diff options
authorNicolas Goaziou <>2017-01-12 21:27:10 +0100
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2017-01-12 21:27:10 +0100
commit25b812104db676ab12dbe275620c54711661ee19 (patch)
parent400d46e547d265623e8af75dc436b67526def04c (diff)
orgmanual: Remove outdated instructions
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 8b8ae1e..d2275af 100644
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -18552,170 +18552,6 @@ license to the document, as described in section 6 of the license.
- [ ] Resolve macros with XXX arguments
- [X] Get @appendix instead of @chapter?
-* Nicolas Goaziou's instructions for v.8 :noexport:
-** Global Changes
-All occurrences of "#+LABEL:" should be replaced with "#+NAME:".
-*** TODO Replace #+LABEL with #+NAME
-** Chapter 2, Document Structure
- :CATEGORY: Ch. 2
- :END:
-In "2. Document Structure", one section could be added about
-cross-referencing, which would point to "Internal links". There, targets
-in comments can be removed. Also most back-ends will turn links to
-targets into proper cross-reference number (see `org-export-get-ordinal'
-docstring for cases handled).
-*** TODO Add section about cross-referencing
-** Chapter 4, Hyperlinks
- :CATEGORY: Ch. 4
- :END:
-"Internal links". There, targets
-in comments can be removed. Also most back-ends will turn links to
-targets into proper cross-reference number (see `org-export-get-ordinal'
-docstring for cases handled).
-*** TODO Remove targets in comments
-** Chapter 11, Markup for Rich Export
- :CATEGORY: Ch. 11
- :END:
-*** Include Keyword
-The "#+INCLUDE:" keyword syntax and effect is slightly different. You
-may want to look at `org-export-expand-include-keyword'.
-**** TODO Revise Include keyword
-** Chapter 12, Exporting
- :CATEGORY: Ch. 12
- :END:
-*** Export Options
-In "12. Exporting", "Export options" section need an overhaul. See
-`org-export-options-alist' for the default list of export options. Other
-options are back-end specific and should be introduced in their own
-section. Also "#+KEYWORD:" renaming into ":EXPORT_KEYWORD:" property is
-**** TODO Overhaul Export options section
-*** Macros
-There should also be a section about macros (and move it out of "11
-Markup for rich export"), general, hard-coded ({{{time(...)}}},
-{{{property(...)}}}, {{{input-file}}} and {{{modification-time(...)}}})
-and specific ({{{date}}}, {{{author}}}, {{{title}}} and {{{email}}}). It
-should be specified that macros are recursive and only apply to one
-line. Therefore, they are appropriate for small replacements. For more
-complex ones, one may use Babel instead.
-**** TODO Write macros section
-Subsections: General, Hard-coded, Specific
-*** Filters
-There should also be a section about filters used to customize export
-output and another one about `org-export-define-derived-backend' which
-allow someone to tweak a back-end.
-**** TODO Write filters section
-*** Define derived back-end
-and another one about `org-export-define-derived-backend' which
-allow someone to tweak a back-end.
-**** TODO Write derived back-end section
-*** Export Snippets
-A section can be added about export snippets, i.e.
- @@ob-latex:\something{...}@@
-They are a generalization for @<html> tags.
-**** TODO Write export snippets section
-*** Captions
-There may be a section about captions and their syntax. A note should
-specify that export back-ends may or may not respect a caption. On the
-other hand "11.2 Images and Tables" focuses on captions. Since these are
-not specific to Images and Tables, it may be removed.
-**** TODO Write captions section
-*** Back-ends
-I would also regroup every back-end into a sub-section to not clutter
-main section.
-Other options are back-end specific and should be introduced in their
-own section.
-Also most back-ends will turn links to
-targets into proper cross-reference number (see `org-export-get-ordinal'
-docstring for cases handled).
-**** Old back-ends
-"DocBook export" (though texinfo back-end can export to DocBook) and
-"XOXO export" sections can be removed as the back-ends are discontinued.
-There is no equivalent to "Taskjuggler export" yet, so it can be removed
-***** TODO Remove DocBook backend
-***** TODO Remove XOXO backend
-***** TODO Remove Taskjuggler backend
-**** Back-end template
-These are only suggestion. There is also probably many more things to
-do. But I think that the hardest part is to start writing it. If you
-come up with a good organization for e-latex back-end documentation, we
-can use it for other back-ends thereafter.
-***** TODO Write back-end template
-****** TODO Does back-end turn links to targets?
-**** LaTeX Back-end
-About the latex back-end, you know certainly a lot. It should be
-specified that it introduces 3 new keywords, namely "LATEX_CLASS",
-"LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS" and "LATEX_HEADER". It also introduces
-"BEGIN_LATEX" and "BEGIN_TEX" blocks (the latter being just a synonym
-for the former). It would be worth to add that it handles footnotes in
-item tags and footnotes within footnotes. It also handles booktabs,
-paralist types, automatic babel language selection with #+LANGUAGE: in
-addition to already present features (minted/listings package handling).
-***** TODO Write LaTeX back-end
-**** Beamer Back-end
-The BEAMER export back-end deserves, IMO, its own section.
-***** TODO Write Beamer back-end
-**** TexInfo Back-end
-> BTW, it would be great to have a texinfo exporter so the Org
-> documentation could be written in Org-mode :)
-There is one, albeit barely tested: (require 'org-e-texinfo).
-though texinfo back-end can export to DocBook
-***** TODO Write texinfo backend
-*** Export dispatcher
-I think that the export dispatcher doesn't deserve its own section. The
-introduction to Export subsystem can talk about "M-x
-org-export-dispatch" (bound to C-c C-e) instead.
-**** TODO Remove export dispatcher section
-*** Smart quotes
-There should be a section about smart-quotes too.
-**** TODO Add smart quotes section
* Org-mode setup :noexport:
** Editing setup
#+name: setup-editing