diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2008-03-14 09:45:26 +0100
committerCarsten Dominik <>2008-03-14 09:45:26 +0100
commit5c339a3c147448ec1f6d527e09f11ca03bcf37f5 (patch)
parent4d589476db1344d311aff248b8c89d9fdd879c4c (diff)
Implemented a module loading system.
This system works by configuring a variable that contains a list of all available modules. These will automatically be loaded when the first buffer is turned into org-mode, or when a global command is run that needs org-mode code available (such are org-store-link.
9 files changed, 430 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/CONTRIB/ChangeLog b/CONTRIB/ChangeLog
index cd69d2a..fd85a1c 100644
--- a/CONTRIB/ChangeLog
+++ b/CONTRIB/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2008-03-14 Carsten Dominik <>
+ * lisp/org-depend.el: Add `provide' for the module system.
+ * lisp/org-man.el: Add `provide' for the module system.
+ * lisp/org-interactive-query.el: Renamed from org-iq.el.
2008-03-05 Bastien Guerry <>
* lisp/org-elisp-symbol.el (org-elisp-symbol-store-link):
index 3014259..019b8fa 100644
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ org-depend.el --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
org-elisp-symbol.el --- Org links to emacs-lisp symbols
org-expiry.el --- expiry mechanism for Org entries
org-id.el --- Global id's for identifying entries
-org-iq.el --- Interactive modification of tags query
-org-irc.el --- Store links to IRC sessions.
+org-interactive-query.el --- Interactive modification of tags query
org-iswitchb.el --- use iswitchb to select Org buffer
org-man.el --- Support for links to manpages in Org-mode
org-panel.el --- Simple routines for us with bad memory
diff --git a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-depend.el b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-depend.el
index 1f0fb17..3adf833 100644
--- a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-depend.el
+++ b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-depend.el
@@ -232,4 +232,6 @@ this ID property, that entry is also checked."
(add-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'org-depend-trigger-todo)
(add-hook 'org-blocker-hook 'org-depend-block-todo)
+(provide 'org-depend)
;;; org-depend.el ends here
diff --git a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-interactive-query.el b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-interactive-query.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b562c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-interactive-query.el
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+;;; org-interactive-query.el --- Interactive modification of agenda query
+;; Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Christopher League <league at contrapunctus dot net>
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; Keywords: org, wp
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This ibrary implements interactive modification of a tags/todo query
+;; in the org-agenda. It adds 4 keys to the agenda
+;; / add a keyword as a positive selection criterion
+;; \ add a keyword as a newgative selection criterion
+;; = clear a keyword from the selection string
+;; ;
+(require 'org)
+(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "=" 'org-agenda-query-clear-cmd)
+(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "/" 'org-agenda-query-and-cmd)
+(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map ";" 'org-agenda-query-or-cmd)
+(org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map "\\" 'org-agenda-query-not-cmd)
+;;; Agenda interactive query manipulation
+(defcustom org-agenda-query-selection-single-key t
+ "Non-nil means, query manipulation exits after first change.
+When nil, you have to press RET to exit it.
+During query selection, you can toggle this flag with `C-c'.
+This variable can also have the value `expert'. In this case, the window
+displaying the tags menu is not even shown, until you press C-c again."
+ :group 'org-agenda
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "No" nil)
+ (const :tag "Yes" t)
+ (const :tag "Expert" expert)))
+(defun org-agenda-query-selection (current op table &optional todo-table)
+ "Fast query manipulation with single keys.
+CURRENT is the current query string, OP is the initial
+operator (one of \"+|-=\"), TABLE is an alist of tags and
+corresponding keys, possibly with grouping information.
+TODO-TABLE is a similar table with TODO keywords, should these
+have keys assigned to them. If the keys are nil, a-z are
+automatically assigned. Returns the new query string, or nil to
+not change the current one."
+ (let* ((fulltable (append table todo-table))
+ (maxlen (apply 'max (mapcar
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (stringp (car x)) (string-width (car x)) 0))
+ fulltable)))
+ (fwidth (+ maxlen 3 1 3))
+ (ncol (/ (- (window-width) 4) fwidth))
+ (expert (eq org-agenda-query-selection-single-key 'expert))
+ (exit-after-next org-agenda-query-selection-single-key)
+ (done-keywords org-done-keywords)
+ tbl char cnt e groups ingroup
+ tg c2 c c1 ntable rtn)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (if expert
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Org tags*"))
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (split-window-vertically)
+ (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window (get-buffer-create " *Org tags*")))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (org-set-local 'org-done-keywords done-keywords)
+ (insert "Query: " current "\n")
+ (org-agenda-query-op-line op)
+ (insert "\n\n")
+ (org-fast-tag-show-exit exit-after-next)
+ (setq tbl fulltable char ?a cnt 0)
+ (while (setq e (pop tbl))
+ (cond
+ ((equal e '(:startgroup))
+ (push '() groups) (setq ingroup t)
+ (when (not (= cnt 0))
+ (setq cnt 0)
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (insert "{ "))
+ ((equal e '(:endgroup))
+ (setq ingroup nil cnt 0)
+ (insert "}\n"))
+ (t
+ (setq tg (car e) c2 nil)
+ (if (cdr e)
+ (setq c (cdr e))
+ ;; automatically assign a character.
+ (setq c1 (string-to-char
+ (downcase (substring
+ tg (if (= (string-to-char tg) ?@) 1 0)))))
+ (if (or (rassoc c1 ntable) (rassoc c1 table))
+ (while (or (rassoc char ntable) (rassoc char table))
+ (setq char (1+ char)))
+ (setq c2 c1))
+ (setq c (or c2 char)))
+ (if ingroup (push tg (car groups)))
+ (setq tg (org-add-props tg nil 'face
+ (cond
+ ((not (assoc tg table))
+ (org-get-todo-face tg))
+ (t nil))))
+ (if (and (= cnt 0) (not ingroup)) (insert " "))
+ (insert "[" c "] " tg (make-string
+ (- fwidth 4 (length tg)) ?\ ))
+ (push (cons tg c) ntable)
+ (when (= (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) ncol)
+ (insert "\n")
+ (if ingroup (insert " "))
+ (setq cnt 0)))))
+ (setq ntable (nreverse ntable))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (and (not expert) (fboundp 'fit-window-to-buffer))
+ (fit-window-to-buffer))
+ (setq rtn
+ (catch 'exit
+ (while t
+ (message "[a-z..]:Toggle [SPC]:clear [RET]:accept [TAB]:free%s%s"
+ (if groups " [!] no groups" " [!]groups")
+ (if expert " [C-c]:window" (if exit-after-next " [C-c]:single" " [C-c]:multi")))
+ (setq c (let ((inhibit-quit t)) (read-char-exclusive)))
+ (cond
+ ((= c ?\r) (throw 'exit t))
+ ((= c ?!)
+ (setq groups (not groups))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "[{}]" nil t) (replace-match " ")))
+ ((= c ?\C-c)
+ (if (not expert)
+ (org-fast-tag-show-exit
+ (setq exit-after-next (not exit-after-next)))
+ (setq expert nil)
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (split-window-vertically)
+ (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window " *Org tags*")
+ (and (fboundp 'fit-window-to-buffer)
+ (fit-window-to-buffer))))
+ ((or (= c ?\C-g)
+ (and (= c ?q) (not (rassoc c ntable))))
+ (setq quit-flag t))
+ ((= c ?\ )
+ (setq current "")
+ (if exit-after-next (setq exit-after-next 'now)))
+ ((= c ?\[) ; clear left
+ (org-agenda-query-decompose current)
+ (setq current (concat "/" (match-string 2 current)))
+ (if exit-after-next (setq exit-after-next 'now)))
+ ((= c ?\]) ; clear right
+ (org-agenda-query-decompose current)
+ (setq current (match-string 1 current))
+ (if exit-after-next (setq exit-after-next 'now)))
+ ((= c ?\t)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (setq current (read-string "Query: " current))
+ (quit))
+ (if exit-after-next (setq exit-after-next 'now)))
+ ;; operators
+ ((or (= c ?/) (= c ?+)) (setq op "+"))
+ ((or (= c ?\;) (= c ?|)) (setq op "|"))
+ ((or (= c ?\\) (= c ?-)) (setq op "-"))
+ ((= c ?=) (setq op "="))
+ ;; todos
+ ((setq e (rassoc c todo-table) tg (car e))
+ (setq current (org-agenda-query-manip
+ current op groups 'todo tg))
+ (if exit-after-next (setq exit-after-next 'now)))
+ ;; tags
+ ((setq e (rassoc c ntable) tg (car e))
+ (setq current (org-agenda-query-manip
+ current op groups 'tag tg))
+ (if exit-after-next (setq exit-after-next 'now))))
+ (if (eq exit-after-next 'now) (throw 'exit t))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (beginning-of-line 1)
+ (delete-region (point) (point-at-eol))
+ (insert "Query: " current)
+ (beginning-of-line 2)
+ (delete-region (point) (point-at-eol))
+ (org-agenda-query-op-line op)
+ (goto-char (point-min)))))
+ (if rtn current nil))))
+(defun org-agenda-query-op-line (op)
+ (insert "Operator: "
+ (org-agenda-query-op-entry (equal op "+") "/+" "and")
+ (org-agenda-query-op-entry (equal op "|") ";|" "or")
+ (org-agenda-query-op-entry (equal op "-") "\\-" "not")
+ (org-agenda-query-op-entry (equal op "=") "=" "clear")))
+(defun org-agenda-query-op-entry (matchp chars str)
+ (if matchp
+ (org-add-props (format "[%s %s] " chars (upcase str))
+ nil 'face 'org-todo)
+ (format "[%s]%s " chars str)))
+(defun org-agenda-query-decompose (current)
+ (string-match "\\([^/]*\\)/?\\(.*\\)" current))
+(defun org-agenda-query-clear (current prefix tag)
+ (if (string-match (concat prefix "\\b" (regexp-quote tag) "\\b") current)
+ (replace-match "" t t current)
+ current))
+(defun org-agenda-query-manip (current op groups kind tag)
+ "Apply an operator to a query string and a tag.
+CURRENT is the current query string, OP is the operator, GROUPS is a
+list of lists of tags that are mutually exclusive. KIND is 'tag for a
+regular tag, or 'todo for a TODO keyword, and TAG is the tag or
+keyword string."
+ ;; If this tag is already in query string, remove it.
+ (setq current (org-agenda-query-clear current "[-\\+&|]?" tag))
+ (if (equal op "=") current
+ ;; When using AND, also remove mutually exclusive tags.
+ (if (equal op "+")
+ (loop for g in groups do
+ (if (member tag g)
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (setq current
+ (org-agenda-query-clear current "\\+" x)))
+ g))))
+ ;; Decompose current query into q1 (tags) and q2 (TODOs).
+ (org-agenda-query-decompose current)
+ (let* ((q1 (match-string 1 current))
+ (q2 (match-string 2 current)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq kind 'tag)
+ (concat q1 op tag "/" q2))
+ ;; It's a TODO; when using AND, drop all other TODOs.
+ ((equal op "+")
+ (concat q1 "/+" tag))
+ (t
+ (concat q1 "/" q2 op tag))))))
+(defun org-agenda-query-global-todo-keys (&optional files)
+ "Return alist of all TODO keywords and their fast keys, in all FILES."
+ (let (alist)
+ (unless (and files (car files))
+ (setq files (org-agenda-files)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (loop for f in files do
+ (set-buffer (find-file-noselect f))
+ (loop for k in org-todo-key-alist do
+ (setq alist (org-agenda-query-merge-todo-key
+ alist k)))))
+ alist))
+(defun org-agenda-query-merge-todo-key (alist entry)
+ (let (e)
+ (cond
+ ;; if this is not a keyword (:startgroup, etc), ignore it
+ ((not (stringp (car entry))))
+ ;; if keyword already exists, replace char if it's null
+ ((setq e (assoc (car entry) alist))
+ (when (null (cdr e)) (setcdr e (cdr entry))))
+ ;; if char already exists, prepend keyword but drop char
+ ((rassoc (cdr entry) alist)
+ (message "TRACE POSITION 2")
+ (setq alist (cons (cons (car entry) nil) alist)))
+ ;; else, prepend COPY of entry
+ (t
+ (setq alist (cons (cons (car entry) (cdr entry)) alist)))))
+ alist)
+(defun org-agenda-query-generic-cmd (op)
+ "Activate query manipulation with OP as initial operator."
+ (let ((q (org-agenda-query-selection org-agenda-query-string op
+ org-tag-alist
+ (org-agenda-query-global-todo-keys))))
+ (when q
+ (setq org-agenda-query-string q)
+ (org-agenda-redo))))
+(defun org-agenda-query-clear-cmd ()
+ "Activate query manipulation, to clear a tag from the string."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-agenda-query-generic-cmd "="))
+(defun org-agenda-query-and-cmd ()
+ "Activate query manipulation, initially using the AND (+) operator."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-agenda-query-generic-cmd "+"))
+(defun org-agenda-query-or-cmd ()
+ "Activate query manipulation, initially using the OR (|) operator."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-agenda-query-generic-cmd "|"))
+(defun org-agenda-query-not-cmd ()
+ "Activate query manipulation, initially using the NOT (-) operator."
+ (interactive)
+ (org-agenda-query-generic-cmd "-"))
+(provide 'org-interactive-query) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-iq.el b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-iq.el
index a979cce..8b562c8 100644
--- a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-iq.el
+++ b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-iq.el
@@ -306,3 +306,5 @@ keyword string."
"Activate query manipulation, initially using the NOT (-) operator."
(org-agenda-query-generic-cmd "-"))
+(provide 'org-interactive-query) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-man.el b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-man.el
index f4933d0..27e8cca 100644
--- a/CONTRIB/lisp/org-man.el
+++ b/CONTRIB/lisp/org-man.el
@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
;;; org-man.el - Support for links to manpages in Org-mode
+;; Author: Carsten Dominik <carsten at orgmode dot org>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
(require 'org)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 3db4602..e3b795b 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2008-03-14 Carsten Dominik <>
+ * org.el (org-modules-loaded): New variable.
+ (org-load-modules-maybe, org-set-modules): New function.
+ (org-modules): New option.
+ (org-mode, org-cycle, orgstruct-mode, org-run-like-in-org-mode)
+ (orgtbl-mode, org-store-link, org-insert-link-global)
+ (org-open-at-point): Call `org-load-modules-maybe'.
2008-03-13 Phil Jackson <>
* org-irc.el: New function to ensure port number is always
index c3cb556..a514ef3 100644
@@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
** Details
+*** Loading modules
+ Org-mode has now a system for loading modules by simply
+ configuring an option that lists all the modules you want to
+ use. Customize the variable `org-modules'. That variable
+ lists modules that are part of the Org-mode core (and in this
+ way part of Emacs), as well as contributed packages that will
+ only be available when you have installed them properly (most
+ likely by downloading the distribution and adding
+ CONTRIB/lisp to your load path.
+*** Misc
- When an entry already has a scheduling or deadline time
stamp, calling `C-c C-s' or `C-c C-d', respectively, will no
use that old date as the default, and you can can use the
@@ -19,6 +32,8 @@
This was an omission in the earlier implementation, spotted
by Wanrong Lin. Thanks!
* Version 5.23
** Overview
diff --git a/org.el b/org.el
index a51226a..3bc7bbb 100644
--- a/org.el
+++ b/org.el
@@ -156,28 +156,56 @@ With prefix arg HERE, insert it at point."
:group 'org
:type 'hook)
-;(defcustom org-default-extensions '(org-irc)
-; "Extensions that should always be loaded together with org.el.
-;If the description starts with <A>, this means the extension
-;will be autoloaded when needed, preloading is not necessary.
-;FIXME: this does not ork correctly, ignore it for now."
-; :group 'org
-; :type
-; '(set :greedy t
-; (const :tag " Mouse support (org-mouse.el)" org-mouse)
-; (const :tag "<A> Publishing (org-publish.el)" org-publish)
-; (const :tag "<A> LaTeX export (org-export-latex.el)" org-export-latex)
-; (const :tag " IRC/ERC links (org-irc.el)" org-irc)
-; (const :tag " Apple Mail message links under OS X (org-mac-message.el)" org-mac-message)))
-;(defun org-load-default-extensions ()
-; "Load all extensions listed in `org-default-extensions'."
-; (mapc (lambda (ext)
-; (condition-case nil (require ext)
-; (error (message "Problems while trying to load feature `%s'" ext))))
-; org-default-extensions))
-;(eval-after-load "org" '(org-load-default-extensions))
+(defvar org-modules-loaded nil
+ "Have the modules been loaded already?")
+(defun org-load-modules-maybe (&optional force)
+ "Load all extensions listed in `org-default-extensions'."
+ (when (or force (not org-modules-loaded))
+ (mapc (lambda (ext)
+ (condition-case nil (require ext)
+ (error (message "Problems while trying to load feature `%s'" ext))))
+ org-modules)
+ (setq org-modules-loaded t)))
+(defun org-set-modules (var value)
+ "Set VAR to VALUE and call `org-load-modules-maybe' with the force flag."
+ (set var value)
+ (when (featurep 'org)
+ (org-load-modules-maybe 'force)))
+(defcustom org-modules '(org-irc)
+ "Extensions that should always be loaded together with org.el.
+If the description starts with <A>, this means the extension
+will be autoloaded when needed, preloading is not necessary.
+If a description starts with <C>, the file is not part of emacs
+and loading it will require that you have downloaded and properly installed
+the org-mode distribution."
+ :group 'org
+ :set 'org-set-modules
+ :type
+ '(set :greedy t
+ (const :tag "A export-latex: LaTeX export" org-export-latex)
+ (const :tag " irc: IRC/ERC links" org-irc)
+ (const :tag " mac-message: Apple Mail message links under OS X" org-mac-message)
+ (const :tag " mouse: Mouse support" org-mouse)
+ (const :tag "A publish: Publishing" org-publish)
+ (const :tag "C annotate-file: Annotate a file with org syntax" org-annotate-file)
+ (const :tag "C bibtex: Org links to BibTeX entries" org-bibtex)
+ (const :tag "C depend: TODO dependencies for Org-mode" org-depend)
+ (const :tag "C elisp-symbol: Org links to emacs-lisp symbols" org-elisp-symbol)
+ (const :tag "C expiry: Expiry mechanism for Org entries" org-expiry)
+ (const :tag "C id: Global id's for identifying entries" org-id)
+ (const :tag "C interactive-query: Interactive modification of tags query" org-interactive-query)
+ (const :tag "C iswitchb: Use iswitchb to select Org buffer" org-iswitchb)
+ (const :tag "C mairix: Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs" org-mairix)
+ (const :tag "C man: Support for links to manpages in Org-mode" org-man)
+ (const :tag "C mew: Support for links to messages in Mew" org-mew)
+ (const :tag "C panel: Simple routines for us with bad memory" org-panel)
+ (const :tag "C registry: A registry for Org links" org-registry)
+ (const :tag "C org2rem: Convert org appointments into reminders" org2rem)
+ (const :tag "C screen: Visit screen sessions through Org-mode links" org-screen)
+ (const :tag "C toc: Table of contents for Org-mode buffer" org-toc)))
;; FIXME: Needs a separate group...
(defcustom org-completion-fallback-command 'hippie-expand
@@ -5087,6 +5115,7 @@ The following commands are available:
(define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar hide] 'undefined)
(define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar show] 'undefined))
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(easy-menu-add org-org-menu)
(easy-menu-add org-tbl-menu)
@@ -5818,6 +5847,7 @@ If KWD is a number, get the corresponding match group."
no headline in line 1, this function will act as if called with prefix arg.
But only if also the variable `org-cycle-global-at-bob' is t."
(interactive "P")
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(let* ((outline-regexp
(if (and (org-mode-p) org-cycle-include-plain-lists)
"\\(?:\\*+ \\|\\([ \t]*\\)\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) \\)"
@@ -7918,6 +7948,7 @@ M-RET Insert new heading/item
S-M-RET Insert new TODO heading / Chekbox item
C-c C-c Set tags / toggle checkbox"
nil " OrgStruct" nil
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(and (orgstruct-setup) (defun orgstruct-setup () nil)))
@@ -8057,6 +8088,7 @@ Possible values in the list of contexts are `table', `headline', and `item'."
(defun org-run-like-in-org-mode (cmd)
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(unless org-local-vars
(setq org-local-vars (org-get-local-variables)))
(eval (list 'let org-local-vars
@@ -11459,6 +11491,7 @@ table editor in arbitrary modes.")
(defun orgtbl-mode (&optional arg)
"The `org-mode' table editor as a minor mode for use in other modes."
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(if (org-mode-p)
;; Exit without error, in case some hook functions calls this
;; by accident in org-mode.
@@ -12177,7 +12210,7 @@ For some link types, a prefix arg is interpreted:
For links to usenet articles, arg negates `org-usenet-links-prefer-google'.
For file links, arg negates `org-context-in-file-links'."
(interactive "P")
- (condition-case nil (require 'org-irc) (error nil))
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(setq org-store-link-plist nil) ; reset
(let (link cpltxt desc description search txt)
@@ -12597,6 +12630,7 @@ This is the list that is used before handing over to the browser.")
"Insert a link like Org-mode does.
This command can be called in any mode to insert a link in Org-mode syntax."
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(org-run-like-in-org-mode 'org-insert-link))
(defun org-insert-link (&optional complete-file)
@@ -12832,7 +12866,7 @@ the end of the current subtree.
Normally, files will be opened by an appropriate application. If the
optional argument IN-EMACS is non-nil, Emacs will visit the file."
(interactive "P")
- (condition-case nil (require 'org-irc) (error nil))
+ (org-load-modules-maybe)
(move-marker org-open-link-marker (point))
(setq org-window-config-before-follow-link (current-window-configuration))
(org-remove-occur-highlights nil nil t)