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authorNicolas Goaziou <>2011-07-02 10:24:51 +0200
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2011-07-12 09:09:34 +0200
commit6338eb72a66cf5d454cf9c21968d6fc9c02e0b0c (patch)
parent1029a9251741c2cdf10281866a2fbbdaf2e1cb25 (diff)
org-list: add a new method on lists (org-list-send-item)
* lisp/org-list.el (org-list-delete-item, org-list-send-item): new functions.
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-list.el b/lisp/org-list.el
index 0e88958..0501b55 100644
--- a/lisp/org-list.el
+++ b/lisp/org-list.el
@@ -1239,6 +1239,149 @@ This function modifies STRUCT."
item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct))))
+(defun org-list-delete-item (item struct)
+ "Remove ITEM from the list and return the new structure.
+STRUCT is the list structure."
+ (let* ((end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ (beg (if (= (org-list-get-bottom-point struct) end)
+ ;; If ITEM ends with the list, delete blank lines
+ ;; before it.
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char item)
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (min (1+ (point-at-eol)) (point-max)))
+ item)))
+ ;; Remove item from buffer.
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ ;; Remove item from structure and shift others items accordingly.
+ ;; Don't forget to shift also ending position when appropriate.
+ (let ((size (- end beg)))
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e)
+ (let ((pos (car e)))
+ (cond
+ ((< pos item)
+ (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
+ (cond
+ ((< end-e item) e)
+ ((= end-e item)
+ (append (butlast e) (list beg)))
+ (t
+ (append (butlast e) (list (- end-e size)))))))
+ ((< pos end) nil)
+ (t
+ (cons (- pos size)
+ (append (butlast (cdr e))
+ (list (- (nth 6 e) size))))))))
+ struct)))))
+(defun org-list-send-item (item dest struct)
+ "Send ITEM to destination DEST.
+STRUCT is the list structure.
+DEST can have various values.
+If DEST is a buffer position, the function will assume it points
+to another item in the same list as ITEM, and will move the
+latter just before the former.
+If DEST is `begin' \(resp. `end'\), ITEM will be moved at the
+beginning \(resp. end\) of the list it belongs to.
+If DEST is a string like \"N\", where N is an integer, ITEM will
+be moved at the Nth position in the list.
+If DEST is `kill', ITEM will be deleted and its body will be
+added to the kill-ring.
+If DEST is `delete', ITEM will be deleted.
+This function returns, destructively, the new list structure."
+ (let* ((prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ ;; Grab full item body minus its bullet.
+ (body (org-trim
+ (buffer-substring
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char item)
+ (looking-at
+ (concat "[ \t]*"
+ (regexp-quote (org-list-get-bullet item struct))))
+ (match-end 0))
+ item-end)))
+ ;; Change DEST into a buffer position. A trick is needed
+ ;; when ITEM is meant to be sent at the end of the list.
+ ;; Indeed, by setting locally `org-M-RET-may-split-line' to
+ ;; nil and insertion point (INS-POINT) to the first line's
+ ;; end of the last item, we ensure the new item will be
+ ;; inserted after the last item, and not after any of its
+ ;; hypothetical sub-items.
+ (ins-point (cond
+ ((or (eq dest 'kill) (eq dest 'delete)))
+ ((eq dest 'begin)
+ (setq dest (org-list-get-list-begin item struct prevs)))
+ ((eq dest 'end)
+ (setq dest (org-list-get-list-end item struct prevs))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs))
+ (point-at-eol)))
+ ((string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\'" dest)
+ (let* ((all (org-list-get-all-items item struct prevs))
+ (len (length all))
+ (index (mod (string-to-number dest) len)))
+ (if (not (zerop index))
+ (setq dest (nth (1- index) all))
+ ;; Send ITEM at the end of the list.
+ (setq dest (org-list-get-list-end item struct prevs))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char
+ (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs))
+ (point-at-eol)))))
+ (t dest)))
+ (org-M-RET-may-split-line nil))
+ (cond
+ ((eq dest 'delete) (org-list-delete-item item struct))
+ ((eq dest 'kill)
+ (kill-new body)
+ (org-list-delete-item item struct))
+ ((and (integerp dest) (/= item ins-point))
+ (setq item (copy-marker item))
+ (setq struct (org-list-insert-item ins-point struct prevs nil body))
+ ;; 1. Structure returned by `org-list-insert-item' may not be
+ ;; accurate, as it cannot see sub-items included in BODY.
+ ;; Thus, first compute the real structure so far.
+ (let ((moved-items
+ (cons (marker-position item)
+ (org-list-get-subtree (marker-position item) struct)))
+ (new-end (org-list-get-item-end (point) struct))
+ (old-end (org-list-get-item-end (marker-position item) struct))
+ (new-item (point))
+ (shift (- (point) item)))
+ ;; 1.1. Remove the item just created in structure.
+ (setq struct (delete (assq new-item struct) struct))
+ ;; 1.2. Copy ITEM and any of its sub-items at NEW-ITEM.
+ (setq struct (sort*
+ (append
+ struct
+ (mapcar (lambda (e)
+ (let* ((cell (assq e struct))
+ (pos (car cell))
+ (end (nth 6 cell)))
+ (cons (+ pos shift)
+ (append (butlast (cdr cell))
+ (list (if (= end old-end)
+ new-end
+ (+ end shift)))))))
+ moved-items))
+ (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2))))))
+ ;; 2. Eventually delete the extra copy of the item and clean
+ ;; marker.
+ (prog1
+ (org-list-delete-item (marker-position item) struct)
+ (move-marker item nil)))
+ (t struct))))
(defun org-list-exchange-items (beg-A beg-B struct)
"Swap item starting at BEG-A with item starting at BEG-B in STRUCT.
Blank lines at the end of items are left in place. Return the