diff options
authorJambunathan K <>2012-04-15 01:44:19 +0530
committerJambunathan K <>2012-04-15 01:44:19 +0530
commit55cdbc422ba67f3aeafaf88623c220c2a5325bbc (patch)
parentbc473299f1322937e837ca61a617f7c1dfc4eac5 (diff)
org-e-odt: Support for hierarchical numbering of fig, table etc
Introduced org-e-odt-enumerate-element & org-e-odt-display-outline-level for hierarchical numbering. Don't use org-export-get-ordinal (for now). Combine org-e-odt-format-label-reference and org-e-odt-format-label-definition in to a consolidated org-e-odt-format-label. Lots of related changes.
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/EXPERIMENTAL/org-e-odt.el b/EXPERIMENTAL/org-e-odt.el
index bf5bb8f..7010edb 100644
--- a/EXPERIMENTAL/org-e-odt.el
+++ b/EXPERIMENTAL/org-e-odt.el
@@ -307,36 +307,35 @@ new entry in `org-e-odt-automatic-styles'. Return (OBJECT-NAME
"<table:table-column table:style-name=\"%sColumn\"/>" "" style))))
col-nos "\n")))
-(defun org-e-odt-begin-table (caption label attributes short-caption)
- ;; (setq org-e-odt-table-indentedp (not (null org-lparse-list-stack)))
- (setq org-e-odt-table-indentedp nil) ; FIXME
- (when org-e-odt-table-indentedp
- ;; Within the Org file, the table is appearing within a list item.
- ;; OpenDocument doesn't allow table to appear within list items.
- ;; Temporarily terminate the list, emit the table and then
- ;; re-continue the list.
- (org-e-odt-discontinue-list)
- ;; Put the Table in an indented section.
- (let ((level (length org-e-odt-list-stack-stashed)))
- (org-e-odt-begin-section (format "OrgIndentedSection-Level-%d" level))))
- (setq attributes (org-e-odt-parse-block-attributes attributes))
- (setq org-e-odt-table-style (plist-get attributes :style))
- (setq org-e-odt-table-style-spec
- (assoc org-e-odt-table-style org-e-odt-table-styles))
- (concat
- (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
- 'table (org-e-odt-format-entity-caption label caption "__Table__"))
- (let ((automatic-name (org-e-odt-add-automatic-style "Table" attributes)))
- (format
- "\n<table:table table:name=\"%s\" table:style-name=\"%s\">\n"
- (or short-caption (car automatic-name))
- (or (nth 1 org-e-odt-table-style-spec) (cdr automatic-name) "OrgTable")))
- (org-e-odt-format-table-columns) "\n")
- ;; (org-e-html-pp table-info)
- )
+(defun org-e-odt-begin-table (caption-from info)
+ (let* ((captions (org-e-odt-format-label caption-from info 'definition))
+ (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions))
+ (attributes (mapconcat #'identity
+ (org-element-property :attr_odt caption-from)
+ " "))
+ (attributes (org-e-odt-parse-block-attributes attributes)))
+ ;; (setq org-e-odt-table-indentedp (not (null org-lparse-list-stack)))
+ (setq org-e-odt-table-indentedp nil) ; FIXME
+ (when org-e-odt-table-indentedp
+ ;; Within the Org file, the table is appearing within a list item.
+ ;; OpenDocument doesn't allow table to appear within list items.
+ ;; Temporarily terminate the list, emit the table and then
+ ;; re-continue the list.
+ (org-e-odt-discontinue-list)
+ ;; Put the Table in an indented section.
+ (let ((level (length org-e-odt-list-stack-stashed)))
+ (org-e-odt-begin-section (format "OrgIndentedSection-Level-%d" level))))
+ (setq org-e-odt-table-style (plist-get attributes :style))
+ (setq org-e-odt-table-style-spec
+ (assoc org-e-odt-table-style org-e-odt-table-styles))
+ (concat
+ (and caption (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph 'table caption))
+ (let ((automatic-name (org-e-odt-add-automatic-style "Table" attributes)))
+ (format
+ "\n<table:table table:name=\"%s\" table:style-name=\"%s\">\n"
+ (or short-caption (car automatic-name))
+ (or (nth 1 org-e-odt-table-style-spec) (cdr automatic-name) "OrgTable")))
+ (org-e-odt-format-table-columns) "\n")))
(defun org-e-odt-end-table ()
@@ -700,62 +699,62 @@ Update styles.xml with styles that were collected as part of
(file-relative-name (expand-file-name path dir)
(expand-file-name "eyecandy" dir))))
-(defun org-e-odt-format-formula (src &optional caption label attr)
- (let* ((href
+(defun org-e-odt-format-formula (element info)
+ (let* ((src (cond
+ ((eq (org-element-type element) 'link) ; FIXME
+ (let* ((type (org-element-property :type element))
+ (raw-path (org-element-property :path element)))
+ (cond
+ ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
+ (expand-file-name raw-path))
+ (t raw-path))))
+ ((member (org-element-type element)
+ '(latex-fragment latex-environment))
+ (let* ((latex-frag (org-remove-indentation
+ (org-element-property
+ :value element)))
+ (formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex
+ latex-frag 'mathml)))
+ (and formula-link
+ (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link)
+ (match-string 1 formula-link))))
+ (t (error "what is this?"))))
+ (caption-from
+ (case (org-element-type element)
+ (link (org-export-get-parent-paragraph element info))
+ (t element)))
+ (captions (org-e-odt-format-label caption-from info 'definition))
+ (caption (car captions))
+ (href
"<draw:object xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>" ""
(file-name-directory (org-e-odt-copy-formula-file src))))
- ;; FIXME
- ;; (caption (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption src))
- ;; (short-caption
- ;; (or (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption-shortn src)
- ;; caption))
- ;; (caption (and caption (org-xml-format-desc caption)))
- ;; (short-caption (and short-caption
- ;; (org-xml-encode-plain-text short-caption)))
- ;; (label (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-label src))
- ;; (latex-frag (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-latex-src src))
- (embed-as (or
- ;; FIXME
- ;; (and latex-frag
- ;; (org-find-text-property-in-string
- ;; 'org-latex-src-embed-type src))
- (if (or caption label) 'paragraph 'character)))
+ (embed-as (if caption 'paragraph 'character))
width height)
- ;; FIXME
- ;; (when latex-frag
- ;; (setq href (org-propertize href :title "LaTeX Fragment"
- ;; :description latex-frag)))
((eq embed-as 'character)
(org-e-odt-format-entity "InlineFormula" href width height))
- ;; (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
(let ((table-info nil)
'(:alignment ["c" "c"]
:column-groups [nil nil]
:row-groups (0)
:special-column-p nil :width [8 1]))
- (org-lparse-table-ncols 2)
- ) ; FIXME
+ (org-lparse-table-ncols 2)) ; FIXME
- `((,(org-e-odt-format-entity
- (if (not (or caption label)) "DisplayFormula"
- "CaptionedDisplayFormula")
- href width height :caption caption :label label
- :short-caption short-caption)
- ,(if (not (or caption label)) ""
- (let* ((label-props (car org-e-odt-entity-labels-alist)))
- (setcar (last label-props) "math-label")
- (apply 'org-e-odt-format-label-definition
- caption label-props)))))
- nil nil ":style \"OrgEquation\"" ;; nil '((1 "c" 8) (2 "c" 1)) FIXME
- ))
- ;; (throw 'nextline nil)
- ))))
+ (list
+ (list
+ (org-e-odt-format-entity
+ "CaptionedDisplayFormula" href width height captions)
+ (let* ((org-e-odt-category-map-alist
+ '(("__Table__" "Table" "value")
+ ("__Figure__" "Illustration" "value")
+ ("__MathFormula__" "Text" "math-label")
+ ("__DvipngImage__" "Equation" "value")
+ ("__Listing__" "Listing" "value"))))
+ (car (org-e-odt-format-label caption-from info 'definition)))))
+ '(table (:attr_odt (":style \"OrgEquation\""))) info))))))
(defun org-e-odt-copy-formula-file (path)
"Returns the internal name of the file"
@@ -921,63 +920,6 @@ ATTR is a string of other attributes of the a element."
(setq params (format "(%s)" params)))
(ignore-errors (read params)))))
-(defun org-e-odt-format-image (src &optional
- caption label attr
- embed-as ; FIXME
- category ; FIXME
- )
- "Create image tag with source and attributes."
- (let* ((href (org-e-odt-format-tags
- "<draw:image xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>" ""
- (org-e-odt-copy-image-file src)))
- ;; (caption (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption src))
- ;; (short-caption
- ;; (or (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption-shortn src)
- ;; caption))
- ;; (caption (and caption (org-xml-format-desc caption)))
- ;; (short-caption (and short-caption
- ;; (org-xml-encode-plain-text short-caption)))
- ;; (attr (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-attributes src))
- ;; (label (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-label src))
- ;; (latex-frag (org-find-text-property-in-string
- ;; 'org-latex-src src))
- ;; (category (and latex-frag "__DvipngImage__")) ; FIXME
- (attr-plist (org-e-odt-parse-block-attributes attr))
- (user-frame-anchor
- (car (assoc-string (plist-get attr-plist :anchor)
- '(("as-char") ("paragraph") ("page")) t)))
- (user-frame-style
- (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :style)))
- (user-frame-attrs
- (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :attributes)))
- (user-frame-params
- (list user-frame-style user-frame-attrs user-frame-anchor))
- (embed-as (or embed-as user-frame-anchor "paragraph"))
- ;; (embed-as (cond
- ;; (latex-frag
- ;; (symbol-name
- ;; (case (org-find-text-property-in-string ; FIXME
- ;; 'org-latex-src-embed-type src)
- ;; (paragraph 'paragraph)
- ;; (t 'as-char))))
- ;; (user-frame-anchor)
- ;; (t "paragraph")))
- (size (org-e-odt-image-size-from-file
- src (plist-get attr-plist :width)
- (plist-get attr-plist :height)
- (plist-get attr-plist :scale) nil embed-as))
- (width (car size)) (height (cdr size)))
- ;; (when latex-frag ; FIXME
- ;; (setq href (org-propertize href :title "LaTeX Fragment"
- ;; :description latex-frag)))
- (let ((frame-style-handle (concat (and (or caption label) "Captioned")
- embed-as "Image")))
- (org-e-odt-format-entity
- frame-style-handle href width height
- :caption caption :label label :category category
- :short-caption short-caption
- :user-frame-params user-frame-params))))
(defun org-e-odt-format-object-description (title description)
(concat (and title (org-e-odt-format-tags
'("<svg:title>" . "</svg:title>")
@@ -1019,39 +961,6 @@ ATTR is a string of other attributes of the a element."
for default-frame-param in default-frame-params
collect (or user-frame-param default-frame-param))))
-(defun* org-e-odt-format-entity (entity href width height
- &key caption label category
- user-frame-params short-caption)
- (let* ((entity-style (assoc-string entity org-e-odt-entity-frame-styles t))
- default-frame-params frame-params)
- (cond
- ((not (or caption label))
- (setq default-frame-params (nth 2 entity-style))
- (setq frame-params (org-e-odt-merge-frame-params
- default-frame-params user-frame-params))
- (apply 'org-e-odt-format-frame href width height frame-params))
- (t
- (setq default-frame-params (nth 3 entity-style))
- (setq frame-params (org-e-odt-merge-frame-params
- default-frame-params user-frame-params))
- (apply 'org-e-odt-format-textbox
- (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
- 'illustration
- (concat
- (apply 'org-e-odt-format-frame href width height
- (let ((entity-style-1 (copy-sequence
- (nth 2 entity-style))))
- (setcar (cdr entity-style-1)
- (concat
- (cadr entity-style-1)
- (and short-caption
- (format " draw:name=\"%s\" "
- short-caption))))
- entity-style-1))
- (org-e-odt-format-entity-caption
- label caption (or category (nth 1 entity-style)))))
- width height frame-params)))))
(defun org-e-odt-copy-image-file (path)
"Returns the internal name of the file"
(let* ((image-type (file-name-extension path))
@@ -1133,74 +1042,89 @@ ATTR is a string of other attributes of the a element."
(setq width (* scale width) height (* scale height)))))
(cons width height)))
-(defun org-e-odt-add-label-definition (label default-category)
- "Create an entry in `org-e-odt-entity-labels-alist' and return it."
- (let* ((label-props (assoc default-category org-e-odt-category-map-alist))
- ;; identify the sequence number
- (counter (nth 1 label-props))
- (sequence-var (intern counter))
- (seqno (1+ (or (plist-get org-e-odt-entity-counts-plist sequence-var)
- 0)))
- ;; assign an internal label, if user has not provided one
- (label (if label (substring-no-properties label)
- (format "%s-%s" default-category seqno)))
- ;; identify label style
- (label-style (nth 2 label-props))
- ;; grok language setting
- (en-strings (assoc-default "en" org-e-odt-category-strings))
- (lang (plist-get info :language)) ; FIXME
- (lang-strings (assoc-default lang org-e-odt-category-strings))
- ;; retrieve localized category sting
- (pos (- (length org-e-odt-category-map-alist)
- (length (memq label-props org-e-odt-category-map-alist))))
- (category (or (nth pos lang-strings) (nth pos en-strings)))
- (label-props (list label category counter seqno label-style)))
- (setq org-e-odt-entity-counts-plist
- (plist-put org-e-odt-entity-counts-plist sequence-var seqno))
- ;; stash label properties for later retrieval
- (push label-props org-e-odt-entity-labels-alist)
- label-props))
-(defun org-e-odt-format-label-reference (label default-category
- seqno) ; FIXME
- (let* ((label-props (assoc default-category org-e-odt-category-map-alist))
- (category (nth 1 label-props))
- (counter category) ; FIXME
- (label-style (nth 2 label-props)))
- (unless label-props
- (error "Unknown category: %S" default-category))
- (org-e-odt-do-format-label-reference
- label category counter seqno label-style)))
-(defun org-e-odt-format-label-definition (caption label category counter
- seqno label-style)
- (assert label)
- (setq label (org-solidify-link-text label))
- (format-spec
- (cadr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t))
- `((?e . ,category)
- (?n . ,(org-e-odt-format-tags-simple
- '("<text:sequence text:ref-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\" text:formula=\"ooow:%s+1\" style:num-format=\"1\">" . "</text:sequence>")
- (format "%d" seqno) label counter counter))
- (?c . ,(or caption "")))))
-(defun org-e-odt-do-format-label-reference (label category counter
- seqno label-style)
- (assert label)
- (save-match-data
- (let* ((fmt (cddr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t)))
- (fmt1 (car fmt))
- (fmt2 (cadr fmt)))
- (org-e-odt-format-tags-simple
- '("<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format=\"%s\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">"
- . "</text:sequence-ref>")
- (format-spec fmt2 `((?e . ,category)
- (?n . ,(format "%d" seqno)))) fmt1 label))))
-(defun org-e-odt-format-entity-caption (label caption category)
- (if (not (or label caption)) ""
- (apply 'org-e-odt-format-label-definition caption
- (org-e-odt-add-label-definition label category))))
+(defun org-e-odt-format-label (element info op)
+ (let* ((caption-from
+ (case (org-element-type element)
+ (link (org-export-get-parent-paragraph element info))
+ (t element)))
+ ;; get label and caption.
+ (label (org-element-property :name caption-from))
+ (caption (org-element-property :caption caption-from))
+ (short-caption (cdr caption))
+ ;; transcode captions.
+ (caption (and (car caption) (org-export-secondary-string
+ (car caption) 'e-odt info)))
+ (short-caption (and short-caption (org-export-secondary-string
+ short-caption 'e-odt info))))
+ (when (or label caption)
+ (let* ((default-category
+ (cond
+ ((eq (org-element-type element) 'table)
+ "__Table__")
+ ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p element info)
+ "__Figure__")
+ ((member (org-element-type element)
+ '(latex-environment latex-fragment))
+ (let ((processing-type (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq processing-type 'dvipng) "__DvipngImage__")
+ ((eq processing-type 'mathjax) "__MathFormula__")
+ ((eq processing-type 't) "__MathFormula__")
+ (t (error "Handle LaTeX:verbatim")))))
+ ((eq (org-element-type element) 'src-block)
+ "__Listing__")
+ (t (error "Handle enumeration of %S" element))))
+ (predicate
+ (cond
+ ((member (org-element-type element)
+ '(table latex-environment src-block))
+ nil)
+ ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p element info)
+ 'org-e-odt-standalone-image-p)
+ (t (error "Handle enumeration of %S" element))))
+ (seqno (org-e-odt-enumerate-element
+ element info predicate)) ; FIXME
+ ;; handle label props.
+ (label-props (assoc default-category org-e-odt-category-map-alist))
+ ;; identify opendocument counter
+ (counter (nth 1 label-props))
+ ;; identify label style
+ (label-style (nth 2 label-props))
+ ;; grok language setting
+ (en-strings (assoc-default "en" org-e-odt-category-strings))
+ (lang (plist-get info :language)) ; FIXME
+ (lang-strings (assoc-default lang org-e-odt-category-strings))
+ ;; retrieve localized category sting
+ (pos (- (length org-e-odt-category-map-alist)
+ (length (memq label-props org-e-odt-category-map-alist))))
+ (category (or (nth pos lang-strings) (nth pos en-strings))))
+ (case op
+ (definition
+ ;; assign an internal label, if user has not provided one
+ (setq label (or label (format "%s-%s" default-category seqno)))
+ (setq label (org-solidify-link-text label))
+ (cons
+ (format-spec
+ (cadr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t))
+ `((?e . ,category)
+ (?n . ,(org-e-odt-format-tags-simple
+ '("<text:sequence text:ref-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\" text:formula=\"ooow:%s+1\" style:num-format=\"1\">" . "</text:sequence>")
+ seqno label counter counter))
+ (?c . ,(or caption ""))))
+ short-caption))
+ (reference
+ (assert label)
+ (setq label (org-solidify-link-text label))
+ (let* ((fmt (cddr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t)))
+ (fmt1 (car fmt))
+ (fmt2 (cadr fmt)))
+ (org-e-odt-format-tags-simple
+ '("<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format=\"%s\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">"
+ . "</text:sequence-ref>")
+ (format-spec fmt2 `((?e . ,category)
+ (?n . ,seqno))) fmt1 label)))
+ (t (error "Unknow %S on label" op)))))))
(defun org-e-odt-format-tags-1 (tag text prefix suffix &rest args)
@@ -3638,24 +3562,22 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(label (org-element-property :name latex-environment)))
((member processing-type '(t mathjax))
- (let* ((formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex latex-frag 'mathml)))
- (when (and formula-link
- (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link))
- (org-e-odt-format-formula
- (match-string 1 formula-link) caption label attr))))
+ (org-e-odt-format-formula latex-environment info))
((equal processing-type 'dvipng)
- (let* ((formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex
- latex-frag processing-type)))
- (when (and formula-link
- (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link))
- (org-e-odt-format-image
- (match-string 1 formula-link) caption label attr "paragraph"
- "__DvipngImage__"))))
+ (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
+ nil (org-e-odt-link--inline-image latex-environment info)))
(t latex-frag)))))
;;;; Latex Fragment
+;; (when latex-frag ; FIXME
+;; (setq href (org-propertize href :title "LaTeX Fragment"
+;; :description latex-frag)))
+;; handle verbatim
+;; provide descriptions
(defun org-e-odt-latex-fragment (latex-fragment contents info)
"Transcode a LATEX-FRAGMENT object from Org to HTML.
CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
@@ -3663,19 +3585,9 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(processing-type (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments)))
((member processing-type '(t mathjax))
- (let* ((formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex latex-frag 'mathml))
- (src (and formula-link
- (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link)
- (match-string 1 formula-link))))
- (assert src)
- (org-e-odt-format-formula src)))
+ (org-e-odt-format-formula latex-fragment info))
((equal processing-type 'dvipng)
- (let* ((formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex latex-frag processing-type))
- (src (and formula-link
- (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link)
- (match-string 1 formula-link))))
- (assert src)
- (org-e-odt-format-image src)))
+ (org-e-odt-link--inline-image latex-fragment info))
(t latex-frag))))
@@ -3689,37 +3601,109 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
;;;; Link
-(defun org-e-odt-link--inline-image (link desc info)
+(defun org-e-odt-link--inline-image (element info)
"Return HTML code for an inline image.
LINK is the link pointing to the inline image. INFO is a plist
used as a communication channel."
- (let* ((type (org-element-property :type link))
- (raw-path (org-element-property :path link))
- (path (cond ((member type '("http" "https"))
- (concat type ":" raw-path))
- ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
- (expand-file-name raw-path))
- (t raw-path)))
- (parent (org-export-get-parent-paragraph link info))
- (caption (org-element-property :caption parent))
- (short-caption (and (cdr caption) (org-export-secondary-string
- (cdr caption) 'e-odt info)))
- (caption (and (car caption) (org-export-secondary-string
- (car caption) 'e-odt info)))
- (label (org-element-property :name parent))
- ;; Retrieve latex attributes from the element around.
+ (let* ((src (cond
+ ((eq (org-element-type element) 'link)
+ (let* ((type (org-element-property :type element))
+ (raw-path (org-element-property :path element)))
+ (cond ((member type '("http" "https"))
+ (concat type ":" raw-path))
+ ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
+ (expand-file-name raw-path))
+ (t raw-path))))
+ ((member (org-element-type element)
+ '(latex-fragment latex-environment))
+ (let* ((latex-frag (org-remove-indentation
+ (org-element-property
+ :value element)))
+ (formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex
+ latex-frag 'dvipng)))
+ (and formula-link
+ (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link)
+ (match-string 1 formula-link))))
+ (t (error "what is this?"))))
+ (href (org-e-odt-format-tags
+ "<draw:image xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>" ""
+ (org-e-odt-copy-image-file src)))
+ ;; extract attributes from #+ATTR_ODT line.
+ (attr-from (case (org-element-type element)
+ (link (org-export-get-parent-paragraph element info))
+ (t element)))
(attr (let ((raw-attr
(mapconcat #'identity
- (org-element-property :attr_odt parent)
+ (org-element-property :attr_odt attr-from)
" ")))
- (unless (string= raw-attr "") raw-attr))))
- ;; Now clear ATTR from any special keyword and set a default
- ;; value if nothing is left.
- (setq attr (if (not attr) "" (org-trim attr)))
- ;; Return proper string, depending on DISPOSITION.
- (org-e-odt-format-image
- path caption label attr (if (org-e-html-standalone-image-p link info)
- "paragraph" "as-char"))))
+ (unless (string= raw-attr "") raw-attr)))
+ (attr (if (not attr) "" (org-trim attr)))
+ ;; convert attributes to a plist.
+ (attr-plist (org-e-odt-parse-block-attributes attr))
+ ;; handle `:anchor', `:style' and `:attributes' properties.
+ (user-frame-anchor
+ (car (assoc-string (plist-get attr-plist :anchor)
+ '(("as-char") ("paragraph") ("page")) t)))
+ (user-frame-style
+ (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :style)))
+ (user-frame-attrs
+ (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :attributes)))
+ (user-frame-params
+ (list user-frame-style user-frame-attrs user-frame-anchor))
+ ;; (embed-as (or embed-as user-frame-anchor "paragraph"))
+ ;; extrac
+ ;; handle `:width', `:height' and `:scale' properties.
+ (size (org-e-odt-image-size-from-file
+ src (plist-get attr-plist :width)
+ (plist-get attr-plist :height)
+ (plist-get attr-plist :scale) nil ;; embed-as
+ "paragraph" ; FIXME
+ ))
+ (width (car size)) (height (cdr size))
+ (embed-as
+ (case (org-element-type element)
+ ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p element info) "paragraph")
+ (latex-fragment "as-char")
+ (latex-environment "paragraph")
+ (t "paragraph")))
+ (captions (org-e-odt-format-label element info 'definition))
+ (entity (concat (and caption "Captioned") embed-as "Image")))
+ (org-e-odt-format-entity entity href width height
+ captions user-frame-params )))
+(defun org-e-odt-format-entity (entity href width height &optional
+ captions user-frame-params)
+ (let* ((caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions))
+ (entity-style (assoc-string entity org-e-odt-entity-frame-styles t))
+ default-frame-params frame-params)
+ (cond
+ ((not caption)
+ (setq default-frame-params (nth 2 entity-style))
+ (setq frame-params (org-e-odt-merge-frame-params
+ default-frame-params user-frame-params))
+ (apply 'org-e-odt-format-frame href width height frame-params))
+ (t
+ (setq default-frame-params (nth 3 entity-style))
+ (setq frame-params (org-e-odt-merge-frame-params
+ default-frame-params user-frame-params))
+ (apply 'org-e-odt-format-textbox
+ (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
+ 'illustration
+ (concat
+ (apply 'org-e-odt-format-frame href width height
+ (let ((entity-style-1 (copy-sequence
+ (nth 2 entity-style))))
+ (setcar (cdr entity-style-1)
+ (concat
+ (cadr entity-style-1)
+ (and short-caption
+ (format " draw:name=\"%s\" "
+ short-caption))))
+ entity-style-1))
+ caption))
+ width height frame-params)))))
(defvar org-e-odt-standalone-image-predicate
(function (lambda (paragraph)
@@ -3800,7 +3784,7 @@ INFO is a plist holding contextual information. See
;; Image file.
((and (not desc) (org-export-inline-image-p
link org-e-odt-inline-image-rules))
- (org-e-odt-link--inline-image link desc info))
+ (org-e-odt-link--inline-image link info))
;; Radioed target: Target's name is obtained from original raw
;; link. Path is parsed and transcoded in order to have a proper
;; display of the contents.
@@ -3845,36 +3829,21 @@ INFO is a plist holding contextual information. See
(org-e-odt-format-internal-link desc label)))
;; Fuzzy link points to a target. Do as above.
- ;; "__Table__"
- ;; "__Figure__"
- ;; "__MathFormula__"
- ;; "__DvipngImage__"
- (let ((path (org-export-solidify-link-text path)))
- (unless desc
- (setq number (cond
- ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p destination info)
- (org-export-get-ordinal
- (assoc 'link (org-element-contents destination))
- info 'link 'org-e-odt-standalone-image-p))
- (t (org-export-get-ordinal destination info))))
- (setq desc (when number
- (if (atom number) (number-to-string number)
- (mapconcat 'number-to-string number ".")))))
- (let ((label path)
- (default-category
- (cond
- ((eq (org-element-type destination) 'table)
- "__Table__")
- ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p destination info)
- "__Figure__")
- ((eq (org-element-type destination) 'latex-environment)
- ; FIXME: Check if it is
- ; acutally latex eqn.
- "__MathFormula__")
- ((eq (org-element-type destination) 'src-block)
- "__Listing__")
- (t (error "Handle enumeration of %S" destination)))))
- (org-e-odt-format-label-reference label default-category number)))))))
+ ;; (unless desc
+ ;; (setq number (cond
+ ;; ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p destination info)
+ ;; (org-export-get-ordinal
+ ;; (assoc 'link (org-element-contents destination))
+ ;; info 'link 'org-e-odt-standalone-image-p))
+ ;; (t (org-export-get-ordinal destination info))))
+ ;; (setq desc (when number
+ ;; (if (atom number) (number-to-string number)
+ ;; (mapconcat 'number-to-string number ".")))))
+ (let ((label-reference
+ (org-e-odt-format-label destination info 'reference)))
+ (assert label-reference)
+ label-reference)))))
;; Coderef: replace link with the reference name or the
;; equivalent line number.
((string= type "coderef")
@@ -4082,10 +4051,11 @@ contextual information."
;; (main (org-export-secondary-string (car caption) 'e-odt info))
;; (secondary (org-export-secondary-string (cdr caption) 'e-odt info))
;; (caption-str (org-e-odt--caption/label-string caption label info))
- (concat
- (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph
- 'listing (org-e-odt-format-entity-caption label caption "__Listing__"))
- (org-e-odt-format-code src-block info))))
+ (let* ((captions (org-e-odt-format-label src-block info 'definition))
+ (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions)))
+ (concat
+ (and caption (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph 'listing caption))
+ (org-e-odt-format-code src-block info)))))
;;;; Statistics Cookie
@@ -4165,8 +4135,7 @@ contextual information."
(concat preamble (if colgropen "</colgroup>"))))
-(defun org-e-odt-list-table (lines caption label attributes
- &optional short-caption)
+(defun org-e-odt-list-table (lines caption-from info)
(let* ((splice nil) head
(org-e-odt-table-rownum -1)
i (cnt 0)
@@ -4184,7 +4153,7 @@ contextual information."
(setq org-lparse-table-is-styled t)
- (org-e-odt-begin-table caption label attributes short-caption)
+ (org-e-odt-begin-table caption-from info)
;; FIXME (org-e-odt-table-preamble)
(org-e-odt-begin-table-rowgroup head)
@@ -4249,16 +4218,7 @@ form (FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELD3 ...) as appropriate."
(defun org-e-odt-table (table contents info)
"Transcode a TABLE element from Org to HTML.
CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (let* ((caption (org-element-property :caption table))
- (short-caption (and (cdr caption) (org-export-secondary-string
- (cdr caption) 'e-odt info)))
- (caption (and (car caption) (org-export-secondary-string
- (car caption) 'e-odt info)))
- (label (org-element-property :name table))
- (attr (mapconcat #'identity
- (org-element-property :attr_odt table)
- " "))
- (raw-table (org-element-property :raw-table table))
+ (let* ((raw-table (org-element-property :raw-table table))
(table-type (org-element-property :type table)))
(case table-type
@@ -4275,8 +4235,7 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(parent (car genealogy))
(parent-type (org-element-type parent)))
- (org-e-odt-org-table-to-list-table lines)
- caption label attr short-caption))))))
+ (org-e-odt-org-table-to-list-table lines) table info))))))
;;;; Target
@@ -4595,6 +4554,45 @@ using `org-open-file'."
(cons (concat "\\." (car desc) "\\'") 'archive-mode)))
+(defvar org-e-odt-display-outline-level 2)
+(defun org-e-odt-enumerate-element (element info &optional predicate n)
+ (let* ((numbered-parent-headline-at-<=-n
+ (function
+ (lambda (element n info)
+ (loop for x in (org-export-get-genealogy element info)
+ thereis (and (eq (org-element-type x) 'headline)
+ (<= (org-export-get-relative-level x info) n)
+ (org-export-numbered-headline-p x info)
+ x)))))
+ (enumerate
+ (function
+ (lambda (element scope info &optional predicate)
+ (let ((counter 0))
+ (org-element-map
+ (or scope (plist-get info :parse-tree))
+ (org-element-type element)
+ (lambda (el)
+ (and (or (not predicate) (funcall predicate el info))
+ (incf counter)
+ (equal element el)
+ counter))
+ info 'first-match)))))
+ (scope (funcall numbered-parent-headline-at-<=-n
+ element (or n org-e-odt-display-outline-level) info))
+ (ordinal (funcall enumerate element scope info predicate))
+ (tag
+ (concat
+ ;; section number
+ (and scope
+ (mapconcat 'number-to-string
+ (org-export-get-headline-number scope info) "."))
+ ;; separator
+ (and scope ".")
+ ;; ordinal
+ (number-to-string ordinal))))
+ ;; (message "%s:\t%s" (org-element-property :name element) tag)
+ tag))
(provide 'org-e-odt)
;;; org-e-odt.el ends here