diff options
authorKyle Meyer <>2020-04-15 22:01:14 -0400
committerKyle Meyer <>2020-04-26 01:29:33 -0400
commit3c31941139ed6de14aebee950141dabbd7c0b468 (patch)
parent14d6f95bec975d882d5d0a047e81c74a1cd89edc (diff)
Fix loading issues related to org-refile.el move
* lisp/org-refile.el (org-directory): (org-default-notes-file): (org-reverse-note-order): (org-outline-path-cache): (org--get-outline-path-1): (org-get-outline-path): (org-format-outline-path): (org-display-outline-path): Move back to org.el. * lisp/org-id.el: Require org-refile. * lisp/org-refile.el: Require org. f636cf91b (New org-refile.el file with refile definitions, 2020-02-05) moved refile-related code into a new file, org-refile.el. This introduced several dependency issues, which can be seen by running `make single'. Many of these issues could be solved by loading org.el in org-refile.el and loading org-refile in several libraries that depend on moved functionality. However, there would still be a circular dependency because org.el depends on three variables now defined in org-refile.el. Also, conceptually there is the problem that the outline path functionality, despite being used primarily for refile internally, is now used more generally in third-party code and in a couple of spots within this repo. Resolve the above situation by moving the three org-refile.el variables that org.el needs and the outline path bits back to org.el. Reported-by: Kaushal Modi <> <> Reported-by: Ihor Radchenko <> <878sj74lfp.fsf@localhost> Reported-by: Ryan C. Thompson <> <>
3 files changed, 162 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-id.el b/lisp/org-id.el
index b83558a..34720b7 100644
--- a/lisp/org-id.el
+++ b/lisp/org-id.el
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'org)
+(require 'org-refile)
(require 'ol)
(declare-function message-make-fqdn "message" ())
diff --git a/lisp/org-refile.el b/lisp/org-refile.el
index 0a5d56d..7eb0a96 100644
--- a/lisp/org-refile.el
+++ b/lisp/org-refile.el
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
;;; Code:
+(require 'org)
(declare-function org-inlinetask-remove-END-maybe "org-inlinetask" ())
(defgroup org-refile nil
@@ -33,43 +35,6 @@
:tag "Org Refile"
:group 'org)
-(defcustom org-directory "~/org"
- "Directory with Org files.
-This is just a default location to look for Org files. There is no need
-at all to put your files into this directory. It is used in the
-following situations:
-1. When a capture template specifies a target file that is not an
- absolute path. The path will then be interpreted relative to
- `org-directory'
-2. When the value of variable `org-agenda-files' is a single file, any
- relative paths in this file will be taken as relative to
- `org-directory'."
- :group 'org-refile
- :group 'org-capture
- :type 'directory)
-(defcustom org-default-notes-file (convert-standard-filename "~/.notes")
- "Default target for storing notes.
-Used as a fall back file for org-capture.el, for templates that
-do not specify a target file."
- :group 'org-refile
- :group 'org-capture
- :type 'file)
-(defcustom org-reverse-note-order nil
- "Non-nil means store new notes at the beginning of a file or entry.
-When nil, new notes will be filed to the end of a file or entry.
-This can also be a list with cons cells of regular expressions that
-are matched against file names, and values."
- :group 'org-capture
- :group 'org-refile
- :type '(choice
- (const :tag "Reverse always" t)
- (const :tag "Reverse never" nil)
- (repeat :tag "By file name regexp"
- (cons regexp boolean))))
(defcustom org-log-refile nil
"Information to record when a task is refiled.
@@ -297,13 +262,6 @@ converted to a headline before refiling."
(and set (org-refile-cache-check-set set) set)))))
-(defvar org-outline-path-cache nil
- "Alist between buffer positions and outline paths.
-It value is an alist (POSITION . PATH) where POSITION is the
-buffer position at the beginning of an entry and PATH is a list
-of strings describing the outline path for that entry, in reverse
(defun org-refile-get-targets (&optional default-buffer)
"Produce a table with refile targets."
(let ((case-fold-search nil)
@@ -404,119 +362,6 @@ order.")
(message "Getting targets...done")
(delete-dups (nreverse targets))))
-(defun org--get-outline-path-1 (&optional use-cache)
- "Return outline path to current headline.
-Outline path is a list of strings, in reverse order. When
-optional argument USE-CACHE is non-nil, make use of a cache. See
-`org-get-outline-path' for details.
-Assume buffer is widened and point is on a headline."
- (or (and use-cache (cdr (assq (point) org-outline-path-cache)))
- (let ((p (point))
- (heading (let ((case-fold-search nil))
- (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
- (if (not (match-end 4)) ""
- ;; Remove statistics cookies.
- (org-trim
- (org-link-display-format
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\\[[0-9]+%\\]\\|\\[[0-9]+/[0-9]+\\]" ""
- (match-string-no-properties 4))))))))
- (if (org-up-heading-safe)
- (let ((path (cons heading (org--get-outline-path-1 use-cache))))
- (when use-cache
- (push (cons p path) org-outline-path-cache))
- path)
- ;; This is a new root node. Since we assume we are moving
- ;; forward, we can drop previous cache so as to limit number
- ;; of associations there.
- (let ((path (list heading)))
- (when use-cache (setq org-outline-path-cache (list (cons p path))))
- path)))))
-(defun org-get-outline-path (&optional with-self use-cache)
- "Return the outline path to the current entry.
-An outline path is a list of ancestors for current headline, as
-a list of strings. Statistics cookies are removed and links are
-replaced with their description, if any, or their path otherwise.
-When optional argument WITH-SELF is non-nil, the path also
-includes the current headline.
-When optional argument USE-CACHE is non-nil, cache outline paths
-between calls to this function so as to avoid backtracking. This
-argument is useful when planning to find more than one outline
-path in the same document. In that case, there are two
-conditions to satisfy:
- - `org-outline-path-cache' is set to nil before starting the
- process;
- - outline paths are computed by increasing buffer positions."
- (org-with-wide-buffer
- (and (or (and with-self (org-back-to-heading t))
- (org-up-heading-safe))
- (reverse (org--get-outline-path-1 use-cache)))))
-(defun org-format-outline-path (path &optional width prefix separator)
- "Format the outline path PATH for display.
-WIDTH is the maximum number of characters that is available.
-PREFIX is a prefix to be included in the returned string,
-such as the file name.
-SEPARATOR is inserted between the different parts of the path,
-the default is \"/\"."
- (setq width (or width 79))
- (setq path (delq nil path))
- (unless (> width 0)
- (user-error "Argument `width' must be positive"))
- (setq separator (or separator "/"))
- (let* ((org-odd-levels-only nil)
- (fpath (concat
- prefix (and prefix path separator)
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (s) (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]+\\'" "" s))
- (cl-loop for head in path
- for n from 0
- collect (org-add-props
- head nil 'face
- (nth (% n org-n-level-faces) org-level-faces)))
- separator))))
- (when (> (length fpath) width)
- (if (< width 7)
- ;; It's unlikely that `width' will be this small, but don't
- ;; waste characters by adding ".." if it is.
- (setq fpath (substring fpath 0 width))
- (setf (substring fpath (- width 2)) "..")))
- fpath))
-(defun org-display-outline-path (&optional file current separator just-return-string)
- "Display the current outline path in the echo area.
-If FILE is non-nil, prepend the output with the file name.
-If CURRENT is non-nil, append the current heading to the output.
-SEPARATOR is passed through to `org-format-outline-path'. It separates
-the different parts of the path and defaults to \"/\".
-If JUST-RETURN-STRING is non-nil, return a string, don't display a message."
- (interactive "P")
- (let* (case-fold-search
- (bfn (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
- (path (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-get-outline-path)))
- res)
- (when current (setq path (append path
- (save-excursion
- (org-back-to-heading t)
- (when (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
- (list (match-string 4)))))))
- (setq res
- (org-format-outline-path
- path
- (1- (frame-width))
- (and file bfn (concat (file-name-nondirectory bfn) separator))
- separator))
- (if just-return-string
- (org-no-properties res)
- (org-unlogged-message "%s" res))))
(defvar org-refile-history nil
"History for refiling operations.")
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 91c711f..c68a45a 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -1096,6 +1096,43 @@ effective."
(defvar org-display-table nil
"The display table for Org mode, in case `org-ellipsis' is non-nil.")
+(defcustom org-directory "~/org"
+ "Directory with Org files.
+This is just a default location to look for Org files. There is no need
+at all to put your files into this directory. It is used in the
+following situations:
+1. When a capture template specifies a target file that is not an
+ absolute path. The path will then be interpreted relative to
+ `org-directory'
+2. When the value of variable `org-agenda-files' is a single file, any
+ relative paths in this file will be taken as relative to
+ `org-directory'."
+ :group 'org-refile
+ :group 'org-capture
+ :type 'directory)
+(defcustom org-default-notes-file (convert-standard-filename "~/.notes")
+ "Default target for storing notes.
+Used as a fall back file for org-capture.el, for templates that
+do not specify a target file."
+ :group 'org-refile
+ :group 'org-capture
+ :type 'file)
+(defcustom org-reverse-note-order nil
+ "Non-nil means store new notes at the beginning of a file or entry.
+When nil, new notes will be filed to the end of a file or entry.
+This can also be a list with cons cells of regular expressions that
+are matched against file names, and values."
+ :group 'org-capture
+ :group 'org-refile
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Reverse always" t)
+ (const :tag "Reverse never" nil)
+ (repeat :tag "By file name regexp"
+ (cons regexp boolean))))
(defgroup org-keywords nil
"Keywords in Org mode."
:tag "Org Keywords"
@@ -7827,6 +7864,128 @@ with the original repeater."
(goto-char beg)))
+;;; Outline path
+(defvar org-outline-path-cache nil
+ "Alist between buffer positions and outline paths.
+It value is an alist (POSITION . PATH) where POSITION is the
+buffer position at the beginning of an entry and PATH is a list
+of strings describing the outline path for that entry, in reverse
+(defun org--get-outline-path-1 (&optional use-cache)
+ "Return outline path to current headline.
+Outline path is a list of strings, in reverse order. When
+optional argument USE-CACHE is non-nil, make use of a cache. See
+`org-get-outline-path' for details.
+Assume buffer is widened and point is on a headline."
+ (or (and use-cache (cdr (assq (point) org-outline-path-cache)))
+ (let ((p (point))
+ (heading (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+ (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
+ (if (not (match-end 4)) ""
+ ;; Remove statistics cookies.
+ (org-trim
+ (org-link-display-format
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\\[[0-9]+%\\]\\|\\[[0-9]+/[0-9]+\\]" ""
+ (match-string-no-properties 4))))))))
+ (if (org-up-heading-safe)
+ (let ((path (cons heading (org--get-outline-path-1 use-cache))))
+ (when use-cache
+ (push (cons p path) org-outline-path-cache))
+ path)
+ ;; This is a new root node. Since we assume we are moving
+ ;; forward, we can drop previous cache so as to limit number
+ ;; of associations there.
+ (let ((path (list heading)))
+ (when use-cache (setq org-outline-path-cache (list (cons p path))))
+ path)))))
+(defun org-get-outline-path (&optional with-self use-cache)
+ "Return the outline path to the current entry.
+An outline path is a list of ancestors for current headline, as
+a list of strings. Statistics cookies are removed and links are
+replaced with their description, if any, or their path otherwise.
+When optional argument WITH-SELF is non-nil, the path also
+includes the current headline.
+When optional argument USE-CACHE is non-nil, cache outline paths
+between calls to this function so as to avoid backtracking. This
+argument is useful when planning to find more than one outline
+path in the same document. In that case, there are two
+conditions to satisfy:
+ - `org-outline-path-cache' is set to nil before starting the
+ process;
+ - outline paths are computed by increasing buffer positions."
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (and (or (and with-self (org-back-to-heading t))
+ (org-up-heading-safe))
+ (reverse (org--get-outline-path-1 use-cache)))))
+(defun org-format-outline-path (path &optional width prefix separator)
+ "Format the outline path PATH for display.
+WIDTH is the maximum number of characters that is available.
+PREFIX is a prefix to be included in the returned string,
+such as the file name.
+SEPARATOR is inserted between the different parts of the path,
+the default is \"/\"."
+ (setq width (or width 79))
+ (setq path (delq nil path))
+ (unless (> width 0)
+ (user-error "Argument `width' must be positive"))
+ (setq separator (or separator "/"))
+ (let* ((org-odd-levels-only nil)
+ (fpath (concat
+ prefix (and prefix path separator)
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (s) (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]+\\'" "" s))
+ (cl-loop for head in path
+ for n from 0
+ collect (org-add-props
+ head nil 'face
+ (nth (% n org-n-level-faces) org-level-faces)))
+ separator))))
+ (when (> (length fpath) width)
+ (if (< width 7)
+ ;; It's unlikely that `width' will be this small, but don't
+ ;; waste characters by adding ".." if it is.
+ (setq fpath (substring fpath 0 width))
+ (setf (substring fpath (- width 2)) "..")))
+ fpath))
+(defun org-display-outline-path (&optional file current separator just-return-string)
+ "Display the current outline path in the echo area.
+If FILE is non-nil, prepend the output with the file name.
+If CURRENT is non-nil, append the current heading to the output.
+SEPARATOR is passed through to `org-format-outline-path'. It separates
+the different parts of the path and defaults to \"/\".
+If JUST-RETURN-STRING is non-nil, return a string, don't display a message."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* (case-fold-search
+ (bfn (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
+ (path (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) (org-get-outline-path)))
+ res)
+ (when current (setq path (append path
+ (save-excursion
+ (org-back-to-heading t)
+ (when (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
+ (list (match-string 4)))))))
+ (setq res
+ (org-format-outline-path
+ path
+ (1- (frame-width))
+ (and file bfn (concat (file-name-nondirectory bfn) separator))
+ separator))
+ (if just-return-string
+ (org-no-properties res)
+ (org-unlogged-message "%s" res))))
;;; Outline Sorting
(defun org-sort (&optional with-case)