diff options
authorCarsten Dominik <>2011-10-16 10:52:32 +0200
committerCarsten Dominik <>2011-10-16 10:52:32 +0200
commit4f2f222c00e0f43a78db0b149339fb751e96ddc0 (patch)
parent05ead2de3b32698409414f890116bc8985b2b732 (diff)
Add support for LaTeX to MathML conversion
* lisp/org.el (org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file) (org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command): New user-customizable variables. (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p, org-create-math-formula) (org-format-latex-as-mathml): New functions. (org-format-latex): Add a new local variable block-type that notes the nature of the equation - inline or display. Associate it's value to `org-latex-src-embed-type' property of dvipng links. Add mathml as new processing type. Patch by Jambunathan.
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 66c2507..cc1732f 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -16532,11 +16532,11 @@ Some of the options can be changed using the variable
(plist-get (org-infile-export-plist) :latex-header-extra))
(cnt 0) txt hash link beg end re e checkdir
executables-checked string
- m n block linkfile movefile ov)
+ m n block-type block linkfile movefile ov)
;; Check the different regular expressions
(while (setq e (pop re-list))
- (setq m (car e) re (nth 1 e) n (nth 2 e)
- block (if (nth 3 e) "\n\n" ""))
+ (setq m (car e) re (nth 1 e) n (nth 2 e) block-type (nth 3 e)
+ block (if block-type "\n\n" ""))
(when (member m matchers)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward re nil t)
@@ -16565,7 +16565,7 @@ Some of the options can be changed using the variable
'(org-protected t))))
(add-text-properties (match-beginning n) (match-end n)
'(org-protected t))))
- ((or (eq processing-type 'dvipng) t)
+ ((eq processing-type 'dvipng)
;; Process to an image
(setq txt (match-string n)
beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n)
@@ -16621,7 +16621,156 @@ Some of the options can be changed using the variable
(insert (org-add-props link
(list 'org-latex-src
- "\"" "" txt)))))))))))))
+ "\"" "" txt)
+ 'org-latex-src-embed-type
+ (if block-type 'paragraph 'character))))))
+ ((eq processing-type 'mathml)
+ ;; Process to MathML
+ (unless executables-checked
+ (unless (save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p))
+ (error "LaTeX to MathML converter not configured"))
+ (setq executables-checked t))
+ (setq txt (match-string n)
+ beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n)
+ cnt (1+ cnt))
+ (if msg (message msg cnt))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml
+ txt block-type prefix dir)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown conversion type %s for latex fragments"
+ processing-type)))))))))
+(defcustom org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file nil
+ "Value of\"%j\" in `org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command'.
+Use this to specify additional executable file say a jar file.
+When using MathToWeb as the converter, specify the full-path to
+your mathtoweb.jar file."
+ :group 'org-latex
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "None" nil)
+ (file :tag "JAR file" :must-match t)))
+(defcustom org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command nil
+ "Command to convert LaTeX fragments to MathML.
+Replace format-specifiers in the command as noted below and use
+`shell-command' to convert LaTeX to MathML.
+%j: Executable file in fully expanded form as specified by
+ `org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file'.
+%I: Input LaTeX file in fully expanded form
+%o: Output MathML file
+This command is used by `org-create-math-formula'.
+When using MathToWeb as the converter, set this to
+\"java -jar %j -unicode -force -df %o %I\"."
+ :group 'org-latex
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "None" nil)
+ (string :tag "\nShell command")))
+(defun org-format-latex-mathml-available-p ()
+ "Return t if `org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command' is usable."
+ (save-match-data
+ (when (and (boundp 'org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command)
+ org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command)
+ (let ((executable (car (split-string
+ org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command))))
+ (when (executable-find executable)
+ (if (string-match
+ "%j" org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command)
+ (file-readable-p org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file)
+ t))))))
+(defun org-create-math-formula (latex-frag &optional mathml-file)
+ "Convert LATEX-FRAG to MathML and store it in MATHML-FILE.
+Use `org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command'. If the conversion is
+sucessful, return the portion between \"<math...> </math>\"
+elements otherwise return nil. When MATHML-FILE is specified,
+write the results in to that file. When invoked as an
+interactive command, prompt for LATEX-FRAG, with initial value
+set to the current active region and echo the results for user
+ (interactive (list (let ((frag (when (region-active-p)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (region-beginning) (region-end)))))
+ (read-string "LaTeX Fragment: " frag nil frag))))
+ (unless latex-frag (error "Invalid latex-frag"))
+ (let* ((tmp-in-file (file-relative-name
+ (make-temp-name (expand-file-name "ltxmathml-in"))))
+ (ignore (write-region latex-frag nil tmp-in-file))
+ (tmp-out-file (file-relative-name
+ (make-temp-name (expand-file-name "ltxmathml-out"))))
+ (cmd (format-spec
+ org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
+ `((?j . ,(shell-quote-argument
+ (expand-file-name org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file)))
+ (?I . ,(shell-quote-argument tmp-in-file))
+ (?o . ,(shell-quote-argument tmp-out-file)))))
+ mathml shell-command-output)
+ (when (org-called-interactively-p 'any)
+ (unless (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)
+ (error "LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")))
+ (message "Running %s" cmd)
+ (setq shell-command-output (shell-command-to-string cmd))
+ (setq mathml
+ (when (file-readable-p tmp-out-file)
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect tmp-out-file t)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward
+ (concat
+ (regexp-quote
+ "<math xmlns=\"\">")
+ "\\(.\\|\n\\)*"
+ (regexp-quote "</math>")) nil t)
+ (prog1 (match-string 0) (kill-buffer))))))
+ (cond
+ (mathml
+ (setq mathml
+ (concat "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" mathml))
+ (when mathml-file
+ (write-region mathml nil mathml-file))
+ (when (org-called-interactively-p 'any)
+ (message mathml)))
+ ((message "LaTeX to MathML conversion failed")
+ (message shell-command-output)))
+ (delete-file tmp-in-file)
+ (when (file-exists-p tmp-out-file)
+ (delete-file tmp-out-file))
+ mathml))
+(defun org-format-latex-as-mathml (latex-frag latex-frag-type
+ prefix &optional dir)
+ "Use `org-create-math-formula' but check local cache first."
+ (let* ((absprefix (expand-file-name prefix dir))
+ (print-length nil) (print-level nil)
+ (formula-id (concat
+ "formula-"
+ (sha1
+ (prin1-to-string
+ (list latex-frag
+ org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command)))))
+ (formula-cache (format "%s-%s.mathml" absprefix formula-id))
+ (formula-cache-dir (file-name-directory formula-cache)))
+ (unless (file-directory-p formula-cache-dir)
+ (make-directory formula-cache-dir t))
+ (unless (file-exists-p formula-cache)
+ (org-create-math-formula latex-frag formula-cache))
+ (if (file-exists-p formula-cache)
+ ;; Successful conversion. Return the link to MathML file.
+ (org-add-props
+ (format "[[file:%s]]" (file-relative-name formula-cache dir))
+ (list 'org-latex-src (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" latex-frag)
+ 'org-latex-src-embed-type (if latex-frag-type
+ 'paragraph 'character)))
+ ;; Failed conversion. Return the LaTeX fragment verbatim
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (1- (length latex-frag)) '(org-protected t) latex-frag)
+ latex-frag)))
;; This function borrows from Ganesh Swami's latex2png.el
(defun org-create-formula-image (string tofile options buffer)