diff options
authorBastien Guerry <>2014-07-28 17:43:15 +0200
committerBastien Guerry <>2014-07-28 17:43:15 +0200
commit63160e9aabf52a6814f0b33e0bfc9f8861d03dc8 (patch)
parente8b51c0ce5d6dbd5f2c6cfff2d260a3f5f7ac58f (diff)
org-clock.el: Various improvements
* org-clock.el (org-clock-display-default-range): New option. (org-clock-display): Use the new option. (org-clock-sum-custom): New parameters `range' and `propname'. (org-clock-special-range): Allow to enter a special range through the calendar.
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-clock.el b/lisp/org-clock.el
index ddf7823..179d395 100644
--- a/lisp/org-clock.el
+++ b/lisp/org-clock.el
@@ -414,6 +414,25 @@ if you are using Debian."
:package-version '(Org . "8.0")
:type 'string)
+(defcustom org-clock-goto-before-context 2
+ "Number of lines of context to display before currently clocked-in entry.
+This applies when using `org-clock-goto'."
+ :group 'org-clock
+ :type 'integer)
+(defcustom org-clock-display-default-range 'thisyear
+ "Default range when displaying clocks with `org-clock-display'."
+ :group 'org-clock
+ :type '(choice (const today)
+ (const yesterday)
+ (const thisweek)
+ (const lastweek)
+ (const thismonth)
+ (const lastmonth)
+ (const thisyear)
+ (const lastyear)
+ (const :tag "Select range interactively" interactive)))
(defvar org-clock-in-prepare-hook nil
"Hook run when preparing the clock.
This hook is run before anything happens to the task that
@@ -1673,12 +1692,6 @@ Optional argument N tells to change by that many units."
(message "Clock canceled")
(run-hooks 'org-clock-cancel-hook))
-(defcustom org-clock-goto-before-context 2
- "Number of lines of context to display before currently clocked-in entry.
-This applies when using `org-clock-goto'."
- :group 'org-clock
- :type 'integer)
(defun org-clock-goto (&optional select)
"Go to the currently clocked-in entry, or to the most recently clocked one.
@@ -1718,17 +1731,18 @@ With prefix arg SELECT, offer recently clocked tasks for selection."
(org-clock-sum (car range) (cadr range)
headline-filter :org-clock-minutes-today)))
-(defun org-clock-sum-custom (&optional headline-filter)
+(defun org-clock-sum-custom (&optional headline-filter range propname)
"Sum the times for each subtree for today."
- (let ((range
- (org-clock-special-range
- (intern (completing-read
- "Range: "
- '("today" "yesterday" "thisweek" "lastweek"
- "thismonth" "lastmonth" "thisyear" "lastyear")
- nil t)))))
- (org-clock-sum (car range) (cadr range)
- headline-filter :org-clock-minutes-custom)))
+ (let ((r (or (and (symbolp range) (org-clock-special-range range))
+ (org-clock-special-range
+ (intern (completing-read
+ "Range: "
+ '("today" "yesterday" "thisweek" "lastweek"
+ "thismonth" "lastmonth" "thisyear" "lastyear"
+ "interactive")
+ nil t))))))
+ (org-clock-sum (car r) (cadr r)
+ headline-filter (or propname :org-clock-minutes-custom))))
(defun org-clock-sum (&optional tstart tend headline-filter propname)
@@ -1842,13 +1856,19 @@ Use \\[org-clock-remove-overlays] to remove the subtree times."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((todayp (equal arg '(4)))
- (customp (equal arg '(16)))
- (prop (cond (todayp :org-clock-minutes-today)
+ (customp (member arg '((16) today yesterday
+ thisweek lastweek thismonth
+ lastmonth thisyear lastyear
+ interactive)))
+ (prop (cond ((not arg) :org-clock-minutes-default)
+ (todayp :org-clock-minutes-today)
(customp :org-clock-minutes-custom)
(t :org-clock-minutes)))
time h m p)
- (cond (todayp (org-clock-sum-today))
- (customp (org-clock-sum-custom))
+ (cond ((not arg) (org-clock-sum-custom
+ nil org-clock-display-default-range prop))
+ (todayp (org-clock-sum-today))
+ (customp (org-clock-sum-custom nil arg))
(t (org-clock-sum)))
(unless (eq arg '(64))
@@ -2147,10 +2167,12 @@ If you can combine both, the month starting day will have priority."
((> (+ q shift) 0) ; shift is within this year
(setq shiftedq (+ q shift))
(setq shiftedy y)
- (setq d 1 h 0 m 0 d1 1 month (+ 1 (* 3 (- (+ q shift) 1))) month1 (+ 4 (* 3 (- (+ q shift) 1))) h1 0 m1 0))))
+ (setq d 1 h 0 m 0 d1 1 month (+ 1 (* 3 (- (+ q shift) 1)))
+ month1 (+ 4 (* 3 (- (+ q shift) 1))) h1 0 m1 0))))
((memq key '(year thisyear))
(setq m 0 h 0 d 1 month 1 y (+ y shift) y1 (1+ y)))
- (t (error "No such time block %s" key)))
+ ((eq key 'interactive) nil)
+ (t (user-error "No such time block %s" key)))
(setq ts (encode-time s m h d month y)
te (encode-time (or s1 s) (or m1 m) (or h1 h)
(or d1 d) (or month1 month) (or y1 y)))
@@ -2165,10 +2187,15 @@ If you can combine both, the month starting day will have priority."
((memq key '(year thisyear))
(setq txt (format-time-string "the year %Y" ts)))
((memq key '(quarter thisq))
- (setq txt (concat (org-count-quarter shiftedq) " quarter of " (number-to-string shiftedy)))))
+ (setq txt (concat (org-count-quarter shiftedq)
+ " quarter of " (number-to-string shiftedy)))))
(if as-strings
(list (format-time-string fm ts) (format-time-string fm te) txt)
- (list ts te txt))))
+ (if (eq key 'interactive)
+ (list (org-read-date nil t nil "Range start? ")
+ (org-read-date nil t nil "Range end? ")
+ "(Range interactively set)")
+ (list ts te txt)))))
(defun org-count-quarter (n)