ attribute chart:label-arrangement {
+ "side-by-side" | "stagger-even" | "stagger-odd"
+ }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &= common-style-direction-attlist
+style-chart-properties-attlist &= common-rotation-angle-attlist
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:data-label-number { "none" | "value" | "percentage" }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:data-label-text { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:data-label-symbol { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:mean-value { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute chart:error-category {
+ "none"
+ | "variance"
+ | "standard-deviation"
+ | "percentage"
+ | "error-margin"
+ | "constant"
+ }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:error-percentage { double }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:error-margin { double }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:error-lower-limit { double }?,
+ attribute chart:error-upper-limit { double }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute chart:error-upper-indicator { boolean }?,
+ attribute chart:error-lower-indicator { boolean }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "columns" ]
+ attribute chart:series-source { "columns" | "rows" }?
+style-chart-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "none" ]
+ attribute chart:regression-type {
+ "none" | "linear" | "logarithmic" | "exponential" | "power"
+ }?
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+ attribute presentation:transition-type {
+ "manual" | "automatic" | "semi-automatic"
+ }?
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+ attribute presentation:transition-style {
+ "none"
+ | "fade-from-left"
+ | "fade-from-top"
+ | "fade-from-right"
+ | "fade-from-bottom"
+ | "fade-from-upperleft"
+ | "fade-from-upperright"
+ | "fade-from-lowerleft"
+ | "fade-from-lowerright"
+ | "move-from-left"
+ | "move-from-top"
+ | "move-from-right"
+ | "move-from-bottom"
+ | "move-from-upperleft"
+ | "move-from-upperright"
+ | "move-from-lowerleft"
+ | "move-from-lowerright"
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+ | "uncover-to-right"
+ | "uncover-to-bottom"
+ | "uncover-to-upperleft"
+ | "uncover-to-upperright"
+ | "uncover-to-lowerleft"
+ | "uncover-to-lowerright"
+ | "fade-to-center"
+ | "fade-from-center"
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+ | "counterclockwise"
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+ | "close-horizontal"
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+ | "wavyline-from-bottom"
+ | "spiralin-left"
+ | "spiralin-right"
+ | "spiralout-left"
+ | "spiralout-right"
+ | "roll-from-top"
+ | "roll-from-left"
+ | "roll-from-right"
+ | "roll-from-bottom"
+ | "stretch-from-left"
+ | "stretch-from-top"
+ | "stretch-from-right"
+ | "stretch-from-bottom"
+ | "vertical-lines"
+ | "horizontal-lines"
+ | "dissolve"
+ | "random"
+ | "vertical-checkerboard"
+ | "horizontal-checkerboard"
+ | "interlocking-horizontal-left"
+ | "interlocking-horizontal-right"
+ | "interlocking-vertical-top"
+ | "interlocking-vertical-bottom"
+ | "fly-away"
+ | "open"
+ | "close"
+ | "melt"
+ }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:transition-speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:type { \string }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:subtype { \string }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ [ a:defaultValue = "forward" ]
+ attribute smil:direction { "forward" | "reverse" }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute smil:fadeColor { color }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:duration { duration }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:visibility { "visible" | "hidden" }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-elements &= presentation-sound?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute draw:background-size { "full" | "border" }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:background-objects-visible { boolean }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:background-visible { boolean }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:display-header { boolean }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:display-footer { boolean }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:display-page-number { boolean }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist &=
+ attribute presentation:display-date-time { boolean }?
+\string = xsd:string
+date = xsd:date
+time = xsd:time
+dateTime = xsd:dateTime
+duration = xsd:duration
+integer = xsd:integer
+nonNegativeInteger = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
+positiveInteger = xsd:positiveInteger
+double = xsd:double
+anyURI = xsd:anyURI
+base64Binary = xsd:base64Binary
+ID = xsd:ID
+boolean = "true" | "false"
+dateOrDateTime = xsd:date | xsd:dateTime
+timeOrDateTime = xsd:time | xsd:dateTime
+language = xsd:language
+countryCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}" }
+languageCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z]{1,8}" }
+character = xsd:string { length = "1" }
+length =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
+ }
+nonNegativeLength =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
+ }
+positiveLength =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
+ }
+percent = xsd:string { pattern = "-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)%" }
+relativeLength = xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+\*" }
+coordinate = length
+distance = length
+color = xsd:string { pattern = "#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}" }
+styleName = xsd:NCName
+styleNameRef = xsd:NCName | empty
+styleNameRefs = list { xsd:NCName* }
+variableName = xsd:string
+formula =
+ # A formula should start with a namespace prefix,
+ # but has no restrictions
+ xsd:string
+targetFrameName = "_self" | "_blank" | "_parent" | "_top" | \string
+valueType =
+ "float"
+ | "time"
+ | "date"
+ | "percentage"
+ | "currency"
+ | "boolean"
+ | "string"
+points =
+ xsd:string { pattern = "-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)*" }
+pathData = xsd:string
+vector3D =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\)"
+ }
+namespacedToken =
+ xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9a-zA-Z_]+:[0-9a-zA-Z._\-]+" }
+anyAttListOrElements =
+ attribute * { text }*,
+ anyElements
+anyElements =
+ element * {
+ mixed { anyAttListOrElements }
+ }*
diff --git a/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc b/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83ad017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/odt/etc/schema/od-schema-v1.2-cs01.rnc
@@ -0,0 +1,6280 @@
+# Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2
+# Committee Specification (CS) 01, 17 March 2011
+# Relax-NG Schema
+# Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+# All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them
+# in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The
+# full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.
+# This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and
+# derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
+# implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or
+# in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright
+# notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works.
+# However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by
+# removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the
+# purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS
+# Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set
+# forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it
+# into languages other than English.
+# The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by
+# OASIS or its successors or assigns.
+# This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS"
+namespace anim = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"
+namespace chart = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0"
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+namespace text = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0"
+namespace xforms = ""
+namespace xhtml = ""
+namespace xlink = ""
+office-process-content = attribute office:process-content { boolean }?
+start =
+ office-document
+ | office-document-content
+ | office-document-styles
+ | office-document-meta
+ | office-document-settings
+office-document =
+ element office:document {
+ office-document-attrs,
+ office-document-common-attrs,
+ office-meta,
+ office-settings,
+ office-scripts,
+ office-font-face-decls,
+ office-styles,
+ office-automatic-styles,
+ office-master-styles,
+ office-body
+ }
+office-document-content =
+ element office:document-content {
+ office-document-common-attrs,
+ office-scripts,
+ office-font-face-decls,
+ office-automatic-styles,
+ office-body
+ }
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+ element office:document-styles {
+ office-document-common-attrs,
+ office-font-face-decls,
+ office-styles,
+ office-automatic-styles,
+ office-master-styles
+ }
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+ element office:document-meta {
+ office-document-common-attrs, office-meta
+ }
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+ element office:document-settings {
+ office-document-common-attrs, office-settings
+ }
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+ attribute office:version { "1.2" }
+ & attribute grddl:transformation {
+ list { anyIRI* }
+ }?
+office-document-attrs = attribute office:mimetype { \string }
+office-meta = element office:meta { office-meta-content-strict }?
+office-meta-content-strict = office-meta-data*
+office-body = element office:body { office-body-content }
+office-body-content =
+ element office:text {
+ office-text-attlist,
+ office-text-content-prelude,
+ office-text-content-main,
+ office-text-content-epilogue
+ }
+ | element office:drawing {
+ office-drawing-attlist,
+ office-drawing-content-prelude,
+ office-drawing-content-main,
+ office-drawing-content-epilogue
+ }
+ | element office:presentation {
+ office-presentation-attlist,
+ office-presentation-content-prelude,
+ office-presentation-content-main,
+ office-presentation-content-epilogue
+ }
+ | element office:spreadsheet {
+ office-spreadsheet-attlist,
+ office-spreadsheet-content-prelude,
+ office-spreadsheet-content-main,
+ office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue
+ }
+ | element office:chart {
+ office-chart-attlist,
+ office-chart-content-prelude,
+ office-chart-content-main,
+ office-chart-content-epilogue
+ }
+ | element office:image {
+ office-image-attlist,
+ office-image-content-prelude,
+ office-image-content-main,
+ office-image-content-epilogue
+ }
+ | office-database
+office-text-content-prelude =
+ office-forms, text-tracked-changes, text-decls, table-decls
+office-text-content-main =
+ text-content*
+ | (text-page-sequence, (shape)*)
+text-content =
+ text-h
+ | text-p
+ | text-list
+ | text-numbered-paragraph
+ | table-table
+ | text-section
+ | text-soft-page-break
+ | text-table-of-content
+ | text-illustration-index
+ | text-table-index
+ | text-object-index
+ | text-user-index
+ | text-alphabetical-index
+ | text-bibliography
+ | shape
+ | change-marks
+office-text-content-epilogue = table-functions
+office-text-attlist =
+ attribute text:global { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:use-soft-page-breaks { boolean }?
+office-drawing-attlist = empty
+office-drawing-content-prelude = text-decls, table-decls
+office-drawing-content-main = draw-page*
+office-drawing-content-epilogue = table-functions
+office-presentation-attlist = empty
+office-presentation-content-prelude =
+ text-decls, table-decls, presentation-decls
+office-presentation-content-main = draw-page*
+office-presentation-content-epilogue =
+ presentation-settings, table-functions
+office-spreadsheet-content-prelude =
+ table-tracked-changes?, text-decls, table-decls
+table-decls =
+ table-calculation-settings?,
+ table-content-validations?,
+ table-label-ranges?
+office-spreadsheet-content-main = table-table*
+office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue = table-functions
+table-functions =
+ table-named-expressions?,
+ table-database-ranges?,
+ table-data-pilot-tables?,
+ table-consolidation?,
+ table-dde-links?
+office-chart-attlist = empty
+office-chart-content-prelude = text-decls, table-decls
+office-chart-content-main = chart-chart
+office-chart-content-epilogue = table-functions
+office-image-attlist = empty
+office-image-content-prelude = empty
+office-image-content-main = draw-frame
+office-image-content-epilogue = empty
+office-settings = element office:settings { config-config-item-set+ }?
+config-config-item-set =
+ element config:config-item-set {
+ config-config-item-set-attlist, config-items
+ }
+config-items =
+ (config-config-item
+ | config-config-item-set
+ | config-config-item-map-named
+ | config-config-item-map-indexed)+
+config-config-item-set-attlist = attribute config:name { \string }
+config-config-item =
+ element config:config-item { config-config-item-attlist, text }
+config-config-item-attlist =
+ attribute config:name { \string }
+ & attribute config:type {
+ "boolean"
+ | "short"
+ | "int"
+ | "long"
+ | "double"
+ | "string"
+ | "datetime"
+ | "base64Binary"
+ }
+config-config-item-map-indexed =
+ element config:config-item-map-indexed {
+ config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist,
+ config-config-item-map-entry+
+ }
+config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist =
+ attribute config:name { \string }
+config-config-item-map-entry =
+ element config:config-item-map-entry {
+ config-config-item-map-entry-attlist, config-items
+ }
+config-config-item-map-entry-attlist =
+ attribute config:name { \string }?
+config-config-item-map-named =
+ element config:config-item-map-named {
+ config-config-item-map-named-attlist, config-config-item-map-entry+
+ }
+config-config-item-map-named-attlist = attribute config:name { \string }
+office-scripts =
+ element office:scripts { office-script*, office-event-listeners? }?
+office-script =
+ element office:script {
+ office-script-attlist,
+ mixed { anyElements }
+ }
+office-script-attlist = attribute script:language { \string }
+office-font-face-decls =
+ element office:font-face-decls { style-font-face* }?
+office-styles =
+ element office:styles {
+ styles
+ & style-default-style*
+ & style-default-page-layout?
+ & text-outline-style?
+ & text-notes-configuration*
+ & text-bibliography-configuration?
+ & text-linenumbering-configuration?
+ & draw-gradient*
+ & svg-linearGradient*
+ & svg-radialGradient*
+ & draw-hatch*
+ & draw-fill-image*
+ & draw-marker*
+ & draw-stroke-dash*
+ & draw-opacity*
+ & style-presentation-page-layout*
+ & table-table-template*
+ }?
+office-automatic-styles =
+ element office:automatic-styles { styles & style-page-layout* }?
+office-master-styles =
+ element office:master-styles {
+ style-master-page* & style-handout-master? & draw-layer-set?
+ }?
+styles =
+ style-style*
+ & text-list-style*
+ & number-number-style*
+ & number-currency-style*
+ & number-percentage-style*
+ & number-date-style*
+ & number-time-style*
+ & number-boolean-style*
+ & number-text-style*
+office-meta-data =
+ element meta:generator { \string }
+ | element dc:title { \string }
+ | element dc:description { \string }
+ | element dc:subject { \string }
+ | element meta:keyword { \string }
+ | element meta:initial-creator { \string }
+ | dc-creator
+ | element meta:printed-by { \string }
+ | element meta:creation-date { dateTime }
+ | dc-date
+ | element meta:print-date { dateTime }
+ | element meta:template {
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
+ attribute xlink:title { \string }?,
+ attribute meta:date { dateTime }?
+ }
+ | element meta:auto-reload {
+ (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "replace" }?,
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?)?,
+ attribute meta:delay { duration }?
+ }
+ | element meta:hyperlink-behaviour {
+ attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
+ }
+ | element dc:language { language }
+ | element meta:editing-cycles { nonNegativeInteger }
+ | element meta:editing-duration { duration }
+ | element meta:document-statistic {
+ attribute meta:page-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:table-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:draw-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:image-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:ole-object-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:object-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:paragraph-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:word-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:character-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:frame-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:sentence-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:syllable-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:non-whitespace-character-count {
+ nonNegativeInteger
+ }?,
+ attribute meta:row-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ attribute meta:cell-count { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ }
+ | element meta:user-defined {
+ attribute meta:name { \string },
+ ((attribute meta:value-type { "float" },
+ double)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "date" },
+ dateOrDateTime)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "time" },
+ duration)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "boolean" },
+ boolean)
+ | (attribute meta:value-type { "string" },
+ \string)
+ | text)
+ }
+dc-creator = element dc:creator { \string }
+dc-date = element dc:date { dateTime }
+text-h =
+ element text:h {
+ heading-attrs,
+ paragraph-attrs,
+ text-number?,
+ paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
+ }
+heading-attrs =
+ attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }
+ & attribute text:restart-numbering { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute text:is-list-header { boolean }?
+text-number = element text:number { \string }
+text-p =
+ element text:p { paragraph-attrs, paragraph-content-or-hyperlink* }
+paragraph-attrs =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:class-names { styleNameRefs }?
+ & attribute text:cond-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & (xml-id,
+ attribute text:id { NCName }?)?
+ & common-in-content-meta-attlist?
+text-page-sequence = element text:page-sequence { text-page+ }
+text-page = element text:page { text-page-attlist, empty }
+text-page-attlist = attribute text:master-page-name { styleNameRef }
+text-list =
+ element text:list {
+ text-list-attr, text-list-header?, text-list-item*
+ }
+text-list-attr =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:continue-numbering { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:continue-list { IDREF }?
+ & xml-id?
+text-list-item =
+ element text:list-item { text-list-item-attr, text-list-item-content }
+text-list-item-content =
+ text-number?, (text-p | text-h | text-list | text-soft-page-break)*
+text-list-item-attr =
+ attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute text:style-override { styleNameRef }?
+ & xml-id?
+text-list-header =
+ element text:list-header {
+ text-list-header-attr, text-list-item-content
+ }
+text-list-header-attr = xml-id?
+text-numbered-paragraph =
+ element text:numbered-paragraph {
+ text-numbered-paragraph-attr, text-number?, (text-p | text-h)
+ }
+text-numbered-paragraph-attr =
+ attribute text:list-id { NCName }
+ & attribute text:level { positiveInteger }?
+ & (attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef },
+ attribute text:continue-numbering { boolean },
+ attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger })?
+ & xml-id?
+text-section =
+ element text:section {
+ text-section-attlist,
+ (text-section-source | text-section-source-dde | empty),
+ text-content*
+ }
+text-section-attlist =
+ common-section-attlist
+ & (attribute text:display { "true" | "none" }
+ | (attribute text:display { "condition" },
+ attribute text:condition { \string })
+ | empty)
+common-section-attlist =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:name { \string }
+ & attribute text:protected { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:protection-key { \string }?
+ & attribute text:protection-key-digest-algorithm { anyIRI }?
+ & xml-id?
+text-section-source =
+ element text:section-source { text-section-source-attr }
+text-section-source-attr =
+ (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?)?
+ & attribute text:section-name { \string }?
+ & attribute text:filter-name { \string }?
+text-section-source-dde = office-dde-source
+text-tracked-changes =
+ element text:tracked-changes {
+ text-tracked-changes-attr, text-changed-region*
+ }?
+text-tracked-changes-attr = attribute text:track-changes { boolean }?
+text-changed-region =
+ element text:changed-region {
+ text-changed-region-attr, text-changed-region-content
+ }
+text-changed-region-attr =
+ xml-id,
+ attribute text:id { NCName }?
+text-changed-region-content =
+ element text:insertion { office-change-info }
+ | element text:deletion { office-change-info, text-content* }
+ | element text:format-change { office-change-info }
+change-marks =
+ element text:change { change-mark-attr }
+ | element text:change-start { change-mark-attr }
+ | element text:change-end { change-mark-attr }
+change-mark-attr = attribute text:change-id { IDREF }
+text-soft-page-break = element text:soft-page-break { empty }
+text-decls =
+ element text:variable-decls { text-variable-decl* }?,
+ element text:sequence-decls { text-sequence-decl* }?,
+ element text:user-field-decls { text-user-field-decl* }?,
+ element text:dde-connection-decls { text-dde-connection-decl* }?,
+ text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file?
+paragraph-content-or-hyperlink = paragraph-content | text-a
+paragraph-content =
+ text
+ | element text:s {
+ attribute text:c { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ }
+ | element text:tab { text-tab-attr }
+ | element text:line-break { empty }
+ | text-soft-page-break
+ | element text:span {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute text:class-names { styleNameRefs }?,
+ paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
+ }
+ | element text:meta {
+ text-meta-attlist, paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
+ }
+ | (text-bookmark | text-bookmark-start | text-bookmark-end)
+ | element text:reference-mark {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+ | (element text:reference-mark-start {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ }
+ | element text:reference-mark-end {
+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ })
+ | element text:note {
+ text-note-class,
+ attribute text:id { \string }?,
+ element text:note-citation {
+ attribute text:label { \string }?,
+ text
+ },
+ element text:note-body { text-content* }
+ }
+ | element text:ruby {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ element text:ruby-base { paragraph-content-or-hyperlink* },
+ element text:ruby-text {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text
+ }
+ }
+ | (office-annotation | office-annotation-end)
+ | change-marks
+ | shape
+ | element text:date { text-date-attlist, text }
+ | element text:time { text-time-attlist, text }
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+ | element text:sender-email { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sender-phone-private {
+ common-field-fixed-attlist, text
+ }
+ | element text:sender-fax { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sender-company { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sender-phone-work { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sender-street { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
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+ | element text:sender-postal-code { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sender-country { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sender-state-or-province {
+ common-field-fixed-attlist, text
+ }
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+ | element text:author-initials { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
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+ | element text:template-name { text-template-name-attlist, text }
+ | element text:sheet-name { text }
+ | element text:variable-set {
+ (common-field-name-attlist
+ & common-field-formula-attlist
+ & common-value-and-type-attlist
+ & common-field-display-value-none-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:variable-get {
+ (common-field-name-attlist
+ & common-field-display-value-formula-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:variable-input {
+ (common-field-name-attlist
+ & common-field-description-attlist
+ & common-value-type-attlist
+ & common-field-display-value-none-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:user-field-get {
+ (common-field-name-attlist
+ & common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:user-field-input {
+ (common-field-name-attlist
+ & common-field-description-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
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+ (common-field-name-attlist
+ & common-field-formula-attlist
+ & common-field-num-format-attlist
+ & text-sequence-ref-name),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:expression {
+ (common-field-formula-attlist
+ & common-value-and-type-attlist?
+ & common-field-display-value-formula-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
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+ | element text:initial-creator { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
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+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:date-value { dateOrDateTime }?),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:creation-time {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:time-value { timeOrDateTime }?),
+ text
+ }
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+ | element text:user-defined {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & attribute text:name { \string }
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute office:value { double }?
+ & attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime }?
+ & attribute office:time-value { duration }?
+ & attribute office:boolean-value { boolean }?
+ & attribute office:string-value { \string }?),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:print-time {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:time-value { time }?),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:print-date {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:date-value { date }?),
+ text
+ }
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+ | element text:keywords { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:editing-cycles { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
+ | element text:editing-duration {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:duration { duration }?),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:modification-time {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:time-value { time }?),
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:modification-date {
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:date-value { date }?),
+ text
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+ | text:image-count
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+ common-field-num-format-attlist, text
+ }
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+ text-database-display-attlist, text
+ }
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+ | element text:database-row-select {
+ text-database-row-select-attlist
+ }
+ | element text:database-row-number {
+ (common-field-database-table
+ & common-field-num-format-attlist
+ & attribute text:value { nonNegativeInteger }?),
+ text
+ }
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+ text-set-page-variable-attlist, text
+ }
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+ text-get-page-variable-attlist, text
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+ text-conditional-text-attlist, text
+ }
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+ | element text:reference-ref | text:bookmark-ref {
+ text-common-ref-content & text-bookmark-ref-content
+ }
+ | element text:note-ref {
+ text-common-ref-content & text-note-ref-content
+ }
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+ text-common-ref-content & text-sequence-ref-content
+ }
+ | element text:script {
+ ((attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI })
+ | text)
+ & attribute script:language { \string }?
+ }
+ | element text:execute-macro {
+ attribute text:name { \string }?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ text
+ }
+ | element text:hidden-paragraph {
+ text-hidden-paragraph-attlist, text
+ }
+ | element text:dde-connection {
+ attribute text:connection-name { \string },
+ text
+ }
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+ attribute text:kind { "value" | "unit" | "gap" },
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+ | element text:table-formula {
+ (common-field-formula-attlist
+ & common-field-display-value-formula-attlist
+ & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
+ text
+ }
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+ text-meta-field-attlist, paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
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+ | element text:toc-mark-end { text-id }
+ | element text:toc-mark {
+ attribute text:string-value { \string },
+ text-outline-level
+ }
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+ text-id, text-outline-level, text-index-name
+ }
+ | element text:user-index-mark-end { text-id }
+ | element text:user-index-mark {
+ attribute text:string-value { \string },
+ text-outline-level,
+ text-index-name
+ }
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+ text-id, text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs
+ }
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+ | element text:alphabetical-index-mark {
+ attribute text:string-value { \string },
+ text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs
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+ attribute text:bibliography-type { text-bibliography-types },
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+ | text:institution
+ | text:journal
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+ | text:custom1
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+ | text:custom3
+ | text:custom4
+ | text:custom5
+ | text:isbn
+ | text:issn { \string }*,
+ text
+ }
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+ | element presentation:footer { empty }
+ | element presentation:date-time { empty }
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+ element text:a {
+ text-a-attlist, office-event-listeners?, paragraph-content*
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+ element text:bookmark-start { text-bookmark-start-attlist, empty }
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+ element text:bookmark-end { text-bookmark-end-attlist, empty }
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+ attribute text:name { \string }
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+ attribute text:name { \string }
+ & xml-id?
+ & common-in-content-meta-attlist?
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+text-note-class = attribute text:note-class { "footnote" | "endnote" }
+text-date-attlist =
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist & common-field-data-style-name-attlist)
+ & attribute text:date-value { dateOrDateTime }?
+ & attribute text:date-adjust { duration }?
+text-time-attlist =
+ (common-field-fixed-attlist & common-field-data-style-name-attlist)
+ & attribute text:time-value { timeOrDateTime }?
+ & attribute text:time-adjust { duration }?
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+ (common-field-num-format-attlist & common-field-fixed-attlist)
+ & attribute text:page-adjust { integer }?
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+ attribute text:select-page { "previous" | "next" }
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+ attribute text:display {
+ "name"
+ | "number"
+ | "number-and-name"
+ | "plain-number-and-name"
+ | "plain-number"
+ }
+ & attribute text:outline-level { nonNegativeInteger }
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+ attribute text:display {
+ "full" | "path" | "name" | "name-and-extension"
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+ attribute text:display {
+ "full" | "path" | "name" | "name-and-extension" | "area" | "title"
+ }?
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+ element text:variable-decl {
+ common-field-name-attlist, common-value-type-attlist
+ }
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+ element text:user-field-decl {
+ common-field-name-attlist,
+ common-field-formula-attlist?,
+ common-value-and-type-attlist
+ }
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+ element text:sequence-decl { text-sequence-decl-attlist }
+text-sequence-decl-attlist =
+ common-field-name-attlist
+ & attribute text:display-outline-level { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute text:separation-character { character }?
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+ common-field-database-table-attlist, common-field-database-name
+common-field-database-name =
+ attribute text:database-name { \string }?
+ | form-connection-resource
+common-field-database-table-attlist =
+ attribute text:table-name { \string }
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+ common-field-database-table
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+ & attribute text:column-name { \string }
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+ common-field-database-table
+ & attribute text:condition { \string }?
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+ common-field-database-table
+ & attribute text:condition { \string }?
+ & attribute text:row-number { nonNegativeInteger }?
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+ attribute text:active { boolean }?
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+ attribute text:placeholder-type {
+ "text" | "table" | "text-box" | "image" | "object"
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+ & common-field-description-attlist
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+ attribute text:condition { \string }
+ & attribute text:string-value-if-true { \string }
+ & attribute text:string-value-if-false { \string }
+ & attribute text:current-value { boolean }?
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+ attribute text:condition { \string }
+ & attribute text:string-value { \string }
+ & attribute text:is-hidden { boolean }?
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+ text
+ & attribute text:ref-name { \string }?
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+ attribute text:reference-format {
+ common-ref-format-values
+ | "number-no-superior"
+ | "number-all-superior"
+ | "number"
+ }?
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+ attribute text:reference-format { common-ref-format-values }?
+ & text-note-class
+text-sequence-ref-content =
+ attribute text:reference-format {
+ common-ref-format-values
+ | "category-and-value"
+ | "caption"
+ | "value"
+ }?
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+ attribute text:condition { \string }
+ & attribute text:is-hidden { boolean }?
+text-meta-field-attlist = xml-id & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
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+ (attribute office:value-type { "float" },
+ attribute office:value { double })
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "percentage" },
+ attribute office:value { double })
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "currency" },
+ attribute office:value { double },
+ attribute office:currency { \string }?)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "date" },
+ attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime })
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "time" },
+ attribute office:time-value { duration })
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "boolean" },
+ attribute office:boolean-value { boolean })
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "string" },
+ attribute office:string-value { \string }?)
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+common-field-name-attlist = attribute text:name { variableName }
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+ attribute text:description { \string }?
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+ attribute text:display { "value" | "none" }?
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+ attribute text:display { "value" | "formula" | "none" }?
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+ attribute text:display { "value" | "formula" }?
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+ attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
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+ "article"
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+ | "custom5"
+ | "email"
+ | "inbook"
+ | "incollection"
+ | "inproceedings"
+ | "journal"
+ | "manual"
+ | "mastersthesis"
+ | "misc"
+ | "phdthesis"
+ | "proceedings"
+ | "techreport"
+ | "unpublished"
+ | "www"
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+ element text:index-title {
+ common-section-attlist, index-content-main*
+ }
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+ | text-index-entry-span
+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
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+ element text:table-index-entry-template {
+ text-illustration-index-entry-content
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+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
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+ & attribute fo:script { scriptCode }?
+ & attribute style:rfc-language-tag { language }?
+ & attribute text:sort-algorithm { \string }?
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+ element text:alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file {
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
+ }
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+ element text:alphabetical-index-entry-template {
+ text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs,
+ (text-index-entry-chapter
+ | text-index-entry-page-number
+ | text-index-entry-text
+ | text-index-entry-span
+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
+ }
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+ attribute text:outline-level { "1" | "2" | "3" | "separator" }
+ & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
+text-bibliography =
+ element text:bibliography {
+ common-section-attlist, text-bibliography-source, text-index-body
+ }
+text-bibliography-source =
+ element text:bibliography-source {
+ text-index-title-template?, text-bibliography-entry-template*
+ }
+text-bibliography-entry-template =
+ element text:bibliography-entry-template {
+ text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs,
+ (text-index-entry-span
+ | text-index-entry-tab-stop
+ | text-index-entry-bibliography)*
+ }
+text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs =
+ attribute text:bibliography-type { text-bibliography-types }
+ & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
+text-index-source-styles =
+ element text:index-source-styles {
+ attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger },
+ text-index-source-style*
+ }
+text-index-source-style =
+ element text:index-source-style {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleName },
+ empty
+ }
+text-index-title-template =
+ element text:index-title-template {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text
+ }
+text-index-entry-chapter =
+ element text:index-entry-chapter {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text-index-entry-chapter-attrs
+ }
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+ attribute text:display {
+ "name"
+ | "number"
+ | "number-and-name"
+ | "plain-number"
+ | "plain-number-and-name"
+ }?
+ & attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }?
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+ element text:index-entry-text {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-page-number {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
+text-index-entry-span =
+ element text:index-entry-span {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text
+ }
+text-index-entry-bibliography =
+ element text:index-entry-bibliography {
+ text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs
+ }
+text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:bibliography-data-field {
+ "address"
+ | "annote"
+ | "author"
+ | "bibliography-type"
+ | "booktitle"
+ | "chapter"
+ | "custom1"
+ | "custom2"
+ | "custom3"
+ | "custom4"
+ | "custom5"
+ | "edition"
+ | "editor"
+ | "howpublished"
+ | "identifier"
+ | "institution"
+ | "isbn"
+ | "issn"
+ | "journal"
+ | "month"
+ | "note"
+ | "number"
+ | "organizations"
+ | "pages"
+ | "publisher"
+ | "report-type"
+ | "school"
+ | "series"
+ | "title"
+ | "url"
+ | "volume"
+ | "year"
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-tab-stop {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs
+ }
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+ attribute style:leader-char { character }?
+ & (attribute style:type { "right" }
+ | (attribute style:type { "left" },
+ attribute style:position { length }))
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+ element text:index-entry-link-start {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
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+ element text:index-entry-link-end {
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ }
+table-table =
+ element table:table {
+ table-table-attlist,
+ table-title?,
+ table-desc?,
+ table-table-source?,
+ office-dde-source?,
+ table-scenario?,
+ office-forms?,
+ table-shapes?,
+ table-columns-and-groups,
+ table-rows-and-groups,
+ table-named-expressions?
+ }
+table-columns-and-groups =
+ (table-table-column-group | table-columns-no-group)+
+table-columns-no-group =
+ (table-columns, (table-table-header-columns, table-columns?)?)
+ | (table-table-header-columns, table-columns?)
+table-columns = table-table-columns | table-table-column+
+table-rows-and-groups = (table-table-row-group | table-rows-no-group)+
+table-rows-no-group =
+ (table-rows, (table-table-header-rows, table-rows?)?)
+ | (table-table-header-rows, table-rows?)
+table-rows =
+ table-table-rows | (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+
+table-table-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }?
+ & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute table:template-name { \string }?
+ & attribute table:use-first-row-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-last-row-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-first-column-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-last-column-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-banding-rows-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-banding-columns-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:protected { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:protection-key { \string }?
+ & attribute table:protection-key-digest-algorithm { anyIRI }?
+ & attribute table:print { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:print-ranges { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & xml-id?
+ & attribute table:is-sub-table { boolean }?
+table-title = element table:title { text }
+table-desc = element table:desc { text }
+table-table-row =
+ element table:table-row {
+ table-table-row-attlist,
+ (table-table-cell | table-covered-table-cell)+
+ }
+table-table-row-attlist =
+ attribute table:number-rows-repeated { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute table:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute table:visibility { table-visibility-value }?
+ & xml-id?
+table-visibility-value = "visible" | "collapse" | "filter"
+table-table-cell =
+ element table:table-cell {
+ table-table-cell-attlist,
+ table-table-cell-attlist-extra,
+ table-table-cell-content
+ }
+table-covered-table-cell =
+ element table:covered-table-cell {
+ table-table-cell-attlist, table-table-cell-content
+ }
+table-table-cell-content =
+ table-cell-range-source?,
+ office-annotation?,
+ table-detective?,
+ text-content*
+table-table-cell-attlist =
+ attribute table:number-columns-repeated { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute table:content-validation-name { \string }?
+ & attribute table:formula { \string }?
+ & common-value-and-type-attlist?
+ & attribute table:protect { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:protected { boolean }?
+ & xml-id?
+ & common-in-content-meta-attlist?
+table-table-cell-attlist-extra =
+ attribute table:number-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:number-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:number-matrix-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:number-matrix-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+table-table-column =
+ element table:table-column { table-table-column-attlist, empty }
+table-table-column-attlist =
+ attribute table:number-columns-repeated { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute table:visibility { table-visibility-value }?
+ & attribute table:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & xml-id?
+table-table-header-columns =
+ element table:table-header-columns { table-table-column+ }
+table-table-columns =
+ element table:table-columns { table-table-column+ }
+table-table-column-group =
+ element table:table-column-group {
+ table-table-column-group-attlist, table-columns-and-groups
+ }
+table-table-column-group-attlist = attribute table:display { boolean }?
+table-table-header-rows =
+ element table:table-header-rows {
+ (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+
+ }
+table-table-rows =
+ element table:table-rows { (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+ }
+table-table-row-group =
+ element table:table-row-group {
+ table-table-row-group-attlist, table-rows-and-groups
+ }
+table-table-row-group-attlist = attribute table:display { boolean }?
+cellAddress =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern = "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+"
+ }
+cellRangeAddress =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+(:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+)?"
+ }
+ | xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+"
+ }
+ | xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+"
+ }
+cellRangeAddressList =
+ xsd:string
+ >> dc:description [
+ 'Value is a space separated list of "cellRangeAddress" patterns'
+ ]
+table-table-source =
+ element table:table-source {
+ table-table-source-attlist, table-linked-source-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-table-source-attlist =
+ attribute table:mode { "copy-all" | "copy-results-only" }?
+ & attribute table:table-name { \string }?
+table-linked-source-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
+ & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
+ & attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+ & attribute table:filter-name { \string }?
+ & attribute table:filter-options { \string }?
+ & attribute table:refresh-delay { duration }?
+table-scenario =
+ element table:scenario { table-scenario-attlist, empty }
+table-scenario-attlist =
+ attribute table:scenario-ranges { cellRangeAddressList }
+ & attribute table:is-active { boolean }
+ & attribute table:display-border { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:border-color { color }?
+ & attribute table:copy-back { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:copy-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:copy-formulas { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:comment { \string }?
+ & attribute table:protected { boolean }?
+table-shapes = element table:shapes { shape+ }
+table-cell-range-source =
+ element table:cell-range-source {
+ table-table-cell-range-source-attlist,
+ table-linked-source-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+table-table-cell-range-source-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+ & attribute table:last-column-spanned { positiveInteger }
+ & attribute table:last-row-spanned { positiveInteger }
+table-detective =
+ element table:detective { table-highlighted-range*, table-operation* }
+table-operation =
+ element table:operation { table-operation-attlist, empty }
+table-operation-attlist =
+ attribute table:name {
+ "trace-dependents"
+ | "remove-dependents"
+ | "trace-precedents"
+ | "remove-precedents"
+ | "trace-errors"
+ }
+ & attribute table:index { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-highlighted-range =
+ element table:highlighted-range {
+ (table-highlighted-range-attlist
+ | table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid),
+ empty
+ }
+table-highlighted-range-attlist =
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+ & attribute table:direction {
+ "from-another-table" | "to-another-table" | "from-same-table"
+ }
+ & attribute table:contains-error { boolean }?
+table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid =
+ attribute table:marked-invalid { boolean }
+office-spreadsheet-attlist =
+ attribute table:structure-protected { boolean }?,
+ attribute table:protection-key { \string }?,
+ attribute table:protection-key-digest-algorithm { anyIRI }?
+table-calculation-settings =
+ element table:calculation-settings {
+ table-calculation-setting-attlist,
+ table-null-date?,
+ table-iteration?
+ }
+table-calculation-setting-attlist =
+ attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:precision-as-shown { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell {
+ boolean
+ }?
+ & attribute table:automatic-find-labels { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-regular-expressions { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:use-wildcards { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:null-year { positiveInteger }?
+table-null-date =
+ element table:null-date {
+ attribute table:value-type { "date" }?,
+ attribute table:date-value { date }?,
+ empty
+ }
+table-iteration =
+ element table:iteration {
+ attribute table:status { "enable" | "disable" }?,
+ attribute table:steps { positiveInteger }?,
+ attribute table:maximum-difference { double }?,
+ empty
+ }
+table-content-validations =
+ element table:content-validations { table-content-validation+ }
+table-content-validation =
+ element table:content-validation {
+ table-validation-attlist,
+ table-help-message?,
+ (table-error-message | (table-error-macro, office-event-listeners))?
+ }
+table-validation-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+ & attribute table:condition { \string }?
+ & attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+ & attribute table:allow-empty-cell { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:display-list {
+ "none" | "unsorted" | "sort-ascending"
+ }?
+table-help-message =
+ element table:help-message {
+ attribute table:title { \string }?,
+ attribute table:display { boolean }?,
+ text-p*
+ }
+table-error-message =
+ element table:error-message {
+ attribute table:title { \string }?,
+ attribute table:display { boolean }?,
+ attribute table:message-type {
+ "stop" | "warning" | "information"
+ }?,
+ text-p*
+ }
+table-error-macro =
+ element table:error-macro {
+ attribute table:execute { boolean }?
+ }
+table-label-ranges = element table:label-ranges { table-label-range* }
+table-label-range =
+ element table:label-range { table-label-range-attlist, empty }
+table-label-range-attlist =
+ attribute table:label-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+ & attribute table:data-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+ & attribute table:orientation { "column" | "row" }
+table-named-expressions =
+ element table:named-expressions {
+ (table-named-range | table-named-expression)*
+ }
+table-named-range =
+ element table:named-range { table-named-range-attlist, empty }
+table-named-range-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string },
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress },
+ attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?,
+ attribute table:range-usable-as {
+ "none"
+ | list {
+ ("print-range" | "filter" | "repeat-row" | "repeat-column")+
+ }
+ }?
+table-named-expression =
+ element table:named-expression {
+ table-named-expression-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-named-expression-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string },
+ attribute table:expression { \string },
+ attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+table-database-ranges =
+ element table:database-ranges { table-database-range* }
+table-database-range =
+ element table:database-range {
+ table-database-range-attlist,
+ (table-database-source-sql
+ | table-database-source-table
+ | table-database-source-query)?,
+ table-filter?,
+ table-sort?,
+ table-subtotal-rules?
+ }
+table-database-range-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }?
+ & attribute table:is-selection { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:on-update-keep-styles { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:on-update-keep-size { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:has-persistent-data { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:orientation { "column" | "row" }?
+ & attribute table:contains-header { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:display-filter-buttons { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+ & attribute table:refresh-delay { boolean }?
+table-database-source-sql =
+ element table:database-source-sql {
+ table-database-source-sql-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-database-source-sql-attlist =
+ attribute table:database-name { \string }
+ & attribute table:sql-statement { \string }
+ & attribute table:parse-sql-statement { boolean }?
+table-database-source-query =
+ element table:database-source-table {
+ table-database-source-table-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-database-source-table-attlist =
+ attribute table:database-name { \string }
+ & attribute table:database-table-name { \string }
+table-database-source-table =
+ element table:database-source-query {
+ table-database-source-query-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-database-source-query-attlist =
+ attribute table:database-name { \string }
+ & attribute table:query-name { \string }
+table-sort = element table:sort { table-sort-attlist, table-sort-by+ }
+table-sort-attlist =
+ attribute table:bind-styles-to-content { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+ & attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:language { languageCode }?
+ & attribute table:country { countryCode }?
+ & attribute table:script { scriptCode }?
+ & attribute table:rfc-language-tag { language }?
+ & attribute table:algorithm { \string }?
+ & attribute table:embedded-number-behavior {
+ "alpha-numeric" | "integer" | "double"
+ }?
+table-sort-by = element table:sort-by { table-sort-by-attlist, empty }
+table-sort-by-attlist =
+ attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute table:data-type {
+ "text" | "number" | "automatic" | \string
+ }?
+ & attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }?
+table-subtotal-rules =
+ element table:subtotal-rules {
+ table-subtotal-rules-attlist,
+ table-sort-groups?,
+ table-subtotal-rule*
+ }
+table-subtotal-rules-attlist =
+ attribute table:bind-styles-to-content { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:page-breaks-on-group-change { boolean }?
+table-sort-groups =
+ element table:sort-groups { table-sort-groups-attlist, empty }
+table-sort-groups-attlist =
+ attribute table:data-type {
+ "text" | "number" | "automatic" | \string
+ }?
+ & attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }?
+table-subtotal-rule =
+ element table:subtotal-rule {
+ table-subtotal-rule-attlist, table-subtotal-field*
+ }
+table-subtotal-rule-attlist =
+ attribute table:group-by-field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+table-subtotal-field =
+ element table:subtotal-field { table-subtotal-field-attlist, empty }
+table-subtotal-field-attlist =
+ attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute table:function {
+ "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }
+table-filter =
+ element table:filter {
+ table-filter-attlist,
+ (table-filter-condition | table-filter-and | table-filter-or)
+ }
+table-filter-attlist =
+ attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+ & attribute table:condition-source { "self" | "cell-range" }?
+ & attribute table:condition-source-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
+ & attribute table:display-duplicates { boolean }?
+table-filter-and =
+ element table:filter-and {
+ (table-filter-or | table-filter-condition)+
+ }
+table-filter-or =
+ element table:filter-or {
+ (table-filter-and | table-filter-condition)+
+ }
+table-filter-condition =
+ element table:filter-condition {
+ table-filter-condition-attlist, table-filter-set-item*
+ }
+table-filter-condition-attlist =
+ attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute table:value { \string | double }
+ & attribute table:operator { \string }
+ & attribute table:case-sensitive { \string }?
+ & attribute table:data-type { "text" | "number" }?
+table-filter-set-item =
+ element table:filter-set-item {
+ attribute table:value { \string },
+ empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-tables =
+ element table:data-pilot-tables { table-data-pilot-table* }
+table-data-pilot-table =
+ element table:data-pilot-table {
+ table-data-pilot-table-attlist,
+ (table-database-source-sql
+ | table-database-source-table
+ | table-database-source-query
+ | table-source-service
+ | table-source-cell-range)?,
+ table-data-pilot-field+
+ }
+table-data-pilot-table-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+ & attribute table:application-data { \string }?
+ & attribute table:grand-total { "none" | "row" | "column" | "both" }?
+ & attribute table:ignore-empty-rows { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:identify-categories { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+ & attribute table:buttons { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & attribute table:show-filter-button { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:drill-down-on-double-click { boolean }?
+table-source-cell-range =
+ element table:source-cell-range {
+ table-source-cell-range-attlist, table-filter?
+ }
+table-source-cell-range-attlist =
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
+table-source-service =
+ element table:source-service { table-source-service-attlist, empty }
+table-source-service-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+ & attribute table:source-name { \string }
+ & attribute table:object-name { \string }
+ & attribute table:user-name { \string }?
+ & attribute table:password { \string }?
+table-data-pilot-field =
+ element table:data-pilot-field {
+ table-data-pilot-field-attlist,
+ table-data-pilot-level?,
+ table-data-pilot-field-reference?,
+ table-data-pilot-groups?
+ }
+table-data-pilot-field-attlist =
+ attribute table:source-field-name { \string }
+ & (attribute table:orientation {
+ "row" | "column" | "data" | "hidden"
+ }
+ | (attribute table:orientation { "page" },
+ attribute table:selected-page { \string }))
+ & attribute table:is-data-layout-field { \string }?
+ & attribute table:function {
+ "auto"
+ | "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }?
+ & attribute table:used-hierarchy { integer }?
+table-data-pilot-level =
+ element table:data-pilot-level {
+ table-data-pilot-level-attlist,
+ table-data-pilot-subtotals?,
+ table-data-pilot-members?,
+ table-data-pilot-display-info?,
+ table-data-pilot-sort-info?,
+ table-data-pilot-layout-info?
+ }
+table-data-pilot-level-attlist = attribute table:show-empty { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-subtotals =
+ element table:data-pilot-subtotals { table-data-pilot-subtotal* }
+table-data-pilot-subtotal =
+ element table:data-pilot-subtotal {
+ table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist =
+ attribute table:function {
+ "auto"
+ | "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }
+table-data-pilot-members =
+ element table:data-pilot-members { table-data-pilot-member* }
+table-data-pilot-member =
+ element table:data-pilot-member {
+ table-data-pilot-member-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-member-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+ & attribute table:display { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:show-details { boolean }?
+table-data-pilot-display-info =
+ element table:data-pilot-display-info {
+ table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist =
+ attribute table:enabled { boolean }
+ & attribute table:data-field { \string }
+ & attribute table:member-count { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute table:display-member-mode { "from-top" | "from-bottom" }
+table-data-pilot-sort-info =
+ element table:data-pilot-sort-info {
+ table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist =
+ ((attribute table:sort-mode { "data" },
+ attribute table:data-field { \string })
+ | attribute table:sort-mode { "none" | "manual" | "name" })
+ & attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }
+table-data-pilot-layout-info =
+ element table:data-pilot-layout-info {
+ table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist =
+ attribute table:layout-mode {
+ "tabular-layout"
+ | "outline-subtotals-top"
+ | "outline-subtotals-bottom"
+ }
+ & attribute table:add-empty-lines { boolean }
+table-data-pilot-field-reference =
+ element table:data-pilot-field-reference {
+ table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist
+ }
+table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist =
+ attribute table:field-name { \string }
+ & ((attribute table:member-type { "named" },
+ attribute table:member-name { \string })
+ | attribute table:member-type { "previous" | "next" })
+ & attribute table:type {
+ "none"
+ | "member-difference"
+ | "member-percentage"
+ | "member-percentage-difference"
+ | "running-total"
+ | "row-percentage"
+ | "column-percentage"
+ | "total-percentage"
+ | "index"
+ }
+table-data-pilot-groups =
+ element table:data-pilot-groups {
+ table-data-pilot-groups-attlist, table-data-pilot-group+
+ }
+table-data-pilot-groups-attlist =
+ attribute table:source-field-name { \string }
+ & (attribute table:date-start { dateOrDateTime | "auto" }
+ | attribute table:start { double | "auto" })
+ & (attribute table:date-end { dateOrDateTime | "auto" }
+ | attribute table:end { double | "auto" })
+ & attribute table:step { double }
+ & attribute table:grouped-by {
+ "seconds"
+ | "minutes"
+ | "hours"
+ | "days"
+ | "months"
+ | "quarters"
+ | "years"
+ }
+table-data-pilot-group =
+ element table:data-pilot-group {
+ table-data-pilot-group-attlist, table-data-pilot-group-member+
+ }
+table-data-pilot-group-attlist = attribute table:name { \string }
+table-data-pilot-group-member =
+ element table:data-pilot-group-member {
+ table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist
+ }
+table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist = attribute table:name { \string }
+table-consolidation =
+ element table:consolidation { table-consolidation-attlist, empty }
+table-consolidation-attlist =
+ attribute table:function {
+ "average"
+ | "count"
+ | "countnums"
+ | "max"
+ | "min"
+ | "product"
+ | "stdev"
+ | "stdevp"
+ | "sum"
+ | "var"
+ | "varp"
+ | \string
+ }
+ & attribute table:source-cell-range-addresses { cellRangeAddressList }
+ & attribute table:target-cell-address { cellAddress }
+ & attribute table:use-labels { "none" | "row" | "column" | "both" }?
+ & attribute table:link-to-source-data { boolean }?
+table-dde-links = element table:dde-links { table-dde-link+ }
+table-tracked-changes =
+ element table:tracked-changes {
+ table-tracked-changes-attlist,
+ (table-cell-content-change
+ | table-insertion
+ | table-deletion
+ | table-movement)*
+ }
+table-tracked-changes-attlist =
+ attribute table:track-changes { boolean }?
+table-insertion =
+ element table:insertion {
+ table-insertion-attlist,
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?
+ }
+table-insertion-attlist =
+ attribute table:type { "row" | "column" | "table" }
+ & attribute table:position { integer }
+ & attribute table:count { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:table { integer }?
+table-dependencies = element table:dependencies { table-dependency+ }
+table-dependency =
+ element table:dependency {
+ attribute table:id { \string },
+ empty
+ }
+table-deletions =
+ element table:deletions {
+ (table-cell-content-deletion | table-change-deletion)+
+ }
+table-cell-content-deletion =
+ element table:cell-content-deletion {
+ attribute table:id { \string }?,
+ table-cell-address?,
+ table-change-track-table-cell?
+ }
+table-change-deletion =
+ element table:change-deletion {
+ attribute table:id { \string }?,
+ empty
+ }
+table-deletion =
+ element table:deletion {
+ table-deletion-attlist,
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?,
+ table-cut-offs?
+ }
+table-deletion-attlist =
+ attribute table:type { "row" | "column" | "table" }
+ & attribute table:position { integer }
+ & attribute table:table { integer }?
+ & attribute table:multi-deletion-spanned { integer }?
+table-cut-offs =
+ element table:cut-offs {
+ table-movement-cut-off+
+ | (table-insertion-cut-off, table-movement-cut-off*)
+ }
+table-insertion-cut-off =
+ element table:insertion-cut-off {
+ table-insertion-cut-off-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-insertion-cut-off-attlist =
+ attribute table:id { \string }
+ & attribute table:position { integer }
+table-movement-cut-off =
+ element table:movement-cut-off {
+ table-movement-cut-off-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-movement-cut-off-attlist =
+ attribute table:position { integer }
+ | (attribute table:start-position { integer },
+ attribute table:end-position { integer })
+table-movement =
+ element table:movement {
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ table-source-range-address,
+ table-target-range-address,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?
+ }
+table-source-range-address =
+ element table:source-range-address {
+ common-table-range-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-target-range-address =
+ element table:target-range-address {
+ common-table-range-attlist, empty
+ }
+common-table-range-attlist =
+ common-table-cell-address-attlist
+ | common-table-cell-range-address-attlist
+common-table-cell-address-attlist =
+ attribute table:column { integer },
+ attribute table:row { integer },
+ attribute table:table { integer }
+common-table-cell-range-address-attlist =
+ attribute table:start-column { integer },
+ attribute table:start-row { integer },
+ attribute table:start-table { integer },
+ attribute table:end-column { integer },
+ attribute table:end-row { integer },
+ attribute table:end-table { integer }
+table-change-track-table-cell =
+ element table:change-track-table-cell {
+ table-change-track-table-cell-attlist, text-p*
+ }
+table-change-track-table-cell-attlist =
+ attribute table:cell-address { cellAddress }?
+ & attribute table:matrix-covered { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:formula { \string }?
+ & attribute table:number-matrix-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute table:number-matrix-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
+ & common-value-and-type-attlist?
+table-cell-content-change =
+ element table:cell-content-change {
+ common-table-change-attlist,
+ table-cell-address,
+ office-change-info,
+ table-dependencies?,
+ table-deletions?,
+ table-previous
+ }
+table-cell-address =
+ element table:cell-address {
+ common-table-cell-address-attlist, empty
+ }
+table-previous =
+ element table:previous {
+ attribute table:id { \string }?,
+ table-change-track-table-cell
+ }
+common-table-change-attlist =
+ attribute table:id { \string }
+ & attribute table:acceptance-state {
+ "accepted" | "rejected" | "pending"
+ }?
+ & attribute table:rejecting-change-id { \string }?
+style-handout-master =
+ element style:handout-master {
+ common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
+ style-handout-master-attlist,
+ shape*
+ }
+style-handout-master-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:presentation-page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }
+ & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+draw-layer-set = element draw:layer-set { draw-layer* }
+draw-layer =
+ element draw:layer { draw-layer-attlist, svg-title?, svg-desc? }
+draw-layer-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { \string }
+ & attribute draw:protected { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:display { "always" | "screen" | "printer" | "none" }?
+draw-page =
+ element draw:page {
+ common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
+ draw-page-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ draw-layer-set?,
+ office-forms?,
+ shape*,
+ (presentation-animations | animation-element)?,
+ presentation-notes?
+ }
+draw-page-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:master-page-name { styleNameRef }
+ & attribute presentation:presentation-page-layout-name {
+ styleNameRef
+ }?
+ & (xml-id,
+ attribute draw:id { NCName }?)?
+ & attribute draw:nav-order { IDREFS }?
+common-presentation-header-footer-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:use-header-name { \string }?
+ & attribute presentation:use-footer-name { \string }?
+ & attribute presentation:use-date-time-name { \string }?
+shape = shape-instance | draw-a
+shape-instance =
+ draw-rect
+ | draw-line
+ | draw-polyline
+ | draw-polygon
+ | draw-regular-polygon
+ | draw-path
+ | draw-circle
+ | draw-ellipse
+ | draw-g
+ | draw-page-thumbnail
+ | draw-frame
+ | draw-measure
+ | draw-caption
+ | draw-connector
+ | draw-control
+ | dr3d-scene
+ | draw-custom-shape
+draw-rect =
+ element draw:rect {
+ draw-rect-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-rect-attlist =
+ attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
+ | (attribute svg:rx { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute svg:ry { nonNegativeLength }?)
+draw-line =
+ element draw:line {
+ draw-line-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-line-attlist =
+ attribute svg:x1 { coordinate }
+ & attribute svg:y1 { coordinate }
+ & attribute svg:x2 { coordinate }
+ & attribute svg:y2 { coordinate }
+draw-polyline =
+ element draw:polyline {
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-points-attlist = attribute draw:points { points }
+draw-polygon =
+ element draw:polygon {
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-regular-polygon =
+ element draw:regular-polygon {
+ draw-regular-polygon-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-regular-polygon-attlist =
+ (attribute draw:concave { "false" }
+ | (attribute draw:concave { "true" },
+ draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist))
+ & attribute draw:corners { positiveInteger }
+draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist =
+ attribute draw:sharpness { percent }
+draw-path =
+ element draw:path {
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-path-data-attlist = attribute svg:d { pathData }
+draw-circle =
+ element draw:circle {
+ ((draw-circle-attlist, common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist)
+ | (common-draw-position-attlist, common-draw-size-attlist)),
+ common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist =
+ attribute svg:cx { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:cy { coordinate }
+draw-circle-attlist = attribute svg:r { length }
+common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist =
+ attribute draw:kind { "full" | "section" | "cut" | "arc" }?
+ & attribute draw:start-angle { angle }?
+ & attribute draw:end-angle { angle }?
+draw-ellipse =
+ element draw:ellipse {
+ ((draw-ellipse-attlist, common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist)
+ | (common-draw-position-attlist, common-draw-size-attlist)),
+ common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-ellipse-attlist =
+ attribute svg:rx { length },
+ attribute svg:ry { length }
+draw-connector =
+ element draw:connector {
+ draw-connector-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-connector-attlist =
+ attribute draw:type { "standard" | "lines" | "line" | "curve" }?
+ & (attribute svg:x1 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y1 { coordinate })?
+ & attribute draw:start-shape { IDREF }?
+ & attribute draw:start-glue-point { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & (attribute svg:x2 { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y2 { coordinate })?
+ & attribute draw:end-shape { IDREF }?
+ & attribute draw:end-glue-point { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute draw:line-skew {
+ list { length, (length, length?)? }
+ }?
+ & attribute svg:d { pathData }?
+draw-caption =
+ element draw:caption {
+ draw-caption-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-caption-attlist =
+ (attribute draw:caption-point-x { coordinate },
+ attribute draw:caption-point-y { coordinate })?
+ & attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
+draw-measure =
+ element draw:measure {
+ draw-measure-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text
+ }
+draw-measure-attlist =
+ attribute svg:x1 { coordinate }
+ & attribute svg:y1 { coordinate }
+ & attribute svg:x2 { coordinate }
+ & attribute svg:y2 { coordinate }
+draw-control =
+ element draw:control {
+ draw-control-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ draw-glue-point*
+ }
+draw-control-attlist = attribute draw:control { IDREF }
+draw-page-thumbnail =
+ element draw:page-thumbnail {
+ draw-page-thumbnail-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ presentation-shape-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?
+ }
+draw-page-thumbnail-attlist =
+ attribute draw:page-number { positiveInteger }?
+draw-g =
+ element draw:g {
+ draw-g-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ shape*
+ }
+draw-g-attlist = attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
+common-draw-name-attlist = attribute draw:name { \string }?
+common-draw-caption-id-attlist = attribute draw:caption-id { IDREF }?
+common-draw-position-attlist =
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate }?,
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
+common-draw-size-attlist =
+ attribute svg:width { length }?,
+ attribute svg:height { length }?
+common-draw-transform-attlist = attribute draw:transform { \string }?
+common-draw-viewbox-attlist =
+ attribute svg:viewBox {
+ list { integer, integer, integer, integer }
+ }
+common-draw-style-name-attlist =
+ (attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute draw:class-names { styleNameRefs }?)
+ | (attribute presentation:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
+ attribute presentation:class-names { styleNameRefs }?)
+common-draw-text-style-name-attlist =
+ attribute draw:text-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+common-draw-layer-name-attlist = attribute draw:layer { \string }?
+common-draw-id-attlist =
+ (xml-id,
+ attribute draw:id { NCName }?)?
+common-draw-z-index-attlist =
+ attribute draw:z-index { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist =
+ attribute table:end-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+ & attribute table:end-x { coordinate }?
+ & attribute table:end-y { coordinate }?
+ & attribute table:table-background { boolean }?
+ & common-text-anchor-attlist
+common-text-anchor-attlist =
+ attribute text:anchor-type {
+ "page" | "frame" | "paragraph" | "char" | "as-char"
+ }?
+ & attribute text:anchor-page-number { positiveInteger }?
+draw-text = (text-p | text-list)*
+common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist =
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-transform-attlist,
+ common-draw-name-attlist,
+ common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist
+common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist =
+ common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-text-style-name-attlist
+draw-glue-point =
+ element draw:glue-point { draw-glue-point-attlist, empty }
+draw-glue-point-attlist =
+ attribute draw:id { nonNegativeInteger }
+ & attribute svg:x { distance | percent }
+ & attribute svg:y { distance | percent }
+ & attribute draw:align {
+ "top-left"
+ | "top"
+ | "top-right"
+ | "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "bottom-left"
+ | "bottom-right"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:escape-direction {
+ "auto"
+ | "left"
+ | "right"
+ | "up"
+ | "down"
+ | "horizontal"
+ | "vertical"
+ }
+svg-title = element svg:title { text }
+svg-desc = element svg:desc { text }
+draw-frame =
+ element draw:frame {
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-rel-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ presentation-shape-attlist,
+ draw-frame-attlist,
+ (draw-text-box
+ | draw-image
+ | draw-object
+ | draw-object-ole
+ | draw-applet
+ | draw-floating-frame
+ | draw-plugin
+ | table-table)*,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-image-map?,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ (draw-contour-polygon | draw-contour-path)?
+ }
+common-draw-rel-size-attlist =
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ attribute style:rel-width { percent | "scale" | "scale-min" }?,
+ attribute style:rel-height { percent | "scale" | "scale-min" }?
+draw-frame-attlist = attribute draw:copy-of { \string }?
+draw-text-box =
+ element draw:text-box { draw-text-box-attlist, text-content* }
+draw-text-box-attlist =
+ attribute draw:chain-next-name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute fo:min-height { length | percent }?
+ & attribute fo:min-width { length | percent }?
+ & attribute fo:max-height { length | percent }?
+ & attribute fo:max-width { length | percent }?
+ & (xml-id,
+ attribute text:id { NCName }?)?
+draw-image =
+ element draw:image {
+ draw-image-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data),
+ draw-text
+ }
+common-draw-data-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?
+office-binary-data = element office:binary-data { base64Binary }
+draw-image-attlist =
+ attribute draw:filter-name { \string }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-object =
+ element draw:object {
+ draw-object-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-document | math-math)
+ }
+draw-object-ole =
+ element draw:object-ole {
+ draw-object-ole-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data)
+ }
+draw-object-attlist =
+ attribute draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges {
+ cellRangeAddressList | \string
+ }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-object-ole-attlist =
+ attribute draw:class-id { \string }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-applet =
+ element draw:applet {
+ draw-applet-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist?, draw-param*
+ }
+draw-applet-attlist =
+ attribute draw:code { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:object { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:archive { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:may-script { boolean }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-plugin =
+ element draw:plugin {
+ draw-plugin-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist, draw-param*
+ }
+draw-plugin-attlist =
+ attribute draw:mime-type { \string }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-param = element draw:param { draw-param-attlist, empty }
+draw-param-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:value { \string }?
+draw-floating-frame =
+ element draw:floating-frame {
+ draw-floating-frame-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist
+ }
+draw-floating-frame-attlist =
+ attribute draw:frame-name { \string }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-contour-polygon =
+ element draw:contour-polygon {
+ common-contour-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-contour-path =
+ element draw:contour-path {
+ common-contour-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+common-contour-attlist = attribute draw:recreate-on-edit { boolean }
+draw-a = element draw:a { draw-a-attlist, shape-instance }
+draw-a-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
+ & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
+ & attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+ & attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?
+ & attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
+ & attribute office:name { \string }?
+ & attribute office:title { \string }?
+ & attribute office:server-map { boolean }?
+ & xml-id?
+draw-image-map =
+ element draw:image-map {
+ (draw-area-rectangle | draw-area-circle | draw-area-polygon)*
+ }
+draw-area-rectangle =
+ element draw:area-rectangle {
+ common-draw-area-attlist,
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:width { length },
+ attribute svg:height { length },
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?
+ }
+draw-area-circle =
+ element draw:area-circle {
+ common-draw-area-attlist,
+ attribute svg:cx { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:cy { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:r { length },
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?
+ }
+draw-area-polygon =
+ element draw:area-polygon {
+ common-draw-area-attlist,
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate },
+ attribute svg:width { length },
+ attribute svg:height { length },
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-points-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?
+ }
+common-draw-area-attlist =
+ (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?)?
+ & attribute office:name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:nohref { "nohref" }?
+dr3d-scene =
+ element dr3d:scene {
+ dr3d-scene-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ dr3d-light*,
+ shapes3d*,
+ draw-glue-point*
+ }
+shapes3d =
+ dr3d-scene | dr3d-extrude | dr3d-sphere | dr3d-rotate | dr3d-cube
+dr3d-scene-attlist =
+ attribute dr3d:vrp { vector3D }?
+ & attribute dr3d:vpn { vector3D }?
+ & attribute dr3d:vup { vector3D }?
+ & attribute dr3d:projection { "parallel" | "perspective" }?
+ & attribute dr3d:distance { length }?
+ & attribute dr3d:focal-length { length }?
+ & attribute dr3d:shadow-slant { angle }?
+ & attribute dr3d:shade-mode {
+ "flat" | "phong" | "gouraud" | "draft"
+ }?
+ & attribute dr3d:ambient-color { color }?
+ & attribute dr3d:lighting-mode { boolean }?
+common-dr3d-transform-attlist = attribute dr3d:transform { \string }?
+dr3d-light = element dr3d:light { dr3d-light-attlist, empty }
+dr3d-light-attlist =
+ attribute dr3d:diffuse-color { color }?
+ & attribute dr3d:direction { vector3D }
+ & attribute dr3d:enabled { boolean }?
+ & attribute dr3d:specular { boolean }?
+dr3d-cube =
+ element dr3d:cube {
+ dr3d-cube-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+dr3d-cube-attlist =
+ attribute dr3d:min-edge { vector3D }?,
+ attribute dr3d:max-edge { vector3D }?
+dr3d-sphere =
+ element dr3d:sphere {
+ dr3d-sphere-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+dr3d-sphere-attlist =
+ attribute dr3d:center { vector3D }?
+ & attribute dr3d:size { vector3D }?
+dr3d-extrude =
+ element dr3d:extrude {
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+dr3d-rotate =
+ element dr3d:rotate {
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ common-draw-z-index-attlist,
+ common-draw-id-attlist,
+ common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
+ common-draw-style-name-attlist,
+ common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-custom-shape =
+ element draw:custom-shape {
+ draw-custom-shape-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
+ svg-title?,
+ svg-desc?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ draw-glue-point*,
+ draw-text,
+ draw-enhanced-geometry?
+ }
+draw-custom-shape-attlist =
+ attribute draw:engine { namespacedToken }?
+ & attribute draw:data { \string }?
+draw-enhanced-geometry =
+ element draw:enhanced-geometry {
+ draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist, draw-equation*, draw-handle*
+ }
+draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist =
+ attribute draw:type { custom-shape-type }?
+ & attribute svg:viewBox {
+ list { integer, integer, integer, integer }
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:mirror-vertical { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:mirror-horizontal { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:text-rotate-angle { angle }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-allowed { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:text-path-allowed { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:concentric-gradient-fill-allowed { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-brightness { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-depth {
+ list { length, double }
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-diffusion { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-number-of-line-segments { integer }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-light-face { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-harsh { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-harsh { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-level { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-level {
+ zeroToHundredPercent
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-direction { vector3D }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-direction { vector3D }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-metal { boolean }?
+ & attribute dr3d:shade-mode {
+ "flat" | "phong" | "gouraud" | "draft"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-rotation-angle {
+ list { angle, angle }
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-rotation-center { vector3D }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-shininess { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-skew {
+ list { double, angle }
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-specularity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute dr3d:projection { "parallel" | "perspective" }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-viewpoint { point3D }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-origin {
+ list { extrusionOrigin, extrusionOrigin }
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:extrusion-color { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:enhanced-path { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:path-stretchpoint-x { double }?
+ & attribute draw:path-stretchpoint-y { double }?
+ & attribute draw:text-areas { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:glue-points { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:glue-point-type {
+ "none" | "segments" | "rectangle"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:glue-point-leaving-directions { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:text-path { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:text-path-mode { "normal" | "path" | "shape" }?
+ & attribute draw:text-path-scale { "path" | "shape" }?
+ & attribute draw:text-path-same-letter-heights { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:modifiers { \string }?
+custom-shape-type = "non-primitive" | \string
+point3D =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))){2}[ ]*\)"
+ }
+extrusionOrigin =
+ xsd:double { minInclusive = "-0.5" maxInclusive = "0.5" }
+draw-equation = element draw:equation { draw-equation-attlist, empty }
+draw-equation-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:formula { \string }?
+draw-handle = element draw:handle { draw-handle-attlist, empty }
+draw-handle-attlist =
+ attribute draw:handle-mirror-vertical { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-mirror-horizontal { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-switched { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-position { \string }
+ & attribute draw:handle-range-x-minimum { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-range-x-maximum { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-range-y-minimum { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-range-y-maximum { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-polar { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-radius-range-minimum { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:handle-radius-range-maximum { \string }?
+presentation-shape-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:class { presentation-classes }?
+ & attribute presentation:placeholder { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:user-transformed { boolean }?
+presentation-classes =
+ "title"
+ | "outline"
+ | "subtitle"
+ | "text"
+ | "graphic"
+ | "object"
+ | "chart"
+ | "table"
+ | "orgchart"
+ | "page"
+ | "notes"
+ | "handout"
+ | "header"
+ | "footer"
+ | "date-time"
+ | "page-number"
+presentation-animations =
+ element presentation:animations {
+ (presentation-animation-elements | presentation-animation-group)*
+ }
+presentation-animation-elements =
+ presentation-show-shape
+ | presentation-show-text
+ | presentation-hide-shape
+ | presentation-hide-text
+ | presentation-dim
+ | presentation-play
+presentation-sound =
+ element presentation:sound {
+ presentation-sound-attlist,
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
+ attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?,
+ empty
+ }
+presentation-sound-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:play-full { boolean }?
+ & xml-id?
+presentation-show-shape =
+ element presentation:show-shape {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+common-presentation-effect-attlist =
+ attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF }
+ & attribute presentation:effect { presentationEffects }?
+ & attribute presentation:direction { presentationEffectDirections }?
+ & attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+ & attribute presentation:delay { duration }?
+ & attribute presentation:start-scale { percent }?
+ & attribute presentation:path-id { \string }?
+presentationEffects =
+ "none"
+ | "fade"
+ | "move"
+ | "stripes"
+ | "open"
+ | "close"
+ | "dissolve"
+ | "wavyline"
+ | "random"
+ | "lines"
+ | "laser"
+ | "appear"
+ | "hide"
+ | "move-short"
+ | "checkerboard"
+ | "rotate"
+ | "stretch"
+presentationEffectDirections =
+ "none"
+ | "from-left"
+ | "from-top"
+ | "from-right"
+ | "from-bottom"
+ | "from-center"
+ | "from-upper-left"
+ | "from-upper-right"
+ | "from-lower-left"
+ | "from-lower-right"
+ | "to-left"
+ | "to-top"
+ | "to-right"
+ | "to-bottom"
+ | "to-upper-left"
+ | "to-upper-right"
+ | "to-lower-right"
+ | "to-lower-left"
+ | "path"
+ | "spiral-inward-left"
+ | "spiral-inward-right"
+ | "spiral-outward-left"
+ | "spiral-outward-right"
+ | "vertical"
+ | "horizontal"
+ | "to-center"
+ | "clockwise"
+ | "counter-clockwise"
+presentationSpeeds = "slow" | "medium" | "fast"
+presentation-show-text =
+ element presentation:show-text {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-hide-shape =
+ element presentation:hide-shape {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-hide-text =
+ element presentation:hide-text {
+ common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-dim =
+ element presentation:dim {
+ presentation-dim-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-dim-attlist =
+ attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF }
+ & attribute draw:color { color }
+presentation-play =
+ element presentation:play { presentation-play-attlist, empty }
+presentation-play-attlist =
+ attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF },
+ attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+presentation-animation-group =
+ element presentation:animation-group {
+ presentation-animation-elements*
+ }
+common-anim-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:node-type {
+ "default"
+ | "on-click"
+ | "with-previous"
+ | "after-previous"
+ | "timing-root"
+ | "main-sequence"
+ | "interactive-sequence"
+ }?
+ & attribute presentation:preset-id { \string }?
+ & attribute presentation:preset-sub-type { \string }?
+ & attribute presentation:preset-class {
+ "custom"
+ | "entrance"
+ | "exit"
+ | "emphasis"
+ | "motion-path"
+ | "ole-action"
+ | "media-call"
+ }?
+ & attribute presentation:master-element { IDREF }?
+ & attribute presentation:group-id { \string }?
+ & (xml-id,
+ attribute anim:id { NCName }?)?
+presentation-event-listener =
+ element presentation:event-listener {
+ presentation-event-listener-attlist, presentation-sound?
+ }
+presentation-event-listener-attlist =
+ attribute script:event-name { \string }
+ & attribute presentation:action {
+ "none"
+ | "previous-page"
+ | "next-page"
+ | "first-page"
+ | "last-page"
+ | "hide"
+ | "stop"
+ | "execute"
+ | "show"
+ | "verb"
+ | "fade-out"
+ | "sound"
+ | "last-visited-page"
+ }
+ & attribute presentation:effect { presentationEffects }?
+ & attribute presentation:direction { presentationEffectDirections }?
+ & attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+ & attribute presentation:start-scale { percent }?
+ & (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
+ & attribute presentation:verb { nonNegativeInteger }?
+presentation-decls = presentation-decl*
+presentation-decl =
+ element presentation:header-decl {
+ presentation-header-decl-attlist, text
+ }
+ | element presentation:footer-decl {
+ presentation-footer-decl-attlist, text
+ }
+ | element presentation:date-time-decl {
+ presentation-date-time-decl-attlist, text
+ }
+presentation-header-decl-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+presentation-footer-decl-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+presentation-date-time-decl-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+ & attribute presentation:source { "fixed" | "current-date" }
+ & attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+presentation-settings =
+ element presentation:settings {
+ presentation-settings-attlist, presentation-show*
+ }?
+presentation-settings-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:start-page { \string }?
+ & attribute presentation:show { \string }?
+ & attribute presentation:full-screen { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:endless { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:pause { duration }?
+ & attribute presentation:show-logo { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:force-manual { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:mouse-visible { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:mouse-as-pen { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:start-with-navigator { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:animations { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
+ & attribute presentation:transition-on-click {
+ "enabled" | "disabled"
+ }?
+ & attribute presentation:stay-on-top { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide { boolean }?
+presentation-show =
+ element presentation:show { presentation-show-attlist, empty }
+presentation-show-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:name { \string }
+ & attribute presentation:pages { \string }
+chart-chart =
+ element chart:chart {
+ chart-chart-attlist,
+ chart-title?,
+ chart-subtitle?,
+ chart-footer?,
+ chart-legend?,
+ chart-plot-area,
+ table-table?
+ }
+chart-chart-attlist =
+ attribute chart:class { namespacedToken }
+ & common-draw-size-attlist
+ & attribute chart:column-mapping { \string }?
+ & attribute chart:row-mapping { \string }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI })?
+ & xml-id?
+chart-title = element chart:title { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-title-attlist =
+ attribute table:cell-range { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & common-draw-position-attlist
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-subtitle = element chart:subtitle { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-footer = element chart:footer { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-legend = element chart:legend { chart-legend-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-legend-attlist =
+ ((attribute chart:legend-position {
+ "start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom"
+ },
+ attribute chart:legend-align { "start" | "center" | "end" }?)
+ | attribute chart:legend-position {
+ "top-start" | "bottom-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-end"
+ }
+ | empty)
+ & common-draw-position-attlist
+ & (attribute style:legend-expansion { "wide" | "high" | "balanced" }
+ | (attribute style:legend-expansion { "custom" },
+ attribute style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio { double })
+ | empty)
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-plot-area =
+ element chart:plot-area {
+ chart-plot-area-attlist,
+ dr3d-light*,
+ chart-axis*,
+ chart-series*,
+ chart-stock-gain-marker?,
+ chart-stock-loss-marker?,
+ chart-stock-range-line?,
+ chart-wall?,
+ chart-floor?
+ }
+chart-plot-area-attlist =
+ common-draw-position-attlist
+ & common-draw-size-attlist
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & attribute chart:data-source-has-labels {
+ "none" | "row" | "column" | "both"
+ }?
+ & dr3d-scene-attlist
+ & common-dr3d-transform-attlist
+ & xml-id?
+chart-wall = element chart:wall { chart-wall-attlist, empty }
+chart-wall-attlist =
+ attribute svg:width { length }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-floor = element chart:floor { chart-floor-attlist, empty }
+chart-floor-attlist =
+ attribute svg:width { length }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-axis =
+ element chart:axis {
+ chart-axis-attlist, chart-title?, chart-categories?, chart-grid*
+ }
+chart-axis-attlist =
+ attribute chart:dimension { chart-dimension }
+ & attribute chart:name { \string }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-dimension = "x" | "y" | "z"
+chart-categories =
+ element chart:categories {
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ }
+chart-grid = element chart:grid { chart-grid-attlist }
+chart-grid-attlist =
+ attribute chart:class { "major" | "minor" }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-series =
+ element chart:series {
+ chart-series-attlist,
+ chart-domain*,
+ chart-mean-value?,
+ chart-regression-curve*,
+ chart-error-indicator*,
+ chart-data-point*,
+ chart-data-label?
+ }
+chart-series-attlist =
+ attribute chart:values-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & attribute chart:label-cell-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & attribute chart:class { namespacedToken }?
+ & attribute chart:attached-axis { \string }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & xml-id?
+chart-domain =
+ element chart:domain {
+ attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ }
+chart-data-point =
+ element chart:data-point {
+ chart-data-point-attlist, chart-data-label?
+ }
+chart-data-point-attlist =
+ attribute chart:repeated { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & xml-id?
+chart-data-label =
+ element chart:data-label { chart-data-label-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-data-label-attlist =
+ common-draw-position-attlist
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-mean-value =
+ element chart:mean-value { chart-mean-value-attlist, empty }
+chart-mean-value-attlist = attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-error-indicator =
+ element chart:error-indicator { chart-error-indicator-attlist, empty }
+chart-error-indicator-attlist =
+ attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute chart:dimension { chart-dimension }
+chart-regression-curve =
+ element chart:regression-curve {
+ chart-regression-curve-attlist, chart-equation?
+ }
+chart-regression-curve-attlist =
+ attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-equation =
+ element chart:equation { chart-equation-attlist, text-p? }
+chart-equation-attlist =
+ attribute chart:automatic-content { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:display-r-square { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:display-equation { boolean }?
+ & common-draw-position-attlist
+ & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+chart-stock-gain-marker =
+ element chart:stock-gain-marker { common-stock-marker-attlist }
+chart-stock-loss-marker =
+ element chart:stock-loss-marker { common-stock-marker-attlist }
+chart-stock-range-line =
+ element chart:stock-range-line { common-stock-marker-attlist }
+common-stock-marker-attlist =
+ attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+office-database =
+ element office:database {
+ db-data-source,
+ db-forms?,
+ db-reports?,
+ db-queries?,
+ db-table-presentations?,
+ db-schema-definition?
+ }
+db-data-source =
+ element db:data-source {
+ db-data-source-attlist,
+ db-connection-data,
+ db-driver-settings?,
+ db-application-connection-settings?
+ }
+db-data-source-attlist = empty
+db-connection-data =
+ element db:connection-data {
+ db-connection-data-attlist,
+ (db-database-description | db-connection-resource),
+ db-login?
+ }
+db-connection-data-attlist = empty
+db-database-description =
+ element db:database-description {
+ db-database-description-attlist,
+ (db-file-based-database | db-server-database)
+ }
+db-database-description-attlist = empty
+db-file-based-database =
+ element db:file-based-database { db-file-based-database-attlist }
+db-file-based-database-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
+ & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
+ & attribute db:media-type { \string }
+ & attribute db:extension { \string }?
+db-server-database =
+ element db:server-database { db-server-database-attlist, empty }
+db-server-database-attlist =
+ attribute db:type { namespacedToken }
+ & (db-host-and-port | db-local-socket-name)
+ & attribute db:database-name { \string }?
+db-host-and-port =
+ attribute db:hostname { \string },
+ attribute db:port { positiveInteger }?
+db-local-socket-name = attribute db:local-socket { \string }?
+db-connection-resource =
+ element db:connection-resource {
+ db-connection-resource-attlist, empty
+ }
+db-connection-resource-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "none" }?,
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+db-login = element db:login { db-login-attlist, empty }
+db-login-attlist =
+ (attribute db:user-name { \string }
+ | attribute db:use-system-user { boolean })?
+ & attribute db:is-password-required { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:login-timeout { positiveInteger }?
+db-driver-settings =
+ element db:driver-settings {
+ db-driver-settings-attlist,
+ db-auto-increment?,
+ db-delimiter?,
+ db-character-set?,
+ db-table-settings?
+ }
+db-driver-settings-attlist =
+ db-show-deleted
+ & attribute db:system-driver-settings { \string }?
+ & attribute db:base-dn { \string }?
+ & db-is-first-row-header-line
+ & attribute db:parameter-name-substitution { boolean }?
+db-show-deleted = attribute db:show-deleted { boolean }?
+db-is-first-row-header-line =
+ attribute db:is-first-row-header-line { boolean }?
+db-auto-increment =
+ element db:auto-increment { db-auto-increment-attlist, empty }
+db-auto-increment-attlist =
+ attribute db:additional-column-statement { \string }?
+ & attribute db:row-retrieving-statement { \string }?
+db-delimiter = element db:delimiter { db-delimiter-attlist, empty }
+db-delimiter-attlist =
+ attribute db:field { \string }?
+ & attribute db:string { \string }?
+ & attribute db:decimal { \string }?
+ & attribute db:thousand { \string }?
+db-character-set =
+ element db:character-set { db-character-set-attlist, empty }
+db-character-set-attlist = attribute db:encoding { textEncoding }?
+db-table-settings = element db:table-settings { db-table-setting* }
+db-table-setting =
+ element db:table-setting {
+ db-table-setting-attlist, db-delimiter?, db-character-set?, empty
+ }
+db-table-setting-attlist = db-is-first-row-header-line, db-show-deleted
+db-application-connection-settings =
+ element db:application-connection-settings {
+ db-application-connection-settings-attlist,
+ db-table-filter?,
+ db-table-type-filter?,
+ db-data-source-settings?
+ }
+db-application-connection-settings-attlist =
+ attribute db:is-table-name-length-limited { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:enable-sql92-check { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:append-table-alias-name { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:ignore-driver-privileges { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:boolean-comparison-mode {
+ "equal-integer"
+ | "is-boolean"
+ | "equal-boolean"
+ | "equal-use-only-zero"
+ }?
+ & attribute db:use-catalog { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:max-row-count { integer }?
+ & attribute db:suppress-version-columns { boolean }?
+db-table-filter =
+ element db:table-filter {
+ db-table-filter-attlist,
+ db-table-include-filter?,
+ db-table-exclude-filter?
+ }
+db-table-filter-attlist = empty
+db-table-include-filter =
+ element db:table-include-filter {
+ db-table-include-filter-attlist, db-table-filter-pattern+
+ }
+db-table-include-filter-attlist = empty
+db-table-exclude-filter =
+ element db:table-exclude-filter {
+ db-table-exclude-filter-attlist, db-table-filter-pattern+
+ }
+db-table-exclude-filter-attlist = empty
+db-table-filter-pattern =
+ element db:table-filter-pattern {
+ db-table-filter-pattern-attlist, \string
+ }
+db-table-filter-pattern-attlist = empty
+db-table-type-filter =
+ element db:table-type-filter {
+ db-table-type-filter-attlist, db-table-type*
+ }
+db-table-type-filter-attlist = empty
+db-table-type = element db:table-type { db-table-type-attlist, \string }
+db-table-type-attlist = empty
+db-data-source-settings =
+ element db:data-source-settings {
+ db-data-source-settings-attlist, db-data-source-setting+
+ }
+db-data-source-settings-attlist = empty
+db-data-source-setting =
+ element db:data-source-setting {
+ db-data-source-setting-attlist, db-data-source-setting-value+
+ }
+db-data-source-setting-attlist =
+ attribute db:data-source-setting-is-list { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:data-source-setting-name { \string }
+ & attribute db:data-source-setting-type {
+ db-data-source-setting-types
+ }
+db-data-source-setting-types =
+ "boolean" | "short" | "int" | "long" | "double" | "string"
+db-data-source-setting-value =
+ element db:data-source-setting-value {
+ db-data-source-setting-value-attlist, \string
+ }
+db-data-source-setting-value-attlist = empty
+db-forms =
+ element db:forms {
+ db-forms-attlist, (db-component | db-component-collection)*
+ }
+db-forms-attlist = empty
+db-reports =
+ element db:reports {
+ db-reports-attlist, (db-component | db-component-collection)*
+ }
+db-reports-attlist = empty
+db-component-collection =
+ element db:component-collection {
+ db-component-collection-attlist,
+ common-db-object-name,
+ common-db-object-title,
+ common-db-object-description,
+ (db-component | db-component-collection)*
+ }
+db-component-collection-attlist = empty
+db-component =
+ element db:component {
+ db-component-attlist,
+ common-db-object-name,
+ common-db-object-title,
+ common-db-object-description,
+ (office-document | math-math)?
+ }
+db-component-attlist =
+ (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "none" }?,
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
+ & attribute db:as-template { boolean }?
+db-queries =
+ element db:queries {
+ db-queries-attlist, (db-query | db-query-collection)*
+ }
+db-queries-attlist = empty
+db-query-collection =
+ element db:query-collection {
+ db-query-collection-attlist,
+ common-db-object-name,
+ common-db-object-title,
+ common-db-object-description,
+ (db-query | db-query-collection)*
+ }
+db-query-collection-attlist = empty
+db-query =
+ element db:query {
+ db-query-attlist,
+ common-db-object-name,
+ common-db-object-title,
+ common-db-object-description,
+ common-db-table-style-name,
+ db-order-statement?,
+ db-filter-statement?,
+ db-columns?,
+ db-update-table?
+ }
+db-query-attlist =
+ attribute db:command { \string }
+ & attribute db:escape-processing { boolean }?
+db-order-statement =
+ element db:order-statement { db-command, db-apply-command, empty }
+db-filter-statement =
+ element db:filter-statement { db-command, db-apply-command, empty }
+db-update-table =
+ element db:update-table { common-db-table-name-attlist }
+db-table-presentations =
+ element db:table-representations {
+ db-table-presentations-attlist, db-table-presentation*
+ }
+db-table-presentations-attlist = empty
+db-table-presentation =
+ element db:table-representation {
+ db-table-presentation-attlist,
+ common-db-table-name-attlist,
+ common-db-object-title,
+ common-db-object-description,
+ common-db-table-style-name,
+ db-order-statement?,
+ db-filter-statement?,
+ db-columns?
+ }
+db-table-presentation-attlist = empty
+db-columns = element db:columns { db-columns-attlist, db-column+ }
+db-columns-attlist = empty
+db-column =
+ element db:column {
+ db-column-attlist,
+ common-db-object-name,
+ common-db-object-title,
+ common-db-object-description,
+ common-db-default-value
+ }
+db-column-attlist =
+ attribute db:visible { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute db:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+db-command = attribute db:command { \string }
+db-apply-command = attribute db:apply-command { boolean }?
+common-db-table-name-attlist =
+ attribute db:name { \string }
+ & attribute db:catalog-name { \string }?
+ & attribute db:schema-name { \string }?
+common-db-object-name = attribute db:name { \string }
+common-db-object-title = attribute db:title { \string }?
+common-db-object-description = attribute db:description { \string }?
+common-db-table-style-name =
+ attribute db:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute db:default-row-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+common-db-default-value = common-value-and-type-attlist?
+db-schema-definition =
+ element db:schema-definition {
+ db-schema-definition-attlist, db-table-definitions
+ }
+db-schema-definition-attlist = empty
+db-table-definitions =
+ element db:table-definitions {
+ db-table-definitions-attlist, db-table-definition*
+ }
+db-table-definitions-attlist = empty
+db-table-definition =
+ element db:table-definition {
+ common-db-table-name-attlist,
+ db-table-definition-attlist,
+ db-column-definitions,
+ db-keys?,
+ db-indices?
+ }
+db-table-definition-attlist = attribute db:type { \string }?
+db-column-definitions =
+ element db:column-definitions {
+ db-column-definitions-attlist, db-column-definition+
+ }
+db-column-definitions-attlist = empty
+db-column-definition =
+ element db:column-definition {
+ db-column-definition-attlist, common-db-default-value
+ }
+db-column-definition-attlist =
+ attribute db:name { \string }
+ & attribute db:data-type { db-data-types }?
+ & attribute db:type-name { \string }?
+ & attribute db:precision { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute db:scale { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute db:is-nullable { "no-nulls" | "nullable" }?
+ & attribute db:is-empty-allowed { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:is-autoincrement { boolean }?
+db-data-types =
+ "bit"
+ | "boolean"
+ | "tinyint"
+ | "smallint"
+ | "integer"
+ | "bigint"
+ | "float"
+ | "real"
+ | "double"
+ | "numeric"
+ | "decimal"
+ | "char"
+ | "varchar"
+ | "longvarchar"
+ | "date"
+ | "time"
+ | "timestmp"
+ | "binary"
+ | "varbinary"
+ | "longvarbinary"
+ | "sqlnull"
+ | "other"
+ | "object"
+ | "distinct"
+ | "struct"
+ | "array"
+ | "blob"
+ | "clob"
+ | "ref"
+db-keys = element db:keys { db-keys-attlist, db-key+ }
+db-keys-attlist = empty
+db-key = element db:key { db-key-attlist, db-key-columns+ }
+db-key-attlist =
+ attribute db:name { \string }?
+ & attribute db:type { "primary" | "unique" | "foreign" }
+ & attribute db:referenced-table-name { \string }?
+ & attribute db:update-rule {
+ "cascade" | "restrict" | "set-null" | "no-action" | "set-default"
+ }?
+ & attribute db:delete-rule {
+ "cascade" | "restrict" | "set-null" | "no-action" | "set-default"
+ }?
+db-key-columns =
+ element db:key-columns { db-key-columns-attlist, db-key-column+ }
+db-key-columns-attlist = empty
+db-key-column = element db:key-column { db-key-column-attlist, empty }
+db-key-column-attlist =
+ attribute db:name { \string }?
+ & attribute db:related-column-name { \string }?
+db-indices = element db:indices { db-indices-attlist, db-index+ }
+db-indices-attlist = empty
+db-index = element db:index { db-index-attlist, db-index-columns+ }
+db-index-attlist =
+ attribute db:name { \string }
+ & attribute db:catalog-name { \string }?
+ & attribute db:is-unique { boolean }?
+ & attribute db:is-clustered { boolean }?
+db-index-columns = element db:index-columns { db-index-column+ }
+db-index-column =
+ element db:index-column { db-index-column-attlist, empty }
+db-index-column-attlist =
+ attribute db:name { \string }
+ & attribute db:is-ascending { boolean }?
+office-forms =
+ element office:forms {
+ office-forms-attlist, (form-form | xforms-model)*
+ }?
+office-forms-attlist =
+ attribute form:automatic-focus { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:apply-design-mode { boolean }?
+form-form =
+ element form:form {
+ common-form-control-attlist,
+ form-form-attlist,
+ form-properties?,
+ office-event-listeners?,
+ (controls | form-form)*,
+ form-connection-resource?
+ }
+form-form-attlist =
+ (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
+ & attribute office:target-frame { targetFrameName }?
+ & attribute form:method { "get" | "post" | \string }?
+ & attribute form:enctype { \string }?
+ & attribute form:allow-deletes { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:allow-inserts { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:allow-updates { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:apply-filter { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:command-type { "table" | "query" | "command" }?
+ & attribute form:command { \string }?
+ & attribute form:datasource { anyIRI | \string }?
+ & attribute form:master-fields { \string }?
+ & attribute form:detail-fields { \string }?
+ & attribute form:escape-processing { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:filter { \string }?
+ & attribute form:ignore-result { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:navigation-mode { navigation }?
+ & attribute form:order { \string }?
+ & attribute form:tab-cycle { tab-cycles }?
+navigation = "none" | "current" | "parent"
+tab-cycles = "records" | "current" | "page"
+form-connection-resource =
+ element form:connection-resource {
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ empty
+ }
+xforms-model = element xforms:model { anyAttListOrElements }
+column-controls =
+ element form:text { form-text-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+ | element form:textarea {
+ form-textarea-attlist, common-form-control-content, text-p*
+ }
+ | element form:formatted-text {
+ form-formatted-text-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:number {
+ form-number-attlist,
+ common-numeric-control-attlist,
+ common-form-control-content,
+ common-linked-cell,
+ common-spin-button,
+ common-repeat,
+ common-delay-for-repeat
+ }
+ | element form:date {
+ form-date-attlist,
+ common-numeric-control-attlist,
+ common-form-control-content,
+ common-linked-cell,
+ common-spin-button,
+ common-repeat,
+ common-delay-for-repeat
+ }
+ | element form:time {
+ form-time-attlist,
+ common-numeric-control-attlist,
+ common-form-control-content,
+ common-linked-cell,
+ common-spin-button,
+ common-repeat,
+ common-delay-for-repeat
+ }
+ | element form:combobox {
+ form-combobox-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-item*
+ }
+ | element form:listbox {
+ form-listbox-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-option*
+ }
+ | element form:checkbox {
+ form-checkbox-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+controls =
+ column-controls
+ | element form:password {
+ form-password-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:file { form-file-attlist, common-form-control-content }
+ | element form:fixed-text {
+ form-fixed-text-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:button {
+ form-button-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:image {
+ form-image-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:radio {
+ form-radio-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:frame {
+ form-frame-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:image-frame {
+ form-image-frame-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:hidden {
+ form-hidden-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:grid {
+ form-grid-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-column*
+ }
+ | element form:value-range {
+ form-value-range-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+ | element form:generic-control {
+ form-generic-control-attlist, common-form-control-content
+ }
+form-text-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ common-linked-cell
+form-control-attlist =
+ common-form-control-attlist,
+ common-control-id-attlist,
+ xforms-bind-attlist
+common-form-control-content = form-properties?, office-event-listeners?
+form-textarea-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ common-linked-cell
+form-password-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & common-maxlength-attlist
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & common-value-attlist
+ & common-convert-empty-attlist
+ & common-linked-cell
+ & attribute form:echo-char { character }?
+form-file-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-current-value-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-linked-cell
+form-formatted-text-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & common-current-value-attlist
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & common-maxlength-attlist
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-readonly-attlist
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & common-value-attlist
+ & common-convert-empty-attlist
+ & common-data-field-attlist
+ & common-linked-cell
+ & common-spin-button
+ & common-repeat
+ & common-delay-for-repeat
+ & attribute form:max-value { \string }?
+ & attribute form:min-value { \string }?
+ & attribute form:validation { boolean }?
+common-numeric-control-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-maxlength-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-convert-empty-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+form-number-attlist =
+ attribute form:value { double }?
+ & attribute form:current-value { double }?
+ & attribute form:min-value { double }?
+ & attribute form:max-value { double }?
+form-date-attlist =
+ attribute form:value { date }?
+ & attribute form:current-value { date }?
+ & attribute form:min-value { date }?
+ & attribute form:max-value { date }?
+form-time-attlist =
+ attribute form:value { time }?
+ & attribute form:current-value { time }?
+ & attribute form:min-value { time }?
+ & attribute form:max-value { time }?
+form-fixed-text-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & for
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & label
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & attribute form:multi-line { boolean }?
+form-combobox-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & common-current-value-attlist
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & dropdown
+ & common-maxlength-attlist
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-readonly-attlist
+ & size
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & common-value-attlist
+ & common-convert-empty-attlist
+ & common-data-field-attlist
+ & list-source
+ & list-source-type
+ & common-linked-cell
+ & common-source-cell-range
+ & attribute form:auto-complete { boolean }?
+form-item = element form:item { form-item-attlist, text }
+form-item-attlist = label
+form-listbox-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & dropdown
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & size
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & bound-column
+ & common-data-field-attlist
+ & list-source
+ & list-source-type
+ & common-linked-cell
+ & list-linkage-type
+ & common-source-cell-range
+ & attribute form:multiple { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:xforms-list-source { \string }?
+list-linkage-type =
+ attribute form:list-linkage-type {
+ "selection" | "selection-indices"
+ }?
+form-option = element form:option { form-option-attlist, text }
+form-option-attlist =
+ current-selected, selected, label, common-value-attlist
+form-button-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & button-type
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & label
+ & image-data
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & target-frame
+ & target-location
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & common-value-attlist
+ & common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
+ & common-repeat
+ & common-delay-for-repeat
+ & attribute form:default-button { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:toggle { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:focus-on-click { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:xforms-submission { \string }?
+form-image-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ button-type,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ image-data,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ target-frame,
+ target-location,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist
+form-checkbox-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & label
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & common-value-attlist
+ & common-data-field-attlist
+ & common-form-visual-effect-attlist
+ & common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
+ & common-linked-cell
+ & attribute form:current-state { states }?
+ & attribute form:is-tristate { boolean }?
+ & attribute form:state { states }?
+states = "unchecked" | "checked" | "unknown"
+form-radio-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ current-selected,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ label,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ selected,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-value-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist,
+ common-form-visual-effect-attlist,
+ common-form-relative-image-position-attlist,
+ common-linked-cell
+form-frame-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ for,
+ label,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist
+form-image-frame-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ image-data,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-readonly-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist,
+ common-data-field-attlist
+form-hidden-attlist = form-control-attlist, common-value-attlist
+form-grid-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist,
+ common-disabled-attlist,
+ common-printable-attlist,
+ common-tab-attlist,
+ common-title-attlist
+form-column =
+ element form:column { form-column-attlist, column-controls+ }
+form-column-attlist =
+ common-form-control-attlist, label, text-style-name
+text-style-name = attribute form:text-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+form-value-range-attlist =
+ form-control-attlist
+ & common-disabled-attlist
+ & common-printable-attlist
+ & common-tab-attlist
+ & common-title-attlist
+ & common-value-attlist
+ & common-linked-cell
+ & common-repeat
+ & common-delay-for-repeat
+ & attribute form:max-value { integer }?
+ & attribute form:min-value { integer }?
+ & attribute form:step-size { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute form:page-step-size { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute form:orientation { "horizontal" | "vertical" }?
+form-generic-control-attlist = form-control-attlist
+common-form-control-attlist =
+ attribute form:name { \string }?
+ & attribute form:control-implementation { namespacedToken }?
+xforms-bind-attlist = attribute xforms:bind { \string }?
+types = "submit" | "reset" | "push" | "url"
+button-type = attribute form:button-type { types }?
+common-control-id-attlist =
+ xml-id,
+ attribute form:id { NCName }?
+current-selected = attribute form:current-selected { boolean }?
+common-value-attlist = attribute form:value { \string }?
+common-current-value-attlist = attribute form:current-value { \string }?
+common-disabled-attlist = attribute form:disabled { boolean }?
+dropdown = attribute form:dropdown { boolean }?
+for = attribute form:for { \string }?
+image-data = attribute form:image-data { anyIRI }?
+label = attribute form:label { \string }?
+common-maxlength-attlist =
+ attribute form:max-length { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-printable-attlist = attribute form:printable { boolean }?
+common-readonly-attlist = attribute form:readonly { boolean }?
+selected = attribute form:selected { boolean }?
+size = attribute form:size { nonNegativeInteger }?
+common-tab-attlist =
+ attribute form:tab-index { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute form:tab-stop { boolean }?
+target-frame = attribute office:target-frame { targetFrameName }?
+target-location = attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }?
+common-title-attlist = attribute form:title { \string }?
+common-form-visual-effect-attlist =
+ attribute form:visual-effect { "flat" | "3d" }?
+common-form-relative-image-position-attlist =
+ attribute form:image-position { "center" }?
+ | (attribute form:image-position {
+ "start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom"
+ },
+ attribute form:image-align { "start" | "center" | "end" }?)
+bound-column = attribute form:bound-column { \string }?
+common-convert-empty-attlist =
+ attribute form:convert-empty-to-null { boolean }?
+common-data-field-attlist = attribute form:data-field { \string }?
+list-source = attribute form:list-source { \string }?
+list-source-type =
+ attribute form:list-source-type {
+ "table"
+ | "query"
+ | "sql"
+ | "sql-pass-through"
+ | "value-list"
+ | "table-fields"
+ }?
+common-linked-cell =
+ attribute form:linked-cell { cellAddress | \string }?
+common-source-cell-range =
+ attribute form:source-cell-range { cellRangeAddress | \string }?
+common-spin-button = attribute form:spin-button { boolean }?
+common-repeat = attribute form:repeat { boolean }?
+common-delay-for-repeat = attribute form:delay-for-repeat { duration }?
+form-properties = element form:properties { form-property+ }
+form-property =
+ element form:property {
+ form-property-name, form-property-value-and-type-attlist
+ }
+ | element form:list-property {
+ form-property-name, form-property-type-and-value-list
+ }
+form-property-name = attribute form:property-name { \string }
+form-property-value-and-type-attlist =
+ common-value-and-type-attlist
+ | attribute office:value-type { "void" }
+form-property-type-and-value-list =
+ (attribute office:value-type { "float" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:value { double }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "percentage" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:value { double }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "currency" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:value { double },
+ attribute office:currency { \string }?
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "date" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "time" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:time-value { duration }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "boolean" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:boolean-value { boolean }
+ }*)
+ | (attribute office:value-type { "string" },
+ element form:list-value {
+ attribute office:string-value { \string }
+ }*)
+ | attribute office:value-type { "void" }
+office-annotation =
+ element office:annotation {
+ office-annotation-attlist,
+ draw-caption-attlist,
+ common-draw-position-attlist,
+ common-draw-size-attlist,
+ common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
+ dc-creator?,
+ dc-date?,
+ meta-date-string?,
+ (text-p | text-list)*
+ }
+office-annotation-end =
+ element office:annotation-end { office-annotation-end-attlist }
+office-annotation-attlist =
+ attribute office:display { boolean }?
+ & common-office-annotation-name-attlist?
+office-annotation-end-attlist = common-office-annotation-name-attlist
+common-office-annotation-name-attlist =
+ attribute office:name { \string }
+meta-date-string = element meta:date-string { \string }
+common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist =
+ attribute style:num-prefix { \string }?,
+ attribute style:num-suffix { \string }?
+common-num-format-attlist =
+ attribute style:num-format { "1" | "i" | "I" | \string | empty }
+ | (attribute style:num-format { "a" | "A" },
+ style-num-letter-sync-attlist)
+ | empty
+style-num-letter-sync-attlist =
+ attribute style:num-letter-sync { boolean }?
+office-change-info =
+ element office:change-info { dc-creator, dc-date, text-p* }
+office-event-listeners =
+ element office:event-listeners {
+ (script-event-listener | presentation-event-listener)*
+ }
+script-event-listener =
+ element script:event-listener { script-event-listener-attlist, empty }
+script-event-listener-attlist =
+ attribute script:event-name { \string }
+ & attribute script:language { \string }
+ & (attribute script:macro-name { \string }
+ | (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?))
+math-math = element math:math { mathMarkup }
+ dc:description [
+ "To avoid inclusion of the complete MathML schema, anything is allowed within a math:math top-level element"
+ ]
+mathMarkup =
+ (attribute * { text }
+ | text
+ | element * { mathMarkup })*
+text-dde-connection-decl =
+ element text:dde-connection-decl {
+ text-dde-connection-decl-attlist, common-dde-connection-decl-attlist
+ }
+text-dde-connection-decl-attlist = attribute office:name { \string }
+common-dde-connection-decl-attlist =
+ attribute office:dde-application { \string }
+ & attribute office:dde-topic { \string }
+ & attribute office:dde-item { \string }
+ & attribute office:automatic-update { boolean }?
+table-dde-link =
+ element table:dde-link { office-dde-source, table-table }
+office-dde-source =
+ element office:dde-source {
+ office-dde-source-attlist, common-dde-connection-decl-attlist
+ }
+office-dde-source-attlist =
+ attribute office:name { \string }?
+ & attribute office:conversion-mode {
+ "into-default-style-data-style"
+ | "into-english-number"
+ | "keep-text"
+ }?
+animation-element =
+ element anim:animate {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
+ common-spline-anim-value-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:set {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-set-values-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:animateMotion {
+ anim-animate-motion-attlist,
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-spline-anim-value-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:animateColor {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
+ common-spline-anim-value-attlist,
+ anim-animate-color-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:animateTransform {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-named-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ anim-animate-transform-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:transitionFilter {
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
+ common-anim-values-attlist,
+ common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
+ anim-transition-filter-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:par {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-endsync-timing-attlist,
+ animation-element*
+ }
+ | element anim:seq {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ common-endsync-timing-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ animation-element*
+ }
+ | element anim:iterate {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ anim-iterate-attlist,
+ common-timing-attlist,
+ common-endsync-timing-attlist,
+ animation-element*
+ }
+ | element anim:audio {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ anim-audio-attlist,
+ common-basic-timing-attlist
+ }
+ | element anim:command {
+ common-anim-attlist,
+ anim-command-attlist,
+ common-begin-end-timing-attlist,
+ common-anim-target-attlist,
+ element anim:param {
+ attribute anim:name { \string },
+ attribute anim:value { \string }
+ }*
+ }
+anim-animate-motion-attlist =
+ attribute svg:path { pathData }?
+ & attribute svg:origin { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:calcMode {
+ "discrete" | "linear" | "paced" | "spline"
+ }?
+anim-animate-color-attlist =
+ attribute anim:color-interpolation { "rgb" | "hsl" }?
+ & attribute anim:color-interpolation-direction {
+ "clockwise" | "counter-clockwise"
+ }?
+anim-animate-transform-attlist =
+ attribute svg:type {
+ "translate" | "scale" | "rotate" | "skewX" | "skewY"
+ }
+anim-transition-filter-attlist =
+ attribute smil:type { \string }
+ & attribute smil:subtype { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:direction { "forward" | "reverse" }?
+ & attribute smil:fadeColor { color }?
+ & attribute smil:mode { "in" | "out" }?
+common-anim-target-attlist =
+ attribute smil:targetElement { IDREF }?
+ & attribute anim:sub-item { \string }?
+common-anim-named-target-attlist =
+ attribute smil:attributeName { \string }
+common-anim-values-attlist =
+ attribute smil:values { \string }?
+ & attribute anim:formula { \string }?
+ & common-anim-set-values-attlist
+ & attribute smil:from { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:by { \string }?
+common-anim-spline-mode-attlist =
+ attribute smil:calcMode {
+ "discrete" | "linear" | "paced" | "spline"
+ }?
+common-spline-anim-value-attlist =
+ attribute smil:keyTimes { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:keySplines { \string }?
+common-anim-add-accum-attlist =
+ attribute smil:accumulate { "none" | "sum" }?
+ & attribute smil:additive { "replace" | "sum" }?
+common-anim-set-values-attlist = attribute smil:to { \string }?
+common-begin-end-timing-attlist =
+ attribute smil:begin { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:end { \string }?
+common-dur-timing-attlist = attribute smil:dur { \string }?
+common-endsync-timing-attlist =
+ attribute smil:endsync { "first" | "last" | "all" | "media" | IDREF }?
+common-repeat-timing-attlist =
+ attribute smil:repeatDur { \string }?,
+ attribute smil:repeatCount { nonNegativeDecimal | "indefinite" }?
+nonNegativeDecimal = xsd:decimal { minInclusive = "0.0" }
+common-fill-timing-attlist =
+ attribute smil:fill {
+ "remove" | "freeze" | "hold" | "auto" | "default" | "transition"
+ }?
+common-fill-default-attlist =
+ attribute smil:fillDefault {
+ "remove" | "freeze" | "hold" | "transition" | "auto" | "inherit"
+ }?
+common-restart-timing-attlist =
+ attribute smil:restart {
+ "never" | "always" | "whenNotActive" | "default"
+ }?
+common-restart-default-attlist =
+ attribute smil:restartDefault {
+ "never" | "always" | "whenNotActive" | "inherit"
+ }?
+common-time-manip-attlist =
+ attribute smil:accelerate { zeroToOneDecimal }?
+ & attribute smil:decelerate { zeroToOneDecimal }?
+ & attribute smil:autoReverse { boolean }?
+zeroToOneDecimal = xsd:decimal { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "1" }
+common-basic-timing-attlist =
+ common-begin-end-timing-attlist,
+ common-dur-timing-attlist,
+ common-repeat-timing-attlist,
+ common-restart-timing-attlist,
+ common-restart-default-attlist,
+ common-fill-timing-attlist,
+ common-fill-default-attlist
+common-timing-attlist =
+ common-basic-timing-attlist, common-time-manip-attlist
+anim-iterate-attlist =
+ common-anim-target-attlist
+ & attribute anim:iterate-type { \string }?
+ & attribute anim:iterate-interval { duration }?
+anim-audio-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }?
+ & attribute anim:audio-level { double }?
+anim-command-attlist = attribute anim:command { \string }
+style-style =
+ element style:style {
+ style-style-attlist, style-style-content, style-map*
+ }
+common-in-content-meta-attlist =
+ attribute xhtml:about { URIorSafeCURIE },
+ attribute xhtml:property { CURIEs },
+ common-meta-literal-attlist
+common-meta-literal-attlist =
+ attribute xhtml:datatype { CURIE }?,
+ attribute xhtml:content { \string }?
+xml-id = attribute xml:id { ID }
+style-style-attlist =
+ attribute style:name { styleName }
+ & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute style:parent-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:next-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:list-level { positiveInteger | empty }?
+ & attribute style:list-style-name { styleName | empty }?
+ & attribute style:master-page-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:auto-update { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:percentage-data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:class { \string }?
+ & attribute style:default-outline-level { positiveInteger | empty }?
+style-map = element style:map { style-map-attlist, empty }
+style-map-attlist =
+ attribute style:condition { \string }
+ & attribute style:apply-style-name { styleNameRef }
+ & attribute style:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
+style-default-style =
+ element style:default-style { style-style-content }
+style-page-layout =
+ element style:page-layout {
+ style-page-layout-attlist, style-page-layout-content
+ }
+style-page-layout-content =
+ style-page-layout-properties?,
+ style-header-style?,
+ style-footer-style?
+style-page-layout-attlist =
+ attribute style:name { styleName }
+ & attribute style:page-usage {
+ "all" | "left" | "right" | "mirrored"
+ }?
+style-header-style =
+ element style:header-style { style-header-footer-properties? }
+style-footer-style =
+ element style:footer-style { style-header-footer-properties? }
+style-default-page-layout =
+ element style:default-page-layout { style-page-layout-content }
+style-master-page =
+ element style:master-page {
+ style-master-page-attlist,
+ (style-header, style-header-left?)?,
+ (style-footer, style-footer-left?)?,
+ draw-layer-set?,
+ office-forms?,
+ shape*,
+ animation-element?,
+ presentation-notes?
+ }
+style-master-page-attlist =
+ attribute style:name { styleName }
+ & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }
+ & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:next-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+style-header =
+ element style:header {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+style-footer =
+ element style:footer {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+style-header-left =
+ element style:header-left {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+style-footer-left =
+ element style:footer-left {
+ common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
+ }
+header-footer-content =
+ (text-tracked-changes,
+ text-decls,
+ (text-h
+ | text-p
+ | text-list
+ | table-table
+ | text-section
+ | text-table-of-content
+ | text-illustration-index
+ | text-table-index
+ | text-object-index
+ | text-user-index
+ | text-alphabetical-index
+ | text-bibliography
+ | text-index-title
+ | change-marks)*)
+ | (style-region-left?, style-region-center?, style-region-right?)
+common-style-header-footer-attlist =
+ attribute style:display { boolean }?
+style-region-left = element style:region-left { region-content }
+style-region-center = element style:region-center { region-content }
+style-region-right = element style:region-right { region-content }
+region-content = text-p*
+presentation-notes =
+ element presentation:notes {
+ common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
+ presentation-notes-attlist,
+ office-forms,
+ shape*
+ }
+presentation-notes-attlist =
+ attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-table-template =
+ element table:table-template {
+ table-table-template-attlist,
+ table-first-row?,
+ table-last-row?,
+ table-first-column?,
+ table-last-column?,
+ table-body,
+ table-even-rows?,
+ table-odd-rows?,
+ table-even-columns?,
+ table-odd-columns?,
+ table-background?
+ }
+table-table-template-attlist =
+ attribute table:name { \string }
+ & attribute table:first-row-start-column { rowOrCol }
+ & attribute table:first-row-end-column { rowOrCol }
+ & attribute table:last-row-start-column { rowOrCol }
+ & attribute table:last-row-end-column { rowOrCol }
+rowOrCol = "row" | "column"
+table-first-row =
+ element table:first-row { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-last-row =
+ element table:last-row { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-first-column =
+ element table:first-column { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-last-column =
+ element table:last-column { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-body = element table:body { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-even-rows =
+ element table:even-rows { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-odd-rows =
+ element table:odd-rows { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-even-columns =
+ element table:even-columns { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+table-odd-columns =
+ element table:odd-columns { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
+common-table-template-attlist =
+ attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef },
+ attribute table:paragraph-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+table-background =
+ element table:background { table-background-attlist, empty }
+table-background-attlist = attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }
+style-font-face =
+ element style:font-face {
+ style-font-face-attlist, svg-font-face-src?, svg-definition-src?
+ }
+style-font-face-attlist =
+ attribute svg:font-family { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:font-style { fontStyle }?
+ & attribute svg:font-variant { fontVariant }?
+ & attribute svg:font-weight { fontWeight }?
+ & attribute svg:font-stretch {
+ "normal"
+ | "ultra-condensed"
+ | "extra-condensed"
+ | "condensed"
+ | "semi-condensed"
+ | "semi-expanded"
+ | "expanded"
+ | "extra-expanded"
+ | "ultra-expanded"
+ }?
+ & attribute svg:font-size { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute svg:unicode-range { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:units-per-em { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:panose-1 { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:stemv { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:stemh { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:slope { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:cap-height { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:x-height { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:accent-height { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:ascent { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:descent { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:widths { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:bbox { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:ideographic { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:alphabetic { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:mathematical { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:hanging { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:v-ideographic { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:v-alphabetic { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:v-mathematical { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:v-hanging { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:underline-position { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:underline-thickness { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:strikethrough-position { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:strikethrough-thickness { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:overline-position { integer }?
+ & attribute svg:overline-thickness { integer }?
+ & attribute style:name { \string }
+ & attribute style:font-adornments { \string }?
+ & attribute style:font-family-generic { fontFamilyGeneric }?
+ & attribute style:font-pitch { fontPitch }?
+ & attribute style:font-charset { textEncoding }?
+svg-font-face-src =
+ element svg:font-face-src {
+ (svg-font-face-uri | svg-font-face-name)+
+ }
+svg-font-face-uri =
+ element svg:font-face-uri {
+ common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist, svg-font-face-format*
+ }
+svg-font-face-format =
+ element svg:font-face-format {
+ attribute svg:string { \string }?,
+ empty
+ }
+svg-font-face-name =
+ element svg:font-face-name {
+ attribute svg:name { \string }?,
+ empty
+ }
+svg-definition-src =
+ element svg:definition-src {
+ common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist, empty
+ }
+common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist =
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
+number-number-style =
+ element number:number-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (any-number, number-text?)?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+any-number = number-number | number-scientific-number | number-fraction
+number-number =
+ element number:number {
+ number-number-attlist,
+ common-decimal-places-attlist,
+ common-number-attlist,
+ number-embedded-text*
+ }
+number-number-attlist =
+ attribute number:decimal-replacement { \string }?
+ & attribute number:display-factor { double }?
+number-embedded-text =
+ element number:embedded-text { number-embedded-text-attlist, text }
+number-embedded-text-attlist = attribute number:position { integer }
+number-scientific-number =
+ element number:scientific-number {
+ number-scientific-number-attlist,
+ common-decimal-places-attlist,
+ common-number-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+number-scientific-number-attlist =
+ attribute number:min-exponent-digits { integer }?
+number-fraction =
+ element number:fraction {
+ number-fraction-attlist, common-number-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-fraction-attlist =
+ attribute number:min-numerator-digits { integer }?
+ & attribute number:min-denominator-digits { integer }?
+ & attribute number:denominator-value { integer }?
+number-currency-style =
+ element number:currency-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ common-auto-reorder-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ ((number-and-text, currency-symbol-and-text?)
+ | (currency-symbol-and-text, number-and-text?))?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+currency-symbol-and-text = number-currency-symbol, number-text?
+number-and-text = number-number, number-text?
+number-currency-symbol =
+ element number:currency-symbol {
+ number-currency-symbol-attlist, text
+ }
+number-currency-symbol-attlist =
+ attribute number:language { languageCode }?,
+ attribute number:country { countryCode }?,
+ attribute number:script { scriptCode }?,
+ attribute number:rfc-language-tag { language }?
+number-percentage-style =
+ element number:percentage-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ number-and-text?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+number-date-style =
+ element number:date-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ common-auto-reorder-attlist,
+ common-format-source-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (any-date, number-text?)+,
+ style-map*
+ }
+any-date =
+ number-day
+ | number-month
+ | number-year
+ | number-era
+ | number-day-of-week
+ | number-week-of-year
+ | number-quarter
+ | number-hours
+ | number-am-pm
+ | number-minutes
+ | number-seconds
+number-day =
+ element number:day {
+ number-day-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-day-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-month =
+ element number:month {
+ number-month-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-month-attlist =
+ attribute number:textual { boolean }?
+ & attribute number:possessive-form { boolean }?
+ & attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-year =
+ element number:year {
+ number-year-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-year-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-era =
+ element number:era {
+ number-era-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-era-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-day-of-week =
+ element number:day-of-week {
+ number-day-of-week-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-day-of-week-attlist =
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-week-of-year =
+ element number:week-of-year { common-calendar-attlist, empty }
+number-quarter =
+ element number:quarter {
+ number-quarter-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
+ }
+number-quarter-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-time-style =
+ element number:time-style {
+ number-time-style-attlist,
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ common-format-source-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (any-time, number-text?)+,
+ style-map*
+ }
+any-time = number-hours | number-am-pm | number-minutes | number-seconds
+number-time-style-attlist =
+ attribute number:truncate-on-overflow { boolean }?
+number-hours = element number:hours { number-hours-attlist, empty }
+number-hours-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-minutes =
+ element number:minutes { number-minutes-attlist, empty }
+number-minutes-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+number-seconds =
+ element number:seconds { number-seconds-attlist, empty }
+number-seconds-attlist =
+ attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
+ & attribute number:decimal-places { integer }?
+number-am-pm = element number:am-pm { empty }
+number-boolean-style =
+ element number:boolean-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (number-boolean, number-text?)?,
+ style-map*
+ }
+number-boolean = element number:boolean { empty }
+number-text-style =
+ element number:text-style {
+ common-data-style-attlist,
+ style-text-properties?,
+ number-text?,
+ (number-text-content, number-text?)*,
+ style-map*
+ }
+number-text = element number:text { text }
+number-text-content = element number:text-content { empty }
+common-data-style-attlist =
+ attribute style:name { styleName }
+ & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute number:language { languageCode }?
+ & attribute number:country { countryCode }?
+ & attribute number:script { scriptCode }?
+ & attribute number:rfc-language-tag { language }?
+ & attribute number:title { \string }?
+ & attribute style:volatile { boolean }?
+ & attribute number:transliteration-format { \string }?
+ & attribute number:transliteration-language { countryCode }?
+ & attribute number:transliteration-country { countryCode }?
+ & attribute number:transliteration-style {
+ "short" | "medium" | "long"
+ }?
+common-auto-reorder-attlist =
+ attribute number:automatic-order { boolean }?
+common-format-source-attlist =
+ attribute number:format-source { "fixed" | "language" }?
+common-decimal-places-attlist =
+ attribute number:decimal-places { integer }?
+common-number-attlist =
+ attribute number:min-integer-digits { integer }?
+ & attribute number:grouping { boolean }?
+common-calendar-attlist =
+ attribute number:calendar {
+ "gregorian"
+ | "gengou"
+ | "ROC"
+ | "hanja_yoil"
+ | "hanja"
+ | "hijri"
+ | "jewish"
+ | "buddhist"
+ | \string
+ }?
+style-style-content =
+ (attribute style:family { "text" },
+ style-text-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "paragraph" },
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "section" },
+ style-section-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "ruby" },
+ style-ruby-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "table" },
+ style-table-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "table-column" },
+ style-table-column-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "table-row" },
+ style-table-row-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "table-cell" },
+ style-table-cell-properties?,
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "graphic" | "presentation" },
+ style-graphic-properties?,
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "drawing-page" },
+ style-drawing-page-properties?)
+ | (attribute style:family { "chart" },
+ style-chart-properties?,
+ style-graphic-properties?,
+ style-paragraph-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?)
+text-linenumbering-configuration =
+ element text:linenumbering-configuration {
+ text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist,
+ text-linenumbering-separator?
+ }
+text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist =
+ attribute text:number-lines { boolean }?
+ & common-num-format-attlist?
+ & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:increment { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute text:number-position {
+ "left" | "right" | "inner" | "outer"
+ }?
+ & attribute text:offset { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute text:count-empty-lines { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:count-in-text-boxes { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:restart-on-page { boolean }?
+text-linenumbering-separator =
+ element text:linenumbering-separator {
+ attribute text:increment { nonNegativeInteger }?,
+ text
+ }
+text-notes-configuration =
+ element text:notes-configuration { text-notes-configuration-content }
+text-notes-configuration-content =
+ text-note-class
+ & attribute text:citation-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:citation-body-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:default-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:master-page-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+ & common-num-format-attlist?
+ & attribute text:start-numbering-at {
+ "document" | "chapter" | "page"
+ }?
+ & attribute text:footnotes-position {
+ "text" | "page" | "section" | "document"
+ }?
+ & element text:note-continuation-notice-forward { text }?
+ & element text:note-continuation-notice-backward { text }?
+text-bibliography-configuration =
+ element text:bibliography-configuration {
+ text-bibliography-configuration-attlist, text-sort-key*
+ }
+text-bibliography-configuration-attlist =
+ attribute text:prefix { \string }?
+ & attribute text:suffix { \string }?
+ & attribute text:numbered-entries { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:sort-by-position { boolean }?
+ & attribute fo:language { languageCode }?
+ & attribute fo:country { countryCode }?
+ & attribute fo:script { scriptCode }?
+ & attribute style:rfc-language-tag { language }?
+ & attribute text:sort-algorithm { \string }?
+text-sort-key = element text:sort-key { text-sort-key-attlist, empty }
+text-sort-key-attlist =
+ attribute text:key {
+ "address"
+ | "annote"
+ | "author"
+ | "bibliography-type"
+ | "booktitle"
+ | "chapter"
+ | "custom1"
+ | "custom2"
+ | "custom3"
+ | "custom4"
+ | "custom5"
+ | "edition"
+ | "editor"
+ | "howpublished"
+ | "identifier"
+ | "institution"
+ | "isbn"
+ | "issn"
+ | "journal"
+ | "month"
+ | "note"
+ | "number"
+ | "organizations"
+ | "pages"
+ | "publisher"
+ | "report-type"
+ | "school"
+ | "series"
+ | "title"
+ | "url"
+ | "volume"
+ | "year"
+ },
+ attribute text:sort-ascending { boolean }?
+text-list-style =
+ element text:list-style {
+ text-list-style-attr, text-list-style-content*
+ }
+text-list-style-attr =
+ attribute style:name { styleName }
+ & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute text:consecutive-numbering { boolean }?
+text-list-style-content =
+ element text:list-level-style-number {
+ text-list-level-style-attr,
+ text-list-level-style-number-attr,
+ style-list-level-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+ }
+ | element text:list-level-style-bullet {
+ text-list-level-style-attr,
+ text-list-level-style-bullet-attr,
+ style-list-level-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+ }
+ | element text:list-level-style-image {
+ text-list-level-style-attr,
+ text-list-level-style-image-attr,
+ style-list-level-properties?
+ }
+text-list-level-style-number-attr =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & common-num-format-attlist
+ & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+ & attribute text:display-levels { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute text:start-value { positiveInteger }?
+text-list-level-style-bullet-attr =
+ attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute text:bullet-char { character }
+ & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+ & attribute text:bullet-relative-size { percent }?
+text-list-level-style-image-attr =
+ common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data
+text-list-level-style-attr = attribute text:level { positiveInteger }
+text-outline-style =
+ element text:outline-style {
+ text-outline-style-attr, text-outline-level-style+
+ }
+text-outline-style-attr = attribute style:name { styleName }
+text-outline-level-style =
+ element text:outline-level-style {
+ text-outline-level-style-attlist,
+ style-list-level-properties?,
+ style-text-properties?
+ }
+text-outline-level-style-attlist =
+ attribute text:level { positiveInteger }
+ & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & common-num-format-attlist
+ & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
+ & attribute text:display-levels { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute text:start-value { positiveInteger }?
+style-graphic-properties =
+ element style:graphic-properties {
+ style-graphic-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-graphic-properties-content-strict =
+ style-graphic-properties-attlist,
+ style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist,
+ style-graphic-properties-elements
+style-drawing-page-properties =
+ element style:drawing-page-properties {
+ style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict =
+ style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist,
+ style-drawing-page-properties-attlist,
+ style-drawing-page-properties-elements
+draw-gradient =
+ element draw:gradient {
+ common-draw-gradient-attlist, draw-gradient-attlist, empty
+ }
+common-draw-gradient-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { styleName }?
+ & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:style { gradient-style }
+ & attribute draw:cx { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:cy { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:angle { angle }?
+ & attribute draw:border { percent }?
+gradient-style =
+ "linear" | "axial" | "radial" | "ellipsoid" | "square" | "rectangular"
+draw-gradient-attlist =
+ attribute draw:start-color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:end-color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:start-intensity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:end-intensity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+svg-linearGradient =
+ element svg:linearGradient {
+ common-svg-gradient-attlist,
+ attribute svg:x1 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:y1 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:x2 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:y2 { coordinate | percent }?,
+ svg-stop*
+ }
+svg-radialGradient =
+ element svg:radialGradient {
+ common-svg-gradient-attlist,
+ attribute svg:cx { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:cy { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:r { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:fx { coordinate | percent }?,
+ attribute svg:fy { coordinate | percent }?,
+ svg-stop*
+ }
+svg-stop =
+ element svg:stop {
+ attribute svg:offset { double | percent },
+ attribute svg:stop-color { color }?,
+ attribute svg:stop-opacity { double }?
+ }
+common-svg-gradient-attlist =
+ attribute svg:gradientUnits { "objectBoundingBox" }?
+ & attribute svg:gradientTransform { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:spreadMethod { "pad" | "reflect" | "repeat" }?
+ & attribute draw:name { styleName }
+ & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-hatch = element draw:hatch { draw-hatch-attlist, empty }
+draw-hatch-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { styleName }
+ & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:style { "single" | "double" | "triple" }
+ & attribute draw:color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:distance { length }?
+ & attribute draw:rotation { angle }?
+draw-fill-image =
+ element draw:fill-image {
+ draw-fill-image-attlist,
+ attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
+ attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
+ attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-fill-image-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { styleName }
+ & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute svg:width { length }?
+ & attribute svg:height { length }?
+draw-opacity =
+ element draw:opacity {
+ common-draw-gradient-attlist, draw-opacity-attlist, empty
+ }
+draw-opacity-attlist =
+ attribute draw:start { zeroToHundredPercent }?,
+ attribute draw:end { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+draw-marker =
+ element draw:marker {
+ draw-marker-attlist,
+ common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
+ common-draw-path-data-attlist,
+ empty
+ }
+draw-marker-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { styleName }
+ & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+draw-stroke-dash =
+ element draw:stroke-dash { draw-stroke-dash-attlist, empty }
+draw-stroke-dash-attlist =
+ attribute draw:name { styleName }
+ & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:style { "rect" | "round" }?
+ & attribute draw:dots1 { integer }?
+ & attribute draw:dots1-length { length | percent }?
+ & attribute draw:dots2 { integer }?
+ & attribute draw:dots2-length { length | percent }?
+ & attribute draw:distance { length | percent }?
+style-presentation-page-layout =
+ element style:presentation-page-layout {
+ attribute style:name { styleName },
+ attribute style:display-name { \string }?,
+ presentation-placeholder*
+ }
+presentation-placeholder =
+ element presentation:placeholder {
+ attribute presentation:object { presentation-classes },
+ attribute svg:x { coordinate | percent },
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate | percent },
+ attribute svg:width { length | percent },
+ attribute svg:height { length | percent },
+ empty
+ }
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+ element style:page-layout-properties {
+ style-page-layout-properties-content-strict
+ }
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+ style-page-layout-properties-attlist,
+ style-page-layout-properties-elements
+style-page-layout-properties-attlist =
+ attribute fo:page-width { length }?
+ & attribute fo:page-height { length }?
+ & common-num-format-attlist?
+ & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
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+ & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+ & common-vertical-margin-attlist
+ & common-margin-attlist
+ & common-border-attlist
+ & common-border-line-width-attlist
+ & common-padding-attlist
+ & common-shadow-attlist
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & attribute style:register-truth-ref-style-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:print {
+ list {
+ ("headers"
+ | "grid"
+ | "annotations"
+ | "objects"
+ | "charts"
+ | "drawings"
+ | "formulas"
+ | "zero-values")*
+ }
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+ & attribute style:scale-to-pages { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute style:table-centering {
+ "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both" | "none"
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+ & attribute style:footnote-max-height { length }?
+ & common-writing-mode-attlist
+ & attribute style:layout-grid-mode { "none" | "line" | "both" }?
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+ & attribute style:layout-grid-ruby-height { length }?
+ & attribute style:layout-grid-lines { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute style:layout-grid-base-width { length }?
+ & attribute style:layout-grid-color { color }?
+ & attribute style:layout-grid-ruby-below { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:layout-grid-print { boolean }?
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+ style-background-image & style-columns & style-footnote-sep
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+ element style:footnote-sep { style-footnote-sep-attlist, empty }?
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+ attribute style:width { length }?,
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+ attribute style:color { color }?,
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+ attribute style:adjustment { "left" | "center" | "right" }?,
+ attribute style:distance-before-sep { length }?,
+ attribute style:distance-after-sep { length }?
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+ element style:header-footer-properties {
+ style-header-footer-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-header-footer-properties-content-strict =
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+ style-header-footer-properties-elements
+style-header-footer-properties-attlist =
+ attribute svg:height { length }?
+ & attribute fo:min-height { length }?
+ & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+ & common-vertical-margin-attlist
+ & common-margin-attlist
+ & common-border-attlist
+ & common-border-line-width-attlist
+ & common-padding-attlist
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-shadow-attlist
+ & attribute style:dynamic-spacing { boolean }?
+style-header-footer-properties-elements = style-background-image
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+ element style:text-properties { style-text-properties-content-strict }
+style-text-properties-content-strict =
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+ attribute fo:font-variant { fontVariant }?
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+ "none" | "lowercase" | "uppercase" | "capitalize"
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+ & attribute style:text-line-through-text-style { styleNameRef }?
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+ list { (percent | "super" | "sub"), percent? }
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+ & attribute style:font-name-complex { \string }?
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+ & attribute style:font-charset-asian { textEncoding }?
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+ & attribute style:font-size-rel-asian { length }?
+ & attribute style:font-size-rel-complex { length }?
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+ & attribute style:script-complex { scriptCode }?
+ & attribute style:rfc-language-tag { language }?
+ & attribute style:rfc-language-tag-asian { language }?
+ & attribute style:rfc-language-tag-complex { language }?
+ & attribute fo:font-style { fontStyle }?
+ & attribute style:font-style-asian { fontStyle }?
+ & attribute style:font-style-complex { fontStyle }?
+ & attribute style:font-relief { "none" | "embossed" | "engraved" }?
+ & attribute fo:text-shadow { shadowType }?
+ & attribute style:text-underline-type { lineType }?
+ & attribute style:text-underline-style { lineStyle }?
+ & attribute style:text-underline-width { lineWidth }?
+ & attribute style:text-underline-color { "font-color" | color }?
+ & attribute style:text-overline-type { lineType }?
+ & attribute style:text-overline-style { lineStyle }?
+ & attribute style:text-overline-width { lineWidth }?
+ & attribute style:text-overline-color { "font-color" | color }?
+ & attribute style:text-overline-mode { lineMode }?
+ & attribute fo:font-weight { fontWeight }?
+ & attribute style:font-weight-asian { fontWeight }?
+ & attribute style:font-weight-complex { fontWeight }?
+ & attribute style:text-underline-mode { lineMode }?
+ & attribute style:text-line-through-mode { lineMode }?
+ & attribute style:letter-kerning { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:text-blinking { boolean }?
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & attribute style:text-combine { "none" | "letters" | "lines" }?
+ & attribute style:text-combine-start-char { character }?
+ & attribute style:text-combine-end-char { character }?
+ & attribute style:text-emphasize {
+ "none"
+ | list {
+ ("none" | "accent" | "dot" | "circle" | "disc"),
+ ("above" | "below")
+ }
+ }?
+ & attribute style:text-scale { percent }?
+ & attribute style:text-rotation-angle { angle }?
+ & attribute style:text-rotation-scale { "fixed" | "line-height" }?
+ & attribute fo:hyphenate { boolean }?
+ & attribute fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute fo:hyphenation-push-char-count { positiveInteger }?
+ & (attribute text:display { "true" }
+ | attribute text:display { "none" }
+ | (attribute text:display { "condition" },
+ attribute text:condition { "none" })
+ | empty)
+fontVariant = "normal" | "small-caps"
+fontFamilyGeneric =
+ "roman" | "swiss" | "modern" | "decorative" | "script" | "system"
+fontPitch = "fixed" | "variable"
+textEncoding = xsd:string { pattern = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*" }
+fontStyle = "normal" | "italic" | "oblique"
+shadowType = "none" | \string
+lineType = "none" | "single" | "double"
+lineStyle =
+ "none"
+ | "solid"
+ | "dotted"
+ | "dash"
+ | "long-dash"
+ | "dot-dash"
+ | "dot-dot-dash"
+ | "wave"
+lineWidth =
+ "auto"
+ | "normal"
+ | "bold"
+ | "thin"
+ | "medium"
+ | "thick"
+ | positiveInteger
+ | percent
+ | positiveLength
+fontWeight =
+ "normal"
+ | "bold"
+ | "100"
+ | "200"
+ | "300"
+ | "400"
+ | "500"
+ | "600"
+ | "700"
+ | "800"
+ | "900"
+lineMode = "continuous" | "skip-white-space"
+style-paragraph-properties =
+ element style:paragraph-properties {
+ style-paragraph-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-paragraph-properties-content-strict =
+ style-paragraph-properties-attlist,
+ style-paragraph-properties-elements
+style-paragraph-properties-attlist =
+ attribute fo:line-height { "normal" | nonNegativeLength | percent }?
+ & attribute style:line-height-at-least { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute style:line-spacing { length }?
+ & attribute style:font-independent-line-spacing { boolean }?
+ & common-text-align
+ & attribute fo:text-align-last { "start" | "center" | "justify" }?
+ & attribute style:justify-single-word { boolean }?
+ & attribute fo:keep-together { "auto" | "always" }?
+ & attribute fo:widows { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute fo:orphans { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute style:tab-stop-distance { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute fo:hyphenation-keep { "auto" | "page" }?
+ & attribute fo:hyphenation-ladder-count {
+ "no-limit" | positiveInteger
+ }?
+ & attribute style:register-true { boolean }?
+ & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+ & attribute fo:text-indent { length | percent }?
+ & attribute style:auto-text-indent { boolean }?
+ & common-vertical-margin-attlist
+ & common-margin-attlist
+ & common-break-attlist
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-border-attlist
+ & common-border-line-width-attlist
+ & attribute style:join-border { boolean }?
+ & common-padding-attlist
+ & common-shadow-attlist
+ & common-keep-with-next-attlist
+ & attribute text:number-lines { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:line-number { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute style:text-autospace { "none" | "ideograph-alpha" }?
+ & attribute style:punctuation-wrap { "simple" | "hanging" }?
+ & attribute style:line-break { "normal" | "strict" }?
+ & attribute style:vertical-align {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "auto" | "baseline"
+ }?
+ & common-writing-mode-attlist
+ & attribute style:writing-mode-automatic { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:snap-to-layout-grid { boolean }?
+ & common-page-number-attlist
+ & common-background-transparency-attlist
+common-text-align =
+ attribute fo:text-align {
+ "start" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify"
+ }?
+style-paragraph-properties-elements =
+ style-tab-stops & style-drop-cap & style-background-image
+style-tab-stops = element style:tab-stops { style-tab-stop* }?
+style-tab-stop =
+ element style:tab-stop { style-tab-stop-attlist, empty }
+style-tab-stop-attlist =
+ attribute style:position { length }
+ & (attribute style:type { "left" | "center" | "right" }?
+ | (attribute style:type { "char" },
+ style-tab-stop-char-attlist))
+ & attribute style:leader-type { lineType }?
+ & attribute style:leader-style { lineStyle }?
+ & attribute style:leader-width { lineWidth }?
+ & attribute style:leader-color { "font-color" | color }?
+ & attribute style:leader-text { character }?
+ & attribute style:leader-text-style { styleNameRef }?
+style-tab-stop-char-attlist = attribute style:char { character }
+style-drop-cap =
+ element style:drop-cap { style-drop-cap-attlist, empty }?
+style-drop-cap-attlist =
+ attribute style:length { "word" | positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute style:lines { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute style:distance { length }?
+ & attribute style:style-name { styleNameRef }?
+common-horizontal-margin-attlist =
+ attribute fo:margin-left { length | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:margin-right { length | percent }?
+common-vertical-margin-attlist =
+ attribute fo:margin-top { nonNegativeLength | percent }?,
+ attribute fo:margin-bottom { nonNegativeLength | percent }?
+common-margin-attlist =
+ attribute fo:margin { nonNegativeLength | percent }?
+common-break-attlist =
+ attribute fo:break-before { "auto" | "column" | "page" }?,
+ attribute fo:break-after { "auto" | "column" | "page" }?
+common-background-color-attlist =
+ attribute fo:background-color { "transparent" | color }?
+style-background-image =
+ element style:background-image {
+ style-background-image-attlist,
+ (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data | empty)
+ }?
+style-background-image-attlist =
+ attribute style:repeat { "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "stretch" }?
+ & attribute style:position {
+ "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "top"
+ | "bottom"
+ | list { horiBackPos, vertBackPos }
+ | list { vertBackPos, horiBackPos }
+ }?
+ & attribute style:filter-name { \string }?
+ & attribute draw:opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+horiBackPos = "left" | "center" | "right"
+vertBackPos = "top" | "center" | "bottom"
+common-border-attlist =
+ attribute fo:border { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-top { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-bottom { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-left { \string }?,
+ attribute fo:border-right { \string }?
+common-border-line-width-attlist =
+ attribute style:border-line-width { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-top { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-bottom { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-left { borderWidths }?,
+ attribute style:border-line-width-right { borderWidths }?
+borderWidths = list { positiveLength, positiveLength, positiveLength }
+common-padding-attlist =
+ attribute fo:padding { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-top { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-bottom { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-left { nonNegativeLength }?,
+ attribute fo:padding-right { nonNegativeLength }?
+common-shadow-attlist = attribute style:shadow { shadowType }?
+common-keep-with-next-attlist =
+ attribute fo:keep-with-next { "auto" | "always" }?
+common-writing-mode-attlist =
+ attribute style:writing-mode {
+ "lr-tb" | "rl-tb" | "tb-rl" | "tb-lr" | "lr" | "rl" | "tb" | "page"
+ }?
+common-page-number-attlist =
+ attribute style:page-number { positiveInteger | "auto" }?
+common-background-transparency-attlist =
+ attribute style:background-transparency { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+style-ruby-properties =
+ element style:ruby-properties { style-ruby-properties-content-strict }
+style-ruby-properties-content-strict =
+ style-ruby-properties-attlist, style-ruby-properties-elements
+style-ruby-properties-elements = empty
+style-ruby-properties-attlist =
+ attribute style:ruby-position { "above" | "below" }?
+ & attribute style:ruby-align {
+ "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "distribute-letter"
+ | "distribute-space"
+ }?
+style-section-properties =
+ element style:section-properties {
+ style-section-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-section-properties-content-strict =
+ style-section-properties-attlist, style-section-properties-elements
+style-section-properties-attlist =
+ common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+ & attribute style:protect { boolean }?
+ & common-editable-attlist
+ & attribute text:dont-balance-text-columns { boolean }?
+ & common-writing-mode-attlist
+style-section-properties-elements =
+ style-background-image & style-columns & text-notes-configuration*
+style-columns =
+ element style:columns {
+ style-columns-attlist, style-column-sep?, style-column*
+ }?
+style-columns-attlist =
+ attribute fo:column-count { positiveInteger }
+ & attribute fo:column-gap { length }?
+style-column = element style:column { style-column-attlist }
+style-column-attlist =
+ attribute style:rel-width { relativeLength }
+ & attribute fo:start-indent { length }?
+ & attribute fo:end-indent { length }?
+ & attribute fo:space-before { length }?
+ & attribute fo:space-after { length }?
+style-column-sep = element style:column-sep { style-column-sep-attlist }
+style-column-sep-attlist =
+ attribute style:style {
+ "none" | "solid" | "dotted" | "dashed" | "dot-dashed"
+ }?
+ & attribute style:width { length }
+ & attribute style:height { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute style:vertical-align { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?
+ & attribute style:color { color }?
+style-table-properties =
+ element style:table-properties {
+ style-table-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-table-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-properties-attlist, style-table-properties-elements
+style-table-properties-attlist =
+ attribute style:width { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute style:rel-width { percent }?
+ & attribute table:align { "left" | "center" | "right" | "margins" }?
+ & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+ & common-vertical-margin-attlist
+ & common-margin-attlist
+ & common-page-number-attlist
+ & common-break-attlist
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-shadow-attlist
+ & common-keep-with-next-attlist
+ & attribute style:may-break-between-rows { boolean }?
+ & attribute table:border-model { "collapsing" | "separating" }?
+ & common-writing-mode-attlist
+ & attribute table:display { boolean }?
+style-table-properties-elements = style-background-image
+style-table-column-properties =
+ element style:table-column-properties {
+ style-table-column-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-table-column-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-column-properties-attlist,
+ style-table-column-properties-elements
+style-table-column-properties-elements = empty
+style-table-column-properties-attlist =
+ attribute style:column-width { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute style:rel-column-width { relativeLength }?
+ & attribute style:use-optimal-column-width { boolean }?
+ & common-break-attlist
+style-table-row-properties =
+ element style:table-row-properties {
+ style-table-row-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-table-row-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-row-properties-attlist,
+ style-table-row-properties-elements
+style-table-row-properties-attlist =
+ attribute style:row-height { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute style:min-row-height { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute style:use-optimal-row-height { boolean }?
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-break-attlist
+ & attribute fo:keep-together { "auto" | "always" }?
+style-table-row-properties-elements = style-background-image
+style-table-cell-properties =
+ element style:table-cell-properties {
+ style-table-cell-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-table-cell-properties-content-strict =
+ style-table-cell-properties-attlist,
+ style-table-cell-properties-elements
+style-table-cell-properties-attlist =
+ attribute style:vertical-align {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "automatic"
+ }?
+ & attribute style:text-align-source { "fix" | "value-type" }?
+ & common-style-direction-attlist
+ & attribute style:glyph-orientation-vertical {
+ "auto" | "0" | "0deg" | "0rad" | "0grad"
+ }?
+ & common-writing-mode-attlist
+ & common-shadow-attlist
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-border-attlist
+ & attribute style:diagonal-tl-br { \string }?
+ & attribute style:diagonal-tl-br-widths { borderWidths }?
+ & attribute style:diagonal-bl-tr { \string }?
+ & attribute style:diagonal-bl-tr-widths { borderWidths }?
+ & common-border-line-width-attlist
+ & common-padding-attlist
+ & attribute fo:wrap-option { "no-wrap" | "wrap" }?
+ & common-rotation-angle-attlist
+ & attribute style:rotation-align {
+ "none" | "bottom" | "top" | "center"
+ }?
+ & attribute style:cell-protect {
+ "none"
+ | "hidden-and-protected"
+ | list { ("protected" | "formula-hidden")+ }
+ }?
+ & attribute style:print-content { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:decimal-places { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute style:repeat-content { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:shrink-to-fit { boolean }?
+common-style-direction-attlist =
+ attribute style:direction { "ltr" | "ttb" }?
+style-table-cell-properties-elements = style-background-image
+common-rotation-angle-attlist =
+ attribute style:rotation-angle { angle }?
+style-list-level-properties =
+ element style:list-level-properties {
+ style-list-level-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-list-level-properties-content-strict =
+ style-list-level-properties-attlist,
+ style-list-level-properties-elements
+style-list-level-properties-attlist =
+ common-text-align
+ & attribute text:space-before { length }?
+ & attribute text:min-label-width { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute text:min-label-distance { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute style:font-name { \string }?
+ & attribute fo:width { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute fo:height { positiveLength }?
+ & common-vertical-rel-attlist
+ & common-vertical-pos-attlist
+ & attribute text:list-level-position-and-space-mode {
+ "label-width-and-position" | "label-alignment"
+ }?
+style-list-level-properties-elements = style-list-level-label-alignment
+style-list-level-label-alignment =
+ element style:list-level-label-alignment {
+ style-list-level-label-alignment-attlist, empty
+ }?
+style-list-level-label-alignment-attlist =
+ attribute text:label-followed-by { "listtab" | "space" | "nothing" }
+ & attribute text:list-tab-stop-position { length }?
+ & attribute fo:text-indent { length }?
+ & attribute fo:margin-left { length }?
+style-graphic-properties-attlist =
+ attribute draw:stroke { "none" | "dash" | "solid" }?
+ & attribute draw:stroke-dash { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:stroke-dash-names { styleNameRefs }?
+ & attribute svg:stroke-width { length }?
+ & attribute svg:stroke-color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:marker-start { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:marker-end { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:marker-start-width { length }?
+ & attribute draw:marker-end-width { length }?
+ & attribute draw:marker-start-center { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:marker-end-center { boolean }?
+ & attribute svg:stroke-opacity {
+ xsd:double { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "1" }
+ | zeroToHundredPercent
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:stroke-linejoin {
+ "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "middle" | "none"
+ }?
+ & attribute svg:stroke-linecap { "butt" | "square" | "round" }?
+ & attribute draw:symbol-color { color }?
+ & attribute text:animation {
+ "none" | "scroll" | "alternate" | "slide"
+ }?
+ & attribute text:animation-direction {
+ "left" | "right" | "up" | "down"
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+ & attribute text:animation-start-inside { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:animation-stop-inside { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:animation-repeat { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute text:animation-delay { duration }?
+ & attribute text:animation-steps { length }?
+ & attribute draw:auto-grow-width { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:auto-grow-height { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:fit-to-size { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:fit-to-contour { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:textarea-vertical-align {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "justify"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:textarea-horizontal-align {
+ "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify"
+ }?
+ & attribute fo:wrap-option { "no-wrap" | "wrap" }?
+ & attribute style:shrink-to-fit { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:color-mode {
+ "greyscale" | "mono" | "watermark" | "standard"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:color-inversion { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:luminance { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:contrast { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:gamma { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:red { signedZeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:green { signedZeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:blue { signedZeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:image-opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:shadow { "visible" | "hidden" }?
+ & attribute draw:shadow-offset-x { length }?
+ & attribute draw:shadow-offset-y { length }?
+ & attribute draw:shadow-color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:shadow-opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:start-line-spacing-vertical { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:end-line-spacing-vertical { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:line-distance { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:guide-overhang { length }?
+ & attribute draw:guide-distance { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:start-guide { length }?
+ & attribute draw:end-guide { length }?
+ & attribute draw:placing { "below" | "above" }?
+ & attribute draw:parallel { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:measure-align {
+ "automatic" | "left-outside" | "inside" | "right-outside"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:measure-vertical-align {
+ "automatic" | "above" | "below" | "center"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:unit {
+ "automatic"
+ | "mm"
+ | "cm"
+ | "m"
+ | "km"
+ | "pt"
+ | "pc"
+ | "inch"
+ | "ft"
+ | "mi"
+ }?
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+ & attribute draw:decimal-places { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute draw:caption-type {
+ "straight-line" | "angled-line" | "angled-connector-line"
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+ & attribute draw:caption-angle { angle }?
+ & attribute draw:caption-gap { distance }?
+ & attribute draw:caption-escape-direction {
+ "horizontal" | "vertical" | "auto"
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+ & attribute draw:caption-escape { length | percent }?
+ & attribute draw:caption-line-length { length }?
+ & attribute draw:caption-fit-line-length { boolean }?
+ & attribute dr3d:horizontal-segments { nonNegativeInteger }?
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+ & attribute dr3d:edge-rounding { percent }?
+ & attribute dr3d:edge-rounding-mode { "correct" | "attractive" }?
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+ & attribute dr3d:backface-culling { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
+ & attribute dr3d:end-angle { angle }?
+ & attribute dr3d:close-front { boolean }?
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+ "object" | "parallel" | "sphere"
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+ & attribute dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y {
+ "object" | "parallel" | "sphere"
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+ & attribute dr3d:emissive-color { color }?
+ & attribute dr3d:specular-color { color }?
+ & attribute dr3d:diffuse-color { color }?
+ & attribute dr3d:shininess { percent }?
+ & attribute dr3d:shadow { "visible" | "hidden" }?
+ & common-draw-rel-size-attlist
+ & attribute fo:min-width { length | percent }?
+ & attribute fo:min-height { length | percent }?
+ & attribute fo:max-height { length | percent }?
+ & attribute fo:max-width { length | percent }?
+ & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
+ & common-vertical-margin-attlist
+ & common-margin-attlist
+ & attribute style:print-content { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:protect {
+ "none"
+ | list { ("content" | "position" | "size")+ }
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+ "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "from-left"
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+ | "outside"
+ | "from-inside"
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+ | "paragraph-content"
+ | "paragraph-start-margin"
+ | "paragraph-end-margin"
+ | "char"
+ }?
+ & common-vertical-pos-attlist
+ & common-vertical-rel-attlist
+ & common-text-anchor-attlist
+ & common-border-attlist
+ & common-border-line-width-attlist
+ & common-padding-attlist
+ & common-shadow-attlist
+ & common-background-color-attlist
+ & common-background-transparency-attlist
+ & common-editable-attlist
+ & attribute style:wrap {
+ "none"
+ | "left"
+ | "right"
+ | "parallel"
+ | "dynamic"
+ | "run-through"
+ | "biggest"
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+ & attribute style:number-wrapped-paragraphs {
+ "no-limit" | positiveInteger
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+ & attribute style:wrap-contour-mode { "full" | "outside" }?
+ & attribute style:run-through { "foreground" | "background" }?
+ & attribute style:flow-with-text { boolean }?
+ & attribute style:overflow-behavior {
+ "clip" | "auto-create-new-frame"
+ }?
+ & attribute style:mirror {
+ "none"
+ | "vertical"
+ | horizontal-mirror
+ | list { "vertical", horizontal-mirror }
+ | list { horizontal-mirror, "vertical" }
+ }?
+ & attribute fo:clip { "auto" | clipShape }?
+ & attribute draw:wrap-influence-on-position {
+ "iterative" | "once-concurrent" | "once-successive"
+ }?
+ & common-writing-mode-attlist
+ & attribute draw:frame-display-scrollbar { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:frame-display-border { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:frame-margin-horizontal { nonNegativePixelLength }?
+ & attribute draw:frame-margin-vertical { nonNegativePixelLength }?
+ & attribute draw:visible-area-left { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute draw:visible-area-top { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute draw:visible-area-width { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute draw:visible-area-height { positiveLength }?
+ & attribute draw:draw-aspect {
+ "content" | "thumbnail" | "icon" | "print-view"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:ole-draw-aspect { nonNegativeInteger }?
+style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist =
+ attribute draw:fill {
+ "none" | "solid" | "bitmap" | "gradient" | "hatch"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:secondary-fill-color { color }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-gradient-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:gradient-step-count { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-hatch-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-hatch-solid { boolean }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-image-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute style:repeat { "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "stretch" }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-image-width { length | percent }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-image-height { length | percent }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point-x { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point-y { percent }?
+ & attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point {
+ "top-left"
+ | "top"
+ | "top-right"
+ | "left"
+ | "center"
+ | "right"
+ | "bottom-left"
+ | "bottom"
+ | "bottom-right"
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:tile-repeat-offset {
+ list { zeroToHundredPercent, ("horizontal" | "vertical") }
+ }?
+ & attribute draw:opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
+ & attribute draw:opacity-name { styleNameRef }?
+ & attribute svg:fill-rule { "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?
+style-graphic-properties-elements =
+ text-list-style? & style-background-image & style-columns
+common-vertical-pos-attlist =
+ attribute style:vertical-pos {
+ "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "from-top" | "below"
+ }?,
+ attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
+common-vertical-rel-attlist =
+ attribute style:vertical-rel {
+ "page"
+ | "page-content"
+ | "frame"
+ | "frame-content"
+ | "paragraph"
+ | "paragraph-content"
+ | "char"
+ | "line"
+ | "baseline"
+ | "text"
+ }?
+common-editable-attlist = attribute style:editable { boolean }?
+horizontal-mirror =
+ "horizontal" | "horizontal-on-odd" | "horizontal-on-even"
+clipShape =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "rect\([ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)))|(auto))([ ]*,[ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))))|(auto)){3}[ ]*\)"
+ }
+nonNegativePixelLength =
+ xsd:string { pattern = "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px)" }
+style-chart-properties =
+ element style:chart-properties {
+ style-chart-properties-content-strict
+ }
+style-chart-properties-content-strict =
+ style-chart-properties-attlist, style-chart-properties-elements
+style-chart-properties-elements = empty
+style-chart-properties-attlist =
+ attribute chart:scale-text { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:three-dimensional { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:deep { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:right-angled-axes { boolean }?
+ & (attribute chart:symbol-type { "none" }
+ | attribute chart:symbol-type { "automatic" }
+ | (attribute chart:symbol-type { "named-symbol" },
+ attribute chart:symbol-name {
+ "square"
+ | "diamond"
+ | "arrow-down"
+ | "arrow-up"
+ | "arrow-right"
+ | "arrow-left"
+ | "bow-tie"
+ | "hourglass"
+ | "circle"
+ | "star"
+ | "x"
+ | "plus"
+ | "asterisk"
+ | "horizontal-bar"
+ | "vertical-bar"
+ })
+ | (attribute chart:symbol-type { "image" },
+ element chart:symbol-image {
+ attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
+ })
+ | empty)
+ & attribute chart:symbol-width { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute chart:symbol-height { nonNegativeLength }?
+ & attribute chart:sort-by-x-values { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:vertical { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:connect-bars { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:gap-width { integer }?
+ & attribute chart:overlap { integer }?
+ & attribute chart:group-bars-per-axis { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:japanese-candle-stick { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:interpolation {
+ "none" | "cubic-spline" | "b-spline"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:spline-order { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute chart:spline-resolution { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute chart:pie-offset { nonNegativeInteger }?
+ & attribute chart:angle-offset { angle }?
+ & attribute chart:hole-size { percent }?
+ & attribute chart:lines { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:solid-type {
+ "cuboid" | "cylinder" | "cone" | "pyramid"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:stacked { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:percentage { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:treat-empty-cells {
+ "use-zero" | "leave-gap" | "ignore"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:link-data-style-to-source { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:logarithmic { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:maximum { double }?
+ & attribute chart:minimum { double }?
+ & attribute chart:origin { double }?
+ & attribute chart:interval-major { double }?
+ & attribute chart:interval-minor-divisor { positiveInteger }?
+ & attribute chart:tick-marks-major-inner { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:tick-marks-major-outer { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:tick-marks-minor-inner { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:tick-marks-minor-outer { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:reverse-direction { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:display-label { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:text-overlap { boolean }?
+ & attribute text:line-break { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:label-arrangement {
+ "side-by-side" | "stagger-even" | "stagger-odd"
+ }?
+ & common-style-direction-attlist
+ & common-rotation-angle-attlist
+ & attribute chart:data-label-number {
+ "none" | "value" | "percentage" | "value-and-percentage"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:data-label-text { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:data-label-symbol { boolean }?
+ & element chart:label-separator { text-p }?
+ & attribute chart:label-position { labelPositions }?
+ & attribute chart:label-position-negative { labelPositions }?
+ & attribute chart:visible { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:auto-position { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:auto-size { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:mean-value { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:error-category {
+ "none"
+ | "variance"
+ | "standard-deviation"
+ | "percentage"
+ | "error-margin"
+ | "constant"
+ | "standard-error"
+ | "cell-range"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:error-percentage { double }?
+ & attribute chart:error-margin { double }?
+ & attribute chart:error-lower-limit { double }?
+ & attribute chart:error-upper-limit { double }?
+ & attribute chart:error-upper-indicator { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:error-lower-indicator { boolean }?
+ & attribute chart:error-lower-range { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & attribute chart:error-upper-range { cellRangeAddressList }?
+ & attribute chart:series-source { "columns" | "rows" }?
+ & attribute chart:regression-type {
+ "none" | "linear" | "logarithmic" | "exponential" | "power"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:axis-position { "start" | "end" | double }?
+ & attribute chart:axis-label-position {
+ "near-axis"
+ | "near-axis-other-side"
+ | "outside-start"
+ | "outside-end"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:tick-mark-position {
+ "at-labels" | "at-axis" | "at-labels-and-axis"
+ }?
+ & attribute chart:include-hidden-cells { boolean }?
+labelPositions =
+ "avoid-overlap"
+ | "center"
+ | "top"
+ | "top-right"
+ | "right"
+ | "bottom-right"
+ | "bottom"
+ | "bottom-left"
+ | "left"
+ | "top-left"
+ | "inside"
+ | "outside"
+ | "near-origin"
+style-drawing-page-properties-attlist =
+ attribute presentation:transition-type {
+ "manual" | "automatic" | "semi-automatic"
+ }?
+ & attribute presentation:transition-style {
+ "none"
+ | "fade-from-left"
+ | "fade-from-top"
+ | "fade-from-right"
+ | "fade-from-bottom"
+ | "fade-from-upperleft"
+ | "fade-from-upperright"
+ | "fade-from-lowerleft"
+ | "fade-from-lowerright"
+ | "move-from-left"
+ | "move-from-top"
+ | "move-from-right"
+ | "move-from-bottom"
+ | "move-from-upperleft"
+ | "move-from-upperright"
+ | "move-from-lowerleft"
+ | "move-from-lowerright"
+ | "uncover-to-left"
+ | "uncover-to-top"
+ | "uncover-to-right"
+ | "uncover-to-bottom"
+ | "uncover-to-upperleft"
+ | "uncover-to-upperright"
+ | "uncover-to-lowerleft"
+ | "uncover-to-lowerright"
+ | "fade-to-center"
+ | "fade-from-center"
+ | "vertical-stripes"
+ | "horizontal-stripes"
+ | "clockwise"
+ | "counterclockwise"
+ | "open-vertical"
+ | "open-horizontal"
+ | "close-vertical"
+ | "close-horizontal"
+ | "wavyline-from-left"
+ | "wavyline-from-top"
+ | "wavyline-from-right"
+ | "wavyline-from-bottom"
+ | "spiralin-left"
+ | "spiralin-right"
+ | "spiralout-left"
+ | "spiralout-right"
+ | "roll-from-top"
+ | "roll-from-left"
+ | "roll-from-right"
+ | "roll-from-bottom"
+ | "stretch-from-left"
+ | "stretch-from-top"
+ | "stretch-from-right"
+ | "stretch-from-bottom"
+ | "vertical-lines"
+ | "horizontal-lines"
+ | "dissolve"
+ | "random"
+ | "vertical-checkerboard"
+ | "horizontal-checkerboard"
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+ | "interlocking-horizontal-right"
+ | "interlocking-vertical-top"
+ | "interlocking-vertical-bottom"
+ | "fly-away"
+ | "open"
+ | "close"
+ | "melt"
+ }?
+ & attribute presentation:transition-speed { presentationSpeeds }?
+ & attribute smil:type { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:subtype { \string }?
+ & attribute smil:direction { "forward" | "reverse" }?
+ & attribute smil:fadeColor { color }?
+ & attribute presentation:duration { duration }?
+ & attribute presentation:visibility { "visible" | "hidden" }?
+ & attribute draw:background-size { "full" | "border" }?
+ & attribute presentation:background-objects-visible { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:background-visible { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:display-header { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:display-footer { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:display-page-number { boolean }?
+ & attribute presentation:display-date-time { boolean }?
+style-drawing-page-properties-elements = presentation-sound?
+\string = xsd:string
+date = xsd:date
+time = xsd:time
+dateTime = xsd:dateTime
+duration = xsd:duration
+integer = xsd:integer
+nonNegativeInteger = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
+positiveInteger = xsd:positiveInteger
+double = xsd:double
+anyURI = xsd:anyURI
+base64Binary = xsd:base64Binary
+ID = xsd:ID
+NCName = xsd:NCName
+boolean = "true" | "false"
+dateOrDateTime = xsd:date | xsd:dateTime
+timeOrDateTime = xsd:time | xsd:dateTime
+language = xsd:language
+countryCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}" }
+languageCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z]{1,8}" }
+scriptCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}" }
+character = xsd:string { length = "1" }
+length =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
+ }
+nonNegativeLength =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
+ }
+positiveLength =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
+ }
+percent = xsd:string { pattern = "-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)%" }
+zeroToHundredPercent =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern = "([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)%"
+ }
+signedZeroToHundredPercent =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern = "-?([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)%"
+ }
+relativeLength = xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+\*" }
+coordinate = length
+distance = length
+color = xsd:string { pattern = "#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}" }
+angle = xsd:string
+ xsd:string { pattern = "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+" minLength = "1" }
+CURIEs = list { CURIE+ }
+SafeCURIE =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern = "\[(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+\]"
+ minLength = "3"
+ }
+URIorSafeCURIE = anyURI | SafeCURIE
+styleName = xsd:NCName
+styleNameRef = xsd:NCName | empty
+styleNameRefs = list { xsd:NCName* }
+variableName = xsd:string
+targetFrameName = "_self" | "_blank" | "_parent" | "_top" | \string
+valueType =
+ "float"
+ | "time"
+ | "date"
+ | "percentage"
+ | "currency"
+ | "boolean"
+ | "string"
+points =
+ xsd:string { pattern = "-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)*" }
+pathData = xsd:string
+vector3D =
+ xsd:string {
+ pattern =
+ "\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\)"
+ }
+namespacedToken = xsd:QName { pattern = "[^:]+:[^:]+" }
+anyIRI =
+ xsd:anyURI
+ >> dc:description [
+ "An IRI-reference as defined in [RFC3987]. See ODF 1.2 Part 1 section 18.3."
+ ]
+anyAttListOrElements =
+ attribute * { text }*,
+ anyElements
+anyElements =
+ element * {
+ mixed { anyAttListOrElements }
+ }*
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