diff options
authorJambunathan K <>2012-09-14 02:11:03 +0530
committerJambunathan K <>2012-09-14 02:11:03 +0530
commit3501be303eba9c6613ae4351027479f945d3fe2b (patch)
parent5ab9eaaabb545186a5c965d78d32f0fbe2c09f45 (diff)
org-e-odt.el: Pre-process LaTeX fragments
Handle enumeration more robustly. Numbered OpenDocument formula no longer uses a table for typesetting of formula and it's number. Also some renaming and moving around.
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el b/contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el
index 2fab446..2b4f6a2 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
(verse-block . org-e-odt-verse-block))
:export-block "ODT"
:filters-alist ((:filter-parse-tree
- . (org-e-odt--translate-description-lists
+ . (org-e-odt--translate-latex-fragments
+ org-e-odt--translate-description-lists
(?o "Export to ODT"
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ standard Emacs.")
("odf" . "OpenDocument Formula")
("odc" . "OpenDocument Chart")))
-(defvar org-e-odt-table-style-format
+(defconst org-e-odt-table-style-format
<style:style style:name=\"%s\" style:family=\"table\">
<style:table-properties style:rel-width=\"%d%%\" fo:margin-top=\"0cm\" fo:margin-bottom=\"0.20cm\" table:align=\"center\"/>
@@ -261,28 +262,6 @@ according to the default face identified by the `htmlfontify'.")
(defvar hfy-optimisations)
(defvar org-e-odt-embedded-formulas-count 0)
-(defvar org-e-odt-entity-frame-styles
- '(("As-CharImage" "__Figure__" ("OrgInlineImage" nil "as-char"))
- ("ParagraphImage" "__Figure__" ("OrgDisplayImage" nil "paragraph"))
- ("PageImage" "__Figure__" ("OrgPageImage" nil "page"))
- ("CaptionedAs-CharImage" "__Figure__"
- ("OrgCaptionedImage"
- " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\"" "paragraph")
- ("OrgInlineImage" nil "as-char"))
- ("CaptionedParagraphImage" "__Figure__"
- ("OrgCaptionedImage"
- " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\"" "paragraph")
- ("OrgImageCaptionFrame" nil "paragraph"))
- ("CaptionedPageImage" "__Figure__"
- ("OrgCaptionedImage"
- " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\"" "paragraph")
- ("OrgPageImageCaptionFrame" nil "page"))
- ("InlineFormula" "__MathFormula__" ("OrgInlineFormula" nil "as-char"))
- ("DisplayFormula" "__MathFormula__" ("OrgDisplayFormula" nil "as-char"))
- ("CaptionedDisplayFormula" "__MathFormula__"
- ("OrgCaptionedFormula" nil "paragraph")
- ("OrgFormulaCaptionFrame" nil "as-char"))))
(defvar org-e-odt-embedded-images-count 0)
(defvar org-e-odt-image-size-probe-method
(append (and (executable-find "identify") '(imagemagick)) ; See Bug#10675
@@ -301,7 +280,7 @@ according to the default face identified by the `htmlfontify'.")
(defvar org-e-odt-max-image-size '(17.0 . 20.0)
"Limiting dimensions for an embedded image.")
-(defvar org-e-odt-label-styles
+(defconst org-e-odt-label-styles
'(("math-formula" "%c" "text" "(%n)")
("math-label" "(%n)" "text" "(%n)")
("category-and-value" "%e %n: %c" "category-and-value" "%e %n")
@@ -327,34 +306,41 @@ specifiers - %e and %n. %e is replaced with the CATEGORY-NAME.
(defvar org-e-odt-category-map-alist
- '(("__Table__" "Table" "value" "Table")
- ("__Figure__" "Illustration" "value" "Figure")
- ("__MathFormula__" "Text" "math-formula" "Equation")
- ("__DvipngImage__" "Equation" "value" "Equation")
- ("__Listing__" "Listing" "value" "Listing")
+ '(("__Table__" "Table" "value" "Table" org-e-odt--enumerable-p)
+ ("__Figure__" "Illustration" "value" "Figure" org-e-odt--enumerable-image-p)
+ ("__MathFormula__" "Text" "math-formula" "Equation" org-e-odt--enumerable-formula-p)
+ ("__DvipngImage__" "Equation" "value" "Equation" org-e-odt--enumerable-latex-image-p)
+ ("__Listing__" "Listing" "value" "Listing" org-e-odt--enumerable-p)
;; ("__Table__" "Table" "category-and-value")
;; ("__Figure__" "Figure" "category-and-value")
;; ("__DvipngImage__" "Equation" "category-and-value")
This is a list where each entry is of the form \\(CATEGORY-HANDLE
-identifies the captionable entity in question. OD-VARIABLE is
-the OpenDocument sequence counter associated with the entity.
-These counters are declared within
+CATEGORY_HANDLE identifies the captionable entity in question.
+OD-VARIABLE is the OpenDocument sequence counter associated with
+the entity. These counters are declared within
\"<text:sequence-decls>...</text:sequence-decls>\" block of
-`org-e-odt-content-template-file'. LABEL-STYLE is a key into
-`org-e-odt-label-styles' and specifies how a given entity should
-be captioned and referenced. CATEGORY-NAME is used for
-qualifying captions on export. You can modify the CATEGORY-NAME
-used in the exported document by modifying
-`org-export-dictionary'. For example, an embedded image in an
-English document is captioned as \"Figure 1: Orgmode Logo\", by
-default. If you want the image to be captioned as \"Illustration
-1: Orgmode Logo\" instead, install an entry in
+LABEL-STYLE is a key into `org-e-odt-label-styles' and specifies
+how a given entity should be captioned and referenced.
+CATEGORY-NAME is used for qualifying captions on export. You can
+modify the CATEGORY-NAME used in the exported document by
+modifying `org-export-dictionary'. For example, an embedded
+image in an English document is captioned as \"Figure 1: Orgmode
+Logo\", by default. If you want the image to be captioned as
+\"Illustration 1: Orgmode Logo\" instead, install an entry in
`org-export-dictionary' which translates \"Figure\" to
\"Illustration\" when the language is \"en\" and encoding is
+ENUMERATOR-PREDICATE is used for assigning a sequence number to
+the entity. See `org-e-odt--enumerate'.")
(defvar org-e-odt-manifest-file-entries nil)
(defvar hfy-user-sheet-assoc)
@@ -754,19 +740,24 @@ in order to mimic default behaviour:
;;;; Links
+(defcustom org-e-odt-inline-formula-rules
+ '(("file" . "\\.\\(mathml\\|mml\\)\\'"))
+ "Rules characterizing formula files that can be inlined into HTML.
+A rule consists in an association whose key is the type of link
+to consider, and value is a regexp that will be matched against
+link's path."
+ :group 'org-export-e-odt
+ :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Type")
+ :value-type (regexp :tag "Path")))
(defcustom org-e-odt-inline-image-rules
'(("file" . "\\.\\(jpeg\\|jpg\\|png\\|gif\\)\\'"))
"Rules characterizing image files that can be inlined into HTML.
A rule consists in an association whose key is the type of link
to consider, and value is a regexp that will be matched against
-link's path.
-Note that, by default, the image extension *actually* allowed
-depend on the way the HTML file is processed. When used with
-pdflatex, pdf, jpg and png images are OK. When processing
-through dvi to Postscript, only ps and eps are allowed. The
-default we use here encompasses both."
+link's path."
:group 'org-export-e-odt
:type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Type")
:value-type (regexp :tag "Path")))
@@ -990,163 +981,12 @@ style from the list."
(desc (get-text-property 0 :description text)))
(concat (and title
(format "<svg:title>%s</svg:title>"
- (org-e-odt-encode-plain-text title t)))
+ (org-e-odt--encode-plain-text title t)))
(and desc
(format "<svg:desc>%s</svg:desc>"
- (org-e-odt-encode-plain-text desc t)))))))))
+ (org-e-odt--encode-plain-text desc t)))))))))
-;;;; Inline Images
-(defun org-e-odt--copy-image-file (path)
- "Returns the internal name of the file"
- (let* ((image-type (file-name-extension path))
- (media-type (format "image/%s" image-type))
- (target-dir "Images/")
- (target-file
- (format "%s%04d.%s" target-dir
- (incf org-e-odt-embedded-images-count) image-type)))
- (message "Embedding %s as %s ..."
- (substring-no-properties path) target-file)
- (when (= 1 org-e-odt-embedded-images-count)
- (make-directory (concat org-e-odt-zip-dir target-dir))
- (org-e-odt-create-manifest-file-entry "" target-dir))
- (copy-file path (concat org-e-odt-zip-dir target-file) 'overwrite)
- (org-e-odt-create-manifest-file-entry media-type target-file)
- target-file))
-(defun org-e-odt--image-size (file &optional user-width
- user-height scale dpi embed-as)
- (let* ((--pixels-to-cms
- (function (lambda (pixels dpi)
- (let ((cms-per-inch 2.54)
- (inches (/ pixels dpi)))
- (* cms-per-inch inches)))))
- (--size-in-cms
- (function
- (lambda (size-in-pixels dpi)
- (and size-in-pixels
- (cons (funcall --pixels-to-cms (car size-in-pixels) dpi)
- (funcall --pixels-to-cms (cdr size-in-pixels) dpi))))))
- (dpi (or dpi org-e-odt-pixels-per-inch))
- (anchor-type (or embed-as "paragraph"))
- (user-width (and (not scale) user-width))
- (user-height (and (not scale) user-height))
- (size
- (and
- (not (and user-height user-width))
- (or
- ;; Use Imagemagick.
- (and (executable-find "identify")
- (let ((size-in-pixels
- (let ((dim (shell-command-to-string
- (format "identify -format \"%%w:%%h\" \"%s\""
- file))))
- (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" dim)
- (cons (string-to-number (match-string 1 dim))
- (string-to-number (match-string 2 dim)))))))
- (funcall --size-in-cms size-in-pixels dpi)))
- ;; Use Emacs.
- (let ((size-in-pixels
- (ignore-errors ; Emacs could be in batch mode
- (clear-image-cache)
- (image-size (create-image file) 'pixels))))
- (funcall --size-in-cms size-in-pixels dpi))
- ;; Use hard-coded values.
- (cdr (assoc-string anchor-type
- org-e-odt-default-image-sizes-alist))
- ;; Error out.
- (error "Cannot determine Image size. Aborting ..."))))
- (width (car size)) (height (cdr size)))
- (cond
- (scale
- (setq width (* width scale) height (* height scale)))
- ((and user-height user-width)
- (setq width user-width height user-height))
- (user-height
- (setq width (* user-height (/ width height)) height user-height))
- (user-width
- (setq height (* user-width (/ height width)) width user-width))
- (t (ignore)))
- ;; ensure that an embedded image fits comfortably within a page
- (let ((max-width (car org-e-odt-max-image-size))
- (max-height (cdr org-e-odt-max-image-size)))
- (when (or (> width max-width) (> height max-height))
- (let* ((scale1 (/ max-width width))
- (scale2 (/ max-height height))
- (scale (min scale1 scale2)))
- (setq width (* scale width) height (* scale height)))))
- (cons width height)))
-(defun org-e-odt-link--inline-image (element info)
- "Return HTML code for an inline image.
-LINK is the link pointing to the inline image. INFO is a plist
-used as a communication channel."
- (let* ((src (cond
- ((eq (org-element-type element) 'link)
- (let* ((type (org-element-property :type element))
- (raw-path (org-element-property :path element)))
- (cond ((member type '("http" "https"))
- (concat type ":" raw-path))
- ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
- (expand-file-name raw-path))
- (t raw-path))))
- ((member (org-element-type element)
- '(latex-fragment latex-environment))
- (let* ((latex-frag (org-remove-indentation
- (org-element-property :value element)))
- (formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex
- latex-frag 'dvipng info)))
- (and formula-link
- (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link)
- (match-string 1 formula-link))))
- (t (error "what is this?"))))
- (src-expanded (if (file-name-absolute-p src) src
- (expand-file-name src (file-name-directory
- (plist-get info :input-file)))))
- (href (format
- "\n<draw:image xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>"
- (org-e-odt--copy-image-file src-expanded)))
- ;; extract attributes from #+ATTR_ODT line.
- (attr-from (case (org-element-type element)
- (link (org-export-get-parent-element element))
- (t element)))
- ;; convert attributes to a plist.
- (attr-plist (org-export-read-attribute :attr_odt attr-from))
- ;; handle `:anchor', `:style' and `:attributes' properties.
- (user-frame-anchor
- (car (assoc-string (plist-get attr-plist :anchor)
- '(("as-char") ("paragraph") ("page")) t)))
- (user-frame-style
- (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :style)))
- (user-frame-attrs
- (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :attributes)))
- (user-frame-params
- (list user-frame-style user-frame-attrs user-frame-anchor))
- ;; (embed-as (or embed-as user-frame-anchor "paragraph"))
- ;; extrac
- ;; handle `:width', `:height' and `:scale' properties.
- (size (org-e-odt--image-size
- src-expanded (plist-get attr-plist :width)
- (plist-get attr-plist :height)
- (plist-get attr-plist :scale) nil ;; embed-as
- "paragraph" ; FIXME
- ))
- (width (car size)) (height (cdr size))
- (embed-as
- (case (org-element-type element)
- ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p element info) "paragraph")
- (latex-fragment "as-char")
- (latex-environment "paragraph")
- (t "paragraph")))
- (captions (org-e-odt-format-label element info 'definition))
- (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions))
- (entity (concat (and caption "Captioned") embed-as "Image")))
- (org-e-odt-format-entity entity href width height
- captions user-frame-params )))
;;;; Library wrappers
(defun org-e-odt--zip-extract (archive members target)
@@ -1304,7 +1144,6 @@ new entry in `org-e-odt-automatic-styles'. Return (OBJECT-NAME
(plist-get org-e-odt-automatic-styles object)))))
(cons object-name style-name)))
;;;; Checkbox
(defun org-e-odt--checkbox (item)
@@ -1317,7 +1156,6 @@ new entry in `org-e-odt-automatic-styles'. Return (OBJECT-NAME
(off "[ ] ")
(trans "[-] "))))))
;;; Template
(defun org-e-odt-template (contents info)
@@ -1615,13 +1453,14 @@ channel."
"Transcode a DRAWER element from Org to ODT.
CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
holding contextual information."
- (if (functionp org-e-odt-format-drawer-function)
- (funcall org-e-odt-format-drawer-function
- (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer)
- contents)
- ;; If there's no user defined function: simply display contents of
- ;; the drawer.
- contents))
+ (let* ((name (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer))
+ (output (if (functionp org-e-odt-format-drawer-function)
+ (funcall org-e-odt-format-drawer-function
+ name contents)
+ ;; If there's no user defined function: simply
+ ;; display contents of the drawer.
+ contents)))
+ output))
;;;; Dynamic Block
@@ -1920,16 +1759,17 @@ holding contextual information."
inlinetask info format-function :contents contents)))
;; Otherwise, use a default template.
- (t (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- "Text_20_body"
- (org-e-odt--textbox
- (concat
- (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- "OrgInlineTaskHeading"
- (org-e-odt-format-headline--wrap
- inlinetask info))
- contents)
- nil nil "OrgInlineTaskFrame" " style:rel-width=\"100%\"")))))
+ (t
+ (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
+ "Text_20_body"
+ (org-e-odt--textbox
+ (concat
+ (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
+ "OrgInlineTaskHeading"
+ (org-e-odt-format-headline--wrap
+ inlinetask info))
+ contents)
+ nil nil "OrgInlineTaskFrame" " style:rel-width=\"100%\"")))))
;;;; Italic
@@ -2012,67 +1852,19 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
;; (when (or (not (> (length ad-return-value) 0))
;; (get-text-property 0 'org-protected ad-return-value))
;; (setq ad-return-value
-;; (org-propertize (org-e-odt-encode-plain-text (ad-get-arg 0))
+;; (org-propertize (org-e-odt--encode-plain-text (ad-get-arg 0))
;; 'org-protected t))))
-(defun org-e-odt-format-latex (latex-frag processing-type info)
- (let* ((prefix (case processing-type
- (dvipng "ltxpng/")
- (mathml "ltxmathml/")))
- (input-file (plist-get info :input-file))
- (cache-subdir
- (concat prefix (file-name-sans-extension
- (file-name-nondirectory input-file))))
- (cache-dir (file-name-directory input-file))
- (display-msg (case processing-type
- (dvipng "Creating LaTeX Image...")
- (mathml "Creating MathML snippet..."))))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert latex-frag)
- (org-format-latex cache-subdir cache-dir nil display-msg
- nil nil processing-type)
- (buffer-string))))
(defun org-e-odt-latex-environment (latex-environment contents info)
"Transcode a LATEX-ENVIRONMENT element from Org to ODT.
CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (let* ((latex-frag
- (org-remove-indentation
- (org-element-property :value latex-environment)))
- (processing-type (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments))
- (caption (org-element-property :caption latex-environment))
- (short-caption (and (cdr caption)
- (org-export-data (cdr caption) info)))
- (caption (and (car caption) (org-export-data (car caption) info)))
- (label (org-element-property :name latex-environment))
- (attr nil) ; FIXME
- (label (org-element-property :name latex-environment)))
- (when (memq processing-type '(t mathjax))
- (unless (and (fboundp 'org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)
- (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p))
- (message "LaTeX to MathML converter not available. Trying dvinpng...")
- (setq processing-type 'dvipng)))
- (when (eq processing-type 'dvipng)
- (unless (and (org-check-external-command "latex" "" t)
- (org-check-external-command "dvipng" "" t))
- (message "LaTeX to PNG converter not available. Using verbatim.")
- (setq processing-type 'verbatim)))
- (case processing-type
- ((t mathjax)
- (org-e-odt-format-formula latex-environment info))
- (dvipng
- (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- "Text_20_body"
- (org-e-odt-link--inline-image latex-environment info)))
- (t (org-e-odt-do-format-code latex-frag)))))
+ (let* ((latex-frag (org-remove-indentation
+ (org-element-property :value latex-environment))))
+ (org-e-odt-do-format-code latex-frag)))
;;;; Latex Fragment
;; (when latex-frag ; FIXME
;; (setq href (org-propertize href :title "LaTeX Fragment"
;; :description latex-frag)))
@@ -2084,12 +1876,8 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(let* ((latex-frag (org-element-property :value latex-fragment))
(processing-type (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments)))
- (cond
- ((member processing-type '(t mathjax))
- (org-e-odt-format-formula latex-fragment info))
- ((eq processing-type 'dvipng)
- (org-e-odt-link--inline-image latex-fragment info))
- (t (org-e-odt-encode-plain-text latex-frag t)))))
+ (format "<text:span text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:span>"
+ "OrgCode" (org-e-odt--encode-plain-text latex-frag t))))
;;;; Line Break
@@ -2102,17 +1890,10 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
;;;; Link
-;;;; Links :: Generic
-;; (org-lparse-link-description-is-image
-;; (format "\n<draw:a xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"%s\">\n%s\n</draw:a>"
-;; href desc))
;;;; Links :: Label references
-(defun org-e-odt-enumerate-element (element info &optional predicate n)
+(defun org-e-odt--enumerate (element info &optional predicate n)
+ (when predicate (assert (funcall predicate element info)))
(let* ((--numbered-parent-headline-at-<=-n
(lambda (element n info)
@@ -2150,101 +1931,218 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(defun org-e-odt-format-label (element info op)
+ (assert (memq (org-element-type element) '(link table src-block paragraph)))
(let* ((caption-from
(case (org-element-type element)
(link (org-export-get-parent-element element))
(t element)))
- ;; get label and caption.
+ ;; Get label and caption.
(label (org-element-property :name caption-from))
- (caption (org-element-property :caption caption-from))
+ (caption (org-export-get-caption caption-from))
(short-caption (org-export-get-caption caption-from t))
- ;; transcode captions.
- (caption (and caption (org-export-data (car caption) info)))
+ ;; Transcode captions.
+ (caption (and caption (org-export-data caption info)))
(short-caption (and short-caption
(org-export-data short-caption info))))
(when (or label caption)
(let* ((default-category
- (cond
- ((eq (org-element-type element) 'table)
- "__Table__")
- ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p element info)
- "__Figure__")
- ((member (org-element-type element)
- '(latex-environment latex-fragment))
- (let ((processing-type (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments)))
- (cond
- ((eq processing-type 'dvipng) "__DvipngImage__")
- ((eq processing-type 'mathjax) "__MathFormula__")
- ((eq processing-type 't) "__MathFormula__")
- (t (error "Handle LaTeX:verbatim")))))
- ((eq (org-element-type element) 'src-block)
- "__Listing__")
- (t (error "Handle enumeration of %S" element))))
- (predicate
- (cond
- ((member (org-element-type element)
- '(table latex-environment src-block))
- nil)
- ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p element info)
- 'org-e-odt-standalone-image-p)
- (t (error "Handle enumeration of %S" element))))
- (seqno (org-e-odt-enumerate-element
- element info predicate)) ; FIXME
- ;; handle label props.
- (label-props (assoc default-category org-e-odt-category-map-alist))
- ;; identify opendocument counter
- (counter (nth 1 label-props))
- ;; identify label style
- (label-style (nth 2 label-props))
- ;; retrieve localized category sting
- (category (org-export-translate (nth 3 label-props) :utf-8 info)))
- (case op
- (definition
- ;; assign an internal label, if user has not provided one
- (setq label (or label (format "%s-%s" default-category seqno)))
- (setq label (org-export-solidify-link-text label))
- (cons
- (format-spec
- (cadr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t))
- `((?e . ,category)
- (?n . ,(format
- "<text:sequence text:ref-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\" text:formula=\"ooow:%s+1\" style:num-format=\"1\">%s</text:sequence>"
- label counter counter seqno))
- (?c . ,(or caption ""))))
- short-caption))
- (reference
- (assert label)
- (setq label (org-export-solidify-link-text label))
- (let* ((fmt (cddr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t)))
- (fmt1 (car fmt))
- (fmt2 (cadr fmt)))
- (format "<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format=\"%s\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">%s</text:sequence-ref>"
- fmt1 label (format-spec fmt2 `((?e . ,category)
- (?n . ,seqno))))))
- (t (error "Unknow %S on label" op)))))))
+ (case (org-element-type element)
+ (table "__Table__")
+ (src-block "__Listing__")
+ ((link paragraph)
+ (cond
+ ((org-e-odt--enumerable-latex-image-p element info)
+ "__DvipngImage__")
+ ((org-e-odt--enumerable-image-p element info)
+ "__Figure__")
+ ((org-e-odt--enumerable-formula-p element info)
+ "__MathFormula__")
+ (t (error "Don't know how to format label for link: %S"
+ element))))
+ (t (error "Don't know how to format label for element type: %s"
+ (org-element-type element)))))
+ seqno)
+ (assert default-category)
+ (destructuring-bind (counter label-style category predicate)
+ (assoc-default default-category org-e-odt-category-map-alist)
+ ;; Compute sequence number of the element.
+ (setq seqno (org-e-odt--enumerate element info predicate))
+ ;; Localize category string.
+ (setq category (org-export-translate category :utf-8 info))
+ (case op
+ ;; Case 1: Handle Label definition.
+ (definition
+ ;; Assign an internal label, if user has not provided one
+ (setq label (or label (format "%s-%s" default-category seqno)))
+ (setq label (org-export-solidify-link-text label))
+ (cons
+ (format-spec
+ (cadr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t))
+ `((?e . ,category)
+ (?n . ,(format
+ "<text:sequence text:ref-name=\"%s\" text:name=\"%s\" text:formula=\"ooow:%s+1\" style:num-format=\"1\">%s</text:sequence>"
+ label counter counter seqno))
+ (?c . ,(or caption ""))))
+ short-caption))
+ ;; Case 2: Handle Label reference.
+ (reference
+ (assert label)
+ (setq label (org-export-solidify-link-text label))
+ (let* ((fmt (cddr (assoc-string label-style org-e-odt-label-styles t)))
+ (fmt1 (car fmt))
+ (fmt2 (cadr fmt)))
+ (format "<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format=\"%s\" text:ref-name=\"%s\">%s</text:sequence-ref>"
+ fmt1 label (format-spec fmt2 `((?e . ,category)
+ (?n . ,seqno))))))
+ (t (error "Unknow %S on label" op))))))))
+;;;; Links :: Inline Images
+(defun org-e-odt--copy-image-file (path)
+ "Returns the internal name of the file"
+ (let* ((image-type (file-name-extension path))
+ (media-type (format "image/%s" image-type))
+ (target-dir "Images/")
+ (target-file
+ (format "%s%04d.%s" target-dir
+ (incf org-e-odt-embedded-images-count) image-type)))
+ (message "Embedding %s as %s ..."
+ (substring-no-properties path) target-file)
+ (when (= 1 org-e-odt-embedded-images-count)
+ (make-directory (concat org-e-odt-zip-dir target-dir))
+ (org-e-odt-create-manifest-file-entry "" target-dir))
+ (copy-file path (concat org-e-odt-zip-dir target-file) 'overwrite)
+ (org-e-odt-create-manifest-file-entry media-type target-file)
+ target-file))
+(defun org-e-odt--image-size (file &optional user-width
+ user-height scale dpi embed-as)
+ (let* ((--pixels-to-cms
+ (function (lambda (pixels dpi)
+ (let ((cms-per-inch 2.54)
+ (inches (/ pixels dpi)))
+ (* cms-per-inch inches)))))
+ (--size-in-cms
+ (function
+ (lambda (size-in-pixels dpi)
+ (and size-in-pixels
+ (cons (funcall --pixels-to-cms (car size-in-pixels) dpi)
+ (funcall --pixels-to-cms (cdr size-in-pixels) dpi))))))
+ (dpi (or dpi org-e-odt-pixels-per-inch))
+ (anchor-type (or embed-as "paragraph"))
+ (user-width (and (not scale) user-width))
+ (user-height (and (not scale) user-height))
+ (size
+ (and
+ (not (and user-height user-width))
+ (or
+ ;; Use Imagemagick.
+ (and (executable-find "identify")
+ (let ((size-in-pixels
+ (let ((dim (shell-command-to-string
+ (format "identify -format \"%%w:%%h\" \"%s\""
+ file))))
+ (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" dim)
+ (cons (string-to-number (match-string 1 dim))
+ (string-to-number (match-string 2 dim)))))))
+ (funcall --size-in-cms size-in-pixels dpi)))
+ ;; Use Emacs.
+ (let ((size-in-pixels
+ (ignore-errors ; Emacs could be in batch mode
+ (clear-image-cache)
+ (image-size (create-image file) 'pixels))))
+ (funcall --size-in-cms size-in-pixels dpi))
+ ;; Use hard-coded values.
+ (cdr (assoc-string anchor-type
+ org-e-odt-default-image-sizes-alist))
+ ;; Error out.
+ (error "Cannot determine Image size. Aborting ..."))))
+ (width (car size)) (height (cdr size)))
+ (cond
+ (scale
+ (setq width (* width scale) height (* height scale)))
+ ((and user-height user-width)
+ (setq width user-width height user-height))
+ (user-height
+ (setq width (* user-height (/ width height)) height user-height))
+ (user-width
+ (setq height (* user-width (/ height width)) width user-width))
+ (t (ignore)))
+ ;; ensure that an embedded image fits comfortably within a page
+ (let ((max-width (car org-e-odt-max-image-size))
+ (max-height (cdr org-e-odt-max-image-size)))
+ (when (or (> width max-width) (> height max-height))
+ (let* ((scale1 (/ max-width width))
+ (scale2 (/ max-height height))
+ (scale (min scale1 scale2)))
+ (setq width (* scale width) height (* scale height)))))
+ (cons width height)))
+(defun org-e-odt-link--inline-image (element info)
+ "Return HTML code for an inline image.
+LINK is the link pointing to the inline image. INFO is a plist
+used as a communication channel."
+ (assert (eq (org-element-type element) 'link))
+ (let* ((src (let* ((type (org-element-property :type element))
+ (raw-path (org-element-property :path element)))
+ (cond ((member type '("http" "https"))
+ (concat type ":" raw-path))
+ ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
+ (expand-file-name raw-path))
+ (t raw-path))))
+ (src-expanded (if (file-name-absolute-p src) src
+ (expand-file-name src (file-name-directory
+ (plist-get info :input-file)))))
+ (href (format
+ "\n<draw:image xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\"/>"
+ (org-e-odt--copy-image-file src-expanded)))
+ ;; Extract attributes from #+ATTR_ODT line.
+ (attr-from (case (org-element-type element)
+ (link (org-export-get-parent-element element))
+ (t element)))
+ ;; Convert attributes to a plist.
+ (attr-plist (org-export-read-attribute :attr_odt attr-from))
+ ;; Handle `:anchor', `:style' and `:attributes' properties.
+ (user-frame-anchor
+ (car (assoc-string (plist-get attr-plist :anchor)
+ '(("as-char") ("paragraph") ("page")) t)))
+ (user-frame-style
+ (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :style)))
+ (user-frame-attrs
+ (and user-frame-anchor (plist-get attr-plist :attributes)))
+ (user-frame-params
+ (list user-frame-style user-frame-attrs user-frame-anchor))
+ ;; (embed-as (or embed-as user-frame-anchor "paragraph"))
+ ;; extrac
+ ;; handle `:width', `:height' and `:scale' properties.
+ (size (org-e-odt--image-size
+ src-expanded (plist-get attr-plist :width)
+ (plist-get attr-plist :height)
+ (plist-get attr-plist :scale) nil ;; embed-as
+ "paragraph" ; FIXME
+ ))
+ (width (car size)) (height (cdr size))
+ (embed-as (if (org-e-odt--standalone-link-p element info) "paragraph"
+ "as-char"))
+ (captions (org-e-odt-format-label element info 'definition))
+ (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions))
+ (entity (concat (and caption "Captioned") embed-as "Image")))
+ (org-e-odt--render-image/formula entity href width height
+ captions user-frame-params )))
;;;; Links :: Math formula
-(defun org-e-odt-format-formula (element info)
- (let* ((src (cond
- ((eq (org-element-type element) 'link) ; FIXME
- (let* ((type (org-element-property :type element))
- (raw-path (org-element-property :path element)))
- (cond
- ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
- (expand-file-name raw-path))
- (t raw-path))))
- ((member (org-element-type element)
- '(latex-fragment latex-environment))
- (let* ((latex-frag (org-remove-indentation
- (org-element-property :value element)))
- (formula-link (org-e-odt-format-latex
- latex-frag 'mathml info)))
- (and formula-link
- (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" formula-link)
- (match-string 1 formula-link))))
- (t (error "what is this?"))))
+(defun org-e-odt-link--inline-formula (element info)
+ (let* ((src (let* ((type (org-element-property :type element))
+ (raw-path (org-element-property :path element)))
+ (cond
+ ((file-name-absolute-p raw-path)
+ (expand-file-name raw-path))
+ (t raw-path))))
(full-src (if (file-name-absolute-p src) src
(expand-file-name src (file-name-directory
(plist-get info :input-file)))))
@@ -2257,43 +2155,23 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
(format "\n<draw:object %s xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:type=\"simple\"/>"
" xlink:show=\"embed\" xlink:actuate=\"onLoad\""
- (file-name-directory (org-e-odt-copy-formula-file full-src))))
+ (file-name-directory (org-e-odt--copy-formula-file full-src))))
(embed-as (if caption 'paragraph 'character))
width height)
((eq embed-as 'character)
- (org-e-odt-format-entity "InlineFormula" href width height))
+ (org-e-odt--render-image/formula "InlineFormula" href width height))
- (let* ((equation (org-e-odt-format-entity
+ (let* ((equation (org-e-odt--render-image/formula
"CaptionedDisplayFormula" href width height captions))
(let* ((org-e-odt-category-map-alist
- '(("__Table__" "Table" "value")
- ("__Figure__" "Illustration" "value")
- ("__MathFormula__" "Text" "math-label")
- ("__DvipngImage__" "Equation" "value")
- ("__Listing__" "Listing" "value"))))
- (car (org-e-odt-format-label caption-from info 'definition))))
- (formula-tree
- (org-element-adopt-elements
- (list 'table '(:type org :attr_odt (":style \"OrgEquation\"")))
- (org-element-adopt-elements
- (list 'table-row '(:type standard))
- (list 'table-cell nil "<c8>") (list 'table-cell nil "<c1>"))
- (org-element-adopt-elements
- (list 'table-row '(:type standard))
- (org-element-adopt-elements
- (list 'table-cell nil)
- (list 'export-block (list :type "ODT" :value equation)))
- (org-element-adopt-elements
- (list 'table-cell nil)
- (list 'export-block (list :type "ODT" :value label))))))
- (formula-info
- (org-export-collect-tree-properties
- formula-tree (org-export-get-environment 'e-odt))))
- (org-export-data formula-tree formula-info))))))
-(defun org-e-odt-copy-formula-file (src-file)
+ '(("__MathFormula__" "Text" "math-label" "Equation"
+ org-e-odt--enumerable-formula-p))))
+ (car (org-e-odt-format-label caption-from info 'definition)))))
+ (concat equation "<text:tab/>" label))))))
+(defun org-e-odt--copy-formula-file (src-file)
"Returns the internal name of the file"
(let* ((target-dir (format "Formula-%04d/"
(incf org-e-odt-embedded-formulas-count)))
@@ -2322,94 +2200,189 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
;;;; Targets
-(defun org-e-odt-format-entity (entity href width height &optional
- captions user-frame-params)
- (let* ((caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions))
- (entity-style (assoc-string entity org-e-odt-entity-frame-styles t))
- default-frame-params frame-params
- (--merge-frame-params
- (function
- (lambda (default-frame-params user-frame-params)
- (if (not user-frame-params) default-frame-params
- (assert (= (length default-frame-params) 3))
- (assert (= (length user-frame-params) 3))
- (loop for user-frame-param in user-frame-params
- for default-frame-param in default-frame-params
- collect (or user-frame-param default-frame-param)))))))
+(defun org-e-odt--render-image/formula (cfg-key href width height &optional
+ captions user-frame-params)
+ (let* ((frame-cfg-alist
+ ;; Each element of this alist is of the form (CFG-HANDLE
+ ;; CFG-HANDLE is the key to the alist.
+ ;; frame params for INNER-FRAME and OUTER-FRAME
+ ;; respectively. See below.
+ ;; Configurations that are meant to be applied to
+ ;; non-captioned image/formula specifies no
+ ;; ===========
+ ;; INNER-FRAME :: Frame that directly surrounds an
+ ;; image/formula.
+ ;; OUTER-FRAME :: Frame that encloses the INNER-FRAME. This
+ ;; frame also contains the caption, if any.
+ ;; FRAME-PARAMS :: List of the form (FRAME-STYLE-NAME
+ ;; that these are the last three arguments
+ ;; to `org-e-odt--frame'.
+ ;; Note that an un-captioned image/formula requires just an
+ ;; INNER-FRAME, while a captioned image/formula requires
+ ;; both an INNER and an OUTER-FRAME.
+ '(("As-CharImage" ("OrgInlineImage" nil "as-char"))
+ ("ParagraphImage" ("OrgDisplayImage" nil "paragraph"))
+ ("PageImage" ("OrgPageImage" nil "page"))
+ ("CaptionedAs-CharImage"
+ ("OrgCaptionedImage"
+ " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\"" "paragraph")
+ ("OrgInlineImage" nil "as-char"))
+ ("CaptionedParagraphImage"
+ ("OrgCaptionedImage"
+ " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\"" "paragraph")
+ ("OrgImageCaptionFrame" nil "paragraph"))
+ ("CaptionedPageImage"
+ ("OrgCaptionedImage"
+ " style:rel-width=\"100%\" style:rel-height=\"scale\"" "paragraph")
+ ("OrgPageImageCaptionFrame" nil "page"))
+ ("InlineFormula" ("OrgInlineFormula" nil "as-char"))
+ ("DisplayFormula" ("OrgDisplayFormula" nil "as-char"))
+ ("CaptionedDisplayFormula"
+ ("OrgCaptionedFormula" nil "paragraph")
+ ("OrgFormulaCaptionFrame" nil "paragraph"))))
+ (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions))
+ ;; Retrieve inner and outer frame params, from configuration.
+ (frame-cfg (assoc-string cfg-key frame-cfg-alist t))
+ (inner (nth 1 frame-cfg))
+ (outer (nth 2 frame-cfg))
+ ;; User-specified frame params (from #+ATTR_ODT spec)
+ (user user-frame-params)
+ (--merge-frame-params (function
+ (lambda (default user)
+ "Merge default and user frame params."
+ (if (not user) default
+ (assert (= (length default) 3))
+ (assert (= (length user) 3))
+ (loop for u in user
+ for d in default
+ collect (or u d)))))))
+ ;; Case 1: Image/Formula has no caption.
+ ;; There is only one frame, one that surrounds the image
+ ;; or formula.
((not caption)
- (setq default-frame-params (nth 2 entity-style))
- (setq frame-params (funcall --merge-frame-params
- default-frame-params user-frame-params))
- (apply 'org-e-odt--frame href width height frame-params))
+ ;; Merge user frame params with that from configuration.
+ (setq inner (funcall --merge-frame-params inner user))
+ (apply 'org-e-odt--frame href width height inner))
+ ;; Case 2: Image/Formula is captioned or labeled.
+ ;; There are two frames: The inner one surrounds the
+ ;; image or formula. The outer one contains the
+ ;; caption/sequence number.
- (setq default-frame-params (nth 3 entity-style))
- (setq frame-params (funcall --merge-frame-params
- default-frame-params user-frame-params))
+ ;; Merge user frame params with outer frame params.
+ (setq outer (funcall --merge-frame-params outer user))
+ ;; Short caption, if specified, goes as part of inner frame.
+ (setq inner (let ((frame-params (copy-sequence inner)))
+ (setcar (cdr frame-params)
+ (concat
+ (cadr frame-params)
+ (when short-caption
+ (format " draw:name=\"%s\" " short-caption))))
+ frame-params))
(apply 'org-e-odt--textbox
(format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- (apply 'org-e-odt--frame href width height
- (let ((entity-style-1 (copy-sequence
- (nth 2 entity-style))))
- (setcar (cdr entity-style-1)
- (concat
- (cadr entity-style-1)
- (and short-caption
- (format " draw:name=\"%s\" "
- short-caption))))
- entity-style-1))
+ (apply 'org-e-odt--frame href width height inner)
- width height frame-params)))))
-(defun org-e-odt-standalone-image-p (element info)
- "Test if ELEMENT is a standalone image for the purpose ODT export.
+ width height outer)))))
+(defun org-e-odt--enumerable-p (element info)
+ ;; Element should have a caption or label.
+ (or (org-element-property :caption element)
+ (org-element-property :name element)))
+(defun org-e-odt--enumerable-image-p (element info)
+ (org-e-odt--standalone-link-p
+ element info
+ ;; Paragraph should have a caption or label. It SHOULD NOT be a
+ ;; replacement element. (i.e., It SHOULD NOT be a result of LaTeX
+ ;; processing.)
+ (lambda (p)
+ (and (not (org-element-property :replaces p))
+ (or (org-element-property :caption p)
+ (org-element-property :name p))))
+ ;; Link should point to an image file.
+ (lambda (l)
+ (assert (eq (org-element-type l) 'link))
+ (org-export-inline-image-p l org-e-odt-inline-image-rules))))
+(defun org-e-odt--enumerable-latex-image-p (element info)
+ (org-e-odt--standalone-link-p
+ element info
+ ;; Paragraph should have a caption or label. It SHOULD also be a
+ ;; replacement element. (i.e., It SHOULD be a result of LaTeX
+ ;; processing.)
+ (lambda (p)
+ (and (org-element-property :replaces p)
+ (or (org-element-property :caption p)
+ (org-element-property :name p))))
+ ;; Link should point to an image file.
+ (lambda (l)
+ (assert (eq (org-element-type l) 'link))
+ (org-export-inline-image-p l org-e-odt-inline-image-rules))))
+(defun org-e-odt--enumerable-formula-p (element info)
+ (org-e-odt--standalone-link-p
+ element info
+ ;; Paragraph should have a caption or label.
+ (lambda (p)
+ (or (org-element-property :caption p)
+ (org-element-property :name p)))
+ ;; Link should point to a MathML or ODF file.
+ (lambda (l)
+ (assert (eq (org-element-type l) 'link))
+ (org-export-inline-image-p l org-e-odt-inline-formula-rules))))
+(defun org-e-odt--standalone-link-p (element info &optional
+ paragraph-predicate
+ link-predicate)
+ "Test if ELEMENT is a standalone link for the purpose ODT export.
INFO is a plist holding contextual information.
-Return non-nil, if ELEMENT is of type paragraph and it's sole
-content, save for whitespaces, is a link that qualifies as an
-inline image.
-Return non-nil, if ELEMENT is of type link and it's containing
-paragraph has no other content save for leading and trailing
-Return nil, otherwise.
-Bind `org-e-odt-standalone-image-predicate' to constrain
-paragraph further. For example, to check for only captioned
-standalone images, do the following.
- \(setq org-e-odt-standalone-image-predicate
- \(lambda \(paragraph\)
- \(org-element-property :caption paragraph\)\)\)
- (let ((--standalone-image-predicate
- (function (lambda (paragraph)
- (or (org-element-property :caption paragraph)
- (org-element-property :name paragraph)))))
- (paragraph (case (org-element-type element)
- (paragraph element)
- (link (and (org-export-inline-image-p
- element org-e-odt-inline-image-rules)
- (org-export-get-parent element)))
- (t nil))))
- (when paragraph
- (assert (eq (org-element-type paragraph) 'paragraph))
- (when (funcall --standalone-image-predicate paragraph)
- (let ((contents (org-element-contents paragraph)))
+Return non-nil, if ELEMENT is of type paragraph satisfying
+PARAGRAPH-PREDICATE and it's sole content, save for whitespaces,
+is a link that satisfies LINK-PREDICATE.
+Return non-nil, if ELEMENT is of type link satisfying
+LINK-PREDICATE and it's containing paragraph satisfies
+PARAGRAPH-PREDICATE inaddtion to having no other content save for
+leading and trailing whitespaces.
+Return nil, otherwise."
+ (let ((p (case (org-element-type element)
+ (paragraph element)
+ (link (and (or (not link-predicate)
+ (funcall link-predicate element))
+ (org-export-get-parent element)))
+ (t nil))))
+ (when p
+ (assert (eq (org-element-type p) 'paragraph))
+ (when (or (not paragraph-predicate)
+ (funcall paragraph-predicate p))
+ (let ((contents (org-element-contents p)))
(loop for x in contents
with inline-image-count = 0
- always (cond
- ((eq (org-element-type x) 'plain-text)
- (not (org-string-nw-p x)))
- ((eq (org-element-type x) 'link)
- (when (org-export-inline-image-p
- x org-e-odt-inline-image-rules)
- (= (incf inline-image-count) 1)))
- (t nil))))))))
+ always (case (org-element-type x)
+ (plain-text
+ (not (org-string-nw-p x)))
+ (link
+ (and (or (not link-predicate)
+ (funcall link-predicate x))
+ (= (incf inline-image-count) 1)))
+ (t nil))))))))
(defun org-e-odt-get-previous-elements (blob info)
(let ((parent (org-export-get-parent blob)))
@@ -2423,7 +2396,6 @@ standalone images, do the following.
(setq el (org-export-get-parent (org-export-get-parent el))))
(defun org-e-odt-link (link desc info)
"Transcode a LINK object from Org to ODT.
@@ -2450,6 +2422,10 @@ INFO is a plist holding contextual information. See
((and (not desc) (org-export-inline-image-p
link org-e-odt-inline-image-rules))
(org-e-odt-link--inline-image link info))
+ ;; Formula file.
+ ((and (not desc) (org-export-inline-image-p
+ link org-e-odt-inline-formula-rules))
+ (org-e-odt-link--inline-formula link info))
;; Radio target: Transcode target's contents and use them as
;; link's description.
((string= type "radio")
@@ -2527,10 +2503,10 @@ INFO is a plist holding contextual information. See
;; (unless desc
;; (setq number (cond
- ;; ((org-e-odt-standalone-image-p destination info)
+ ;; ((org-e-odt--standalone-link-p destination info)
;; (org-export-get-ordinal
;; (assoc 'link (org-element-contents destination))
- ;; info 'link 'org-e-odt-standalone-image-p))
+ ;; info 'link 'org-e-odt--standalone-link-p))
;; (t (org-export-get-ordinal destination info))))
;; (setq desc (when number
;; (if (atom number) (number-to-string number)
@@ -2613,7 +2589,7 @@ contextual information."
;;;; Plain Text
-(defun org-e-odt-fill-tabs-and-spaces (line)
+(defun org-e-odt--encode-tabs-and-spaces (line)
"\\([\t]\\|\\([ ]+\\)\\)"
(lambda (s)
@@ -2626,13 +2602,13 @@ contextual information."
(t ""))))))
-(defun org-e-odt-encode-plain-text (text &optional no-whitespace-filling)
+(defun org-e-odt--encode-plain-text (text &optional no-whitespace-filling)
(lambda (pair)
(setq text (replace-regexp-in-string (car pair) (cdr pair) text t t)))
'(("&" . "&amp;") ("<" . "&lt;") (">" . "&gt;")))
(if no-whitespace-filling text
- (org-e-odt-fill-tabs-and-spaces text)))
+ (org-e-odt--encode-tabs-and-spaces text)))
(defun org-e-odt--quotation-marks (text info)
"Export quotation marks depending on language conventions.
@@ -2653,7 +2629,7 @@ is a plist used as a communication channel."
TEXT is the string to transcode. INFO is a plist holding
contextual information."
;; Protect &, < and >.
- (setq text (org-e-odt-encode-plain-text text t))
+ (setq text (org-e-odt--encode-plain-text text t))
;; Handle quotation marks
(setq text (org-e-odt--quotation-marks text info))
;; Convert special strings.
@@ -2871,7 +2847,7 @@ and prefix with \"OrgSrc\". For example,
(fontifier (if use-htmlfontify-p 'org-e-odt-htmlfontify-string
- 'org-e-odt-encode-plain-text))
+ 'org-e-odt--encode-plain-text))
(par-style (if use-htmlfontify-p "OrgSrcBlock"
(i 0))
@@ -2923,23 +2899,18 @@ and prefix with \"OrgSrc\". For example,
CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
contextual information."
(let* ((lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
- (caption (org-element-property :caption src-block))
- (short-caption (and (cdr caption)
- (org-export-data (cdr caption) info)))
- (caption (and (car caption) (org-export-data (car caption) info)))
- (label (org-element-property :name src-block))
- (attributes (org-export-read-attribute :attr_odt src-block)))
- (let* ((captions (org-e-odt-format-label src-block info 'definition))
- (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions)))
- (concat
- (and caption
- (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- "Listing" caption))
- (let ((--src-block (org-e-odt-format-code src-block info)))
- (if (not (plist-get attributes :textbox)) --src-block
- (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- "Text_20_body"
- (org-e-odt--textbox --src-block nil nil nil))))))))
+ (attributes (org-export-read-attribute :attr_odt src-block))
+ (captions (org-e-odt-format-label src-block info 'definition))
+ (caption (car captions)) (short-caption (cdr captions)))
+ (concat
+ (and caption
+ (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
+ "Listing" caption))
+ (let ((--src-block (org-e-odt-format-code src-block info)))
+ (if (not (plist-get attributes :textbox)) --src-block
+ (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
+ "Text_20_body"
+ (org-e-odt--textbox --src-block nil nil nil)))))))
;;;; Statistics Cookie
@@ -3109,8 +3080,8 @@ channel."
(if (memq (org-element-type (car table-cell-contents))
- (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
- paragraph-style contents))))
+ (format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
+ paragraph-style contents))))
(let (s)
(dotimes (i horiz-span s)
(setq s (concat s "\n<table:covered-table-cell/>"))))
@@ -3430,7 +3401,7 @@ contextual information."
"\\(<text:line-break/>\\)?[ \t]*\n"
"<text:line-break/>" contents))
;; Replace tabs and spaces.
- (setq contents (org-e-odt-fill-tabs-and-spaces contents))
+ (setq contents (org-e-odt--encode-tabs-and-spaces contents))
;; Surround it in a verse environment.
(format "\n<text:p text:style-name=\"%s\">%s</text:p>"
"OrgVerse" contents))
@@ -3439,6 +3410,107 @@ contextual information."
;;; Filters
+;;;; LaTeX fragments
+(defun org-e-odt--translate-latex-fragments (tree backend info)
+ (let ((processing-type (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments))
+ (count 0))
+ ;; Normalize processing-type to one of dvipng, mathml or verbatim.
+ ;; If the desired converter is not available, force verbatim
+ ;; processing.
+ (case processing-type
+ ((t mathml)
+ (if (and (fboundp 'org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)
+ (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p))
+ (setq processing-type 'mathml)
+ (message "LaTeX to MathML converter not available.")
+ (setq processing-type 'verbatim)))
+ (dvipng
+ (unless (and (org-check-external-command "latex" "" t)
+ (org-check-external-command "dvipng" "" t))
+ (message "LaTeX to PNG converter not available.")
+ (setq processing-type 'verbatim)))
+ (otherwise
+ (message "Unknown LaTeX option. Forcing verbatim.")
+ (setq processing-type 'verbatim)))
+ ;; Store normalized value for later use.
+ (when (plist-get info :LaTeX-fragments)
+ (plist-put info :LaTeX-fragments processing-type))
+ (message "Formatting LaTeX using %s" processing-type)
+ ;; Convert `latex-fragment's and `latex-environment's.
+ (when (memq processing-type '(mathml dvipng))
+ (org-element-map
+ tree '(latex-fragment latex-environment)
+ (lambda (latex-*)
+ (incf count)
+ (let* ((latex-frag (org-element-property :value latex-*))
+ (input-file (plist-get info :input-file))
+ (cache-dir (file-name-directory input-file))
+ (cache-subdir (concat
+ (case processing-type
+ (dvipng "ltxpng/")
+ (mathml "ltxmathml/"))
+ (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory input-file))))
+ (display-msg
+ (case processing-type
+ (dvipng (format "Creating LaTeX Image %d..." count))
+ (mathml (format "Creating MathML snippet %d..." count))))
+ ;; Get an Org-style link to PNG image or the MathML
+ ;; file.
+ (org-link
+ (let ((link (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert latex-frag)
+ (org-format-latex cache-subdir cache-dir
+ nil display-msg
+ nil nil processing-type)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (point-min) (point-max)))))
+ (if (not (string-match "file:\\([^]]*\\)" link))
+ (message "LaTeX Conversion failed.")
+ link))))
+ (when org-link
+ ;; Conversion succeeded. Parse above Org-style link to a
+ ;; `link' object.
+ (let* ((link (car (org-element-map (with-temp-buffer
+ (org-mode)
+ (insert org-link)
+ (org-element-parse-buffer))
+ 'link 'identity))))
+ ;; Orphan the link.
+ (org-element-put-property link :parent nil)
+ (let* (
+ (replacement
+ (case (org-element-type latex-*)
+ ;; Case 1: LaTeX environment.
+ ;; Mimic a "standalone image or formula" by
+ ;; enclosing the `link' in a `paragraph'.
+ ;; Copy over original attributes, captions to
+ ;; the enclosing paragraph.
+ (latex-environment
+ (org-element-adopt-elements
+ (list 'paragraph
+ (list :style "OrgFormula"
+ :name (org-element-property :name
+ latex-*)
+ :caption (org-element-property :caption
+ latex-*)))
+ link))
+ ;; Case 2: LaTeX fragment.
+ ;; No special action.
+ (latex-fragment link))))
+ ;; Note down the object that link replaces.
+ (org-element-put-property replacement :replaces
+ (list (org-element-type latex-*)
+ (list :value latex-frag)))
+ ;; Replace now.
+ (org-element-set-element latex-* replacement))))))
+ info)))
+ tree)
;;;; Description lists
;; This translator is necessary to handle indented tables in a uniform
@@ -3965,6 +4037,16 @@ using `org-open-file'."
(cons (concat "\\." (car desc) "\\'") 'archive-mode)))
+;;; FIXME
+;;;; Links whose description is image
+;; (org-lparse-link-description-is-image
+;; (format "\n<draw:a xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"%s\">\n%s\n</draw:a>"
+;; href desc))
(provide 'org-e-odt)
;;; org-e-odt.el ends here