diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2016-05-20 13:58:41 +0200
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2016-05-20 14:04:04 +0200
commit2d846210eb8e5c99e1e32c58cdde268332e58ad3 (patch)
parent11e2df8091b55471c6a7aec977aea98dbb90b6d2 (diff)
Implement conditional case-fold search in org-occur
* lisp/org.el (org-occur-case-fold-search): New variable. (org-occur): Use new variable. * testing/lisp/test-org.el (test-org/occur): Add tests.
3 files changed, 52 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/etc/ORG-NEWS b/etc/ORG-NEWS
index 6096d9f..3e1444d 100644
--- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
+++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
@@ -277,6 +277,11 @@ types.
*** New option ~org-attach-commit~
When non-nil, commit attachments with git, assuming the document is in
a git repository.
+*** Allow conditional case-fold searches in ~org-occur~
+When set to ~smart~, the new variable ~org-occur-case-fold-search~
+allows to mimic =isearch.el=: if the regexp searched contains any
+upper case character (or character class), the search is case
+sensitive. Otherwise, it is case insensitive.
** New functions
*** ~org-next-line-empty-p~
It replaces the deprecated ~next~ argument to ~org-previous-line-empty-p~.
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 93d66ad..f4c2a73 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ Stars are put in group 1 and the trimmed body in group 2.")
(declare-function calendar-check-holidays "holidays" (date))
(declare-function cdlatex-environment "ext:cdlatex" (environment item))
+(declare-function isearch-no-upper-case-p "isearch" (string regexp-flag))
(declare-function org-add-archive-files "org-archive" (files))
(declare-function org-agenda-entry-get-agenda-timestamp "org-agenda" (pom))
(declare-function org-agenda-list "org-agenda"
@@ -1677,6 +1678,16 @@ The highlights created by `org-toggle-latex-fragment' always need
:group 'org-time
:type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-occur-case-fold-search t
+ "Non-nil means `org-occur' should be case-insensitive.
+If set to `smart' the search will be case-insensitive only if it
+doesn't specify any upper case character."
+ :group 'org-sparse-trees
+ :version "25.1"
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Case-sensitive" nil)
+ (const :tag "Case-insensitive" t)
+ (const :tag "Case-insensitive for lower case searches only" 'smart)))
(defcustom org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
"Hook that is run after `org-occur' has constructed a sparse tree.
@@ -13894,13 +13905,16 @@ The function must neither move point nor alter narrowing."
(not org-occur-highlights)) ; no previous matches
;; hide everything
- (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
- (when (or (not callback)
- (save-match-data (funcall callback)))
- (setq cnt (1+ cnt))
- (when org-highlight-sparse-tree-matches
- (org-highlight-new-match (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
- (org-show-context 'occur-tree))))
+ (let ((case-fold-search (if (eq org-occur-case-fold-search 'smart)
+ (isearch-no-upper-case-p regexp t)
+ org-occur-case-fold-search)))
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
+ (when (or (not callback)
+ (save-match-data (funcall callback)))
+ (setq cnt (1+ cnt))
+ (when org-highlight-sparse-tree-matches
+ (org-highlight-new-match (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+ (org-show-context 'occur-tree)))))
(when org-remove-highlights-with-change
(org-add-hook 'before-change-functions 'org-remove-occur-highlights
nil 'local))
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org.el b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
index c1aaa8f..adaa441 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-org.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
@@ -4337,7 +4337,32 @@ Paragraph<point>"
(= 1
(org-test-with-temp-text "* H\nA\n* H2\nA"
- (org-occur "A" nil (lambda () (equal (org-get-heading) "H2")))))))
+ (org-occur "A" nil (lambda () (equal (org-get-heading) "H2"))))))
+ ;; Case-fold searches according to `org-occur-case-fold-search'.
+ (should
+ (= 2
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "Aa"
+ (let ((org-occur-case-fold-search t)) (org-occur "A")))))
+ (should
+ (= 2
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "Aa"
+ (let ((org-occur-case-fold-search t)) (org-occur "a")))))
+ (should
+ (= 1
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "Aa"
+ (let ((org-occur-case-fold-search nil)) (org-occur "A")))))
+ (should
+ (= 1
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "Aa"
+ (let ((org-occur-case-fold-search nil)) (org-occur "a")))))
+ (should
+ (= 1
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "Aa"
+ (let ((org-occur-case-fold-search 'smart)) (org-occur "A")))))
+ (should
+ (= 2
+ (org-test-with-temp-text "Aa"
+ (let ((org-occur-case-fold-search 'smart)) (org-occur "a"))))))
;;; Tags