diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2009-02-08 13:57:37 +0100
committerCarsten Dominik <>2009-02-08 13:57:37 +0100
commit56692965b707fc2d544e432311a81e2bda46f930 (patch)
parent36d39ad37495f9ca25c59a1ba11a16b4def098ed (diff)
Add Tom Breton's org-choose.el as a contributed package
3 files changed, 569 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/README b/contrib/README
index 27d0f2c..2715a1e 100644
--- a/contrib/README
+++ b/contrib/README
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ org-annotate-file.el --- Annotate a file with org syntax
org-annotation-helper.el --- Call remember directly from Firefox/Opera
org-bookmark.el --- Links to bookmarks
org-browser-url.el --- Store links to webpages directly from Firefox/Opera
+org-choose.el --- Use TODO keywords to mark decision states
org-depend.el --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
org-elisp-symbol.el --- Org links to emacs-lisp symbols
org-eval.el --- The <lisp> tag, adapted from Muse
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-choose.el b/contrib/lisp/org-choose.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62af352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-choose.el
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+;;;_ org-choose.el --- decision management for org-mode
+;;;_. Headers
+;;;_ , License
+;; Copyright (C) 2009 Tom Breton (Tehom)
+;; Author: Tom Breton (Tehom)
+;; Keywords:
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;;_ , Commentary:
+;;;_ , Requires
+(require 'org)
+ (require 'cl))
+;;;_. Body
+;;;_ , The variables
+(defstruct (org-choose-mark-data. (:type list))
+ "The format of an entry in org-choose-mark-data.
+Indexes are 0-based or `nil'.
+ keyword
+ bot-lower-range
+ top-upper-range
+ range-length
+ static-default
+ all-keywords)
+(defvar org-choose-mark-data
+ ()
+ "Alist of information for choose marks.
+Each entry is an `org-choose-mark-data.'" )
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'org-choose-mark-data)
+;;;_ , For setup
+;;;_ . org-choose-filter-one
+(defun org-choose-filter-one (i)
+ "Return a list of
+ * a canonized version of the string
+ * optionally one symbol"
+ (if
+ (not
+ (string-match "(.*)" i))
+ (list i i)
+ (let*
+ (
+ (end-text (match-beginning 0))
+ (vanilla-text (substring i 0 end-text))
+ ;;Get the parenthesized part.
+ (match (match-string 0 i))
+ ;;Remove the parentheses.
+ (args (substring match 1 -1))
+ ;;Split it
+ (arglist
+ (let
+ ((arglist-x (split-string args ",")))
+ ;;When string starts with "," `split-string' doesn't
+ ;;make a first arg, so in that case make one
+ ;;manually.
+ (if
+ (string-match "^," args)
+ (cons nil arglist-x)
+ arglist-x)))
+ (decision-arg (second arglist))
+ (type
+ (cond
+ ((string= decision-arg "0")
+ 'default-mark)
+ ((string= decision-arg "+")
+ 'top-upper-range)
+ ((string= decision-arg "-")
+ 'bot-lower-range)
+ (t nil)))
+ (vanilla-arg (first arglist))
+ (vanilla-mark
+ (if vanilla-arg
+ (concat vanilla-text "("vanilla-arg")")
+ vanilla-text)))
+ (if type
+ (list vanilla-text vanilla-mark type)
+ (list vanilla-text vanilla-mark)))))
+;;;_ . org-choose-setup-vars
+(defun org-choose-setup-vars (bot-lower-range top-upper-range
+ static-default num-items all-mark-texts)
+ "Add to org-choose-mark-data according to arguments"
+ (let*
+ (
+ (tail
+ ;;If there's no bot-lower-range or no default, we don't
+ ;;have ranges.
+ (cdr
+ (if (and static-default bot-lower-range)
+ (let*
+ (
+ ;;If there's no top-upper-range, use the last
+ ;;item.
+ (top-upper-range
+ (or top-upper-range (1- num-items)))
+ (lower-range-length
+ (1+ (- static-default bot-lower-range)))
+ (upper-range-length
+ (- top-upper-range static-default))
+ (range-length
+ (min upper-range-length lower-range-length)))
+ (make-org-choose-mark-data.
+ :keyword nil
+ :bot-lower-range bot-lower-range
+ :top-upper-range top-upper-range
+ :range-length range-length
+ :static-default static-default
+ :all-keywords all-mark-texts))
+ (make-org-choose-mark-data.
+ :keyword nil
+ :bot-lower-range nil
+ :top-upper-range nil
+ :range-length nil
+ :static-default (or static-default 0)
+ :all-keywords all-mark-texts)))))
+ (dolist (text all-mark-texts)
+ (pushnew (cons text tail)
+ org-choose-mark-data
+ :test
+ #'(lambda (a b)
+ (equal (car a) (car b)))))))
+;;;_ . org-choose-filter-tail
+(defun org-choose-filter-tail (raw)
+ "Return a translation of RAW to vanilla and set appropriate
+buffer-local variables.
+RAW is a list of strings representing the input text of a choose
+ (let
+ ((vanilla-list nil)
+ (all-mark-texts nil)
+ (index 0)
+ bot-lower-range top-upper-range range-length static-default)
+ (dolist (i raw)
+ (destructuring-bind
+ (vanilla-text vanilla-mark &optional type)
+ (org-choose-filter-one i)
+ (cond
+ ((eq type 'bot-lower-range)
+ (setq bot-lower-range index))
+ ((eq type 'top-upper-range)
+ (setq top-upper-range index))
+ ((eq type 'default-mark)
+ (setq static-default index)))
+ (incf index)
+ (push vanilla-text all-mark-texts)
+ (push vanilla-mark vanilla-list)))
+ (org-choose-setup-vars bot-lower-range top-upper-range
+ static-default index (reverse all-mark-texts))
+ (nreverse vanilla-list)))
+;;;_ . org-choose-setup-filter
+(defun org-choose-setup-filter (raw)
+ "A setup filter for choose interpretations."
+ (when (eq (car raw) 'choose)
+ (cons
+ 'choose
+ (org-choose-filter-tail (cdr raw)))))
+;;;_ . org-choose-conform-after-promotion
+(defun org-choose-conform-after-promotion (entry-pos keywords highest-ok-ix)
+ ""
+ (unless
+ ;;Skip the entry that triggered this by skipping any entry with
+ ;;the same starting position. Both map and plist use the start
+ ;;of the header line as the position, so we can just compare
+ ;;them with `='
+ (= (point) entry-pos)
+ (let
+ ((ix
+ (org-choose-get-entry-index keywords)))
+ ;;If the index of the entry exceeds the highest allowable
+ ;;index, change it to that.
+ (when (and ix
+ (> ix highest-ok-ix))
+ (org-todo
+ (nth highest-ok-ix keywords))))))
+;;;_ . org-choose-conform-after-demotion
+(defun org-choose-conform-after-demotion (entry-pos keywords
+ raise-to-ix
+ old-highest-ok-ix)
+ ""
+ (unless
+ ;;Skip the entry that triggered this.
+ (= (point) entry-pos)
+ (let
+ ((ix
+ (org-choose-get-entry-index keywords)))
+ ;;If the index of the entry was at or above the old allowable
+ ;;position, change it to the new mirror position if there is
+ ;;one.
+ (when (and
+ ix
+ raise-to-ix
+ (>= ix old-highest-ok-ix))
+ (org-todo
+ (nth raise-to-ix keywords))))))
+;;;_ , org-choose-keep-sensible (the trigger-hook function)
+(defun org-choose-keep-sensible (change-plist)
+ ""
+ (let*
+ ( (from (plist-get change-plist :from))
+ (to (plist-get change-plist :to))
+ (entry-pos
+ (set-marker
+ (make-marker)
+ (plist-get change-plist :position)))
+ (kwd-data
+ (assoc to org-todo-kwd-alist)))
+ (when
+ (eq (nth 1 kwd-data) 'choose)
+ (let*
+ (
+ (data
+ (assoc to org-choose-mark-data))
+ (keywords
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-all-keywords data))
+ (old-index
+ (org-choose-get-index-in-keywords
+ from
+ keywords))
+ (new-index
+ (org-choose-get-index-in-keywords
+ to
+ keywords))
+ (highest-ok-ix
+ (org-choose-highest-other-ok
+ new-index
+ data))
+ (funcdata
+ (cond
+ ;;The entry doesn't participate in conformance,
+ ;;so give `nil' which does nothing.
+ ((not highest-ok-ix) nil)
+ ;;The entry was created or promoted
+ ((or
+ (not old-index)
+ (> new-index old-index))
+ (list
+ #'org-choose-conform-after-promotion
+ entry-pos keywords
+ highest-ok-ix))
+ (t ;;Otherwise the entry was demoted.
+ (let
+ (
+ (raise-to-ix
+ (min
+ highest-ok-ix
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-static-default
+ data)))
+ (old-highest-ok-ix
+ (org-choose-highest-other-ok
+ old-index
+ data)))
+ (list
+ #'org-choose-conform-after-demotion
+ entry-pos
+ keywords
+ raise-to-ix
+ old-highest-ok-ix))))))
+ (if funcdata
+ ;;The funny-looking names are to make variable capture
+ ;;unlikely. (Poor-man's lexical bindings).
+ (destructuring-bind (func-d473 . args-46k) funcdata
+ (let
+ ((map-over-entries
+ (org-choose-get-fn-map-group))
+ ;;We may call `org-todo', so let various hooks
+ ;;`nil' so we don't cause loops.
+ org-after-todo-state-change-hook
+ org-trigger-hook
+ org-blocker-hook
+ org-todo-get-default-hook
+ ;;Also let this alist `nil' so we don't log
+ ;;secondary transitions.
+ org-todo-log-states)
+ ;;Map over group
+ (funcall map-over-entries
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (apply func-d473 args-46k))))))))
+ ;;Remove the marker
+ (set-marker entry-pos nil)))
+;;;_ , Getting the default mark
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-index-in-keywords
+(defun org-choose-get-index-in-keywords (ix all-keywords)
+ "Return index of current entry."
+ (if ix
+ (position ix all-keywords
+ :test #'equal)))
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-entry-index
+(defun org-choose-get-entry-index (all-keywords)
+ "Return index of current entry."
+ (let*
+ ((state (org-entry-get (point) "TODO")))
+ (org-choose-get-index-in-keywords state all-keywords)))
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-fn-map-group
+(defun org-choose-get-fn-map-group ()
+ "Return a function to map over the group"
+ #'(lambda (fn)
+ (save-excursion
+ (outline-up-heading-all 1)
+ (save-restriction
+ (org-map-entries fn nil 'tree)))))
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-highest-mark-index
+(defun org-choose-get-highest-mark-index (keywords)
+ "Get the index of the highest current mark in the group.
+If there is none, return 0"
+ (let*
+ (
+ ;;Func maps over applicable entries.
+ (map-over-entries
+ (org-choose-get-fn-map-group))
+ (indexes-list
+ (remove nil
+ (funcall map-over-entries
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (org-choose-get-entry-index keywords))))))
+ (if
+ indexes-list
+ (apply #'max indexes-list)
+ 0)))
+;;;_ . org-choose-highest-ok
+(defun org-choose-highest-other-ok (ix data)
+ ""
+ (let
+ (
+ (bot-lower-range
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-bot-lower-range data))
+ (top-upper-range
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-top-upper-range data))
+ (range-length
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-range-length data)))
+ (when (and ix bot-lower-range)
+ (let*
+ ((delta
+ (- top-upper-range ix)))
+ (unless
+ (< range-length delta)
+ (+ bot-lower-range delta))))))
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-default-mark-index
+(defun org-choose-get-default-mark-index (data)
+ "Get the index of the default mark in a choose interpretation.
+Args are in the same order as the fields of
+`org-choose-mark-data.' and have the same meaning."
+ (or
+ (let
+ ((highest-mark-index
+ (org-choose-get-highest-mark-index
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-all-keywords data))))
+ (org-choose-highest-other-ok
+ highest-mark-index data))
+ (org-choose-mark-data.-static-default data)))
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-mark-N
+(defun org-choose-get-mark-N (n data)
+ "Get the text of the nth mark in a choose interpretation."
+ (let*
+ ((l (org-choose-mark-data.-all-keywords data)))
+ (nth n l)))
+;;;_ . org-choose-get-default-mark
+(defun org-choose-get-default-mark (new-mark old-mark)
+ "Get the default mark IFF in a choose interpretation.
+NEW-MARK and OLD-MARK are the text of the new and old marks."
+ (let*
+ (
+ (old-kwd-data
+ (assoc old-mark org-todo-kwd-alist))
+ (new-kwd-data
+ (assoc new-mark org-todo-kwd-alist))
+ (becomes-choose
+ (and
+ (or
+ (not old-kwd-data)
+ (not
+ (eq (nth 1 old-kwd-data) 'choose)))
+ (eq (nth 1 new-kwd-data) 'choose))))
+ (when
+ becomes-choose
+ (let
+ ((new-mark-data
+ (assoc new-mark org-choose-mark-data)))
+ (if
+ new-mark
+ (org-choose-get-mark-N
+ (org-choose-get-default-mark-index
+ new-mark-data)
+ new-mark-data)
+ (error "Somehow got an unrecognizable mark"))))))
+;;;_ , Setting it all up
+(eval-after-load 'org
+ '(progn
+ (add-to-list 'org-todo-setup-filter-hook
+ #'org-choose-setup-filter)
+ (add-to-list 'org-todo-get-default-hook
+ #'org-choose-get-default-mark)
+ (add-to-list 'org-trigger-hook
+ #'org-choose-keep-sensible)
+ (add-to-list 'org-todo-interpretation-widgets
+ '(:tag "Choose (to record decisions)" choose))
+; CD (add-to-list 'org-todo-normal-interpretations 'choose))
+ ))
+;;;_. Footers
+;;;_ , Provides
+(provide 'org-choose)
+;;;_ * Local emacs vars.
+;;;_ + Local variables:
+;;;_ + End:
+;;;_ , End
+;;; org-choose.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 82db6fc..21aa09a 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ to add the symbol `xyz', and the package must have a call to
(const :tag "C annotation-helper: Call Remember directly from Browser" org-annotation-helper)
(const :tag "C bookmark: Org links to bookmarks" org-bookmark)
(const :tag "C browser-url: Store link, directly from Browser" org-browser-url)
+ (const :tag "C choose: Use TODO keywords to mark decisions states" org-choose)
(const :tag "C depend: TODO dependencies for Org-mode" org-depend)
(const :tag "C elisp-symbol: Org links to emacs-lisp symbols" org-elisp-symbol)
(const :tag "C eval: Include command output as text" org-eval)
@@ -1483,6 +1484,14 @@ fast, while still showing the whole path to the entry."
:tag "Org Progress"
:group 'org-time)
+(defvar org-todo-interpretation-widgets
+ '(
+ (:tag "Sequence (cycling hits every state)" sequence)
+ (:tag "Type (cycling directly to DONE)" type))
+ "The available interpretation symbols for customizing
+ `org-todo-keywords'.
+ Interested libraries should add to this list.")
(defcustom org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "DONE"))
"List of TODO entry keyword sequences and their interpretation.
\\<org-mode-map>This is a list of sequences.
@@ -1532,8 +1541,18 @@ taken from the (otherwise obsolete) variable `org-todo-interpretation'."
:tag "Interpretation"
- (const :tag "Sequence (cycling hits every state)" sequence)
- (const :tag "Type (cycling directly to DONE)" type))
+ ;;Quick and dirty way to see
+ ;;`org-todo-interpretations'. This takes the
+ ;;place of item arguments
+ :convert-widget
+ (lambda (widget)
+ (widget-put widget
+ :args (mapcar
+ #'(lambda (x)
+ (widget-convert
+ (cons 'const x)))
+ org-todo-interpretation-widgets))
+ widget))
(string :tag "Keyword"))))))
@@ -3174,7 +3193,7 @@ means to push this value onto the list in the variable.")
(org-set-local 'org-file-properties nil)
(org-set-local 'org-file-tags nil)
(let ((re (org-make-options-regexp
(splitre "[ \t]+")
@@ -3201,6 +3220,8 @@ means to push this value onto the list in the variable.")
(push (cons 'sequence (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds))
((equal key "TYP_TODO")
(push (cons 'type (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds))
+ ((equal key "CHOOSE_TODO")
+ (push (cons 'choose (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds))
((equal key "TAGS")
(setq tags (append tags (org-split-string value splitre))))
((equal key "COLUMNS")
@@ -3282,28 +3303,32 @@ means to push this value onto the list in the variable.")
(setq kwds (nreverse kwds))
(let (inter kws kw)
(while (setq kws (pop kwds))
- (setq inter (pop kws) sep (member "|" kws)
- kws0 (delete "|" (copy-sequence kws))
- kwsa nil
- kws1 (mapcar
- (lambda (x)
- ;; 1 2
- (if (string-match "^\\(.*?\\)\\(?:(\\([^!@/]\\)?.*?)\\)?$" x)
- (progn
- (setq kw (match-string 1 x)
- key (and (match-end 2) (match-string 2 x))
- log (org-extract-log-state-settings x))
- (push (cons kw (and key (string-to-char key))) kwsa)
- (and log (push log org-todo-log-states))
- kw)
- (error "Invalid TODO keyword %s" x)))
- kws0)
- kwsa (if kwsa (append '((:startgroup))
- (nreverse kwsa)
- '((:endgroup))))
- hw (car kws1)
- dws (if sep (org-remove-keyword-keys (cdr sep)) (last kws1))
- tail (list inter hw (car dws) (org-last dws)))
+ (let ((kws (or
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+ 'org-todo-setup-filter-hook kws)
+ kws)))
+ (setq inter (pop kws) sep (member "|" kws)
+ kws0 (delete "|" (copy-sequence kws))
+ kwsa nil
+ kws1 (mapcar
+ (lambda (x)
+ ;; 1 2
+ (if (string-match "^\\(.*?\\)\\(?:(\\([^!@/]\\)?.*?)\\)?$" x)
+ (progn
+ (setq kw (match-string 1 x)
+ key (and (match-end 2) (match-string 2 x))
+ log (org-extract-log-state-settings x))
+ (push (cons kw (and key (string-to-char key))) kwsa)
+ (and log (push log org-todo-log-states))
+ kw)
+ (error "Invalid TODO keyword %s" x)))
+ kws0)
+ kwsa (if kwsa (append '((:startgroup))
+ (nreverse kwsa)
+ '((:endgroup))))
+ hw (car kws1)
+ dws (if sep (org-remove-keyword-keys (cdr sep)) (last kws1))
+ tail (list inter hw (car dws) (org-last dws))))
(add-to-list 'org-todo-heads hw 'append)
(push kws1 org-todo-sets)
(setq org-done-keywords (append org-done-keywords dws nil))
@@ -5126,11 +5151,19 @@ state (TODO by default). Also with prefix arg, force first state."
(looking-at org-todo-line-regexp))
- (if (or arg
- (not (match-beginning 2))
- (member (match-string 2) org-done-keywords))
- (insert (car org-todo-keywords-1) " ")
- (insert (match-string 2) " "))
+ (let*
+ ((new-mark-x
+ (if (or arg
+ (not (match-beginning 2))
+ (member (match-string 2) org-done-keywords))
+ (car org-todo-keywords-1)
+ (match-string 2)))
+ (new-mark
+ (or
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+ 'org-todo-get-default-hook new-mark-x nil)
+ new-mark-x)))
+ (insert new-mark " "))
(when org-provide-todo-statistics
@@ -8357,6 +8390,18 @@ this is nil.")
(push (nth 2 e) rtn)))
+(defvar org-todo-setup-filter-hook nil
+ "Hook for functions that pre-filter todo specs.
+Each function takes a todo spec and returns either `nil' or the spec
+transformed into canonical form." )
+(defvar org-todo-get-default-hook nil
+ "Hook for functions that get a default item for todo.
+Each function takes arguments (NEW-MARK OLD-MARK) and returns either
+`nil' or a string to be used for the todo mark." )
(defvar org-agenda-headline-snapshot-before-repeat)
(defun org-todo (&optional arg)
"Change the TODO state of an item.
@@ -8462,15 +8507,18 @@ For calling through lisp, arg is also interpreted in the following way:
((null member) (or head (car org-todo-keywords-1)))
((equal this final-done-word) nil) ;; -> make empty
((null tail) nil) ;; -> first entry
- ((eq interpret 'sequence)
- (car tail))
((memq interpret '(type priority))
(if (eq this-command last-command)
(car tail)
(if (> (length tail) 0)
(or done-word (car org-done-keywords))
- (t nil)))
+ (t
+ (car tail))))
+ (state (or
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+ 'org-todo-get-default-hook state last-state)
+ state))
(next (if state (concat " " state " ") " "))
(change-plist (list :type 'todo-state-change :from this :to state
:position startpos))